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Training and materials need to be devised for practitioners forteaching literacy to ESOL learners. Funded by the Department ofEducation and Science, the City of Dublin VEC in association with Co.Dublin VEC and the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) organisedone week of training on literacy for ESOL. Delivered by the LondonLanguage and Literacy Unit (LLLU), the programme was held in June2002 and attended by twenty-two participants from CDVEC, Co.Dublin VEC, Co. Clare VEC, Co. Tipperary N.R. VEC, Co. LongfordVEC and several NGOs.<strong>IVEA</strong> recommends that more formal and extensive training of thisnature is organised as a matter of urgency.<strong>IVEA</strong> recommends that:• Students with first language literacy needs be identified early onthrough assessment [refer to section 5.2];• Separate tuition should be organised for developing reading andwriting skills for learners with literacy/basic education needs.Educational institutions need a dedicated room for small group teaching;• A clear progression route be developed for learners using the newNational Qualifications Framework;• Materials be developed to support first language literacy;• The possibility of bilingual literacy programmes be examined;• A specific programme to cater for the basic education needs ofminority linguistic learners be developed as a matter of urgency.6.4 STANDARD ENGLISH FOR AFRICANENGLISH SPEAKERSStandard English is just one of many varieties of English. Theemergence of ‘Black English’ is closely linked to the Slave Trade andBlack English speakers include African pidgins, Caribbean Creole,the English of the southern states of America and the Black Englishof post-colonial British Isles. 39 Through separate language evolution,the grammatical structure in English pidgins and Creoles is partlybased on Standard English. However, the system of tones in Africanlanguages affects the meaning of words and direct expressions frommother tongues are incorporated affecting syntax and meaning. 40Standard English is the language of power 41 and individuals without itwill experience difficulties entering third level education or working inprofessional occupations.African English speakers need to develop listening, speaking, readingand writing skills in Standard English before moving onto advancedskills located in the English curricula in Ireland. Teachers need trainingin new approaches that value their students other Englishes as wellas additional language materials.<strong>IVEA</strong> recommends that training and materials are devised for minoritylinguistic learners. It is recommended that educational institutionsoffer specific classes and workshops to support the development ofStandard English for African English speakers.6.5 SAMPLE COURSESMany students do not have a sufficient level of English to participatefully in a PLC course. Therefore, many colleges offer one-two yearEnglish language courses at beginner and intermediate levels.Some providers within the VEC sector have developed courses toaddress the English language needs of minority linguistic learners.The following section outlines courses available in Whitehall Collegeof Further Education and Ballsbridge College of Further Education.6.5.1 Whitehall College of Further EducationSample Course: ‘New Horizons’available through Whitehall College of Further EducationTarget AudienceVTOS-eligible asylum seekers with a working knowledge of English.Course OutlineThe course is available at two levels – intermediate and advanced- and contains the following elements: ECDL (European ComputerDriving Licence), MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist), English andCSPE (Civic, Social and Political Education).StaffingNormal PLC staff.Teaching Materials UsedAudio-visual materials and Cambridge English Language exams.Additional Resources NeededExtra audio-visual materials.Support Services NeededLiteracy supports;Counselling.Annette Flynn, Course, Co-ordinator, Whitehall College of FurtherEducation.39McCrum, R., MacNeil, R. & Cran, W. (2002) The Story of English, Faber & Faber/BBC Books: London, pp.349.40McCrum, R, MacNeil, R. & Cran, W, ibid, p. 353. Coelho, E. (1998) ibid, p. 89.27

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