Download File - IVEA

Download File - IVEA

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The educational institution should take the following steps:• A meeting should be arranged with the learner.• The atmosphere for this meeting should be relaxed and friendly.• Relevant information should be sought through discussion/conversation rather than through a formal interview scenario.• It should be made clear that the information is confidential andexplained who has access to the information and what it will beused for. Questions should not be intrusive or inappropriate for aninitial conversation/interview and should relate to the learner’seducational and linguistic background.The following factors may cause disruption in a learner’s life andshould be taken into consideration if a student is causing concern:• General Health - physical, psychological, emotional.• Accommodation Situation - hostel accommodation, crowdedconditions, cold, noisy, not being able to sleep, etc.• Food and Diets - unfamiliar diets as cause of health problems,missing meals because of fixed meal times.• Asylum Procedure/Insecure Immigration Status - can causestress, worries, depression, etc.• Financial Situation - social welfare, direct provision(19.10 per week), extra school costs, etc.• Family Situation – single parents, families split up, etc.• Cultural Differences – expectations regarding education;time-keeping; teacher-student relationship; discipline; etc.This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, teachers andother staff need to be alert to other (educational andnon-educational) issues that may have a negative impact ona learner’s progress.23

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