Project Appraisal Document - IHDP

Project Appraisal Document - IHDP

Project Appraisal Document - IHDP

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MonitoringThe PPU would monitor project output, impact, outcome and finances. The monitoring of outputswould not only cover the number of houses constructed and water schemes completed, but wouldinclude the stages of construction. This would be linked to the phased disbursement of thehousing support cash grant.The design of the PHP includes several mechanisms to monitor implementation progress: A continuous social impact assessment (CSIA) would monitor the social impact andoutcomes of the PHP using qualitative methodologies. It would interview IDPs, adjoiningnon-IDP communities, beneficiaries and NGOs to elicit their feedback on projectimplementation. An experienced firm hired for the task would undertake the exercise andreport directly to the Secretary, Ministry of Resettlement in his capacity as chair of the PSC.The CSIA findings would be cross-verified using status reports of the PPU and the ThirdParty Technical Audit.An Environmental Audit, outsourced to a firm, would assess whether implementation hadcomplied with the Environmental Management Plan and IDA safeguards, during the midtermreview of the PHP.The PPU would submit quarterly status reports on the number of cash grants disbursed, thenumber of houses at each level of construction, number of grievances per IDP camp or non-IDP village, number of grievances resolved per camp or village, compliance with technicaland engineering standards, the number of piped water connections, wells and hand pumpsprovided, and kilometers of internal roads surfaced.A Third Party Technical Audit outsourced to a firm would independently monitor housingconstruction on a sample basis to ensure that civil works comply with the PHP’s technicalguidelines and standards.Interim Financial Reports would record information by expenditure category, projectcomponent and expenditure type. It would include both financial and physical progress data.IDA would undertake intensive hands-on supervision to address implementation difficulties.A full supervision mission would take place twice a year with some staff available for morefrequent supervision if called for.The PPU would be responsible for quarterly reporting. It would design the monitoring reportstructure with relevant consultants. The reports would contain the information listed below:Beneficiaries and Refugee Camps Name of the Refugee Camp Number of households Number of temporary and partly-completed houses Percentage of women-headed householdsGrievances Number of grievances disaggregated by refugee camp Name of IDP household that submits the grievance29

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