RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited - DSE

RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited - DSE

RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited - DSE


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and, in tandem with the real estate developers contributed to a boom in thesector. This scenario is expected to continue in the foreseeable future.Therefore, the demand for tiles & sanitary wares in the country will continue toincrease significantly. The industry friendly reformist budget for 2009-10 hasintroduced various schemes for housing and real estate sector which willstrengthen construction & contracting sector demand in coming years.(e)Technology related RisksTechnology always plays a vital role for the existence of any industrial concern,ensuring better services to the customers and minimizing the cost in variousaspects. The production facilities of the company are based on currentlyavailable technology. Any invention of new and more cost-effective technologymay cause technological obsolescence and negative operational efficiency. Anyserious defects in the plant and machinery may affect production andprofitability calling for additional investment for replacement.Management perception<strong>RAK</strong> is continuously upgrading its technological levels and making itcomparable to that of any other country. Establishment of new technology, on aregular basis substantially reduces cost & risk factors. <strong>RAK</strong> <strong>Ceramics</strong> has beenknown as modern technology and state of the art facilities with R&Dinfrastructure and shall be able to adapt to any new inventions with moderateinvestments. It uses latest Italian technology for its Tiles & sanitary wareproduction and also has a very modern testing lab. The Company has access tointernational/multinational companies for supplying appropriate technologyand technical management support for operation of new projects & its foreignaffiliation with <strong>RAK</strong> <strong>Ceramics</strong> PSC, UAE for technical know-how and technicalassistance, the company is expected to be always ahead of the other producersin the local market which ultimately reduces the technology related risks for thecompany.(f)Potential or Existing Government RegulationsThe Company operates under Companies Act 1994 and other relatedregulations, Income Tax Ordinance 1984, Income Tax Rules 1984, Value AddedTax (VAT) Act 1991 and Value Added Tax (VAT) Rules 1991. Any abruptchanges of the policies made by the regulatory authorities may adversely affectthe business of the Company.Management perceptionUnless any policy change that may negatively and materially affect the industryas a whole, the business of the Company is expected not to be affectedsignificantly. Ceramic industry in <strong>Bangladesh</strong> is an emerging sector withconsiderable local demand for differentiated product lines. Therefore, it is highlyunlikely that the Government will initiate any fiscal measure having adverseeffect on the growth of the industry.

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