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Glossary of TermsAPVSCCAssociation of Principals of Vocational Schools and Community Colleges.BTECBusiness and Technician Education Council.BTEIBack to Education Initiative: national DES initiative to provide opportunities foryoung people and adults to return to learning.CEOChief Executive Officer.COECouncil of Europe: a pan-European intergovernmental organisation with 46Member States. Although separate to the European Union, all EU MemberStates are part of the Council of Europe (refer to section 3.1.1).DESDepartment of Education and Science.EOEducation Officer.ESFEuropean Social Fund.FÁSThe National Training Awards Council: A national statutory award body forfurther education and training.FETACFurther Education Training Awards Council: a national statutory award body forfurther education and training.HNDHigher National Diploma.IILTIntegrate Ireland Language and Training: established by the DES under theaegis of Trinity College, Dublin to co-ordinate language support for refugeesand others with legal residency.IRCIrish Refugee Council: A membership based NGO responsible for publicawareness and promoting asylum seeker/refugee rights.<strong>IVEA</strong>Irish Vocational Education Association: the <strong>IVEA</strong> is the national representativeAssociation for the 33 Vocational Education Committees.NALANational Adult Literacy Agency: a membership based NGO responsible forco-ordinating adult literacy work in Ireland.NCGENational Centre for Guidance in Education: an agency of the DES thatsupports and develops guidance practice in all areas of education.NCCRINational Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism: apartnership organisation established by the Department of Justice, Equalityand Law Reform to develop actions against racism and act in a public policyadvisory role.NGONon-governmental organisation.NNEBNational Nursery Examination Board.PLCPost Leaving Certificate: the PLC programme provides appropriate education/training to prepare individuals for work and higher education.The vast majorityof PLC courses are available through local VECs.RIAReception and Integration Agency: established by the Department of Justice,Equality and Law Reform, the RIA is responsible for co-ordinating receptionand integration for asylum seekers and refugees.UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: an international UN agencymandated to co-ordinate international actions and responses for the projectionof refugees and other displaced persons.VECVocational Education Committee: Ireland’s 33 VECs are statutory bodiesresponsible for the provision of a wide range of education, training andsupport services to all sectors of the community. VEC education and trainingprogrammes to include second level, adult, community and second chanceeducation, post-leaving certificate (PLC) programmes, prison education,traveller education and a variety of EU funded and co-operative trainingprogrammes.VTOSVocational Training Opportunities Scheme: supported by the European SocialFund and provided by VECs, VTOS is a targeted intervention by the DES toassist unemployed adults progress into education, training and employment.YouthreachThe Youthreach programme is aimed at young people aged between 15 and20 years of age who have left school without formal qualifications. It aims toequip students with opportunities for basic education, personal development,vocational training and work experience. Youthreach programmes areprovided primarily through VECs.8

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