April 2007 - On Top of the World Communities Info

April 2007 - On Top of the World Communities Info

April 2007 - On Top of the World Communities Info


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2 The <strong>World</strong> News® <strong>April</strong> <strong>2007</strong>Golden Oldies Humorby Stan GoldsteinThe <strong>World</strong> News is a monthly publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Communities</strong> in MarionCounty, Florida. This publication is written and prepared by <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> residents forour neighbors and those interested in becoming a part <strong>of</strong> our community. The <strong>World</strong> Newsstrives to publish only “good, informative news.”(352) 854-0248 • Fax (352) 237-5224The <strong>World</strong> News, <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Communities</strong>, Inc.9850 SW 84th Ct., Suite 300, Ocala, FL 34481Publisher: Ken ColenEditor: Lynn Peithman StockPhotographer:Larry ResnickDistribution:Ray UtissProduction Staff:Pro<strong>of</strong>readers:Margaret AdamsGitte AgarwalMargitta ClaterbosJerry ThompsonTypists:Jewel HaferSherry SurdamThe <strong>World</strong> News is partially subsidized by advertising, and advertisers appreciate yourpatronage. Management <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> News does not endorse or sanction anyproduct or service by advertisers contained within this publication. Management reserves<strong>the</strong> right to accept, deny or edit content <strong>of</strong> ads and requests for advertising spaceby advertisers. For advertising rates, please call 854-0248. Fax: (352) 237-5224. E-mail:otownews@otowfl.comDownload a PDF <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> News at www.<strong>On</strong><strong>Top</strong><strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>Info</strong>.com“Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.”Citizens EmergencyResponse TeamCaroline ScottFebruary was a very busy month for all <strong>of</strong>us.At our monthly meeting we had a refreshercourse on triage. Triage is <strong>the</strong> art <strong>of</strong> sorting.As it applies to us, we have to be preparedto know who is “green,” meaning anyone whomay be injured but is able to walk under hisor her own power, take directions, and answersimple questions. This type <strong>of</strong> person can be agreat asset in times <strong>of</strong> emergency.Then we have <strong>the</strong> classification <strong>of</strong> “yellow.”Any victim in this category is injured andneeds medical attention. Although a “yellow”can wait for attention, <strong>the</strong>y have to be checkedconstantly to make sure <strong>the</strong>ir condition doesnot deteriorate into <strong>the</strong> next category, whichis red.The “reds” are seriously hurt and needimmediate attention, and should be <strong>the</strong> firstones taken care <strong>of</strong>.All <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se victims are tagged with correspondingcolored tags and separated intogroups so <strong>the</strong>y can be treated accordingly.During our meeting, with different scenarios,we had to answer questions as to <strong>the</strong>color for each <strong>of</strong> eight victims. As with anygroup, we had a few differences <strong>of</strong> opinionand discussions as to which was which. We allrealized that each circumstance must be determinedseparately.Five <strong>of</strong> us attended <strong>the</strong> Sholom Park concerton Feb. 18 as a first-aid station. Althoughour expertise was not needed, we enjoyed aconcert <strong>of</strong> Irish music on a beautiful crisp day.I would encourage anyone who can, to go to<strong>the</strong>se free concerts for a lovely afternoon <strong>of</strong>entertainment. We’ll be <strong>the</strong>re for <strong>the</strong> next onein <strong>the</strong> same capacity.<strong>On</strong> Feb. 24, eight <strong>of</strong> our members got intoour golf carts and stationed ourselves at differentintersections <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Williamsburg areafor <strong>the</strong> safety <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> walkers who participatedin <strong>the</strong> “Ho<strong>of</strong>in’ It for Hospice” walk. RuthGoldstine, one <strong>of</strong> our members, chaired thisvery important event. With so many residentsthat ordinarily walk for <strong>the</strong>ir health, <strong>the</strong>ycould also walk for Hospice one day a yearand feel even better about <strong>the</strong>mselves. Try itnext year.We meet <strong>the</strong> second Tuesday <strong>of</strong> each monthat 9 a.m. in Suites E, F and G at <strong>the</strong> Arbor ConferenceCenter, and all are welcome to comeand see what else we do. Is It Legal?Gerald ColenNote: I will be holding three classes at <strong>the</strong>Circle Square Cultural Center, at <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> in Ocala, on <strong>the</strong> following days andtopics:• Tuesday <strong>April</strong> 24 from 3 to 4 p.m. Thetopic will be Florida Law.• Tuesday May 15 from 3 to 4 p.m. Thetopic will be Annuities.• Tuesday June 12 from 3 to 4 p.m. Thetopic will be Mid-Year Check-up.For <strong>the</strong> meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24, I will discussa variety <strong>of</strong> issues such as homestead protectionagainst claims <strong>of</strong> creditors, homesteadexemption, different ways <strong>of</strong> having jointownership <strong>of</strong> property in Florida, pre-nuptialand post-nuptial agreements. I will also discusspersonal injury law but for that one, I willbring with me attorney Michael Uzdavines, apersonal injury attorney, and he can talk toyou about that.For <strong>the</strong> meeting on May 15, I will speak toyou about annuities — not <strong>the</strong> good, but <strong>the</strong>bad and <strong>the</strong> ugly.For <strong>the</strong> meeting on June 12, I will take sometime and discuss <strong>the</strong> things I think you shoulddo in order to get your legal affairs in order.As always, I’ll stay as long as you mightwish and answer any questions you have.Q. I have been separated from my husbandfor <strong>the</strong> last seven years. He lives in <strong>the</strong> state<strong>of</strong> (an eastern state) and is living with a companion.The home he is living in is ours fromduring <strong>the</strong> time we lived toge<strong>the</strong>r (31 years)and it’s in both <strong>of</strong> our names. I rent a homebut want to buy one and live with a friend whowould contribute half <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> purchase priceand <strong>the</strong>n title would be in both <strong>of</strong> our nameswith joint ownership with survivorship. If myfriend and I split up or if he dies, will I be ableto sell <strong>the</strong> home?A. Wow! A bunch <strong>of</strong> questions in a fewshort lines. OK. I’ll try to answer <strong>the</strong>m. Youhaven’t really asked any question(s) about <strong>the</strong>home your now-separated-from-you husbandis living in and I can’t anticipate what <strong>the</strong>ymight be, so I’ll pass on that. As for what youintend to do in <strong>the</strong> state <strong>of</strong> Florida, here aremy thoughts. First, if you and your friend splitup, <strong>the</strong>n each <strong>of</strong> you would be entitled to onehalf<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> home when you sell it.If you don’t sell it but one <strong>of</strong> you remains init (presumably that would be you), <strong>the</strong>n youwould still have to split <strong>the</strong> proceeds <strong>of</strong> anysale with him and you might have to pay all<strong>the</strong> expenses for upkeep; but if you did, youcould probably claim that as a credit againstwhat might be owed to him when <strong>the</strong> homeis sold. If he dies, <strong>the</strong>n you would own <strong>the</strong>property outright … “but” and it’s a ra<strong>the</strong>rsubstantial “but,” if your husband is still alive,and no matter where he is living, you wouldmore than likely need to have his signature onany deed <strong>of</strong> conveyance. So, <strong>the</strong> best thing foryou is to sit down with your attorney and discusshow you want to handle all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> variousissues that might arise.Q. I haven’t seen or heard from my wifefor <strong>the</strong> last 22 years, but I know where shelives because my kids are in touch with her.I also know that <strong>the</strong>re has never been a divorce,at least not in state <strong>of</strong> (a mid-westernstate) where she and I were married and whereshe still lives. I am seeing a very nice lady andPatrick’sHeating & Air Conditioning, Inc.Water HeatersSales & ServiceWe are a full-service companyWhy not give us a try?want to marry her but I don’t see <strong>the</strong> need fora divorce since <strong>the</strong>y are quite expensive. So,what’s wrong with that?A. Do you mean so what’s wrong withthat o<strong>the</strong>r than that if you are not or don’tget divorced you will be committing a criminalevent, to wit: Bigamy? Or do you mean sowhat’s wrong with that o<strong>the</strong>r than if you arenot or don’t get divorced you really won’t bemarried to your next wife and thus your “marriage”will be voidable? SIGH.Gerald R. Colen is an attorney and member<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> National Academy <strong>of</strong> Elder Law Attorneysand <strong>the</strong> Elder Law section <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> FloridaBar Association. He concentrates his practice<strong>of</strong> law in <strong>the</strong> areas <strong>of</strong> elder law, wills, trusts,probate, real estate, business law and simpleand complex estate planning. This columnis not intended to provide legal advice. Youshould always consult your own attorney forsuch advice. Mr. Colen is available for conferencesat his law <strong>of</strong>fice at 7243 Bryan DairyRoad, Largo, Fla. 33777; (727) 545-8114 orat <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong>, in Clearwater. InOcala, Mr. Colen is available, by appointment,for legal conferences at <strong>the</strong> new <strong>On</strong> <strong>Top</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> sales <strong>of</strong>fice annex which is nearSid’s C<strong>of</strong>fee Shop. He responds to e-mail atgcolen@tampabay.rr.com or through his Website: www.gcolen.com.Upcoming Publication DateMay issue: Thursday, <strong>April</strong> 26Schedule YourSpring MaintenanceTune UpHEAT PUMPS • WATER HEATERS • GAS LINESTECO GasAdvantage PartnerDriver Safety ProgramSave money on your car insuranceClasses monthly.For information,call Larrie, at 873-1537State CertifiedLicense # CAC1813636Family Owned & Operated35 Years Experience(352) 236-0400Bonded & InsuredCredit Cards Accepted

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