Mission Statement - Student Union, Inc.

Mission Statement - Student Union, Inc.

Mission Statement - Student Union, Inc.


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2006-2007 Annual ReportClub SportsThis year was one of significant growth for the Club SportsA series of direct-marketing events helped raise interest in Club Sportsteams. New <strong>Student</strong> Orientation remained a focal point for Club Sports.program, highlighted by landmark events and increased interestfrom students. Over 20 official club teams were members of ClubSports by the end of the 2006-2007 year, with diverse teams crossingcultures, sexes, and athletic interests.At both the Resource Fair and the Special Interest Sessions for eachorientation, there were 3 to 15 student team members present to helpraise student interest and collect information – more than 1,750 studentssigned up. The program’s presence at Spartan Rec Connect’s “Rec NSpecial EventsFebruary of 2007 saw the first San José State University boxing matchin over 50 years, harkening back to a time when the school dominatedEffect” included over 50 Club Sports student volunteers, and the ClubSports Recruitment Day and BBQ featured tables for 13 different ClubSports teams.the then-NCAA sanctioned sport. More than 500 were in attendance,including over 350 paying community members. The event made thefront page of the San José Mercury News the following day.TrainingThe Club Sports Manual, updated in August with new policies andprocedures, was used in various sessions throughout the semester. TheMore than 150 people attended the 2007 Club Sports Awards Banquet,which focused on recognizing the accomplishments of the variousteams. During the banquet, Club Sports received a $1,200 donationbowling team was given a workshop on effective communication, and thehockey team learned about language usage and its effects on diversity.from the Sports Basement chain of retail stores. In March, the Men’sVolleyball team hosted an Athlete’s Formal at Fahrenheit Ultra Loungein downtown San José. Tickets for the all-night event ranged from$15-$20, making it a significant fundraising event for the team.MarketingThe result of Club Sports’ marketing strategy for the 2006-2007 yearwas a slew of new and redesigned material as well as an aggressivedirect marketing campaign. Rally Rag towels, T-shirts, water bottles,a banner, and home game schedule posters and cards were all created.Additionally, the program revised its previously established materials,including its program description flyer.Electronic media was also used to market Club Sports. The program’swebsite was enhanced with access to online documents, team information,and a calendar with team events and games. To help connect with the onlinecommunity as well as the teams and their members, Club Sports created apage on the social networking website, MySpace.com. A nine-minute videowas created for recruitment purposes to promote the various club teams andto give students an understanding of the Club Sport Program.<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Union</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>. San José State University26 | 27

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