Searching With QAS Pro - QAS.com

Searching With QAS Pro - QAS.com

Searching With QAS Pro - QAS.com


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The qawserve.ini file is located in the apps folder. Open the file using a plain texteditor such as vi or emacs. Under the [QADefault] section, locate the settingsInstalledData and DataMappings. These settings contains a list of thedatasets you have installed. See "Dataset Installation Settings" on page 195 formore information.Add a line to each setting for each new dataset that you are installing, or updatethe path for any dataset you are updating.Installing USA Names Data On UNIXUnited States with Names data is supplied on four CDs by default, but may alsobe supplied on DVD.If you are installing this data from a DVD, you should copy the relevant files fromthe data folder. Data files must be in lower case and in the following format:usa.zlx, usa.dts, usagcd.dap.If you are installing this data from a CD, you must re-assemble theusanam.ads.00x files from all CDs after installing. This means that you cannotsimply copy the required files from a subfolder on the CDs to the appropriatefolder on your <strong>com</strong>puter. Instead, <strong>QAS</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> for UNIX includes a shell script thatautomates the copy and reconstruction process, and ensures that you enter theproduct and data CDs in the correct order. In addition, the script will warn if youare overwriting files, and will remove part-constructed files if you choose toabandon the installation.To install the United States with Names dataset from a CD on a UNIX platform,follow these steps:1. Using the <strong>com</strong>mand line prompt, locate the contents of the first data CD.2. Run the following <strong>com</strong>mand:sh qascopydata [destination] [source]The source for the data files is optional. The shell script will assume that theyare in numbered subdirectories within the current working directory, and willprompt for a new source if a numbered subdirectory is not found; for exampleif you need to change the CD.3. The shell script installer will check whether files already exist in thedestination folder and will warn the user if they do, giving the option to deletethem and continue or to abort the process.11

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