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Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

Deutsche<br />

Forschungsgemeinschaft<br />

Plasticity of Metals:<br />

Experiments, Models,<br />


Deutsche<br />

Forschungsgemeinschaft<br />

Plasticity of Metals:<br />

Experiments, Models,<br />

Computation<br />

Final Report of the<br />

Collaborative Research Centre 319,<br />

Stoffgesetze fÏr das inelastischeVerhalten metallischer<br />

Werkstoffe – Entwicklung und technischeAnwendung<br />

1985–1996<br />

Edited by<br />

Elmar Steck, Reinhold Ritter, Udo Pfeil and Alf Ziegenbein<br />

Collaborative Research Centres<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

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A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die Deutsche Bibliothek.<br />

ISBN 3-527-27728-5<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

© WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim (Federal Republic of Germany), 2001<br />

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Contents<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

Preface ................................................... XV<br />

1 Correlation between Energy and Mechanical Quantities<br />

of Face-Centred Cubic Metals, Cold-Worked and Softened<br />

to Different States ..................................... 1<br />

Lothar Kaps, Frank Haeßner<br />

1.1 Introduction .......................................... 1<br />

1.2 Experiments .......................................... 1<br />

1.3 Simulation ........................................... 11<br />

1.4 Summary ............................................ 14<br />

References ........................................... 15<br />

2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation ....... 17<br />

Walter Gieseke, K. Roger Hillert, Günter Lange<br />

2.1 Introduction .......................................... 17<br />

2.2 Experiments and Measurement Methods ...................... 18<br />

2.3 Results .............................................. 19<br />

2.3.1 Cyclic stress-strain behaviour .............................. 19<br />

2.3.2 Dislocation structures ................................... 24<br />

2.3.3 Yield surfaces ......................................... 28<br /> Yield surfaces on AlMg 3 ................................. 28<br /> Yield surfaces on copper ................................. 30<br /> Yield surfaces on steel ................................... 30<br />

2.4 Sequence Effects ....................................... 31<br />

2.5 Summary ............................................ 34<br />

Acknowledgements ..................................... 35<br />

References ........................................... 35<br />


Contents<br />

3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range<br />

of Low-Cycle Fatigue: Description of Deformation<br />

Behaviour and Creep-Fatigue Interaction ................... 37<br />

Kyong-Tschong Rie, Henrik Wittke, Jürgen Olfe<br />

Abstract ............................................. 37<br />

3.1 Introduction .......................................... 37<br />

3.2 Experimental Details .................................... 38<br />

3.2.1 Experimental details for room-temperature tests ................ 38<br />

3.2.2 Experimental details for high-temperature tests ................. 39<br />

3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description<br />

of the Deformation Behaviour ............................. 40<br />

3.3.1 Macroscopic test results .................................. 40<br />

3.3.2 Microstructural results and interpretation ..................... 43<br />

3.3.3 Phenomenological description of the deformation behaviour ....... 45<br /> Description of cyclic hardening curve, cyclic stress-strain curve<br />

and hysteresis-loop ..................................... 45<br /> Description of various hysteresis-loops with few constants ......... 47<br />

3.3.4 Physically based description of deformation behaviour ........... 47<br /> Internal stress measurement and cyclic proportional limit .......... 47<br /> Description of cyclic plasticity with the models<br />

of Steck and Hatanaka .................................. 50<br />

3.3.5 Application in the field of fatigue-fracture mechanics ............ 51<br />

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction ................................. 53<br />

3.4.1 A physically based model for predicting LCF-life<br />

under creep-fatigue interaction ............................. 53<br /> The original model ..................................... 53<br /> Modifications of the model ............................... 54<br /> Experimental verification of the physical assumptions ............ 55<br /> Life prediction ........................................ 55<br />

3.4.2 Computer simulation and experimental verification<br />

of cavity formation and growth during creep-fatigue ............. 57<br /> Stereometric metallography ............................... 57<br /> Computer simulation .................................... 58<br /> Results .............................................. 59<br />

3.4.3 In-situ measurement of local strain at the crack tip<br />

during creep-fatigue .................................... 61<br /> Influence of the crack length and the strain amplitude<br />

on the local strain distribution ............................. 61<br /> Comparison of the strain field in tension and compression ......... 62<br /> Influence of the hold time in tension on the strain field ........... 63<br />

3.5 Summary and Conclusions ............................... 64<br />

References ........................................... 65<br />


Contents<br />

4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models<br />

for the Plasticity of Metals .............................. 68<br />

Elmar Steck, Frank Thielecke, Malte Lewerenz<br />

Abstract ............................................. 68<br />

4.1 Introduction .......................................... 68<br />

4.2 Mechanisms on the Microscale ............................ 69<br />

4.3 Simulation of the Development of Dislocation Structures .......... 71<br />

4.4 Stochastic Constitutive Model ............................. 73<br />

4.5 Material-Parameter Identification ........................... 77<br />

4.5.1 Characteristics of the inverse problem ....................... 77<br />

4.5.2 Multiple-shooting methods ............................... 77<br />

4.5.3 Hybrid optimization of costfunction ......................... 77<br />

4.5.4 Statistical analysis of estimates and experimental design .......... 79<br />

4.5.5 Parallelization and coupling with Finite-Element analysis .......... 79<br />

4.5.6 Comparison of experiments and simulations ................... 81<br />

4.5.7 Consideration of experimental scattering ...................... 82<br />

4.6 Finite-Element Simulation ................................ 83<br />

4.6.1 Implementation and numerical treatment of the model equations .... 83<br /> Transformation of the tensor-valued equations .................. 84<br /> Numerical integration of the differential equations ............... 85<br /> Approximation of the tangent modulus ....................... 86<br />

4.6.2 Deformation behaviour of a notched specimen ................. 86<br />

4.7 Conclusions .......................................... 88<br />

References ........................................... 88<br />

5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress<br />

of Solid Solutions in a Wide Range of Temperatures ........... 90<br />

Christoph Schwink, Ansgar Nortmann<br />

Abstract ............................................. 90<br />

5.1 Introduction .......................................... 90<br />

5.2 Solid Solution Strengthening .............................. 92<br />

5.2.1 The critical resolved shear stress, s o ......................... 92<br />

5.2.2 The hardening shear stress, s d ............................. 92<br />

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA) ............................ 93<br />

5.3.1 Basic concepts ........................................ 93<br />

5.3.2 Complete maps of stability boundaries ....................... 94<br />

5.3.3 Analysis of the processes inducing DSA ...................... 97<br />

5.3.4 Discussion ........................................... 99<br />

5.4 Summary and Relevance for the Collaborative Research Centre ..... 102<br />

References ........................................... 102<br />


Contents<br />

6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow<br />

in Cu-Based Alloys .................................... 104<br />

Hartmut Neuhäuser<br />

6.1 Introduction .......................................... 104<br />

6.2 Some Experimental Details ............................... 105<br />

6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature .............. 106<br />

6.3.1 Development of single slip bands ........................... 106<br />

6.3.2 Development of slip band bundles and Lüders band propagation .... 112<br />

6.3.3 Comparison of single crystals and polycrystals ................. 116<br />

6.3.4 Conclusion ........................................... 117<br />

6.4 Deformation Processes at Intermediate Temperatures ............. 118<br />

6.4.1 Analysis of single stress serrations .......................... 118<br />

6.4.2 Analysis of stress-time series .............................. 121<br />

6.4.3 Conclusion ........................................... 124<br />

6.5 Deformation Processes at Elevated Temperatures ................ 124<br />

6.5.1 Dynamical testing and stress relaxation ....................... 124<br />

6.5.2 Creep experiments ..................................... 126<br />

6.5.3 Conclusion ........................................... 128<br />

Acknowledgements ..................................... 128<br />

References ........................................... 129<br />

7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture<br />

Development and Yield Surfaces of Polycrystals .............. 131<br />

Dieter Besdo, Norbert Wellerdick-Wojtasik<br />

7.1 Introduction .......................................... 131<br />

7.2 The Model of Microscopic Structures ........................ 131<br />

7.2.1 The scale of observation ................................. 131<br />

7.2.2 Basic slip mechanism in single crystals ...................... 132<br />

7.2.3 Treatment of polycrystals ................................. 133<br />

7.2.4 The Taylor theory in an appropriate version ................... 133<br />

7.3 Initial Orientation Distributions ............................ 135<br />

7.3.1 Criteria of isotropy ..................................... 135<br />

7.3.2 Strategies for isotropic distributions ......................... 136<br />

7.4 Numerical Calculation of Yield Surfaces ...................... 137<br />

7.5 Experimental Investigations ............................... 140<br />

7.5.1 Prestraining of the specimens .............................. 140<br />

7.5.2 Yield-surface measurement ............................... 141<br />

7.5.3 Tensile test of a prestrained specimen ........................ 142<br />

7.5.4 Measured yield surfaces ................................. 143<br />

7.5.5 Discussion of the results ................................. 146<br />

7.6 Conclusion ........................................... 146<br />

References ........................................... 147<br />


Contents<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws Analysing<br />

Inhomogeneous Stress-Strain States ....................... 149<br />

Reiner Kreißig, Jochen Naumann, Ulrich Benedix, Petra Bormann,<br />

Gerald Grewolls, Sven Kretzschmar<br />

8.1 Introduction .......................................... 149<br />

8.2 General Procedure ...................................... 149<br />

8.3 The Deformation Law of Inelastic Solids ..................... 150<br />

8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams ............................ 152<br />

8.4.1 Principle ............................................. 152<br />

8.4.2 Experimental technique .................................. 152<br />

8.4.3 Evaluation ........................................... 155<br /> Determination of the yield curves ........................... 155<br /> Determination of the initial yield-locus curve .................. 158<br />

8.5 Bending of Notched Beams ............................... 160<br />

8.5.1 Principle ............................................. 160<br />

8.5.2 Experimental technique .................................. 161<br />

8.5.3 Approximation of displacement fields ........................ 163<br />

8.6 Identification of Material Parameters ........................ 165<br />

8.6.1 Integration of the deformation law .......................... 165<br />

8.6.2 Objective function, sensitivity analysis and optimization .......... 167<br />

8.6.3 Results of parameter identification .......................... 169<br />

8.7 Conclusions .......................................... 170<br />

Acknowledgements ..................................... 172<br />

References ........................................... 173<br />

9 Development and Improvement of Unified Models<br />

and Applications to Structural Analysis .................... 174<br />

Hermann Ahrens, Heinz Duddeck, Ursula Kowalsky,<br />

Harald Pensky, Thomas Streilein<br />

9.1 Introduction .......................................... 174<br />

9.2 On Unified Models for Metallic Materials .................... 174<br />

9.2.1 The overstress model by Chaboche and Rousselier .............. 175<br />

9.2.2 Other unified models .................................... 177<br />

9.3 Time-Integration Methods ................................ 178<br />

9.4 Adaptation of Model Parameters to Experimental Results ......... 181<br />

9.5 Systematic Approach to Improve Material Models ............... 186<br />

9.6 Models Employing Distorted Yield Surfaces ................... 190<br />

9.7 Approach to Cover Stochastic Test Results .................... 197<br />

9.8 Structural Analyses ..................................... 201<br />

9.8.1 Consistent formulation of the coupled boundary<br />

and initial value problem ................................. 202<br />

9.8.2 Analysis of stress-strain fields in welded joints ................. 203<br />

9.8.3 Thick-walled rotational vessel under inner pressure .............. 205<br />


Contents<br />

9.8.4 Application of distorted yield functions ...................... 206<br />

9.8.5 Application of the statistical approach of Section 9.7 ............. 209<br />

9.8.6 Numerical analysis for a recipient of a profile extrusion press ...... 212<br />

Acknowledgements ..................................... 214<br />

References ........................................... 215<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

under Complex Cyclic Loading ........................... 218<br />

Udo Peil, Joachim Scheer, Hans-Joachim Scheibe,<br />

Matthias Reininghaus, Detlef Kuck, Sven Dannemeyer<br />

10.1 Introduction .......................................... 218<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour ..................................... 219<br />

10.2.1 Material, experimental set-ups, and techniques ................. 219<br />

10.2.2 Material behaviour under uniaxial cyclic loading ................ 219<br /> Parameters ........................................... 219<br /> Results of the uniaxial experiments ......................... 220<br />

10.2.3 Material behaviour under biaxial cyclic loading ................ 225<br /> Parameters ........................................... 225<br /> Relations of tensile and torsional stresses ..................... 226<br /> Yield-surface investigations ............................... 229<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 ........ 236<br />

10.3.1 Extended-two-surface model .............................. 236<br /> General description ..................................... 236<br /> Loading and bounding surface ............................. 237<br /> Strain-memory surfaces .................................. 238<br /> Internal variables for the description on non-proportional loading .... 241<br /> Size of the yield surface under uniaxial cyclic plastic loading ...... 242<br /> Size of the bounding surface under uniaxial cyclic plastic loading . . . 242<br /> Overshooting ......................................... 242<br /> Additional update of d in in the case of biaxial loading ............ 243<br /> Memory surface F' .................................... 243<br /> Additional isotropic deformation on the loading surface<br />

due to non-proportional loading ............................ 244<br /> Additional isotropic deformation of the bounding surface<br />

due to non-proportional loading ............................ 244<br />

10.3.2 Comparison between theory and experiments .................. 248<br />

10.4 Experiments on Structural Components ...................... 248<br />

10.4.1 Experimental set-ups and computational method ................ 248<br />

10.4.2 Correlation between experimental and theoretical results .......... 248<br />

10.5 Summary ............................................ 251<br />

References ........................................... 252<br />


Contents<br />

11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

of Non-Linear Kinematic Hardening Material<br />

and Transition to Ductile Fracture ........................ 253<br />

Erwin Stein, Genbao Zhang, Yuejun Huang,<br />

Rolf Mahnken, Karin Wiechmann<br />

Abstract ............................................. 253<br />

11.1 Introduction .......................................... 253<br />

11.1.1 General research topics .................................. 253<br />

11.1.2 State of the art at the beginning of project B6 .................. 254<br />

11.1.3 Aims and scope of project B6 ............................. 254<br />

11.2 Review of the 3-D Overlay Model .......................... 256<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems .................. 259<br />

11.3.1 General considerations .................................. 259<br />

11.3.2 Perfectly plastic material ................................. 260<br /> The special SQP-algorithm ............................... 260<br /> A reduced basis technique ................................ 261<br />

11.3.3 Unlimited kinematic hardening material ...................... 261<br />

11.3.4 Limited kinematic hardening material ........................ 263<br />

11.3.5 Numerical examples .................................... 264<br /> Thin-walled cylindrical shell .............................. 264<br /> Steel girder with a cope .................................. 265<br /> Incremental computations of shakedown limits<br />

of cyclic kinematic hardening material ....................... 267<br />

11.4 Transition to Ductile Fracture ............................. 269<br />

11.5 Summary of the Main Results of Project B6 ................... 272<br />

References ........................................... 273<br />

12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations Based<br />

on Uniform and Non-Uniform Stress and Strain Distributions ... 275<br />

Rolf Mahnken, Erwin Stein<br />

Abstract ............................................. 275<br />

12.1 Introduction .......................................... 275<br />

12.1.1 State of the art at the beginning of project B8 .................. 275<br />

12.1.2 Aims and scope of project B8 ............................. 276<br />

12.2 Basic Terminology for Identification Problems ................. 277<br />

12.2.1 The direct problem: the state equation ....................... 277<br />

12.2.2 The inverse problem: the least-squares problem ................. 278<br />

12.3 Parameter Identification for the Uniform Case .................. 280<br />

12.3.1 Mathematical modelling of uniaxial visco-plastic problems ........ 280<br />

12.3.2 Numerical solution of the direct problem ..................... 282<br />

12.3.3 Numerical solution of the inverse problem .................... 282<br />

12.4 Parameter Identification for the Non-Uniform Case .............. 283<br />

12.4.1 Kinematics ........................................... 284<br />


Contents<br />

12.4.2 The direct problem: Galerkin weak form ..................... 285<br />

12.4.3 The inverse problem: constrained least-squares optimization problem . 286<br />

12.5 Examples ............................................ 287<br />

12.5.1 Cyclic loading for AlMg ................................. 287<br />

12.5.2 Axisymmetric necking problem ............................ 290<br />

12.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks ......................... 294<br />

References ........................................... 296<br />

13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

by Optical Measuring Methods ........................... 298<br />

Reinhold Ritter, Harald Friebe<br />

13.1 Introduction .......................................... 298<br />

13.2 Requirements of the Measuring Methods ..................... 298<br />

13.3 Characteristics of the Optical Field-Measuring Methods ........... 299<br />

13.4 Object-Grating Method .................................. 300<br />

13.4.1 Principle ............................................. 300<br />

13.4.2 Marking ............................................. 301<br />

13.4.3 Deformation analysis at high temperatures .................... 302<br />

13.4.4 Compensation of virtual deformation ........................ 303<br />

13.4.5 3-D deformation measuring ............................... 305<br />

13.4.6 Specifications of the object-grating method .................... 305<br />

13.5 Speckle Interferometry .................................. 305<br />

13.5.1 General ............................................. 305<br />

13.5.2 Technology of the Speckle interferometry ..................... 307<br />

13.5.3 Specifications of the developed 3-D Speckle interferometer ........ 308<br />

13.6 Application Examples ................................... 309<br />

13.6.1 2-D object-grating method in the high-temperature area ........... 309<br />

13.6.2 3-D object-grating method in fracture mechanics ................ 309<br />

13.6.3 Speckle interferometry in welding .......................... 310<br />

13.7 Summary ............................................ 313<br />

References ........................................... 317<br />

14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures<br />

Using Image Processing and Photogrammetry ................ 318<br />

Klaus Andresen<br />

14.1 Introduction .......................................... 318<br />

14.2 Grating Coordinates .................................... 319<br />

14.2.1 Cross-correlation method ................................. 319<br />

14.2.2 Line-following filter .................................... 321<br />

14.3 3-D Coordinates by Imaging Functions ....................... 324<br />

14.4 3-D Coordinates by Close-Range Photogrammetry .............. 325<br />

14.4.1 Experimental set-up .................................... 325<br />


Contents<br />

14.4.2 Parameters of the camera orientation ........................ 326<br />

14.4.3 3-D object coordinates .................................. 327<br />

14.5 Displacement and Strain from an Object Grating: Plane Deformation . 328<br />

14.6 Strain for Large Spatial Deformation ........................ 329<br />

14.6.1 Theory .............................................. 329<br />

14.6.2 Correcting the influence of curvature ........................ 332<br />

14.6.3 Simulation and numerical errors ............................ 333<br />

14.7 Conclusion ........................................... 335<br />

References ........................................... 335<br />

15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic<br />

Postbuckling Behaviour of Shear-Loaded Aluminium Panels ..... 337<br />

Horst Kossira, Gunnar Arnst<br />

15.1 Introduction .......................................... 337<br />

15.2 Numerical Model ...................................... 339<br />

15.2.1 Finite-Element method .................................. 339<br /> Ambient temperature – rate-independent problem ............... 340<br /> Elevated temperature – visco-plastic problem .................. 341<br />

15.2.2 Material models ....................................... 341<br /> Ambient temperature – rate-independent problem ............... 341<br /> Elevated temperature – visco-plastic problem .................. 344<br />

15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results ........................ 349<br />

15.3.1 Test procedure ........................................ 349<br />

15.3.2 Computational analysis .................................. 349<br /> Monotonic loading – ambient temperature .................... 350<br /> Cyclic loading – ambient temperature ........................ 351<br /> Time-dependent behaviour ................................ 356<br />

15.4 Conclusion ........................................... 358<br />

List of Symbols ....................................... 359<br />

References ........................................... 360<br />

16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application<br />

of Deformation Models, Describing the Inelastic Behaviour<br />

of Welded Joints ...................................... 361<br />

Helmut Wohlfahrt, Dirk Brinkmann<br />

16.1 Introduction .......................................... 361<br />

16.2 Materials and Numerical Methods .......................... 362<br />

16.2.1 Materials and welded joints ............................... 362<br />

16.2.2 Deformation models and numerical methods ................... 365<br /> Deformation model of Gerdes ............................. 365<br /> Fitting calculations ..................................... 365<br />

16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures ................... 365<br />


Contents<br />

16.3.1 Experimental and numerical investigations .................... 366<br /> Tensile tests .......................................... 366<br /> Creep tests ........................................... 369<br /> Cyclic tension-compression tests ........................... 370<br />

16.3.2 Discussion ........................................... 372<br />

16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints ........................... 374<br />

16.4.1 Deformation behaviour of welded joints ...................... 375<br /> Experimental investigations ............................... 375<br /> Numerical investigations ................................. 375<br /> Finite-Element models of welded joints ...................... 375<br /> Calculation of the deformation behaviour of welded joints ......... 375<br />

16.4.2 Strain distributions of welded joints with broad weld seams ........ 376<br />

16.4.3 Strain distributions of welded joints with small weld seams ........ 380<br />

16.4.4 Discussion ........................................... 380<br />

16.5 Application Possibilities and Further Investigations .............. 382<br />

References ........................................... 383<br />

Bibliography .................................................. 384<br />


Preface<br />

The Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB 319), “Material<br />

Models for the Inelastic Behaviour of Metallic Materials – Development and Technical<br />

Application”, was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from July<br />

1985 until the end of the year 1996. During this period of nearly 12 years, scientists<br />

from the disciplines of metal physics, materials sciences, mechanics and applied engineering<br />

sciences cooperated with the aim to develop models for metallic materials on a<br />

physically secured basis. The cooperation has resulted in a considerable improvement<br />

of the understanding between the different disciplines, in many new theoretical and experimental<br />

methods and results, and in technically applicable constitutive models as<br />

well as new knowledge concerning their application to practical engineering problems.<br />

The cooperation within the SFB was supported by many contacts to scientists and<br />

engineers at other universities and research institutes in Germany as well as abroad.<br />

The authors of this report about the results of the SFB 319 wish to express their thanks<br />

to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for the financial support and the very constructive<br />

cooperation, and to all the colleagues who have contributed by their interest<br />

and their function as reviewers and advisors to the results of our research work.<br />

Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

The development of mathematical models for the behaviour of technical materials is of<br />

course directed towards their application in the practical engineering work. Besides the<br />

projects, which have the technical application as their main goal, in all projects, which<br />

were involved in experiments with homogeneous or inhomogeneous test specimens –<br />

where partly also the numerical methods were further investigated and the implementation<br />

of the material models in the programs was performed –, experiences concerning<br />

the application of the models for practical problems could be gained. The whole-field<br />

methods for measuring displacement and strain fields, which were developed in connection<br />

with these experiments, have given valuable support concerning the application<br />

of the developed constitutive models to practical engineering.<br />

The research concerning the identification of the parameters of the models has<br />

proven to be very actual. The investigations for most efficient methods for the parameter<br />

identification will in the future still find considerable attention, where the cooperation<br />

of scientists from engineering as well as applied mathematics, which was started in<br />

the SFB, will continue. As is shown in a later chapter, it is of increasing importance to<br />


use not only homogeneously, uniaxially loaded test specimen, but also to analyze stress<br />

and deformation fields in complexly loaded components. In connection with these investigations,<br />

methods for the design of experiments should be developed, which can be<br />

used for the assessment of the structure of the material models and the physical meaning<br />

of the model parameters. The results obtained up to now have shown, also by comparisons<br />

in cooperation with institutions outside the SFB, that the predictive properties<br />

of the developed material models are of equal quality as those of other models used in<br />

the engineering practice. They have however the advantage that they are based on results<br />

of material physics and therefore can use further developments of the knowledge<br />

about the mechanisms of inelastic deformations on the microscale.<br />

During the work in the different projects, a surprising number of similar problems<br />

have been found. Due to the close contacts between the working groups, they could be<br />

investigated with much higher quality than without this cooperation.<br />

The exchange of thought between metal physics, materials sciences, mechanics<br />

and applied engineering sciences was very stimulating and has resulted in the fact that<br />

the groups oriented towards application could be supported by the projects working<br />

theoretically, and on the other hand, the scientists working in theoretical fields could<br />

observe the application of their results in practical engineering.<br />

Research Program<br />

Preface<br />

The main results of the activities of the SFB have been models for the load-deformation<br />

behaviour as well as for damage development and the development of deformation<br />

anisotropies. These models make it possible to use results from the investigations from<br />

metal physics and materials sciences in the SFB in the continuum mechanics models.<br />

The research work in metal physics and materials sciences has considerably contributed<br />

to a qualitative understanding of the processes, which have to be described by constitutive<br />

models. The structure of the developed models and of the formulations found in<br />

literature, which have been considered for comparisons and supplementation of our<br />

own development, have strongly influenced the work concerning the implementation of<br />

the material models in numerical computing methods and the treatment of technical<br />

problems. The models could be developed to a status, where the results of experimental<br />

investigations can be used to determine the model parameters quantitatively.<br />

This has resulted in an increasing activity on the experimental side of the work<br />

and also in an increase of the cooperation within the SFB and with institutions outside<br />

of Braunschweig (BAM Berlin, TU Hamburg-Harburg, TH Darmstadt, RWTH Aachen,<br />

KFA Jülich, KFZ Karlsruhe, École Polytechnique Lausanne). In the SFB, joint research<br />

was undertaken in the fields of high-temperature experiments for the investigation of<br />

creep, cyclic loading and non-homogeneous stress and displacement fields for technical<br />

important metallic materials, and their comparison with theoretical predictions. The developed<br />

whole-field methods for measuring deformations have shown to be an impor-<br />


tant experimental method. The increasing necessity to obtain experimental results of<br />

high quality for testing and extending the material models has resulted in the development<br />

of experimental equipment, which also allows to investigate the material behaviour<br />

under multiaxial loadings in the high- and low-temperature range.<br />

The determination of model parameters and process quantities from experiments<br />

has put the question for reliable methods for the parameter identification in the foreground.<br />

The earlier used methods of least-squares and probabilistic methods, such as<br />

the evolution strategy, have given satisfying results. In the SFB, however, the knowledge<br />

has developed that methods for the parameter identification, which consider the<br />

structure of the material models and the design of optimal experiments and discriminating<br />

experiments, deserve special consideration.<br />

If numerical values for the model parameters are given, the possibility exists to<br />

examine these values concerning their physical meaning, and in cooperation with the<br />

scientists from metal physics and materials sciences to investigate the connection between<br />

the knowledge about the processes on the microscale and the macroscopic constitutive<br />

equations.<br />

The SFB was during its activities organized essentially in three project areas:<br />

A: Materials behaviour<br />

• Phenomena<br />

• Material models<br />

• Parameter identification<br />

B: Development of computational methods<br />

• General computational methods under consideration of the developed material models<br />

• Special computational methods (e.g. shells structures, structural optimization, shakedown)<br />

C: Experimental verification<br />

• Whole-field methods<br />

• Examination of the transfer of results<br />

• Mock-up experiments.<br />

Project area A: materials behaviour<br />

Research Program<br />

The research in the project area A was mainly concerned with theoretical and experimental<br />

investigations concerning the basis for the development of material models and<br />

damage development from metal physics and materials sciences. In the following, a<br />

short description of the activities within the research projects is given. Methods and results<br />

are in detail given in later chapters.<br />


Preface<br />

Correlation between energetic and mechanical quantities of face-centred cubic<br />

metals, cold-worked and softened to different states (Kaps, Haeßner)<br />

One of these basic investigations is concerned with calorimetric measurements in connection<br />

with the description of recovery. After measurements based on the sheet rolling<br />

process, final investigations were performed concerning higher deformation temperatures<br />

and more complex deformation processes. Here, torsion experiments were examined<br />

due to the fact that this process allows the investigation of very high deformations<br />

as well as a simple reversal of the deformation direction and cyclic experiments.<br />

Recovery and recrystallization are in direct competition with strain hardening. If a<br />

material is cold-worked, its yield stress increases. This process, denoted strain hardening,<br />

leads to a gain in internal energy. Recovery and recrystallization act to oppose<br />

strain hardening. Already upon deformation or during subsequent annealing, these<br />

forces transform the material back into a state of lower energy. Although this reciprocity<br />

has been known for some time, the exact dependence of the process upon the type<br />

and extent of deformation, upon the temperatures during deformation and softening anneal<br />

as well as upon the chemical composition of the material is as yet only qualitatively<br />

known. Consequently, the predictability of the processes is as poor as it has always<br />

been so that, even today, one is still obliged to refer to experience and explicit<br />

experiments for help.<br />

Material state after uni- and biaxial cyclic deformation (Gieseke, Hillert, Lange)<br />

The investigations concerning the material behaviour at multiaxial plastic deformation<br />

were performed using the material AlMg 3, copper and the austenitic stainless steel AISI<br />

316L. To find the connection between damage development and microstructure, the dislocations<br />

structure at the tip of small cracks and at surface grains with differently pronounced<br />

slip-band development was investigated. With the aim to check the main assumptions<br />

of the two-surface models explicitly, measurements of the development of<br />

the yield surface of the material from the initial to the saturation state and within a saturation<br />

cycle were considerably extended. Consecutive yield surfaces along different<br />

loading histories were measured. The two-surface models of Ellyin and McDowell<br />

were implemented in the computations.<br />

Technical components and structures today are increasingly being designed and<br />

displayed by computer-aided methods. High speed computers permit the use of mathematical<br />

models able to numerically reconstruct material behaviour, even in the course<br />

of complex loading procedures.<br />

In phenomenological continuum mechanics, the cyclic hardening and softening<br />

behaviour as well as the Bauschinger effect are described by yield-surface models. If a<br />

physical formulation is chosen as a basis for these models, then it is vitally important<br />

to have exact knowledge of the processes occurring in the metal lattice during deformation.<br />

Two-surface models, going back to a development by Dafalias and Popov, describe<br />

the displacement of the elastic deformation zone in a dual axis stress area. The<br />

yield surfaces are assumed to be v. Mises shaped ellipses. However, from experiments<br />

with uniaxial loading, it is known that the yield surfaces of small offset strains under<br />


Research Program<br />

load become characteristically deformed. In the present subproject, the effect of cyclic<br />

deformation on the shape and position of the yield surfaces is studied, and their relation<br />

to the dislocation structure is determined. To this end, the yield surfaces of three<br />

materials with different slip behaviour were measured after prior uni- or biaxial deformation.<br />

The influence of the dislocation structures produced and the effect of internal<br />

stresses are discussed.<br />

Plasticity of metals and life prediction in the range of low-cycle fatigue: description of<br />

deformation behaviour and creep-fatigue interaction (Rie, Wittke, Olfe)<br />

In the field of investigations about the connection between creep and low-cycle fatigue,<br />

the development of models for predicting the componente lifetime at creep fatigue was<br />

the main aim of the work. Measuring the change of the physical magnitudes in the<br />

model during an experiment results in an investigation and eventually a modification of<br />

the model assumptions. The model was also examined for its usability for experiments<br />

with holding-times at the maximum pressure loading during a loading cycle.<br />

For hot working tools, chemical plants, power plants, pressure vessels and turbines,<br />

one has to consider local plastic deformation at critical locations of structural<br />

components. Due to cyclic changes of temperature and load, the components are subjected<br />

to cyclic deformation, and the components are limited in their use by fatigue.<br />

After a quite small number of cycles with cyclic hardening or softening, a state of cyclic<br />

saturation is reached, which can be characterized by a stress-strain hysteresis-loop.<br />

Cyclic deformation in the regime of low-cycle fatigue (LCF) leads to the formation of<br />

cracks, which can subsequently grow until failure of a component part takes place.<br />

In the field of fatigue fracture mechanics, crack growth is correlated with parameters,<br />

which take into account information especially about the steady-state stress-strain<br />

hysteresis-loops. Therefore, it can be expected that a more exact life prediction is possible<br />

by a detailed investigation of the cyclic deformation behaviour and by the description<br />

of the cyclic plasticity, e.g. with constitutive equations.<br />

At high temperatures, creep deformation and creep damage are often superimposed<br />

on the fatigue process. Therefore, in many cases, not one type of damage prevails,<br />

but the interaction of both fatigue and creep occurs, leading to failure of components.<br />

The typical damage in the low-cycle fatigue regime is the development and<br />

growth of cracks. In the case of creep fatigue, grain boundary cavities may be formed,<br />

which interact with the propagating cracks, this leading to creep-fatigue interaction. A<br />

reliable life prediction model must consider this interaction.<br />

The knowledge and description of the cavity formation and growth by means of<br />

constitutive equations are the basis for reliable life prediction. In the case of diffusion-controlled<br />

cavity growth, the distance between the voids has an important influence on their<br />

growth. This occurs especially in the case of low-cycle fatigue, where the cavity formation<br />

plays an important role. Thus, the stochastic process of void nucleation on grain boundaries<br />

and the cyclic dependence of this process has to be taken into consideration as a<br />

theoretical description. The experimental analysis has to detect the cavity-size distribution,<br />

which is a consequence of the complex interaction between the cavities.<br />


Preface<br />

Up to now, only macroscopic parameters such as the total stress and strain have<br />

been used for the calculation of the creep-fatigue damage. But crack growth is a local<br />

phenomenon, and the local conditions near the crack tip have to be taken into consideration.<br />

Therefore, the determination of the strain fields in front of cracks is an important<br />

step for modelling.<br />

Development and application of constitutive models for the plasticity of metals (Steck,<br />

Thielecke, Lewerenz)<br />

The inelastic material behaviour in the low- and high-temperature ranges is caused by<br />

slip processes in the crystal lattice, which are supported by the movement of lattice defects<br />

like dislocations and dislocation packages. The dislocation movements are opposed<br />

by internal barriers, which have to be overcome by activation. This is performed<br />

by stresses or thermal energy. During the inelastic deformation, the dislocations interact<br />

and arrange in a hierarchy of structures such as walls, adders and cells. This forming of<br />

internal material structures influences strongly the macroscopic responses on mechanical<br />

and thermal loading.<br />

A combination of models on the basis of molecular dynamics and cellular automata<br />

is used to study numerically the forming of dislocation patterns and the evolution<br />

of internal stresses during the deformation processes. For a realistic simulation, several<br />

glide planes are considered, and for the calculation of the forces acting on a dislocation,<br />

a special extended neighbourhood is necessary. The study of the self-organization<br />

processes with the developed simulation tool can result in valuable information for the<br />

choice of formulations for the modelling of processes on the microscale.<br />

The investigations concerning the development of material models based on<br />

mechanisms on the microscale have resulted in a unified stochastic model, which is<br />

able to represent essential and typical features of the low- and high-temperature plasticity.<br />

For the modelling of the dislocation movements in crystalline materials and their<br />

temperature and stress activation, a discrete Markov chain is considered. In order to describe<br />

cyclic material behaviour, the widely accepted concept is used that the dislocation-gliding<br />

processes are driven by the effective stress as the difference between the<br />

applied stress and the internal back stress. The influence of effective stress and temperature<br />

on the inelastic deformations is considered by a metalphysically motivated<br />

evolution equation. A mean value formulation of this stochastic model leads to a<br />

macroscopic model consisting of non-linear ordinary differential equations. The results<br />

show that the stochastic theory is helpful to deduce the properties of the macroscopic<br />

constitutive equations from findings on the microscale.<br />

Since the general form of the stochastic model must be adapted to the special<br />

material characteristics and the considered temperature regime, the identification of the<br />

unknown material parameters plays an important role for the application on numerical<br />

calculations. The determination of the unknown material parameters is based on a Maximum-Likelihood<br />

output-error method comparing experimental data to the numerical simulations.<br />

For the minimization of the costfunction, a hybrid optimization concept parallelized<br />

with PVM is considered. It couples stochastic search procedures and several<br />

Newton-type methods. A relative new approach for material parameter identification is<br />


Research Program<br />

the multiple shooting approach, which allows to make efficient use of additional measurement-<br />

and apriori-information about the states. This reduces the influence of bad initial<br />

parameters. Since replicated experiments for the same laboratory conditions show a significant<br />

scattering, these uncertainties must be taken into account for the parameter identification.<br />

The reliability of the results can be tested with a statistical analysis.<br />

Several different materials, like aluminium, copper, stainless steel AISI 304 and<br />

AISI 316, have been studied. For the analysis of structures, like a notched flat bar, the<br />

Finite-Element program ABAQUS is used in combination with the user material subroutine<br />

UMAT. The simulations are compared with experimental data from grating<br />

methods.<br />

On the physical parameters governing the flow stress of solid solutions in a wide range<br />

of temperatures (Schwink, Nortmann)<br />

In the area of the metal-physical foundations, investigations on poly- and single-crystalline<br />

material have been performed. The superposition of solution hardening and ordinary<br />

hardening has found special consideration. Along the stress-strain curves, the limits<br />

between stable and unstable regions of deformation were investigated, and their dependencies<br />

on temperature, strain rate and solute concentration were determined. In regions<br />

of stable deformation, a quantitative analysis of the processes of dynamic strain<br />

ageing (“Reckalterung”) was performed. The transition between regions of stable and<br />

unstable deformation was investigated and characterized.<br />

At sufficiently low temperatures, host and solute atoms remain on their lattice<br />

sites. The critical flow stress is governed by thermally activated dislocations glide (Arrhenius<br />

equation), which depends on an average activation enthalpy DG0, and an effective<br />

obstacle concentration cb. The total flow stress is composed of the critical flow<br />

stress and a hardening stress, which increases with the dislocation density in the cell<br />

walls.<br />

Detailed investigations on single crystals yielded expressions for the critical<br />

resolved shear stress, s0 ˆ s0…DG0; cb; T; _e†, and the hardening shear stress,<br />

sd ˆ wGbq1=2 w . Here, w is a constant, w ˆ 0:25 0:03, G the shear modulus, and<br />

qw the dislocation density inside the cell walls. The total shear stress results as<br />

s ˆ s0 ‡ sd.<br />

At higher temperatures, the solutes become mobile in the lattice and cause an additional<br />

anchoring of the glide dislocations. This is described by an additional enthalpy<br />

Dg…tw; Eam† in the Arrhenius equation. In the main, it depends on the activation energy<br />

Eam of the diffusing solutes and the waiting time tw of the glide dislocations arrested at<br />

obstacles. Three different diffusion processes characterized by EaI; EaII; EaIII were found<br />

for the two f.c.c.-model systems investigated, CuMn and CuAl, respectively. In both,<br />

Dg reaches values up to about 0.1 DG0. Under certain conditions, the solute diffusion<br />

causes instabilities in the flow stress, the well-known jerky flow phenomena (Portevin-<br />

Le Châtelier effect). Finally, above around 800 K in copper-based alloys, the solutes become<br />

freely mobile, and the critical flow stress as well as the additional enthalpy vanish.<br />

In any temperature region, only a small total number of physical parameters is sufficient<br />

for modelling plastic deformation processes.<br />


Preface<br />

Inhomogeneity and instability of plastic flow in Cu-based alloys (Neuhäuser)<br />

In a second project, the main goal of the research is to clarify the physical mechanisms,<br />

which control the kinetics of the deformation, especially in such parameter regions,<br />

which are characterized by inhomogeneity and instability of the deformation process.<br />

It is looked for a realistic interpretation of the magnitudes, which will be used<br />

with empirical material equations as it is necessary for a sensible application and extrapolation<br />

to extended parameter regions. Especially, reasons and effects of deformationinhomogeneities<br />

and -instabilities in the systems Cu-Al and Cu-Mn, which show tendencies<br />

to short-range order, were investigated. Determining dislocation-generation<br />

rates and dislocation velocities in the case of gradients of the effective stress were as<br />

well aim of the investigations as the influence of diffusion processes on the generation<br />

(blocking, break-away) and motion (obstacle destruction and regeneration) of dislocations.<br />

Investigations were also performed concerning the use of the results for single<br />

crystals for the description of the practically more important case of the behaviour of<br />

polycrystals. In this case, especially the influence of the grain-boundaries on generation<br />

and movement of dislocations or dislocation groups has to be considered.<br />

The special technique used in this project is a microcinematographic method,<br />

which permits to measure the local strain and strain rate in slip bands, which are the<br />

active regions of the crystal. Cu-based alloys with several percent of Al and Mn solutes<br />

are considered in order to separate the effects of stacking-fault energy from those of solute<br />

hardening and short-range ordering, which are comparable for both alloy systems,<br />

while the stacking-fault energy decreases rapidly with solute concentration for CuAl<br />

contrary to CuMn alloys. Both systems show different degrees of inhomogeneous slip<br />

in the length scales from nm to mm (slip bands, Lüders bands), and, in a certain range<br />

of deformation conditions, macroscopic deformation instabilities (Portevin-Le Châtelier<br />

effect). These effects have been studied in particular.<br />

The influence of large torsional prestrain on the texture development and yield surface<br />

of polycrystals – experimental and theoretical investigations (Besdo, Wellerdick-Wojtasik)<br />

This research project consists of a theoretical and an experimental part. The topic of<br />

the theoretical part was the simulation of texture development and methods of calculating<br />

yield surfaces. The calculations started from an initially isotropic grain distribution.<br />

Therefore, it was necessary to set up such a distribution. Different possibilities were<br />

compared with an isotropy test considering the elastic and plastic properties. With some<br />

final distributions, numerical calculations were carried out. The Taylor theory in an appropriate<br />

version and a simple formulation based on the Sachs assumption were used.<br />

Calculation of yield surfaces from texture data can be done in many different ways.<br />

Some examples are the yield surfaces calculated with the Taylor theory, averaging methods<br />

or formulations, which take the elastic behaviour into account. Several possibilities<br />

are presented, and the numerical calculations are compared with the experimental results.<br />

In order to measure yield surfaces after large torsional prestrain, thin-walled tubular<br />

specimens of AlMg 3 were loaded up to a shear strain of c ˆ 1:5, while torsional<br />


Research Program<br />

buckling was prevented by inserting a greased mandrel inside the specimens. Further<br />

investigations of the prestrained specimens were done with the testing machine of the<br />

project area B.<br />

At least one yield surface, represented by 16 yield points, was measured with<br />

each specimen. The yield point is defined by the offset-strain definition, where generally<br />

the von Mises equivalent offset strain is used. Three different loading paths were<br />

realized with the extension-controlled testing machine. Thus, the results were yield surfaces<br />

measured with different offsets and loading paths.<br />

The offset-strain definition is based on the elastic tensile and shear modulus.<br />

These constants were calculated at the beginning of each loading path, and since they<br />

strongly effect the yield surfaces, this must be done with the highest amount of care.<br />

The isotropic specimens are insensitive to different loading paths, and the measured<br />

yield surfaces seem to be of the von Mises type. By contrast, the prestrained specimens<br />

are very sensitive to different loading paths. Especially the shape and the distorsion of<br />

the measured surfaces changes as a result of the small plastic strain during the measurement.<br />

Therefore, it seems that the shape and the distortion of the yield surface were not<br />

strongly effected by the texture of the material.<br />

Parameter identification of inelastic deformation laws analysing inhomogeneous stressstrain<br />

states (Kreißig, Naumann, Benedix, Borman, Grewolls, Kretzschmar)<br />

In the last years, the necessity of solutions of non-linear solid mechanics problems has<br />

permanently increased. Although powerful hard- and software exist for such problems,<br />

often more or less large differences between numerical and experimental results are observed.<br />

The dominant reason for these defects must be seen in the material-dependent<br />

part of the used computer programs. Either suitable deformation laws are not implemented<br />

or the required parameters are missing.<br />

Experiments on the material behaviour are commonly realized for homogeneous<br />

stress-strain states, as for example the uniaxial tensile and compression test or the thinwalled<br />

tube under combined torsion, tensile and internal pressure loading. In addition<br />

to these well-known methods, experimental studies of inhomogeneous strain and stress<br />

fields are an interesting alternative to identify material parameters.<br />

Two types of specimens have been investigated. Unnotched bending specimens<br />

have been used to determine the elastic constants, the initial yield locus curve and the<br />

uniaxial tension and compression yield curves. Notched bending specimens allow experiments<br />

on the hardening behaviour due to inhomogeneous stress-strain states.<br />

The numerical analysis has been carried out by the integration of the deformation<br />

law at a certain number of comparative points of the ligament with strain increments,<br />

determined from Moiré fringe patterns, as loads. The identification of material parameters<br />

has been performed by the minimization of a least-squares functional using deterministic<br />

gradient-type methods. As comparative quantities have been taken into account<br />

the bending moment, the normal force and the stresses at the notch grooves.<br />


Preface<br />

Project area B: development of computational methods<br />

The essential goals of the project area B were the transfer of experimental results in<br />

material models, which describe the essential characteristics of the complex non-linear<br />

behaviour of metallic materials in a technically satisfactory manner. For this reason,<br />

known formulations of material models, developments of the SFB and new formulations<br />

had to be examined with respect to their validity and the limits of their efficiency.<br />

To be able to describe processes on the microscale of the materials, the material models<br />

contain internal variables, which can either be purely phenomenological or be based on<br />

microstructural considerations. In the frame of the SFB, the goal was the microstructural<br />

substantiation of these internal variables.<br />

For the adjustment of the model parameters on the experimental results, optimization<br />

strategies are necessary, which allow judging the power of the models. The obtained<br />

results showed that this question is of high importance, also for further research.<br />

Extensions for multiaxial loading cases have been developed and validated. For the investigated<br />

loadings of metals at high temperatures and alternating and cyclic loading<br />

histories as well as for significantly time-dependent material behaviour, the literature<br />

shows only a first beginning in the research concerning such extensions.<br />

The material models had firstly to be examined concerning the materials. For the<br />

practical application, however, their suitability for their implementation in numerical algorithms<br />

(e.g. Finite-Element methods) and the influence on the efficiency of numerical<br />

computations had to be examined.<br />

Especially for the computation of time-dependent processes, numerically stable<br />

and – because of the expensive numerical calculations – efficient computational algorithms<br />

had to be developed (e.g. fast converging time-integration methods for strongly<br />

non-linear problems).<br />

The developed (or chosen) material models and algorithms had to be applied for<br />

larger structures, not only to test the computational models, but simultaneously also –<br />

by reflection to the assumptions in the material models – to find out which parameters<br />

are of essential meaning for the practical application, and which are rather unimportant<br />

and can be neglected. This results in the necessity to perform on all levels sensitivity<br />

investigations for the relevancy of the variants of the assumptions and their parameters.<br />

At loading histories, which describe alternating or cyclic processes due to the alternating<br />

plastification, the question of saturation of the stress-strain histories and<br />

shakedown are of special importance. The projects in the project area B were investigating<br />

these problems in a complementary manner. They were important, central questions<br />

conceived so that related problems were investigated to accelerate the progress of<br />

the work and to allow mutual support and critical exchange of thought.<br />

Development and improvement of unified models and applications to structural analysis<br />

(Ahrens, Duddeck, Kowalsky, Pensky, Streilein)<br />

Especially for structures of large damage potentials, the design has to simulate failure<br />

conditions as realistic as possible. Therefore, inelastic and time-dependent behaviour<br />

such as temperature-induced creep have to be considered. Besides adequate numerical<br />


Research Program<br />

methods of analyses (as non-linear Finite-Element methods), mathematically correct<br />

models are needed for the thermal-mechanical material behaviour under complex loadings.<br />

Unified models for metallic materials cover time-independent as well as time-dependent<br />

reactions by a unified concept of elasto-viscoplasticity.<br />

Research results are presented, which demonstrate further developments for unified<br />

models in three different aspects. The methodical approach is shown firstly on the<br />

level of the material model. Then, verifications of their applicability are given by utilizing<br />

them in the analyses of structures. The three aspects are the following problems:<br />

1. Discrepancies between results of experimental and numerical material behaviour<br />

may be caused by<br />

• insufficient or inaccurate parameters of the material model,<br />

• inadequate material functions of the unified models,<br />

• insufficient basic formulations for the physical properties covered by the model.<br />

It is shown that more consistent formulations can be achieved for all these three<br />

sources of deficits by systematic numerical investigations.<br />

2. Most of the models for metallic materials assume yield functions of the v. Mises<br />

type. For hardening, isotropic and/or kinematic evolutions are developed, that correspond<br />

to affine expansions or simple shifting of the original yield surface, whereas<br />

experimental results show a distinctive change of the shape of the yield surfaces<br />

(rotated or dented) depending on the load path. To cover this material behaviour of<br />

distorted yield surfaces, a hierarchical expansion of the hardening rule is proposed.<br />

The evolutionary equations of the hardening (expressed in tensors) are extended by<br />

including higher order terms of the tensorial expressions.<br />

3. Even very accurately repeated tests of the same charge of a metallic material show a<br />

certain scattering distribution of the experimental results. The investigation of test<br />

series (provided by other projects of the SFB) proved that a normal Gaussian distribution<br />

can be assumed. A systematic approach is proposed to deal with such experimental<br />

deviations in evaluating the parameters of the material model.<br />

The concepts in all of the three items are valid in general although the overstress<br />

model by Chaboche and Rousselier is chosen here for convenience.<br />

In verifying the conceptual improvements, it is necessary to provide accurate and<br />

efficient procedures for time-integration processes and for the evaluation of the model<br />

parameters via optimization. In both cases, different procedures are elaborately compared<br />

with each other.<br />

Results of the numerical analyses of different structures are given. They demonstrate<br />

the efficiency of the proposed further developments by applying Finite-Element<br />

methods for non-linear stress-displacement problems. This includes:<br />

• investigations of welded joints with modifications of the layers of different microstructures,<br />

• thick-walled vessels in order to demonstrate the effects of different formulations of<br />

the material model on the stress-deformation fields of larger structures,<br />


Preface<br />

• distorted yield functions to a plate with an opening,<br />

• effects of stochastic distribution of material behaviour to a plate with openings,<br />

• the application of material models based on microphysical mechanisms to a larger<br />

vessel, the recipient of hot aluminium blocks for a profile extrusion press.<br />

On the behaviour of mild steel Fe 510 under complex cyclic loading (Peil, Scheer,<br />

Scheibe, Reininghaus, Kuck, Dannemeyer)<br />

The employment of the plastic bearing capacity of structures has been recently allowed<br />

in both national and international steel constructions standards. The ductile material behaviour<br />

of mild steel allows a load-increase well over the elastic limit. To make use of<br />

this effect, efficient algorithms, taking account of the plastic behaviour under cyclic or<br />

random loads in particular, are an important prerequisite for a precise calculation of the<br />

structure.<br />

The basic elements of a time-independent material model, which allows to take<br />

into account the biaxial or random load history for a mild steel under room temperature,<br />

are presented. In a first step, the material response under cyclic or random loads<br />

has to be determined. The fundamentals of an extended-two-surface model based on<br />

the two-surface model of Dafalias and Popov are presented. The adaptations have been<br />

made in accordance with the results of experiments under multiaxial cyclic loadings.<br />

Finally, tests on structural components are performed to verify the results obtained<br />

from the calculations with the described model.<br />

Theoretical and computational shakedown analysis of non-linear kinematic hardening<br />

material and transition to ductile fracture (Stein, Zhang, Huang, Mahnken, Wiechmann)<br />

The response of an elastic-plastic system subjected to variable loadings can be very<br />

complicated. If the applied loads are small enough, the system will remain elastic for<br />

all possible loads. Whereas if the ultimate load of the system is attained, a collapse<br />

mechanism will develop and the system will fail due to infinitely growing displacements.<br />

Besides this, there are three different steady states, that can be reached while the<br />

loading proceeds:<br />

1. Incremental failure occurs if at some points or parts of the system, the remaining<br />

displacements and strains accumulate during a change of loading. The system will<br />

fail due to the fact that the initial geometry is lost.<br />

2. Alternating plasticity occurs, this means that the sign of the increment of the plastic<br />

deformation during one load cycle is changing alternately. Though the remaining<br />

displacements are bounded, plastification will not cease, and the system fails locally.<br />

3. Elastic shakedown occurs if after initial yielding plastification subsides, and the system<br />

behaves elastically due to the fact that a stationary residual stress field is<br />

formed, and the total dissipated energy becomes stationary. Elastic shakedown (or<br />


Research Program<br />

simply shakedown) of a system is regarded as a safe state. It is important to know<br />

whether a system under given variable loadings shakes down or not.<br />

The research work is based on Melan’s static shakedown theorems for perfectly plastic<br />

and linear kinematic hardening materials, and is extended to generally non-linear limited<br />

hardening by a so-called overlay model, being the 3-D generalization of Neal’s 1-D model,<br />

for which a theorem and a corollary are derived. Finite-Element method and adequate<br />

optimization algorithms are used for numerical approach of 2-D problems. A new lemma<br />

allows for the distinction between local and global failure. Some numerical examples illustrate<br />

the theoretical results. The shakedown behaviour of a cracked ductile body is investigated,<br />

where a crack is treated as a sharp notch. Thresholds for no crack propagation<br />

are formulated based on shakedown theory.<br />

Parameter identification for inelastic constitutive equations based on uniform and nonuniform<br />

stress and strain distributions (Mahnken, Stein)<br />

In this project, various aspects for identification of parameters are discussed. Firstly, as<br />

in classical strategies, a least-squares functional is minimized using data of specimen<br />

with stresses and strains assumed to be uniform within the whole volume of the sample.<br />

Furthermore, in order to account for possible non-uniformness of stress and strain<br />

distributions, identification is performed with the Finite-Element method, where also<br />

the geometrically non-linear case is taken into account. In both approaches, gradientbased<br />

optimization strategies are applied, where the associated sensitivity analysis is<br />

performed in a systematic manner. Numerical examples for the uniform case are presented<br />

with a material model due to Chaboche with cyclic loading. For the non-uniform<br />

case, material parameters are obtained for a multiplicative plasticity model, where<br />

experimental data are determined with a grating method for an axisymmetric necking<br />

problem. In both examples, the results are discussed when different starting values are<br />

used and stochastic perturbations of the experimental data are applied.<br />

Project area C: experimental verification<br />

Material parameters, which describe the inelastic behaviour of metallic materials, can<br />

be determined experimentally from the deformation of a test specimen by suitable chosen<br />

basic experiments. One-dimensional load-displacement measurements, however, are<br />

not providing sufficient informations to identify parameters of three-dimensional<br />

material laws. For this purpose, the complete whole-field deformation respectively<br />

strain state of the considered object surface is needed. It can be measured by optical<br />

methods. They yield the displacement distribution in three dimensions and the strain<br />

components in two dimensions. So, these methods make possible an extensive comparison<br />

of the results of a related Finite-Element computation.<br />


Preface<br />

Experimental determination of deformation- and strain fields by optical measuring<br />

methods (Ritter, Friebe)<br />

Mainly, two methods were developed and adapted for solving the mentioned problems:<br />

the object-grating method and the electronic Speckle interferometry.<br />

As known, the object-grating method leads to the local vector of each point of the<br />

considered object surface marked by an attached grating, consisting of a deterministic<br />

or stochastic grey value distribution, and recorded by the photogrammetric principle.<br />

Then, the strain follows from the difference of the displacement vectors of two neighbouring<br />

points related to two different deformation states of the object and related to<br />

their initial distance.<br />

The electronic Speckle interferometry is based on the Speckle effect. It comes<br />

into existence if an optical rough object surface is illuminated by coherent light, and<br />

the scattered waves interfere. By superposing of the interference effects of an object<br />

and reference wave related to two different object states, the difference of the arising<br />

Speckle patterns leads to correlation fringes, which describe the displacement field of<br />

the considered object.<br />

Regarding the object-grating method, grating structures and their attachment have<br />

been developed, which can be analysed automatically and which are practicable also at<br />

high temperatures up to 1000 8C, as often inelastic processes take place under this condition.<br />

Furthermore, the optical set-up, based on the photogrammetric principle, was<br />

adapted to the short-range field with testing fields of only a few square millimeters.<br />

The object-grating method is applicable if the strain values are greater than 0.1%.<br />

For measurement of smaller strain values down to 10 –5 , the Speckle interferometric<br />

principle was applied. A 3-D electronic Speckle interferometer has been developed,<br />

which is so small that it can be adapted directly at a testing machine. It is based<br />

on the well-known path of rays of the Speckle interferometry including modern optoelectronic<br />

components as laser diodes, piezo crystals and CCD-cameras.<br />

Furthermore, both methods are suitable for high resolution of a large change of<br />

material behaviour. Finally, the measurement can be conducted at the original and takes<br />

place without contact and interaction.<br />

Surface deformation fields from grating pictures using image processing and photogrammetry<br />

(Andresen)<br />

The before-mentioned grating techniques are optical whole-field methods applied to derive<br />

the shape or the displacement and strain on the surface of an object. A regular<br />

grating fixed or projected on the surface is moved or deformed together with the object.<br />

In different states, pictures are taken by film cameras or by electronic cameras.<br />

For plane surfaces parallel to the image plane, one camera supplies the necessary information<br />

for displacement and strain. To get the spatial coordinates of curved surfaces,<br />

two or more stereocameras must be used. In early times, the grating patterns were evaluated<br />

manually by projecting the images to large screens or by use of microscope techniques.<br />

Today, the pictures are usually digitized, yielding resolutions from 200 ×200 to<br />

2000 ×2000 picture elements (pixels or pels) with generally 256 grey levels (8 bit). By<br />


Research Program<br />

suitable image-processing methods, the grating coordinates in the images are determined<br />

to a large extent automatically. The corresponding coordinates on plane objects<br />

are derived from the image coordinates by a perspective transformation. Considering<br />

spatial surfaces, first, the orientation of the cameras in space must be determined by a<br />

calibration procedure. Then, the spatial coordinates are given by intersection of the rays<br />

of adjoined grating points in the images.<br />

The sequence of the grating coordinates in different states describes displacement<br />

and strain of the considered object surface. Applying suitable interpolation gives continuous<br />

fields for the geometrical and physical quantities on the surface. These experimentally<br />

determined fields are used for<br />

• getting insight into two-dimensional deformation processes and effects,<br />

• supplying experimental data to the theoretically working scientist,<br />

• providing experimental data to be compared with Finite-Element methods,<br />

• deriving parameters in standard constitutive laws,<br />

• developing constitutive laws with new dependencies and parameters.<br />

Experimental and numerical analysis of the inelastic postbuckling behaviour of shearloaded<br />

aluminium panels (Kossira, Arnst)<br />

As a practical problem of aircraft engineering, the case of shear-loaded thin panels out<br />

of the material AlCuMg 2 under cyclic, quasistatic loading was investigated by experimental<br />

and numerical methods. Beyond the up-to-now used classical theory of plasticity,<br />

the theoretical research was based on the “unified” models, which were developed<br />

and adjusted to numerical computational methods in other areas of the research project.<br />

Shear-loaded panels are in general substructures of aerospace constructions since<br />

there are always load cases during a flight mission, in which shear loads are predominant<br />

in the thin-walled structures of subsonic as well as in supersonic and hypersonic<br />

aircrafts. The good-natured postcritical load-carrying behaviour of shear-loaded panels<br />

at moderate plastic deformations can be exploited in emergency (fail safe) cases since<br />

they exhibit no dramatic loss of stiffness even in the high plastic postbuckling regime.<br />

The temperature at the surface of hypersonic vehicles may reach very high values, but<br />

with a thermal protection shield, the temperatures of the load-carrying structure can be<br />

reduced to moderate values, which allow the application of aluminium alloys. Therefore,<br />

the properties of the mostly used aluminium alloy 2024-T3 are taken as a basis<br />

for the experimental and theoretical studies of the behaviour of shear-loaded panels at<br />

room temperature and at 200 8C.<br />

The primary aim of these studies is the understanding of the occurring phenomena,<br />

respectively the examination of the load-carrying behaviour of the considered<br />

structures under different load-time histories, and to provide suitable data for the design.<br />

Besides experimental investigations, which are achieved by a specially designed<br />

test set-up, the development of numerical methods, which describe the phenomena, was<br />

necessary to accomplish this intention. The used numerical model is based on a Finite-<br />

Element method, which is capable of calculating the geometric and physical non-linear<br />

– in case of visco-plastic material behaviour time-dependent – postbuckling behaviour.<br />


Preface<br />

A substantial problem within the numerical method was the simulation of the non-linear<br />

material properties. Using a rate-independent two-surface material model and a<br />

modified visco-plastic material model of the Chaboche type, the non-linear properties<br />

of the aluminium alloy 2024-T3 are approximated with sufficient accuracy at both considered<br />

temperatures.<br />

Some results of the theoretical and experimental studies on the monotonic and<br />

cyclic postbuckling behaviour of thin-walled aluminium panels under shear load at ambient<br />

and elevated temperatures are presented. The applied loads exceed the theoretical<br />

buckling loads by factors up to 40, accompanied by the occurrence of moderate inelastic<br />

deformations. Apart from the numerical model, the monotonic loading, subsequent<br />

creep rates, the snap-through behaviour at cyclic loading, the inelastic processes during<br />

loading, and the influence of the aspect ratio are major topics in the presented discussion<br />

of the results for shear-loaded panels at room temperature and at 200 8C.<br />

Consideration of inhomogeneities in the application of deformation models, describing<br />

the inelastic behaviour of welded joints (Wohlfahrt, Brinkmann)<br />

A second practical problem was the investigation of the influence of welded joints on<br />

the mechanical behaviour of components, which is due to the high degree of “Werkstoffnutzung”<br />

in modern welded structures of high importance. Special consideration<br />

was given here to the important question of the material behaviour at cyclic loading as<br />

well from the point of view of numerical computation of these processes and the connected<br />

effects as from the point of view of the problems connected with aspects of<br />

materials sciences.<br />

The local loads and deformations in welded joints have rarely been investigated<br />

under the aspect that the mechanical behaviour is influenced by different kinds of microstructure.<br />

These different kinds of microstructure lead to multiaxial states of stresses<br />

and strains, and some investigations have shown that for the determination of the total<br />

state of deformation of a welded joint, the locally different deformation behaviour has<br />

to be taken into account. It is also published that different mechanical properties in the<br />

heat-affected zone as well as a weld metal with a lower strength than the base metal<br />

can be the reason or the starting point of a fracture in welded joints. A new investigation<br />

demonstrates that in TIG-welded joints of the high strength steel StE690, a finegrained<br />

area in the heat-affected zone with a lower strength than that of the base metal<br />

is exclusively the starting zone of fracture under cyclic loading in the fully compressive<br />

range. These investigations support the approach described here that the mechanical behaviour<br />

of the different kinds of microstructure in the heat-affected zone of welded<br />

joints has to be taken into account in the deformation analysis. The influences of these<br />

inhomogeneities on the local deformation behaviour of welded joints were determined<br />

by experiments and numerical calculations over a wide range of temperature and loading.<br />

The numerical deformation analysis was performed with ttformat<br />

he method of Finite-Elements, in which recently developed deformation models<br />

simulate the mechanical behaviour of materials over the tested range of temperature<br />

and loading conditions.<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic<br />

and Mechanical Quantities of Face-Centred Cubic<br />

Metals, Cold-Worked and Softened to Different States<br />

Lothar Kaps and Frank Haeßner*<br />

1.1 Introduction<br />

Cold-worked metals soften at higher temperatures. The details of this process depend<br />

on the material as well as on the type and degree of deformation. The kinetic parameters<br />

can in principle be determined by calorimetric methods. By combining calorimetrically<br />

determined values with characteristics measured mechanically and with microstructural<br />

data, information can be gained about the strain-hardened state and the mechanism<br />

of the softening process.<br />

This materials information can support critical assessment of the structure of<br />

material models and hence be utilized for the appropriate adjustment of constitutive<br />

models to material properties.<br />

1.2 Experiments<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

One objective of the work in this particular area of research was to investigate the dependence<br />

of the softening kinetics of face-centred cubic metals on the deformation. The<br />

chosen types of deformation were torsion, tension and rolling. In the cases of torsion<br />

and tension, additional cyclic experiments with plastic amplitudes of 0.01 to 0.1 were<br />

carried out. The materials studied were aluminium, lead, nickel, copper and silver.<br />

Thus, in this order, metals of very high to very low stacking fault energy were investigated.<br />

In the following presentation of the results, the emphasis will be on copper.<br />

To determine the mechanical data, the first step was to characterize the deformation<br />

with the aid of the crystallographic slip a, the shear stress s N normalized to the<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Werkstoffe, Langer Kamp 8,<br />

D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

shearing modulus G: sN ˆ sc=G, and the strain-hardening rate H ˆ dsN=da. The conversion<br />

to crystallographic quantities was effected using calculated Taylor factors [1, 2].<br />

This procedure permits direct comparison between different types of deformation.<br />

Figure 1.1 shows the family of curves that are obtained when copper is subjected<br />

to torsion at various temperatures. The characterization is clear because for increasing<br />

deformation temperature, a decreasing yield stress results.<br />

Figure 1.2 shows the strain-hardening rate versus the normalized shear stress of<br />

copper to extreme deformation. The strain-hardening rate can be subdivided into three<br />

regions, which, following the literature, may be denoted strain-hardening regions III to<br />

V [3]. Regions III and V show a linearly decreasing strain-hardening rate with shear<br />

stress. Region IV, as region II, is characterized by constant strain hardening.<br />

The occurrence of these different regions depends strongly on the type of deformation.<br />

Thus, for tensile deformation, in consequence of instability, only deformation to region<br />

III can be realized. Rolling permits greater deformation, but brings with it the problem<br />

of defining a specific measurement to categorize the strain-hardening regions. The temperature<br />

effect of the deformation fits well into the scheme proposed by Gil Sevillano [4].<br />

According to this scheme, all flow curves in region III may be described by a fixed initial<br />

strain-hardening rate H III<br />

0 and a variable limiting stress sIII S . This latter is affected by dynamic<br />

recovery and is therefore dependent on deformation temperature and velocity. It<br />

decreases for increasing deformation temperature and increases for higher deformation<br />

velocities.<br />

This statement is also true for the other characteristic stresses sIV ; sV ; sV S : The logarithm<br />

of the characteristic stress decreases linearly with the normalized deformation<br />

temperature, TN ˆ kT=Gb3 : The normalization was proposed by Mecking et al. [5]. It<br />

Figure 1.1: Flow curves of copper at temperatures of –20 8C to 120 8C.<br />


1.2 Experiments<br />

Figure 1.2: Strain-hardening rate of copper under torsion at room temperature versus normalized<br />

shear stress.<br />

has been successfully applied to our own measurements. However, it may be seen that<br />

the dependence on temperature is different for the individual stresses (Figure 1.3).<br />

Careful evaluation of the experiments taking account of the effects of texture and<br />

sample shows similarities as well as differences between the two deformation types tension<br />

and torsion. Up to a slip value of a =0.4, the flow curve shows little difference between<br />

tension and torsion. Above that value, the hardening is greater for the tension experiment<br />

(Figure 1.4).<br />

The differences are more pronounced when the hardening rate is studied rather<br />

than the flow curve. From the start, the former lies higher for tension than for torsion.<br />

The different procedures may be followed microstructurally using a transmission elec-<br />

Figure 1.3: Characteristic stresses for the strain hardening of copper versus the normalized temperature.<br />


tron microscope. Other authors have described this influence of the load path on the<br />

microstructure [6–9]. The reason for this may be that different average numbers of slip<br />

systems are necessary for deformation [10]. This also affects the development of activation<br />

energies DG0 and activation volumes V. To determine these quantities, velocities<br />

are varied in tension and torsion experiments, i.e. during a unidirectional experiment,<br />

the extension rate is momentarily increased. In those sections with an increased extension<br />

rate, the material shows a higher flow stress. For the evaluation, the following ansatz<br />

was chosen for the relationship between the extension rate _e and the flow stress r:<br />

_e ˆ _e0 exp<br />

1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

Figure 1.4: Comparison of flow curves from tension and torsion experiments.<br />

…DG0 Vr†<br />

kT<br />

: …1†<br />

The activation volume and energy are the important quantities for the constitutive equations<br />

developed in the subproject A6 [11, 12]. The comparison of the deformation<br />

types tension and torsion shows a definite difference in the development of activation<br />

volumes with sN. This is manifest by the tension (strain) deformation, which exhibits a<br />

constant velocity sensitivity even for significantly smaller degrees of deformation (Figure<br />

1.5). The activation volumes are a particularly indicative measurement for the<br />

velocity sensitivity. In region III for torsion, they show a continuous decrease, which<br />

becomes less only upon reaching region IV. For tension, on the other hand, there are<br />

also two sections with decreasing or nearly constant activation volumes. However, the<br />

transition in the curve of the activation volume versus the stress already lies in the<br />

strain-hardening region III.<br />

The activation energies DG0 for torsion were determined from the characteristic<br />

stresses for different temperatures (cf. Figure 1.3). The resultant values for the stresses<br />

sIII S ; sIVand sV S are 3.15, 2.79 and 2.79 eV/atom, respectively.<br />

To obtain the energy data, the stored energy ES of the plastic deformation was determined<br />

using a calorimeter. As expected, the stored energy shows a monotonic in-<br />


1.2 Experiments<br />

Figure 1.5: Activation volume of copper deformed in tension and torsion at room temperature.<br />

crease with deformation. Moreover, dynamic recovery counteracts energy storage as it<br />

does hardening. Hence, there is an unequivocal correlation between the deformation<br />

temperature and stored energy such that an increasing deformation temperature leads to<br />

less stored energy (Figure 1.6).<br />

Figure 1.6 demonstrates the great influence of the stacking fault energy. The value<br />

of the reduced stacking fault energy for silver lies at 2.4·10 –3 compared with the value<br />

of 4.7·10 –3 for copper. Lower stacking fault energies lead to a greater separation of par-<br />

Figure 1.6: Stored energy versus shear strain for distorted copper and silver deformed at different<br />

temperatures.<br />


tial dislocations. This hinders dynamic recovery because the mechanism of cross slip is<br />

impaired.<br />

The connection between stored energy and shearing stress was studied for deformation<br />

by torsion, tension and push-pull. There is a clear tendency to store more energy<br />

with increasing deformation temperature at constant shearing stress. It would appear<br />

that energy storage by more fully condensed states is more effective. The measured<br />

values for tension and push-pull in this sequence lie above those for the greatest<br />

torsional deformation. For the same shearing stress, silver also clearly stores more energy<br />

than copper.<br />

This relationship is represented in the Figures 1.7 and 1.8. Figure 1.7 comprises<br />

torsion experiments up to extreme deformation. Figure 1.8 shows a comparison of various<br />

types of deformation. For better resolution, the abscissa here is confined to small<br />

and intermediate values of stress. The variable behaviour of the materials and the effect<br />

of the types of deformation may also be demonstrated in measurements of the softening<br />

kinetics to be discussed. In analogy to the strain-hardening rate, an energy storage<br />

rate HE ˆ dES=dsN has been defined. This quantity represents independent information.<br />

The development of the energy storage rate is clearly correlated with the strainhardening<br />

stages (Figure 1.9). The combination of energetic and mechanical measurements<br />

permits a statement on the change in dislocation density q, to a first approximation<br />

proportional to the stored energy, with increasing flow stress. A linearly increasing<br />

energy storage rate with stress leads to a law of the type:<br />

qES<br />

qsN<br />

1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

asN ) sc<br />

G ˆ k1<br />

p<br />

ES : …2†<br />

This kind of behaviour is found only up to the middle of region III. After that, the energy<br />

storage rate increases overproportionally until region IV is reached. In region IV, it<br />

decreases slightly and then increases linearly again in region V. This time, however,<br />

Figure 1.7: Stored energy versus normalized shear stress for copper and silver deformed at different<br />

temperatures.<br />


1.2 Experiments<br />

~ Cu 235 K s Cu 293 K * Cu 373 K + Cu 293 K Tension × Cu 293 K Push-Pull<br />

Figure 1.8: Stored energy versus normalized shear stress for copper deformed in torsion, tension<br />

and push-pull.<br />

Figure 1.9: Stored energy (upper curve) and rate of energy storage of distorted copper versus normalized<br />

shear stress.<br />

with a different proportionality factor a of value rather below the one pertaining to region<br />

III. The factor a may only be analytically assessed for deformation in the region<br />

of the strain-hardening stage II. For greater plastic deformation, which would then be<br />

deformation in region III of the strain-hardening stage, this factor is of a qualitative nature.<br />

The evolution of a for various materials, deformation temperatures and types of<br />

deformation is collated in Table 1.1. The stress in the second column indicates the end<br />

of the linear storage rate in the strain-hardening region III.<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

Table 1.1: The constant k 1 according to Equation (2) for various temperatures. The constant k 2<br />

applies to extreme deformation in the region V.<br />

Cu 253 K 6.4·10 –4<br />

Cu 293 K 5.7·10 –4<br />

Cu 373 K 5.5·10 –4<br />

Cu 293 K tension 5.0·10 –4<br />

Ag 253 K 6.0·10 –4<br />

Ag 293 K 5.5·10 –4<br />

If X denotes the softened fraction of the material, one may attempt to describe the<br />

softening kinetics _X by a product of functions, which combines the thermal activation<br />

and the nature of the reaction in one appropriate multiplier:<br />

_X<br />

Q<br />

ˆ f …X†g…T† ˆf …X† exp : …3†<br />

RT<br />

Equation (3) is easily handled numerically. The activation energy of the softening Q<br />

and the form function f may be determined separately. Equation (3) offers the added advantage<br />

that, as a rate equation, it may be directly incorporated into a constitutive equation<br />

if the quantities Q and f …X† are known. The simpler analysis considers the product<br />

and in its place the reaction temperature. This temperature is a direct measure of the<br />

stability of the deformed state.<br />

The thermal results show that for increasing stored energy, the softening process<br />

takes place at lower temperatures. An influence of the deformation temperature becomes<br />

apparent. Higher deformation temperatures promote easier reaction for the same<br />

stored energy. Exact analysis of these facts shows that the form function makes only a<br />

negligible contribution here. The effect is induced by a reduced activation energy.<br />

Different types of deformation show a stronger influence on the reaction temperature<br />

than the deformation temperature. At lower energies, distorted samples soften faster<br />

than extended or rolled ones. At higher energies, the reverse is true: Rolled samples<br />

react faster. It is noticeable that cyclically deformed samples, for torsion as well as for<br />

push-pull, do not diverge from the unidirectionally deformed samples of the same deformation<br />

mode. This is remarkable because, particularly for tension and push-pull deformation,<br />

there are substantial differences in the activation energy.<br />

The activation energy describes the purely temperature dependence of the reaction.<br />

For small deformation and stored energies of distorted copper at a value of<br />

170 kJ/mol, it lies below the activation energy of volume self diffusion (200 kJ/mol).<br />

Unidirectionally extended samples show a higher activation energy (190 kJ/mol); pushpull<br />

deformed samples, on the other hand, show significantly lower activation energies<br />

(130 kJ/mol). With increasing energy, the activation energies of all deformation types<br />

fall. Figure 1.10 demonstrates these relationships.<br />

With the aid of torsional deformation, it is unequivocally proved that only upon<br />

reaching the strain-hardening stage V, one may presume constant activation energy. At<br />

8<br />

k1 sc/G k2<br />

1.5·10 –3<br />

1.25·10 –3<br />

1.12·10 –3<br />

1.5·10 –3<br />

1.5·10 –3<br />

1.25·10 –3<br />

4.8·10 –4<br />

4.5·10 –4<br />

4.5·10 –4<br />

–<br />

4.5·10 –4<br />

4.4·10 –4

1.2 Experiments<br />

Figure 1.10: Activation energy of differently deformed copper versus the stored energy.<br />

values of 80 to 90 kJ/mol, here for all deformation temperatures, the activation energy<br />

lies in the region of grain boundary self diffusion or diffusion in dislocation cores. Tension<br />

and push-pull samples do not achieve these high stored energies; for these deformation<br />

modes, there is therefore no region of constant activation energy. Elevated deformation<br />

temperatures result in a lower softening activation energy. One may interpret<br />

this as strain hardening at higher temperature producing a microstructure that softens<br />

faster. This effect should be accounted for when setting up constitutive equations.<br />

There is a theory for the softening of deformed metals through the mechanism of<br />

primary recrystallization by Johnson and Mehl [13], Avrami [14–16] and Kolmogorov<br />

[17]. In the following, this will be denoted the JMAK theory. Comparison of the measured<br />

activation energies with those predicted by the JMAK theory allow conclusions<br />

to be drawn regarding the basic mechanisms of primary recrystallization.<br />

Accordingly, for high deformation continuous nucleation must be assumed,<br />

whereas for low deformation site, saturated nucleation is more probable. Table 1.2<br />

shows the comparison in detail. For high deformation, this interpretation complies with<br />

studies according to the microstructural-path method [18]. The grain spectra of weakly<br />

deformed and recrystallized material show agreement with calculated spectra after sitesaturated<br />

cluster nucleation.<br />

Table 1.2: Effective activation energies from the JMAK theory compared with measured values<br />

for low/high deformation.<br />

Site-saturated Continuous Measured values [kJ/mol]<br />

nucleation nucleation<br />

[kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] low deformation high deformation<br />

Copper 166–120 125–86 170 ±8 85 ±5<br />

Silver 143–115 107–86 120 ±8 85 ±5<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

The second component of the kinetics, the pure reaction form, is described by the<br />

function f …X†. For all nucleation-nucleation growth reactions, this function, by way of<br />

the transformed fraction, is parabolic with zero points at the beginning and end of the<br />

reaction. A more significant picture results when this function is compared with the<br />

JMAK theory. For ideal nucleation-nucleation growth reactions, the theory demands for<br />

f …X†=…1 X† a higher order function of ln…1 X† with an exponent …n 1†=n independent<br />

of X. The Avrami exponent n takes the value 4 or 3, respectively.<br />

In reality, however, independent of the measurement method, one finds Avrami<br />

exponents that decrease with X. The thermal data show this particularly clearly. As an<br />

example, Figure 1.11 shows the curve of the Avrami exponent as a function of the<br />

transformed fraction for distorted copper. The horizontal reference line outlines the<br />

curve for low degrees of deformation …c ˆ 0:8or1:4†, the central reference line applies<br />

to intermediate degrees of deformation …c ˆ 2:4or3:0†:<br />

Rolling and cyclic torsion act in the same way as unidirectional torsion if the<br />

stored energy is taken as the comparative measure instead of the strain-hardening regions.<br />

Complementary studies using the transmission electron microscope show that the<br />

microstructural details are similar for these deformations (cf. Nix et al. [9]). The deformation<br />

types unidirectional tension and push-pull are very different from torsion. The<br />

Avrami exponents are very large for unidirectional tension.<br />

In summary, the combination of stored energy, softening temperature and activation<br />

energy as well as the softening form function is unequivocal for the material states<br />

studied here. The degree and type of deformation of a sample may thus be identified<br />

with no knowledge of its prior mechanical history.<br />

Figure 1.11: Avrami exponent versus the transformed fraction for distorted copper with shear<br />

strains 3.4 ≤c ≤7.0.<br />


1.3 Simulation<br />

1.3 Simulation<br />

Primary recrystallization as one of the main processes of thermal softening was simulated<br />

by a cellular automaton (CA). These latter are networks of computational units, which<br />

develop their properties through the interaction of numerous similar particles [19, 20].<br />

They are comprehensively described by the four properties geometry, environment, states<br />

and rules of evolution. Cellular automatons were first applied to primary recrystallization<br />

for the two-dimensional case by Hesselbarth et al. [21, 22]. For the extension to three<br />

dimensions, a cubic lattice of identical cubes is defined. Each of these small cubes represents<br />

a real sample volume of about 0.6 lm 3 . This value is obtained by comparison with<br />

real grain sizes. The whole field is then equivalent to a mass of 0.007 mg. Compared with<br />

the mass of thermal samples at 150 mg, this is very little. The geometrically closest cells<br />

are counted as the nearest neighbours. It turns out that an alternating sequence of 7 and 19<br />

nearest neighbours yields the best results. Stochastically changing environments influence<br />

the kinetics in consequence of the resultant rough surface of the growing grains.<br />

Figure 1.12 shows the 7 nearest neighbours on the left and the 19 on the right,<br />

starting with a nucleus in the second time-step. The change of environment with each<br />

time-step causes all grains in odd time-steps to be identical. The resultant grain shape<br />

looks like a flattened octahedron.<br />

Figure 1.12: Sequence of the recrystallization in the three-dimensional space.<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

The possible states of the cells are recrystallized and non-recrystallized. For the<br />

extension to different grain boundary velocities, the non-recrystallized state was subdivided<br />

further. The fourth descriptive characteristic after the geometry, environment and<br />

possible states are the rules of evolution. These stipulate, which states the cells will<br />

adopt in the next time-step. If a cell already has a recrystallized environment, the rules<br />

predict that in the next time-step, this cell will also adopt the recrystallized state. Using<br />

this simple cellular automaton, it is possible to solve the differential equation of the<br />

JMAK theory. The quality of the solution improves with the field size.<br />

Alternatively, several calculations may be combined. The deviation of simulated from<br />

theoretical kinetics is of the order of 1%. A great advantage of cellular automatons is that<br />

boundary conditions are automatically taken into account. They do not have to be stated<br />

explicitly. This advantage should not be underestimated because the problem of collision of<br />

growing grains for arbitrary site-dependent nucleation is non-trivial. In this way, it is possible<br />

to calculate even complicated geometries not amenable to analytical solution.<br />

The objective of simulations is to support the discussion on the various possible<br />

causes for the deviation of real recrystallization kinetics from the theoretically predicted<br />

processes. In so doing, one differentiates between topological and energetic causes.<br />

Namely, the classical JMAK theory leans on two hypotheses, which strongly limit its universal<br />

applicability. The first in the assumption that all processes are statistically distributed<br />

in space; this applies to nucleation in the first instance and thus subsequent grain<br />

growth. Any kind of nucleation concentration on chosen structural inhomogeneities alters<br />

the collision course of growing nuclei and hence the correction factors of the extendedvolume<br />

model. The second restrictive assumption concerns the process rates. Nucleation<br />

and nuclear growth are assumed to be site-independent and constant in time. However,<br />

comparison of various strongly deformed samples shows at once that for different stored<br />

energies, even if they are mean values, recrystallization occurs at different rates. If, therefore,<br />

we have structural components with different energies side by side in the same sample,<br />

one must be aware that a uniform process rate does not exist.<br />

Non-statistical nucleation was intensively studied for point clustering. The model<br />

postulates stochastically placed centres, which show an increased nucleation rate. The<br />

nucleation density follows a Normal distribution around the chosen centres. On a line<br />

between two concentration centres, one obtains the distribution for the nucleation rates<br />

shown in Figure 1.13.<br />

This yields two boundary cases, which are also being discussed in the literature<br />

[23–25]. First, we have very broad scatter of nuclei and, secondly, a high concentration<br />

on the chosen sites. In a narrow parameter range between these boundary cases, the kinetics<br />

are very sensitive to change (Figure 1.14).<br />

It is possible to simulate the continuously decreasing Avrami exponents of the<br />

strongly deformed samples as well as the low Avrami exponents at the beginning of<br />

the transformation found for weakly deformed samples.<br />

Another structural characteristic, the contiguity, describes the cohesion of recrystallized<br />

areas. This quantity may also be calculated using the cellular automaton for<br />

various site functions of nucleation. Comparison with experimentally determined contiguity<br />

curves indicates that nucleation clustering can also be found in real materials.<br />

The evaluation of grain-size distributions also points to clustering.<br />


1.3 Simulation<br />

Figure 1.13: Model of point clustering (left); plot of the nucleation rate between two concentration<br />

centres (right).<br />

Figure 1.14: Avrami exponent due to the restriction of nucleation to point clustering.<br />

Introduction of site-dependent process rates is effected through an extension of possible<br />

non-recrystallized states. One differentiates between mobility and driving force. With<br />

reference to the literature [26, 27], a value around the factor 3 is taken. The result is 9<br />

different velocities. Two degrees of recrystallization are defined, one of which refers to<br />

the energy, the other to the volume. If the kinetics of the JMAK theory are appropriately<br />

evaluated, there is hardly any difference between these two definitions.<br />

The introduction of different velocities causes the reaction rate to decline towards<br />

the end of the transformation. If the proportionality of the areas of equal velocity and<br />

the resulting grain size is changed, the kinetics may be influenced to a degree. The kinetics<br />

of strongly deformed samples may be simulated if the areas of equal velocity are<br />

larger than the resultant grain size. Smaller initial areas do not give the desired effect;<br />

the decline of the effective rates is too late and too weak. The kinetics of weakly de-<br />


formed samples with low Avrami exponents cannot be calculated using this ansatz. An<br />

experimental indication of rate retardation is obtained from studies on strongly rolled<br />

copper by the microstructural-path method [18].<br />

Finally, it may be said that there are indicators for each ansatz in real recrystallization<br />

processes. Considering the experimental results, a weighted mixture of both<br />

would appear to be a realistic course, which can doubtless be applied in the model.<br />

Coupling to a constitutive equation is directly possible, for example by introducing the<br />

stored energy as a function of deformation. The cellular automaton, on the other hand,<br />

is able to calculate partially softened material structures. The strength of the composite<br />

may then be determined from this using a parallel or series network. In future, this type<br />

of model coupling will become more important in those areas, where modelling with<br />

constitutive equations on the basis of discontinuous phenomena only such as dynamic<br />

recrystallization do not produce the desired results.<br />

1.4 Summary<br />

1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

Shortly summarizing this report, we can make the following basic statements:<br />

• The diverse strain-hardening stages of face-centred cubic metals, identifiable from<br />

mechanical data, which correspond to different structures of the strain-hardened<br />

material, may also be determined from the thermally measured stored energy and<br />

from the rate of energy storage. One finds that the energy storage of more fully<br />

condensed states is particularly effective.<br />

• The softening kinetics investigated via the stored energy are strongly influenced by<br />

the details of the type of deformation (for example, unidirectional deformation-alternate<br />

deformation). In the case of the primary recrystallization as the cause of the<br />

softening, the process may be described well by quoting the activation energy and<br />

the Avrami exponent. Knowledge of these two parameters for a strain-hardened<br />

state allows the degree of softening to be numerically calculated for a freely chosen<br />

temperature-time programme. Qualitatively, the activation energy and the Avrami<br />

exponent are a measure of the thermal stability, that is, for the ease of reaction of<br />

the deformed material.<br />

• Utilizing a suitably fitted cellular automaton, it is possible to simulate the microstructural<br />

processes underlying the softening and hence to control the topological as well as<br />

the energetic model hypotheses. An important result of this simulation is the proof that<br />

the Avrami theory, which is based on stereological elements, may be applied to calorimetrically<br />

determined softening data. The kinetics in both cases are very similar.<br />

The results presented here are the compilation of numerous data; a comprehensive publication<br />

is given in [28].<br />


References<br />

References<br />

[1] J. Gil Sevillano, P. van Houtte, E. Aernoudt: Deutung der Schertexturen mit Hilfe der Tayloranalyse.<br />

Z. f. Metallkunde 66 (1975) 367.<br />

[2] U.F. Kocks, M.G. Stout, A.D. Rollett: The influence of texture on strain hardening. In:<br />

P. O. Kettunen (Ed.): Strength of metals and alloys, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1988.<br />

[3] J. Diehl: Zugverformung von Kupfer Einkristallen. Z. f. Metallkunde 47 (1956) 331.<br />

[4] J. Gil Sevillano: The cold-worked state. Materials Science Forum 113–115 (1993) 19.<br />

[5] H. Mecking, B. Nicklas, N. Zarubova, U.F. Kocks: A “universal” temperature scale for<br />

plastic flow. Acta metall. 34 (1986) 527.<br />

[6] M.N. Bassim, C. D. Liu: Dislocation cell structures in copper in torsion and tension. Mater.<br />

Sci. Eng. A 164 (1993) 170.<br />

[7] B. Bay, N. Hasnen, D.A. Hughes, D. Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf: Evolution of fcc deformation<br />

structures in polyslip. Acta metall. mater. 40 (1992) 205.<br />

[8] C. D. Liu, M.N. Bassim: Dislocation substructure evolution in torsion of pure copper. Metall.<br />

Trans. 24A (1993) 361.<br />

[9] W. D. Nix, J.C. Gibeling, D.A. Hughes: Time dependent deformation of metals. Metall.<br />

Trans. 16A (1985) 2215.<br />

[10] T. Ungár, L.S. Tóth, J. Illy, I. Kovács: Dislocation structure and work hardening in polycrystalline<br />

of hc copper rods deformed by torsion and tension. Acta metall. 34 (1986)<br />

1257.<br />

[11] R. Gerdes: Ein stochastisches Werkstoffmodell für das inelastische Materialverhalten metallischer<br />

Werkstoffe im Hoch- und Tieftemperaturbereich. Mechanik-Zentrum der TU Braunschweig<br />

(Dissertation), Braunschweig, 1995.<br />

[12] H. Schlums, E.A. Steck: Description of cyclic deformation processes with a stochastic<br />

model for inelastic creep. Int. J. Plast. 8 (1992) 147.<br />

[13] W. A. Johnson, R.F. Mehl: Reaction kinetics in process of nucleation and growth. Trans.<br />

Am. Inst. Min. Engrs. 135 (1939) 416.<br />

[14] M. Avrami: Kinetics in phase change: I. General theory. J. Chem. Phys. 7 (1939) 1103.<br />

[15] M. Avrami: Kinetics in phase change: II. Transformation-time relations for random distribution<br />

of nuclei. J. Chem. Phys. 8 (1940) 212.<br />

[16] M. Avrami: Kinetics in phase change: III. Granulation, phase change and microstructure.<br />

J. Chem. Phys. 9 (1941) 177.<br />

[17] A.E. Kolmogorov: Zur Statistik der Kristallvorgänge in Metallen (russ. mit deutscher Zusammenfassung).<br />

Akad. Nauk. SSSR Ser. Mat. 1 (1937) 335.<br />

[18] R. A. Vandermeer, D. Juul Jensen: Quantifying recrystallization nucleation and growth kinetics<br />

of cold-worked copper by microstructural analysis. Metall. Mater. Trans. 26A (1995)<br />

2227.<br />

[19] S. Wolfram: Statistical mechanics of cellular automata. Reviews of modern physics 55<br />

(1983) 601.<br />

[20] S. Wolfram: Cellular automata as models of complexity. Nature 311 (1984) 419.<br />

[21] H.W. Hesselbarth, I.R. Göbel: Simulation of recrystallization by cellular automata. Acta<br />

metall. mater. 39 (1991) 2135.<br />

[22] H.W. Hesselbarth, L. Kaps, F. Haeßner: Two dimensional simulation of the recrystallization<br />

kinetics in the case of inhomogeneously stored energy. Materials Science Forum 113–115<br />

(1993) 317.<br />

[23] J.W. Cahn: The kinetics of grain boundary nucleated reactions. Acta metall. 27 (1979) 449.<br />

[24] J.W. Cahn, W. Hagel: Decomposition of austenite by diffusional processes. In: Z.D. Zackay,<br />

H.I. Aarosons (Eds.), Interscience Publ., New York, 1960.<br />

[25] R. A. Vandermeer, R. A. Masumura: The microstructural path of grain-boundary-nucleated<br />

phase transformations. Acta metall. mater. 40 (1992) 877.<br />


1 Correlation between Energetic and Mechanical Quantities<br />

[26] J.S. Kallend, Y. C. Huang: Orientation dependence of stored energy of cold work in 50%<br />

cold rolled copper. Metal Science 18 (1984) 381.<br />

[27] F. Haeßner, G. Hoschek, G. Tölg: Stored energy and recrystallization temperature of rolled<br />

copper and silver single crystals with defined solute contents. Acta metall. 27 (1979) 1539.<br />

[28] L. Kaps: Einfluss der mechanischen Vorgeschichte auf die primäre Rekristallisation. Shaker<br />

Verlag, Aachen, 1997.<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic<br />

Deformation<br />

Walter Gieseke, K. Roger Hillert and Günter Lange*<br />

2.1 Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

Technical components and structures today are increasingly being designed and displayed<br />

by computer-aided methods. High speed computers permit the use of mathematical<br />

models able to numerically reconstruct material behaviour even in the course of<br />

complex loading procedures.<br />

In phenomenological continuum mechanics, the cyclic hardening and softening<br />

behaviour as well as the Bauschinger effect are described by yield surface models. If a<br />

physical microstructural formulation is chosen as a basis for these models, then it is vitally<br />

important to have exact knowledge of the processes occurring in the metal lattice<br />

during deformation. Two surface models, going back to a development by Dafalias and<br />

Popov [1–4], describe the displacement of the elastic deformation zone in a dual axis<br />

stress area. The yield surfaces are assumed to be v. Mises shaped ellipses. However,<br />

from experiments with uniaxial loading [5, 6], it is known that the yield surfaces of<br />

small offset strains under load become characteristically deformed. In the present subproject,<br />

the effect of cyclic deformation on the shape and position of the yield surfaces<br />

is studied, and their relation to the dislocation structure. To this end, the yield surfaces<br />

of three materials with different slip behaviour were measured after prior uni- or biaxial<br />

deformation. The influence of the dislocation structures produced and the effect of inner<br />

stresses are discussed.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Werkstoffe, Langer Kamp 8,<br />

D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

2.2 Experiments and Measurement Methods<br />

Copper of 99.99% purity was chosen as a material exhibiting typical wavy slip behaviour.<br />

Most of the experiments were performed using the technically important material<br />

AlMg 3 of 99.88% purity. Its behaviour may be described as being somewhere intermediate<br />

between planar and wavy slip 1 . Commercial austenitic steel 1.4404 (AISI<br />

316L) was used as a material with typical planar slip behaviour. The total strain amplitude<br />

was varied from 0.25% to 0.75% for AlMg 3 and steel, and between 0.05%<br />

and 0.5% for copper. All materials were previously solution annealed or recrystallized.<br />

AlMg 3 and the austenitic steel were quenched in water, the copper samples<br />

cooled in the oven. After the thermal treatment, a h100i slightly fibrous texture was<br />

identified, which did not change during the subsequent cyclic deformation. The copper<br />

showed almost no texture. The yield surfaces of the initial materials were isotropic, independent<br />

of the offset used [7, 8].<br />

Tubular samples were used in the experiments. Their outer diameter and wall<br />

thickness were 28 mm and 2 mm for AlMg 3 and copper, 29 mm and 1.5 mm for steel,<br />

respectively. The measuring distance was 54 mm long for all samples. The following<br />

cyclic experiments were carried out using a servo-hydraulic Schenck testing machine,<br />

which had been augmented by a laboratory-made torsional drive [9]: uniaxial tension/<br />

compression, alternating torsion; biaxial equal phase superposition of tension/compression<br />

and alternate torsion; a 90 8 antiphase combination of tension/compression and alternate<br />

torsion. The dislocation structures were subsequently investigated using a Philips<br />

120 kV transmission electron microscope. For the strain-controlled experiments, a<br />

triangular nominal value signal with constant strain rate of 2 · 10 –3 s –1 was chosen. The<br />

equivalent strains were calculated after v. Mises according to:<br />

eeq ˆ e 2 ‡ 1<br />

3 c2<br />

1=2<br />

with e ˆ 1<br />

p c : …1†<br />

3<br />

Two methods were applied to determine the yield surfaces. Using the definition via an<br />

offset strain of 2 ·10 –4 %, the load was increased in steps of 6 N/mm 2 in the r-direction<br />

or of 2.5 N/mm 2 in the s-direction until the given yield limit was reached. There was a<br />

10 s intermission at each level. Before the next point on the curve was measured, several<br />

load cycles were run through again to set the material to the same initial state.<br />

The second measurement method was the recording of directionally dependent<br />

stress-strain diagrams. Here, a new sample was used for each point measured. It was<br />

stressed under predetermined load paths immediately following the cyclic treatment far<br />

into the plastic region. In this way, static strain ageing effects were avoided. Further, it<br />

was possible to determine yield surfaces of higher offset strain and areas of equal tangent<br />

modules. For the evaluation of the yield surfaces and the tangent module areas,<br />

besides the yield conditions after v. Mises and Tresca, a formulation developed within<br />

the scope of this project was used:<br />

1 The results for copper and AlMg3 presented in this report and their interpretation are taken<br />

from the thesis by Walter Gieseke [9].<br />


0 eq ˆ …r rA† 2 ‡ E<br />

2<br />

…s sA†<br />

G<br />

e 0 eq ˆ …e eA† 2 ‡ G<br />

E …c c A† 2<br />

1=2<br />

1=2<br />

; …2†<br />

: …3†<br />

The advantage of these equations lies in the fact that all equivalent stress-strain diagrams<br />

show a Young’s modulus appropriate increase in the elastic region. In the case<br />

of AlMg3, the s, c-hysteresis can be converted into the equivalent req,eeq-hysteresis,<br />

which are in almost complete agreement with the measured r,e-hysteresis values. Figure<br />

2.1 a shows the strain paths for the measurement of a family of yield surfaces of<br />

varying offset strain and tangent modules after prior tension/compression loading.<br />

The starting point for the measurement was set here in the centre of the elastic region<br />

after load reversal in the load maximum. Figure 2.1b shows the appropriate load<br />

paths, Figure 2.1 c the relevant equivalent stress-strain diagrams. The yield points of<br />

various offset strains were determined by parallel shift of the elastic straight line. For<br />

areas with the same tangent modules, the equivalent stress-strain curves were differentiated;<br />

for a given tangential gradient, one obtains the pertinent r,s-points.<br />

The yield surfaces in Figure 2.2 show that the yield conditions according to Equations<br />

(2) and (3) produce the same results as the evaluation after v. Mises or Tresca<br />

(AlMg 3, tension/compression loading, starting from the stress zero crossover, offset<br />

strain 0.2% or 0.01%, respectively).<br />

2.3 Results<br />

2.3.1 Cyclic stress-strain behaviour<br />

2.3 Results<br />

Figure 2.3 a shows a plot for AlMg 3 of the stress amplitudes as a function of number<br />

of cycles for the appropriate given equivalent total strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br />

The three proportional loads are compared and that for the 90 8 anti-phase combination<br />

of tension/compression and alternating torsion.<br />

For all four load types, the saturation state is reached after about 500 cycles. The<br />

curves for proportional loading almost coincide. Larger torsional fractions cause a<br />

slight increase in the stress amplitudes. The curve for disproportional loading systematically<br />

assumes higher values. This additional hardening effect is much more pronounced<br />

at the beginning of the fatigue at about 25% than in the saturation stage, where it is<br />

only about 5%.<br />

Figure 2.3b shows the appropriate curves for the lower total strain amplitude of<br />

Deeq ˆ 0.3%.<br />


20<br />

2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.1: a) Strain paths for measurement of yield surfaces and areas of equal tangent modules; b) load paths for Figure 2.1 a; c)<br />

equivalent stress-strain diagrams for the stress and strain values of Figures 2.1 a and b. Calculated according to Equations (2) and<br />


2.3 Results<br />

Figure 2.2: 0.2% and 0.01% offset saturation yield surfaces measured in the stress zero crossover.<br />

Evaluation using the v. Mises and Tresca conditions and Equations (2) and (3).<br />

Figure 2.3 a: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour for Deeq ˆ 0.5%, material: AlMg 3.<br />

The saturation state is reached after about 900 cycles. Here too, the curves of proportional<br />

loading approximately coincide. For disproportional loading, a weak additional<br />

hardening effect appears at the beginning of the fatique stage, yet this reverses in<br />

saturation.<br />

The additional hardening effect may usually be explained by the fact that for an<br />

appropriately large plastic strain amplitude, the anti-phase loading leads to an additional<br />

hardening because more slip systems are activated than for proportional loading.<br />

This is particularly the case for the high strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5% at the beginning<br />

of the fatigue. For strain amplitudes of Deeq ˆ 0.3%, the plastic fraction of<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.3 b: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour for Deeq ˆ 0.3%, material: AlMg 3.<br />

saturation is so small that the additional hardening in consequence of anti-phase loading<br />

is not enough to compensate the overall smaller stress values of the sum of the individual<br />

components. At strain amplitudes of Deeq 0.4%, AlMg3 shows Masing behaviour<br />

for all proportional loads. Deviations occur at smaller amplitudes: The length<br />

of the elastic regions increases with decreasing strain amplitude. Similar behaviour is<br />

found for planar flowing a-brass [10].<br />

For copper, a total strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5% under phase-shifted loading<br />

produces a pronounced additional hardening effect throughout the whole fatigue region<br />

(Figure 2.4 a).<br />

As for AlMg3, the curves for proportional loading approximately coincide, though<br />

the pure torsional load yields the lowest values. The stress values of the phase-shifted<br />

Figure 2.4 a: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour at Deeq ˆ 0.5%, material: copper.<br />


2.3 Results<br />

Figure 2.4 b: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour at Deeq ˆ 0.1%, material: copper.<br />

loading reach saturation after about 30 cycles. Under proportional loading, on the other<br />

hand, constant stress values are only measured after about 50 cycles. For an amplitude<br />

of Deeq ˆ 0.1%, the effect occurs only at the onset of fatigue (Figure 2.4b).<br />

For a further reduction to Deeq ˆ 0.05%, the stress values for phase-shifted<br />

loading in the saturation region lie below those for synchronous loading (Figure 2.4 c).<br />

The considerations regarding the additional hardening effect in AlMg 3 are equally<br />

applicable here.<br />

The austenitic steel 1.4404 for proportional loading at Deeq ˆ 0.75% shows a relatively<br />

short strain hardening region already reaching saturation after about 20 cycles. But<br />

the 90 8 phase-shifted loading produces a strong additional hardening effect. The appropri-<br />

Figure 2.4 c: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour at Deeq ˆ 0.05%, material: copper.<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.5 a: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour at Deeq ˆ 0.75%, material: steel 1.4404.<br />

Figure 2.5 b: Cyclic strain hardening behaviour at Deeq ˆ 0.5%, material: steel 1.4404.<br />

ate stress values compared with proportional loading are increased by more than 60%. The<br />

saturation plateau is only reached after about 30 cycles (Figure 2.5 a).<br />

For a strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5% too, the material reaches saturation for<br />

proportional loading after about 20 cycles. The increase of the stress amplitudes is less<br />

here, however. Phase-shifted loading (Figure 2.5 b) also yields a distinct additional<br />

hardening effect. The appropriate stress amplitudes as for Deeq ˆ 0.75% are greatly<br />

increased. The additional hardening effect may be regarded here as a consequence of<br />

the planar flow behaviour.<br />

2.3.2 Dislocation structures<br />

The dislocation structure of AlMg 3 is characterized by walls of prismatic edge dipoles.<br />

Mobile screw dislocations lie between them. For all strain amplitudes and loading types<br />

studied, the dipolar walls lie in (111) planes at the onset of fatigue. The value and type<br />


2.3 Results<br />

of loading determine the resultant saturation structure. Using a model by Dickson et al.<br />

[11, 12], all wall orientations that differ from (111) planes can be indexed.<br />

For low strain amplitudes …Deeq 0.3%) after proportional and disproportional<br />

loading, the (110) walls and the initial (111) walls dominate. In almost all cases, formation<br />

of the (110) walls was the work of a single slip system. Hereby, the walls were compressed<br />

perpendicular to the Burgers vector. Similar structures are also found in brass with<br />

15 at% zinc [13]. At high amplitudes …Deeq > 0.3%) after proportional loading, the<br />

(100) besides the (311), (210), (211) and (110) walls are predominant. By contrast, for<br />

phase-shifted loading, the initial orientation of the (111) walls is conserved.<br />

During proportional loading, a maximum of three slip systems are set in motion.<br />

Phase-shifted loading on the other hand, because of the rotating stress vector, usually<br />

activates more than four slip systems. Figure 2.6 a shows the typical example of a dislocation<br />

structure after proportional loading. The arrangement can be designated anisotropic<br />

since the dipolar walls in almost all grains are oriented in only one or two crystallographic<br />

directions. The anisotropy essentially results from the small number of active<br />

slip systems in the proportional loading case, expressing a certain planarity in the<br />

slip behaviour.<br />

Disproportional loading at high total strain amplitudes, however, results in generally<br />

more isotropic structures (Figure 2.6 b). Here, the dipolar wall structure is quite often destroyed<br />

along favourably oriented (111) planes (Figure 2.6 c). Parallel arrays of elongated<br />

screw dislocations are often observed in these bands, which infers high local slip activity.<br />

Depending upon loading amplitude, for copper, characteristic dislocation structures<br />

evolve, which differ much more strongly from each other than for AlMg 3. In saturation,<br />

copper does not show Masing behaviour. The saturation state, depending on amplitude,<br />

is reached following various amounts of accumulated plastic strain. On the basis<br />

of the experimental results, it appears meaningful to classify into small<br />

(Deeq 0.2%), medium ( 0.2% Deeq 1%) and high (Deeq 1%) amplitudes.<br />

After Hancock and Grosskreutz [14], in the medium amplitude region<br />

(Deeq ˆ 0.375%) at the onset of fatigue, bundles of multipoles initially appear separated<br />

by dislocation poor regions. The majority of dislocations in the bundles are primary<br />

edge dislocations in parallel slip planes, which mutually interact in some sections<br />

to form dipoles and multipoles. Further, as for AlMg 3, prismatic loops are formed<br />

through jog-dragging processes. Screw dislocations on the other hand are hardly found<br />

in this fatigue stage; it is assumed that they are largely annihilated through cross-slip.<br />

In the continued course of fatigue, the density of primary and particularly secondary<br />

dislocations increases in the bundles. The dipoles are divided into small pieces through<br />

cutting processes with dislocations of other slip systems. This causes additional hardening:<br />

The dipole ends now present in higher concentrations are less mobile. A similar<br />

process is also presumed for AlMg 3. The bundles gradually combine to cell-like structures.<br />

Finally, elongated dislocation cells are produced, the walls of which are sharply<br />

outlined against the dislocation poor interstices. The walls comprise short dipoles of<br />

high density. In the dislocation poor regions, screw dislocations stretch from one wall<br />

to the next (Figure 2.7 a, proportional loading with Deeq ˆ 0.5%). According to Laird<br />

et al. [15], one may expect the spatial arrangement of the structure in Figure 2.7 a to<br />

yield approximately cylindrical dislocation cells, the cross-sectional areas of which are<br />

shown here.<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

a) b)<br />

After 90 8 phase-shifted overlap of tension/compression and alternate torsion, in copper<br />

with an equivalent strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5%, isotropic cells dominate. Their<br />

walls are composed of elongated, regularly ordered single dislocations (Figure 2.7 b) as<br />

found by Feltner and Laird for the high plastic strain amplitude Depl ˆ 0.5% [16].<br />

26<br />

c)<br />

Figure 2.6: a) Equal phase overlap of tension/compression and alternate torsion, Deeq ˆ 0.5%,<br />

saturation, Z=[100], multibeam case; b) 90 8 phase-shifted overlap of tension/compression and alternate<br />

torsion, Deeq ˆ 0.5%, saturation, Z=[01-1], g =[-111]; c) deformation band parallel to<br />

the (11-1) plane, tension/compression, Deeq ˆ 0.5%, saturation, Z=[001], g =[200].

2.3 Results<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 2.7: a) Elongated cells with dipolar walls for copper, tension/compression, Deeq ˆ 0.5%,<br />

saturation, Z=[011], g =[1-11]; b) isotropic, non-dipolar cell structure after phase-shifted loading<br />

for copper, Deeq ˆ 0.5%, saturation, Z=[011], multibeam case.<br />

The lack of dipolar structures is explained by Feltner and Laird as being due to<br />

unhindered cross-slip. The rotating stress vector activates the slip systems required to<br />

create isotropic cell structures at even smaller stress amplitudes than in the proportional<br />

case. Annihilation of screw dislocations is facilitated, thus producing the dislocation<br />

poor inner cell regions. In addition, the enhanced cross slip ability of the screw dislocations<br />

suppresses the creation of prismatic loops.<br />

Thus copper, for proportional and disproportional loading at Deeq ˆ 0.5%, always<br />

exhibits different slip mechanisms. For proportional loading, the screw dislocations<br />

glide to and fro parallel to the walls in the dislocation poor areas. At the same<br />

time, new screw dislocations are continually being pressed out of the walls until they<br />

reach the opposite wall. In between the walls too, new screw dislocations are formed.<br />

The walls themselves take part in the slip by flip-flop movement.<br />

For disproportional loading, only slip dislocations participate in the deformation;<br />

these are pressed out of the walls and after crossing the cell interior are reincorporated<br />

into the opposite cell wall. It follows that copper shows an additional hardening effect,<br />

which is retained in saturation (cf. Figure 2.4a). For austenitic steel 1.4404, the additional<br />

hardening effect predominates at 90 8 phase-shifted loading with equivalent total<br />

strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.75% and 0.5%. Study using the transmission electron<br />

microscope shows for disproportional loading that although a large number of stacking<br />

faults are produced, there is no deformation-induced martensite. For steel 1.4306, this<br />

transformation already occurs at strain amplitudes of Depl ˆ 0.3% under uniaxial<br />

loading [17]. Figure 2.8 a shows a typical dislocation structure after proportional loading<br />

with Deeq ˆ 0.75%. The walls of the elongated cells comprise dislocation bun-<br />


dles with a preferential orientation parallel to the {111} planes. On the other hand, the<br />

stronger tendency to multiple slip produces a labyrinthine structure after phase-shifted<br />

loading (Figure 2.8b). The walls are sharply defined against the cell interior.<br />

2.3.3 Yield surfaces<br />

2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 2.8: a) Dislocation structure after proportional loading, Deeq ˆ 0.75%, saturation; b) dislocation<br />

structure after 90 8 phase-shifted loading, Deeq ˆ 0.75%, saturation.<br />

The discussion of yield surface measurements may be exemplified by experiments with<br />

equivalent strain amplitude of Deeq ˆ 0.5%. The materials were in the cyclic saturation<br />

state.<br /> Yield surfaces on AlMg 3<br />

Figure 2.9 collates the dynamically measured 0.01% offset yield surfaces for AlMg3 for<br />

the four chosen loading types. The starting point each time was the reversal point of<br />

the stress hysteresis.<br />

The yield surfaces for proportional loading (in the following denoted proportional<br />

yield surfaces) are flattened in each relief direction compared with an elliptical shape.<br />

The 0.01% surfaces are in general agreement with those presented in [9]: the 2 ·10 –4 %<br />

offset yield surfaces determined by method 1.<br />

The yield surfaces determined after disproportional loading (hereafter denoted disproportional<br />

yield surfaces) come closest to an isotropic shape (v. Mises ellipse). The<br />


2.3 Results<br />

Figure 2.9: 0.01% offset yield surfaces measured in the load reversal points, saturation, AlMg3,<br />

Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br />

proportional yield surfaces, by contrast, show definitely anisotropic shapes. Compared<br />

with the axial ratio of the v. Mises ellipse, the values measured perpendicular to the<br />

loading direction (transverse yield surface values) are clearly larger than the cross sections<br />

found in the loading direction (longitudinal yield surface values). As the comparison<br />

of yield surfaces measured at the upper reversal point (Figure 2.9) and at the stress<br />

zero crossover (cf. Figure 2.2) shows, both the transverse values and the contracted<br />

longitudinal values within a cycle remain constant. The shape of the yield surface,<br />

however, changes from the flattened form at the load reversal point to an essentially<br />

symmetrical ellipse in the stress zero crossover. During the further course of the negative<br />

half-cycle, this then changes into a flattened shape once more (flattening again on<br />

the origin side). This deformation may also be observed on yield surfaces with the<br />

small offset strain of 2 ·10 –4 % and on tangent module areas with high tangential gradients.<br />

Figure 2.10 shows the proportional and disproportional yield surfaces measured at<br />

the load reversal points for the relatively large offset strain of 0.2%.<br />

In consequence of the high plastic fraction, during deformation, all four yield surfaces<br />

practically coincide and are almost elliptical in shape. Referring to the v. Mises<br />

condition or Equation (2), the longitudinal values are slightly less than the transverse<br />

ones. The surfaces thus show, in weaker form, the same anisotropy as those measured<br />

with small offsets. The torsional yield surface is slightly flattened in the relief direction.<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.10: 0.2% offset yield surfaces measured at the load reversal points, saturation, AlMg3,<br />

Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br /> Yield surfaces on copper<br />

Copper behaves in many aspects like AlMg 3. In Figure 2.11, the three proportional<br />

yield surfaces measured at the load reversal points are shown in contrast with the disportional<br />

surface.<br />

The proportional surfaces are again flattened in the relief direction. The shortened<br />

axis too remains the same throughout the whole hysteresis cycle. The disproportional<br />

yield surface approaches the elliptical shape, which is significantly larger. The distinct<br />

additional hardening effect of copper thus causes an additional isotropic hardening.<br /> Yield surfaces on steel<br />

Figure 2.12 shows 0.02% offset yield surfaces measured after equal phase superposition<br />

at the upper and lower reversal points of the saturation hysteresis. As for AlMg 3<br />

and copper, the displacement of the yield surface in the loading direction and the flattening<br />

on the origin side are clearly seen.<br />

Figure 2.13 represents the 0.02% offset yield surfaces measured after disproportional<br />

loading at the reversal points of tension and compression (c =0). For this load path, the<br />

yield surface follows the rotating stress vector. Both yield surfaces are symmetrical to<br />

the tensile stress axis and again show the typical flattening on the origin side.<br />


2.4 Sequence Effects<br />

2.4 Sequence Effects<br />

Figure 2.11: 0.01% offset yield surfaces measured at the load reversal points, saturation, copper,<br />

Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br />

Figure 2.12: 0.02% offset yield surfaces measured at the load reversal points, proportional loading<br />

(tension/compression and alternate torsion), saturation, steel 1.4404, Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br />

On AlMg 3 and copper in the saturation state, the variation of the loading direction<br />

from tension/compression to alternating torsion, and the reverse, was investigated. The<br />

experiments were meant to show how inner stresses affect the shape of the yield surfaces.<br />

For the offset strain of 0.01%, the points of yield onset were taken from the as-<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.13: 0.02% offset yield surfaces measured at the load reversal points of the tension/compression<br />

hysteresis, disproportional loading, saturation, steel 1.4404, Deeq ˆ 0.5%.<br />

cending and descending branches of the hysteresis curves and from these, the yield surfaces’<br />

diameters (cross sections) determined. In similar fashion, the diameters of the<br />

surfaces with equal tangent modules were also determined [9, 18]. In addition, the transition<br />

of the maximum stress amplitude to the new saturation state was observed. Figure<br />

2.14 shows the change of the 0.01% yield surface diameter of AlMg3 and copper<br />

(equivalent total strain amplitude Deeq ˆ 0.5%) for the transition from pure tension/<br />

compression to pure alternating torsion.<br />

The broken lines show the transverse values of the tension/compression saturation<br />

yield surface, respectively (state before the change). The continuous lines represent the<br />

longitudinal values of the saturation yield surfaces, which would have appeared following<br />

pure torsion. The yield surfaces’ diameters of torsion hysteresis in the case of<br />

AlMg3 already decrease drastically in the first cycle and quickly reach a new saturation<br />

state yet without recurring to the saturation longitudinal value following pure torsion.<br />

The new loading state must therefore differ from the initial state with regard to the inner<br />

stress, or else, in consequence of isotropic hardening, the saturation yield surfaces<br />

are larger after prior tension/compression than after pure alternating torsion.<br />

The second option is confirmed by the dislocation structure. As already demonstrated,<br />

for AlMg 3, an anisotropic dislocation structure evolves after proportional loading.<br />

In extensive grain areas, only few slip systems are activated; the dipolar walls generally<br />

take up only one or two crystallographic directions. Since different slip systems<br />

are involved in tension/compression loading than in alternating torsion, the dipolar<br />

walls orient themselves in different crystallographic directions. The screw dislocations<br />

move in dislocation poor channels parallel to the dipolar walls, adjacent to the respective<br />

slip systems. If a tension/compression experiment is immediately followed by one<br />

with alternating torsion, the dislocation structure is initially unfavourable for torsion.<br />

With changing loading direction, the sources of torsional slip dislocations are activated<br />

first and then later on, the dipolar walls change their orientation to one more favourable<br />

for torsional loading. As is seen from Figure 2.14, the greater fraction of the torsional<br />

slip dislocations is already activated in the first three cycles after the change of<br />


2.4 Sequence Effects<br />

Figure 2.14: AlMg3 and copper, 0.01% yield surface diameter after changing the loading direction<br />

from tension/compression to alternating torsion.<br />

the loading direction. The result is an immediate drastic reduction of the yield surface<br />

diameter. However, further restructuring of the dislocation arrangement appears to be<br />

impeded; the diameter remains constant during subsequent cycles. The dislocation<br />

structure anticipated for pure torsional loading is clearly unable to evolve following<br />

previous tension/compression loading. The large number of activated slip systems after<br />

the change in loading direction may offer some explanation.<br />

For copper, the yield surface diameter from torsional hysteresis also seriously decreases<br />

in the first torsional half-cycle after changing the loading type. Moreover, in<br />

contrast to AlMg 3, it falls continuously until the saturation longitudinal value for pure<br />

torsion is reached. The longitudinal values for saturation yield surfaces thus come<br />

about independent of previous history. The same is true for the diameters of the tangent<br />

module areas. The dislocations in copper arrange themselves in a similarly isotropic<br />

way as in AlMg 3 (elongated cells, dipolar walls: see Figure 2.7 a). Yet after the change<br />

in loading direction, they reorientate themselves completely. This property characterizes<br />

materials with wavy slip behaviour [15].<br />

In a further experiment to assess the effect of inner stress, samples of AlMg 3 and<br />

copper were relieved from various points in the torsional hysteresis branch. The yield<br />

surface diameters were taken from these partial cycles and plotted in Figure 2.15 as a<br />

function of the offset strain and of the strain values (initial stress relieving points).<br />


For a given offset strain, both materials showed the same yield surface longitudinal<br />

values at every point in the hysteresis. The influence of inner stress, assumed load<br />

dependent, upon the shape of the yield surfaces would therefore not appear to be significant.<br />

It seems that the dislocation structure exerts the critical influence.<br />

2.5 Summary<br />

2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

Figure 2.15: Yield surface longitudinal values for various offsets determined after stress relief<br />

from various points on the torsional hysteresis.<br />

We have presented yield surfaces on AlMg 3, copper and austenitic steel 1.4404 (AISI<br />

316L) after tension/compression and alternating torsional loading as well as proportional<br />

and phase-shifted superposition of both loads. The materials were first cycled to<br />

saturation with maximum deformation amplitudes of 0.75%, whereby substantial additional<br />

hardening effects occurred. The development of the appropriate dislocation<br />

structures was studied using a transmission electron microscope.<br />


Yield surfaces measured in all three materials at the reversal points of the stress<br />

deformation hysteresis, for small offset strains (0.01% or 2 · 10 –4 %), after proportional<br />

alternate loading, show a flattened shape in the off-load direction compared with the<br />

v. Mises ellipse. At the stress zero crossover points of the hysteresis, the yield surfaces<br />

assume a symmetrical shape. Transverse and longitudinal values of the yield surfaces<br />

remain constant independent of the starting point in the hysteresis. This behaviour and<br />

the sequence effects confirm that the anisotropy of the yield surfaces is caused by the<br />

appropriately anisotropic dislocation structure of the materials. Inner stresses obviously<br />

play a minor role.<br />

After disproportional loading, generally isotropic yield surfaces result. This may<br />

be explained quite simply by the relevant isotropic dislocation structures. Yield surfaces<br />

of higher offset strains and areas of equal tangent modules for small tangential gradients<br />

also evolve essentially isotropically since sufficient slip systems are activated during<br />

the measurement procedure and the dislocation walls participate in the slip process.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors thank Mr. Horst Gasse for his decisive contribution to the development of the<br />

experimental apparatus, the measuring technique and the performance of the experiments.<br />

References<br />

References<br />

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[3] D.L. McDowell: A Two Surface Model for Transient Nonproportional Cyclic Plasticity,<br />

Part 1: Development of Appropriate Equations, Part 2: Comparison of Theory with Experiments.<br />

Journal of Applied Mechanics 85 (1986) 298–308.<br />

[4] F. Ellyin: An isotropic hardening rule for elastoplastic solids based on experimental observations.<br />

Journal of Applied Mechanics 56 (1969) 499.<br />

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stress. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 63(10) (1983) 497–504.<br />

[6] J.F. Williams, N.L. Svensson: Effect of torsional prestrain on the yield locus of 1100-F aluminium.<br />

Journal of Strain Analysis 6(4) (1971) 263.<br />

[7] R. Hillert: Austenitische Stähle bei ein- und bei zweiachsiger, plastischer Wechselbeanspruchung.<br />

Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 2000.<br />

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Wechselbeanspruchung. In SFB Nr. 319 Arbeitsbericht 1991–1993, TU Braunschweig.<br />


2 Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation<br />

[9] W. Gieseke: Fließflächen und Versetzungsstrukturen metallischer Werkstoffe nach plastischer<br />

Wechselbeanspruchung. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1995.<br />

[10] H.J. Christ: Wechselverformung der Metalle. In: B. Ilschner (Ed.): WFT Werkstoff-Forschung<br />

und Technik 9, Springer Verlag Berlin, 1991.<br />

[11] J.I. Dickson, J. Boutin, G.L. ’Espérance: An explanation of labyrinth walls in fatigued<br />

f.c.c. metals. Acta Metallurgica 34(8) (1986) 1505–1514.<br />

[12] J.L. Dickson, L. Handfield, G.L. ’Espérance: Geometrical factors influencing the orientations<br />

of dipolar dislocation structures produced by cyclic deformation of FCC metals.<br />

Materials Science and Engineering 81 (1986) 477–492.<br />

[13] P. Lukás, M. Klesnil: Physics Status solidi 37 (1970) 833.<br />

[14] J.R. Hancock, J.C. Grosskreutz: Mechanisms of fatigue hardening in copper single crystals.<br />

Acta Metallurgica 17 (1969) 77–97.<br />

[15] C. Laird, P. Charlsey, H. Mughrabi: Low energy dislocation structures produced by cyclic<br />

deformation. Materials Science and Engineering 81 (1986) 433–450.<br />

[16] C. E. Feltner, C. Laird: Cyclic stress-strain response of FCC metals and alloys II. Dislocation<br />

structures and mechanism. Acta Metallurgica 15 (1967) 1633–1653.<br />

[17] M. Bayerlein, H.-J. Christ, H. Mughrabi: Plasticity-induced martensitic transformation during<br />

cyclic deformation of AISI 304L stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering A<br />

114 (1989) L11–L16.<br />

[18] W. Gieseke, G. Lange: Yield surfaces and dislocation structures of Al-3Mg and copper<br />

after biaxial cyclic loadings. In: A. Pineau, G. Cailletaud, T. C. Lindley (Eds.): Multiaxial<br />

fatigue and design, ESIS 21, Mechanical Engineering Publications, London, 1996, pp. 61–<br />

74.<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range<br />

of Low-Cycle Fatigue: Description of Deformation<br />

Behaviour and Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

Abstract<br />

Kyong-Tschong Rie, Henrik Wittke and Jürgen Olfe*<br />

Results of low-cycle fatigue tests are presented and discussed, which were performed at<br />

the Institut für Oberflächentechnik und plasmatechnische Werkstoffentwicklung of the<br />

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. The cyclic deformation behaviour was<br />

investigated at room temperature and high temperatures. The investigated materials are<br />

copper, 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, 304L and 12%Cr-Mo-V steel. (Report of the projects A5<br />

and B4 within the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.)<br />

3.1 Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and elasto-plastic cyclic behaviour of metals represent a considerable<br />

interest in the field of engineering since repeated cyclic loading with high amplitude<br />

limit the useful life of many components such as hot working tools, chemical<br />

plants, power plants and turbines. During loading in many cases after a quite small<br />

number of cycles with cyclic hardening or softening, a state of cyclic saturation is<br />

reached. This saturation state can be characterized by a closed stress-strain hysteresisloop.<br />

Cyclic deformation in the regime of low-cycle fatigue (LCF) leads to the formation<br />

of cracks, which can subsequently grow until failure of a component part takes<br />

place.<br />

The crack growth is correlated with parameters of fracture mechanics, which take<br />

into account informations especially about teh steady-state stress-strain hysteresis-loops.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Oberflächentechnik und plasmatische Werkstoffentwicklung,<br />

Bienroder Weg 53, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Therefore, a more exact life prediction is possible by investigating the cyclic deformation<br />

behaviour in detail and describing the cyclic plasticity, e.g. with constitutive equations.<br />

In this paper (see Section 3.3), the investigated cyclic deformation behaviour was<br />

described by analytical relations and, moreover, by relations, which take into account<br />

physical processes as the development of dislocation structures.<br />

When components are loaded at high temperature, additional processes are superimposed<br />

on the fatigue. Besides corrosion, which is not discussed here, creep deformation<br />

and creep damage are the most important. Therefore in many cases, not one type<br />

of damage prevails, but the interaction of both fatigue and creep occurs leading to failure<br />

of components.<br />

A reliable life prediction model for creep-fatigue must consider this interaction as<br />

proposed by the authors (see Section 3.4.1). In this model, the propagating crack,<br />

which is the typical damage in the low-cycle fatigue regime, interacts with grain<br />

boundary cavities. Cavities are for many steels and some other metals the typical creep<br />

damage and also play an important role in the case of creep-fatigue. The possibility of<br />

unstable crack advance, which is the criterium for failure, is given if a critical configuration<br />

of the nucleated and grown cavities is reached.<br />

Therefore, the basis for reliable life prediction is the knowledge and description<br />

of the cavity formation and growth by means of constitutive equations. In the case of<br />

diffusion-controlled cavity growth, the distance between the voids has an important influence<br />

on their growth. This occurs especially in the case of low-cycle fatigue, where<br />

the cavity formation plays an important role. Thus, the stochastic process of pore nucleation<br />

on grain boundaries and the cyclic dependence of this process have to be taken<br />

into consideration as a theoretical description. The experimental analysis has to detect<br />

the cavity size distribution, which is a consequence of the complex interactions between<br />

the cavities (see Section 3.4.2).<br />

Formerly, the total stress and strain have been used for the calculation of the<br />

creep-fatigue damage. However, these are macroscopic parameters, whereas the crack<br />

growth is a local phenomenon. Therefore, the local conditions near the crack tip have<br />

to be taken into consideration. The determination of the strain fields in front of cracks<br />

is an important first step for modelling (see Section 3.4.3).<br />

3.2 Experimental Details<br />

3.2.1 Experimental details for room-temperature tests<br />

The materials used for the uniaxial fatigue tests at room temperature were polycrystalline<br />

copper and the steel 2.25Cr-1Mo (10 CrMo910). Specimens of 2.25Cr-1Mo were<br />

investigated in as-received conditions, in the case of copper, the material was annealed<br />

at 650 8C for 1/2 h.<br />


3.2 Experimental Details<br />

The tests were controlled by total strain and carried out at room temperature in<br />

air. The strain rates were _e=10 –3 s –1 (or, for a small number of tests, _e=2·10 –3 s –1 ) for<br />

steel, and _e =10 –4 s –1 and _e=10 –3 s –1 for copper. Most of the tests were single-step tests<br />

(SSTs) with a constant strain amplitude De/2, some tests were performed as two-step<br />

tests (2STs) and other as incremental-step test (ISTs). In the case of the two-step test,<br />

the specimens had been cycled to a steady-state regime before the strain amplitude was<br />

changed in the next step. The strain amplitudes were in general in the low-cycle fatigue<br />

range and a few amplitudes in the range of high-cycle fatigue (HCF) and in the transition<br />

regime between low-cycle fatigue and extremely low-cycle fatigue (ELCF): The<br />

tests with copper were performed with strain amplitudes between 0.1 and 1.7%, the<br />

tests with steel with amplitudes between 0.185 and 1.2%.<br />

The incremental-step tests were carried out with constant strain rate and with given<br />

values for the lowest and the highest strain amplitude, (De/2)min and (De/2)max. The<br />

factor of subsequent amplitudes q a in the ascending part of the IST-block or, alternatively,<br />

the difference of amplitudes d a is constant.<br />

For most of the tests, smooth cylindrical specimens were used. Usually, the diameter<br />

and the length of the gauge were 14 mm and 20 mm, for the tests with very high<br />

strain amplitudes (near the ELCF-regime), the diameter was 14.7 mm and the length<br />

10 mm. For some tests, flat specimens were used with the values 8.7 ×5mm 2 for the<br />

rectangular cross-section.<br />

The steady-state microstructure of tested specimens was investigated with transmission<br />

electron microscope at the Institut für Schweißtechnik (Prof. Wohlfahrt [1]),<br />

the Institut für Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkörperphysik (Prof. Neuhäuser [2]) and<br />

the Institut für Werkstoffe (Prof. Lange [3]). They are all at the Technische Universität<br />

Braunschweig and involved in the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319).<br />

3.2.2 Experimental details for high-temperature tests<br />

The creep-fatigue tests were carried out on 304L austenitic stainless steel and on 12%<br />

Cr-Mo-V ferritic steel. The tests were total strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests with<br />

a tension hold time up to 1 h at 600 8 and 650 8C for the 304L, and 5508C for the ferritic<br />

steel. For the tests for the lifetime determination and the tests for analysing the cavity<br />

configuration, we used round and polished specimen. After low-cycle fatigue testing,<br />

the specimens were metallographically prepared for stereological analysis of the density<br />

and cavity size distribution (see Section<br />

A furnace with a window and special optics allow high magnification observation<br />

of the specimen surface continuously during the test with a video system and a subsequent<br />

measurement of the crack growth, the crack tip opening and the crack contour on<br />

flat and polished specimens in an inert atmosphere. In-situ measurement of the strain<br />

field in front of the crack was performed by means of the grating method [4–9].<br />

The surface of the specimen was prepared with a grating of TiO 2 with a line<br />

distance of 200 lm, which was photographed at the beginning of the test and at given<br />

loads after cycling. By means of digital image analysis, the local strain at every cross<br />

of the grating was calculated by the group of Prof. Ritter [10] and Dr. Andresen [11]<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.1: Deformed grid and corresponding strain in the direction of the load (in-situ, 5508C).<br />

(TU Braunschweig, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB319)). The following picture<br />

(Figure 3.1) shows a photograph of the grid and the digitized picture with the regions,<br />

where the local strain is higher than 4% and 5%. The position of the crack is illustrated<br />

by means of a straight line, and the line, which surrounds the 5% deformed zone at the<br />

crack tip, is shown in the figure. From the figure, the size of the 5% deformed zone in<br />

direction of its maximum expansion was taken. In the following, this distance was<br />

designed as R0.05 in analogy to Iino [12]. It has been used to describe the development<br />

of the highly deformed zone in dependence on the crack length and the tension hold<br />

time.<br />

3.3 Tests at Room Temperature:<br />

Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

3.3.1 Macroscopic test results<br />

In single-step tests, annealed copper shows cyclic hardening in nearly the whole range<br />

of lifetime. After a quite small number of cycles, the end of a rapid hardening regime<br />

is reached. Due to the effect of secondary hardening, in some ranges of amplitudes, no<br />

saturation was observed, but, as first approximation, the effect of secondary hardening<br />

can be neglected [13]. Examples for cyclic hardening curves up to saturation are shown<br />

in Figure 3.2 a.<br />

In the case of single-step tests with 2.25Cr-1Mo, there is cyclic softening in<br />

nearly the whole range of strain amplitudes. In the first cycles, rapid hardening can be<br />

found before cyclic softening takes place. After this, a steady-state regime can be<br />


3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

Figure 3.2: Copper; a) cyclic hardening curves, _e =10 –4 s –1 ; b) cyclic stress-strain curves: amplitudes<br />

of applied and internal stress vs. amplitude of plastic strain. &: data of SSTs with _e =10 –3 s –1 ; *:<br />

data of SSTs and 2STs with _e =10 –4 s –1 ; n, ~: data of stress relaxation tests after SSTs with<br />

_e =10 –3 s –1 or _e =10 –4 s –1 , respectively.<br />

found, which continues until a failure takes place. While in the case of copper, there is<br />

a very clear effect of rapid hardening, in the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, the effects of cyclic<br />

hardening and softening are less pronounced.<br />

For both materials, after a certain number of cycles, a state of saturation is<br />

achieved. The stress-strain behaviour is represented by a hysteresis-loop. (To avoid confusion,<br />

it may be useful to mark characteristic values of the steady-state hysteresis-loop<br />

with an index. For example, the amplitude of stress Dr/2 can be written in the case of<br />

saturation as (Dr/2) s. Nevertheless, no index is used in this paper because it is usually<br />

clear from the context whether the instantaneous or the steady-state values are referred.)<br />

In Figure 3.2 b, an example for cyclic stress-strain curves, Dr/2 or Dr i/2 vs. De p/2,<br />

are shown, which are constructed with the aid of steady-state hysteresis-loops. The values<br />

of the plastic strain e p are given in dependence on total strain e and stress r by:<br />

ep ˆ e r=E ; …1†<br />

where E is the Young’s modulus. This equation is used to describe also the relation between<br />

the amplitudes of plastic strain De p/2, total strain De/2 and stress Dr/2. The amplitudes<br />

of the internal stress, Dr i/2, are found with the aid of stress relaxation tests<br />

(see [14]). Most of the experimental points shown in Figure 3.2 b were found from 24<br />

tests with amplitudes in the range of LCF (single-step tests and two-step tests with<br />

low-high amplitude-sequences; 0:16% De=2 1:0%†. Additionally, one test in the<br />

high-cycle fatigue (HCF) regime and three tests in the transition regime between LCF<br />

and extremely low-cycle fatigue (ELCF: compare Komotori and Shimizu [15]) are<br />

taken into consideration. In the case of copper, the 24 tests are used to study various<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.3: Steady-state stress-strain hysteresis-loops; a) 2.25Cr-1Mo, _e=10 –3 s –1 ; b) copper, hysteresis-loops<br />

in relative coordinates.<br />

parameters of the material, in the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, data are used from 13 singlestep<br />

tests (12 LCF-tests, one HCF-test).<br />

Examples for steady-state hysteresis-loops are shown in the Figure 3.3 a and b. In<br />

Figure 3.3 a, stress-strain hysteresis-loops of 2.25Cr-1Mo are shown, in Figure 3.3 b, hysteresis-loops<br />

in relative coordinates, r r and e r, are shown in the case of copper. The relative<br />

coordinate system is defined by an origin, which is set at the point of minimum stress and<br />

strain of the hysteresis-loop. The material exhibits Masing behaviour when the upper<br />

branches of different hysteresis-loops follow a common curve in the relative coordinate<br />

system. In contrast, copper exhibits non-Masing behaviour in single-step tests as can be<br />

seen in Figure 3.3 b. Also for 2.25Cr-1Mo, non-Masing behaviour was found. Only in a<br />

small range of the tested amplitudes, in the range of 0.185%< De/2

3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

Figure 3.4: Copper (_e =10 –4 s –1 ) shifted; hysteresis-loops and master curve.<br />

3.3.2 Microstructural results and interpretation<br />

For both materials, dislocation cell structures were found. For 2.25Cr-1Mo, cell structure<br />

was found in single-step tests in the range of amplitudes, in which the materials exhibit<br />

non-Masing behaviour. In the case of single-step tests with copper, the cell structure is<br />

well developed for high amplitudes, for low amplitudes, other dislocation structures are<br />

dominating as e.g. vein structure. Often, the shape of the cells is not cuboidal but elongated.<br />

With increasing strain amplitude, the cell size is decreasing (compare Feltner and<br />

Laird [22]). Schubert [18] proposed a microstructure-dependent cyclic proportional limit<br />

rprop ˆ rL ‡ 2 MS Gb=dm ; …2†<br />

where rL is the lattice friction stress, MS is the Sachs factor, G is the shear modulus<br />

and b is the absolute value of the Burgers vector. The decrease of the mean cell size<br />

d m and the increase of r prop with increasing strain amplitude is in agreement with the<br />

non-Masing behaviour of the materials [13, 14]. For 2.25Cr-1Mo, the value of d m in<br />

Equation (2) corresponds to the mean distance of precipitates for low amplitudes and to<br />

the mean cell size for high amplitudes (De/2 > 0.4%). Therefore, in the case of low amplitudes,<br />

Masing behaviour was found [18].<br />

A typical steady-state dislocation structure of the second step of a two-step test<br />

with an amplitude-sequence high-low is shown in Figure 3.5. A dislocation cell structure<br />

can be seen although the dominating structure of the low amplitude in the case of<br />

a single-step test is vein structure (see [18]). While in two-step tests with amplitude-sequences<br />

low-high the microstructure is history-independent, it is obviously not independent<br />

in the case of a test with an amplitude-sequence high-low (compare [21]). Nevertheless,<br />

the dependence of the macroscopic behaviour on this history-dependent microstructural<br />

behaviour is almost negligible.<br />

In incremental-step tests with sufficiently high values of (De/2)max, dislocation<br />

cell structure can be found in cyclic saturation. The dislocation structure is assumed as<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.5: Copper, dislocation cell structure of a two-step test; _e=10 –4 s –1 , strain amplitude sequence<br />

0.4–0.2%: steady-state dislocation structure of the second step.<br />

quasi-stable: In cyclic saturation, the dislocation structure does not change within one<br />

IST-block. The quasi-stable dislocation structure correlates well with the Masing behaviour<br />

of the incremental-step test (for details: see Schubert [18]).<br />

Experimental values of the dislocation cell size or cell wall distance, respectively,<br />

are:<br />

dm ˆ 0:85 l for De=2 ˆ 0:2% ;<br />

dm ˆ 0:76 l for De=2 ˆ 0:4% ;<br />

dm ˆ 0:58 l for De=2 ˆ 0:7% ;<br />

in the case of copper and SSTs for _e ˆ 10 4 s 1 . In the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, SSTs,<br />

_e ˆ 10 3 s 1 , the experimental values are:<br />

dm ˆ 0:85 l for De=2 ˆ 0:6% ; and<br />

dm ˆ 0:65 l for De=2 ˆ 1:2% ‰13Š :<br />

These values were used to calculate the cyclic proportional limit rprop, and a good<br />

agreement with the macroscopic cyclic proportional limit defined by an offset of 0.01%<br />

was found [18]. Moreover, the values of [18] are used for further evaluation (Sections<br /> and<br />


3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

3.3.3 Phenomenological description of the deformation behaviour<br /> Description of cyclic hardening curve, cyclic stress-strain curve<br />

and hysteresis-loop<br />

It is shown by Wittke [13] that the first part of a cyclic hardening curve of a single-step<br />

test, the rapid hardening regime, can be described excellently with a stretched exponential<br />

function for stress amplitude Dr/2 vs. cycle number N (or more exact: N – 0.25):<br />

Dr=2 ˆ A0 ‡…As A0† 1 exp ‰ …N 0:25†=N0Š<br />

kH<br />

h i<br />

: …3†<br />

The constants A 0 and A s are closely related to the monotonous and cyclic stress-strain<br />

curve, respectively, the constants N 0 and k H are found by trial and error. A simple dependence<br />

of the parameters on the steady-state value of the plastic portion of the total<br />

strain amplitude can be found [8]. Moreover, the stretched exponential function, Dr/2<br />

vs. N, is applicable also for two-step tests in the case of hardening and softening in<br />

good approximation. The comparison between experimental and calculated cyclic hardening<br />

curves is given in Figure 3.2 a.<br />

It is usual to describe the cyclic stress-strain curve (css-curve) by a power law.<br />

As can be seen in Figure 3.2b, in the case of copper, the description of the cyclic<br />

stress-strain curves by the solid line and the dotted line is quite good. The double-logarithmic<br />

cyclic stress-strain curves, Dr/2 vs. De p/2, for different strain rates are nearly<br />

parallel. Also in the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, the description of the cyclic stress-strain<br />

curve by a power law is good. In the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, we get with<br />

Dr=2 ˆ k 0 …Dep=2† n0<br />

and by using the constants k 0 ˆ 803 MPa and n 0 ˆ 0:138 good agreement between experimental<br />

and calculated values …_e ˆ 10 3 s 1 ; E ˆ 208 GPa†.<br />

For copper, the values of the constants for the different css-curves in Figure 3.2b are:<br />

k 0 ˆ 554:6 MPa; n 0 ˆ 0:228 for _e ˆ 10 3 s 1 ;<br />

k 0 ˆ 565:9 MPa; n 0 ˆ 0:238 for _e ˆ 10 4 s 1 ; and<br />

k 0 ˆ 441:3 MPa; n 0 ˆ 0:220 for internal stress measurements tests :<br />

With regard to fatigue fracture mechanics and lifetime estimation, the description of the<br />

steady-state hysteresis-loop is the most important point in this Section 3.3. In first approximation,<br />

also in the case of the hysteresis-loop, a power law between relative stress<br />

and relative plastic strain, r r and e pr, can be assumed (see Morrow [23]):<br />

rr ˆ kH e b pr : …5†<br />

It should be mentioned that the parameters kH and b are dependent on the plastic strain<br />

amplitude.<br />

…4†<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Although the description of the hysteresis-loop with a power law is quite rough, it<br />

may be useful to apply such a law for fracture mechanical estimation (see Rie and<br />

Wittke [24]). To get a better description of the hysteresis-loop shape, other relations are<br />

necessary. The hysteresis-loop can be described, e.g. by a two-tangents method (compare<br />

[19]), as follows:<br />

epr ˆ…rr=k0† 1=b 0 ‡…rr=kE† 1=b E : …6†<br />

For each hysteresis-loop, four constants, k 0, b 0, k E and b E, have to be determined. An<br />

example for the applicability of this relation in the case of the mild steel Fe510 (St-52),<br />

which was tested at the Institut für Stahlbau of the TU Braunschweig (Prof. Peil [25]),<br />

is shown in Figure 3.6.<br />

We have developed other very exact relations with only three constants. They are<br />

expressed by:<br />

rr ˆ AG ‰1 exp … …epr=dG† G †Š ; …7†<br />

or alternatively by:<br />

rr ˆ Cq exp … jq ‰ln …epr=dE†Š 2 † : …8†<br />

The three constants of the stretched exponential function (Equation (7)) are A G, d G and<br />

G, the constants of the exponential parabola function (Equation (8)) are C q, j q and d E.<br />

Examples for the excellent applicability of both equations are shown by Rie and Wittke<br />

[14] and Wittke [13]. In contrast to other relations, in the case of Equations (7) and (8),<br />

a good agreement between experiment and calculation can be found even for the second<br />

derivative of the hysteresis-loop branch, d 2 r r/de 2 r vs. e r (see Section<br />

Figure 3.6: Mild steel Fe510; hysteresis-loop in relative coordinates; De/2=0.5%, _e =10 –4 s –1 ;<br />

comparison between experiment and calculation; calculation according to Equation (6), k 0 =45418<br />

MPa, b 0 =0.553, k E=1238 MPa, b E=0.095; E=210 GPa.<br />


3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br /> Description of various hysteresis-loops with few constants<br />

A very exact description of the shape of various hysteresis-loops with few constants<br />

can be obtained when the parameters of the power law (Equation (5)), kH and b, are<br />

given as simple functions of the plastic strain range Dep. Such functional relations are<br />

developed in [13, 26]. Furthermore, a method to calculate the parameters of the exponential<br />

parabola function (Equation (8)), C q, j q, and d E, in dependence on the plastic<br />

strain amplitude is described in [13].<br />

As shown above, in the case of non-Masing behaviour, it is possible to get a master<br />

curve. This master curve together with the cyclic stress-strain curve can be used to<br />

construct each hysteresis-loop (see [17]). In contrast to the power-law master-curve proposed<br />

by Lefebvre and Ellyin [17], better results were achieved, e.g. by a stretched exponential<br />

function or an exponential parabola function (see [13]). In the latter case, the<br />

master curve can be described by:<br />

r ˆ Cq exp … jq ‰ln …epr=dE †Š 2 † ; …9†<br />

where Cq , jq and dE are constants. For copper, almost independent on strain rate, the<br />

values of the parameters of the master curve (compare Figure 3.4) are:<br />

Cq ˆ 246:1 MPa; jq ˆ 0:03576 ; dE ˆ 2:3194% :<br />

All these methods, which were used to describe various steady-state hysteresis-loops of<br />

copper with few constants, are also applicable in the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo.<br />

3.3.4 Physically based description of deformation behaviour<br /> Internal stress measurement and cyclic proportional limit<br />

For a physically based description of the cyclic deformation behaviour, it is necessary<br />

to take into consideration that the applied stress r can be separated into the internal<br />

and the effective stress, r i and r eff. The effective stress is that fraction of the total<br />

stress causing dislocations to move at a specific velocity, the internal stress can be defined<br />

as the stress needed to balance the dislocation configuration at a net zero value of<br />

the plastic strain rate (see Tsou and Quesnel [27]).<br />

At room temperature, internal stress can be easily obtained experimentally by<br />

stress relaxation tests. For this purpose, test specimens were cycled to approximated<br />

saturation in uniaxial push-pull tests in the range of LCF prior to the relaxation tests.<br />

Figure 3.7 a shows hysteresis-loops for copper with both the total stress r and the internal<br />

stress r i plotted vs. the plastic strain e p. In agreement with the method of Tsou and<br />

Quesnel [27], the stress value after 30 min of relaxation is adopted as the internal<br />

stress value. Figure 3.7 b shows for a stress relaxation test performed after a monotonic<br />

strain-controlled tension test (_e 10 4 s 1 † that this is a good approximation: After<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.7: Copper; a) hysteresis-loops: total and internal stress vs. plastic strain; De/2=0.4%,<br />

_e =10 –3 s –1 ; *: experimental data of stress relaxation tests, ------:calculation analogous to<br />

Equation (7), AG=260 MPa, dG=0.039%, G=0.412; b) data of strain-controlled tension test (interrupted<br />

at e =9.3%) and relaxation test.<br />

less than 30 min=1800 s, the stress value is almost constant. (In Figure 3.7 b, t=0 is<br />

defined by the start of the stress relaxation procedure.)<br />

The twelve experimental points of Figure 3.7 a are expressed by the dotted-line fit<br />

curve. The fit curve can be described by a relation, which is analogous to Equations<br />

(7) or (8), respectively. By considering different r i-e p-hysteresis-loops, the cyclic stressstrain<br />

curve Dr i/2 vs. De p/2 can be determined. This cyclic stress-strain curve has been<br />

shown already in Figure 3.2b. With the same amplitude of the plastic strain, the shape<br />

of the r i-e p-hysteresis-loop is assumed to be independent of the strain rate of the prior<br />

cyclic test (compare Tsou and Quesnel [27], Hatanaka and Ishimoto [28]).<br />

The proposed Equations (7) and (8) are well appropriate to fit the experimental<br />

points. Therefore, one of them (here Equation (8)) is used in the following for checking<br />

whether the ri-ep-hysteresis-loops exhibit Masing or non-Masing behaviour. To investigate<br />

the Masing or non-Masing behaviour of the r i-e p-hysteresis-loops, several hysteresis-loops<br />

are presented in Figure 3.8 a in relative coordinates. In this figure, r ir-e pr-hysteresis-loops<br />

for a small, a medium and a quite large strain amplitude of the LCF range<br />

are shown. Non-Masing behaviour can be seen clearly.<br />

In the following, the dependence of the non-Masing behaviour on microstructure<br />

will be quantified with the model of Schubert [18]. As usual, a macroscopic cyclic proportional<br />

limit can be defined by a strain offset, e.g. 0.01%. Nevertheless, the value of<br />

the strain offset is arbitrary and has no physical meaning. Therefore, in the case of the<br />

r ir-e pr-hysteresis-loops, a better way is chosen: At first, a hypothetic hysteresis-loop r ir<br />

vs. e r is constructed with the given values of r ir, e pr and the analogous relation to Equation<br />

(1):<br />

48<br />

er ˆ epr ‡ rir=E : …10†

3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

In the next step, the second derivative of a half branch of this hysteresis-loop, d 2 r ir/de 2 r<br />

vs. e r, is constructed. The e r-value of the extreme point (minimum) of this second derivative<br />

is called here e r, ex. Now, we define a macroscopic cyclic yield stress:<br />

ryc ˆ er; ex E=2 …11†<br />

in agreement with a statistical approach based on the distribution of elementary volumes<br />

with different yield stresses (compare Polák et al. [29]): r yc is interpreted as the<br />

yield stress with the highest probability density within the material. By this definition,<br />

an uniquely applicable and physically better justified macroscopic cyclic proportional<br />

limit is found. With the values of d m and r prop (see Equation (2)) for copper given by<br />

Schubert [18] or Rie et al. [19], respectively, the good agreement between the two cyclic<br />

proportional limits, r prop and r yc, can be seen in Figure 3.8b.<br />

The effective stresses contribute also to the non-Masing behaviour of materials, but<br />

in agreement with the above mentioned model, the main reason of the non-Masing behaviour<br />

is thought to be governed by the non-Masing behaviour of the r i-e p-hysteresis-loops.<br />

In the case of 2.25Cr-1Mo, the described model is also applicable. Evaluation of<br />

a stress relaxation test for another charge of the material give a value of Dr i/Dr =0.907<br />

for De/2=0.6%. This value is quite similar to the tests with copper.<br />

Figure 3.8: Copper; a) hysteresis-loops of relative internal stress vs. relative plastic strain (without<br />

experimental values; dotted line hysteresis-loops: calculation by Equation (8)); parameters of the<br />

former performed single-step tests: strain rate _e =10 –4 s –1 ; strain amplitudes De/2: 0.16%, 0.4%<br />

and 0.7%; b) cyclic proportional limits, r prop and r yc, in dependence on plastic strain range. The<br />

values of rprop are calculated in dependence on experimental values of dm; the values of ryc are<br />

determined with the aid of the r i-e p-hysteresis-loops and described by the dotted-line fit function.<br />

49 Description of cyclic plasticity with the models of Steck and Hatanaka<br />

By Schlums and Steck [30], a model was proposed, which allows to describe high-temperature<br />

cyclic deformation behaviour in terms of metal physics and thermodynamics.<br />

A modification was given by Gerdes [31] to use the model for low temperatures (e.g.<br />

room temperature). The model was applied in the case of copper. According to this<br />

model, the plastic strain rate can be calculated as follows:<br />

_ep ˆ CG exp<br />

QG<br />

RT sinh DVG …r ri†<br />

RT<br />

: …12†<br />

The evolution equations of the internal parameters, r i and DV G (internal stress and activation<br />

volume), are:<br />

and<br />

3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

_ri ˆ HG E exp<br />

b GDVGri sign …r ri†<br />

RT<br />

_ep<br />

…13†<br />

D _VG ˆ K1DV 2 G j_epj‡K2DVGj_epj ; …14†<br />

where R=8.3147·10 –3 kJ mol –1 K –1 , T=293 K, Q G=49.0 kJ mol –1 . The Young’s modulus<br />

is dependent on temperature (room temperature: E=116 GPa), the other constants,<br />

C G, Q G, H G, b G, K 1, K 2, and the initial value of the activation volume DV G0, have to<br />

be determined, e.g. by a parameter identification procedure. The original model is<br />

three-dimensional, but here it is used only in the uniaxial case.<br />

In cooperation with the Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre<br />

(Prof. Steck) at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, a set of parameters was<br />

found. This set of parameters takes the results of internal stress measurements and the<br />

dependence of the deformation behaviour on strain rate into account and is given by:<br />

CG ˆ 0:3670 10 5 s 1 ; HG ˆ 1:784 ; b G ˆ 0:3676 ;<br />

K1 ˆ 47:20 MPa mol kJ 1 ; K2 ˆ 10:328 ; and<br />

DVG0 ˆ 1:182 kJ mol 1 MPa 1 :<br />

With these parameters, a good description of rapid hardening and cyclic saturation is possible<br />

[13]. Results in the case of saturated hysteresis-loops are shown in Figure 3.9 a.<br />

It can be shown that the model describes the non-Masing behaviour of the<br />

material in single-step tests. Furthermore, a relatively exact description of the hysteresis-loop<br />

shape is possible. Some modifications seem to be necessary because the parameters<br />

are valid only in a limited range of amplitudes and strain rates. More modifications<br />

are needed to describe the stress-strain behaviour also in the case of incremental-step<br />

tests and two-step tests with sufficient accuracy (for details: see Wittke [13]).<br />


3.3 Tests at Room Temperature: Description of the Deformation Behaviour<br />

Figure 3.9: Application of physical based models: comparison of experiment and calculation; a)<br />

copper, _e =10 –4 s –1 , calculation with the Steck model [30]; b) 2.25Cr-1Mo, _e=10 –3 s –1 , calculation<br />

with the modified model of Hatanaka [28] (calculation: solid line; experiment: dotted line).<br />

By Hatanaka and Ishimoto [28], another physically based model was proposed to<br />

describe cyclic plasticity. In this model, assumptions are made concerning the evolution<br />

of dislocation density and concerning the mean dislocation velocity. We have modified<br />

the original model by taking into account also the evolution of dislocation structure<br />

(for details: see [13]). It is shown that the modified model can be applied for copper<br />

and also for steady-state hysteresis-loops for 2.25Cr-1Mo [13]. An example for the latter<br />

case is shown in Figure 3.9 b.<br />

3.3.5 Application in the field of fatigue-fracture mechanics<br />

Usually, crack growth data are correlated with a fracture mechanical parameter such as<br />

e.g. DJ or DJ eff. According to the proposals of Dowling [32] and with the results of<br />

Shih and Hutchinson [33], it is possible to estimate DJ in the case of various specimen<br />

and crack geometries. Schubert [18] measured the growth of cracks, which were approximated<br />

as half circular surface cracks in circular specimens. Crack growth of<br />

2.25Cr-1Mo was measured with the ACPD method. In crack closure measurements, a<br />

crack closure parameter U was found, which is nearly constant: U=0.9 (compare Rie<br />

and Schubert [34] and Schubert [18]). Crack growth was successfully correlated with<br />

DJ [18] and DJ eff [34], respectively.<br />

The value U=0.9 was used also in the case of crack growth measurements of<br />

edge cracks in flat specimens [13].<br />

For the calculation of DJ, characteristic values of the deformation behaviour are<br />

needed. According to Dowling [32], the cyclic integral DJ is calculated, e.g. in dependence<br />

on the cyclic hardening exponent n'. As proposed by Rie and Wittke [24], n' is<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

replaced by the exponent b of Equation (5). By this replacement, non-Masing behaviour<br />

is taken into consideration. The values of b are calculated according to the method<br />

proposed in [26] (for details: see Wittke [13]). With this method, the effective part of<br />

DJ for edge cracks is estimated as:<br />

2 Dr2<br />

DJeff ˆ 7:88 U<br />

2E<br />

4:84<br />

‡ p<br />

b<br />

DrDep<br />

1 ‡ b<br />

!<br />

a ; …15†<br />

where a is the crack depth.<br />

The growth of edge cracks in flat specimens for the steel 2.25Cr-1Mo was measured<br />

with optical method. Tests with three different strain amplitudes (strain rate:<br />

_e ˆ 2 10 3 s 1 ) were performed. The relation between crack growth per cycle da/dN<br />

and DJeff is described by:<br />

da=dN ˆ CJ…DJeff† J ; …16†<br />

where C J and J are constants. With an assumed initial crack depth and with a crack<br />

depth, which defines failure, lifetime can easily predicted by integrating Equation (16)<br />

(compare Schubert [18]). With values for the characteristic parameters of hysteresisloops,<br />

Dr, De p and b, the constants<br />

CJ ˆ 3:89 10 5 ; J ˆ 1:16<br />

were found (with da/dN in mm and DJ eff in Nmm/mm 2 ). The correlation between da/<br />

dN and DJeff is quite satisfactory as can be seen in Figure 3.10.<br />

Figure 3.10: 2.25Cr-1Mo, _e=2·10 –3 s –1 , correlation between crack growth per cycle da/dN and<br />

DJ eff.<br />


3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

3.4.1 A physically based model for predicting LCF-life<br />

under creep-fatigue interaction<br />

In this section, the original model of the author proposed in 1985 [35] was described to<br />

illustrate in the following the modifications and the experimental verifications made<br />

successively in the last years.<br /> The original model<br />

Unstable crack advance occurs if the crack progress per cycle, da/dN, becomes approximately<br />

equal to the spacing of the nucleated intergranular cavities [35, 36]. The crack<br />

tip opening displacement d/2 may be seen as the upper bound to crack growth [36] and<br />

the relation can be written as:<br />

da<br />

dN<br />

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

d<br />

ˆ …k 2r† ; …17†<br />

2<br />

where k is the cavity spacing, r is the radius of the r-type cavity and is a constant.<br />

The crack tip opening displacement may be represented in analogy to the total<br />

strain by an elastic term De el plus a contribution due to plastic deformation De p and by<br />

thermally activated, time-dependent processes ec [37]:<br />

d ˆ a…K1Deel ‡ K2Dep ‡ K3ec† ˆaCcal ; …18†<br />

where K 1, K 2, K 3 are constants [35], and a is the crack length.<br />

Under repeated loading, there will be a dependence of the number of created cavities<br />

on the number of cycles. In analogy to the Manson-Coffin relationship, we postulate<br />

a constitutive equation for the cycle-dependent cavity nucleation under cyclic creep<br />

and low-cycle fatigue condition with superimposed hold time. Assuming that only the<br />

plastic strain imposed is responsible for cavity nucleation and disregarding stress dependence,<br />

the maximum number of cavities n max is given by:<br />

nmax ˆ pN j Dep ; …19†<br />

where De p is the plastic strain range, N is the number of cycles, p is the cavity nucleation<br />

factor, and j is the cyclic cavity nucleation exponent. It was proposed that p was<br />

identical with the density of grain boundary precipitates. Since it was found that not<br />

every precipitation necessarily produces a cavity, experimental constant has been<br />

used to adapt the observation in our first model. was used as a fit factor to have best<br />

results in life prediction.<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Cavity nucleation under creep-fatigue condition is favoured on grain boundaries<br />

perpendicular to the load axis and the cavity spacing k can be written as:<br />

k ˆ 1<br />

p : …20†<br />

n<br />

Nucleation of cavities is governed by a deformation of the matrix, and the cavity<br />

growth is controlled by diffusion. In the first model, the cavity growth model of Hull<br />

and Rimmer [38] was taken for describing the cavity growth rate during creep-fatigue.<br />

This was done because the Hull-Rimmer model could be integrated analytically for<br />

every cycle, and the result could be expressed in one compact equation for the life prediction.<br />

In this case, the lifetime is reached if:<br />

a<br />

2 …K1Deel ‡ K2Dep ‡ K3ec†<br />

ˆ<br />

1<br />

pNj 8<br />

><<br />

p<br />

>: Dep<br />

v<br />

u p<br />

u4XdgbDgb<br />

pDep<br />

2t<br />

…j ‡ 2†kT<br />

Z t<br />

0<br />

r…t† dtN j 2 ‡1<br />

9<br />

>=<br />

: …21†<br />

>;<br />

By integrating, it was assumed that the kinetics of the cavity growth in tension are the<br />

same as the kinetics of cavity shrinking in compression.<br /> Modifications of the model<br />

The empirical constant could reduce the versatile character of the basic concept on<br />

unzipping of cavitated material as the failure criterion. Therefore, in a first step of modification,<br />

we use:<br />

d<br />

ˆ k 2r : …22†<br />

2<br />

p was taken from direct experimental observation of cavities as will be shown in the<br />

following. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider the influence of precipitation on<br />

the nucleation of cavities, and n max in Equation (19) could be replaced by the real density<br />

of cavities on grain boundaries n.<br />

The cavities nucleated by tensile stresses can be healed during periods of compressive<br />

stress if the compressive stress is applied for a long enough time. It has been<br />

observed that the time required to heal the cavity by compressive stress is up to six<br />

times longer than the time to nucleate the cavity by tensile stress [39]. In a second<br />

step, the incomplete healing response has been modelled in dividing the rate of the radius<br />

changes dr/dt in the growth models by a factor of 6 if the stress is negative.<br />

In a third step, a numerical procedure for integrating the cavity growth models was<br />

introduced. With this, it is possible to use any model depending on the physical parameters,<br />

which may prevail. The models of Hull-Rimmer [38], Speight-Harris [40] and Riedel [41]<br />


were compared, and it could be shown that in case of the calculated lifetimes, the influence<br />

of the model on the result is negligible [42]. The model of Riedel [41] is used in the following<br />

because it is successfully checked directly by experiments (see Section<br /> Experimental verification of the physical assumptions<br />

Both the cavity nucleation factor p and the cavity growth were determined experimentally<br />

by means of stereometric metallography as will be shown in Section 3.4.2. These<br />

values have been used for the life prediction.<br />

A furnace with window and special optics allows high magnification observation<br />

of the specimen surface continuously during the test with a video system and a subsequent<br />

measurement of the crack growth and the crack tip opening. The value for crack<br />

tip opening was determined in a distance of 250 lm [43].<br />

With this method, the fundamental assumption of the life prediction model about<br />

the dependence of the crack tip opening displacement on the crack length and the<br />

strain range expressed in Equation (18) could be experimentally checked. An example<br />

of the crack tip opening displacement in dependence on the crack length is shown in<br />

Figure 3.11. The slope of the straight line C exp for the experiments ranges between<br />

0.043 and 0.058. The calculated slope determined with Equation (18) for the same experiment<br />

is C cal=0.044. From that, it can be concluded that the calculation of the crack<br />

tip opening displacement in the original life prediction model leads to values, which<br />

are in the right order of magnitude.<br /> Life prediction<br />

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

The fatigue life of high-temperature low-cyclic fatigue under arbitrary cyclic loading<br />

situations including wave shapes and hold time can be estimated using the unstable<br />

crack advance criterion of the critical cavity configuration expressed in Equation (22).<br />

Figure 3.11: Crack tip opening d 250 lm vs. crack length.<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.12: Variation of cavity growth with time, respectively number of cycles (De p/2=1%).<br />

Figure 3.13: Comparison of experimental life and predicted life.<br />

The effective cavity spacing k can be estimated from Equations (19) and (20), the<br />

crack tip opening displacement d from Equation (18). And the cavity radius r can be<br />

obtained by integrating the history-dependent cavity growth equation expressed in<br />

Equations (24) to (27).<br />

Because the cavity spacing k influences the cavity growth rate (Equations (24) to<br />

(27)), the number of created cavities and their growth have to be calculated for every<br />

cycle separately (Figure 3.12). From the radius of every nucleated and subsequently<br />

grown cavity, we calculate the mean value r m and compare k–2r m with d/2 (Equation<br />

(22)) to get the critical life. Figure 3.13 shows the good agreement between experimental<br />

data and predicted life using the pore growth model of Riedel [41].<br />


3.4.2 Computer simulation and experimental verification of cavity formation<br />

and growth during creep-fatigue<br />

The fundamental physically based assumptions in the life prediction model about the<br />

development of the cavity density (Equation (19)) and the cavity growth have been experimentally<br />

verified. The results of this gave rise to the development of a new 2-dimensional<br />

cavity growth model, which describes the complex interaction between the<br />

cavities, and thus leading to constitutive equations of the damage development, which<br />

could be directly measured.<br /> Stereometric metallography<br />

After low-cycle fatigue testing, the specimens were metallographically prepared for<br />

stereometric analysing for the density and cavity size distribution. For this purpose, the<br />

cavities were photographed by a Scanning Electron Microscope, and the cavity density<br />

and the distribution of the radii on the polished surface were detected. For every test,<br />

nearly 100 cavities were measured. The measured values of size and density on the metallographic<br />

section are much different from the real cavity configuration in the volume.<br />

For calculating the real cavity size distribution and density on the grain boundaries,<br />

the following assumptions are made: All cavities are on boundaries oriented perpendicular<br />

to the load axis with a maximum deviation of 30 8. All grains are of identical<br />

size, which is the mean value (in this case 62 lm), and all cavities are spherically<br />

shaped.<br />

The principal procedure is divided into two steps: First, the cavity size distribution<br />

and the cavity density in the volume of the specimen were calculated. This was<br />

done from the corresponding values in the metallographic section by means of a numerical<br />

procedure. Spheres were placed in a given volume by means of the Monte Carlo<br />

method. The spheres are randomly distributed. The size distribution of the spheres<br />

was set as a logarithmic Gaussian distribution. The resulting size distribution was calculated<br />

in a section of the volume, which is designed as the imaginary metallographic<br />

surface. The determined values of this section were compared with the experiment, and<br />

this procedure was repeated by varying the density and the parameters of the Gaussian<br />

distribution. This was done until the resulting density and the size distribution were<br />

identical to the values of the metallographic section.<br />

Second, the real density on the grain boundaries n gb from the density in the volume<br />

n v was calculated by means of a formula, which was provided by Needham and<br />

Gladman [44]:<br />

ngb ˆ nv<br />

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

i<br />

: …23†<br />

2q<br />

i is the size of the grains determined by means of the intercepted-segment method, and<br />

the constant q (q =0.134) depends on the angle between the cavitated grain boundaries<br />

and the load axis.<br />

57 Computer simulation<br />

For the simulation, the cavities were placed one after another on a given area of the<br />

grain boundary by the Monte Carlo method. After the nucleation of one additional cavity,<br />

the growth of all cavities on the grain boundary was calculated until the next was<br />

formed. The growth of every cavity in our calculations depends on the spacing to the 6<br />

neighbouring pores in plane and is described by so extended diffusion-controlled cavity<br />

growth model. The extension is illustrated in Figure 3.14.<br />

The advantage of the proposed model in comparison to the existing cavity growth<br />

models is the inhomogeneous distribution in plane. To calculate the cavity growth, it<br />

can be assumed that the total vacancy flow to the cavity considered is the sum of the<br />

flows from all 6 segments as illustrated in Figure 3.14. We propose that the flow from<br />

every segment depends on the distance only to the nearest cavity within the segment<br />

considered. This is analogous to existing 1-dimensional cavity growth models [45–48],<br />

but overestimates the vacancy flow because the contribution of the far distant cavities<br />

within this segment is supposed to be the same as the nearest. The same considerations<br />

will be applied for other segments. A fit factor is introduced, which takes this into consideration.<br />

This factor is set to the value of 0.2 to have the best fit of the experiments.<br />

To calculate the growth rate _r from the cavity distance k under the actual stress r b, the<br />

cavity growth model proposed by Riedel [41] was chosen:<br />

58<br />

3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

_r ˆ 2XdDb‰rb r0…1 x†Š<br />

kTh…w†q…x†r 2 ; …24†<br />

r0 ˆ 2c s<br />

r<br />

x ˆ 2r<br />

k<br />

sin w ; …25†<br />

2<br />

; …26†<br />

q…x† ˆ 2lnx …3 x†…1 x† : …27†<br />

Figure 3.14: Statistically distributed cavities in plane.

The meaning and the values of the constants for 304L are: h (W)=0.61 the relation between<br />

the cavity volume and the volume of a sphere with radius r, X =1.21·10 –29 m 3<br />

the atomic volume, dD b =2·10 –13 exp (–Q/RT)m 3 /s with Q=167 kJ/mol the grain boundary<br />

diffusion coefficient times the grain boundary width, 2W =708 the void tip angle,<br />

cs=2 kJ/m 2 the specific surface energy, k Boltzmann constant and T the temperature.<br />

This differential equation (Equation (24)) was solved numerically. A possible coalescence<br />

has been taken into account. In this case, the two cavities were replaced by a<br />

new cavity, with the volume of both at the centre of the connecting line. As is shown<br />

below, this coalescence of cavities plays an important role in the case of fatigue because<br />

the accumulated strain, which controls the cavity formation, is relatively high<br />

compared to unidirectional tests. The cavity development during creep has also been<br />

successfully simulated, but will not be the subject of this paper.<br />

In the case of low-cycle fatigue, the cavity density nGb depends on the number of<br />

cycles N and is calculated by a power law function between n Gb and N (Equation<br />

(19)). This is one of the basic assumptions of our life prediction model and is verified<br />

by the experiments as will be shown below.<br />

Note that during the creep-fatigue, the stress is not constant, whereas it is constant<br />

in the case of pure creep. Therefore, in the calculation, the changing stress was<br />

taken into consideration.<br />

The cavities are formed continuously during the tension period of the cycle until<br />

the strain maximum is reached. During the hold period, stress relaxation occurs and no<br />

cavities are formed. The actual stress for calculating the cavity growth after the formation<br />

of every single pore was taken directly from the experiment. During the compression<br />

period, no further cavity formation occurs. Due to the negative stress, the cavities<br />

are shrinking. However, the influence of shrinkage is negligible for this kind of test<br />

without compressive hold time and therefore will not be further discussed in this paper.<br /> Results<br />

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

In Figure 3.15, the experimentally detected cavity density on the grain boundary is<br />

plotted versus the number of cycles. The cavity density during creep-fatigue depends<br />

on the number of cycles N by a power law as suggested before. With p =12·10 –2 1/<br />

lm 2 and j =0.4 in Equation (19), a good fit of the experimental data is possible (not<br />

plotted in the figure), and the fundamental idea about the cavity formation in the life<br />

prediction model is verified.<br />

With this basic assumption about the cavity density in dependence on the number<br />

of cycles, the simulation of the cavity growth proceeds as follows. After a few cycles,<br />

the distribution is cut off at the right-hand side of the curve as proposed by Riedel<br />

[41]. When cycling continues, more and more cavities coalesce, and therefore, large<br />

cavities are formed. At the end of the simulation, the distribution is nearly Gaussian.<br />

In Figure 3.16, the cumulative frequency of the cavity radii for the experiment<br />

and the simulation, which is the solid line, is given for different numbers of cycles. In<br />

the case of the experiment, the size distribution in the metallographic section is plotted.<br />

The size distribution for the simulation is transformed to the resulting distribution in<br />

the imaginary section by means of the method described in Section<br />


60<br />

3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.15: Experimentally detected cavity density and cavity density of the simulation vs. number<br />

of cycles.<br />

Figure 3.16: Comparison of computer simulation with experimentally detected cavity size distribution<br />

for creep-fatigue tests (304L, e a=1%, T=650 8C, 1 h tension hold).

3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

The proposed model and the constitutive equations for simulating the pore configuration<br />

in the case of creep-fatigue leads to a good agreement between calculation and<br />

experimentally detected cavity size distribution, and also the cavity density as shown in<br />

Figure 3.15. From Figure 3.15, one can draw the conclusion that the cavity coalescence<br />

plays an important role in the case of creep-fatigue. The values of the given density,<br />

that is the density, which would exist without coalescence, is much higher than the resulting<br />

density on the grain boundaries by coalescence.<br />

3.4.3 In-situ measurement of local strain at the crack tip during creep-fatigue<br />

In the previous sections, the total strain and stress were used for calculating the damage<br />

development and predicting the fatigue life. But in the LCF-regime, failure is a local<br />

phenomenon, which takes place in front of the crack. Therefore, the strain has been<br />

measured in front of the crack for giving the basis of a local application of material<br />

laws and a local damage model. The method provided by the group of Prof. Ritter [10]<br />

is usable for long time creep-fatigue tests at high temperature. The stability of the grating<br />

is sufficient for high accuracy measurement in argon for more than two weeks [49].<br /> Influence of the crack length and the strain amplitude<br />

on the local strain distribution<br />

The size of the highly deformed zone in front of the crack depends on the crack<br />

length. This effect can be measured with this method. For both steels, the size of the<br />

highly deformed zone increases with the crack length, which is shown in Figure 3.17<br />

by plotting R 0.05 vs. crack length. The size of the highly deformed zone also depends<br />

on the amplitude e a of the total strain. This is also demonstrated in Figure 3.17.<br />

The increase of the plastic zone size with both the crack length and the total<br />

strain amplitude will be explained by means of the theory of Shih and Hutchinson [33]<br />

and by observations of Iino [12]. Finite-Element calculations by Shih and Hutchinson<br />

[33] showed that both the crack length a and the strain amplitude ea are directly proportional<br />

to the crack tip opening displacement d, Iino [12] observed the linear dependence<br />

of the highly deformed zone size R 0.05 on the crack tip opening in the case of<br />

low-cycle fatigue:<br />

a d ; ea d Shih and Hutchinson<br />

R0:05 d Iino : …28†<br />

From both theory and experiment, the measured relationships between R 0.05 and e a as<br />

well as between R 0.05 and a will be expected as shown in Figure 3.17. In the case of<br />

high-cycle fatigue, these effects are well known and can be explained in terms of linear-elastic<br />

fracture mechanics [50].<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Figure 3.17: Increase of the highly deformed zone size in dependence on the total strain range.<br /> Comparison of the strain field in tension and compression<br />

The strain in front of the crack tip measured at the maximum stress in tension and compression<br />

of the same cycle is shown in Figure 3.18. It can be seen that also in compression,<br />

the local strain just in front of the crack tip is positive. This has been found in all tests and<br />

for all crack lengths in both steels. Three different explanations are possible:<br />

• A small amount of oxygen remains in the inert gas atmosphere, which leads to oxidation<br />

of the crack surfaces. As a consequence, the crack surfaces can not return to<br />

their original position of the previous cycle [51]. Therefore, the high deformation<br />

developed at the tensile strain maximum cannot be completely reversed.<br />

Figure 3.18: Local strain in direction of the load for the tension and compression maximum of<br />

the same cycle vs. distance from crack tip in direction of the maximum expansion of the 5% deformed<br />

zone.<br />


3.4 Creep-Fatigue Interaction<br />

• A small shifting of the crack surfaces during opening of the crack may lead to an<br />

incomplete crack closure, and therefore to positive strain at the crack tip in compression.<br />

• Due to the notch effect, stress and strain concentration occur at the crack tip during<br />

crack opening. However, when the crack closes, no stress concentration appears<br />

and, as a consequence, the maximum stress at the crack tip in compression is equal<br />

to the total stress. Therefore, the stress at the crack tip in tension is higher than the<br />

stress in compression. The mean value of the stress in front of the crack is positive,<br />

and the consequence is the measured positive strain.<br />

The fact that a positive strain appears in compression supports the high importance of<br />

the local strain measurement for crack growth calculation and life prediction. For the<br />

demonstrated test, the crack advance is 4 lm per cycle. The size of the zone of positive<br />

mean strain in front of the crack is estimated at 1 mm. This means that the propagating<br />

crack advances for more than 250 cycles through a material, which has been cycled under<br />

positive mean stress.<br /> Influence of the hold time in tension on the strain field<br />

The values of the strain in front of the crack are lower in the case of tests with tension<br />

hold times compared to tests without hold. Figure 3.19 shows the development of R 0.05<br />

(size of the 5%-deformed zone from crack tip) as a function of crack length for 304L<br />

and different hold times. The same results are given for the ferritic steel in a paper of<br />

the authors [49].<br />

The strain field depends on the hold time of the test, but remains the same during<br />

the hold period of each cycle within the accuracy of the measurement. In-situ monitoring<br />

of the crack advance and crack path indicates that the increase of crack growth rate<br />

Figure 3.19: Plastically deformed zone size (size of the 5%-deformed zone from crack tip R0.05)<br />

vs. crack length a in 304L.<br />


3 Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

with tension hold time is related to a transition from a trans- to an intercrystalline crack<br />

path. Metallographic observation of the microstructure shows that during tension, hold<br />

grain boundary cavitation and microcrack formation occur.<br />

We conclude that the microscopic changes of the material during the creep-fatigue<br />

such as the grain boundary damage lead to the change of the stress-strain behaviour in<br />

front of the crack. This phenomenon has to be emphasized particularly because the macroscopic<br />

stress-strain behaviour is not influenced by the grain boundary damage [37].<br />

To explain the strain behaviour in front of the crack, we propose a model, which is<br />

based on the reduction of strain to rupture in front of the crack if cavities are formed [49].<br />

Comparable results for creep-fatigue cannot be found in literature, but Hasegawa<br />

and Ilschner [52] have detected a reduction of the strains in front of cracks in the case<br />

of high temperature tension tests if cavities are formed.<br />

3.5 Summary and Conclusions<br />

The cyclic deformation behaviour at room temperature was investigated for copper and<br />

steel 2.25Cr-1Mo. It can be concluded that for both materials, non-Masing behaviour<br />

has to be taken into consideration. The investigation of the microstructure shows that<br />

for both copper and 2.25Cr-1Mo, dislocation cell structures were found for sufficient<br />

high strain amplitudes.<br />

The deformation behaviour can be described by analytical relations. Especially for<br />

the steady-state stress-strain hysteresis-loops, very exact relations are proposed.<br />

With the aid of stress relaxation experiments, a cyclic yield stress r yc can be defined<br />

and correlated with a microstructure-dependent proportional limit r prop. Calculations<br />

with the physically based models of Steck and Hatanaka, respectively, show good<br />

agreement with experimental results. The model of Hatanaka was modified by taking<br />

results concerning the dislocation structure into account.<br />

An application of test results in the field of fatigue fracture mechanics is shown<br />

by correlating da/dN and DJ eff.<br />

The generalized life prediction model of the authors has the capability to predict<br />

lifetime of high temperature low-cycle fatigue under various wave shapes and hold<br />

times. Physically based constitutive equations for cavity nucleation and subsequent<br />

growth under variable loading histories are considered, and the unzipping of the cavitated<br />

grain boundary is taken as criterion for catastrophic failure. The crack tip opening<br />

displacement is seen as the upper bound to crack growth. These physically based assumptions<br />

in the model are verified by corresponding experiments.<br />

The development of intergranular cavitation in austenitic steels can be simulated by<br />

the proposed 2-dimensional cavity growth model with good agreement to the experiment.<br />

It is important that not only the cavity size distribution but also the resulting cavity density<br />

on grain boundaries are in accordance with the experiment. From this, it can be concluded<br />

that the coalescence of neighbouring voids is very important for the cavity growth during<br />

low-cycle fatigue and is the main reason for the existence of relatively large cavities.<br />


The grating method is a very useful tool for determining the local strain in front<br />

of cracks during creep-fatigue. The high accuracy of this method for measuring the<br />

plastic deformation remains even for long time tests. It can be shown that the magnitude<br />

of the local strain at the crack tip during high temperature, low-cycle fatigue testing<br />

depends on the crack length and on the total strain range. During cycling, the local<br />

strain in front of the crack tip is positive even in compression maximum. By means of<br />

the grating method, it can be shown that the high crack growth rate of creep-fatigue is<br />

associated with a relatively small size of the plastically deformed zone.<br />

References<br />

References<br />

[1] H. Wohlfahrt, D. Brinkmann: Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation<br />

Models, Describing the Inelastic Behaviour of Welded Joints. This book (Chapter<br />

16).<br />

[2] H. Neuhäuser: Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys. This<br />

book (Chapter 6).<br />

[3] W. Gieseke, K.R. Hillert, G. Lange: Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation.<br />

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4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models<br />

for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Abstract<br />

Elmar Steck, Frank Thielecke and Malte Lewerenz*<br />

The macroscopic behaviour of crystalline materials under mechanical or thermal loadings<br />

is determined by processes in the microregion of the material. By a combination<br />

of models on the basis of molecular dynamics and cellular automata, it seems possible<br />

to simulate numerically the formation of internal structures during the deformation processes.<br />

The stochastical character of these mechanisms can be considered by modelling<br />

them as stochastic processes, which result in Markov chains. By a mean value formulation,<br />

this leads to a macroscopic model consisting of non-linear ordinary differential<br />

equations. The determination of the unknown material parameters is based on a Maximum-Likelihood<br />

output-error method comparing experimental data to the numerical simulations.<br />

With Finite-Element methods, it is possible to use the material models for<br />

the design of components and structures in all fields of technical application and for<br />

the numerical simulation of their behaviour under complex loading situations.<br />

4.1 Introduction<br />

Metallic materials show, like other crystalline substances, typical macroscopic responses<br />

on mechanical loading, which are caused by processes on the microscale. Figure<br />

4.1 shows a typical cyclic stress-strain diagram with constant strain amplitude.<br />

Cyclic hardening can be observed as well as the Bauschinger effect, which can be<br />

recognized by the fact that plastic flow occurs after load reversal at significantly lower<br />

stresses than those, from which the load reversal was done. For the technical use of<br />

metallic materials, the description of this kind of processes in material models is of<br />

high importance.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik und Festigkeitslehre,<br />

Gaußstraße 14, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

68<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

4.2 Mechanisms on the Microscale<br />

Figure 4.1: Cyclic stress-strain diagram for 304 stainless steel.<br />

The moving of dislocations is the main microscopic mechanism responsible for<br />

the plastic deformations in metallic materials. In the following, a stochastic model is<br />

presented, which is able to consider hardening and recovery processes by means of<br />

Markov chains.<br />

During the deformation process, the dislocations arrange in a hierarchy of structures<br />

such as walls, adders or cells. This forming of structures influences the macroscopic<br />

behaviour of the materials considerably. The principle of cellular automata in<br />

combination with the method of molecular dynamics is used for the numerical simulation<br />

of these processes.<br />

For the material parameter identification, the minimization of the Maximum-Likelihood<br />

costfunction by hybrid optimization methods parallelized with PVM is considered.<br />

With a multiple shooting method, additional information about the states can be<br />

taken into account, and thus the influence of bad initial parameters will be reduced. For<br />

the analysis of structures like a notched flat bar, the Finite-Element Program ABAQUS<br />

is used in combination with the user material subroutine UMAT. The results are compared<br />

with experimental data from grating methods.<br />

4.2 Mechanisms on the Microscale<br />

The movement of dislocations and the connected plastic deformations caused by external<br />

loading is determined by two important activation mechanisms. The stress activation<br />

is caused by the external loads. The thermal activation supports at elevated temperatures<br />

the dislocation movements and therefore the plastic deformations.<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.2: Stress and thermal activation of dislocation motion.<br />

Figure 4.2 shows schematically the obstacles, which resist the dislocation movements<br />

on the microscale in the form of barrier potentials U*, the possible position – determined<br />

by temperature – of the dislocations relative to these barrier potentials, and<br />

the effect of an external load and a temperature increase on the energetic situation of<br />

the dislocations. It is visible that the potential U r of the external forces by superposition<br />

changes the potentials of the actual obstacles so that the dislocation movement in<br />

the direction of the applied stress is more probable than in the opposite direction, and<br />

that the thermal activation supports this process [1–4].<br />

The barriers, which oppose the dislocation movements, are on the one side given<br />

by the crystalline structure of the material itself, on the other hand, foreign atoms and<br />

grain boundaries can form obstacles. One of the most important reasons for the hindering<br />

of the dislocations, however, are the dislocations themselves. During plastic deformation,<br />

continuously new dislocations are produced. In the beginning, the ability of the<br />

material for deforming plastically is increased. With increasing dislocation density, a<br />

mutual influence of the lattice disturbances occurs, which results in isotropic hardening.<br />

Due to the lattice distortions connected with the plastic deformation, elastic energy<br />

is stored in the material, which also hinders the movements of the dislocations,<br />

which are generating it. This process is called kinematic hardening. The internal stresses,<br />

however, support the dislocation movements in the opposite direction and result in<br />

e.g. the Bauschinger effect. At elevated temperatures – above half of the melting temperature<br />

of the material –, thermally activated reorganization processes in the crystals<br />

occur, which reduce the mutual hindering of the dislocations and result macroscopically<br />

in recovery.<br />

Significant magnitudes for these processes are given in Figure 4.3, which shows a<br />

dislocation, which is influenced by other dislocations. The shaded area is a measure for<br />

the activation volume DV ˆ bA, which decreases in size with increasing isotropic hardening.<br />

The Burgers vector b determines with his orientation relative to the dislocation<br />

line the character of the dislocation. q w is the density of the so-called forest dislocations,<br />

i.e. the dislocations, which hinder the movement of the others [4].<br />

Table 4.1 shows the connection between the activation volume and the most important<br />

dislocation mechanisms for different regions of the homologous temperature T=Tm.<br />


4.3 Simulation of the Development of Dislocation Structures<br />

Figure 4.3: Activation volume and forest dislocations.<br />

Table 4.1: Activation volume depending on deformation mechanism and temperature.<br />

Mechanism Temperature Activation volume<br />

Climbing >0.5 b 3 remains constant during deformation<br />

Movement of<br />

dislocation jumps<br />

>0.5 10–1000 b 3 , the value of the activation volume decreases<br />

during deformation<br />

Cross slip 0.2–0.4 10–100 b 3 , the value remains approximately constant<br />

during deformation<br />

Cutting of >0.3 1000 b<br />

dislocations<br />

3 , the activation volume decreases due to increase<br />

of the density of forest dislocations with increasing<br />

deformation<br />

4.3 Simulation of the Development of Dislocation Structures<br />

For unidirectional as well as for cyclic plastic deformation, it is observed that dislocation<br />

structures are developed in the shape of e.g. adders or dislocation cells, which in a<br />

typical manner depend on the loading history and the loading magnitude (Figure 4.4).<br />

Due to the fact that this forming of dislocation patterns influences the macroscopic<br />

behaviour of the materials considerably, the simulation of these self-organization<br />

processes can result in valuable information for the choice of formulations for the modelling<br />

of processes on the microscale.<br />

The interaction of a large number of identical particles is the basic idea for the<br />

definition of cellular automata. It is an idealization of real physical systems, where<br />

space as well as time are discrete. A cellular automaton is completely characterized by<br />

the following four properties [5]: geometry of the cell arrangement, definition of a<br />

neighbourhood, definition of the possible states of a cell, and evolution rules. Each cell<br />

can during the evolution in time only assume values (states) out of a finite set. For all<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.4: Characteristic dislocation structures.<br />

cells, the same evolution rules are valid. The change in state of a cell depends on its<br />

own state and those of the neighbouring cells.<br />

Opposite to the usual assumptions for cellular automata, where the state of a cell<br />

only depends on the states of the next neighbours, for the simulation of dislocation<br />

movements, it has to be taken into account that the dislocations possess long-range acting<br />

stress fields. With this model, it is possible to compute the dynamics of some thousand<br />

edge- or screw-dislocations on parallel slip planes in areas of arbitrary magnitude.<br />

A basic model, for which only one slip system in horizontal direction was chosen,<br />

assumes a grid of rectangular cells, which can be occupied by edge- or screw-dislocations<br />

with positive or negative sign [5]. The transition rules are: A positive or negative<br />

occupied cell becomes an empty cell if the dislocation in the cell will move due to<br />

the acting forces to a neighbouring cell or if an annihilation with a dislocation in a<br />

neighbouring cell occurs. The step width of a dislocation is always one cell size per<br />

time step. Reachable cells are the cells left, right, up and down from the actual cell.<br />

This characterizes a so called v. Neumann neighbourhood. For the calculation of the<br />

forces acting on a dislocation, a larger neighbourhood is necessary due to the longrange<br />

acting stress of the dislocations. The balance of forces decides, if and in which<br />

direction a dislocation will move. It is computed for each time step and each dislocation<br />

for both degrees of freedom.<br />

A much more realistic simulation for the development of dislocation structures is<br />

obtained from models, which consider several glide planes [6]. Figure 4.5 shows a twodimensional<br />

projection for the glide system for a cubic face-centred lattice, and modelling<br />

of the glide processes on this system with three glide directions under angles of respectively<br />

608.<br />

The simulation results in wall- and labyrinth-structures of the dislocations (Figure<br />

4.6). An extension of the model with consideration of vacancies and a suitable velocity<br />

law is under progress.<br />


4.4 Stochastic Constitutive Model<br />

Figure 4.5: Cell arrangement and neighbourhood of simulation model.<br />

Figure 4.6: Simulation of dislocation structures.<br />

4.4 Stochastic Constitutive Model<br />

The description of the processes responsible for plastic deformations shows that they<br />

are strongly stochastic. Figure 4.7 shows for a simplified case for processes at high<br />

temperatures, under consideration of kinematic hardening only, the used stochastic<br />

model [1, 2].<br />

Over the state axis, which represents the value of the kinematic hardening rkin,<br />

and therefore the strength of the obstacles resisting the dislocation movements, the distribution<br />

of the “flow units” (dislocations, dislocation packages or grain boundaries) is<br />

given. The effect of the external stress is reduced by the hardening stress, therefore<br />

only the effective stress reff ˆ r rkin is responsible for the dislocation movements.<br />

Depending on reff, a hardening probability<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.7: Stochastic model for high temperatures.<br />

V ˆ c1 exp<br />

dDVrkin<br />

sign reff _eie …1†<br />

RT<br />

is formulated. This transition probability is based on the condition that thermal activation<br />

of the dislocations can be taken as an empirical Arrhenius function. R is the gas<br />

constant and c1; d; DV are constants, which have to be determined by experiment. It<br />

can be seen that the transition probability from a certain hardening state to the next<br />

higher decreases with increasing hardening.<br />

Hardening is opposed by a recovering process according to:<br />

E ˆ c2 exp<br />

F0<br />

RT<br />

jrkinj<br />

r0<br />

m<br />

sinh DVrkin<br />

RT<br />

; …2†<br />

which is thermally activated and not dependent on the external stress. The constants c 2<br />

and m have also to be determined by experiment. The strength of the lattice distortions<br />

increases with increasing hardening. It supports the recovery process. Therefore, the<br />

transition probabilities for recovery increase with increasing hardening.<br />

The model simulates hardening and recovery by transitions of dislocations at a<br />

barrier strength rkin;i to higher barriers rkin;i‡1 and lower barriers rkin;i 1: The probability<br />

that a flow unit remains in the actual position is given by:<br />

B ˆ 1 V E : …3†<br />

The transition probabilities of the model can be arranged in a stochastic matrix:<br />


0<br />

B<br />

S ˆ B<br />

@<br />

1 V1 E2<br />

V1<br />

B2<br />

V2<br />

0<br />

4.4 Stochastic Constitutive Model<br />

. . .<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

Ei<br />

Bi<br />

Vi<br />

0<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

Ek 1<br />

Bk 1 Ek<br />

Vk 1 1 Ek<br />

1<br />

C : …4†<br />

C<br />

A<br />

The change of the structure, which is described by the state vector z, during one<br />

time step Dt is given by the Markov chain:<br />

z…t ‡ Dt† ˆSz…t† : …5†<br />

For constant stress and temperature (homogeneous process), the state vector after<br />

n time steps is given by z…t0 ‡ nDt† ˆS n z…t0†: The stochastic matrix given by Equation<br />

(4) can be transformed to principal axes and yields then:<br />

S ˆ M 1 0<br />

1<br />

B 0<br />

SM ˆB<br />

@ 0<br />

0<br />

k2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0 C ;<br />

0 A<br />

…6†<br />

0 0 0 kn<br />

where M is the modal matrix, i.e. the matrix of the columnwise arranged eigenvectors<br />

of the matrix S. Due to the fact that the maximal principal value of stochastic matrices<br />

is 1 and all other eigenvalues have magnitudes

4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.8: Distribution function for r kin and DV=bA.<br />

_eie ˆ C exp<br />

_rkin ˆ H d exp<br />

F0<br />

RT<br />

jreffj<br />

r0<br />

n<br />

sinh DVreff<br />

RT<br />

dDVrkin<br />

signreff _eie R exp<br />

RT<br />

; …7†<br />

F0<br />

RT<br />

jrkinj<br />

r0<br />

m<br />

sinh DVrkin<br />

RT<br />

D _V ˆ K1DV 2 j_eiej‡K2DVj_eiej : …9†<br />

The material behaviour is described by a relation for the inelastic strain rate, where the<br />

actual values for isotropic and kinematic hardening occur as internal variables. This<br />

general form of the constitutive equations is also the basis for the development of a<br />

hierarchical model classification [7]. A concrete model must be chosen with respect to<br />

the intended application purpose. The values C; n; H; d; R ; m; K1; K2 and DV0 are<br />

material parameters, which have to be determined by comparison with experimental results.<br />

The parameter identification, which consists in integrating the non-linear, ordinary<br />

differential equations for varying parameter sets and by appropriate optimization<br />

methods to search for the optimal parameter sets, deserves special recognition in aspect<br />

of the used mathematical methods [7, 8]. An additional scaling of the functions like<br />

F0 1 1<br />

exp<br />

is necessary to improve the parameter identifiability and the<br />

R T T0<br />

macroscopical interpretations.<br />

76<br />

;<br />


4.5 Material-Parameter Identification<br />

4.5.1 Characteristics of the inverse problem<br />

Under the assumption of normal distributed measurement errors with zero mean and<br />

known measurement-covariance matrix C…ti†; the costfunction is:<br />

L2…x; p† ˆ 1<br />

2 jjrjj2 ˆ 1 X<br />

2<br />

n<br />

‰z…ti† x…ti†Š<br />

iˆ1<br />

T C 1 ‰z…ti† x…ti†Š?min : …10†<br />

The minimization of this weighted least squares function yields a Maximum-Likelihood<br />

estimate of the parameters, which reproduces the observed behaviour z of the real process<br />

with maximum probability [9].<br />

Typical features of the identification are that the constitutive model is not only<br />

highly non-linear in states x, but also in parameters p. Due to incomplete measurement<br />

information, the problem is ill-conditioned, parameters are highly correlated. Because<br />

of unbalanced parameters, the model may change its characteristics and becomes stiff<br />

or even pathological. Since replicated tests for the same laboratory conditions show a significant<br />

scattering and thus incompatibility of the data, this uncertainty must be taken into<br />

account for the development and identification of the constitutive models [7, 10].<br />

4.5.2 Multiple-shooting methods<br />

4.5 Material-Parameter Identification<br />

The measurements of the kinematic back stress, e.g. by relaxation test, yield very important<br />

informations about the deformation process and thus can be used to get more<br />

reliable parameters. In general, there are no (complete) measurements for the internal<br />

states. However, engineers have a lot of additional apriori-information, which should be<br />

used to improve the model prediction capacity. Although it is possible to formulate additional<br />

weighted least-squares terms for the Maximum-Likelihood function, a much<br />

more efficient method is to use multiple shooting (Figure 4.9) [11, 12].<br />

The basic idea is to subdivide the integration interval by a suitable chosen grid<br />

and to treat the discretized model equations as non-linear constraints of the optimization<br />

problem. The initial state estimates at the nodes of the grid allow to make efficient<br />

use of measurement- and apriori-information about the solution [13, 14].<br />

4.5.3 Hybrid optimization of costfunction<br />

For the identification of the material parameters, a hybrid optimization concept is used.<br />

Starting with evolution strategies as a pre-optimization to get reliable initial parameters,<br />

the main-optimization is done with a damped Gauß-Newton method [15].<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.9: Principle of multiple shooting.<br />

Adaptive Evolution Strategies attempt to imitate the organic evolution process,<br />

e.g. a collective learning of a population with the principles mutation, recombination<br />

and selection [16]. The self-learning process of strategy parameters adapts this optimization<br />

procedure to the local topological requirements. Since it is possible to overcome<br />

local minima with a special destabilization method, evolution strategies even work with<br />

bad initial model parameters [8].<br />

Damped Gauß-Newton methods are most widely used for the minimization of<br />

non-linear least-squares functions [7, 11]. Starting from initial parameters p 0, improved<br />

parameters are iteratively obtained by the solution of a linear least-squares problem linearized<br />

about p k . The steplength parameter k k is chosen to enforce the convergence<br />

properties:<br />

1<br />

2 jj r…pk †‡J k Dp k jj 2 ! min with p k‡1 ˆ p k ‡ kkD p k ; …11†<br />

solution with pseudo inverse: D p k ˆ J ‡ …p k †r…p k † :<br />

A study of different search and gradient-based methods like the algorithms of Powell,<br />

special subspace simplex methods or sequential quadratic programming are given in [7].<br />

The numerical sensitivity analysis is a very important and most time consuming<br />

part of the identification. Since the calculation is very closely related to the numerical<br />

integration of the differential equations and the available accuracy, the sensitivity analysis<br />

may be a critical point. Three different concepts are used to generate the sensitivity<br />

matrix. The commonly used finite difference approximation:<br />

qxi<br />

qpj<br />

xi…pj ‡ dpj† xi…pj†<br />

dpj<br />

is easy to implement, but the efficiency and reliability are low. Better concepts are<br />

based on the integration of the sensitivity equations:<br />

qx<br />

qp<br />

ˆ qf<br />

qx<br />

qx<br />

qp<br />

‡ qf<br />

qp<br />

…12†<br />

: …13†<br />

It is obvious that the solution of the model and the sensitivity equations should be<br />

coupled. A very powerful coupling is available by Internal Numerical Differentiation<br />


4.5 Material-Parameter Identification<br />

(IND) [11]. This means that the internally generated discretization scheme of the integrator<br />

is differentiated with respect to the parameters.<br />

4.5.4 Statistical analysis of estimates and experimental design<br />

The parameter estimates are only useful if also a statistical analysis of their reliability<br />

is computed. Using the pseudo inverse J + at the solution of the Gauß-Newton method,<br />

the calculation of standard deviations and correlations for the parameters is quite easy.<br />

Very important for further work is to improve the calculation by better experimental<br />

designs. Based on design criteria like the minimization of det…J T J† 1 ; different<br />

methods have been considered and tested for typical growth function and a fundamental<br />

constitutive model. These studies also show that the bad identifiability of the inverse<br />

problems can be overcome with a special scaling of the states [7].<br />

4.5.5 Parallelization and coupling with Finite-Element analysis<br />

The separable multiexperiment structure leads to a coarse-grained parallelism of the parameter<br />

identification problem. In addition, evolution strategies and multiple shooting<br />

provide inherent parallelism on a high level. Thus, efficient parallel computation of<br />

model functions and derivatives can be easily performed on a workstation-cluster with<br />

PVM (Figure 4.10).<br />

Figure 4.10: Parallel simulation concept.<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.11: Creep tests for aluminium.<br />

Since the development and identification of anisotropic damage models became<br />

more and more important, a three-dimensional Finite-Element program was coupled<br />

with the estimation software by a special interface. The flexibility and modular structure<br />

of this approach may be very useful for a lot of other applications, e.g. structure<br />

optimization.<br />

For the application of the damped Gauß-Newton method, the Internal Numerical<br />

Differentiation was adapted to the Finite-Element analysis. Thus, not only the simulation<br />

results but also the sensitivities have to be transferred. The results of the simulations<br />

are compared with experimental strain fields obtained by grating methods [17].<br />


Figure 4.12: Cyclic tests for copper.<br />

4.5 Material-Parameter Identification<br />

4.5.6 Comparison of experiments and simulations<br />

A lot of different materials like pure aluminium, pure copper or the austenitic steels<br />

AISI 304 and AISI 316 have been extensively studied.<br />

Figure 4.11 shows some results of parameter identifications for aluminium<br />

Al 99.999. The temperature regime was between 500 8C and 700 8C. Since only monotonic<br />

tests were evaluated, a constitutive model with only one structure variable for the<br />

internal stress is used. The parameters were identified for the given stresses simultaneously<br />

so that the calculated curves were obtained by a single parameter set [7, 8, 15].<br />

Figure 4.12 gives two examples on copper. The experimental database consists of<br />

seven strain-controlled cyclic tests at room temperature [18]. Two strain rates _e =10 –4 ,<br />

10 –3 , and a multitude of strain amplitudes De=2 =0.2–0.7% are examined.<br />

For this application of the stochastic constitutive model, the special characteristics<br />

of the material and the measurements have to be considered. In the low-temperature regime,<br />

hardening is the most important phenomenon, while the recovery influence is<br />

negligible. In contrast to high temperatures, metal physical results also indicate that the<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Figure 4.13: Scattering of creep and tension-relaxation tests for AISI 316.<br />

influence of the effective stress can be modelled only by a sinushyperbolicus function.<br />

Thus, the low-temperature model has only five parameters.<br />

4.5.7 Consideration of experimental scattering<br />

The experimental data to determine the parameters of constitutive equations usually<br />

consist of only one observed trajectory for each temperature and loading condition.<br />

Nevertheless, replicated tests for the same laboratory conditions show a significant scattering<br />

and thus incompatibility of the measurements (Figure 4.13). Based on a statistical<br />

analysis, this uncertainty can be taken into account for more reliable modelling and<br />

parameter identification.<br />

The modelling of the experimental uncertainties is based on the scattering of the<br />

parameters or the initial values (Figure 4.14) [10].<br />

Based on these concepts, realistic simulations of the uncertainties in experimental<br />

data due to measurement errors and scattering are possible [7].<br />


4.6 Finite-Element Simulation<br />

4.6 Finite-Element Simulation<br />

Figure 4.14: Probability density function and correlation of scattered parameters.<br />

The aim of using constitutive models is to predict the behaviour of metallic structures<br />

under mechanical and thermal loading. This requires the solution of a coupled initialboundary<br />

value problem, given by the momentum equilibrium and the constitutive<br />

equations. Since the boundary value problem is usually solved by the Finite-Element<br />

Method (FEM), the constitutive model has to be implemented in an appropriate way.<br />

Since the code ABAQUS/STANDARD is used, the theoretical aspects of the model implementation<br />

are discussed for application of the user subroutine UMAT.<br />

The developed method of implementation is described in Section 4.6.1. The main<br />

characteristics of this method are its applicability to any unified constitutive model of<br />

the class described above and to small as well as to large deformations theory. In Section<br />

4.6.2, some numerical and experimental results are given, which show that the<br />

model presented here works well.<br />

4.6.1 Implementation and numerical treatment of the model equations<br />

The considered constitutive model can be mathematically classified as a coupled system<br />

of non-linear ordinary differential equations (CSNODE), which builds an initial<br />

value problem. Its solution to a time increment can be embedded in an incremental Finite-Element<br />

formulation with displacement approach, leading to the well known impli-<br />


cit FEM-problem for non-linear material equations, which has to be solved iteratively<br />

(see e.g. [19]).<br />

Since this iteration requires a repeated solution of the initial value problem, the<br />

computational cost of the FEM-simulation can be minimized by optimizing the numerical<br />

solution of the CSNODE. This can be reached by:<br />

• simplifying the model equations with some appropriate transformation,<br />

• the use of an efficient numerical integration scheme, and<br />

• an efficient algorithm to approximate the so-called tangent modulus.<br />

The proposals worked out to this, three aspects are summarized in the following subsections<br />

(for further details see [7, 20]).<br /> Transformation of the tensor-valued equations<br />

Using the v. Mises hypothesis, the multiaxial formulation of the model equations takes<br />

the form:<br />

_rij ˆ fij…_ekl; rkl; r kin<br />

kl ; DV† ; …14†<br />

_r kin<br />

ij ˆ fij…rkl; r kin<br />

kl ; DV† ; …15†<br />

_DV ˆ f …rkl; r kin<br />

kl ; DV† ; …16†<br />

where rij is the Cauchy stress tensor, r kin<br />

ij is the back stress tensor and _eij is the deformation<br />

rate tensor. Each of these symmetric tensors is defined by six independent components,<br />

so that the whole CSNODE contains thirteen scalar equations.<br />

Since the v. Mises equivalent stress<br />

rv ˆ 3<br />

2 r0ijr0 r<br />

ij<br />

just depends on the deviatoric stresses, the inelastic part of the tensor equations are<br />

also purely deviatoric. Therefore, the deviatoric rates _rij and _r kin<br />

ij can be described in<br />

some interval ‰t0; t0 ‡ DtŠ as a linear combination of the three deviatoric tensors<br />

rij…t0†; r kin<br />

ij …t0† and _eij…t0†, as long as _eij is constant in Dt. Using a suitable transformation,<br />

the deviatoric rates can be expressed in a subspace by only three independent<br />

components. After this transformation, the initial value problem (Equations (14) to<br />

(16)) can be written as:<br />

84<br />

4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

…17†<br />

_y i ˆ fi…yj† ; yi…t0† ˆyi;0 ; i; j ˆ 1 ...n ; …18†

4.6 Finite-Element Simulation<br />

and contains only seven scalar equations. Hornberger [21] shows that the subspace dimension<br />

can be reduced to two if a special integration scheme is used. Nevertheless,<br />

this idea is neglected here in order to obtain a free integrator choice.<br />

This transformation concept can be applied to plane strain, plane stress and uniaxial<br />

states as well. Although the number of scalar equations cannot be reduced in these<br />

cases, the main advantage is that the transformed model equations in the subspace are<br />

of identical form for each of these cases. Based on this fact, the model implementation<br />

for one-, two- and three-dimensional states can be performed very easily.<br />

Using special large deformation formulations (see e.g. ABAQUS Theory Manual<br />

[22]), this form of implementation can be used with small or large deformation theory<br />

as well.<br /> Numerical integration of the differential equations<br />

Due to its complexity and non-linearities, the CSNODE (see Section 4.6.2) has to be<br />

integrated numerically. In oder to choose an appropriate integration algorithm, the integration<br />

task is classified as follows:<br />

• medium required integration tolerances (corresponding to usual FEM-tolerances),<br />

• a small integration interval (given by the incremental FEM-solution),<br />

• an associated efficient method for error estimation, and<br />

• a stable solution (to guarantee a stable FEM-solution).<br />

Numerical integration methods on the other hand can be classified by their integration<br />

order p, which describes the discretization error R in dependency of the step size h by<br />

R h p (for an overview see [23, 24]). There are:<br />

• methods with fixed integration order like multi-step methods, Runge-Kutta methods,<br />

and Taylor series methods, and<br />

• methods with variable integration order like extrapolation methods.<br />

Extrapolation methods are efficient only for high integration tolerances, while multi-step<br />

methods loose efficiency for small integration intervals. The use of Taylor series methods<br />

is not practicable since it requires higher derivatives of the CSNODE, which are usually<br />

not given directly. So, explicit and implicit, Runge-Kutta methods are widely used for the<br />

integration of constitutive equations in FEM-analysis (see e.g. [19, 21, 25]).<br />

Butcher [26] pointed out that the mentioned methods with fixed integration order<br />

can be combined to get new classes of integration methods. For example, so-called Rosenbrock<br />

methods result from the combination of Runge-Kutta methods and Taylor series<br />

methods based on the first derivative of the CSNODE (also called the Jacobean of<br />

the system). The main advantage of these methods is their unconditional stability – as<br />

in implicit Runge-Kutta methods – that is reached with an explicit algorithm without<br />

any iteration process. Rosenbrock methods as well as Runge-Kutta methods can be designed<br />

as embedded integration formulae, which lead directly to a method of internal<br />

error estimation without additional numerical cost.<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

Verner [27] proposed families of embedded explicit Runge-Kutta processes, which<br />

allow to rise integration order p without dismissing the results of an integration with a<br />

lower starting order p0. If this concept is used with Rosenbrock methods, the resulting<br />

integration process is kind of an optimal numerical integration method for constitutive<br />

rate equations in FEM-analysis because<br />

• it is an efficient algorithm especially for medium error tolerances,<br />

• it is unconditionally stable,<br />

• it is designed for computing the solution for the whole (but small) integration interval<br />

in one step, and<br />

• an internal error estimation nearly without additional cost is possible.<br />

For details and comparison to classical methods see [7, 20].<br /> Approximation of the tangent modulus<br />

In non-linear implicit FEM-analysis, the tangent modulus qDrij<br />

is used to compute the<br />

qDekl<br />

element stiffness matrix, which is the tangent operator for the applied Newton iteration<br />

method. Due to the necessity of numerical integration, the stress increment Drij is a<br />

discrete value and so, the partial derivative cannot be built analytically. Therefore, it<br />

has to be approximated numerically too. This can be done by an Internal Numerical<br />

Differentiation (IND), which was proposed by Bock [11]. Illustratively, IND means to<br />

compute the derivative of the numerical integration algorithm, which leads to the discrete<br />

stress increment. The IND computes an approximation of the partial derivative<br />

that is of similar relative exactness as the solution of the integration itself.<br />

4.6.2 Deformation behaviour of a notched specimen<br />

Some results of the simulated relaxation behaviour of a notched flat bar are shown in<br />

Figure 4.15. Since the main advantage of the proposed method of model implementation<br />

is its easy applicability to three-dimensional as well as to plane state or even onedimensional<br />

(uniaxial) FEM-problems, the numerical results of two simulations using<br />

three-dimensional and plane stress theory are compared. Additionally, experimental results<br />

of Ritter and Friebe [17] show that the model is able to predict the material response<br />

correctly.<br />


4.6 Finite-Element Simulation<br />

Figure 4.15: Normal strain in load direction after two hours relaxation time. Comparison between<br />

experimental and numerical results. Material: SS 304 L, temperature: 923 K. ESZ means plane stress.<br />


4 Development and Application of Constitutive Models for the Plasticity of Metals<br />

4.7 Conclusions<br />

The mechanisms on the microscale of crystalline materials can be examined on different<br />

scales of magnitude. Starting from a scale, where the processes are described by<br />

help of activation energies and activation volumes as mechanically and thermally activated,<br />

it is possible to consider their stochastical nature by stochastic processes, from<br />

which by mean value considerations, a transition to macroscopic material equations is<br />

possible.<br />

To support the formulation of these models, simulations can be useful, which consider<br />

the multi-particle properties of the processes, and use the methods of cellular<br />

automata or molecular dynamics.<br />

For the numerical simulation and the parameter identification, a variety of sophisticated<br />

methods have been considered. The results show that it is possible to use the<br />

material models for the analysis of structures even under complex loading situations.<br />

References<br />

[1] E. Steck: A Stochastic Model for the High-Temperature Plasticity of Metals. Int. J. Plast.<br />

(1985) 243–258.<br />

[2] E. Steck: The Description of the High-Temperature Plasticity of Metals by Stochastic Processes.<br />

Res. Mechanica 25 (1990) 1–19.<br />

[3] H. Schlums: Ein stochastisches Werkstoffmodell zur Beschreibung von Kriechen und zyklischem<br />

Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, Braunschweiger<br />

Schriften zur Mechanik 5 (1992).<br />

[4] R. Gerdes: Ein stochastisches Werkstoffmodell für das inelastische Materialverhalten metallischer<br />

Werkstoffe im Hoch- und Tieftemperaturbereich. Dissertation TU Braunschweig,<br />

Braunschweiger Schriften zur Mechanik 20 (1995).<br />

[5] H. Hesselbarth: Simulation von Versetzungsstrukturbildung, Rekristallisation und Kriechschädigung<br />

mit dem Prinzip der zellulären Automaten. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, Braunschweiger<br />

Schriften zur Mechanik 4 (1992).<br />

[6] D. Sangi: Versetzungssimulation in Metallen. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1996.<br />

[7] F. Thielecke: Parameteridentifizierung von Simulationsmodellen für das viskoplastische Verhalten<br />

von Metallen – Theorie, Numerik, Anwendung. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1997.<br />

[8] F. Thielecke: Gradientenverfahren contra stochastische Suchstrategien bei der Identifizierung<br />

von Werkstoffparametern. ZAMM Z. angew. Math. Mech. 75 (1995).<br />

[9] E. Steck, M. Lewerenz, M. Erbe, F. Thielecke: Berechnungsverfahren für metallische Bauteile<br />

bei Beanspruchungen im Hochtemperaturbereich, Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1991–<br />

1993. Subproject B1, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319), 1993.<br />

[10] F. Thielecke: New Concepts for Material Parameter Identification Considering the Scattering<br />

of Experimental Data. ZAMM Z. angew. Math. Mech. 76 (1996).<br />

[11] H.G. Bock: Randwertproblemmethoden zur Parameteridentifizierung in Systemen nichtlinearer<br />

Differentialgleichungen. Bonner Mathematische Schriften, Bonn, Vol. 183 (1985).<br />

[12] J. Schlöder: Numerische Methoden zur Behandlung hochdimensionaler Aufgaben der Parameteridentifizierung.<br />

Dissertation Universität Bonn, 1987.<br />


References<br />

[13] F. Thielecke: Ein Mehrzielansatz zur Parameteridentifizierung von viskoplastischen Werkstoffmodellen.<br />

ZAMM Z. angew. Math. Mech. 76 (1996).<br />

[14] R. Jategaonkar, F. Thielecke: Evaluation of Parameter Estimation Methods for Unstable<br />

Aircraft. AIAA Journal of Aircraft 31(3) (1994).<br />

[15] R. Gerdes, F. Thielecke: Micromechanical development and identification of a stochastic<br />

constitutive model. ZAMM Z. angew. Math. Mech. (1996).<br />

[16] I. Rechenberg: Evolutionsstrategie ’94, Werkstatt Bionik und Evolutionstechnik, Band 1.<br />

Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart, 1994.<br />

[17] R. Ritter, H. Friebe: Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields by Optical<br />

Measuring Methods. This book (Chapter 13).<br />

[18] K.-T. Rie, H. Wittke: Inelastisches Stoffgesetz und zyklisches Werkstoffverhalten im LCF-Bereich,<br />

Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1991–1993. Subproject B4, Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (SFB 319), 1993.<br />

[19] E. Hinton, D.R. J. Owen: Finite Elements in Plasticity: Theory and Practice. Pineridge<br />

Press, Swansea, 1980.<br />

[20] M. Lewerenz: Zur numerischen Behandlung von Werkstoffmodellen für zeitabhängig plastisches<br />

Materialverhalten. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1996.<br />

[21] K. Hornberger: Anwendung viskoplastischer Stoffgesetze in Finite-Element-Programmen.<br />

Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe, 1988.<br />

[22] Hibbitt, Karlsson, Sørensen, Inc.: ABAQUS THEORY MANUAL, Version 5.4. Pawtucket,<br />

RI, United States, 1994.<br />

[23] E. Hairer, S.P. Nørsett, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I (Nonstiff<br />

Problems). Springer, Berlin, 1987.<br />

[24] E. Hairer, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II (Stiff Problems). Springer,<br />

Berlin, 1991.<br />

[25] S.W. Sloan: Substepping Schemes for the Numerical Integration of Elastoplastic Stress-<br />

Strain Relations. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 24 (1987) 893–911.<br />

[26] J.C. Butcher: The Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations: Runge-Kutta and<br />

General Linear Methods. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 1986.<br />

[27] J.H. Verner: Families of Imbedded Runge-Kutta-Methods. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 16 (1979)<br />

857–875.<br />


5 On the Physical Parameters Governing<br />

the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

in a Wide Range of Temperatures<br />

Abstract<br />

Christoph Schwink and Ansgar Nortmann*<br />

At sufficiently low temperatures, host and solute atoms remain on their lattice sites. The<br />

critical flow stress r0 is governed by a thermally activated dislocation glide (Arrhenius<br />

equation), which depends on an average activation enthalpy, DG0, and an effective obstacle<br />

concentration, cb. The total flow stress r is composed of r0 and a hardening stress rd,<br />

which increases with the dislocation density q w in the cell walls according to rd /…q w† 1=2 .<br />

At higher temperatures, the solutes become mobile in the lattice and cause an additional<br />

anchoring of the glide dislocations. This is described by an additional enthalpy Dg in the<br />

Arrhenius equation. In the main, Dg depends on the activation energy Ea of the diffusing<br />

solutes and the waiting time tw of the glide dislocations arrested at obstacles. Three different<br />

diffusion processes were found for the two f.c.c.-model systems investigated,<br />

CuMn and CuAl, respectively. Under certain conditions, the solute diffusion causes instabilities<br />

in the flow stress, the well-known jerky flow phenomena (Portevin-Le Châtelier<br />

effect). Finally, above around 800 K in copper based alloys, the solutes become freely<br />

mobile and r0 as well as Dg vanish. In any temperature region, only a small total number<br />

of physical parameters is sufficient for modelling plastic deformation processes.<br />

5.1 Introduction<br />

The intention of the present project was to find out the physically relevant parameters,<br />

which determine the stable flow stress r in metallic systems of model character over a<br />

given wide range of temperatures and strain rates.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkörperphysik,<br />

Mendelssohnstraße 3, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

90<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

5.1 Introduction<br />

Any theory describing plastic deformation modes of such systems will have to<br />

make use of these – and only these – parameters. As model systems we choose single<br />

phase binary f.c.c. solid solutions. They are on the one hand simple, macroscopically<br />

homogeneous materials, on the other hand exhibit all basic processes, which occur also<br />

in more complex alloys of technical interest. To cover a wide range of different characteristics<br />

existing in various binary alloys, we studied the two systems CuMn and CuAl,<br />

which differ appreciably in some salient properties (Table 5.1).<br />

We point to the misfit parameter, the variation of the stacking fault energy with<br />

solute concentration and the tendency for short range ordering. The systems have in<br />

common a metallurgical simplicity and a large range of solubility. The samples used<br />

were rods of polycrystals, for CuMn also of single crystals oriented either for single or<br />

for multiple ([100], [111]) glide.<br />

For low enough temperatures, i.e. roughly below room temperature, host and solute<br />

atoms remain on their lattice sites in our systems. Then, the flow stress is recognized to<br />

consist of two additive parts, which are in single crystals the critical resolved shear stress<br />

s0, and the shear stress sd produced by strain hardening. s0 is best examined on crystals<br />

oriented for single glide, while results on sd originated from studies on [100] and [111]<br />

crystals. The parameters governing s0 and sd are discussed in Section 5.2.<br />

At higher temperatures, the solute atoms become increasingly mobile and start to<br />

diffuse to sinks, e.g. dislocations. As a consequence, an additional anchoring of glide<br />

dislocations occurs, known as dynamic strain ageing (DSA), which results in an additional<br />

contribution to flow stress, DrDSA, and in a decrease of the strain rate sensitivity<br />

(SRS) with increasing deformation. If the SRS reaches a critical negative value, jerky<br />

flow sets in, the so-called Portevin-Le Châtelier (PLC) effect. The mechanisms inducing<br />

DSA and the relevant parameters represent the main part of project A8 and are reported<br />

in Section 5.3.<br />

We restrict the report on the own main results. For details and further literature,<br />

the reader is referred to the publications cited.<br />

Table 5.1: Metallurgical and physical properties of CuAl and CuMn.<br />

Misfit d<br />

d ˆ…Da†=…aDc†<br />

CuAl CuMn<br />

d ˆ0.067<br />

(weak hardening)<br />

Bulk diffusion QD ˆ 1:86 ...2:01 eV<br />

D0 ˆ…0:8 ...5:6† 10 5 m 2 s 1<br />

Stacking fault energy strongly decreasing with<br />

increasing cAl<br />

d ˆ0.11<br />

(strong hardening)<br />

QD ˆ 2:03 ...2:12 eV<br />

D0 ˆ…7:4 ...14:2† 10 5 m 2 s 1<br />

independent of cMn<br />

Slip character 5 ... 10 at% Al planar 0.5 ...5:5 at% Mn homogeneous<br />

Short range order marked and increasing with cAl negligible up to 5 at%<br />


5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

5.2 Solid Solution Strengthening<br />

In the frame of the project, invited overviews on “Hardening mechanisms in metals with<br />

foreign atoms” [1], “Solid solution strengthening” [2] (in collaboration with project A9),<br />

and “Flow stress dependence on cell geometry in single crystals” [3] have been published.<br />

5.2.1 The critical resolved shear stress, s 0<br />

A detailed investigation on CuMn [4] showed that the thermally activated process governing<br />

s0 is phenomenologically completely characterized by two parameters, the average<br />

activation enthalpy, DG0, of the effective glide barriers, and the concentration of<br />

the latter, cb. This concentration resulted about 20 times smaller than the solute concentration,<br />

cMn. For DG0, values around 1.3 eV were found.<br />

The magnitude of cb and DG0 suggest the effective glide barriers to consist of<br />

complexes of at least two solute atoms. A dislocation segment after having surpassed<br />

an effective barrier sweeps in the subsequent elementary glide step an area containing<br />

cMn=cb solute atoms on the average.<br />

Altogether, we arrive at s0 ˆ s0…DG0; cb; T; _e†.<br />

5.2.2 The hardening shear stress, s d<br />

Detailed mechanical and TEM-studies have been performed on CuMn-crystals oriented<br />

along [100] and [111] [5]. The hardening shear stress resulted as equal to the reduced<br />

stress, sd ˆ…s s0†, and obeying the known relation [6]:<br />

sd ˆ t Gbq 1=2<br />

t : …1†<br />

Here, q t is the average total dislocation density, G the shear modulus. A surprising result<br />

was that t depends on the solute concentration, it decreases with increasing cMn.<br />

This means that for a given value of the reduced stress, the dislocation density q t is<br />

higher in an alloy than in the pure host. A further analysis showed that q t is stored<br />

nearly completely in the cell walls, which are fully developed already at small stresses<br />

and strains. The next result of relevance was the increase of the wall area fraction fw<br />

with solute concentration. Defining a mean dislocation density inside the cell walls, q w,<br />

by q w ˆ q t=fw, we can rewrite Equation (1) as:<br />

sd ˆ t f 1=2<br />

w Gbq1=2 w ˆ w Gbq 1=2<br />

w : …2†<br />

The prefactor w now turns out as independent of cMn and practically constant for a<br />

fully developed cell structure. w ˆ 0:25 0:03 from the experiments favourably com-<br />


pares with the lowest values for calculated by theory [7] (cf. also [8]). This suggests<br />

the view that the most favourably oriented dislocation segments will cross the obstacle<br />

field and will be followed via the unzipping effect by all others at nearly the same<br />

stress, which is the lowest possible one.<br />

A TEM-investigation on Cu1.3 at% Mn crystals oriented for single glide [9], the<br />

first systematic TEM-study on a solid solution, yielded for the extended stage I a prevailing<br />

primary dislocation density, q prim, and a continuous decrease of the strain hardening<br />

rate with increasing strain. In stage II and above, the reduced flow stress was<br />

found as completely governed by the density of all secondary dislocations taken together,<br />

q sec. It is:<br />

…s s0† ˆ Gbq 1=2<br />

sec<br />

; with ˆ 0:32 0:04 : …3†<br />

The total shear stress, s, results as a linear superposition of a “solid solution stress”, s0,<br />

and a strain hardening stress, sd, as found also for the multiple glide crystals. It is completely<br />

described by four parameters, apart from the obvious ones, T and _e:<br />

s ˆ s0…DG0; cb; T; _e†‡sd…q t; fw; T; _e† : …4†<br />

The generalization for polycrystals adds the problem of compatibility of neighbouring<br />

grains. It is of importance mainly for small stresses and strains and introduces essentially<br />

the average grain diameter as an additional parameter in the case of a random assembly of<br />

grains (cf. [3]). At higher stresses, the relevant parameters are the same as in Equation (4).<br />

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)<br />

5.3.1 Basic concepts<br />

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)<br />

In the commonly applied models [10–12], the contribution of DSA to flow stress, DrDSA,<br />

increases proportional to the increase in the line concentration C of glide obstacles on<br />

arrested, “waiting” dislocations by DC during the waiting times, tw [11–13]. It is generally<br />

assumed that DC is a function of …D…T†tw†, where D…T† is the diffusion coefficient<br />

of the underlying process with the activation energy Ea. The waiting time tw is connected<br />

with the strain rate _e via tw ˆ X=_e, where X represents the “elementary strain” [14].<br />

Phenomenologically, DSA can be described by an additional free activation enthalpy<br />

Dg ˆ Dg…Ea; tw† entering besides DG0 the well-known Arrhenius equation [15].<br />

Ample DSA leads to flow stress instabilities (PLC-effect). Details of the processes<br />

inducing jerky flow can be studied in the region of stable flow preceding a PLC-region<br />

by measuring with high accuracy i) stress-strain curves, r…e† (Figure 5.1), ii) strain rate<br />

sensitivities (SRS) of flow stress, …Dr=D ln _e†, along whole stress-strain curves and over<br />

a wide range of temperature. The results are presented in the following.<br />


5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

Figure 5.1: Schematic stress-strain curve showing the definition of the critical stresses …ri† and<br />

strains …ei†. r0 is the critical flow stress (see [16]).<br />

5.3.2 Complete maps of stability boundaries<br />

We succeeded in establishing the first complete maps of boundaries of stable flow.<br />

From copper-based solid solutions, polycrystalline samples of six different Mn- and<br />

three Al-concentrations have been studied, furthermore CuMn-crystals oriented for single<br />

and multiple ([100]) glide [15–20].<br />

Figure 5.2 shows a survey of occurrence and types of instabilities in<br />

Cu 2.1 at% Mn. The critical reduced stresses …ri r0† (gained from about 40 r…e†curves<br />

(see Figure 5.1) running parallel to the …ri r0† axis) are plotted as function of<br />

temperature T. There are three transitional temperature intervals, labelled a, b and c,<br />

where several regions of stable and unstable deformation alternate along r…e†-curves.<br />

Outside these intervals, the stress-strain curves are either stable or jerky throughout. In<br />

the small interval c, 290 8C9T9305 8C, an irregular sequence of bursts of type C<br />

Figure 5.2: Mode of deformation map: dependence of reduced critical stresses …ri r0† on temperature<br />

T for Cu 2.1 at% Mn. Basic strain rate _e1 ˆ 2:45 10 6 s 1 . The hatched areas represent<br />

domains of unstable deformation with the predominant types of instabilities indicated (see [18]).<br />


5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)<br />

Figure 5.3: Reduced critical flow stresses for the beginning and end of jerky flow as functions of<br />

T. (a) polycrystals; (b) [100]-crystals, Cu 2 at% Mn (see [19]).<br />

prevents the existence of a unique dependence of ri on T (or _e) as could be established<br />

for intervals a and b. For further details see [16, 18].<br />

The strain hardening coefficient, which roughly remains constant for temperatures<br />

up to about 300 K, decreases strongly with further increasing temperature owing to recovery<br />

processes. At about T ˆ 600 8C, it becomes nearly zero [18], the critical flow<br />

stress simultaneously vanishes as well as the additional enthalpy Dg and a steady state<br />

of deformation exists across the whole deformation curve. The solutes are now moving<br />

freely through the lattice [21].<br />

Figure 5.3 a gives stability maps for several Mn-concentrations over the intervals<br />

a and b for polycrystals, Figure 5.3 b the same for [100]-crystals of 2 at% Mn [19].<br />

The similarity of both is closest if the boundaries for the [100]-crystal are compared<br />

with those for a polycrystal of about 1.2 at% Mn. Contrarily, the boundary map for a<br />

single glide ([sg]-) crystal of 2 at% Mn (Figure 5.4) looks quite different [19]. Only a<br />

single boundary occurs over the whole range of temperatures. However, the curve can<br />

be divided into two parts, which for good reasons are noted as intervals a and b, too<br />

(see Section 5.3.3).<br />

Finally, boundary maps for CuMn-polycrystals have been compared with those<br />

measured for CuAl [20]. Figure 5.5 presents characteristic examples. The complete correspondence<br />

of Cu 0.63 at% Mn with Cu 5 at% Al is obvious and indicates the existence<br />

of two different PLC-domains. They are labelled as domains I and III. With in-<br />


96<br />

5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

Figure 5.4: Reduced critical flow stresses s a;b<br />

x for Cu 2 at% Mn single glide crystals as functions<br />

of T. In contrast with multiple glide crystals (poly-, [100]-, see Figure 5.3) at any temperature,<br />

only one boundary of stability occurs (see [19]).<br />

Figure 5.5: Deformation-mechanism maps of CuAl (a–c) (see [20]) and CuMn (d–f) as obtained<br />

at different temperatures but constant basic strain rate _e1 ˆ 2:5 10 6 s 1 . The reduced critical<br />

stresses …ri r0† indicate the transition between stable and unstable deformation (stress-strain<br />

curves running parallel to the ordinate). The hatched areas indicate the PLC-regions. a)<br />

Cu 5 at% Al, b) Cu 7.5 at% Al, c) Cu 10 at% Al (values for CuAl from [20]), d) Cu 0.63 at% Mn<br />

(*) and Cu 0.95 at% Mn (n), e) Cu 1.1 at% Mn, f) Cu 2.1 at% Mn (values for CuMn from [18]).

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)<br />

creasing concentration, a “bulge” develops on the boundary r2…T; _e†. It is clearly visible<br />

already for 0.95 at% Mn (Figure 5.5 d), and is extended to a peak for 1.1 at% Mn<br />

(Figure 5.5 e) [18]. As a consequence, an additional PLC-domain II develops bounded<br />

by the anomalous boundary r2 at the lower temperature side (Figure 5.5 b and e). The<br />

island of stability, which appears in Cu 1.1 at% Mn and Cu 2.1 at% Mn above about<br />

400 K is covered in CuAl by the domain II (Figure 5.5 b,c,e and f) [20].<br />

5.3.3 Analysis of the processes inducing DSA<br />

Precise measurements of the critical stresses ri for the onset of jerky flow [16] on the<br />

one hand, and of changes in the flow stress, Dr, after variations in strain rate [17, 18]<br />

on the other, are the basis of an analysis of DSA. Figure 5.6 shows as an example variations<br />

in shear stress measured in stages I and II of a crystal oriented for single glide<br />

[22]. Generally, one has to distinguish between the instantaneous variations, Dsi, occurring<br />

immediately after a change in _e, and the stationary ones, Dss. (Remark: For single<br />

crystals, the flow stress r is always replaced by the resolved shear stress, s.)<br />

It is the difference, …Dss Dsi† ˆD…DsDSA†; which reflects the effect of DSA<br />

and causes a decrease of the SRSˆ …Ds=D ln _e† T [19]. Analogously, for polycrystals is<br />

SRSˆ …Dr=D ln _e† T [18].<br />

The boundaries r2, r3 of the “island of stability” in temperature interval b (see<br />

Figure 5.3) are governed by a thermally activated process as demonstrated in Figure<br />

5.7: A decrease in T is qualitatively equivalent to an increase in _e. We can take ri as<br />

indicating the onset of the thermally activated process and derive from<br />

…ri r0† ˆA ‡ B<br />

‡ C ln _e ! ln _e ˆ A0<br />

T<br />

B=C<br />

T<br />

values for the activation energies Qm ˆ B=C …m ˆ 2; 3† [18].<br />

Figure 5.6: Change in resolved shear stress, Ds, after a change in external strain rate of<br />

_e2=_e1 ˆ 2 : 1, against incremental true strain, Dc, taken in stage II at s ˆ 32:4 MPa and<br />

c ˆ 52:6%. The plot is corrected for the average strain hardening rate (see [22]).<br />

…5†<br />


5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

Figure 5.7: Dependence of the reduced critical stresses on (a) 1=T at _e1 ˆ 2:45 10 6 s 1 , and on<br />

(b) ln _e1 at T ˆ 460 K; both plots for Cu 2.1 at% Mn in interval b (see [18]).<br />

Another way of determining these energies starts from a consideration of the normalized<br />

instantaneous and stationary SRS, denoted by Si and Ss, respectively [18, 19].<br />

Figure 5.8 gives their course with increasing stress along the stress-strain curve of a<br />

[sg]-crystal [22], Figure 5.9 shows Ss…r† alone for a polycrystal at various temperatures.<br />

Following the above mentioned models [11, 12], the marked dependence of<br />

SDSA ˆ…Ss Si† on T (and also _e) is for short enough tw described by the relation [18]:<br />

SDSA / c D…T†<br />

_e<br />

n<br />

/ c_e n exp<br />

nEa<br />

kT<br />

: …6†<br />

Here, Ea is the activation energy of pipe diffusion entering D…T† ˆD0 exp… Ea=kT†.<br />

Strain rate exponent n and Ea are best obtained from Equation (6) in regions, where<br />

SDSA varies linearly with stress yielding constant slopes M ˆ …qSDSA=qr† T;_e . One easily<br />

finds [18]:<br />

n ˆ<br />

q ln M<br />

; and nEa ˆ<br />

q ln _e T<br />

q ln M<br />

q…1=kT† _e<br />

: …7†<br />

The activation energies Qm and Ea;m found for the diffusion processes generating the<br />

PLC-domains I, II and III are compiled in Table 5.2 [20]. Where Qm and Ea;m can both<br />


e measured for the same process, they are found equal, Qm ˆ Ea;m, within scatter.<br />

Average values for the three DSA-processes are denoted by EI, EII, EIII.<br />

An important further quantitative result is that the strain rate exponent resulted as<br />

n ˆ 1=3 (within scatter) in all cases.<br />

5.3.4 Discussion<br />

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)<br />

Figure 5.8: Dimensionless instantaneous …Si† and stationary …Ss† SRS against reduced stress<br />

…s s0†; s0 ˆ critical resolved shear stress; T ˆ 263 K (see [22]).<br />

Figure 5.9: The dependence of the stationary, normalized SRS on reduced stress for<br />

Cu 3.5 at% Mn at temperatures of interval a. All data points refer to states of stable deformation.<br />

The critical stresses are indicated for 73.4 8C. The Mm denote the linear slopes of the S-…r r0†curves<br />

(see [18]).<br />

The strain rate exponent n has for a long time been commonly assumed to equal 2/3<br />

according to Cottrell and Bilby’s theory of lattice diffusion [23, 24]. Already the first<br />

experimental determination of n yielded, however, n ˆ 1=3 and has been explained by<br />

a pipe-diffusion mechanism governing the DSA-process concerned [25].<br />


5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

Table 5.2: Activation energies of DSA-processes in CuAl and CuMn.<br />

Average CuxAl CuxMn 1<br />

value<br />

5 10 0.63 1.3 2.1 3.5<br />

Ea1 [eV] 0.74 ±0.15 0.79 ±0.12 – – 0.88 ±0.05 0.86 ±0.10 2<br />

Q1 [eV] × 0.75 ±0.10 × × × ×<br />

Q2 [eV] × 0.76 ±0.10 – 0.88 ±0.10 0.91 ±0.10 0.87 ±0.10<br />

EI [eV] 0.74 0.77 – 0.88 0.89 0.86<br />

E …a†<br />

a3<br />

Shortly after, Schlipf [26] pointed out that a more general relation than Equation<br />

(6) for SDSA is conceivable, viz. SDSA / DC q , which by use of DC /…D…T†=_e† r<br />

yields SDSA / c q _e qr (see also [27]). Now q ˆ 1=2 and r ˆ 2=3 would give an exponent<br />

n ˆ qr ˆ 1=3 also in the case of lattice diffusion. On the other side, it became<br />

more and more clear that n ˆ 1=3 holds quite generally for any DSA-process [20, 28,<br />

29].<br />

To clarify the puzzling situation, a more extensive experimental analysis of SDSA<br />

has been undertaken by studying and simultaneously evaluating the dependence of<br />

SDSA on flow stress as well as on solute concentration. We found [30] that<br />

• the Mulford-Kocks model of DSA [12] describes the experiments clearly better than<br />

the van den Beukel model [11], and<br />

• the data – taking the most reliable ones – are in favour of a simple proportionality<br />

to solute concentration, i.e. q ˆ 1.<br />

This would exclude a lattice diffusion and is suggesting an own pipe diffusion mechanism<br />

for each DSA-process. Recent theoretical work [31] points to an even probable<br />

existence of several modes of pipe diffusion [20] along dissociated dislocations.<br />

A recently found method to measure immediately the average waiting time tw of<br />

dislocations [32] showed that the elementary strain X continuously increases with the<br />

flow stress, the total increase never exceeding a factor of only 10. In principle, X is deducible<br />

from a knowledge of the dislocation arrangement …q t; q f; fw† and of the density<br />

of glide barriers …cb† [19]. However, a general theory is still missing. Therefore, X…r†<br />

and with it tw, which governs stress transients, are still to be considered as parameters.<br />

100<br />

[eV] × × × 0.81 ±0.10 0.86 ±0.10 0.87 ±0.10<br />

Q2 [eV] × 1.1 ±0.30 × × × ×<br />

EII [eV] × 1.1 × 0.81 0.86 0.87<br />

E …b†<br />

a3<br />

[eV] 1.42 ±0.25 × 1.9 1.53 ±0.10 1.27 ±0.10 1.15 ±0.10<br />

Q …b†<br />

3 [eV] 1.46 ±0.30 × – 1.-59±0.08 1.25 ±0.05 1.16 ±0.10<br />

EIII [eV] 1.44 × 1.9 1.56 1.26 1.15<br />

1 2<br />

Values for CuMn from [18]; Cu 4.1 at% Mn; –: not measured; ×: not defined or not measurable.

101<br />

Table 5.3: Overview of the parameters investigated quantitatively in project A8. They characterize the flow stress and its strain rate sensitivity<br />

in single phase random f.c.c. solid solutions along stress-strain curves taken over a wide range of temperatures. The DSA parameters come into<br />

play only at higher temperatures (about room temperature!). In the future, some of the parameters will prove derivable from more complete<br />

theories.<br />

Elementary process Characteristic magnitude Parameter (quanitatively measured) Literature<br />

Solid solution hardening critical flow stress, r0<br />

(single crystal: crss, s0)<br />

Dislocation hardening reduced flow stress, rd<br />

…rd ˆ r r0; sd ˆ s s0†<br />

Dynamic strain ageing (DSA) flow stress contribution, DrDSA,<br />

or additional enthalpy,<br />

Dg ˆ VDrDSA,<br />

Dg ˆ Dg…Ea; …tw† n †<br />

Exhaustion of DSA limiting Dg-value, Dgmax<br />

0:1DG0<br />

Transitions of DSA owing to<br />

variations in _e<br />

Variations in mobile dislocation<br />

density, owing to variations in _e<br />

transition from instantaneous<br />

to stationary flow stress,<br />

Dri ! Drs<br />

i) average activation enthalpy,<br />

DG0 (eV)<br />

ii) effective barrier concentr.<br />

cb ˆ f …c†<br />

i) total dislocation density, q t…r†<br />

[m –2 ]<br />

ii) volume fraction of disloc.<br />

walls, fw…r†<br />

i) activation energy Ea;m (eV),<br />

m ˆ I, II, III, of the diffusion<br />

inducing DSA<br />

ii) tw…s† ˆX=_e ˆ waiting time<br />

of arrested dislocations<br />

iii) strain rate exponent, n<br />

Wille, Gieseke and Schwink [4];<br />

Neuhäuser and Schwink [2]<br />

Neuhaus and Schwink [6];<br />

Neuhaus, Buchhagen and Schwink<br />

[33];<br />

Heinrich, Neuhaus and Schwink [9]<br />

Springer and Schwink [25];<br />

Kalk, Schwink and Springer [17];<br />

Kalk and Schwink [18];<br />

Nortmann and Schwink [20]<br />

relaxation constant, B Springer, Nortmann and Schwink<br />

[30]<br />

relaxation time H waiting time<br />

tw<br />

Schwarz [13]; McCormick [34];<br />

Springer and Schwink [32]<br />

active slip volume, Va b a ˆ 1 dlnVa=dln_c Schwink and Neuhäuser [35];<br />

Neuhäuser [36];<br />

Traub, Neuhäuser and Schwink<br />

[37];<br />

Nortmann and Schwink [22]<br />

5.3 Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA)

5 On the Physical Parameters Governing the Flow Stress of Solid Solutions<br />

The detailed analysis of the SRS also allows to evaluate quantitatively the variations<br />

of the additional enthalpy by varying the strain rate, D…Dg†, along the whole<br />

stress-strain curves, and to determine the value of the quantity Dg…_e† itself [30]. It<br />

amounts up to about 10% of DG0 ˆ 1:3 eV (see Section 5.3.1) [15, 30].<br />

At higher flow stresses (0 100 MPa), Dg is observed to approach a limit with decreasing<br />

strain rate. The course of Dg…_e† can be best discussed for data on CuAl. At<br />

the time, the approach of the limit is described by a kind of relaxation parameter B. It<br />

is concluded that an exhaustion of solute atoms available for the diffusion process in<br />

question limits the increase of DrDSA, and not a saturation of glide dislocations by the<br />

diffusion-induced glide obstacles [30].<br />

Finally, the question has been addressed, whether the SRS might be influenced<br />

besides of DSA-processes also by variations of the mobile dislocation density q m when<br />

varying the strain rate [22]. In fact, a superposition of both effects could be demonstrated.<br />

There exists a very small interval around a transition temperature, above which<br />

DSA-effects are dominating the SRS, while q m-effects dominate below.<br />

5.4 Summary and Relevance<br />

for the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

Shortly summarizing this report, we can say that any mechanism contributing to flow<br />

stress can be accounted for by a few measurable parameters in a model description.<br />

Whether a mechanism and parameter is relevant or negligible depends on the experimental<br />

conditions, e.g. on temperature. In any case, the total number of relevant parameters<br />

is defined and quite limited. Table 5.3 is to give a concise overview of all results<br />

obtained as far as they concern the parameters investigated.<br />

The methods developed in this project to determine these parameters (cf. Table<br />

5.3) can be applied to any material. The parameters will enter any final constitutive<br />

material equations developed, e.g. those of project A6 of the Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (SFB). Results and experiences of our project have been also exchanged with<br />

project A1. Throughout the work, there was an intimate contact to project A9.<br />

References<br />

[1] Ch. Schwink: Rev. Phys. Appl. 23 (1988) 395.<br />

[2] H. Neuhäuser, Ch. Schwink: In: H. Mughrabi (Ed.): Materials Science and Technology,<br />

Vol. 6. VCH Weinheim, 1993, p. 191.<br />

[3] Ch. Schwink: Scripta metall. mater. 27 (1992) 963 (Viewpoint Set No 20).<br />

[4] Th. Wille, W. Gieseke, Ch. Schwink: Acta metall. 35 (1987) 2679.<br />


References<br />

[5] R. Neuhaus, Ch. Schwink: Phil. Mag. A 65 (1992) 1463.<br />

[6] For a review referring mainly to pure copper, see: S. J. Basinski, Z.S. Basinski: In: F. R. N.<br />

Nabarro (Ed.): Dislocations in Solids, Vol. 4. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, p. 261.<br />

[7] W. Püschl, R. Frydman, G. Schöck: phys. stat. sol. (a) 74 (1982) 211.<br />

[8] G. Saada: In: G. Thomas, J. Washburn (Eds.): Electron Microscopy and Strength of Crystals.<br />

Interscience, New York, 1963, p. 651.<br />

[9] H. Heinrich, R. Neuhaus, Ch. Schwink: phys. stat. sol. (a) 131 (1992) 299.<br />

[10] For reviews see:<br />

a) Y. Estrin, L.P. Kubin: Acta metall. 34 (1986) 2455.<br />

b) Y. Estrin, L.P. Kubin: Mat. Sci. Eng. A 137 (1991) 125.<br />

c) P. G. McCormick: Trans. Indian Inst. Metals 39 (1986) 98.<br />

d) L.P. Kubin, Y. Estrin: Rev. Phys. Appl. 23 (1988) 573.<br />

e) H. Neuhäuser: In: D. Walgraef, E.M. Ghoniem (Eds.): Patterns, Defects and Materials<br />

Instabilities, Kluwer Ac. Publ., Dordrecht, 1990, p. 241.<br />

[11] A. van den Beukel: phys. stat. sol. (a) 30 (1975) 197.<br />

[12] R. A. Mulford, U.F. Kocks: Acta metall. 27 (1979) 1125.<br />

[13] R. B. Schwarz: Scripta metall. 16 (1982) 385.<br />

[14] L.P. Kubin, Y. Estrin: Acta metall. mater. 38 (1990) 697.<br />

[15] Th. Wutzke, Ch. Schwink: phys. stat. sol. (a) 137 (1993) 337.<br />

[16] A. Klak, Ch. Schwink: phys. stat. sol (b) 172 (1992) 133.<br />

[17] A. Kalk, Ch. Schwink, F. Springer: Mater. Sci. Eng. A 164 (1993) 230.<br />

[18] A. Kalk, Ch. Schwink: Phil. Mag. A 72 (1995) 315.<br />

[19] A. Kalk, A. Nortmann, Ch. Schwink: Phil. Mag. A 72 (1995) 1229.<br />

[20] A. Nortmann, Ch. Schwink: Acta metall. mater. 45 (1997) 2043-2050, 2051–2058.<br />

[21] H. Neuhäuser: This book (Chapter 6).<br />

[22] A. Nortmann, Ch. Schwink: Scripta metall. mater. 33 (1995) 369.<br />

[23] A.H. Cottrell, B. A. Bilby: Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond. A 62 (1949) 49.<br />

[24] J. Friedel: In: Dislocations, 368 Pergamon, Oxford, 1964, p. 405.<br />

[25] F. Springer, Ch. Schwink: Scripta metall. mater. 25 (1991) 2739.<br />

[26] J. Schlipf: Scripta metall. mater. 29 (1993) 287; Scripta metall. mater. 31 (1994) 909.<br />

[27] H. Flor, H. Neuhäuser: Acta metall. 28 (1980) 939.<br />

[28] C. P. Ling, P. G. McCormick: Acta metall. mater. 41 (1993) 3127.<br />

[29] S.-Y. Lee: Thesis, Aachen, 1993.<br />

[30] F. Springer, A. Nortmann, Ch. Schwink: phys. stat. sol. (a) 170 (1998) 63–81.<br />

[31] J. Huang, M. Meyer, V. Pontikis: Phil. Mag. A 63 (1991) 1149; J. Phys. III 1 (1991) 867.<br />

[32] F. Springer, Ch. Schwink: Scripta metall. mater. 32 (1995) 1771.<br />

[33] R. Neuhaus, P. Buchhagen, Ch. Schwink: Scripta metall. 23 (1989) 779.<br />

[34] P. G. McCormick: Acta metall. 36 (1988) 3061.<br />

[35] Ch. Schwink, H. Neuhäuser: phys. stat. sol. 6 (1964) 679.<br />

[36] H. Neuhäuser: In: F. R. N. Nabarro (Ed.): Dislocations in Solids, Vol. 6, North-Holland, Amsterdam,<br />

1983, p. 319.<br />

[37] H. Traub, H. Neuhäuser, Ch. Schwink: Acta metall. 25 (1977) 437.<br />

The publications [1–5, 9, 15–20, 22, 25, 30, 32, 33] resulted from work performed in the present<br />

project of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB).<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow<br />

in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

Hartmut Neuhäuser*<br />

6.1 Introduction<br />

Slip deformation in crystal is inhomogeneous by nature as it is accomplished by the<br />

production and movement of dislocations on single crystallographic planes. Usually,<br />

only few dislocation sources are activated and produce slip on few planes, where, in<br />

particular in fcc and hcp crystals and even more pronounced in alloys with low stacking-fault<br />

energy, many dislocations move on the same plane. This is provoked in particular<br />

if the dislocations on their path through the crystal change the obstacle structure in<br />

the slip plane, e.g. in short-range ordered or in short-range segregated alloys (i.e. in<br />

nearly all alloys) so that the first dislocation feels a stronger “friction” than the succeeding<br />

ones. As the macroscopic elongation of the sample is distributed in general heterogeneously<br />

among the crystallographic planes, the quantities of resolved strain a and<br />

strain rate _a, defined as:<br />

a ˆ l=l 0l0 and _a ˆ _l=l 0l0<br />

(with _l=macroscopic deformation rate, l0 =specimen length, l 0 =Schmid orientation factor),<br />

and commonly used in the formulation of constitutive equations, cannot be directly<br />

connected with realistic dislocation behaviour.<br />

Therefore, in this work, the local strain and strain rate in slip bands, which are<br />

the active regions of the crystal [1], have been measured by a micro-cinematographic<br />

method [2]. Cu-based alloys turned out to be a convenient model system for experimental<br />

reasons: Single crystals can be grown easily in reasonable perfection and the<br />

stacking-fault energy c can be varied by changing the alloy composition. In Cu-<br />

2...16 at% Al, c varies from 35 to 5 mJ/m 2 with increasing Al content, while it remains<br />

(nearly) constant (c & 40 mJ/m 2 ) for Cu-2...17 at% Mn. Thus, the effects of<br />

stacking-fault energy can be separated from those of solute hardening and short-range<br />

ordering, which are comparable for both alloy systems.<br />

104<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkörperphysik,<br />

Mendelssohnstraße 3, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />


While solid solution hardening has been extensively studied and is well documented<br />

and appears well understood in the temperature range below room temperature<br />

[3–5], several open questions remain, which are particularly connected with inhomogeneity<br />

of slip above ambient temperature. In a certain range of deformation conditions,<br />

even macroscopic deformation instabilities occur like the Portevin-Le Châtelier<br />

(PLC) effect. This effect appears to be a consequence of the mobility of solute atoms<br />

in the strain field of dislocations (“strain ageing”) and are extensively studied in [6].<br />

In the following, we briefly review our local slip line observations performed during<br />

deformation and accompanied by EM and AFM (atomic force microscope) investigations<br />

of the slip line fine structure and of dislocation structure by TEM. The conclusions<br />

reached so far as well as the still open questions are summarized. According to<br />

the changes of principal mechanisms, the chapter will be divided into the ranges<br />

around room temperature, at intermediate temperatures, and at elevated temperatures.<br />

6.2 Some Experimental Details<br />

6.2 Some Experimental Details<br />

Observations with video records of slip line development during deformation are performed<br />

in two special set-ups with tensile deformation machines equipped with light microscopes.<br />

The slip steps are visualized in dark field illumination as bright lines, where the<br />

scattered light intensity is a measure of slip step height. The minimum step height resolved<br />

is around Smin ˆ 5 to 10 nm (depending on the quality of the electropolished crystal surface),<br />

changes of larger step heights down to dS 5 nm can be resolved.<br />

One apparatus is designed for very high resolution in time (down to 3 ls) [7, 8],<br />

using photo diodes and a storage oscilloscope with pretrigger parallel to video recording.<br />

From the rate of intensity increase and by comparison with interference microscopy<br />

of the same slip band after full development, the local rate of step height increase<br />

and thus the local shear rate can be determined. The time shift of curves of development<br />

recorded by two neighbouring photo diodes immediately yields the velocity<br />

of growth in length, corresponding to the velocity of screw dislocations if the observations<br />

are performed on the “front” surface, where the plane with Burgers vector and<br />

crystal axis cuts the crystal surface (cf. [9]). By using a second microscope and video<br />

system observing the opposite front surface of the plate-shaped crystal, the time, which<br />

slip needs to traverse the crystal thickness, can be determined.<br />

The second apparatus is designed for observations at various temperatures (up to<br />

500 8C) [10] and with a wide field of view between 0.3 and 4.2 mm in order to check<br />

spatial correlations between activated slip bands. The video system usually records with<br />

a frame rate of 50 s –1 and can be increased up to 500 s –1 .<br />

For investigation of the fine structure of slip lines, which is not resolved by light<br />

microscopy, after deformation EM replica and AFM observations are performed. In addition,<br />

in some cases, the dislocation structure developed during deformation steps has<br />

been studied by TEM.<br />


For creep tests at elevated temperatures, a special creep set-up was designed,<br />

using the controlling system of the drive of the Instron tensile machine to keep arbitrary<br />

constant stress values and recording strain and strain rate versus time. In particular,<br />

the system permits rapid changes between deformation conditions, e.g. between<br />

testing at constant deformation rate and at constant stress. The specimen is inside a vacuum<br />

tube (p

a)<br />

6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.1: a) Temperature dependence of the critical resolved shear stress (crss s0)ofCu-2...15 at%<br />

Al single crystals oriented for single slip at a deformation rate of _l=2 ·10 –3 mm/s (_a =3.6 · 10 –5 s –1 ).<br />

In the range of macroscopic slip instabilities (“PLC effect”, dotted line), the stress intervals of serrations<br />

are plotted. b) Temperature dependence of the (normalized) strain rate sensitivity S ˆ ds=d ln _a<br />

(determined from stationary back extrapolated stress jumps during strain rate changes) for one selected<br />

Al concentration (c=15 at%). Interval with arrows indicates PLC effect (jerky flow). The<br />

plots a) and b) contain data from literature (` cf. refs. in [5]) in addition to our own measurements<br />

(*, • and I, indicating the interval between stress maxima and minima in serrated flow).<br />

for the velocity of screw dislocation groups at the edge of an expanding new slip band<br />

on the front surface. For this example of Cu-15 at% Al, the velocity of edge dislocations<br />

can be estimated from the measured growth rate in height Sb if a reasonable distance<br />

de of the (edge) dislocations moving in groups is assumed. As we consider here<br />

the very first dislocation group produced by the source, we use an average distance between<br />

edge dislocations in the group as determined on TEM micrographs for single,<br />

slightly piled-up groups, i.e. d e =0.2 lm [13, 14]. Then<br />

ve ˆ Ssb de=b 3m=s …3†<br />


esults, where S sb is the slope of the step height versus time curve in the very first few<br />

ms. The ratio v s/v e&8 (at least 3) appears reasonable in view of the interaction<br />

strength of solute obstacles with different dislocation characters and with estimates of<br />

friction stresses on dislocations from the shape of dislocations on TEM micrographs<br />

[13].<br />

Figure 6.2 a shows the typical slip band development recorded by video and the<br />

photo diode; in Figure 6.2 b, the local shear rate during the development is shown in a<br />

double log plot. After the very first rapid growth of step height, the rate slows down<br />

gradually when more and more slip lines are added to the slip band. While the very<br />

first dislocation group appears to move under overstress, resulting in a local slip instability<br />

with the shear rate exceeding that imposed by the deformation machine (cf.<br />

dotted line in Figure 6.2 b), the successive groups feel opposing internal stresses. This<br />

behaviour can be modelled by a (local) work hardening [11, 15]. It shows that the local<br />

strain rate<br />

108<br />

6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

_aloc ˆ R mbv …4†<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.2: a) Records of slip step growth (step height S sb versus time t) of a single slip band,<br />

evaluated from photodiode and digital storage oscilloscope (note ms time scale and high level of<br />

noise). b) Variation of the growth rate in step height Ssb (=local slopes of a)) for several slip<br />

bands in Cu-15 at% Al (compared with earlier results in Cu-30 at% Zn), plotted in double log<br />

scales versus time t. The dotted line indicates the growth rate, which would be necessary to accommodate<br />

the imposed deformation rate by one single slip band.

(R m =mobile dislocation density) varies with time in the activated slip zones by many<br />

orders of magnitudes and that the assumption of an average strain rate according to<br />

Orowan’s equation (Equation (4)), which is frequently used in constitutive modelling,<br />

is not realistic and somewhat arbitrary. The local strain rate _aloc can be connected with<br />

the external deformation rate only by using the “active crystal length” la instead of the<br />

total crystal length l 0 in Equation (1):<br />

where<br />

_aloc ˆ _l=l 0la ; …5†<br />

la ˆ nabBsb<br />

6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

(n ab =number of simultaneously active slip bands, B sb=active width of a slip band measured<br />

along the crystal axis [2]) is a function of deformation rate, stress, strain, temperature,<br />

and time in general. Instead, the nucleation rate formulation of Orowan can<br />

be used to express the average strain rate<br />

_a ˆ _NbF ; …7†<br />

where the rate _N of successive source activations is required (i.e. in our case, the rate<br />

of slip band activations), and the details of slip band development do not matter because<br />

only the total area F swept by all active dislocations during the event enters.<br />

The slip instability at the onset of each slip band evolution can be detected as a<br />

slight stress drop in special experiments (using very thin, short specimens with the load<br />

cell directly connected to one crystal grip [16]) and in acoustic emission records (e.g.<br />

[17]); they are too small to be resolved in case of common specimens (y 4 mm, length<br />

120 mm) in usual tensile machines with their large inertia.<br />

The firstly activated dislocation source of a new slip band is always on that crystal<br />

surface, which due to the bending and lattice rotation by local shear feels a slight<br />

overstress (surface “high”, see below). The average times t HL for the edge dislocation<br />

group to traverse the crystal from this front surface to the opposite one are found, for<br />

plate-shaped Cu-15 at% Al crystals of D=170 and 220 lm thickness, to be 11.1 and<br />

0.7 s, respectively, corresponding to average velocities of the edge dislocations of 22<br />

and 440 lm/s (slip plane inclined by 458 to the crystal axis). The large difference to<br />

Equation (3) is due to the opposing stress gradient along this dislocation path and reflects<br />

the high strain rate sensitivity around room temperature (cf. Figure 6.1 b).<br />

An important process in the formation of dislocation groups from each activated<br />

source is the partial destruction of obstacles by the dislocations cutting across obstacles<br />

in the slip plane. In case of the present alloys Cu-Al and Cu-Mn, their well-known tendency<br />

to short-range ordering suggests that the effective obstacles in the yield region<br />

are groups of solute atoms in an at least partially ordered configuration. This will be<br />

destroyed by a cutting dislocation so that the next dislocation will be able to move at a<br />

lower stress. Although some energetically favourable solute configurations will be “repaired”<br />

by the following dislocations, the net effect is a destruction of “friction” to a<br />

lower value in the activated slip plane. This process was modelled [14] using realistic<br />

…6†<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

next-neighbour pair potentials determined from diffuse X-ray scattering measurements<br />

on Cu-15 at% Al crystals [18] in Monte Carlo simulations of a model crystal with the<br />

measured short-range order, and the resulting dislocation configurations of the group<br />

compared with those observed in TEM [14] (Figure 6.3). This indicates quite high intrinsic<br />

“friction” stresses of the original alloy. The dislocation group is able to move at<br />

a distinctly lower stress because the first dislocation feels, in addition to the external<br />

stress, the internal stress from the following piled-up dislocations.<br />

The resulting fluctuations in local stress are especially pronounced in the case of<br />

Cu-Al alloys, where the dislocation groups on single slip planes are much more extended<br />

than in Cu-Mn alloys as a consequence of the low stacking-fault energy in the<br />

former case, which prevents dislocations from easy cross-slip. This tendency is clearly<br />

observed in TEM micrographs of the dislocation structure after deformation in stage I<br />

(Figure 6.4 a,b [14]) and in the slip band fine structure imaged by EM replica in Figure<br />

6.4 c,d, and by AFM in Figure 6.4 e,f [19]. In particular, the high resolution of the<br />

Figure 6.3: a) Variation of the diffuse antiphase boundary energy in the slip plane by passage of a<br />

number n of dislocations crossing the slip plane and changing near neighbour short-range-ordered<br />

configurations. b) Interaction stresses between dislocations in single dislocation groups (sww<br />

dotted lines) observed by TEM for annealed and quenched Cu-10.7 at% Al crystals. Full lines<br />

sSRO give the difference between these curves (*) and the simulation result (^) from a), assuming<br />

sSRO ˆ c SRO=b [14, 23].<br />

110<br />

a)<br />


6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

a) b)<br />

c) d)<br />

e)<br />

0.5 lm<br />

Figure 6.4: Comparison of dislocation structures: TEM micrographs after deformation in stage I<br />

at room temperature: a) Cu-14.4 at% Al; b) Cu-12 at% Mn), and slip line structures, EM replica:<br />

c) Cu-10.7 at% Al; d) Cu-8 at% Mn; AFM micrographs: e) Cu-15 at% Al; f) Cu-17 at% Mn.<br />

last method permits to decide that in Cu-Al, the activated slip line is indeed on a single<br />

crystallographic plane according to the measured step angle (cf. for Cu-30 at% Zn [20],<br />

for Cu-7.5 at% Al [21]). In Cu-Mn alloys, on the other hand, the high probability for<br />

cross-slip (c c Cu) appears to be the reason for the Cu-like slip line arrangement with<br />

clusters of activated slip planes during the work-hardening stages II and III, while in<br />

Cu-Al alloys with its low c value, very strong local variations of slip behaviour occur<br />

[22]. This again indicates that the average stress and strain usually given in stress-strain<br />

111<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

diagrams may differ considerably from the local values relevant at the active dislocation<br />

sources and for the moving dislocations.<br />

6.3.2 Development of slip band bundles and Lüders band propagation<br />

The process of successive activation of slip lines in the slip band and of slip bands in the<br />

slip band bundle or at the front of a propagating Lüders band has been investigated in<br />

detail by observations on thin flat crystals [16] and by FEM calculations of the stress<br />

around slip steps as well as calculations of the stress field resulting from excess dislocation<br />

groups below the surface necessary to shield the notch stress of the slip step (Figure<br />

6.5). These calculations show that in the surface region, maxima of shear stress occur in<br />

characteristic distances ahead of a previously activated slip plane (irrespective of the details<br />

of dislocation arrangement in the group), i.e. in a distance of 200 nm and in a distance<br />

of 30 lm. The former corresponds to the observed distances of slip lines d se, the latter to<br />

those of slip bands d sb; the numbers depend on the positions of the front and last dislocation<br />

of the excess group. Thus, the activation of a new source occurs under a certain overstress,<br />

which explains the above-mentioned slip instability in the first stage of slip band<br />

growth. It also indicates that the externally measured crss or yield stress in stage I has<br />

to be considered with some caution, although, owing to the high strain rate sensitivity<br />

(Figure 6.1 b), the local stress will exceed the average value by only a few percent.<br />

Figure 6.5: Resolved shear stresses in the slip planes near the upper surface of the crystal (cf. sketch<br />

below) around a slip step and from the stresses of dislocations (B) below the surface, which are necessary<br />

to shield the notch stress of about 50 MPa (A). Note the maxima of the resulting stress<br />

around distances of 200 nm and 30 lm, which are prefered locations for next source activation. Calculation<br />

for S =100 nm, a =200 nm, n =50 dislocations, distance to the front dislocation=33.5 lm.<br />


6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

The above-mentioned differences between Cu-Al and Cu-Mn disappear in the mesoand<br />

macroscopic level: The appearance of slip bands, slip band bundles and the Lüders<br />

band is quite similar (Figure 6.6 a–d). In observations specially designed for examining<br />

the long-range correlations of slip by applying low magnification in the light microscope,<br />

it was found [23, 24] that the neat and simple Lüders band configuration (Figure<br />

6.6 c,d) usually observed in thin flat crystals [16] can be produced also in thick cylindrical<br />

crystals (4 mm y) if the external load (i.e. applied deformation rate) is selected low<br />

enough. Such a deformation front, which is shown schematically in cross section in Figure<br />

6.7 (left side), propagates with a certain velocity v LB from one crystal grip to the other<br />

during tensile deformation in stage I (yield region) in a nearly stable configuration (solitary<br />

wave [25]). The first source of a new slip band ahead of the front is activated at (or near)<br />

surface “high” (Figure 6.7), and slip gradually crosses the crystal towards the opposite<br />

surface “low” against a gradient of bending stress (Figure 6.5). The average plastic front<br />

is normal to the crystal axis and the propagation velocity along the crystal, as determined<br />

from the measured distances and times of front slip bands (Figure 6.8), is found to be<br />

proportional to the external deformation rate _l if this remains below the critical value.<br />

Above that, the deformation mode changes to the formation of slip band bundles (Figure<br />

6.6 a,b) whose trace across the crystal follows the crystallographic slip planes (Figure<br />

6.7, right side). Now, the stress due to the increased deformation rate appears to be high<br />

enough to activate sources more or less at random along the crystal length. They grow to<br />

slip band bundles by adding neighbouring slip bands according to the mechanism shown in<br />

Figure 6.5 (cf. [26, 27]). From such a slip band bundle, the Lüders band starts when the<br />

bundle has reached a certain sufficiently high integrated shear, implying enough stress<br />

concentration due to the bending moment, the thickness reduction and the lattice rota-<br />

a) b)<br />

c) d)<br />

Figure 6.6: Light micrographs of slip band structure on the crystal front surface for the two deformation<br />

modes in stage I of Cu-Al and Cu-Mn: Formation and growth of slip band bundles: a) Cu-<br />

10.7 at% Al; b) Cu-17 at% Mn, and formation and propagation of a Lüders band front: c) Cu-<br />

15 at% Al; d) Cu-17 at% Mn.<br />


114<br />

6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

Figure 6.7: Schematic representation (crystal cross section along its axis) indicating the shear distribution<br />

in the Lüders band front which propagates with velocity vLB, and in slip band bundles<br />

(cf. Figure 6.6 a,b). The slip bands are initiated in the Lüders band at surface “high”, at the edge<br />

of the slip band bundle at its right on surface “high”, at its left on surface “low”, according to the<br />

bending stresses and the stress patterns of Figure 6.5.<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.8: Determination of Lüders band propagation rates v LB from plots of cumulated distances<br />

x F and times t F of the front slip bands of Lüders bands at various external deformation<br />

rates of _ l=2, 4, and 10 lm/s (selected below the critical value) for Cu-10.7 at% Al (a) and Cu-<br />

12 at% Al (b).

a)<br />

6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.9: a) FEM analysis of the stress pattern around the Lüders band front; b) Plot of the resolved<br />

shear stress near the surface across the Lüders band front from the sheared (left) to the virgin<br />

part (right), for different radii of curvature (R) in the Lüders band region (cf. [23]). The increased<br />

stress at the left, mainly due to the reduced cross section, is compensated by work hardening<br />

(kinematic stress).<br />

tion, which accompany the local shear of the single crystal (with slip planes inclined by 458<br />

to the crystal axis). This stress concentration then helps to propagate the Lüders band constriction<br />

along the crystal. The Finite-Element Method (FEM) analysis of stresses (Figure<br />

6.9) shows a stress maximum at the tail and a minimum at the front of the Lüders band; the<br />

latter explains the large gaps between the front slip bands and indicate the necessity of local<br />

stress concentrations from neighbouring slip bands (Figure 6.5) to initiate the next new one<br />

ahead of the Lüders band front. In a recent approximate treatment, Brechet et al. [28] have<br />

described such transitions between homogeneous slip, bundled slip and propagating deformation<br />

fronts in quite general terms reflecting many of the above observations.<br />

Macroscopically, the existence of stress concentrations is realized in the yield<br />

points observed during first loading of the specimen. In fact, calculating the propagation<br />

stress from the external load by using the specimen cross section at the most active<br />

part in the Lüders band region, we arrive at the same stress as that is observed at<br />

the yield point calculated from load and original cross section (cf. [23, 24]). This indicates<br />

that for these alloys the initial yield point is of purely geometrical origin (cf. [29];<br />

the yield points due to strain ageing are smaller and will be discussed below).<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

6.3.3 Comparison of single crystals and polycrystals<br />

An important further stage of the investigations concerns the possibility to transfer the<br />

single crystal results to the case of polycrystals. As a first step in thin flat specimens of<br />

Cu-5, 10 and 15 at% Al with grain sizes around 200 lm, the slip bands have been observed<br />

during several steps of tensile deformation [30] recorded by video and examined<br />

in detail after the deformation steps in the light and electron microscope. In exceedingly<br />

large grains, often fronts of slip bands propagate similar to slip band bundles or<br />

Lüders bands in single crystals. In exceedingly small grains, slip activity is often retarded<br />

due to stresses from neighbouring grains. In the average sized grains, several<br />

(mostly 2 to 3) slip planes are activated, often one after the other and different ones in<br />

different parts of the grain (Figure 6.10). This reflects the local influence of compatibility<br />

stresses exerted by the neighbouring grain. It also explains why not all, but most<br />

slip systems are activated according to the magnitude of the Schmid factor. In the Cu-<br />

Al alloys, the plastic relaxation near grain boundaries occurs frequently, in spite of the<br />

low stacking-fault energy, by cross-slipping of primary dislocations [12, 30]. This appears<br />

to be easier than to activate new sources on secondary systems. It is important in<br />

particular that the kinetics of single slip bands in polycrystals appear to be quite similar<br />

Figure 6.10: Video records of slip line formation in single grains of a polycrystalline thin flat Cu-<br />

10 at% Al specimen shown at three stages of deformation (e=0.5, 1.5 and 8%) at room temperature.<br />

The numbers in the scheme indicate the succession of activated slip planes.<br />


to that in single crystals as shown in Table 6.1 for the average total times of activity of<br />

single slip bands. Contrary to single crystals, in the investigated polycrystals, no Lüders<br />

bands were observed to propagate; according to experience in the literature [31],<br />

the grain sizes for that have to be chosen much smaller.<br />

A pilot experiment was performed in cooperation with Harder [32, 33] and Bergmann<br />

[34] on a thin flat specimen of Cu-5 at% Al containing 3 grains of different known<br />

orientations. The observations of slip band activity correspond well with the measurements<br />

of local strains by the multigrid method and with the FEM calculations [35].<br />

6.3.4 Conclusion<br />

6.3 Deformation Processes around Room Temperature<br />

Table 6.1: Comparison of average times of formation of slip bands on single crystals (plate<br />

shaped, thickness 0.18 mm) and in grains of polycrystals (plate shaped, thickness 0.4 mm, grain<br />

size 0.2 mm) for the Cu-Al alloys with 5, 10 and 15 at% Al. For the single crystals, the range of<br />

observed values is given in parenthesis.<br />

t B (s) Single Crystals<br />

(thickness 0.18 mm)<br />

Cu-5 at% Al 7.8<br />

(3...15)<br />

Cu-10 at% Al 0.15<br />

(0.1...0.2)<br />

Cu-15 at% Al 0.04<br />

(0.02...0.06)<br />

Polycrystals<br />

(grain size 0.2 mm)<br />

In single and polycrystals of the considered Cu-Al and Cu-Mn alloys, deformation proceeds<br />

by production and movement of groups of strongly correlated dislocations across<br />

slip zones. This strong correlation and the destruction of short-range order lead to localized<br />

deformation and micro-instabilities of slip. Owing to the variation of the slip kinetics<br />

during the activity of each slip band, a description of the overall kinetics by the<br />

nucleation rates of slip bands (Equation (7)) including local work hardening (i.e. kinematic<br />

stress) appears appropriate. Thus, the flow units used in [36] consist of such spatially<br />

and temporarily correlated dislocations in groups. Their local stress concentrations<br />

are important in the propagation of slip along the crystal. Details of the mechanisms<br />

and kinetics of dislocation multiplication inside the slip bands still remain to be<br />

explored. The first steps done to study the influence of surrounding grains on the activity<br />

of a considered grain in a polycrystal should be extended, in particular by combining<br />

them with FEM analyses of the local stresses.<br />

12.7<br />

0.73<br />

0.05<br />


6.4 Deformation Processes at Intermediate Temperatures<br />

The range of “intermediate” temperatures is characterized by an increasing mobility of the<br />

solute atoms in the alloy, in particular in the neighbourhood of dislocations. Although first<br />

atomic site changes seem to occur in the dislocation core region already at temperatures<br />

well below room temperature, as evidenced by strain ageing effects during and after stress<br />

relaxation experiments [37], well pronounced influences of solute mobility are observed at<br />

temperatures exceeding room temperature (the lower, the higher the solute concentration,<br />

cf. [6]). In a certain range of temperature and external strain rate, dynamic strain ageing<br />

leads to repeated rapid local slip events even observable as serrations in the load-time<br />

curve in ordinary deformation experiments, the well-documented Portevin-Le Châtelier<br />

(PLC) effect (e.g. [31]). Supplementing the research in [6], where most investigations<br />

are performed in the range preceding this instability region, the present study concentrates<br />

on the evolution of such plastic instabilities. Their temperature region for Cu-Al<br />

single crystals oriented for single glide and deformed in stage I is indicated in Figure<br />

6.1 a by the dotted lines. Figure 6.1 b shows that it nearly coincides with the range<br />

of negative strain rate sensitivity if this is determined from the back-extrapolated stress<br />

course during strain rate changes [38, 39]. For the more general behaviour and ranges<br />

of existence of the PLC effect during work hardening for various crystal orientations<br />

and polycrystals, cf. [6, 40].<br />

6.4.1 Analysis of single stress serrations<br />

Applying an especially rapid data acquisition system to record the load (or stress) simultaneously<br />

with slip line recording by video, the course of PLC load drops has been<br />

directly correlated to the formation of new slip bands at the crystal surface [38, 41].<br />

Figure 6.11 a shows a series of several selected frames taken during the stress serration<br />

given in Figure 6.11 b. Thus, in this range of temperature, one macroscopic instability<br />

event involves the rapid formation of a whole cluster of new slip bands. Obviously,<br />

after breakaway of a first source dislocation from its solute cloud, rapid dislocation<br />

multiplication occurs, where dislocations move fast enough to develop only minor solute<br />

clouds implying high dislocation mobility. The slip transfer mechanism of Section<br />

6.3.2 (Figure 6.5) with local stresses in the surface region rapidly produces a series<br />

of neighbouring slip bands (i.e. a slip band bundle) at a rate higher than that necessary<br />

to comply with the deformation rate imposed by the tensile machine. Therefore, the<br />

load decreases and thus the production rate and dislocation velocity, too. This in turn<br />

permits the solute cloud to grow further and to slow down the dislocation until it stops<br />

suddenly and the specimen is again elasticly reloaded up to the next breakaway event.<br />

The quantitative formulation of this behaviour [38] permits to estimate the change in<br />

the effective enthalpy dDG due to ageing:<br />

118<br />

6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

DG ˆ DG0 ‡ dDG ˆ DG0 ‡ Kf …tw† …8†

a)<br />

6.4 Deformation Processes at Intermediate Temperatures<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.11: Sequence of frames: a) with slip bands originating during a stress drop (b)), in the PLC<br />

regime (T=500 K) of a Cu-10 at% Al crystal deformed in stage I with a rate of _l ˆ 2 10 3 mm/s.<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

in the waiting times for thermal activations<br />

tw ˆ tw0 exp …DG=kT† ; …9†<br />

where K and t w0 are constants and the function f describes the ageing kinetics. We find<br />

dDG 0.16 eV during the stress drop and &0.14 eV during reloading, i.e. & 0.3 eV<br />

in total for Cu-10 at% Al at 580 K [39], which compares quite well with the values determined<br />

from different experiments and different arguments [42, 43]. This change<br />

amounts to roughly 10% of the total effective activation enthalpy DG0 in this temperature<br />

range of stress serrations.<br />

The breakaway stress rises with temperature due to an increasing solute cloud, up to<br />

a stress maximum s0…TM† ˆs0M, which occurs at lower T M for higher solute concentrations<br />

c (Figure 6.1 a, in more detail Figure 6.12a). Beyond the crss maximum, no serrations<br />

occur and slip bands can no longer be detected: Slip becomes virtually homogeneous<br />

for T > TM (cf. Section 6.5). The correlation of s0M with solute concentration (Figure<br />

6.12b) agrees quite well with the classical formula proposed by Friedel [44]:<br />

s0M ˆ A…W 2 m c=kTMb 3 † …10†<br />

for the boundary between dislocation breakaway from the (unsaturated!) solute cloud<br />

(T TM†, which by<br />

rapid diffusion reforms fast enough to be “dragged along” with the moving dislocation.<br />

This relation permits to estimate the mean binding enthalpy W m of solute atoms to the<br />

dislocation, i.e. for c=2...15 at% Al: Wm 0.12 eV taking the structure factor A=0.1<br />

as determined for Cu-Mn alloys by Endo et al. [45]. These Wm values compare well<br />

with earlier results from internal friction [46] and from theoretical estimates [47].<br />

A summary of the temperature dependence of the correlation of serrations (load fluctuations)<br />

with slip activity is given in Figure 6.13, where, on the right, the mean stress<br />

drop amplitude Ds is plotted, while, on the left, the magnitude of simultaneously active<br />

slip band bundles, n aB, is given as determined from the video records according to:<br />

naB ˆ _l= _NbSsb ; …11†<br />

where _l=external deformation rate, _Nb =formation rate of new slip bands in one recorded<br />

active slip band bundle, S sb=average slip step height (normal to the crystal surface),<br />

which does not change noticeably with temperature from room temperature (cf. Section<br />

6.3) up to the PLC range. It is evident that at low T, where n aB is high, the fluctuations<br />

in this number average out well so that a smooth load trace results. However, when<br />

naB becomes small (1 to 10), fluctuations in the load trace are resolved, and they turn into<br />

serrations when n aB formally falls below 1, i.e. when only one slip band bundle is active<br />

for a short time with intervals of elastic reloading until breakaway of the next event.<br />


6.4 Deformation Processes at Intermediate Temperatures<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

Figure 6.12: a) High temperature part of the temperature dependence of the crss s0) (cf. Figure<br />

6.1 a) around its maximum, measured for various Al concentrations (2...15 at%) for Cu-Al single<br />

crystals oriented for single slip, at a deformation rate of _l=1.7 · 10 –3 mm/s (crystal length<br />

l 0 =100 mm) (* Cu-15 at% Al, * Cu-10 at% Al, & Cu-7.5 at% Al, n Cu-5 at% Al, ~ Cu-<br />

3.5 at% Al, s Cu-2 at% Al); b) plot of the maximum stress s 0M=s 0 (T=T M) at the temperatures<br />

TM of the crss maxima versus alloy concentration to check Equation (10) by Friedel [44] for the<br />

transition between dislocation breakaway from and dragging along of the solute cloud.<br />

6.4.2 Analysis of stress-time series<br />

The recorded time series of load (or stress) in the range of plastic instabilities were analysed<br />

by several methods with respect to deterministic chaos or randomness and under<br />

the influence of measurement noise. Different methods proposed in literature for such<br />

dynamic time series analyses have been compared [48] such as reconstruction in phase<br />

space and correlation integral [49, 50], determination of Eigenvalues [51], and determination<br />

of Lyapunov exponents and K 2 entropy [52, 53]. The problems with finding optimum<br />

embedding parameters have been studied relativating first attempts to detect the<br />

existence of chaos in jerky flow [54]. More successful appears a space-time analysis<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

Figure 6.13: Correlation of the temperature dependence of the number of active slip band bundles<br />

n aB (Equation (11)) and the average height of stress serrations Ds for Cu-10 at% Al crystals deformed<br />

with a rate of _ l=1.7 · 10 –3 mm/s. Below the shape of the load-time curves in indicated.<br />

Note the abrupt disappearance of serrations at T M.<br />

[48], which permits to take into account temporal correlations of the correlation integral,<br />

such as in case of quasi-periodic behaviour, after checking the autocorrelation<br />

function (for determination of a proper cut-off) and the power spectrum (for detecting<br />

periodicities).<br />

In evaluations of stress-time series, special care must be taken in case of changes of<br />

the specimen structure during deformation as common in deformation due to work hardening.<br />

This is shown in the examples of Figure 6.14 [48] for polycrystals deformed in the<br />

PLC regime at different temperatures and for a single crystal oriented for single glide, both<br />

for Cu-10 at% Al. For single crystals of Cu-5...15 at%Alandforpolycrystals (Cu-15 at%<br />

Al), the PLC instabilities are of statistic rather than chaotic (deterministic) nature supporting<br />

the recent theoretical treatment by Hähner [55]. For polycrystals, in certain ranges of<br />

deformation conditions at least some deterministic contributions are identified, which are<br />

periodic and seem to correspond to the propagation of the various types of PLC bands. The<br />

long period “type A” serrations (at T=1008C in Figure 6.14) is superposed by a short<br />

period at higher temperature (“type B” at T=150 8C in Figure 6.14), while the single crystal<br />

does not show any periodicity, but indicates a change of structure from stage I to stage II.<br />

While, according to McCormick [56], the type A serrations are associated with a continuous<br />

propagation of plastic PLC deformation bands, type B corresponds to discontinuous<br />

propagation of bands, and during type C, serrations at still higher temperature with spatially<br />


6.4 Deformation Processes at Intermediate Temperatures<br />

Figure 6.14: Sequences of stress-time series measured in the PLC region of polycrystals (T= 100 8C,<br />

T=150 8C) and a single crystal (single glide, transition from stage I to stage II, T=300 8C).<br />

uncorrelated local deformation bands occur. Accordingly, for types A and B from an analysis<br />

of the time series characteristic parameters of the deformation bands (band width, local<br />

plastic shear and shear rate in the band) and of their propagation rate v B can be evaluated<br />

[48]. Figure 6.15 gives examples of the latter quantity for type A and B bands in Cu-15 at%<br />

Al polycrystrals, which show different dependences on total strain e (Figure 6.15a) and _e<br />

(Figure 6.15 b). The model of Jeanclaude and Fressengeas [57] would predict a decrease of<br />

v B with increasing e if spatial coupling of local deformations occurs by cross-slip, while an<br />

increase would indicate spatial coupling by internal stresses [58] (cf. Figure 6.5). The observed<br />

dependence in Figure 6.15 a then would mean a change of cross-slip transfer to<br />

internal stress transfer with increasing temperature, which does not seem quite reasonable.<br />

Further investigations appear necessary and are under way for clarification.<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 6.15: a) Propagation rates vB of PLC deformation bands evaluated from time series like<br />

those in Figure 6.14 for the serrations of type A (T=100 8C) and type B (T=150 8C) for various<br />

total strains e at a strain rate of _e =1 ·10 –4 s –1 ; b) strain dependence of type B propagation rates<br />

(T=150 8C) for variations of external strain rates _e ˆ _l=l.<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

6.4.3 Conclusion<br />

The strain ageing process forming solute clouds around the dislocations leads to macroscopically<br />

pronounced plastic instabilities in a certain range of deformation conditions,<br />

which are again intimately connected with strain localization. Here, the reason is the<br />

breakaway of a dislocation from its solute cloud and subsequent rapid multiplication of<br />

less aged dislocation groups. Thus, the overall kinetics (neglecting the serrations) can<br />

be again described in the nucleation rate approach for aged dislocations, where the kinetics<br />

of ageing enters the rate equations [40, 55, 56, 58]. The evolution of each single<br />

stress instability event can be described in such an approach, too, while the details of<br />

the dislocation multiplication and in particular the role of cross-slip processes in the<br />

slip transfer from the active into the bordering region still remains to be clarified.<br />

6.5 Deformation Processes at Elevated Temperatures<br />

6.5.1 Dynamical testing and stress relaxation<br />

As indicated above in connection with Figure 6.12, for T >TM, the deformation occurs<br />

in a nearly ideal homogeneous manner. This was checked by EM slip line replica and<br />

TEM: No traces of slip could be detected on the crystal surface, and TEM does not<br />

show dislocation groups, but randomly distributed heavily jogged dislocations indicating<br />

easy cross-slip of screw and climb of edge dislocations. Therefore, no slip line observations<br />

are possible. In this range, viscous glide behaviour of dislocations can be assumed,<br />

and the classical Orowan equation (Equation (4)) _a ˆ R mbv with a definite dislocation<br />

velocity v and mobile dislocation density R m appears realistic. According to<br />

the analysis from Figure 6.12 b, these dislocations carry along their (unsaturated) solute<br />

cloud, which now decreases with increasing temperature for entropy reasons. Thus, the<br />

alloying effect diminishes with increasing temperature as seen in Figure 6.1 a and Figure<br />

6.12 a. The observation of a smaller yield stress for higher alloy concentrations (for<br />

c>5 at%) at T >T M, which looks surprising at first sight, can be explained by the wellknown<br />

increase of the diffusion constant D(c) with solute concentration c [59] in the<br />

treatment of Friedel [44]: The relation between strain rate _a and applied stress s is<br />

_a ˆ 2R m…b=k†D sinh …sb 2 k=kT† 2R mb 3 Ds=kT ; …12†<br />

where kˆbcM ˆbc exp …Wm=kT† is the distance of pinning solute atoms along the dislocation.<br />

This relation also describes well the observed strain-rate sensitivity in stage I<br />

for T >TM (Figure 6.16c, where different c values are plotted), which agrees well if determined<br />

from either stress relaxations (Figure 6.16a) or from strain-rate changes (Figure<br />

6.16 b), where the initial stress jumps (constant structure) are evaluated.<br />

The course of stress relaxations in this temperature regime can be well described<br />

by a viscous dislocation velocity [60]:<br />


c)<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

6.5 Deformation Processes at Elevated Temperatures<br />

Figure 6.16: Strain-rate sensitivities (cf. Figure 6.1 b) in the range of elevated temperatures for<br />

single crystals of Cu-Al with different Al concentrations measured from stress relaxations (a) and<br />

from strain rate changes (b) taking the “initial” stress changes of the transients (i.e. without structural<br />

changes) (_e2 ˆ 5_e1; _e1 =1.7 · 10 –5 s –1 ; symbols as in Figure 6.12 a); c) plot of the strain-rate<br />

sensitivity for T>T M (T M=temperature at the crss maxima in Figure 6.12 a) versus 1/T to check<br />

Equation (12), for initial and stationary (i.e. back extrapolated) stress changes, using all data with<br />

different alloy concentrations ≥5 at%.<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

v s ; …13†<br />

and either by a stress-dependent mobile dislocation density:<br />

R m s n ; …14†<br />

or by a Gaussian spectrum of free activation enthalpies. For the first approach, the observed<br />

n values correspond well with the m=n+1 values (=3.6 ...3.8±0.5 for Cu-<br />

3.5...10 at% Al) usually found from creep experiments for this type of alloys [61]. For<br />

the latter approach, the temperature dependence of the average characteristic relaxation<br />

times changes abruptly at the temperature of the crss maximum, indicating again the<br />

change of rate-controlling mechanism, i.e. breakaway of dislocations from their solute<br />

cloud for TT M.<br />

6.5.2 Creep experiments<br />

In order to check by more direct measurements and evaluations creep data for T>T M,<br />

additional creep tests have been performed in the special creep set-up described in Section<br />

6.2. Figure 6.17 shows some typical creep curves in the plot of strain rate versus<br />

strain: a) at a fixed stress for various temperatures, and b) at a fixed temperature for various<br />

applied stresses for polycrystalline Cu-10 at% Al. After a rapid decrease, the strainrate<br />

approaches stationarity (the following rapid increase of _e ˆ _l=l is due to specimen<br />

constriction and should be disregarded). In Figure 6.17b for sufficiently low stresses<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 6.17: Creep tests on Cu-10 at% Al polycrystals, in plots of strain rate _e versus strain e: a)<br />

performed at constant stress r/G (G=shear modulus) for various temperatures, and b) at constant<br />

temperature T/T m (T m=melting temperature) for various stresses. Note the oscillating strain rate at<br />

low stresses in b).<br />


a)<br />

6.5 Deformation Processes at Elevated Temperatures<br />

Figure 6.18: a) Critical strains for the onset of dynamic recrystallization (DRX), determined from<br />

its first appearance (*) and from the distance of strain rate maxima (*); b) examples for initiating<br />

dynamic recrystallization by a change of stress to lower values during creep tests.<br />

(or strain rates), creep occurs with an oscillating strain rate showing the characteristics<br />

known for dynamic recrystallization (e.g. [62]). For instance, the critical strain for the onset<br />

of dynamic recrystallization increases in proportion to the applied stress (Figure<br />

6.18 a). The dynamic recrystallization can be induced by a rapid change to a lower<br />

stress in the critical range (Figure 6.18b). This seems to be accompanied by changes of<br />

the dislocation structure, which are to be studied in more detail to obtain more information<br />

on the nature of the recovery processes in this temperature range T>T M.<br />

The stationary creep rate, approximated by the minimum rate _emin in Figure 6.17,<br />

varies with stress and temperature (Figure 6.19) according to<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 6.19: Plots of the stationary creep rate (cf. Figure 6.16) versus stress (a) and temperature<br />

(b) to determine the parameters in Equation (15).<br />

127<br />


6 Inhomogeneity and Instability of Plastic Flow in Cu-Based Alloys<br />

_emin r 5 exp … Q=kT† …15†<br />

with Q&2 eV, which approximates the activation for diffusion of solutes in the alloy or<br />

for self diffusion. The stress exponent (m&5) is slightly higher than that quoted above<br />

from stress relaxations, which has been clarified in [63, 64].<br />

The first rapidly decreasing part of the creep curve contains information on dislocation<br />

multiplication. At very low stresses, this part of primary creep may even show<br />

increasing strain rate for some time. Observed differences to creep tests in conventional<br />

creep machines [65] can be traced back to the different kinetics of loading. These processes<br />

will be explored further by rapid changes from strain rate to stress-controlled<br />

conditions at different levels of stress (or strain) (cf. [63, 64]).<br />

6.5.3 Conclusion<br />

In the temperature region T >T M, diffusion processes are dominant. The deformation kinetics<br />

can be well described by the viscous glide approach with the dislocation velocity<br />

governed by dragging of solute clouds and a stress-dependent mobile dislocation density.<br />

This is the result of dislocation multiplication and simultaneous intensive recovery<br />

processes, where dislocation climb and cross-slip are important similar to pure metals<br />

[66, 67]. The details of these processes in solid solutions have to be further clarified.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This work was possible through the engagement and essential contributions of my coworkers,<br />

C. Engelke, A. Hampel, A. Nortmann, J. Plessing, in their dissertation works,<br />

and Ch. Achmus, U. Hoffmann, T. Kammler, M. Kügler, H. Rehfeld, S. Riedig, M.<br />

Schülke, H. Voss, G. Wenzel, A. Ziegenbein, in their diploma works.<br />

In addition, I acknowledge gratefully the continuous discussions and cooperation<br />

with Prof. Dr. Ch. Schwink, and the cooperation in SRO measurements with Prof. Dr.<br />

O. Schärpf (ILL Grenoble) and Dr. R. Caudron (LLB Saclay) by neutron scattering,<br />

and with Prof. Dr. G. Kostorz and Dr. B. Schönfeld (ETH Zürich) by X-ray scattering<br />

(with financial support of the Volkswagenstiftung). In particular, the financial support<br />

of our work by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB 319-A9) is gratefully acknowledged.<br />


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[54] G. Ananthakrishna, C. Fressengeas, M. Grosbras, J. Vergnol, C. Engelke, J. Plessing, H.<br />

Neuhäuser, E. Bouchaud, J. Planés, L.P. Kubin: Scr. Metall. Mater. 32 (1995) 1731–1737.<br />

[55] P. Hähner: Mater. Sci. Eng. A 164 (1993) 23–34; A 207 (1996) 208–215, 216–223.<br />

[56] P. G. McCormick: Trans. Ind. Inst. Metals 39 (1986) 98–106.<br />

[57] V. Jeanclaude, C. Fressengeas: Scripta Metall. Mater. 29 (1993) 1177–1182.<br />

[58] H. Neuhäuser: In: E. Inan, K.Z. Markov (Eds.): Proc. 9. Int. Symp. on Continuum Models<br />

and Discrete Systems, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998, pp. 491–502.<br />

[59] W. Jost: In: Diffusion, Verlag Steinkopff, Darmstadt, 1957, p. 109.<br />

[60] C. Engelke, P. Krüger, H. Neuhäuser: Scripta Metall. Mater. 27 (1992) 371–376.<br />

[61] W. Blum: In: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer (Eds.): Materials Science and Technology,<br />

Vol. 6: Deformation and Fracture (Vol.-Ed.: H. Mughrabi), VCH Weinheim, 1993,<br />

pp. 359–405.<br />

[62] T. Sakai, J.J. Jonas: Acta Metall. 32 (1984) 189–209.<br />

[63] A. Nortmann, H. Neuhäuser: Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 168 (1998) 87–107.<br />

[64] A. Nortmann: Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1998.<br />

[65] P. Weidinger, W. Blum: Personal communication.<br />

[66] D. Caillard, J.L. Martin: Acta Metall. 30 (1982) 437–445, 791–798; 31 (1983) 813–825.<br />

[67] D. Caillard: Phil. Mag. A 51 (1985) 157–174.<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain<br />

on the Texture Development<br />

and Yield Surfaces of Polycrystals<br />

Dieter Besdo and Norbert Wellerdick-Wojtasik*<br />

7.1 Introduction<br />

The simulation of forming processes applying the Finite-Element method is more and<br />

more in use today. If the results are close to reality, the simulation can save costs involved<br />

in the forming of testing tools and shorten the development stage of new products.<br />

But this aim can only be achieved if the model of the forming process is physically<br />

plausible. The treatment of contact problems and the modelling of the material behaviour,<br />

e.g., present many problems. The material properties of the anisotropy caused<br />

or at least modified by the forming process in particular are problematic.<br />

In classical continuum mechanics, the material behaviour is described by phenomenological<br />

laws; the inner structure of the material is not considered in detail. Today,<br />

the available CPU’s have reached a performance level that allows us to take the microscopic<br />

behaviour into account as in texture analysis (see Figure 7.1). Thus, it seems<br />

possible to develop constitutive laws based on an improved physical basis and to use<br />

them in Finite-Element calculations.<br />

7.2 The Model of Microscopic Structures<br />

7.2.1 The scale of observation<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

In papers on texture analysis and on theories of polycrystals, the expressions ‘microscopic’<br />

and ‘macroscopic’are often used. It is thus necessary to define the scale of observation.<br />

The resolving power of the microscopic observer is usefully described by the<br />

* Universität Hannover, Institut für Mechanik, Appelstraße 11, D-30167 Hannover, Germany<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

Figure 7.1: View of material structure in continuum mechanics and in texture analysis.<br />

following definition. The observer knows the physical phenomenon and mechanism of<br />

slipping, but he is not able to locate the area of slipping in the grain. Thus, if slipping<br />

occurs, he is forced to treat it as a homogeneous in the grain-distributed action. This<br />

also means that all points of the grain are describable by only one stress tensor or velocity<br />

gradient.<br />

The expressions ‘macroscopic’, ‘global’ or ‘polycrystal’ are not related to a deformed<br />

body of a special form; they refer to a volume of many crystals. This volume is<br />

often called a control volume or representative volume, which is large compared with<br />

the microscopic scale. Although it consists of many crystals, it is small in contrast to<br />

any deformed body. Thus, a deformed specimen consists of many representative volumes.<br />

To start calculations in the interior of the representative volume, one is forced to<br />

have some state quantities of the macroscopic scale as well as of the microscopic scale.<br />

The macroscopic information could be a velocity gradient, for example.<br />

7.2.2 Basic slip mechanism in single crystals<br />

The plastic deformation of a single crystal is assumed to be caused only by slipping in<br />

certain slip systems. A slip system consists of a slip direction and a slip plane. The<br />

planes and directions are determined by the structure of the crystal. In face-centred cubic<br />

crystals, e.g., the primary slip systems are formed by the {111} planes and the<br />

h110i directions. Plastic deformation by slipping of a system is only possible if the<br />

shear stress s on the slip system exceeds a critical value s c. The deformation gradient,<br />

F and the velocity gradient L, relative to a lattice fixed frame, are then given by:<br />

F ˆ I ‡ c …s m T † and L ˆ _c …s m T † ; …1†<br />

where s and m are the orthogonal lattice vectors of the slip direction and the slip<br />

plane. The magnitude of shear in the active slip system is called c . The equations<br />


above are only valid if single slip occurs, but generally more than one slip system will<br />

be operating simultaneously. The appropriate equations for multislip follow for the velocity<br />

gradient by superposition of single slips:<br />

L ˆ X _c …s m T † : …2†<br />

Nevertheless an analogue treatment of the deformation gradient F is not valid. Furthermore,<br />

when the elastic distortion of the lattice is considered as well, the expressions become<br />

more complicated because the distorted lattice vectors must be used for an appropriate<br />

formulation (see e.g. Havner [1]).<br />

7.2.3 Treatment of polycrystals<br />

7.2 The Model of Microscopic Structures<br />

The main problem of modelling crystal structures is not the formulation for the single<br />

crystal. It is more difficult to find a suitable averaging method to obtain the properties<br />

of the polycrystal. The interactions of the crystals at their grain boundaries during their<br />

deformation are so complex that there are still some simplifications necessary to make<br />

the problem mathematically treatable.<br />

Several texture models have been developed to deal with this problem. Some of<br />

them ignore the grain interactions, while others try to consider them in different ways.<br />

The first and basic models are those of Sachs [2] and Taylor [3, 4]. Simulations based<br />

on the Taylor model show better results compared with textures measured in experiments.<br />

It is therefore till now often the basis of texture simulations. Generally, most<br />

methods differ from each other in terms of whether the homogeneity of deformations<br />

or the homogeneity of stresses are partly or completely satisfied. A comprehensive<br />

overview of modelling plastic deformation of polycrystals is given in [5].<br />

All texture models require some basic data of the microscopic scale. Usually, at<br />

least the following specifications are considered:<br />

• The polycrystal consists of N j crystallites with equal volume. No restrictions about<br />

the grain form are made.<br />

• The orientation of each crystal is given by the Eulerian angles u 1, y and u 2. No information<br />

about the arrangement of the crystals in the polycrystal is available.<br />

• The elastic constants of the single crystals are given as well as the slip systems including<br />

their critical shear stresses. The assumption of the known critical shear<br />

stresses presents a problem in practice.<br />

7.2.4 The Taylor theory in an appropriate version<br />

The Taylor model, often called Full-Constrained model, is the most often used texture<br />

model. The fundamental assumption of the model is that in each crystal, five slip sys-<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

tems are activated in a way such that the microscopic velocity gradient for the incompressible<br />

flow is identical with the global one:<br />

grad V ˆ L ˆ A T j<br />

� )<br />

X 5<br />

_c …s m T †<br />

ˆ1<br />

|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}<br />

microscopic<br />

Aj ‡ Xj with Xj ˆ A _ T j Aj : …3†<br />

The expression Xj ˆ A _ T j Aj given by the transformation tensor A and its time derivative<br />

A _ is most important. This is the lattice spin of the crystal. To solve the problem,<br />

the equation is decomposed in symmetric and antimetric parts, D and W, respectively.<br />

Thus, if the global velocity gradient is given, the symmetric part can be solved as a set<br />

of linear equations. This leads to 384 possible solutions in the case of 12 slip systems.<br />

The correct solution is the one, which minimizes the internal power of the grain. Especially,<br />

if the critical shear stresses are equal on all slip systems, this selection criterion<br />

is not unique, and all combinations of five slip systems that lead to internal power inside<br />

a tolerance limit are supposed to be active. As more than five slip systems operate<br />

simultaneously, this is an extension of the Taylor theory. Another way to solve the ambiguous<br />

problem is to vary the initial critical shear stresses with a random generator.<br />

This solution is not a restriction of the model; in some cases, it might improve the<br />

quality of the texture models.<br />

If the magnitude of shear is known for all slip systems, the lattice spin is given<br />

by:<br />

Xj ˆ W<br />

X12<br />

T<br />

A _c<br />

ˆ1<br />

ges …s m T m s T � )<br />

† Aj ; …4†<br />

hence, A _ j can be calculated. Integration of Equation (3) leads to the new orientation of<br />

the lattice. Finally, the microscopic stresses can be calculated with the known slip systems.<br />

A macroscopic stress tensor and also a mean spin tensor are obtained by averaging<br />

the crystal data.<br />

Normally the hardening of the crystal is considered by a law of the form:<br />

_s c ˆ f X12<br />

lˆ1<br />

c l; c b; _u m<br />

!<br />

; b; l 2‰1; ...; 12Š ; …5†<br />

which must be evaluated after each step of calculation. Some examples for suitable<br />

hardening laws can be found in [6] and [1]. The calculations documented in [6] also<br />

show that the hardening law strongly effects the stress response and has hardly any influence<br />

on the texture development of the polycrystal.<br />

134<br />

|‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚{z‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}<br />


7.3 Initial Orientation Distributions<br />

For a practical comparison of measured and calculated textures, the initial orientations<br />

of the crystals should be measured as single orientations of single grains or as non-discretized<br />

orientation distribution function (ODF). In theoretically based works and research<br />

projects, it is quite normal to start the calculation with an isotropic state. Therefore,<br />

it is necessary to generate a distribution with initial global isotropic properties.<br />

7.3.1 Criteria of isotropy<br />

Before initial orientations can be used for numerical simulations, it is necessary to<br />

check whether an initial isotropy is actually guaranteed and not only orthotropy. Many<br />

criteria can be used to check this although not all of them are sufficient. In [7], e.g.,<br />

the components of the average elastic stiffness tensor were regarded. But for small deviations<br />

from the isotropy configuration, there can be remarkable deviations of the elastic<br />

modulus for different directions of loading. In [6], the plastic isotropy is proved by<br />

calculating the yield surfaces of the single crystals. If all these yield surfaces are regularly<br />

distributed in the stress plane, the distribution is thought to be isotropic. This<br />

approach considers only the first possible slip system, and if multislip occurs, the isotropy<br />

might not be satisfied. It therefore seems to be best to introduce an isotropy test,<br />

which checks the elastic properties as well as the plastic properties under consideration<br />

of multislip.<br />

A suitable test of the elastic isotropy is to calculate the average elastic stiffness tensor.<br />

The method introduced by Hill [8], which leads to good estimations in the case of<br />

randomly distributed crystals, seems to be the simplest and best method of approximation.<br />

A quantity denoting the elastic anisotropy of an orientation distribution may be:<br />

AE ˆ Emax Emin<br />

Eh111i Eh100i 7.3 Initial Orientation Distributions<br />

AE ˆ 0 ) elastic isotropy ;<br />

AE ˆ 1 ) single crystal isotropy ;<br />

where the maximum difference of the calculated average elastic modulus is related to<br />

the corresponding data of the single crystal. Thus, the value is independent of the<br />

constants of the single crystal and only the quality of the distribution is assessed. In the<br />

case of ideal isotropy, the quantity A E will vanish. A helpful visualization is to draw<br />

the elastic properties of different directions as a body of elastic moduli. Here, distributions<br />

with lower quality, concerning isotropy, show remarkable deviations from the<br />

ideal spherical form.<br />

The Taylor model is an ideal tool to check the plastic properties under consideration<br />

of multislip because at least five slip systems are active. The function<br />

fAP…e† ˆ1 AP…e† with AP…e† ˆ jr1?…e† r2?…e†j<br />

s c<br />

…6†<br />

…7†<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

can be used to judge the plastic properties. A P is the ratio of the differences of stresses<br />

orthogonal to the tension direction to a mean value of the critical shear stress. In the<br />

best case of isotropy, the function will reach fAP…e† ˆ18e, and the accompanying plot<br />

will show a sphere.<br />

7.3.2 Strategies for isotropic distributions<br />

A special strategy is only required if the distribution should consist of as few crystals<br />

as possible. But given a later implementation of such a texture-based constitutive law<br />

in a Finite-Element program, this should always be the aim.<br />

Several authors use random distributions generated with the help of a random<br />

generator. Unfortunately, these distributions are only usuable, considering the isotropy,<br />

if they consist of many orientations (>1000). Distributions created by a proper strategy<br />

are generally better than distributions generated randomly when the number of orientations<br />

is equal.<br />

Several strategies are based on a discretization of the Euler space. Here, the space<br />

built from the possible combinations of Euler angles is discretized. On account of the<br />

crystal symmetry, it is not necessary to consider the entire Euler space; a small portion<br />

is sufficient. For cubic crystal symmetry and orthorhombic symmetry of the specimen,<br />

the relevant Euler space was given by Pospiech [9]. Unfortunately, this field has a nonlinear<br />

boundary and therefore it is not easy to discretize it. Müller [6] and Harren [7]<br />

use a corresponding discretization and obtain distributions of 32 ...128 and 385 orientations,<br />

respectively. Isotropy is not satisfied in every case, but the distributions of Müller<br />

[6] are better although they consist of fewer orientations.<br />

Asaro and Needlemann [10] and Harren and Asaro [11] use a combination of specific<br />

method and random distribution. The unit triangle of the stereographic projection<br />

is used to fix one of the global axes. The attachment of the base in space is done with<br />

an angle given by a random generator. Figure 7.2 shows the elastic properties calculated<br />

with data given in [11].<br />

The distributions show a noticeable anisotropy, which is assumed to be caused by<br />

the random generator. The method was used again to check the plastic isotropy with<br />

the result that all distributions obtained had better properties than the original ones.<br />

Another method is given by Müller [6], who discretized the surface of a sphere to<br />

obtain the positions of local basis vectors. This method leads to distributions of good<br />

quality (see e.g. Figure 7.3), but it is always combined with the problem of the spherical<br />

geometry.<br />

This problem can be avoided if one takes the area of a circle for discretization and<br />

obtains the points on the sphere by an equal area projection. A detailed description of the<br />

method is given in [12]. The quality of the distributions naturally depends on the division<br />

of the area and on the number of orientations, but for the same number of orientations, the<br />

isotropy is better or at least comparable to that of the so-called Kugel distributions. Figure<br />

7.4 shows the isotropy test of a distribution generated with this method. Although it<br />

consists of only roughly one hundred orientations, the isotropy is nearly guaranteed.<br />


7.4 Numerical Calculation of Yield Surfaces<br />

Figure 7.2: Global elastic modulus body of some distributions given in [11].<br />

Figure 7.3: Test of isotropy of the distribution kugel192 given in [6].<br />

Figure 7.4: Test of isotropy of the distribution kr104 given in [12].<br />

7.4 Numerical Calculation of Yield Surfaces<br />

The numerical calculation of yield surfaces with data from orientation distributions can<br />

be carried out in many different ways. But with regard to a comparison with experimental<br />

data, research methods, which allow the consideration of the sequence of an experiment,<br />

should be preferred. Generally, all methods are averaging methods, but the<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

procedure of averaging and the basic assumptions vary. The methods can be categorized<br />

as follows:<br />

Static methods of averaging are based only on the Schmid law and no strain is<br />

considered. Methods of this type are not suitable for a comparison with experimental<br />

data, as the later are usually measured with an offset strain. In [6], a method is proposed<br />

based on averaging the single crystal yield surfaces. This method can also consider<br />

kinematic hardening when the surface lies outside the origin. Figure 7.5 shows<br />

two yield surfaces on an initial distribution. The values of the stresses r XX, r YY and<br />

s XY are related to a mean value of the critical shear stresses. This normalization is also<br />

done in the figures below. In [13], this method is combined with some offset simulations.<br />

When the offset is large, the resulting yield surfaces are similar. Another method,<br />

called MHSSS (Most Highly Stressed Slip Systems), is proposed by Toth and Kovács<br />

[14]. This method uses a double averaging, first in the grain and second for the polycrystal.<br />

It is shown in [12] that the calculated yield stress is the harmonic mean of the<br />

five lowest possible stresses causing yielding in different slip systems. The arithmetric<br />

or geometric mean may be used in the same way.<br />

The classical Taylor yield surfaces are based on statics as well. The yield surfaces<br />

shown in Figure 7.6 have been calculated by applying 80 loading paths, which are<br />

marked by the arrows. The best and fastest method for calculating the yield surface in<br />

this manner was introduced by Bunge [15].<br />

Stress-controlled methods are based on a global given stress tensor. The stress is<br />

increased incrementally until the shear stress in one slip system exceeds the critical value.<br />

It is then possible to calculate the amount of shearing that is needed for a static equilibrium<br />

with the hardening law. If the critical shear stress is not reached during a step, the<br />

deformation is assumed to be purely elastic. After all deformations of the crystals have<br />

been obtained, the mean value of strain is calculated. The method continues until the offset<br />

strain is reached. Unfortunately, only the stress is given and no information about the<br />

global velocity gradient is supplied. Therefore, antimetric parts are hardly considered. But<br />

for small deformations (e.g. for a simulation of the elastic-plastic transition), this method<br />

may be suitable. Figure 7.7 shows initial yield surfaces of an initial kugel distribution. The<br />

graph is due to an ideal calculation, and the symbols correspond to a calculation under<br />

consideration of strain hardening, loading path effects and orientation alterations. The offset<br />

strain used is 0.2%, which is a standard value in material testing. One may notice that<br />

Figure 7.5: Initial yield surfaces calculated with the radial averaging method.<br />


7.4 Numerical Calculation of Yield Surfaces<br />

Figure 7.6: Initial yield surfaces calculated with the Taylor model.<br />

Figure 7.7: Initial yield surfaces calculated with a stress-controlled method.<br />

although a large offset is used, the resultant yield surfaces are smaller than the ones calculated<br />

with the Taylor model. Therefore, the later ones are only valid for comparison with<br />

yield surfaces measured when a large offset strain is used.<br />

More examples and a detailed description of this method can be found in [12].<br />

Strain-controlled methods are based on a given deformation or velocity gradient.<br />

In a simple manner, the yield stress of the Taylor model is calculable with a strain path<br />

like an experiment. When the components of the global velocity gradient are given for<br />

the stress plane considered, e.g. in the form<br />

Lij ˆ fXL X ij ‡ fYL Y ij with fX ˆ cos b and fY ˆ sin b ; …8†<br />

it is possible to apply the loading path desired by choosing suitable values for the angle<br />

b. LX ij and LYij are the tensor components of pure loading in X and Y direction, respectively.<br />

When b changes, the equivalent strain rate changes, too; it is therefore necessary<br />

to vary the time increment of the integration to achieve a constant step of<br />

equivalent strain increment during each loading step. Thus, this method is suitable for<br />

calculating yield surfaces as shown in Figure 7.8. Exactly 80 loading paths starting<br />

with pure tension and then continuing counter clockwise round the stress plane are applied.<br />

For comparison, the ideal Taylor yield surfaces are shown too. This model shows<br />

the expected effect as the expanding of the yield surfaces caused by the loading path<br />

under consideration of hardening. The hardening law used is the isotropic PAN law<br />

with parameters proposed in [6] and the offset strain is 0.1%.<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

Figure 7.8: Initial yield surfaces calculated with a strain-controlled Taylor simulation.<br />

When kinematic hardening is considered, the yield surfaces become distorted and<br />

may not be closed.<br />

The only disadvantage is that the classical Taylor theory starts with the full plastic<br />

material state. Thus, the elastic-plastic transition is not taken into consideration. A better<br />

method might be the Lin model [16], which similar to the Taylor model assumes<br />

that all crystals have the same strain. Furthermore, nearly the same hardening law can<br />

be used. This method is used in [6] for the calculation of offset-strain dependent yield<br />

surfaces. The disadvantage is the small deformation area of application. Thus, it is not<br />

useful for texture simulations. The problem is discussed further in [12], and it is shown<br />

that the numerical evaluation can be simplified without restrictions.<br />

7.5 Experimental Investigations<br />

The aim of the experimental investigations was to measure yield surfaces of large prestrained<br />

materials. The large deformation was achieved with a torsion-testing machine<br />

at the Institut für Mechanik of the Universität Hannover. The measurement of the yield<br />

surfaces was done with a testing machine at the Institut für Stahlbau of the Technische<br />

Universität Braunschweig. The material of the specimens was always the aluminium alloy<br />

AlMg 3.<br />

7.5.1 Prestraining of the specimens<br />

The prestraining of the specimens was achieved with a torsion-testing machine, further<br />

described in [12]. In order to measure yield surfaces after the deformation, it was necessary<br />

to twist thin walled tubular specimens. The final nominal length, inside diameter<br />

and wall thickness of each specimen, were 60 mm, 24 mm and 2 mm, respectively. If<br />

the accuracy of the manufactured specimen is high (e.g. by using a CNC-controlled<br />

lathe), large deformations without buckling can be achieved. To prevent buckling and<br />


to ensure that the cylindrical form of the specimens was maintained, a lubricated mandrel<br />

was inserted inside the specimens. A maximal amount of shear of<br />

c a ˆ tan w ˆ 1:5 could be reached with that configuration, where w describes the angle<br />

of an axial direction on the surface of the specimen after the deformation. That means<br />

a twist of about 360 degrees for the specimens. The elongation of the specimen was<br />

not suppressed with the result that an elongation always occurred, which nearly depended<br />

linearly from the twisting angle in agreement with the research done by Pöhlandt<br />

[17] with specimens of aluminium. The maximal elongation was D` ˆ 1:25 mm.<br />

Since the measurement of the yield surfaces was done in another apparatus, the specimens<br />

were fully unloaded after the torsional deformation.<br />

7.5.2 Yield-surface measurement<br />

Four different material states have been investigated: specimens without any prestrain and<br />

ones with c a=0.5, c a=1.0 and c a=1.5 magnitudes of shear. The testing apparatus was a<br />

strain-controlled machine with the capability of combined tension-torsion loadings. The<br />

yield point of the material was detected with the offset strain definition. In all tests, one<br />

specimen was used for 16 loading paths, starting with pure tension and then continuing<br />

counter clockwise round the r-s-plane. This was done for three reasons. First, this reduced<br />

the costs of specimens. Second, it was not guaranteed that the prestrain is reproducible<br />

and last, the multipath measurement data are needed for the comparison with the<br />

theoretical models. These data are ideal to check whether the texture model including<br />

the hardening law is able to describe the material behaviour during such a loading history.<br />

The interpretation of the data measured is based on an additive decomposition of<br />

the total strain increment in an elastic and a plastic part. If the total strain increment is<br />

given by the testing machine, the plastic parts of it are given by:<br />

Depl ˆ Deges<br />

Dr<br />

E<br />

and Dc pl ˆ Dc ges<br />

when the constants E and G are known. In determining the yield surface, the offset von<br />

Mises equivalent plastic strain was computed using the equation:<br />

De vM<br />

pl ˆ De2 1<br />

pl ‡<br />

3 Dc2 r<br />

pl<br />

7.5 Experimental Investigations<br />

Ds<br />

G<br />

…9†<br />

: …10†<br />

The yielding point was reached when the calculated plastic strain exceeded the given<br />

offset strain:<br />

X<br />

vM<br />

Depl eoff ; …11†<br />

where offsets between 0.0015% and 0.1% have been used. It is essential for the offset<br />

definition that the values of E and G are known with high accuracy. Otherwise, large<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

Figure 7.9: Calculated value of E in dependence on the number of used measuring points.<br />

errors may be the result. If E is measured too large, the resultant yield stress will be<br />

smaller than the real one. In an extreme case, yielding is supposed although the<br />

material is still in the elastic state. On the other hand, if E is measured too small, the<br />

resultant yield stress will be larger than the real one. The shear modulus G has an appropriate<br />

influence. This possible error in determining the yield stress increases with<br />

decreasing offset. Data obtained by using very small offsets should therefore be treated<br />

with caution.<br />

The determination of the elastic constants E and G is normally done with the first<br />

measured points of a new loading path. The best way is to calculate the regression<br />

coefficients. Although the regression coefficient in the elastic range should always be<br />

constant, that is practically not the case. It always varies in a small range depending on<br />

the number of considered measuring points as shown in Figure 7.9.<br />

Thus, if another number of measuring points is selected for calculating the modulus<br />

E, the resultant value E and as a consequence also the resultant yield stress will be<br />

changed. This is an especially critical case for the modulus E; the shear modulus G<br />

shows better relations.<br />

7.5.3 Tensile test of a prestrained specimen<br />

This test was done to investigate the appearance of the cross-effect. A cross-effect is<br />

given when the maximum yield stress in the tensile component of stress is altered by<br />

the strain hardening in torsion and vice versa. Normally, the cross-effect and related issues<br />

are investigated by the measurement of yield surfaces when the plastic deformation<br />

at most reaches the usually small offset strain. This tensile test was realized to investigate<br />

the cross-effect on a larger scale.<br />

Two tensile test specimens DIN 50125-B 10 ×50 have therefore been produced,<br />

one of nearly isotropy material and the other of prestrained material. Hence, a cylindrical<br />

specimen was twisted up to fracture, which occurs at a shear rate of c a=1.65. The<br />


tensile specimen was produced from the broken rest as shown in Figure 7.10. An estimate<br />

led to an amount of shear of c a=0.55 at the radius of the final test specimen, but<br />

as a result of the processing, the two specimens were not distinguishable. The result of<br />

the tensile test is shown as a diagram of force and elongation in Figure 7.10.<br />

Additionally, some mechanical properties are given in Figure 7.10. As expected,<br />

the prestrained material is more brittle compared with the other one. Furthermore, the<br />

mechanical strength properties are greater than those of the unstrained specimen. Values<br />

never reachable for the unstrained specimen were obtained. This shows that there is<br />

a remarkable cross-effect.<br />

7.5.4 Measured yield surfaces<br />

7.5 Experimental Investigations<br />

Figure 7.10: Tensile test of pre- and unstrained material.<br />

Some measured yield surfaces are presented below. Detailed discussions and further investigations<br />

about the cross-effect and the loading path are given in [12].<br />

First, it is remarkable that 0.0015% was the smallest practicable offset-strain for<br />

the unstrained specimens, while this value was too small for the prestrained specimens.<br />

There were several runaways among the data measured and therefore the smallest offset<br />

was chosen to 0.005%. A larger one of 0.05% was also chosen for comparison.<br />

Other offsets were only used for unique specimens.<br />

Figure 7.11 shows the measured yield surfaces of unstrained specimens with increasing<br />

offset.<br />

As expected, the yield surfaces have an elliptical form and for small values, the<br />

axial ratio r/s is closely to the von Mises yield surface. This ratio, however, increases<br />

with increasing offset as well. The data obtained from the largest offset used show an<br />

expansion of the surface, which is surely caused by the specific loading path and the<br />

large offset of 0.1% inducing significant plastic deformation.<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

Figure 7.11: Yield surfaces of unstrained specimens.<br />

A comparison of yield surfaces of prestrained specimens is given in Figure 7.12.<br />

There are remarkable concave areas, which seem to disappear for the more prestrained<br />

specimens. This is causually connected with the loading path because in the<br />

second and third quadrant, no such areas occur. On the other hand, this concave area is<br />

due to the first measured point and, therefore, it is the first loading differing from the<br />

torsional preloading. This might be an important fact. Furthermore, the surfaces show a<br />

hardening with increasing degree of prestrain. There is a significant distortion, a flattening<br />

of the portion of the surface opposite the loading direction, and a kinematic hardening<br />

or a so-called Bauschinger effect occurs.<br />

When the large offset is applied, the most remarkable characteristics disappear.<br />

the yield surfaces shown in Figure 7.13 are ellipses slightly shifted in the loading direction.<br />

Furthermore, a hardening with increasing degree of prestraining is noticeable. Exceptionally,<br />

the yield surface of the unstrained specimen is measured with an alternate<br />

loading path, which does not affect the shape strongly.<br />

Figure 7.12: Yield surfaces of prestrained specimens (small offset strain).<br />


7.5 Experimental Investigations<br />

Figure 7.13: Yield surfaces of prestrained specimens (large offset strain).<br />

Figures 7.12 and 7.13 show that it is often difficult to assign the characteristics<br />

observed. One may ask if the effects are due to the prestraining or to the parameters of<br />

the measurement. Especially, the loading path for each specimen could be the cause of<br />

some effects. In order to investigate the influence of these parameters, some specimens<br />

were applied to the measure procedure three times. First, the small offset was used;<br />

then the larger one and finally again the small offset. The resultant properties of the unstrained<br />

material are shown in Figure 7.14, where only the surfaces measured with the<br />

small offset are presented. The data measured characterized by the * is of the third<br />

measurement of this specimen. Thus, an influence of the loading path can be seen because<br />

this yield surface is slightly shifted to the direction of the last loading of the previous<br />

path with the large offset.<br />

In fact, there is an influence of the loading path, which does not seem to be too<br />

large because the form of the surface is not affected.<br />

Surprisingly, the prestrained material shows a very different behaviour. In Figure<br />

7.15, correspondent measurement of a specimen prestrained up to c a=0.5 is shown.<br />

Figure 7.14: Influence of the loading path (unstrained material).<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

Figure 7.15: Influence of the loading path (prestrained material).<br />

The first surface measured with the small offset shows the properties already detected<br />

in Figure 7.12. The second has nearly an elliptical form. The third surface, measured<br />

with the small offset, is a slightly shifted ellipse. Considering the previous yield<br />

surface, the third one shows properties as expected, but compared with the first one,<br />

there are hardly any common characteristics. Form, size and position have changed remarkably.<br />

Thus, the prestrained specimens are very sensitive to further deformations<br />

compared with the unstrained ones.<br />

7.5.5 Discussion of the results<br />

The measurement of yield surfaces is not problematic for unstrained specimens even<br />

when small offset strains are used. The data are reproducible and if the offset is small,<br />

there is only a small influence caused by the loading path.<br />

On the other hand, the prestrained specimens were very sensitive. When the form<br />

of the yield surface is not known, it is difficult to identify runaway data and to assign<br />

the effects to parameters of the measure procedure. An amplification of these effects is<br />

due to the problem of determination of the correct elastic modulus.<br />

In comparison with similar investigations (e.g. in [18–24]) agreement as well as<br />

different results can be found.<br />

7.6 Conclusion<br />

In several investigations, the models of polycrystals are based on the motivation that<br />

these models lead to better results in simulating the distortion of yield surfaces. The<br />


distortion and the resultant anisotropy are often assumed to be caused by the orientation<br />

distribution of the single crystals in the material.<br />

The results presented prove that especially prestrained material is very sensitive to<br />

small deformation. This means that the principle form of the yield surface is strongly<br />

sensitive to small plastic deformations. Since this small deformation hardly affects the<br />

texture of the material, it must be assumed that the texture is not the real cause for the<br />

distortion of the yield surface. Additional events and mechanisms must occur in the<br />

material during any plastic deformation.<br />

Further investigations on the numerical calculation of yield surfaces will be undertaken.<br />

Especially the question concerning, which method leads to results similar to the<br />

surfaces measured and what kind of microscopic hardening law is needed, will be considered.<br />

The fact that almost all parameters of the hardening law must be identified by<br />

the mechanical properties of the polycrystal is problematic. At least, one should be able<br />

to identify all these parameters with standard methods in material testing. Otherwise, it<br />

does not make sense to use microscopic-based material laws. The final aim is to do the<br />

calculation first and then proceed in manufacturing. The other way of doing an experiment<br />

first and then trying to reach the same results in simulation may be practicable<br />

for research projects, but this is surely not senseful for practical applications.<br />

Finally, a search for a texture model to describe small deformations as well as<br />

large deformations and all this in an acceptable calculation time will be undertaken.<br />

Then, an implementation in a Finite-Element program may be useful.<br />

References<br />

References<br />

[1] K.S. Havner: Finite Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids. University Press, Cambridge,<br />

1992.<br />

[2] G. Sachs: Zur Ableitung einer Fließbedingung. Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure<br />

72 (1928) 734–736.<br />

[3] G.I. Taylor: Plastic Strain in Metals. J. Inst. Metals 62 (1938) 307–323.<br />

[4] G.I. Taylor: Analysis of Plastic Strain in Cubic Crystals. In: J.M. Lessels (Ed.): Stephen<br />

Timoshenko 60th Anniversary Volume, 1938, pp. 307–323.<br />

[5] E. Aernoudt, P. van Houtte, T. Leffers: Deformation and Textures of Metals at Large<br />

Strains. In: H. Mughrabi (Ed.): Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Materials, Vol. 6 of<br />

Materials Science and Technology: A Comprehensive Treatment (Vol.-Eds.: R. W. Cahn, P.<br />

Haasen, E.J. Kramer), VCH, Weinheim, 1993, pp. 89–136.<br />

[6] M. Müller: Plastische Anisotropie polykristalliner Materialien als Folge der Texturentwicklung.<br />

VDI Fortschrittsberichte Reihe 11: Mechanik/Bruchmechanik, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf,<br />

1993.<br />

[7] S.V. Harren: The Finite Deformation of Rate-Dependent Polycrystals: I. A Self-Consistent<br />

Framework. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 39 (1991) 345–360.<br />

[8] R. Hill: The Elastic Behaviour of a Crystalline Aggregate. Proc. Phys. Soc. London A 65<br />

(1952) 349–354.<br />

[9] J. Pospiech: Symmetry Analysis in the Space of Euler Angles. In: H.J. Bunge, C. Esling<br />

(Eds.): Quantitative Texture Analysis, 1982.<br />


7 The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture Development<br />

[10] R. J. Asaro, A. Needlemann: Texture Development and Strain Hardening in Rate Dependent<br />

Polycrystals. Acta. metall. 33 (1985) 923–953.<br />

[11] S.V. Harren, R. J. Asaro: Nonuniform Deformations in Polycrystals and the Aspects of the<br />

Validity of the Taylor Model. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 37 (1989) 191–232.<br />

[12] N. Wellerdick-Wojtasik: Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Fließflächenentwicklung<br />

bei großen Scherdeformationen. Dissertation Universität Hannover, 1997.<br />

[13] D. Besdo, M. Müller: The Influence of Texture Development on the Plastic Behaviour of<br />

Polycrystals. In: D. Besdo, E. Stein (Eds.): Finite Inelastic Deformations – Theory and Applications.<br />

IUTAM Symposium Hannover/Germany 1991, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,<br />

1992, pp. 135–144.<br />

[14] L.S. Toth, I. Kovács: A New Method for Calculation of the Plastic Properties of Fibre Textures<br />

Materials for the Case of Simultaneous Torsion and Extension. In: J.S. Kallend, G.<br />

Gottstein (Eds.): Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials ICOTOM, 1988.<br />

[15] H.J. Bunge: Texture Analysis in Materials Science. Cuvillier, Göttingen, 1993.<br />

[16] T. H. Lin: Analysis of Elastic and Plastic Strains of a Face-Centered Cubic Crystal. J.<br />

Mech. Phys. Solids 5 (1957) 143–149.<br />

[17] K. Pöhlandt: Beitrag zur Optimierung der Probengestalt und zur Auswertung des Torsionsversuches.<br />

Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1977.<br />

[18] P. M. Nagdhi, F. Essenburg, W. Koff: An Experimental Study of Initial and Subsequent<br />

Yield Surfaces in Plasticity. J. Appl. Mech. 25 (1958) 201–209.<br />

[19] H.J. Ivey: Plastic Stress-Strain Relations and Yield Surfaces for Aluminium Alloys. J.<br />

Mech. Engng. Sci. 3 (1961) 15–31.<br />

[20] W. M. Mair, H.L.D. Pugh: Effect of Prestrain on Yield Surfaces in Copper. J. Mech.<br />

Engng. Sci. 6 (1964) 150–163.<br />

[21] J.F. Williams, N.L. Svensson: Effect of Torsional Prestrain of the Yield Locus of 1100-F<br />

Aluminium. Journal of Strain Analysis 6 (1971) 263–272.<br />

[22] A. Phillips, C. S. Liu, J.W. Justusson: An Experimental Investigation of Yield Surfaces at<br />

Elevated Temperatures. Acta Mechanica 14 (1972) 119–146.<br />

[23] P. Cayla, J.P. Cordebois: Experimental Studies of Yield Surfaces of Aluminium Alloy and<br />

Low Carbon Steel under Complex Biaxial Loadings. Preprints of MECAMAT 92, International<br />

Seminar on Multiaxial Plasticity, 1992, pp. 1–17.<br />

[24] A.S. Khan, X. Wang: An Experimental Study on Subsequent Yield Surface after Finite<br />

Shear Prestraining. Int. J. of Plasticity 9 (1993) 889–905.<br />


8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation<br />

Laws Analysing Inhomogeneous Stress-Strain States<br />

Reiner Kreißig, Jochen Naumann, Ulrich Benedix, Petra Bormann,<br />

Gerald Grewolls and Sven Kretzschmar*<br />

8.1 Introduction<br />

The rapid development of numerical mechanics has resulted in<br />

• an increased need for the identification of material parameters,<br />

• new procedures, developed to solve these problems.<br />

A common property of material parameters consists in the fact that they could not be<br />

measured directly.<br />

The classical method of the determination of material parameters is to demand a<br />

quite good agreement between measured data from properly chosen experiments and<br />

comparative data taken from numerical analysis. This will be carried out by the optimization<br />

of a least-squares functional.<br />

Furtherly, the parameter identification based on experiments with inhomogeneous<br />

stress-strain fields, the usage of global and local comparative quantities in the objective<br />

function and optimization by deterministic methods will be described.<br />

8.2 General Procedure<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

In addition to classical material-testing methods, current research is done to identify<br />

material parameters of inelastic deformation laws by the experimental and theoretical<br />

analysis of inhomogeneous strain and stress fields. A new method is the parameter<br />

identification using the comparison of numerical results obtained by the Finite-Element<br />

* Technische Universität Chemnitz, Institut für Mechanik, Straße der Nationen 62,<br />

D-09009 Chemnitz, Germany<br />


method with experimental data, for instance, with displacement fields measured by optical<br />

techniques [1–7]. The papers [1–4] were realized within the Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich 319).<br />

Unlike this Finite-Element algorithm based method, in this paper, another procedure<br />

is presented to identify material parameters of inelastic deformation laws. The<br />

principle consists in the experimental determination of the strain distributions in the ligament<br />

of a notched bending specimen at several load steps and the numerical integration<br />

of the deformation law at a certain number of points along the ligament with measured<br />

strain increments as load. The actual material parameters can be found using the<br />

global equilibrium of the stresses integrated along the ligament with the known external<br />

loads. Besides also local quantities, for instance, the stresses in the grooves of the<br />

notch could be compared. A detailed scheme of this procedure is shown in Figure 8.1.<br />

Below constitutive equations, in the framework of the classical plasticity and<br />

materials as sheet metals or metal plates are studied. The elastic properties should be<br />

isotropic. Viscoplastic effects are neglected. An initial anisotropy, especially a planar<br />

orthotropy is taken into account.<br />

8.3 The Deformation Law of Inelastic Solids<br />

As an example, the deformation law of classical plasticity theory with small strains as<br />

used in the material subroutines of the integration algorithm (cf. Section 8.6.1) will be<br />

considered. At the yield limit holds the yield condition:<br />

F…r; h; p† ˆ0 : …1†<br />

The linear elasticity law<br />

_r ˆ E_e …2†<br />

is valid for loads in the elastic domain<br />

T qF<br />

F < 0 or F ˆ 0 and _r<br />

qr ˆ _eT T qF<br />

E < 0 : …3†<br />

qr<br />

For loads into the plastic domain<br />

T qF<br />

F ˆ 0 and _r<br />

qr ˆ _eT T qF<br />

C > 0 ; …4†<br />

qr<br />

the deformation law becomes:<br />

150<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

_e ˆ _eel ‡ _epl ˆ E 1 _r ‡ _ k qF<br />

qr<br />

: …5†

8.2 The Deformation Law of Inelastic Solids<br />

Figure 8.1: Scheme for the identification of material parameters by bending tests.<br />

In this case, the inner variables are assumed to develop in accordance with:<br />

_h ˆ _ kq…r; h; p† : …6†<br />

The material stiffness matrix C…r; h; p† arises from Equation (5) by elimination of _ k<br />

with the help of the consistency condition.<br />


8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams<br />

8.4.1 Principle<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

The simultaneous determination of the uniaxial stress-strain curves for tension and compression<br />

by bending test is known since 1910 [8]. On the other hand, examples for application<br />

were relatively rare publicated [9–11]. Here, this technique is applied to analyse<br />

the material properties in the delivery state. Besides, it was developed to calculate<br />

the initial yield surface (Figure 8.2).<br />

8.4.2 Experimental technique<br />

Test material for the own investigation was the stainless steel X6CrNiTi 18.10, which<br />

exhibits a gradual transition from the elastic to the plastic behaviour. All specimens<br />

were made from one and the same metal plate with a thickness of 6 mm.<br />

It is assumed that the sheet metal has a planar orthotropy coming from the production<br />

process. To determine these initially anisotropic material properties, two specimens<br />

are prepared, the axes of which are parallel to the orthotropy directions (Figure 8.3).<br />

Bending tests, being able to provide yield curves and the initial yield surface,<br />

were carried out in a specially constructed four-point bending device positioned in a<br />

conventional 100 kN material testing machine. The longitudinal forces in the specimens<br />

can be neglected because the four loads are easily moveable in horizontal direction<br />

with the increasing deformation (Figure 8.4).<br />

Figure 8.2: General procedure for the investigation of initial material properties.<br />


8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams<br />

Figure 8.3: Specimen geometry for bending beams.<br />

Figure 8.4: Device for four-point-bending.<br />

All tests were made at a velocity of 0.108 mm/min and at a maximum strain rate<br />

of about 10 –5 s –1 .<br />

The axial and lateral strains at the outer fibres of the bending beams were measured<br />

with high-elongation strain gages up to maximum strains of 5%. In separate extensive<br />

investigations, the measuring accuracy of strain gages was analysed at higher<br />

strains using the Moiré technique as an experimental reference method. As result, equa-<br />


8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

Figure 8.5: Experimental results in pure bending of a rectangular beam: a) bending moment; b)<br />

strains at the outer fibres (C compression, T tension).<br />

tions for the determination of strain in the elastic-plastic region were obtained, whereas<br />

in the elastic region, the producer’s strain gage factor can be used [12, 13].<br />

As an example for the primary experimental results, the measured curves for the<br />

bending moment and the strains at the outer fibres are shown in Figure 8.5.<br />

The high density of data and the smoothness of the curves are a good basis for<br />

evaluation. A maximum strain level of about 0.5% is sufficient to determine initial<br />

material properties and to study the elastic-plastic transition.<br />


8.4.3 Evaluation<br /> Determination of the yield curves<br />

The following fundamental assumptions are made for the evaluation of elastic-plastic<br />

pure bending tests:<br />

• The cross-sectional areas remain plane.<br />

• The stress state is uniaxial.<br />

The trapezoid-shaped distortion of the cross-section is taken into account, but the deformations<br />

should be only moderate so that the stress states can be assumed as uniaxial.<br />

In pure bending, the distribution of the usual technical strain e ˆ…l l0†=l0 is a<br />

linear function of the coordinate y at the deformed beam (Figure 8.6):<br />

ex…y† ˆ jy j ˆ 1<br />

h …eTx e C x † …7†<br />

with j as the curvature of the neutral axis. Then, the bending stress curve is an image<br />

of the uniaxial stress-strain relation of the material (Figure 8.6).<br />

The equivalence between the bending stresses rx and the bending moment Mb<br />

and the longitudinal force N ˆ 0, respectively, requires:<br />

Mb…j† ˆ<br />

N…j† ˆ<br />

ZhC…j†<br />

hT…j†<br />

ZhC…j†<br />

hT…j†<br />

8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams<br />

rx…y†b…y†ydy ˆ 1<br />

j 2<br />

rx…y†b…y†dy ˆ 1<br />

j<br />

Ze T x …j†<br />

e C x …j†<br />

Ze T x …j†<br />

e C x …j†<br />

Figure 8.6: Strain and stress in a rectangular beam under pure bending.<br />

rx…ex†b…ex†exdex ; …8†<br />

rx…ex†b…ex†dex ˆ 0 : …9†<br />


In Equations (8) and (9), rx…ex† represents the uniaxial yield curves for tension and<br />

compression. The actual width b of the beam at the coordinate y can be transformed in<br />

b…ex† ˆb0‰1 ‡ ez…ex†Š with b0 as the initial width of the rectangular cross-section.<br />

Differentiation of Equations (8) and (9) with respect to the parameter j gives:<br />

…1 ‡ e T z †eT x<br />

de T x<br />

dj rT x<br />

…1 ‡ e C z †eC x<br />

de C x<br />

dj rC x<br />

ˆ j<br />

b0<br />

2M ‡ j dM<br />

dj<br />

…1 ‡ e T z †deT x<br />

dj rTx …1 ‡ e C z † deCx dj rCx and from there, the stresses rT x …eTx † and rC x …eCx † in the outer fibres:<br />

r T;C<br />

x<br />

ˆ 1<br />

b0h0<br />

2M ‡ j dM<br />

dj<br />

de T;C<br />

x<br />

dj<br />

h<br />

h0<br />

1<br />

…1 ‡ e T;C<br />

z †<br />

; …10†<br />

ˆ 0 ; …11†<br />

depending on the curvature j. In Equation (12), eT x …j† and eCx …j† represent the corresponding<br />

strains in the outer fibres of the bending beam.<br />

In contrast to the former works [8–11], the last term in Equation (12) reflects the<br />

trapezoid-shaped distortion of the cross-section and takes into account anisotropic, especially<br />

orthotropic material behaviour. The quantity h=h0 in this term can be determined by:<br />

h<br />

h0<br />

ˆ<br />

j<br />

e T x<br />

Z hC<br />

h T<br />

e C x<br />

dy<br />

1 ‡ ey…y†<br />

ˆ<br />

Z eT<br />

e C<br />

e T x<br />

e C x<br />

…1 ‡ ex†‰1 ‡ ez…ex†Šdex<br />

assuming incompressibility for the total strains.<br />

In Equation (12), the denominator causes different yield curves for tension and<br />

compression, respectively, whereas the numerator defines the general level of the stress.<br />

These two influences are already seen in the primary experimental results of Figure 8.5.<br />

As a first step in evaluation, the limit of the linear part in the curves of Figure 8.5<br />

was estimated by a multiphase regression method. From these data, the elastic<br />

constants in form of the Young’s modulus E and the Poisson’s ratio m can be easily determined<br />

using linear elasticity. In a second step, the data curves were approximated by<br />

cubic spline functions. After differentiating, the stresses can be calculated numerically<br />

point by point from Equation (12).<br />

In Figure 8.7, stress-strain relations following from the data of Figure 8.5 are shown.<br />

In addition to Figure 8.5, the yield curves for the whole strain range up to 5% are<br />

presented in Figure 8.8.<br />

The initial yield locus curve is characterized by the uniaxial yield stresses and the<br />

directions of de pl in these stress points (cf. Figure 8.2). The yield stresses in tension<br />

and compression, respectively, are defined from the stress-strain relations assuming a<br />

relatively small offset strain of 0.1‰. The plastic strains can be calculated from the<br />

156<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

…12†<br />


8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams<br />

Figure 8.7: Yield curves determined from the data of Figure 8.5.<br />

Figure 8.8: Yield curves up to a maximum strain of 5%.<br />


Figure 8.9: Plastic strain e pl<br />

measured total strains at the outer fibres in longitudinal and transverse direction using<br />

the incompressibility of plastic deformation and the elastic deformation law. Then, the<br />

direction of depl can be found from differentiating the curves epl y …epl x † at approximately<br />

ˆ 0:1‰ (Figure 8.9).<br />

e pl<br />

x<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br /> Determination of the initial yield-locus curve<br />

From bending tests of straight specimens, the yield stresses and the directions of plastic<br />

flow, i.e. the normal directions of the yield surface at measured yield stresses, for pure<br />

tension and compression in x- and y-direction were determined.<br />

If one assumes a quadratic yield function, the most general expression for principal<br />

stress states is the quadratic form:<br />

f …rx; ry† ˆh1r 2 x ‡ h2rxry ‡ h3r 2 y ‡ h4rx ‡ h5ry ‡ h6 ˆ 0 : …14†<br />

One constant is free, hence h2 was set to be (–1) and h6 will be positive for:<br />

f …rx; ry† ˆh1r 2 x rxry ‡ h3r 2 y ‡ h4rx ‡ h5ry h6 ˆ 0 : …15†<br />

The first part of the objective function should minimize the squares of the yield function<br />

at the measured yield stresses ^r:<br />

158<br />

y …epl x<br />

† from the data of Figure 8.5.

y1 ˆ 1 Xh<br />

i2 f …^rx ; ^ry † ! min : …16†<br />

…q† …q† 2<br />

q<br />

Then, the optimality condition<br />

8.4 Bending of Rectangular Beams<br />

grad y 1 ˆ 0 …17†<br />

gives a system of linear equations for the constants h1, h3, h4, h5 and h6:<br />

‰^r 4 xŠ ‰^r2x^r2 yŠ ‰^r3xŠ ‰^r2x^ryŠ ‰ ^r 2 xŠ ‰^r 2 x^r2 yŠ ‰^r4yŠ ‰^rx^r2 yŠ ‰^r3yŠ ‰ ^r2 yŠ ‰^r 3 xŠ ‰^rx^r2 yŠ ‰^r2xŠ ‰^rx^ryŠ ‰ ^rxŠ<br />

‰^r 2 x^ryŠ ‰^r3 yŠ ‰^rx^ryŠ ‰^r2 yŠ ‰ ^ryŠ<br />

‰ ^r 2 xŠ ‰ ^r2 yŠ ‰ ^rxŠ<br />

0<br />

10<br />

1<br />

h1<br />

B<br />

C<br />

B<br />

CB<br />

h3 C<br />

B<br />

CB<br />

C<br />

B<br />

CB<br />

h4 C<br />

B<br />

CB<br />

C<br />

@<br />

A@<br />

h5 A<br />

‰ ^ryŠ ‰1Š h6<br />

ˆ<br />

‰^r 3 x^ryŠ ‰^rx^r 3 yŠ ‰^r 2 x^ryŠ ‰^rx^r 2 yŠ 0 1<br />

B C<br />

B C<br />

B C<br />

B C …18†<br />

@ A<br />

‰ ^rx^ryŠ<br />

with ‰...Šˆ P<br />

…...†. All stresses are normalized.<br />

q<br />

For yield stresses, all representing only pure tension and compression, the right<br />

side will be zero. To overcome this, the normal directions n ˆ…nx; ny† were taken into<br />

a second part of the objective function:<br />

y2 ˆ 1 X<br />

2<br />

qF qF<br />

^n x…q† ^n y…q† ! min : …19†<br />

2 qr q<br />

y…q† qrx…q† The optimality condition gives another system of linear equations for h1, h3, h4 and h5:<br />

‰4^r 2 x^n2 yŠ ‰ 4^rx^ry^nx^nyŠ ‰2^rx^n 2 ‰ 4^rx^ry^nx^nyŠ ‰4^r<br />

yŠ ‰ 2^rx^nz^nyŠ<br />

2 y^n2 xŠ ‰ 2^ry^nx^nyŠ ‰2^ry^n 2<br />

xŠ ‰2^rx^n 2<br />

yŠ ‰ 2^ry^nx^nyŠ ‰^n 2<br />

yŠ ‰ ^nx^nyŠ<br />

‰ 2^rx^nx^nyŠ ‰2^ry^n 2<br />

xŠ ‰ ^nx^nyŠ ‰^n 2<br />

xŠ 0<br />

B<br />

@<br />

1<br />

0 1<br />

h1 C<br />

CB<br />

C<br />

CB<br />

h3 C<br />

CB<br />

C<br />

C@<br />

h4 A<br />

A<br />

h5<br />

‰2^rx^ry^nyŠ<br />

ˆ<br />

‡ ‰ 2^r 2 y^nx^nyŠ ‰ 2^r 2 y^nx^nyŠ ‡ ‰2^rx^ry^n 2 xŠ ‰^ry^n 2<br />

yŠ ‡ ‰ ^rx^nx^nyŠ<br />

‰ ^ry^nx^nyŠ ‡ ‰^rx^n 2<br />

xŠ 0<br />

B<br />

@<br />

1<br />

C :<br />

A<br />

…20†<br />

Since h6 not occurs, this system gives only information about the shape of the ellipse<br />

but not of its extension. Now, we superpose the two parts of the objective function under<br />

consideration of weighting factors. The weighting factors were chosen to be reciprocal<br />

to the variance of measured stresses and normal directions, respectively:<br />

y ˆ 1<br />

s 2 …r† y 1 ‡ 1<br />

s 2 …n† y 2 : …21†<br />


The approximated initial yield-locus curve is shown in Figure 8.10.<br />

It could be described well by a shifted von Mises yield ellipse. The initial values<br />

of the deviatoric back stresses could be derived from the centre coordinates of the ellipse<br />

to be x0 ˆ 8:3 MPa and y 0 ˆ 3:2 MPa.<br />

8.5 Bending of Notched Beams<br />

8.5.1 Principle<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

Figure 8.10: Initial yield-locus curve: 0.01% offset-strain, half-axes ration a=b ˆ 3<br />

p and angle<br />

c ˆ 45 8 given; rFo ˆ 218:3 MPa, rM x ˆ 19:8 MPa, rMy ˆ 14:7 MPa.<br />

Pure bending of a deeply notched specimen is a suitable test to investigate material<br />

properties also under conditions of different plane stress states. The geometry of the<br />

specimen is shown in Figure 8.11.<br />

The shape of specimen was optimized to get large ratios ry=rx of the principal<br />

stresses in the material particles lying in the ligament. Bending tests have the advan-<br />


tages that with only one specimen, tension as well as compression can be analysed and<br />

that a reversal loading can be realized easily in the experiment.<br />

In this chapter, the determination of the strain distributions in the ligament of the<br />

specimens for each load step is described.<br />

8.5.2 Experimental technique<br />

8.5 Bending of Notched Beams<br />

Figure 8.11: Specimen geometry for notched bending beams.<br />

The in-plane Moiré technique, about which was reported earlier [14], was used to measure<br />

the deformation of the specimens. The geometric Moiré is based on the superposition<br />

of two gratings – the deformed object grating and the reference grating. Each<br />

Moiré fringe, the so-called isothetic, describes the geometric location of all points with<br />

the same Cartesian displacement component. This simple and clear fringe parameter is<br />

reflected in the following fundamental equation:<br />

ux…x; y† ˆpmx…x; y† ; …22†<br />

where ux is the in-plane component of the displacement vector, mx fringe order, p pitch<br />

(Figure 8.12), x; y Eulerian coordinates. The preparation of the specimen (left) and a<br />

microphotograph (right) of the object grating were presented in Figure 8.12.<br />

Parallel to the Moiré technique, strain gage measurements were carried out in the<br />

grooves of notches and in the outer parts of the ligament.<br />

As an example, the steps of loading (1–6), unloading (7) and reversal loading (8–<br />

14) of a notched bending specimen are stated in Table 8.1.<br />

As typical Moiré fringe fields in Figure 8.13, the isothetics are presented for the<br />

load step 4 from Table 8.1.<br />

The pictures show high concentrations of the strain ex close to the grooves of the<br />

notches and only small strains ey in the ligament. Because of that, an intense plane<br />

stress state can be expected along the ligament.<br />

Finally, Figure 8.14 demonstrates the remarkable effect that the deformations in the<br />

whole specimen are removed almost completely at a defined reversal bending moment.<br />


Figure 8.12: Moiré technique.<br />

162<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

Table 8.1: Load steps in bending of a notched specimen.<br />

Loading Moment [Nm] Unloading Moment [Nm] Reversal loading Moment [Nm]<br />

1 477 7 2 8 –93<br />

2 552 9 –187<br />

3 609 10 –273<br />

4 655 11 –430<br />

5 689 12 –503<br />

6 736 13 –763<br />

14 –817<br />

Figure 8.13: Isothetic fields for load step 4 from Table 8.1 (left ux, right uy).

8.5.3 Approximation of displacement fields<br />

By means of Moiré measurements, we have got some measured values ^ux…^xs; ^y s† and<br />

^uy…^xt;^yt† of the displacements but at different points …^xs; ^y s† and …^xt; ^y t† for ^ux and ^uy,<br />

respectively.<br />

To determine the values at given points like needed in our case, an approximation<br />

of the displacement fields will be done. The displacements ux and uy are independent<br />

from each other so that they could be handled separately. The used method is only described<br />

for ux, a detailed discourse is given in [15]. The general idea for approximations<br />

is to use a local approach valid in a distinct area<br />

~ux…x; y† ˆ X<br />

amum…x; y† …23†<br />

m<br />

8.5 Bending of Notched Beams<br />

Figure 8.14: ux-Isothetic field for load step 12 in Table 8.1.<br />

with scalar factors am and properly chosen functions u m. Polynomial functions are well<br />

established, but if one uses such with higher degree, the solution shows undesired<br />

wave-like effects. On the other hand, it is useful to take functions, which are at least<br />

C 1 -continuously to get also a good approximation of the strains.<br />

The problem was solved by a Finite Element-like approximation. Good results<br />

were obtained using functions of the Serendipity-class of isoparametric 8-nodes-rectangular<br />

elements.<br />

The mesh generation could be done with the preprocessor of an arbitrary Finite-<br />

Element program. If one takes the same mesh to approach both ux and uy, this procedure<br />

has the additional advantage that transformation of the mesh including the approximations<br />

into the initial configuration is possible. Hence, the description in material coordinates<br />

and the tracking of material points will be possible.<br />

The functional to determine the scalar factors am was chosen to be:<br />


U ˆ Xne 1 Xmi …~ux…^xij; ^y ij† ^uxij† 2<br />

" #<br />

‡ c1 iˆ1<br />

‡ c 2<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

mi<br />

jˆ1<br />

X nr<br />

rˆ1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

lr<br />

Z<br />

lr<br />

… ~uxI;n<br />

~uxII;n† 2 dlr<br />

X ne<br />

iˆ1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

Gi<br />

Z<br />

Gi<br />

3<br />

…~u 2 x;xx ‡ 2 ~u2 x;xy ‡ ~u2 x;yy †dGi<br />

7<br />

5<br />

3<br />

7<br />

5 : …24†<br />

The first term consists of the least-squares sum between approximated and measured<br />

displacements of all ne elements. It will be weighted elementwise by the number mi of<br />

measured points per element to exclude the influence of a possibly non-regular distribution<br />

of measured points. The second term serves the smoothness of the approximation<br />

inside the elements. The third term reduces discontinuities in the first derivatives normal<br />

to the boundaries of neighbouring elements.<br />

In Figure 8.15, the approximated isothetics for the load step 4 are shown (cf. Figure<br />

8.13).<br />

For bending specimens, small strains are coupled with finite displacements.<br />

Hence, the parameter identification demands the tracking of material points, the deformation<br />

fields were transformed into the initial configuration. The points in Figure 8.15<br />

are the originally measured positions of Moiré fringes, whereas the isolines were numerically<br />

calculated from the Finite-Element approximation. One can observe a really<br />

good agreement between measured and approximated values.<br />

Figure 8.15: Approximation of the isothetic fields from Figure 8.13.<br />


8.6 Identification of Material Parameters<br />

Figure 8.16: Deformations ex and ey for load step 4.<br />

In Figure 8.16, the deformations ex and ey in the ligament for load step 4 (cf. Figures<br />

8.13 and 8.15) are shown.<br />

8.6 Identification of Material Parameters<br />

8.6.1 Integration of the deformation law<br />

The equations of elastic-plastic material behaviour, i.e. the deformation law (Equation<br />

(5)), the hardening rule (Equation (6)) and the flow condition (Equation (1)), could be<br />

summarized as:<br />

E 1 _r ‡ _ k qF<br />

qr<br />

_e ˆ 0 ; …25†<br />

_h kq…r; _ h; p† ˆ0 ; …26†<br />

F…r; h; p† ˆ0 : …27†<br />

The integration of these equations will be carried out for measured load steps De at<br />

each reference point of the ligament. Equation (25) represents ordinary differential<br />

equations for the stresses r, Equation (26) such one for the internal variables h. Both<br />

systems are coupled and include the additional unknown scalar _ k. The yield condition<br />

(Equation (27)) is needed as an additional algebraic condition.<br />


Using implicit Euler time stepping, one finds the following system of non-linear<br />

equations:<br />

E 1 …rn rn 1†‡ _ kn<br />

hn hn 1<br />

qF<br />

Dt Den ˆ 0 ; …28†<br />

qrn<br />

_knq nDt ˆ 0 ; …29†<br />

F…rn; hn† ˆ0 ; …30†<br />

to compute the values rn, hn and _ k for the n-th load step.<br />

To solve the non-linear Equations (28) to (30), a Newton method like in [16] was<br />

used. With k as suffix for the number of iterates and d for the increments of the variables,<br />

we get:<br />

Jj k<br />

n<br />

with the matrix<br />

dr<br />

dh<br />

d_ 0<br />

0 1 Den B<br />

@ A B<br />

ˆ B<br />

k @<br />

Jj k<br />

n ˆ<br />

h k‡1<br />

n<br />

_k k‡1<br />

n<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

qF<br />

qr jk<br />

n<br />

_k k qF<br />

n<br />

qr jkn<br />

Dt E 1 …r k n rn 1†<br />

_k k<br />

nqjk 1<br />

C<br />

nDt …hkn<br />

hn 1† C<br />

A<br />

Fj k<br />

n<br />

qF<br />

qh jk<br />

n<br />

…31†<br />

E 1 ‡ _ k k q<br />

n<br />

2 F<br />

jk<br />

qr2 nDt k_ k q<br />

n<br />

2 F<br />

qrqh jkn<br />

Dt<br />

qF<br />

qr jkn<br />

Dt<br />

_k k qq<br />

n<br />

qr jkn<br />

Dt I k_ k qq<br />

n<br />

qh jkn<br />

Dt qkn Dt<br />

0<br />

B<br />

@<br />

1<br />

C ;<br />

C<br />

A<br />

0<br />

…32†<br />

and the …k ‡ 1†th iterate will be:<br />

rk‡1 0 1<br />

n r<br />

@ A ˆ<br />

k n<br />

h k<br />

0 1<br />

dr<br />

@ A ‡ dh<br />

d_ 0 1<br />

@ A : …33†<br />

k<br />

n<br />

_k k<br />

n<br />

To improve convergence for considerably large load steps Den, it is possible to subdivide<br />

the load steps into a certain number of linear sub-load steps.<br />


8.6.2 Objective function, sensitivity analysis and optimization<br />

To determine the material parameters, the objective function<br />

U ˆ 1<br />

2<br />

X<br />

n<br />

‰c 1…~r M n …p1† ^r M n †2 ‡ c 2…~r N n …p1†† 2 ‡ c 3…~r lK<br />

n …p1† ^r lK<br />

n †2<br />

‡ c 4…~r uK<br />

n …p1† ^r uK<br />

n †2 Š!min<br />

p<br />

will be minimized. The calculated and measured values of bending stresses rM n and<br />

stresses rN n caused by the normal force, and the longitudinal stresses rlK n and ruK n at the<br />

lower and upper notch grooves were compared. Moment M and normal force N were<br />

computed by numerical integration of stresses at the reference points along the ligament.<br />

To get the stresses ~r M n and ^rM n , the moment will be divided by the resistance moment<br />

W ˆ 1<br />

4 bh2 for ideal plasticity, ~r N n is got by dividing the normal force by the<br />

cross-sectional area. ^r N n will be zero for the four-point-bending specimen.<br />

The usage of deterministic optimization algorithms requires the knowledge of the<br />

gradient dU<br />

of the objective function with sufficient accuracy. In our case caused by<br />

dp<br />

the non-linear equations solved by implicit methods, the derivatives are not available<br />

analytically.<br />

One way to compute the gradient is the numerical sensitivity analysis performed<br />

by the variation of the material parameters. For m parameters, the value of the objective<br />

function has to be determined additionally m times for every iteration of the<br />

material parameters. The choice of parameter increments is unsure, and the control of<br />

the accuracy of the derivatives is difficult and also unsure.<br />

Therefore, a semi-analytical sensitivity analysis will be preferred. The objective<br />

function,<br />

…34†<br />

U ˆ U…z…p†† ; …35†<br />

depends indirectly on the parameters p. The total differential is:<br />

dU ˆ qU<br />

qz<br />

8.6 Identification of Material Parameters<br />

T qz<br />

qp dp ˆ aT dp ; …36†<br />

a is called the sensitivity vector and gives a measure for the sensitivty of the objective<br />

function at arbitrarily parameter changes [17].<br />

The derivatives qU<br />

could be determined easily from the objective function. The<br />

qz<br />

only difficulty is the determination of qz<br />

. This will be done by implicit differentiation<br />

qp<br />

similar to [15, 18].<br />

The system G of Equations (28) to (30) depends on the variables r, h and _ k.<br />

These will be combined to the enlarged state vector:<br />


z…p† ˆ…r…p†; h…p†; _ k† T ; …37†<br />

which yet depends on the vector of material parameters. The iterated system (Equations<br />

(28) to (30)) to compute the n-th load step could be summarized as:<br />

Gn…zn…p†; zn 1…p†; p† ˆ0 : …38†<br />

Implicit differentiation gives:<br />

so that<br />

dGn<br />

dp<br />

ˆ qGn<br />

qzn<br />

qzn qGn qzn 1 qGn<br />

‡ ‡ ˆ 0 …39†<br />

qp qzn 1 qp qp<br />

qGn qzn<br />

ˆ<br />

qzn qp<br />

qGn qzn 1<br />

qzn 1 qp<br />

qGn<br />

qp<br />

…40†<br />

is a system of linear equations to determine qzn<br />

qGn<br />

. The matrix represents the iterated<br />

qp qzn<br />

Jacobean Jjn from Equation (32), which is known in its decomposed form.<br />

Furthermore is:<br />

and<br />

qGn<br />

qzn 1<br />

0<br />

ˆ @<br />

qGn<br />

qp ˆ<br />

q<br />

_kn<br />

2 0 1<br />

F<br />

B<br />

qrqp<br />

C<br />

B C<br />

B C<br />

B qq C<br />

_kn<br />

C<br />

B qp<br />

C<br />

B C<br />

@ qF A<br />

qp<br />

E 1 0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0 A …41†<br />

0 0 0<br />

have to be supplied by the material subroutine. Under consideration that qz0<br />

ˆ 0, it is<br />

qp<br />

possible to compute the derivatives fo the next load step from that of the previous one<br />

with the accuracy of the integration of the deformation law.<br />

To solve the optimization problem of parameter identification (Equation (34)),<br />

several gradient-based optimization methods like steepest descent, BFGS, Gauß-Newton<br />

and Levenberg-Marquardt’s methods were tested. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm,<br />

which combines steepest descent and Gauß-Newton method [19, 20], was preferred<br />

as a very robust and suitable procedure for the non-linear least-squares optimization.<br />

Hereby, the parameter vector will be changed according to<br />

168<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />


p w‡1 ˆ p w ‡ s w<br />

with the search direction<br />

s w ˆ R w GN ‡ lI<br />

where R w GN<br />

…43†<br />

1 rU w ; …44†<br />

means the actual Gauß-Newton matrix.<br />

Far from the solution, l will be taken large so that the procedure is nearly a steepest<br />

descent, and in the neighbourhood of the solution, l will be taken small so that it<br />

is nearly a Gauß-Newton algorithm. The control of the choice of the parameter l will<br />

be done in such a manner that the next iterate will be searched in a “model-trust region”<br />

with kswk < d.<br />

8.6.3 Results of parameter identification<br />

The implemented generalized material model consists of the following equations:<br />

• quadratic yield function (Baltov and Sawczuk [21])<br />

F ˆ Nijkl r D ij ij r D kl kl r 2 F…epl v †ˆ0 ; …45†<br />

• evolutional relations<br />

• yield stress – isotropic hardening<br />

rF ˆ A…e pl<br />

v † ; …46†<br />

• kinematic hardening by Backhaus [22]<br />

_ ij ˆ B…e pl<br />

v †_epl ij ; …47†<br />

• distorsional hardening by Danilov [23]<br />

v †<br />

_Nijkl ˆ C…epl<br />

_e pl<br />

v<br />

_e pl<br />

ij _epl<br />

kl ; …48†<br />

where A, B and C could be chosen as arbitrary functions of the equivalent plastic strain<br />

e pl<br />

v .<br />

8.6 Identification of Material Parameters<br />

Some special formulations will be at disposal:<br />

• yield function (shifted von Mises)<br />

F ˆ 3<br />

2 …rDij ij†…r D ij ij† r 2 F ˆ 0 ; …49†<br />


• yield stress<br />

– modified power law<br />

rF ˆ rFo ‡ a1‰…e pl<br />

– arctan law<br />

v ‡ a2† a3 a a3Š<br />

; …50†<br />

2<br />

rF ˆ rFo ‡ a1 arctan …a2e pl pl<br />

v †‡a3ev ; …51†<br />

• kinematic hardening<br />

– by Prager (cf. [22])<br />

_ ij ˆ b1_e pl<br />

ij<br />

; …52†<br />

– by Armstrong-Frederick (cf. [24])<br />

_ ij ˆ b1_e pl<br />

ij<br />

b2_e pl<br />

v ij : …53†<br />

All computations have been carried out with the initial values for rFo, 11o and 22o<br />

taken from the approximation of the initial yield-locus curve (cf. Figure 8.10).<br />

The power law (Equation (50)) gave no satisfying results because the parameters<br />

depend on each other and it shows no asymptotic behaviour of the uniaxial flow<br />

curves.<br />

Therefore, the arctan law (Equation (51)) for isotropic hardening combined with<br />

kinematic hardening and initial anisotropy has been used for further computations. Results<br />

are shown in Figures 8.17 and 8.18.<br />

The consideration of kinematic hardening by Armstrong-Frederick [24] and of<br />

distortional hardening by Danilov [23] did not reveal any quantitatively better approximation.<br />

8.7 Conclusions<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

In the paper, some possibilities of bending tests to identify material parameters of inelastic<br />

materials were described. For that reason, the co-operation between theoretically<br />

and experimentally working academics has to be much closer, as this is usual at german<br />

technical universities. The foundation of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft –<br />

Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich 319) – has been proved as a<br />

very effective measure to overcome reservations and to realize such a close co-operation.<br />

An important result of this project is that bending tests are suitable very well to<br />

study elastic-plastic material properties. Bending tests have the fundamental advantages<br />


8.7 Conclusions<br />

Figure 8.17: Parameter identification for the bending test of the notched specimen, arctan law for<br />

isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening by Prager (cf. [22]), rFo ˆ 218:3 MPa, 11o ˆ<br />

8:3 MPa, 22o ˆ 3:2 MPa; optimized parameters: a1 ˆ 94, a2 ˆ 1626, a3 ˆ 380, b1 ˆ 1600;<br />

mean quadratic deviation: 20.7 MPa.<br />

that in one experiment, tension as well as compression exist and that a reversal loading<br />

to identify kinematic strain hardening can easily be realized. In the experiments, some<br />

difficulties result from the fact that strains in a very large extension must be detected.<br />

So, for definition of yield stresses, the offset strain is about 10 –4 , and on the other side,<br />

a maximum strain of 5 ·10 –2 should be measured. In both cases, the stress level is approximately<br />

the same. This taking into account, stable numerical results for the elastic<br />

constants, the yield stresses as well as the yield curves and the anisotropic yield-locus<br />

curve were obtained from bending tests of specimens.<br />

The identification of hardening parameters was carried out by analysing the displacement<br />

fields of notched specimens. The suitability of such experiments has been<br />

proved. Further investigations should use all informations about the whole experimentally<br />

investigated area. Therefore, the use of the Finite-Element method to calculate the<br />

numerical comparative solution is absolutely necessary.<br />

Shortened calculations as described here require low computational times and<br />

may give a deep insight into the effects of several material models in combination with<br />


a special analysis of measured data. Such calculations could be used also furthermore<br />

to get reliable starting values for the Finite-Element-based parameter identification.<br />

The authors’ hope that they can continue the research about the relatively new<br />

idea to identify inelastic material properties and parameters by means of the evaluation<br />

of inhomogeneous strain and stress fields. For instance some possibilities are given in<br />

the DFG project [6].<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

8 Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws<br />

Figure 8.18: Related uniaxial flow curves to Figure 8.17.<br />

The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h.E. Steck and Prof. Dr. R. Ritter from<br />

Technical University of Braunschweig for their extensive support during the preparation<br />

and realization of this project.<br />


References<br />

References<br />

[1] E. Stein, D. Bischoff, R. Mahnken: Identifikation mit Finite-Element Methoden. Arbeitsund<br />

Ergebnisbericht 1991–1993. Subproject B8, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319).<br />

[2] E. Stein: Parameteridentifikation mit Finite-Element Methoden. Förderungsantrag 1994–<br />

1996. Subproject B8, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319).<br />

[3] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations Based<br />

on Uniform and Non-Uniform Stress and Strain Distributions. This book (Chapter 12).<br />

[4] K. Andresen, S. Dannemeyer, H. Friebe, R. Mahnken, R. Ritter, E. Stein: Parameteridentifikation<br />

für ein plastisches Stoffgesetz mit FE-Methoden und Rasterverfahren. Bauingenieur<br />

71 (1996) 21–31.<br />

[5] R. Kreissig, J. Naumann: Weiterentwicklung der Theorie der plastischen Verfestigung und<br />

ihre experimentelle Verifikation mit Hilfe des Moiréverfahrens. DFG-Projekt 1994–1996/<br />

Zwischenbericht 1996.<br />

[6] R. Kreissig, A. Meyer: Effiziente parallele Algorithmen zur Simulation des Deformationsverhaltens<br />

von Bauteilen aus elastisch-plastischen Materialien. Förderungsantrag 1996–<br />

1998. Subproject D1, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 393).<br />

[7] R. Kreissig: Parameteridentifikation inelastischer Deformationsgesetze. Technische Mechanik<br />

16(1) (1996) 97–106.<br />

[8] H. Herbert: Über den Zusammenhang der Biegungselastizität des Gußeisens mit seiner<br />

Zug- und Druckelastizität. Mitt. und Forschungsarbeit. VDI 89 (1910) 39–81.<br />

[9] A. Nadai: Plasticity. McGraw-Hill, New York, London, 1931.<br />

[10] V. Laws: Derivation of the tensile stress-strain curve from a bending data. J. Materials Sci.<br />

16 (1981) 1299–1304.<br />

[11] R. A. Mayville, I. Finnie: Uniaxial stress-strain curves from a bending test. Exp. Mech.<br />

22(6) (1982) 197–201.<br />

[12] M. Stockmann, J. Naumann, P. Bormann, F. Pelz: Zur Widerstandsänderung von Dehnungsmeßstreifen<br />

bei großen Deformationen. Materialprüfung 38(4) (1996) 134–138, 38(5)<br />

(1996) 216–219.<br />

[13] P. Bormann, J. Naumann, M. Stockmann: Biegeversuche zur Ermittlung einachsiger<br />

Fließkurven für Zug und Druck. In: O.T. Bruhns (Ed.): Große plastische Formänderungen.<br />

Bad Honnef, 1994. Mitteilungen des Inst. für Mechanik, Nr. 93, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.<br />

[14] J. Naumann: Grundlagen und Anwendung des In-plane-Moiréverfahrens in der experimentellen<br />

Festkörpermechanik. VDI-Fortschrittsberichte, Reihe 18, Nr. 110, Düsseldorf, 1992.<br />

[15] E. Bohnsack: Continuous field approximation of experimentally given data by finite elements.<br />

Computer & Structures 63(6) (1997) 1195–1204.<br />

[16] D. Michael, A. Meyer: Some remarks on the simulation of elasto-plastic problems on parallel<br />

computers. Preprint-Reihe Chemnitzer DFG-Forschungsgruppe “Scientific Parallel Computing”,<br />

Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau, March 1995.<br />

[17] H. Eschenauer, W. Schnell: Elastizitätstheorie. BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim,1993.<br />

[18] R. Mahncken, E. Stein: Identification of Parameters for Visco-plastic Models via Finite-Element<br />

Methods and Gradient Methods. IBNM-Bericht 93/5, Institut für Baumechanik und<br />

Numerische Mechanik der Universität Hannover, 1995.<br />

[19] J.E. Dennis, R. B. Schnabel: Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear<br />

Equations. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1983.<br />

[20] S.S. Rao: Engineering Optimization. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.<br />

[21] A. Baltov, A. Sawczuk: A Rule of Anisotropic Hardening. Acta Mechanica 1 (1965) 81–92.<br />

[22] G. Backhaus: Deformationsgesetze. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.<br />

[23] V. L. Danilov: K formulirovke zakona deformacionnogo upročnenija. Mechanika tverdogo<br />

tella, Moskva 6 (1971) 146–150.<br />

[24] V. Dorsch: Zur Anwendung und Numerik elastisch-plastischer Stoffgesetze. In: Prozeßsimulation<br />

in der Umformtechnik, Band 9, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Udo Peil, Joachim Scheer, Hans-Joachim Scheibe, Matthias Reininghaus,<br />

Detlef Kuck and Sven Dannemeyer*<br />

10.1 Introduction<br />

The aim of this project is to develop a material model for the prediction of the material<br />

behaviour of mild steel Fe 510 under multiaxial cyclic plastic loading.<br />

First of all, detailed information about the material response under cyclic plastic<br />

loading are necessary. Therefore, extensive experimental investigations are made including<br />

uniaxial single- and multiple-step tests and biaxial tension-torsion tests with<br />

various prestrains, increasing or decreasing strain amplitudes, and several proportional<br />

and non-proportional biaxial loading paths, respectively. Cyclic hardening or softening<br />

in the uniaxial case, or additional hardening under non-proportional loading are some<br />

of the observed effects.<br />

To describe the material peculiarities, the two-surface model of Dafalias-Popov<br />

has been modified. The improvements result in a rate-independent, isothermal two-surface<br />

model, which is presented here.<br />

Experimental data from the uniaxial and biaxial tests, and, in addition, from tests<br />

on structural components are compared with corresponding calculations made with the<br />

new model.<br />

The results demonstrate the capabilities of the extended-two-surface model to predict<br />

the behaviour of mild steel and steel constructions under multiaxial cyclic plastic<br />

loading.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau, Beethovenstraße 51,<br />

D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

218<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

10.2.1 Material, experimental set-ups, and techniques<br />

The investigated material was mild steel Fe 510. The chemical and mechanical characteristics<br />

of the different heats used in the investigations can be found in the corresponding<br />

papers (Scheibe [1], Reininghaus [2]).<br />

Two types of specimens were used in the investigations. Figures 10.1 and 10.2<br />

show sketches of both the cylindrical specimens used in the experiments with uniaxial<br />

loading, and the tubular specimens for the biaxial investigations.<br />

Differentservohydraulic testingmachines wereused in the uniaxialinvestigations.The<br />

biaxial investigations were performed on a 160 kN-tension-compression “SCHENK” universal<br />

testing machine, extended with a 1000 Nm-torsion drive and an extensometer.<br />

10.2.2 Material behaviour under uniaxial cyclic loading<br /> Parameters<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

In the strain-controlled experiments, the strain rate _e was chosen for values between 3.5<br />

and 24‰/min. For the force-controlled experiments, the loading rate was 3 kN/s. All<br />

Figure 10.1: Cylindrical specimen for uniaxial experiments.<br />

Figure 10.2: Tubular-type specimen for biaxial experiments.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.3: Varied parameters of the uniaxial experiments.<br />

tests were performed at room temperature. The varied parameters in the uniaxial loaded<br />

tests were the strain amplitude e a (2, 3, 5, 8, and 12‰), the mean strain e m (–40, –25,<br />

0, 10, 25, and 40‰), and the strain history (see Figure 10.3 for explanation).<br />

The uniaxial tests were performed paying particular attention to effects of the sequence<br />

of loadings, the evolution of cyclic hardening and softening, the relaxation of<br />

mean stresses, and the size of the elastic region.<br />

To investigate the ratchetting effects, stress-controlled experiments were performed<br />

varying the initial strain e m, the stress amplitude r a, the mean stress r m, and<br />

the stress ratio Rˆr u/r o.<br /> Results of the uniaxial experiments<br />

Strain-controlled experiments<br />

Typical results of the different multiple-step tests without mean strain are shown in Figures<br />

10.4 and 10.5.<br />

In these figures, the courses of the half-range of stresses vs. the number of halfcycles<br />

are shown. In addition, the strain vs. time is plotted for explanation in the upper<br />

left part of the diagram. The resulting stress vs. strain is given in the upper right part.<br />

Figure 10.4: Multiple-step test (MST), ea ˆ 12-8-5-3-2‰.<br />


10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.5: Multiple-step test (RFE), ea ˆ 2-12-2‰.<br />

After passing the linear-elastic region, the distinct yield point and the yield plateau,<br />

mild steel Fe 510 shows the well known Bauschinger effect if the specimen is unloaded.<br />

During the cyclic loading, the maximum stresses of a hysteresis-loop are not<br />

constant: For amplitudes ea smaller than 5‰, the maximum stresses decrease from cycle<br />

to cycle, and a saturated state is reached after 500 or more cycles (cyclic softening).<br />

Amplitudes e a higher than 5‰ cause an increase of maximum stresses during the first<br />

40 cycles (cyclic hardening).<br />

Note that cyclic softening or hardening is understood as a decrease or an increase of<br />

the stress amplitude in comparison with the stress level of the monotonic stress-strain<br />

curve at this strain level. For e a 12‰, the stress level of the monotonic stress-strain<br />

curve is almost constant (with r ˆ r F). Therefore, cyclic hardening or softening can be<br />

observed easily. Stress levels Dr/2 (for symmetric amplitudes) greater than rF are seen<br />

by definition as cyclic hardening, and stress levels Dr/2 lower than rF as cyclic softening.<br />

A cyclic stress-strain curve is achieved by plotting the corresponding stress ranges<br />

Dr/2 at the stabilized states vs. the corresponding strain amplitudes e a. Figure 10.6<br />

shows a typical monotonic stress-strain curve along with two cyclic stress-strain curves.<br />

The intersection of the curves at a strain of 5‰ characterizes the border between cyclic<br />

softening and cyclic hardening.<br />

Figure 10.6: Cyclic stress-strain curves.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

The cyclic stress-strain curves obtained after 40 cycles and the one after 500 cycles<br />

differ if smaller amplitudes are used. This shows that a saturated state is not reached after 40<br />

cycles at all. With higher amplitudes, the two curves tend to become identical: The steady<br />

state is reached during the first 40 cycles. However, after prestraining with a higher amplitude<br />

(e.g. path MST, Figure 10.4), the stabilized state is already reached after a few cycles.<br />

Figure 10.7 shows a multiple-step test (MST) with a mean strain of e mˆ+40‰.<br />

The maximum stress at 52‰ (or the maximum stress level Dr/2) decreases within the<br />

first cycles. Note that this transient behaviour is not a cyclic softening according to the<br />

above definition because, during the first loops of the amplitude e a ˆ 12‰, only the<br />

mean stress caused by the mean strain returns to zero.<br />

Parallel to this so-called mean-stress relaxation, a cyclic hardening of the<br />

eaˆ12‰ amplitude takes place, but due to the dominance of the mean-stress relaxation,<br />

only a softening of the stress level Dr/2 can be observed.<br />

A comparison of the stabilized loops for amplitudes e aˆ12‰ with different mean<br />

strains shows that the different mean strains do not significantly influence the shape or<br />

the maximal stress amplitudes of the hysteresis-loops.<br />

Figure 10.8 shows the cyclic stress-strain curves for different mean strains. It is<br />

seen that the maximum stress amplitude Dr/2 depends only on the strain amplitude e a.<br />

This result is the basis for the above definition of cyclic hardening or cyclic softening<br />

under a given strain amplitude.<br />

Another important point besides the effect of cyclic hardening is the influence of<br />

the cyclic loading on the size of the elastic region. The elastic regions were determined<br />

using an offset-proof-strain method (see Scheibe [1] for further explanation) with a<br />

proof strain of 0.03‰ and a constant elastic modulus E 0 of 206 000 MPa.<br />

Figure 10.9 deals with the evolution of the elastic domain during uniaxial cyclic<br />

loading. The diagram shows that the size of the elastic domain k is a function of the<br />

maximum strain amplitude emax. If the former is greater than 5‰, the size of the elastic<br />

region is reduced to the value ks&100 MPa. For strain amplitudes lower than 5‰, the<br />

elastic region decreases very slowly (e aˆ2‰ in Figure 10.9). The dashed line of the<br />

amplitude e aˆ2‰ shows that the size of the elastic region tends to reach the same value<br />

as that of the greater amplitudes within some hundred cycles.<br />

Figure 10.7: Multiple-step test (MST) 12-8-5-3-2‰, with a mean strain of 40‰.<br />


10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.8: Cyclic stress-strain curve for different mean strains.<br />

Figure 10.9: The evolution of the elastic region under cyclic loading.<br />

Stress-controlled experiments<br />

As a result of the stress-controlled experiments concerning the ratchetting effect (Kuck<br />

[3]), different variations of the ratchetting effect were found (Figure 10.10):<br />

a) quick saturation, especially with small r a and r m,<br />

b) positive increase of strain without saturation,<br />

c) negative increase of strain with gradual saturation (at a large number of cycles),<br />

d) increase of strain with gradual saturation, reversal, and then constant increase of<br />

strain.<br />

In addition, the influence of the mentioned cross-section of the specimen and with it the<br />

kind of stress (initial cross-section: technical stress, and actual cross-section: effective<br />

stress) on the number of cycles needed to reach the saturated state, was investigated.<br />

The tests show an increase of ratchetting with decreasing minimum stress at constant<br />

maximum stress (Figure 10.11), and, in addition, a distinct mean stress (34.5 MPa), where<br />

no ratchetting is found (Figure 10.12). The amount of the occurred ratchetting depends on<br />

the difference between the actual mean stress and the mean stress, which leads to zero<br />

ratchetting (Kuck [3]).<br />


224<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.10: Different appearances of the ratchetting effect.<br />

Figure 10.11: Influence of R ˆ ru=ro:

Figure 10.12: Influence of the mean stress.<br />

10.2.3 Material behaviour under biaxial cyclic loading<br /> Parameters<br />

For the biaxial tests, the loading path (Figure 10.13), the sequence of different loading<br />

paths, the loading intensity eB (defined by Equation (1)), and the ratio D between tensile<br />

and torsional loads (defined by Equation (2)) were varied. Note that eB is not a mechanical<br />

derived equation, it is used only to compare biaxial and uniaxial loads here.<br />

For the experimental investigations, different loading intensities e B between 1.90‰ and<br />

7.10‰ were chosen.<br />

r<br />

eB ˆ e 2 a<br />

‡ 1<br />

3 c2 a<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

; …1†<br />

D ˆ 3<br />

p ea<br />

: …2†<br />

ca The achieved stress curves and the calculated uniaxial equivalent stresses (based on the<br />

theory of v. Mises) show the influences of various sequences of loading paths or the<br />

additional-hardening effect.<br />

Moreover, the yield-surface investigations give additional insight into the evolution<br />

of the elastic region under complex loadings. Here, the influence of the intensity<br />

eB and the loading path on the location, shape, and size of the measured yield surface<br />

were investigated.<br />

Additional experiments were made to determine the influence of several parameters<br />

coming out of the process of yield point probing itself, i.e. technique and sequence<br />

of yield point probing, choice of the starting point, or fixing of the elastic modulus.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.13: Biaxial loading paths.<br /> Relations of tensile and torsional stresses<br />

Figure 10.14 gives some characteristic results of the evolution of the tensile and torsional<br />

stress in the transient state of biaxial cyclic-loaded mild steel.<br />

The evolution of the stresses of the biaxial proportional and non-proportional tests<br />

differs with increasing intensities. For a proportional loading, only the maximum stresses<br />

increase and the stress curve grows without changing its shape (Figure 10.14 a).<br />

"<br />

Figure 10.14 a)–h): Tensile and torsional stresses under biaxial proportional and non-proportional<br />

loadings.<br />


10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

a) Path 03; D ˆ 1:0 b) Path 07; D ˆ 1:0<br />

c) Path 10; D ˆ 1:0 d) Path 09; D ˆ 1:0<br />

e) Path 09; D ˆ 1:0 f) Path 09; D ˆ 2:4<br />

g) Path 08; D ˆ 1:0 h) Path 08; D ˆ 1:0<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

On the other hand, for some of the non-proportional loadings, a significant change in<br />

the shape of the stress course in addition to the increase of the maximum stresses can be<br />

found (Figure 10.14 b,g–i). Note that the loading path and the relation D between ea and ca<br />

does not change. The results of a varying D can be seen in Figure 10.14 d–f. In Figure<br />

10.15, the uniaxial equivalent stresses r v are plotted vs. the maximum equivalent<br />

strain or intensity e B. In these experiments, the cyclic hardening in the uniaxial cyclic<br />

stress-strain curve starts at about 3‰. The difference between the cyclic stress-strain<br />

curve of the uniaxial experiments described in Section 10.2, and the curve seen in Figure<br />

10.15, depends on the different heats of Fe 510 used in the two investigations.<br />

Comparing the cyclic stress-strain curve with the equivalent stresses of the proportional<br />

loadings, no significant difference in the maximum stresses between the uniaxial<br />

and the biaxial proportional loadings can be found. A significant difference between<br />

the cyclic stress-strain curve and the equivalent stresses is found however for<br />

non-proportional loading paths. This effect is named additional hardening here.<br />

The additional hardening appears to be strongly dependent on the type of nonproportional<br />

loading. In general, the additional hardening increases by an increasing<br />

phase angle u (Figure 10.13). For higehr values of u (between 60 and 90 degrees, path<br />

06 and 07), the additional hardening is almost constant. The amount of additional hardening<br />

of path 10 corresponds to that of path 07. The highest amount of additional hard-<br />

228<br />

i) Path 08; D ˆ 1:0 j) Step 1: Path 03<br />

k) Step 2: Path 07 l) Step 3: Path 03<br />

Figure 10.14 i)–l): Tensile and torsional stresses under biaxial proportional and non-proportional<br />


ening is found in experiments with the strain path 09 (“Butterfly”). Here, the equivalent<br />

stress in the saturated state reaches the level of the uniaxial tensile strength. The<br />

additional hardening fades when the non-proportionality of the loading has decreased.<br />

Figure 10.14 j–l shows the results of an experiment, where a specimen was first<br />

uniaxially loaded (e aˆ6‰) up to a saturated state, then underwent a non-proportional<br />

loading path 07 (e B of 8‰), and finally was uniaxially loaded again.<br />

The cyclic hardening during the first loading stage is followed by an additional<br />

hardening in the second stage. During the third loading, the additional hardening fades<br />

so that the saturated stress-strain curves of the first and the third loading level are<br />

nearly identical.<br /> Yield-surface investigations<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.15: Uniaxial equivalent stresses of biaxial loading paths.<br />

Yield surfaces were investigated in the transient and in the saturated state of the<br />

material behaviour. To reduce time-consumptional manual controlling, a computer program<br />

was developed, which allows yield surfaces at any point of any complex loadings<br />

to be established automatically. This program and the experimental set-up is described<br />

comprehensively by Dannemeyer [4].<br />

An offset-proof-strain method was used to define the onset of plastic flow. For an<br />

increasing offset-proof strain, the yield surfaces of mild steel Fe 510 in saturation show<br />

the same effects as described for other materials (e.g. Michno and Findley [5]). The distinct<br />

corner in preloading direction and the flattening opposite to it tend to blur, and the size of<br />

the surface increases, mainly against the preloading direction (Figure 10.16). The<br />

Bauschinger effect is responsible for this uneven expansion when the offset value increases.<br />

An offset-proof strain of 0.05‰ was used for the yield-surface investigations in<br />

the saturated state. To determine yield surfaces in the transient state of the material behaviour,<br />

the offset-proof strain was reduced to 0.03‰. A further decrease of the offsetproof<br />

strain was restricted by the precision of the technical set-up.<br />

In this investigation, several yield-surface determinations were performed on a<br />

single specimen. 16 yield probings with different ratios of sizes of tensile and torsional<br />

strain increments are combined to build up a yield surface. To investigate the influence<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.16: Effect of various offset-proof strains on the yield surface of mild steel Fe 510.<br />

of the sequence of the different yield-probing directions, yield surfaces were determined<br />

using two different sequences (Figure 10.17).<br />

For materials, which reach a cyclically stable state during cyclic loading, the influence<br />

of the probing sequence can be excluded if the specimen is loaded with several<br />

cycles between two yield probings. The small hardening effects drawn by the previous<br />

yield probing disappear completely, and a similar loading state can be reached at the<br />

beginning of every new yield probing (Figure 10.18). This allows yield surfaces to be<br />

investigated with negligible dependence on the probing path (Figure 10.19). (The turnover<br />

points and the first yield points are marked with arrows here. The loading path for<br />

each of the yield surfaces is given by symbols.)<br />

This method is called the single-point technique (SPT) here, in contrast to the multiple-point<br />

technique (MPT), where several yield points are investigated one after another,<br />

each time unloading to a starting point located somewhere within the yield surface.<br />

Figure 10.17: Sequences of yield point probings.<br />

230<br />

p<br />

3 s

Figure 10.18: Single-point technique.<br />

p<br />

3 s<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.19: Yield surfaces determined with the single-point technique and current elastic moduli<br />

under proportional and non-proportional loading paths.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

The influence of the probing sequence on a yield surface determined with the<br />

multiple-probing technique is systematic by nature (Figure 10.20). So, the measured<br />

yield surface can be corrected, at least in quality, if a surface investigated with the single-probing<br />

technique is used as a reference.<br />

Another effect, which influences a yield-point determination on mild steel Fe 510,<br />

should be described here. In Figure 10.21, the stress-strain curve of the initial loading<br />

and the elastic region after the turnover of the 20th cycle of a specimen under uniaxial<br />

tension-compression load is plotted.<br />

In order to compare the two gradients, the turnover point of the 20th cycle is<br />

moved to the origin. It is seen that the slope of the initial loading curve is nearly constant<br />

over the plotted range of 1.3‰. After being loaded 20 times into the plastic<br />

range, a distinct proportional region is missing.<br />

This non-linearity of the stress-strain curve under preloading affects the yield-surface<br />

determination in different ways. In general, for the determination of a yield locus,<br />

it is necessary to start the yield-point determinations somewhere in the elastic region, if<br />

possible in the centre of the elastic region to secure an almost rectangular touch of the<br />

elastic-plastic border.<br />

Due to the non-linear area after a turnover point, the unloading strain e s becomes<br />

a parameter of the size of the established yield surface.<br />

The results of an experiment, shown in Figure 10.22, demonstrate the effect of<br />

various unloading strains on the yield surface of a uniaxial cyclic tension-compressionloaded<br />

specimen. It is obviously that the expansion of the yield surface against the preloading<br />

direction depends on the amount of the unloading strain. The diameter of the<br />

yield surface rectangular to the preloading direction is not affected, however.<br />

After preloading, the lack of a distinct area of proportionality influences the yieldsurface<br />

determination not only in the setting of a starting point but also in the calculation<br />

of plastic strains. Using an offset-proof-strain definition in combination with an automa-<br />

Figure 10.20: Yield surfaces determined with the multiple-point technique and current elastic<br />

moduli under proportional and non-proportional loading paths.<br />

232<br />

p<br />

3 s

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.21: Sections of the stress-strain curve of mild steel Fe 510 under uniaxial cyclic tension-compression<br />

loading.<br />

p<br />

3 s<br />

Figure 10.22: The effect of various unloading strains es on yield loci under cyclic uniaxial tension-compression<br />

loading.<br />

tized experimental procedure, a continuous separation of elastic and plastic strains has to be<br />

carried out on-line during a yield probing. The elastic moduli (E and G) can be set either to<br />

constant values for the whole experiment, or they can be determined from the gradient of a<br />

defined number of data considered to be linear-elastic. If the current elastic moduli change<br />

during a cyclic loading and constant moduli are considered in the on-line calculation of<br />

plastic strains, the resulting yield point does not correspond to the existing yield point.<br />

Figure 10.23 shows the results of yield-surface determinations with fixed and current<br />

elastic characteristics. In comparison to the Figures 10.19 and 10.20, it can be seen<br />

that the size of the yield surface depends strongly on how the elastic moduli are given.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.23: Yield surfaces investigated with constant elastic moduli under proportional and<br />

non-proportional loading paths.<br />

The SPT-loci with constant elastic moduli show a corner and a distinct flattening,<br />

whereas the MPT-loci of the same type are smoother and have increased in size. If<br />

non-proportional loading paths are used, the difference in size of the SPT- and MPTloci<br />

is at its greatest (Figure 10.23, upper left yield surface).<br />

In the transient state of material behaviour, yield-surface investigations are more<br />

sensitive than in the saturated state. Even in the area of the yield plateau, a yield-point<br />

determination with its incursion into the plastic region influences strongly the later<br />

yield-point probes. In general, the intensive hardening during the first few cycles excludes<br />

the use of the single-point technique in the transient state.<br />

The multiple-point technique and a further decrease of the offset-proof strain to smallest<br />

values seem to help getting realistic results for mild steel at this stage of a cyclic loading.<br />

When a new specimen is first loaded, the yield surface contracts and starts to move<br />

in the stress space immediately after the elastic limit is passed. In addition, a distortion of<br />

the initial round yield surface (r- 3<br />

p s-space) occurs. The pronounced isotropic softening<br />

is strongest during the first cycle, and in the case of a proportional load, it is usually completed<br />

after a few cycles depending on the load intensity (see also Figure 10.9).<br />

If the load is of a non-proportional type, the shrinkage of the yield surface is almost<br />

completed at the beginning of the second cycle (Figure 10.24). This isotropic softening is<br />

always connected with a kinematic hardening. In further states of the cyclic loading, the<br />

yield surface continues to move to higher stresses after the shrinkage is already completed.<br />

In Figure 10.24, the results of an experiment in the transient state are presented.<br />

During the first cycle, the yield surface decreases at constant uniaxial equivalent stresses<br />

rv, and from the second to the fifth cycle, a distinct increase of the maximum stresses<br />

obtained by a movement of the yield surface takes place. It can be stated that the additional<br />

hardening of a non-proportional load is also a type of kinematic hardening.<br />

234<br />

p<br />

3 s

p<br />

3 s<br />

10.2 Material Behaviour<br />

Figure 10.24: Yield surfaces of the first, second and fifth cycle of a non-proportional cyclic<br />

loaded specimen in the transient state.<br />

This distortion of the yield surface (formative hardening), including the deviation<br />

of the initial round shape by forming a corner in preloading direction and a flat side at<br />

the opposite, is the third mechanism of hardening besides the isotropic and kinematic<br />

hardening found on cyclic loaded mild steel Fe 510.<br />

In general, the shape of a preloaded yield surface depends on the type of load.<br />

All investigated proportional loading paths of the same intensity show yield surfaces,<br />

which are nearly identical in size and shape. They show a distinct corner in preloading<br />

direction and a flattening opposite to it. In addition, the two diameters of the yield surface<br />

change differently during a proportional load. In the saturated state, the diameter<br />

in direction of the preloading (d 1, Figure 10.25) has shrunk to 40% of the initial value,<br />

whereas the second diameter rectangular to the preloading direction (d 2) decreases only<br />

to 70% as seen in Figure 10.19, for example. A non-proportional load forms a more<br />

Figure 10.25: Definition of diameters of a yield surface.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

rounded and smoother shape, and the diameters decrease more homogeneously because<br />

of the changes in the direction of the load increments.<br />

An approximate alignment of the yield surface with the corner and the flattening<br />

towards the direction of the stress increment can be found only at proportional loading<br />

paths. At some of the non-proportional loading paths, the direction of the stress increment<br />

at the turnover point differs distinctly from the direction of the suggested axis of<br />

symmetry of the yield surface (see Figure 10.19).<br />

Additional yield-surface investigations were performed for the subproject A10<br />

(Prof. Besdo [6]) on torsional preloaded AlMg 3.<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

10.3.1 Extended-two-surface model<br /> General description<br />

Extensive investigations were made into the suitability of several models to describe<br />

the characteristical effects of the material behaviour of cyclic loaded mild steel Fe 510<br />

(Heuer [7], Scheibe [1]). Based on these investigations, it can be concluded that the<br />

two-surface model of Dafalias and Popov [8] represents a suitable basis for further developments.<br />

The extensions of the original two-surface model are presented here. The<br />

new extended-two-surface model (ETS-model) is described completely by Scheibe [1],<br />

Reininghaus [2], Scheer et al. [9], Peil and Kuck [10], Peil and Reininghaus [11], and<br />

Reininghaus [12]. Here, only the fundamental description of the model is given.<br />

The fundamental parts of this model are:<br />

• three memory surfaces in the strain space,<br />

• the consideration of the additional-hardening effect based on experimental findings<br />

to describe non-proportional loadings and the consideration of<br />

• a softening of the loading surface, and<br />

• an isotropic hardening of the bounding surface.<br />

One important aspect of the presented model is that the material or model parameters,<br />

which are determined once for the mild steel Fe 510, are fixed for this material. All calculations<br />

shown in this paper were carried out with the same set of parameters. There<br />

was no extra fitting necessary for any special kind of loading path or calculation.<br />

236 Loading and bounding surface<br />

The original two-surface model of Dafalias and Popov assumes that the yield surface<br />

or loading surface and the memory or bounding surface (Figure 10.26) harden kinematically<br />

and isotropically, while the two surfaces are in contact. If there is no contact between<br />

the two surfaces, the memory surface remains unchanged, while the loading surface<br />

moves according to the Mróz rule [13]. This rule secures a tangential contact without<br />

any intersection if the two surfaces come into contact.<br />

Both the loading surface and the bounding surface are assumed as hyperspheres<br />

in the deviatoric stress space and are represented as:<br />

with<br />

F ˆ 1<br />

2 … ~ rD<br />

^F ˆ 1<br />

2 … ~ rD<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

~ †… ~ rD<br />

^<br />

~ †… ~ rD<br />

~ †<br />

^<br />

~ †<br />

1<br />

3 k2 ˆ 0 ; …3†<br />

1<br />

3 ^k 2 ˆ 0 …4†<br />

k<br />

^k<br />

radius of the yield or loading surface,<br />

radius of the bounding surface,<br />

~ ^<br />

~<br />

~<br />

centre of the loading surface (kinematic hardening),<br />

centre of the bounding surface,<br />

rD deviatoric stress tensor.<br />

In this basic formulation, the model has some disadvantages:<br />

• the yield plateau of mild steel cannot be predicted,<br />

• there is no possibility to distinguish between monotonic and cyclic loadings, and<br />

• an update problem of the variable d in (overshooting problem) occurs.<br />

In the ETS-model, which is described here, the loading surface remains unchanged:<br />

The surface can contract or expand, move, but not be distorted. In contrast to the origi-<br />

Figure 10.26: Loading and bounding surface.<br />


nal model of Dafalias and Popov, the bounding surface in the ETS-model is only able<br />

to harden or soften isotropically. Furthermore, two bounding surfaces instead of one are<br />

implemented. The inner one corresponds to the original bounding surface in the model<br />

of Dafalias and Popov. The outer one is used as a control surface and is activated only<br />

under non-proportional loadings.<br />

The plastic modulus in the ETS-model is calculated from Equation (5):<br />

with<br />

P ˆ ^P0 ‡ h<br />

d<br />

din d<br />

d distance between the actual stress point and the bounding surface (see Figure 10.26),<br />

din distance between the yield point and the bounding surface (see Figure 10.26),<br />

^P0 plastic modulus of the strain hardening region,<br />

h shape parameter.<br />

The plastic modulus P is split up into a modulus for the kinematic hardening Pa and<br />

the isotropic hardening Pk:<br />

P ˆ Pa ‡ Pk : …6†<br />

Pk is calculated from the formulation of the isotropic hardening or softening of the<br />

yield surface. Pk is a function of the size of the new implemented memory surface in<br />

the strain space. The plastic modulus Pa for the kinematic hardening is determined<br />

from the difference between the total plastic modulus P and the plastic modulus for the<br />

isotropic hardening Pk.<br />

During the development of the model, different rules for the kinematic hardening<br />

of the surface were tested (Reininghaus [2]). The best results are obtained with the<br />

original kinematic hardening rule of Mróz [13], therefore all results presented here are<br />

calculated with this rule.<br /> Strain-memory surfaces<br />

The strain-memory surfaces in the strain space allow the monotonic and cyclic material<br />

behaviour to be taken into account.<br />

• Strain memory Mm for monotonic behaviour<br />

The size qm of this memory surface can be understood as the maximum plastic strain<br />

amplitude during the whole cyclic loading:<br />

238<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Mm ˆ 1<br />

2 … ~ ep<br />

~ bm†… ~ e p<br />

~ bm†<br />

…5†<br />

3<br />

4 q2m ˆ 0 ; …7†

with<br />

Z<br />

qm ˆ<br />

dqm ; …8†<br />

dqm ˆ 1<br />

2 Hm n nmdevp ;<br />

~ ~<br />

…9†<br />

~ bm<br />

Z<br />

ˆ d bm ;<br />

~<br />

…10†<br />

d ~ bm ˆ 1<br />

2 Hm d ~ e p<br />

Hm ˆ 0 for<br />

�<br />

Mm 0<br />

Mm ˆ 0 and<br />

~ n ~ nm < 0 ;<br />

Hm ˆ 1 for Mm ˆ 0 and<br />

~ n ~ nm 0 ; …13†<br />

~ n normal to the loading surface,<br />

~ nm<br />

~<br />

normal to the monotonic strain-memory surface,<br />

ep ~<br />

plastic strain tensor,<br />

bm<br />

devp<br />

centre of the monotonic strain-memory surface,<br />

equivalent plastic strain increment,<br />

size of the monotonic strain-memory surface.<br />

qm<br />

• Strain memory Ms for cyclic behaviour<br />

The increase of size qs of the memory surface Ms during a cycle only depends on an<br />

additional factor (cs in Equations (15) and (16)). The change in the size of this memory<br />

surface describes cyclic hardening or softening:<br />

Ms ˆ 1<br />

2 … ~ ep<br />

~ bs†… ~ e p<br />

~ bs†<br />

…11†<br />

…12†<br />

3<br />

4 q2s ˆ 0 ; …14†<br />

dqs ˆ…1 Hm†Hscs ~ n ~ ns devp ; …15†<br />

d ~ bs ˆ‰…1 Hm†Hs…1 cs†‡HmŠd ~ e p ; …16†<br />

qs ˆ<br />

Z<br />

~ bs<br />

Z<br />

ˆ d bs<br />

~<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

dqs ; …17†<br />

…18†<br />


with<br />

Hs ˆ 0 for<br />

�<br />

Ms 0<br />

Ms ˆ 0 and<br />

Hs ˆ 1 for Ms ˆ 0 and<br />

~ n ~ ns < 0 ;<br />

~ ns normal to the saturated strain-memory surface,<br />

~ bs centre of the saturated strain-memory surface,<br />

qs size of the saturated strain-memory surface,<br />

cs factor for the isotropic hardening per cycle.<br />

• Strain memory Ma for the actual loading direction<br />

…19†<br />

~ n ~ ns 0 ; …20†<br />

The memory surface Ma for the actual loading direction will decrease to zero when the<br />

angle between the normal vector of the loading surface and the normal vector of the<br />

memory surface Ma exceed 908:<br />

with<br />

Ma ˆ 1<br />

2 … ~ ep<br />

~ ba†… ~ e p<br />

~ ba†<br />

3<br />

4 q2a ˆ 0 ; …21†<br />

dqa ˆ 1<br />

2 ~ n ~ na devp ; …22†<br />

d ~ ba ˆ 1<br />

2 d ~ ep ; …23†<br />

qa ˆ<br />

Z<br />

dqa ; …24†<br />

~ ba ˆ…1 Ha† e<br />

~ p Z<br />

‡<br />

Ha ˆ<br />

�<br />

1 for<br />

0 for<br />

d ~ ba<br />

~ n ~ na < 0<br />

~ n ~ na 0<br />

~ na normal to the actual strain-memory surface,<br />

~ ba centre of the actual strain-memory surface,<br />

qa size of the actual strain-memory surface.<br />

240<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

…25†<br />

; …26† Internal variables for the description of non-proportional loading<br />

The variable Z is used to distinguish between a proportional and a non-proportional<br />

loading within the current loading increment. Z is defined as:<br />

Z ˆ 1<br />

d D<br />

jd r<br />

~ D D<br />

j j r<br />

~ D ~<br />

j<br />

r<br />

~ r<br />

for jd ~ r D j > 0 ; …27†<br />

Z ˆ 0 for jd ~ r D jˆ0 : …28†<br />

The internal variables FS and FL are functions of Z and devp. In the case of proportional<br />

loading, FS and FL are assigned to zero. During non-proportional loading, both<br />

variables rise to the value one. During the process, FL has a temporal delay to FS. Effects,<br />

which occur immediately with the set-in of a non-proportional loading, are controlled<br />

by the variable FS, and those processes, which occur slowly during a non-proportional<br />

loading, are controlled by FL. If the non-proportional loading is followed by a<br />

proportional one, both internal variables decrease to zero again to simulate the erasure<br />

of the additional hardening found in the experiments (see Section<br />

FS ˆ<br />

Z<br />

dFS ; …29†<br />

dFS ˆ W2…Z FS†devp …30†<br />

with W2 ˆ 0:1 tanh…qm=q † for Z FS ;<br />

W2 ˆ 0:01 for Z < FS :<br />

FL ˆ<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

Z<br />

dFL ; …31†<br />

dFL ˆ W3…Z …1 cos 308††devp …32†<br />

with W3 ˆ…1 FL† 0:1<br />

for Z 1 cos 308 ;<br />

W3 ˆ FL for Z < 1 cos 308 :<br />

241 Size of the yield surface under uniaxial cyclic plastic loding<br />

The size of the yield surface k is defined to be:<br />

k ˆ ks ‡…k0 km†2 10qm<br />

q …ks km†2 10qs<br />

q …33†<br />

with<br />

km ˆ 0:6 k0 size of the yield surface after the first plastic loading,<br />

ks ˆ 0:4 k0 size of the yield surface for the saturated state.<br /> Size of the bounding surface under uniaxial cyclic plastic loading<br />

The mathematical formulation of the bounding surface has to describe a curve, which<br />

is formed from the parts of the monotonic or the cyclic stress-strain curve, which<br />

delimit the current maximum stress for a given strain (see Figure 10.15).<br />

• Section I for qm < q ; qs < q :<br />

^k ˆ const ˆ k0 ; …34†<br />

• Section II for qm q ; qs < q :<br />

^k ˆ k0 ‡ 0:73 …qm q † 0:0162 …qm q † 2 ; …35†<br />

• Section III for qm q ; qs q :<br />

^k ˆ k0 ‡ 0:73 …qm q † 0:0162 …qm q † 2 "<br />

‡ D^k 1<br />

qs<br />

q<br />

#<br />

5<br />

qs<br />

qm<br />

q<br />

q<br />

with<br />

k0 initial size of the yield surface,<br />

D^k cyclic hardening due to uniaxial loading.<br /> Overshooting<br />

The overshooting problem is connected with the update of the initial value din. To prevent<br />

the overshooting effect, the initial value din is limited to:<br />

242<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

…36†<br />

din;min ˆ 0:35 dmax with dmax ˆ 2<br />

r<br />

2…^k k† : …37†<br />

3 Additional update of din in the case of biaxial loading<br />

In the case of uniaxial loading, a new din has to be determined as soon as there is an<br />

angle higher than 90 8 between the normal vector of the strain-memory surface Ma and<br />

the normal vector of the yield surface. In the case of biaxial loading, an additional update<br />

is made if the angle between the normal vector of the yield surface and the current<br />

deviatoric stress vector exceeds 30 8.<br /> Memory surface F 0<br />

The memory surface F 0 is defined as a surface in the stress space, which allows the<br />

model to remember a previous or current non-proportional loading. The surface is connected<br />

with the internal variables FS and FL. Its formulation is similar to the v. Mises<br />

yield rule:<br />

F 0 ˆ… ~ r 0<br />

0<br />

†…~ r<br />

~<br />

0<br />

0<br />

†<br />

~<br />

2<br />

3 k02 ˆ 0 : …38†<br />

In the case of uniaxial loading, this surface corresponds to the loading surface in size<br />

and location. During a non-proportional loading, the memory surface shows an additional<br />

isotropic hardening:<br />

k 0 Z<br />

ˆ 2:0 P 0 devp ‡ k …39†<br />

with<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

P 0 ˆ 5:0 …k 0 max k 0 †FS …k 0<br />

k†…1 FS† 2 d dD<br />

din<br />

2<br />

; …40†<br />

k 0 max ˆ k0 PAR FS ‡ k ; …41†<br />

P0 plastic modulus for the isotropic hardening of the memory surface,<br />

k0 actual size of the memory surface,<br />

k0 max maximal size of F0 k<br />

,<br />

0 PAR maximal difference between the size of the loading surface and this memory surface.<br />

If the current stress point lies within the memory surface, the location of F 0 remains unchanged.<br />

For a contact of the stress point with the memory surface, the surface moves<br />

in a way that the normal vector of the memory surface corresponds to the normal vector<br />

to the yield surface. Meanwhile, the stress point remains on the memory surface.<br />

The displacement of this surface is defined as:<br />


0<br />

ˆ r<br />

~ ~ D<br />

… ~ r D<br />

~ † k0<br />

k<br />

: …42†<br />

An additional considerable influence on the predicted material behaviour is obtained by<br />

a modification of the update behaviour of din, in combination with the definition of F 0 .<br />

For a stress point lying within the memory surface, the value din is constantly updated<br />

so that the material behaves in a quasi-elastic manner. However, in regions with<br />

din < din;min, the constant value din;min (see Equation (37)) instead of the updated din is<br />

taken into consideration.<br /> Additional isotropic deformation of the loading surface<br />

due to non-proportional loading<br />

The isotropic deformation of the memory surface F 0 and the loading surface F differs<br />

by the amount of 2:0 R P 0 devp (see Equation (39)). Parallel to the isotropic deformation<br />

of the memory surface F 0 , the loading surface changes in a way that a hardening of the<br />

memory surface causes an additional softening of the loading surface. The amount of<br />

the change of the loading surface is R P 0 devp.<br />

The incremental deformation of the loading surface is given by:<br />

dk ˆ …k0km† b<br />

q abqm<br />

q ln a dqm …ks km† b<br />

q abqs<br />

q ln a dqs<br />

Z<br />

P 0 devp :<br />

The additional deformation of the loading surface can only be expressed by an incremental<br />

form. The incremental equations are formulated in a way that the integrated increments<br />

converge to limits. These limits are the known maximal values of the parameters.<br />

During a cyclic multiaxial loading, where the stress point is located mostly on the<br />

loading surface, this additional deformation of the loading surface generates a deformation<br />

of the calculated stress path.<br /> Additional isotropic deformation of the bounding surface<br />

due to non-proportional loading<br />

To describe effects of biaxial loading, an additional isotropic deformation of the bounding<br />

surface is necessary. Therefore, the additional parameters FD and dlim have to be defined.<br />

The definition of the parameter FD depends on the memory surface F 0 . For a<br />

stress path going through the memory surface, this parameter converges to its maximal<br />

value. For a stress point on the memory surface, the parameter is reduced to zero during<br />

cyclic loading:<br />

244<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

FD ˆ<br />

Z<br />

…43†<br />

PDdevp ; …44†

• stress point within the memory surface and rv < k0:<br />

PD ˆ P …FD;max FD†<br />

FL<br />

FD;max<br />

with FD;max fitparameter,<br />

• stress point on the memory surface and rv < k0:<br />

PD ˆ 0:01P FD<br />

FD;max<br />

• stress point on the memory surface and rv k0:<br />

…45†<br />

; …46†<br />

PD ˆ 0:0 : …47†<br />

The parameter dlim is defined as a limitation of the distance between the loading and<br />

the bounding surface. For values d < dlim, an additional isotropic hardening of the<br />

bounding surface occurs. For d > dlim, this additional hardening of the bounding surface<br />

decreases. The plastic modulus of the additional isotropic deformation of the<br />

bounding surface is given by:<br />

with<br />

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

…FB;max FB†<br />

^PZ ˆ P FS<br />

FB;max<br />

^PZ ˆ P FB<br />

FB;max<br />

0:2<br />

for d dlim ; …48†<br />

…0:001 ‡ FS† for d > dlim …49†<br />

FB;max ˆ…D^k1FS ‡ FD 2:0†FL ; …50†<br />

Figure 10.27: Multiple-step test.<br />


246<br />

10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.28: Path 03, eB ˆ 7.1‰.<br />

Figure 10.29: Path 07, eB ˆ 2.8‰.<br />

Figure 10.30: Path 07, eB ˆ 4.9‰.

10.3 Modelling of the Material Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510<br />

Figure 10.31: Path 08, eB ˆ 4.9‰.<br />

Figure 10.32: Path 09, eB ˆ 2.8‰.<br />

Figure 10.33: Path 09, eB ˆ 4.9‰.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Z<br />

FB ˆ<br />

^PZdevp ; …51†<br />

dlim ˆ 1:0 …D^k1F 0:2<br />

S ‡ FD 2:0† ; …52†<br />

^PZ plastic modulus for the additional isotropic hardening of the bounding surface due<br />

to non-proportional loading,<br />

D^k material parameter,<br />

FB additional isotropic hardening of the bounding surface due to non-proportional<br />

loading.<br />

The additional hardening resulting from a non-proportional loading FB (Equation (51))<br />

is added to the size of the bounding surface ^k (Equations (34) to (36)) regardless of the<br />

amount of qm and qs.<br />

10.3.2 Comparison between theory and experiments<br />

Figures 10.27 to 10.33 show the experimental results in the left column and the results<br />

of the calculations with the ETS-model in the right column. Note that all calculations<br />

(uniaxial, proportional and non-proportional) are made with the same set of parameters.<br />

It can be seen from these figures that the response of mild steel Fe 510 under uniaxial,<br />

proportional and non-proportional loading histories is well predicted by the model.<br />

10.4 Experiments on Structural Components<br />

10.4.1 Experimental set-ups and computational method<br />

Calculations using several models were made on typical components of steel constructions<br />

like necked girders, girders with holes, or plates with holes. Figures 10.34 to<br />

10.36 show specimens used in these investigations.<br />

All experiments were performed force-controlled. The longitudinal strains in the<br />

interesting sections were measured with strain gauges.<br />

For the description of the structural behaviour, the Finite-Element method was<br />

used. Precise informations concerning details of the computational methods can be<br />

found in the corresponding papers [1, 2, 9, 14].<br />

10.4.2 Correlation between experimental and theoretical results<br />

First, the results of an experiment with a necked girder and the corresponding calculations<br />

are presented. The cyclically loaded girder (Figure 10.35) shows repeating plastic<br />

deformations in the area of the neck.<br />


Figure 10.34: Plate with a hole.<br />

Figure 10.35: Necked girder.<br />

10.4 Experiments on Structural Components<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

Figure 10.36: Girder with holes.<br />

Figure 10.37: Force-strain diagrams of a necked girder (experiment and calculation).<br />

In the right diagram of Figure 10.37, the force-strain relation measured directly at<br />

the edge of the neck is presented. The force-strain relation predicted by the ETS-model<br />

is plotted in the left diagram of this figure.<br />

The calculated force-strain relation shows a good correspondence with the results<br />

of the experiment. The amount of the increase of the plastic strains per cycle is well<br />

predicted for both amplitudes. The strains of the upper turnover points are almost 10%<br />

smaller than the strains in the experiment. The higher difference of the measured and<br />

calculated strains in the area of the lower turnover points is caused by the more intensive<br />

bulge of the calculated hysteresis-loops.<br />


[½]<br />

As a second example, Figure 10.38 shows a comparison between measured and calculated<br />

strains exx of a plate with a hole (X ˆ 0:0 in Figure 10.34) for the first 10 load<br />

steps. It is seen that the differences between the results of the calculations with the models<br />

of Reininghaus (biaxial) [2] and Scheibe (uniaxial, Z ˆ 0) [1] are small. As an additional<br />

result, Figure 10.38 shows that the “biaxial” extensions of the ETS-model to include nonproportional<br />

effects do not influence the results of the calculations of the uniaxial loaded<br />

plate with a hole. If a non-proportional load occurs, distinct differences are obtained<br />

merely because this kind of load is not mentioned in the model of Scheibe.<br />

10.5 Summary<br />

10.5 Summary<br />

Figure 10.38: Plate with a hole, LK2, cycle 1–10, experiment and calculations.<br />

Both the exact knowledge of the material behaviour and a model to simulate this behaviour<br />

are necessary for a precise calculation of the response of structures under plastic<br />

cyclic loads.<br />

Extensive investigations were carried out into the material behaviour of structural<br />

mild steel Fe 510 under uniaxial, load- and strain-controlled loads as well as under different<br />

biaxial proportional and non-proportional loads combined with yield-surface investigations.<br />


10 On the Behaviour of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading<br />

The two-surface model of Dafalias-Popov was extended to fit the individual characteristics<br />

of mild steel behaviour under cyclic loads. This extended-two-surface model<br />

is able to simulate precisely the behaviour of Fe 510 under various proportional and<br />

non-proportional multiaxial cyclic loads.<br />

Linking up with a Finite-Element program, structures and structural elements undergoing<br />

cyclic or random plastic deformations are calculated.<br />

References<br />

[1] H.-J. Scheibe: Zum zyklischen Materialverhalten von Baustahl und dessen Berücksichtigung<br />

in Konstruktionsberechnungen. Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau, Bericht<br />

Nr. 6314, 1990.<br />

[2] M. Reininghaus: Baustahl Fe 510 unter zweiachsiger Wechselbeanspruchung. Tech. Univ.<br />

Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau, Bericht Nr. 6326, 1994.<br />

[3] D. Kuck: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Ratchetting-Verhalten bei Baustahl ST52-3.<br />

Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1996.<br />

[4] S. Dannemeyer: Zur Veränderung der Fließfläche von Baustahl bei mehrachsiger plastischer<br />

Wechselbeanspruchung. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1999.<br />

[5] M.J. Michno, W. N. Findley: A Historical Perspective of Yield Surface Investigations for<br />

Metals. Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics 11 (1976) 59–82.<br />

[6] D. Besdo, N. Wellerdick-Wojtasik: The Influence of Large Torsional Prestrain on the Texture<br />

Development and Yield Surfaces of Polycrystals. This book (Chapter 7).<br />

[7] H. Heuer: Untersuchung zur Anwendbarkeit des Einfließflächen-Modells auf das zyklische<br />

Materialverhalten von Baustahl. Diplomarbeit, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, 1988.<br />

[8] Y. F. Dafalias, E.P. Popov: A Model of Nonlinearly Hardening Materials for Complex Loadings.<br />

Acta Mechanica 21 (1975) 173–192.<br />

[9] J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe, D. Kuck, M. Reininghaus: Stahlkonstruktionen unter zyklischer Belastung.<br />

Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1987–1990. Subproject B5, Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (SFB 319): Stoffgesetze für das inelastische Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe – Entwicklung<br />

und Technische Anwendung, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau,<br />

1990.<br />

[10] U. Peil, D. Kuck: Stahlkonstruktionen unter zyklischer Belastung. Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht<br />

1991–1993. Subproject B5, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319): Stoffgesetze für<br />

das inelastische Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe – Entwicklung und Technische Anwendung,<br />

Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau, 1993.<br />

[11] U. Peil, M. Reininghaus: Baustahl unter mehrachsiger zyklischer Belastung. Arbeits- und<br />

Ergebnisbericht 1991–1993. Subproject B5, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319):<br />

Stoffgesetze für das inelastische Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe – Entwicklung und Technische<br />

Anwendung, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau, 1993.<br />

[12] M. Reininghaus: Baustahl ST52 unter plastischer Wechselbeanspruchung. Dissertation TU<br />

Braunschweig, 1994.<br />

[13] Z. Mróz: An Attempt to Describe the Behavior of Metals under Cyclic Loads Using a More<br />

General Workhardening Model. Acta Mechanica 7 (1968) 199–212.<br />

[14] J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe, D. Kuck: Zum Verhalten ausgeklinkter Träger unter zyklischer<br />

Beanspruchung. Bauingenieur 65 (1990) 463–468.<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

of Non-Linear Kinematic Hardening Material<br />

and Transition to Ductile Fracture<br />

Abstract<br />

Erwin Stein, Genbao Zhang, Yuejun Huang, Rolf Mahnken<br />

and Karin Wiechmann*<br />

The research work of this project is based on Melan’s static shakedown theorems for<br />

perfectly plastic and linear kinematic hardening materials. Using a 3-D generalization<br />

of Neal’s 1-D model for limited hardening, a so-called overlay model, a new theorem<br />

and a corollary are derived for general non-linear kinematic hardening materials. For<br />

the numerical treatment of the structural analysis of 2-D problems, the Finite-Element<br />

method (FEM) is used, while enhanced optimization algorithms are used to perform the<br />

shakedown analysis effectively. This will be demonstrated with some numerical examples.<br />

Treating a crack as a sharp notch, the shakedown behaviour of a cracked ductile<br />

body is investigated and thresholds for no crack propagation are formulated.<br />

11.1 Introduction<br />

11.1.1 General research topics<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

The response of an elastic-plastic system subjected to variable loadings can be very<br />

complicated. If the applied loads are small enough, the system will remain elastic for<br />

all possible loads. Whereas if the ultimate load of the system is attained, a collapse<br />

mechanism will develop and the system will fail due to infinitely growing displacements.<br />

Besides this, there are three different steady states that can be reached, while the<br />

loading proceeds: 1. Incremental failure occurs if at some points or parts of the system,<br />

* Universität Hannover, Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik, Appelstraße 9 a,<br />

D-30167 Hannover, Germany<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

the remaining displacements and strains accumulate during a change of loading. The<br />

system will fail due to the fact that the initial geometry is lost. 2. Alternating plasticity<br />

occurs, this means that the sign of the increment of the plastic deformation during one<br />

load cycle is changing alternately. Though the remaining displacements are bounded,<br />

plastification will not cease and the system fails locally. 3. Elastic shakedown occurs if<br />

after initial yielding plastification subsides and the system behaves elastically due to<br />

the fact that a stationary residual stress field is formed and the total dissipated energy<br />

becomes stationary. Elastic shakedown (or simply shakedown) of a system is regarded<br />

as a safe state. It is important to know if a system under given variable loadings shakes<br />

down or not.<br />

11.1.2 State of the art at the beginning of project B6<br />

In 1932, Bleich [1] was the first to formulate a shakedown theorem for simple hyperstatic<br />

systems consisting of elastic, perfectly plastic materials. This theorem was then<br />

generalized by Melan [2, 3] in 1938 to continua with elastic, perfectly plastic and linear<br />

unlimited kinematic hardening behaviour. Koiter [4] introduced a kinematic shakedown<br />

theorem for an elastic, perfectly plastic material in 1956, that was dual to Melan’s<br />

static shakedown theorem. Since then, extensions of these theorems for applications<br />

of thermoloadings, dynamic loadings, geometrically non-linear effects and internal<br />

variables have been carried out by different authors (Corradi and Maier [5], König [6],<br />

Maier [7], Prager [8], Weichert [9], Polizzotto et al. [10]). However, little progress has<br />

been made in the formulation of a corresponding shakedown theorem for materials<br />

with non-linear kinematic hardening. The only attempt was made by Neal [11], who<br />

formulated a static shakedown theorem for materials with non-linear kinematic hardening<br />

in a 1-D stress state by using the Masing overlay model [12]. Several papers were<br />

published concerning especially 2-D and 3-D problems (Gokhfeld and Cherniavsky<br />

[13], König [14], Sawczuk [15, 16], Leckie [17]). The shakedown investigation of<br />

those problems leads to grave mathematical problems. Thus, in most of these papers,<br />

approximate solutions based on the kinematic shakedown theorem of Koiter [4] or on<br />

the assumption of a special failure form were derived. But these solutions often lost<br />

their bounding character due to the fact that simplifying flow rules or wrong failure<br />

forms were estimated. Until the beginning of project B6, only a few papers were published,<br />

in which the Finite-Element method was used for the numerical treatment of<br />

shakedown problems (Belytschko [18], Corradi and Zavelani [19], Gross-Weege [20],<br />

Nguyen Dang and Morelle [21], Shen [22]).<br />

11.1.3 Aims and scope of project B6<br />

In the framework of the geometrically linearized theory, the shakedown behaviour of<br />

linear elastic, perfectly plastic, of linear elastic, linear unlimited kinematic hardening<br />

and of linear elastic, non-linear limited kinematic hardening materials were taken under<br />


1.1 Introduction<br />

consideration. The theoretical and numerical treatment of the shakedown behaviour of<br />

these material models was one major scope of project B6. Based on static shakedown<br />

theorems, the numerical treatment of 2-D and 3-D field problems for arbitrary non-linear<br />

kinematic hardening materials by Finite-Element method should be realized. One<br />

special task was the formulation and the proof of a static shakedown theorem for limited<br />

non-linear kinematic hardening materials. In Section 11.2, a 3-D overlay model is<br />

presented, that was developed to describe non-linear, limited kinematic hardening<br />

material behaviour. This model is an extension of the 1-D overlay model of Neal [11].<br />

A static shakedown theorem and a corollary, that were formulated and proved for the<br />

proposed material model, are extensions of Melan’s static shakedown theorems for perfectly<br />

plastic and linear kinematic hardening materials [2].<br />

While analytical solutions of shakedown problems can only be derived for very<br />

simple systems, Finite-Element methods based on displacement methods should be<br />

used for the numerical treatment and solution of 2-D and 3-D shakedown problems.<br />

After discretizing the system and accounting for the shakedown conditions, usually a<br />

non-linear mathematical optimization problem is derived, that is very large scaled.<br />

Solving optimization problems like these is normally very difficult. Thus, effective optimization<br />

algorithms should be formulated and implemented, that were designed especially<br />

to take account of the special structure of the problems. Section 11.3 is concerned<br />

with the numerical approach based on static shakedown theorems. The discretized optimization<br />

problems for the proposed material models are discussed briefly.<br />

In Section 11.3.5, numerical examples show the effectivity of the proposed formulation.<br />

Solutions for perfectly plastic and kinematic hardening materials are compared.<br />

One important scope of project B6 was the examination of hardening and softening<br />

materials. While classic shakedown theorems imply implicitly that a material under cyclic<br />

loading behaves stable after only one or two loading cycles, experimental investigations<br />

show that stable cycles can be reached only after several loading cycles and<br />

sometimes only asymptotically. Thus, the influence of cyclic hardening and softening<br />

on the shakedown behaviour of materials had to be taken under consideration. The examination<br />

of cyclic hardening material with the Chaboche constitutive equation [23],<br />

will be considered in Section An incremental-failure analysis for this material<br />

is carried out, and the results are compared with those of the 3-D overlay model described<br />

in Section 11.2.<br />

Stress singularities occur if macroscopic cracks develop in a solid material. Under<br />

these circumstances, classical shakedown theorems cannot be used. Thus, one major<br />

aim of project B6 was to apply shakedown theory directly to fatigue fracture to include<br />

stress singularities into shakedown investigations. In Section 11.4, we will apply shakedown<br />

theory to fatigue fracture to derive thresholds for no crack propagation. Classic<br />

shakedown theorems predict a zero shakedown limit load for a cracked body because<br />

of singular stresses at the crack tip. But experiments for ductile materials show that<br />

limits exist, for which no crack propagation occurs. We will consider the crack as a<br />

sharp notch, the notch root of it being a material constant at threshold level (Neuber<br />

[24]). The threshold of a fatigue crack follows then from the stationarity of the plastic<br />

energy dissipated in the cracked body.<br />


11.2 Review of the 3-D Overlay Model<br />

There exist many mathematical models to describe the kinematic hardening behaviour<br />

of materials, for example the Prager linear kinematic hardening model [25], its modification<br />

by Ziegler [26], Mróz multisurface model [27], Dafalias and Popov’s two-surface<br />

model [28] and so on. In Stein et al. [29], a so-called 3-D overlay model was developed<br />

to describe the non-linear kinematic hardening material behaviour. We will<br />

give here a brief review of the proposed model.<br />

A macroscopic material point x 2 X IR 3 is assumed to be composed of a spectrum<br />

of microscopic elements (or microelements). Each microelement is numbered with<br />

a scalar variable n 2‰0; 1Š. Stresses and strains are separately defined for the macroscopic<br />

material point (macrostress and macrostrain) and the microelements (microstresses<br />

and microstrains). They are denoted by r…x†; e…x† and w…x; n†; g…x; n†, respectively.<br />

The macrostress r has to fulfil the equilibrium condition:<br />

div r…x† ˆb…x†; 8 x 2 X : …1†<br />

In the framework of geometrically linear continuum mechanics, the kinematic relation<br />

e…x† ˆ 1<br />

2 …ru…x†‡…ru…x††T †; 8 x 2 X ; …2†<br />

holds between the displacement u and the strain e.<br />

By assuming that the stress r of a macroscopic material point (macrostress) is the<br />

weighted sum of the stresses w of all microelements (microstresses), the macroscopic<br />

material point and the corresponding microelements deform in the same way, and we<br />

get the following static and kinematic relations:<br />

r…x† ˆ<br />

Z 1<br />

0<br />

w…x; n†dn ; …3†<br />

g…x; n† ˆe…x†; 8 n 2‰0; 1Š : …4†<br />

Furthermore, we suppose that all microelements are linear elastic, perfectly plastic and<br />

have the same temperature, the same elastic moduli, but different yield stresses k…n†.<br />

For convenience, k…n† can be considered as a monotone growing function of n. Additionally,<br />

the validity of the additive decomposition of the microstrain g in an elastic<br />

and a plastic part is supposed. Thus, the following relations can be derived for the microelements:<br />

256<br />

11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

g…n† ˆg E …n†‡g P …n† ; …5†

g E …n† ˆE 1 w…n† ; …6†<br />

U…w† k 2 …n† ; …7†<br />

_g P …n† ˆ _ k…n† qU<br />

qw ; _ k…n† 0 ; …8†<br />

_k…n†‰U…w† k 2 …n†Š ˆ 0 ; …9†<br />

where E stands for the symmetrical elasticity tensor and U… † is the yield function. For<br />

simplicity, the argument x of the fields will be omitted partly.<br />

Assume that at a certain macrostress, the microelement number n begins to yield,<br />

the function k…x; n† is then uniquely determined by the macroscopic r; e-function in the<br />

1-D case:<br />

r…n† ˆ<br />

Z n<br />

0<br />

k…n†dn ‡…1 n†k…n† : …10†<br />

It is easy to show that, similar to k…n†; r is also a monotone growing function of the<br />

variable n (see Figure 11.1). For n ˆ 0, we have r ˆ r…n ˆ 0† ˆk…n ˆ 0† ˆk0. The<br />

maximum value of r (denoted by rY or K) is derived by setting n ˆ 1 in Equation<br />

(10):<br />

rY ˆ r…n ˆ 1† ˆK ˆ<br />

11.2 Review of the 3-D Overlay Model<br />

Z 1<br />

0<br />

k…n†dn : …11†<br />

Thus, k0 and K can be identified with the initial yield stress ro and the ultimate stress<br />

of the macroelement rY, respectively. For the 3-D case, there is an analogous relation<br />

between r and k…n† as Equation (10), namely:<br />

Figure 11.1: Kinematic hardening of a macroscopic material point and yield stresses of the microelements<br />

in 1-D case.<br />


U…r† ˆ<br />

Z n<br />

nˆ0<br />

k…n†dn ‡…1 n†k…n† : …12†<br />

Now, we define the difference between the microstress w…n† and the macrostress r as<br />

the residual microstress and denote it by p…n†:<br />

p…n† ˆw…n† r : …13†<br />

For the residual microstress defined in this way, we have:<br />

and<br />

p…n† ˆ0; n 2‰0; 1Š; for krk ro ; …14†<br />

p…n† 6ˆ 0; n 2‰0; 1Š; for krk > ro : …15†<br />

It is necessary to notice that Equation (15) holds for all n 2‰0; 1Š even if U…r† is smaller<br />

than k…n†.<br />

Integration of Equation (13) yields:<br />

Z 1<br />

0<br />

p…x; n†dn ˆ 0; 8 x 2 X ; …16†<br />

where Equation (3) has been used. From Equation (13) can be concluded that the resultant<br />

of p…n† does not contribute to the macrostress r. All microstress fields, which fulfil<br />

Equation (16), can be regarded as residual microstress fields.<br />

For a kinematic hardening material, it is possible to represent the residual microstress<br />

p…x; n† by a backstress …x†, which describes the translation of the initial yield<br />

surface:<br />

p…x; n† ˆ<br />

11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

U…r† k…n†<br />

U…r† k…0†<br />

…x† : …17†<br />

It is easy to show that the microstress in Equation (17) satisfies Equation (16).<br />

For the 3-D overlay model described above, the following static shakedown theorem<br />

has been formulated and proved (e.g. Stein et al. [30], Zhang [31]):<br />

Theorem 1: If there exist a time-independent residual macrostress field q…x† and a<br />

time-independent residual microstress field p…x; n†, satisfying<br />

U‰mp…x; 0†Š ‰K…x† k0…x†Š 2 ; 8 x 2 X ; …18†<br />

such that for all possible loads within the load domain, the condition<br />


Ufm‰r E …x; t†‡q…x†‡p…x; 0†Šg k 2 0…x† …19†<br />

is fulfilled 8 x 2 X and 8 t > 0, where m > 1 is a safety factor against inadaptation, then<br />

the total plastic energy dissipated within an arbitrary load path contained within the load<br />

domain is bounded, and the system consisting of the proposed material will shake down.<br />

The static shakedown theorem 1 is formulated by using the residual microstress p. Considering<br />

the relation between the backstress and the residual microstress p in Equation<br />

(17), it is also possible to formulate the following corollary directly in terms of the backstress<br />

, i.e.:<br />

Corollary 1: If there exist a time-independent residual macrostress field q…x† and a<br />

time-independent field …x†, satisfying<br />

U‰m …x†Š ‰K…x† k0…x†Š 2 ; 8 x 2 X ; …20†<br />

such that for all possible loads within the load domain, the condition<br />

Ufm‰r E …x; t†‡q…x† …x†Šg k 2 0…x† …21†<br />

is fulfilled 8 x 2 X and 8 t > 0, then the system will shake down.<br />

For the formulation of the static shakedown theorem 1 and the corresponding corollary<br />

1, only the values of k0 and K have been used. That means that the shakedown limits<br />

for systems of the considered material do not depend on the particular shape of the<br />

function k…n†, and therefore do not depend on the particular r; e-curve but, solely, on<br />

the magnitudes of k0 and K.<br />

For K…x† ˆk0…x† (an elastic, perfectly plastic material), we have ˆ 0 due to<br />

Equation (20), and theorem 1 reduces to Melan’s theorem [2, 3] for an elastic, perfectly<br />

plastic material. For K…x† !‡1 (materials with unlimited kinematic hardening), the<br />

constraint (Equation (20)) imposed on the backstresses …x†, can never become active<br />

and therefore may be dropped. In this case, we get the static shakedown theorem of<br />

Melan for a linear, unlimited kinematic hardening material.<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

11.3.1 General considerations<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

For the numerical approach of shakedown problems, both the static and the kinematic<br />

theorems can be employed. However, the use of the static theorems has the advantage<br />

that the discretized optimization problem is regular. Therefore, only static theorems<br />

were used for the following considerations. Furthermore, for the Finite-Element discre-<br />


tization, only elements based upon the displacement method were used. In the following<br />

sections, we will limit our attention to plane-stress problems (for more details and<br />

other stress situations, see e.g. Zhang [31], Stein et al. [32], Mahnken [33]).<br />

11.3.2 Perfectly plastic material<br />

We are interested in finding the maximal possible enlargement of the load domain allowing<br />

still for shakedown. Thus, for systems consisting of linear elastic, perfectly plastic<br />

material, we get the following optimization problem in matrix notation:<br />

b ! max ; …22†<br />

X NG<br />

iˆ1<br />

11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Ciq i ˆ Cq ˆ 0 ; …23†<br />

U‰br E i …j†‡qiŠ r 2 o ; 8…i; j† 2I J ; …24†<br />

for load domains of the form of a convex polyhedron with M load vertices. Here, b is<br />

the maximal possible enlargement of the load domain, NG is the number of Gaussian<br />

points. Iˆ‰1; ...; NGŠ and Jˆ‰1; ...; MŠ are sets containing all Gaussian points and<br />

load vertices, respectively. C is a system-dependent matrix and rE i …j† is the elastic<br />

stress vector at the i-th Gaussian point, which corresponds to the j-th load vertex P…j†<br />

of the load domain. The Equations (23) and (24) represent the discretized static equilibrium<br />

conditions for the residual stresses and the shakedown conditions controlled at the<br />

Gaussian points, respectively. qi is the residual stress vector in the i-th Gaussian point.<br />

In general, the discretized shakedown problem (Equations (22) to (24)) is a large<br />

scaled optimization problem. Direct use of standard optimization algorithms such as the<br />

sequential quadratic programming method (SQP-method) is not effective. Thus, two optimization<br />

algorithms were formulated and implemented to take account of the special<br />

structure of the problem (Equations (22) to (24)).<br /> The special SQP-algorithm<br />

Dual methods do not attack the original constrained problem directly, but instead attack<br />

an alternative problem, the dual problem, whose unknowns are the Lagrange multipliers<br />

of the primal problem.<br />

In order to solve the dual problem, a projection method is used. Each subproblem<br />

is then solved iteratively. The iteration matrix needed to do so was implemented due to<br />

Bertsekas’s algorithm. To make the algorithm even more effective for large sized problems,<br />

a Quasi-Newton method was used and a BFGS-update formula was implemented<br />

(for details of the proposed methodology, see Stein et al. [32], Mahnken [33]).<br />

260 A reduced basis technique<br />

The main idea is to solve Equations (22) to (24) in a sequence of reduced residual<br />

stress spaces of very low dimensions. Starting from the known state b …k 1† and q …k 1† ,<br />

a few …r† basis vectors b p;k ; p ˆ 1; ...r, are selected from the residual stress space B d .<br />

They form a subspace B r;k (or reduced residual stress space) of B d . The improved state<br />

…k† is determined by solving the reduced optimization problem. Due to its low dimension,<br />

the reduced problem can be solved very efficiently by using a SQP- or a penalty<br />

method. The k-th state is obtained by an update for q k and Db k . Selecting new reduced<br />

basis vectors, the process is repeated until a convergence criterion for Db k is fulfilled.<br />

One way for generating the basis vectors is to carry out an equilibrium iteration. The<br />

intermediate stresses during the iteration are in equilibrium with the same external load,<br />

and their differences are thus residual stresses. Details can be found in [29–31].<br />

11.3.3 Unlimited kinematic hardening material<br />

For the investigation of the shakedown behaviour of systems consisting of unlimited kinematic<br />

hardening material, we restrict the load domain in the same way as in Section<br />

11.3.1, and the following optimization problem can be formulated [31]:<br />

b ! max ; …25†<br />

X NG<br />

iˆ1<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

Ciq i ˆ 0 ; …26†<br />

U‰br E i …j†‡qi iŠ r 2 o ; 8…i; j† 2I J ; …27†<br />

where i is the affine backstress vector at the i-th Gaussian point.<br />

Defining now vectors y i in such a way that<br />

y i ˆ q i i ; …28†<br />

where the y i are not restricted. Thus, the equality constraints (Equation (26)) of Equations<br />

(25) to (27) can be dropped:<br />

b ! max ; …29†<br />

U‰br E i …j†‡yiŠ r 2 o ; 8…i; j† 2I J : …30†<br />

A modified optimization problem is derived, that has a very simple structure. Zhang<br />

[31] formulated and proved a lemma to solve this problem:<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Lemma 1: The maximal shakedown load factor b s of Equations (29) and (30) can be<br />

derived through<br />

b s ˆb; with b ˆ min<br />

i2I b i ; …31†<br />

where b i, …i 2I†, is the solution of the subproblem<br />

b i ! max ; …32†<br />

U‰bir E i …j†‡yiŠ r 2 o : …33†<br />

The dimension of Equations (32) and (33) is very low. Thus, it can be solved effectively<br />

with a usual SQP-method.<br />

Relationship between perfectly plastic and kinematic hardening material<br />

The shakedown load of a system consisting of unlimited kinematic hardening material<br />

is determined by that point xip , where the maximum possible enlargement of the elastic<br />

stress domain S E<br />

is the least in comparison to other points. Thus, the failure is of local<br />

ip<br />

character. This reflects the fact that a system, that consists of unlimited kinematic hardening<br />

material and is subjected to cyclic loading, can fail only locally in form of alternating<br />

plasticity [34]. Incremental collapse cannot occur since it is connected with a<br />

non-trivial, kinematic compatible plastic strain field, which has global character.<br />

The shakedown load of a system consisting of perfectly plastic material cannot be<br />

larger than the shakedown load of the same system consisting of unlimited kinematic<br />

hardening material with the same initial stress ro. However, it is possible that the<br />

shakedown loads for perfectly plastic and kinematic hardening material are identical.<br />

This is the case only if alternating plasticity is dominant in both cases. It is easy to<br />

show that<br />

q ip ˆ y ip …34†<br />

holds.<br />

Concluding, the following conclusions can be drawn from lemma 1:<br />

1. A system consisting of unlimited kinematic hardening material and subjected to<br />

variable loading can fail only locally in form of alternating plasticity.<br />

2. The kinematic hardening does not influence the shakedown load if the same system<br />

with perfectly plastic material, subjected to the same loading, fails in form of<br />

alternating plasticity in such a manner that there exists at least one point xip , for<br />

which the enlarged elastic stress domain bsS E<br />

is just contained in the yield surface<br />

ip<br />

shifted to qip . A further shift of the yield surface at this point would cause that a<br />

portion of the enlarged elastic domain b sS E<br />

leaves the yield surface. In the se-<br />

ip<br />

quel, the alternating plasticity with the special character mentioned before will be<br />

denoted by APSC. In all other cases, an increase of the shakedown load due to kinematic<br />

hardening is expected.<br />


3. If the shakedown loads for perfectly plastic and unlimited hardening material are<br />

identical, then alternating plasticity is the dominant failure form in both cases.<br />

4. The shakedown load determined for perfectly plastic material is exact if it is identical<br />

with that determined for unlimited kinematic hardening material, provided the<br />

latter is determined exactly.<br />

11.3.4 Limited kinematic hardening material<br />

As mentioned in Section 11.2, the shakedown limit of a system consisting of limited kinematic<br />

hardening material depends only on the values k0 and K. For this reason, the given<br />

function k…n† may be replaced by a step function of n 2‰0; 1Š. The step function has to be<br />

chosen such that its minimum is equal to k0 and its area is equal to K. That is,<br />

K ˆ Xm<br />

lˆ1<br />

Dn l kl ; m 2 ; …35†<br />

where m is the number of the intervals of the step function and kl is the value of the<br />

step function of the l-th interval with the length Dn l.<br />

For plane stress problems, the microelements may be incorporated in a natural<br />

way. The thickness t of the structure is divided into several (m 2) layers with the<br />

thicknesses tl, l ˆ 1; 2; ...; m. Each layer behaves elastic, perfectly plastic and has a<br />

corresponding yield stress kl (one value of the step function). The thicknesses of the<br />

layers have to be chosen such that<br />

tl<br />

t ˆ Dn l ; 8 l 2‰1; ...; mŠ : …36†<br />

By doing so, a unique relation between the layers of the structure and the intervals of<br />

the step function is established. The microelements of the l-th interval are replaced by<br />

the l-th layer of the structure. The parallel connection of the microelements is realized<br />

by discretizing all layers in the same way. That is, elements that lie on top of each<br />

other have the same nodes. Thus, it is guaranteed that elements of different layers have<br />

the same kinematics.<br />

Dividing the structure into Ne elements with NG Gaussian points and m layers,<br />

we get the discretized shakedown problem (Stein et al. [32]):<br />

b ! max ; …37†<br />

XNG X<br />

Ci<br />

iˆ1<br />

m<br />

sˆ1<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

ts<br />

t qi;s ˆ XNG<br />

iˆ1<br />

Ciq i ˆ Cq ˆ 0 ; …38†<br />

U…br E i …j†‡qi;1† k 2 1 ˆ k2 0 ; 8…i; j† 2I J ; …39†<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

U…pi;1† …K k1† 2 ˆ…K k0† 2 ; 8 i 2I: …40†<br />

The Equations (38), (39) and (40) represent the discretized static equilibrium conditions<br />

for the residual macrostresses and the shakedown conditions controlled at the Gaussian<br />

points, respectively. q i;s and pi;s are the residual stress vector and the residual microstress<br />

vector in the s-th layer of the i-th Gaussian point. Between q i;s; pi;s and the residual<br />

macrostress vector q i, the following relation holds:<br />

q i;s ˆ q i ‡ pi;s : …41†<br />

For m ˆ 1 and K ˆ k1, Equations (37) to (40) reduce to the discretized shakedown<br />

problem for a perfectly plastic material. In this case, we have pi;1 ˆ 0; q i ˆ q i;1 and the<br />

constraint (Equation (40)) can be dropped. We come to the other extreme case by assuming<br />

K !1, which corresponds to an unlimited kinematic hardening material. Due<br />

to K !1, the constraint (Equation (38)) can never become active, and thus pi;1 is not<br />

constrained. Correspondingly, the constraint (Equation (40)) may be dropped as well.<br />

To solve the optimization problem (Equations (37) to (40)) effectively, the reduced<br />

basis technique presented in Section was extended (for details, see e.g.<br />

Zhang [31], Stein et al. [32]).<br />

11.3.5 Numerical examples<br />

In this section, numerical examples of different structures are considered. The influence<br />

of kinematic hardening on the shakedown limit is demonstrated.<br /> Thin-walled cylindrical shell<br />

A cylindrical shell with wall thickness d and radius R is subjected to an internal pressure<br />

p and an internal temperature Ti (Figure 11.2). The external temperature Te is<br />

equal to zero for all times t. For Ti ˆ Te and p ˆ 0, the system is assumed to be stressfree.<br />

The pressure and the temperature can vary between zero and their maximum values<br />

p and Ti. The corresponding load domain is defined by:<br />

0 p bc 1po ˆ p ; 0 c 1 1 ; 0 Ti bc 2T o i ˆ Ti ; 0 c 2 1 : …42†<br />

To visualize the influence of kinematic hardening on the shakedown limits, the following<br />

three constitutive laws are considered:<br />

1. Elastic, perfectly plastic material with initial yield stress ko<br />

11.2 b).<br />

(curve 1 in Figure<br />

2. Limited kinematic hardening material with K ˆ 1:35 ko (curve 2 in Figure 11.2 b).<br />

3. Unlimited kinematic hardening with K ˆ‡1(curve 3 in Figure 11.2 b).<br />


Curves 1, 2 and 3 in Figure 11.2b show that the kinematic hardening does not always<br />

increase shakedown limits. The common part of the curves represents load domains,<br />

which lead exclusively to APSC (Section in all three cases, whereas both alternating<br />

plasticity and incremental failure can occur for the remaining load domains.<br /> Steel girder with a cope<br />

11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

Figure 11.2: Thin-walled cylindrical shell: a) system and loads; b) shakedown diagram.<br />

A steel girder with a length of 4 m will be investigated. It consists of an IPB-500 profile<br />

with a cope on either side. The girder is simply supported and, in the middle, it is<br />

subjected to a concentrated single load P. Both corners of the copes are provided with<br />

a round drill hole of radius r ˆ 8 mm (see Figure 11.3a). The material is St 52-3 with<br />

an initial yield stress ro ˆ 37:5 kN/cm 2 and a maximal hardening rY ˆ 52:0 kN/cm 2 .<br />

The hardening can be regarded as kinematic.<br />

Experimental investigations<br />

At the Institute for Steel Construction of the University of Braunschweig, the girder<br />

was investigated experimentally [35]. First of all, the behaviour of the system subjected<br />

to cyclic loading was of interest. Additionally, for comparison, the ultimate load was<br />

determined experimentally as well.<br />

Firstly, the girder was subjected to different cyclic load programs. The load program<br />

of the first 15 cycles is shown in Table 11.1. Then, the girder was subjected to a<br />

load program, where the load varied between 0 and 600 kN with a velocity of 600 kN/<br />

min. The number of load cycles, that led to a crack (with a length of 1 mm) at a drill<br />

hole, was 145. The number of load cycles, that led to a collapse of the girder, was 372.<br />

After collapse due to cyclic loading, the girder was shortened on either side by<br />

50 cm, and it was recoped as before. Then, for this system, the ultimate load was determined<br />

as 887 kN. Note that this value can also be regarded as the ultimate load of the<br />

initial system since only those cross-sections near the cope are responsible for failure<br />

of the system.<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Figure 11.3: a) Discretization of the steel girder; b) load-strain diagram at one of both drill holes<br />

of the girder.<br />

Table 11.1: Loading program of the first 15 cycles for a steel girder.<br />

Cycles 1–5 Cycles 6–10 Cycles 11–15<br />

P: 0 > 540 kN P: 0 > 320 kN P: 0 > 540 kN<br />

Numerical investigations<br />

Due to the symmetry of the system and the loading, only one quarter of the system was<br />

considered for numerical investigation. For the Finite-Element discretization, two different<br />

types of elements were employed. The web of the girder was discretized by using 8128<br />

isoparametric elements each with 4 nodes (see Figure 11.3 a). The upper and the lower<br />

flanges were discretized with 768 and 640 DKT (discrete Kirchhoff triangle)-elements,<br />

respectively. Apart from bending forces, the DKT-elements can also be stressed in plane<br />

in order to take account of the fact that the flanges are not subjected to pure bending.<br />

For the numerical investigation, both the ultimate load and the shakedown load<br />

were calculated. The solutions were obtained by the reduced basis technique. In order<br />

to demonstrate the influence of kinematic hardening on the ultimate load and on the<br />

shakedown load, respectively, the calculations were performed both for a perfectly plastic<br />

and a kinematic hardening material. The results are shown in Table 11.2.<br />

Note that the value for the ultimate load determined numerically (877.7 kN) was<br />

1% lower than the value determined by experiment (887 kN).<br />

From Table 11.2, it can be seen that, while the ultimate load increases by a factor of<br />

rY=ro due to kinematic hardening, the shakedown load remains unaltered. In this case, the<br />

girder fails due to alternating plasticity near the drill holes (see Section<br />


11.3 Numerical Approach to Shakedown Problems<br />

Table 11.2: Numerical ultimate and shakedown load for a steel girder.<br />

Material type Ultimate load in kN Shakedown load in kN<br />

1. Perfectly plastic 633.2 164.2<br />

2. Kinematic hardening 877.7 164.2<br />

It should be pointed out that, originally, the experiment was not intended to analyse<br />

shakedown behaviour. During the experiment, the amplitudes of the cyclic loads<br />

were higher than the theoretical shakedown load. Thus, no shakedown behaviour could<br />

be observed. However, some valuable information can be drawn from the load-strain<br />

diagram for the first 5 load cycles shown in Figure 11.3 b. The strains were measured<br />

directly at one of the drill holes.<br />

In Figure 11.3 b, a region can be observed, where the load P is linearly proportional<br />

to the strains, i.e., where the system behaves purely elastic. The amplitude of the<br />

region is between 155.2 kN and 179.5 kN. A comparison shows that the numerical results<br />

are in good agreement with the experiment.<br /> Incremental computations of shakedown limits of cyclic kinematic hardening<br />

material<br />

To describe the cyclic kinematic hardening behaviour of materials, many models have<br />

been developed. Mróz’s multisurface model [27], the two-surface model of Dafalias<br />

and Popov [28] and Chaboche’s model [23] are three of the best known examples.<br />

Here, we use Chaboche’s model as an example and investigate its shakedown behaviour.<br />

Due to the fact that no shakedown theorems for cyclic hardening materials have<br />

been formulated yet, an incremental method will be used to calculate the shakedown limit.<br />

Examples and comparison<br />

As our first example, we consider the square plate with circular hole illustrated in Figure<br />

11.4. The length of the plate is L and the ratio between the diameter D of the hole<br />

and the length of the plate is 0.01. The thickness of the plate is t ˆ 1 cm. The system<br />

is subjected to the biaxial loading p1 and p2. Both can vary independently between<br />

zero and their maximum values p1 and p2. The corresponding load domain is defined<br />

by:<br />

0 p1 bc 1ro ˆ p1 ; 0 c 1 1 ; …43†<br />

0 p2 bc 2ro ˆ p2 ; 0 c 2 1 : …44†<br />

The results are shown in Table 11.3, where b pih denotes the shakedown limit for the<br />

path-independent hardening material and b cyh the shakedown limit for the cyclic kinematic<br />

hardening material.<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Figure 11.4.: Geometry and loading conditions of a square plate with a centric circular hole.<br />

Table 11.3: Shakedown limits for a plate with centric hole.<br />

p1=p2 b pih b cyh N<br />

0.0/1.0 0.69633 0.69629 300<br />

0.2/1.0 0.65458 0.65417 20<br />

0.4/1.0 0.61758 0.61750 20<br />

0.6/1.0 0.58433 0.58417 20<br />

0.8/1.0 0.55471 0.55417 20<br />

1.0/1.0 0.52775 0.52707 20<br />

It is shown that the results from optimization methods with cyclic independent hardening<br />

properties are upper bounds for those from incremental computation with cyclic<br />

kinematic hardening materials. It turned out that for about 20 cycles, the values b cyh<br />

approach b pih with an error less than 1%. It should be pointed out that the computation<br />

efforts for the cyclic processes are much higher in comparison with optimization methods.<br />

The second example to be considered is a CT-specimen with a notch as shown in<br />

Figure 11.5. It is subjected to a uniaxial loading p, which may vary between 0 and p.<br />

Five different values of notch root radius r are used to obtain a wide range of<br />

shakedown limits. Table 11.4 shows the results of the incremental computations.<br />

For this example too, the shakedown limits are the same as those of numerical<br />

optimization apart from the fact that the number of load paths, which we have taken<br />

for the incremental hardening, has no influence on the shakedown limit of the system.<br />

Remark 1: Elastic shakedown does not implement damage and creep phenomena. Engineers<br />

are interested in the admissible number of cycles for low-cycle fatigue,<br />

which cannot be derived from classical shakedown theorems. An approximated<br />

reduced load factor b < b for scalar-valued damage can be achieved in a postprocess<br />

assuming conservatively that the loads always alternate between their<br />

maximum and minimum values in all load cycles.<br />


11.4 Transition to Ductile Fracture<br />

Figure 11.5: Geometry and loading conditions of a compact tension specimen.<br />

Table 11.4: Shakedown limits for a CT-specimen.<br />

Remark 2: There is an important connection between shakedown theory and structural<br />

optimization admitting inelastic deformations, which is a demanding task in the<br />

frame of the design under modern safety considerations related to the failure of a<br />

structure as given in the new EURO-CODES.<br />

11.4 Transition to Ductile Fracture<br />

b pih b cyh N<br />

r ˆ 0:1 0.069325 0.069292 20<br />

r ˆ 0:2 0.085133 0.085083 20<br />

r ˆ 0:3 0.092504 0.092083 20<br />

r ˆ 0:4 0.101117 0.101042 20<br />

r ˆ 0:5 0.107392 0.107292 20<br />

To solve the optimization problem (Equations (37) to (40)) for a system with complicated<br />

geometry and load domain, the numerical methods like Finite-Element method should be<br />

usually used (see [32, 36]). For a problem with no more than two loading parameters (load<br />

domain with four vertices), Stein and Huang [37] developed an analytical method for determination<br />

of the shakedown-load factor b. The advantage of this method is that only the<br />

maximum effective stress in the system must be calculated. The shakedown-load factor b<br />

follows directly from a closed form. For a load domain with only one parameter (load<br />

domain with two vertices), the result for b is especially simple, it reads:<br />


ˆ 2ro<br />

reff<br />

; …45†<br />

where reff is von Mises effective stress and ro is the elastic limit. From Equation (45)<br />

can be concluded that the shakedown limit load of the system is as large as twice as its<br />

elastic limit.<br />

Making use of this result, Huang and Stein [38] calculated the shakedown limit<br />

load of a notched body under variable tension r as illustrated in Figure 11.6 a. It reads:<br />

b ˆ 2ro<br />

ˆ<br />

reff<br />

11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Figure 11.6: a) A compact tension specimen under cyclic loading; b) modified notch; c) modified<br />

crack.<br />

p<br />

ro pr<br />

K 1 m ‡ m2 p ; …46†<br />

where K is the stress-intensity factor (SIF), m is Poisson’s ratio. Thus, the maximal<br />

stress-intensity factor Ksh, under which the system will still shake down, reads:<br />

Ksh ˆ bK ˆ ro<br />

p<br />

pr<br />

1 ‡ m m2 p : …47†<br />

If the applied SIF K does not exceed the shakedown limit SIF Ksh, the notched body<br />

shakes down. Otherwise, alternating plasticity occurs at the notch root.<br />

Shakedown limit SIF for a cracked body<br />

In [38], Huang and Stein applied Neuber’s material block concept [24] to the shakedown<br />

investigation of a cracked body. Accordingly, the continuum ahead of a sharp<br />

notch is considered as a material block with finite linear dimension e (Figure 11.6 b).<br />

Across this block, no stress gradient can develop. The original notch should be replaced<br />

by an effective notch with radius r …> r†. The stress-concentration factor is re-<br />


duced due to the enlarged notch radius. The classic strength theory is then still usable.<br />

The effective notch radius r is obtained in such a way that the average stress over the<br />

block e of the original notch is equal to the maximum stress of the modified notch, i.e.:<br />

rymax j r<br />

Z<br />

1<br />

ˆ<br />

e<br />

e<br />

ryjrdr1 : …48†<br />

0<br />

Using Craeger’s relation for the stress distribution [39] at the notch root, the following<br />

relation can be derived:<br />

2K<br />

p ˆ<br />

pr<br />

1<br />

e<br />

For r , one gets:<br />

Z e<br />

0<br />

K<br />

r<br />

p 1 ‡<br />

2p…r=2 ‡ r1† 2…r=2 ‡ r1† dr1<br />

2K<br />

ˆ p : …49†<br />

p…r ‡ 2e†<br />

r ˆ r ‡ 2e : …50†<br />

Thus, the effective notch radius is equal to the original one plus two times Neuber’s<br />

material block size e.<br />

In the case of a crack (Figure 11.6 c), the effective crack-tip radius, denoted by q, can<br />

be obtained immediately by setting r ) r ‡ 2e and r ˆ 0 in Equation (47), yielding:<br />

q ˆ 2e : …51†<br />

Equation (51) indicates implicitly that a crack can be treated as a notch with radius q.<br />

In fact, experiments with different materials done by Frost [40], Jack and Price [41],<br />

and Swanson et al. [42] show that a cracked body under cyclic loadings behaves in an<br />

identical manner as a notched body does if the latter has the same geometry as the<br />

cracked body and the notch root radius r is small enough (see also [43, 44]). The<br />

shakedown limit stress-intensity factor reads:<br />

1<br />

p<br />

m ‡ m2 p : …52†<br />

Ksh ˆ ro pq<br />

11.4 Transition to Ductile Fracture<br />

Thus, the shakedown limit stress-intensity factor of a cracked body is proportional to<br />

the initial yield stress ro times the square root of the effective crack-tip radius q. Fora<br />

material, ro is usually given. The problem now is to establish the effective crack-tip radius<br />

q. A direct measurement of this parameter is difficult. Using an indirect method,<br />

Kuhn and Hardrath [45] calculated the effective crack-tip radii for metallic materials<br />

and proposed a relationship between q and the ultimate strength rY of a material depicted<br />

in a diagram.<br />

For a given material, the initial yield stress ro and ultimate stress rY can be measured<br />

by a simple tension experiment. The effective crack-tip radius q is taken directly<br />

from the diagram given in [45]. Knowing these quantities, the shakedown limit SIF Ksh<br />


11 Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis<br />

Table 11.5: Shakedown limit SIFs Ksh and fatigue thresholds Kth for various materials.<br />

Material ro [MPa] rY [MPa] q<br />

p m 1/2<br />

Ksh [Mnm –3/2 ] Kth [Mnm –3/2 ] Ref.<br />

2 1/4 Cr-1Mo 345 528 13.549 · 10 –3<br />

SA 387-2.22 390 550 12.433 · 10 –3<br />

SA 387-2.22 340 520 13.708 · 10 –3<br />

SA 387-2.22 290 500 14.346 · 10 –3<br />

Docol 350 260 360 19.128 · 10 –3<br />

SS 141147 185 322 22.316 · 10 –3<br />

HP Steel 210 304 25.504 · 10 –3<br />

HP Steel 160 279 28.692 · 10 –3<br />

HP Steel 120 242 36.662 · 10 –3<br />

follows immediately from Equation (52). In Table 11.5, the shakedown limit SIFs Ksh<br />

for some materials are selected. At the same time, fatigue thresholds for the same<br />

materials are listed there. They were obtained by other authors with experimental methods<br />

of other theoretical approaches [46, 47].<br />

It can be seen that the shakedown limit SIFs Ksh of cracked bodies agree quite<br />

well with their fatigue thresholds Kth. This agreement indicates that the reason for<br />

crack arrest in these materials is the shakedown of the cracked bodies. In these cases,<br />

the fatigue threshold of a cracked body can be predicted by using shakedown theory.<br />

11.5 Summary of the Main Results of Project B6<br />

One major issue of project B6 was the formulation of a 3-D overlay model for non-linear<br />

hardening materials. For this class of materials, a static shakedown theorem and a<br />

corresponding corollary were formulated and proved, which are generalizations of Melan’s<br />

static shakedown theorems for perfectly plastic and linear kinematic hardening<br />

materials. A systematic investigation of the numerical treatment of shakedown problems<br />

using Finite-Element method was carried out. The findings were used to employ<br />

efficient optimization strategies and algorithms developed to take advantage of the special<br />

structure of the arising optimization problems. As an important result of these investigations,<br />

explicit conclusions about the failure forms of cyclically loaded systems<br />

could be drawn, i.e. incremental collapse or alternating plasticity. The influence of cyclic<br />

hardening and softening on the shakedown behaviour of structures was studied incrementally.<br />

The results were compared with those derived for the 3-D overlay model.<br />

A new methodology was proposed to include stress singularities into shakedown<br />

investigations allowing for the prediction of fatigue thresholds of ductile cracked<br />

bodies. Thus, a transition from shakedown theory to cyclic fracture mechanics was<br />

achieved.<br />

272<br />

8.25 8.3 [45]<br />

8.6 8.3 [45]<br />

8.14 8.6 [45]<br />

7.3 9.6 [45]<br />

8.9 5.4 [46]<br />

7.6 6.0 [46]<br />

9.5 6.2 [46]<br />

8.1 6.7 [46]<br />

7.8 8.2 [46]

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1992.<br />

[34] J.A. König: Shakedown of Elastic-Plastic Structures. PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers,<br />

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102 (1998) 217–226.<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive<br />

Equations Based on Uniform and Non-Uniform<br />

Stress and Strain Distributions<br />

Abstract<br />

Rolf Mahnken and Erwin Stein*<br />

In this contribution, various aspects for identification of material parameters are discussed.<br />

The underlying experimental data are obtained from specimen, where stresses and strains<br />

can be either uniform or non-uniform within the volume. In the second case, the associated<br />

simulated data are obtained from Finite-Element calculations. A gradient-based optimization<br />

strategy is applied for minimization of a least-squares functional, where the corresponding<br />

sensitivity analysis if performed in a systematic manner. Numerical examples<br />

for the uniform case are presented with a material model due to Chaboche with cyclic<br />

loading. For the non-uniform case, material parameters are obtained for a multiplicative<br />

plasticity model, where experimental data are determined with a grating method for an<br />

axisymmetric necking problem. In both examples, the effect of different starting values<br />

and stochastic perturbations of the experimental data are discussed.<br />

12.1 Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

12.1.1 State of the art at the beginning of project B8<br />

The project B8 of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319) has been started in<br />

1991 with the intention to identify material parameters of constitutive models for inelastic<br />

material behaviour. Though the interest for reliable modelling has always been<br />

very high in the engineering community, up to that time, the concepts for parameter<br />

identification concerning experimental and numerical issues were fairly limited. In particular<br />

the state of the art was as follows:<br />

* Universität Hannover, Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik, Appelstraße 9 a,<br />

D-30167 Hannover, Germany<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

• The experiments producing the experimental data were mostly conducted in simple<br />

tension, compression or torsion, respectively. In this way, the sample, e.g. a cylindrical<br />

hollow specimen, is subjected to an axial load (force or displacement), which produces<br />

strains and stresses assumed to be uniform within the whole volume of the specimen.<br />

• The identification process for the underlying material models was performed in the<br />

framework of a geometric linear theory.<br />

• For optimization of the resulting least-squares functional (at least within the SFB<br />

319) evolutionary strategies were preferred.<br />

• In some situations it may occur that more than one set of parameters can give reasonable<br />

fits. This issue of instability (or even non-uniqueness in the case of identical<br />

fits) has not been considered.<br />

12.1.2 Aims and scope of project B8<br />

As a main consequence of the first item in the above overview it was observed that parameters<br />

derived from an optimal least-squares fit of uniaxial experiments do not necessarily<br />

predict non-uniform deformations. This is due to the facts that (i) a uniaxial experiment<br />

does not provide enough information to obtain an accurate simulation of the<br />

non-uniform case, and (ii) the ideal test conditions of uniformness often cannot be realized<br />

in the laboratory. In nearly all mechanical tests deformations eventually cease to<br />

be uniform due to localization, fracture and other failure mechanisms. E.g., non-uniformness<br />

is unavoidable in the case of necking of the sample in tension tests or barreling<br />

due to friction of the sample in compression tests. Therefore a main object of project<br />

B8 was to develop a more general approach, which accounts for this inhomogeneity<br />

by performing parameter identification using Finite-Element simulations.<br />

The next issue is concerned with the geometric setting. It is quite obvious that<br />

material parameters obtained from a fit within a geometric linear setting in general do<br />

not carry over to the finite-deformation regime. This in particular holds if extreme<br />

loads are subjected to the specimen thus yielding large deformations. To this end parameter<br />

identification within a geometric non-linear theory has been performed.<br />

In a common – classical – approach, parameter identification is formulated as an<br />

optimization problem, where a least-squares functional is minimized in order to provide<br />

the best agreement between experimental data and simulated data in a specific norm.<br />

Algorithms for solution of this problem, basically, may be classified into two classes,<br />

i.e. methods, which only need the value of the least-squares function (zero-order methods)<br />

and descent methods, which require also the gradient of the least-squares function<br />

(first-order methods). Very often an evolutionary method is preferred in practice because<br />

of its versatility (see e.g. Müller and Hartmann [1] and Kublik and Steck [2]).<br />

However, in general, these methods are very time-consuming due to many function<br />

evaluations (several hundred thousand). Thus for reasons of efficiency an optimization<br />

strategy based on gradient evaluations has been developed.<br />

For determination of the gradient of the associated least-squares functional, basically<br />

two variants are known from the literature: (1) The finite-difference method: This tech-<br />


12.2 Basic Terminology for Identification Problems<br />

nique, though conceptionally very simple in general, is regarded as inefficient due to many<br />

function evaluations and accuracy problems. (2) The sensitivity analysis: In this concept<br />

the gradient is determined analytically consistent with the formulation of the underlying<br />

direct problem. As part of the work of project B8 the latter concept has been developed<br />

firstly to the uniform case, and then it was carried over to the non-uniform case.<br />

Another object of project B8 was to discuss and investigate the stability of the results<br />

for the identification process since instability is a typical feature of inverse problems<br />

(see Baumeister [3], Banks and Kunisch [4]). To this end two indicators are investigated:<br />

We examine the eigenvalues of the Hessian of the least-squares function, and<br />

we study the effect of perturbations of the experimental data on the parameters.<br />

Furthermore, for the case of numerically instable results, we introduce a regularization<br />

due to Tikhonov, which can be interpreted as an enhancement of the basic least-squares<br />

functional by adequate model information.<br />

Parameter identification essentially relies on experimental data obtained in the laboratory.<br />

In this respect it is obvious that for the non-uniform case spatially distributed<br />

data give more information as data evaluated only at certain points, e.g. using strain<br />

gauges. Therefore optical methods turned out to be the ideal tools in order to obtain<br />

the underlying data sets, and in our examples the experimental data were obtained with<br />

a grating method in collaboration with the projects C1 (Dr. Andresen [5]), C2 (Prof.<br />

Ritter [6]) and B5 (Prof. Peil [7]).<br />

In this contribution we will describe our approach for parameter identification,<br />

firstly, to the conventional uniform case, and secondly, to the non-uniform case, where<br />

the Finite-Element method is applied. To specify, this work is structured as follows: In<br />

the next Section 12.2 the basic terminology for identification problems pertaining to the<br />

direct problem and the inverse problem is introduced. In Section 12.3 a systematic concept<br />

for parameter identification is briefly described for the uniform case, and in Section<br />

12.4, it is extended to the non-uniform case. In Section 12.5 two examples for parameter<br />

identification based on experimental data obtained within the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

(SFB 319) are presented. In the first example the Chaboche model [8] is considered<br />

with a sample in cyclic loading, and in the second example we investigate an axisymmetric<br />

necking problem of mild steel. Section 12.6 gives a summary of the main results<br />

of project B8, and furthermore, we discuss issues of future research work.<br />

12.2 Basic Terminology for Identification Problems<br />

12.2.1 The direct problem: the state equation<br />

In the sequel, we denote by K a (vector-)space with elements j of admissible material<br />

parameters, and g…j; ^u…j†† is the state equation, which may represent e.g. the (non-linear)<br />

state of the discretized form of an initial value problem or the variational form of<br />

an initial boundary value problem. The state equation g may be dependent on the parameters<br />

j, both explicitly and implicitly, where the implicit dependency is defined via<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

the state variable ^u…j† 2U, and where U is a (function-)space of admissible state variables<br />

^u…j†. With this notation, we formulate the direct problem:<br />

Find u…j† 2U such that g…j; u…j†† ˆ 0 for given j 2K: …1†<br />

In what follows, we assume existence of the solution u…j†:ˆ Arg fg…j; ^u…j†† ˆ 0g for<br />

all j 2K.<br />

12.2.2 The inverse problem: the least-squares problem<br />

Let ~D denote an observation space, and let ~d 2 ~D denote given data from experiments.<br />

In general experimental data are not complete, e.g. for cyclic loading tests very often<br />

they are available only for a part of the cycles. To account for this possible incompleteness,<br />

we introduce an observation operator M mapping the trajectory u…j† to points<br />

M u…j† in the observation space P (Banks and Kunisch [4], p. 54). With this notation<br />

we formulate the inverse problem:<br />

Find j 2K such that M u…j† ˆ ~d for given ~d 2 ~D : …2†<br />

An identification process based on experimental data is typically influenced by two<br />

types of errors: Using the notations ^u for the true state and j for the correct parameter<br />

vector, then the following situations may arise (Banks and Kunisch [4]):<br />

• M ^u 6ˆ ~d due to measurement errors,<br />

• ^u 6ˆ u…j † due to model errors.<br />

In general, the first error type is taken into account by statistical investigations of the<br />

data. The second type is reduced by increasing the complexity of the model, which in<br />

general is accompanied by an increase of material parameters np.<br />

Referring to the classical definitions of Hadamard [9], a problem is well-posed if the<br />

conditions of (i) existence, (ii) uniqueness and (iii) continuous dependence on the data for<br />

its solution are satisfied simultaneously. If one of these conditions is violated, then the<br />

problem is termed ill-posed. Since in practice the number of experimental data is larger<br />

than the number of unknown parameters, problem (2) in general is overdetermined, thus<br />

excluding the existence of a solution due to measurement and/or model errors. The classical<br />

strategy therefore uses an optimal approach of simulated data u…j† and experimental<br />

data ~d, thus replacing problem (2) by the least-squares optimization problem:<br />

Find j 2K such that for given ~d 2 ~D: f …j†:ˆ 1<br />

2 kM u…j† ~dk 2 ~D ! min : …3†<br />

j2K<br />

• Remarks<br />

1. In practice, experimental data are given at discrete time- or load-steps. Therefore,<br />

for the following discussions it is natural to set ~D IRndat for the observation space,<br />


12.2 Basic Terminology for Identification Problems<br />

with ndat as the number of experimental data. Furthermore, very often parameters are<br />

independent of each other such that K IR np can be separated, where np is the number<br />

of material parameters, Next, we use the short hand notation M u…j† ˆ: d…j† 2IR ndat ,<br />

thus indicating the transformation of the simulated data to the observation space (e.g.<br />

by an interpolation procedure). Then, the resulting least-squares problem reads:<br />

f …j† ˆ 1<br />

2 kd…j† ~dk 2<br />

2 ! min ; KˆYnp<br />

Ki ; Ki :ˆ fai ji big : …4†<br />

j2K<br />

iˆ1<br />

Here, ai; bi are lower and upper bounds for the material parameters, respectively.<br />

2. In many situations, the problems (3) or (4), though well-posed, may lead to numerically<br />

instable solutions, i.e. small variations of ~d then lead to large variations of<br />

the parameters j. These difficulties are caused if<br />

(a) the material model has (too many) parameters, which yield (almost) linearly dependencies<br />

within the model, or if<br />

(b) the experiment is inadequate in the sense that some effects intended by the model<br />

are not properly “activated”.<br />

It has already been mentioned that a typical step for reducing the model error is to increase<br />

the complexity of the model, which generally is accompanied by an increase of<br />

the material parameters. A typical example is the modification of the standard J2-flow<br />

theory with the linear Prager rule in order to account for anisotropic hardening effects.<br />

A further extension is possible with the non-linear Chaboche model [8] (see also Equation<br />

(8) in the forthcoming Section 12.3) in order to account for non-linear kinematic<br />

hardening effects. In doing so, it should be realized that the introduction of additional<br />

material parameters may also result into the aforementioned numerical instability for<br />

the identification process if appropriate steps are not performed when planning the experiment.<br />

To summarize, the contradictory requirements for numerical stable results<br />

and reducing the model error have to be carefully balanced.<br />

3. In some cases, even non-uniqueness for the parameter set may occur: This was observed<br />

by Mahnken and Stein [10, 11] for two material models under certain loading<br />

conditions. The main consequences are that at least cyclic loading becomes necessary<br />

in case of the Chaboche model [8], and for identification of the Steck model [12] experiments<br />

have to be performed at different temperatures.<br />

4. As a consequence of the above Remark 2, it is strongly recommended to study the<br />

effect of perturbations of the experimental data on the parameters. This may indicate<br />

possible instabilities of the identification process. Furthermore, the eigenvalue structure<br />

of the Hessian of f …j† gives further information about the stability. However, a systematic<br />

strategy to detect possible instabilities so far is not available.<br />

5. A mathematical tool, suitable to overcome possible numerical instabilities, is a regularization<br />

of the functional in Equation (4), and this leads to the more general problem:<br />

fc…j†:ˆ 1<br />

2 Wd…d…j† ~d†<br />

2<br />

2<br />

‡ c<br />

2 Wl…j ~j†<br />

2<br />

2<br />

! min : …5†<br />

np j2K IR<br />


Here, the matrices Wd 2 IRndat IRndat and Wl 2 IRnp IRnp ‡ , the scalar c 2 IR and the<br />

a priori parameters j 2 IRm are regularization parameters (see Baumeister [3]). Note<br />

that the first part of the functional in Equation (5) is also obtained when considering<br />

parameter identification based on statistical investigations in the context of a Maximum-Likelihood<br />

method in order to account for measurement errors. It is noteworthy<br />

that the r.h.s. of the functional is also related to the Bayesian estimation (see Bard [13],<br />

Pugachew [14]). The above functional provides the opportunity to include physical interpretation<br />

of some parameters, obtained e.g. by “hand fitting”, into the optimization<br />

process if numerical instabilities occur. However, a systematic concept for determination<br />

of the regularization parameters in the context of parameter identification for viscoplastic<br />

material models so far is not available.<br />

6. Problems of the above kind like Equations (4) or (5) with separable constraints<br />

may be solved with the projection algorithm due to Bertsekas [15]:<br />

j …j‡1† ˆPfj …j† …j† H …j† rf …j …j† †g ; …Pfjg† i :ˆ min…bi; …max…ji; ai†† ;<br />

i ˆ 1; ...; np : …6†<br />

Note that the above iteration scheme requires the gradient of the associated leastsquares<br />

functional. This task is generally performed in the sensitivity analysis, where<br />

the gradient is determined consistent with the formulation of the underlying direct problem.<br />

Note also that the iteration matrix H has to be “diagonalized” in order to insure<br />

descent properties of the search directions for algorithm (see Bertsekas [15] and Mahnken<br />

[16] for an explanation of this terminology and further details).<br />

12.3 Parameter Identification for the Uniform Case<br />

In this section, we briefly describe a systematic strategy for parameter identification for<br />

the uniform case within a geometric linear setting. A detailed description is given in<br />

Mahnken and Stein [11, 17].<br />

12.3.1 Mathematical modelling of uniaxial visco-plastic problems<br />

Let Iˆ‰0; TŠ be the time interval of interest. The uniaxial stress is designated by<br />

r ˆ r11 : I!IR, while eel and ein : I!IR, are the elastic and inelastic parts of the<br />

small strain tensor components ein ij and eel ij , respectively. The model equations representing<br />

one-dimensional visco-plasticity with small strains are summarized as follows:<br />

280<br />

12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

e ˆ e el ‡ e in<br />

additive split of total strains ; …7a†<br />

e el ˆ 1<br />

r elastic strains ; …7b†<br />


12.3 Parameter Identification for the Uniform Case<br />

_e in ˆ _ ^e in …r; q; h; e in ; ...;j† evolution for inelastic strains ; …7c†<br />

_q ˆ _ ^q…r; q; h; e in ; ...;j† evolution for internal variables . …7d†<br />

Here, additionally, we defined the temperature h, the elastic modulus E, and j 2 IR np is<br />

a vector of np material parameters characterizing the inelastic material behaviour.<br />

There exists a great variety of constitutive relations in the literature according to<br />

the above skeletal structure (Equations (7a) to (7d)) (see e.g. Miller [18], Lemaitre and<br />

Chaboche [19] and references therein). Many approaches intend to provide for a number<br />

of different characteristic effects such as strain rate-dependent plastic flow, creep or<br />

stress relaxation. In doing so, a yield criterion with the inherent specification of loading<br />

and unloading conditions as in time-independent classical plasticity is not needed. The<br />

resulting equations are currently referred to as “unified models”. Concerning the internal<br />

variables, in principle they are argued for macroscopic or microscopic reasons depending<br />

on the basic conception.<br />

Three representative examples for the evolution equations _e in and _q in Equation<br />

(7) were treated by Mahnken and Stein in [11, 17] within project B8, i.e. the models of<br />

Chaboche [8], Bodner and Partom [20] and Steck [12] (see also Kublik and Steck [2]).<br />

In this contribution only the Chaboche model with the evolution equations<br />

_e in F<br />

ˆ K0 n0 8<br />

><<br />

sign …r † if F > 0<br />

>:<br />

0 else<br />

…8a†<br />

_R ˆ b…q R†_e in sign …_e in † isotropic hardening …8b†<br />

_ ˆ c…c sign …_e in ††_e in<br />

F ˆ…r † sign …r † R k 0<br />

kinematic hardening …8c†<br />

overstress …8d†<br />

shall be considered, where j :ˆ ‰n 0 ; K 0 ; k 0 ; b; q; c; cŠ T is the vector of material parameters<br />

related to the inelastic material behaviour.<br />

In addition to the Equations (7a) to (7d), we assume that initial conditions<br />

r…t ˆ 0† ˆr0 ; e in …t ˆ 0† ˆe in<br />

0 ; q…t ˆ 0† ˆq 0<br />

are given, which complete the formulation of the initial value problem.<br />

The representation above – and in the forthcoming two subsections – is based on<br />

stress-controlled experiments. Of course, analogous arguments hold for the complementary<br />

tests, i.e. strain-controlled experiments, where experimental data are given for a<br />

stress distribution ~r…t†; t 2I.<br />

…9†<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

12.3.2 Numerical solution of the direct problem<br />

We define N as the number of time steps Dtk ˆ tk tk 1; k ˆ 1; ...; N; t0 ˆ 0; tN ˆ T.<br />

Using the second order midpoint-rule at each time step, from Equations (7a) to (7d),<br />

we obtain the update relations<br />

ek ˆ ek 1 ‡ Dtk _e in<br />

k 1=2 ‡ Deel k 1 ; …10†<br />

q k ˆ q k 1 ‡ Dtk _q k 1=2 ; …11†<br />

where we applied the notation:<br />

_e in<br />

k 1=2 ˆ _ ^e in …1=2…rk 1 ‡ rk† ; 1=2…q k 1 ‡ q k†; ...;j† ; …12†<br />

_q k 1=2 ˆ _ ^q…1=2…rk 1 ‡ rk† ; 1=2…q k 1 ‡ q k†; ...;j† ; …13†<br />

De el 1<br />

k 1 ˆ<br />

E …rk rk 1† : …14†<br />

Since the state variables ek and q k are not known in advance, the following non-linear<br />

system of equations has to be solved at each time step:<br />

gk;1…ek; qk†:ˆ ek ek 1 Dtk _e in<br />

k 1=2 Deel k 1 ˆ 0 ; …15†<br />

g k;2…ek; q k†:ˆ q k q k 1 Dtk _q k 1=2 ˆ 0 : …16†<br />

Defining Gk :ˆ ‰gk;1; g T k;2 ŠT and a vector of state variables Yk :ˆ ‰ek; q T k ŠT , Equations<br />

(15) and (16) may be summarized as:<br />

Gk…Yk† ˆ0 : …17†<br />

Referring to the notation of Section 12.2.1, Equation (17) will be termed as the state<br />

equation, describing the state of the variables Yk :ˆ ‰ek; q T k ŠT at the k-th time step.<br />

Furthermore, using the notation of Section 12.2.1, we have the direct problem:<br />

Find Yk…j† such that Gk…Yk…j†† ˆ 0; k ˆ 1; ...; N for given j 2K: …18†<br />

The iterative solution of Equation (17) is obtained with a Newton method. Details of<br />

this strategy with applications to the material models of Bodner-Partom, Chaboche and<br />

Steck are described in Mahnken and Stein [11, 17].<br />

12.3.3 Numerical solution of the inverse problem<br />

For reasons of simplicity, in the sequel we will assume that the discrete values for time<br />

integration ftkg N<br />

kˆ1 Iand for the experimental data ft exp<br />

k gndat kˆ1 Ido coincide for both<br />


the numerical values ek…j† ˆe…tk; j† and the observations ~ek ˆ ~e…tk†; k ˆ 1; ...; N. The<br />

following considerations can be extended to more complex situations in a straightforward<br />

manner. Theresultinginverseproblemthenbecomestheleast-squaresoptimizationproblem:<br />

Find j 2Ksuch that for given ~d 2 ~D:<br />

f …j† ˆ 1 X<br />

2<br />

N<br />

…ek…j† ~ek†<br />

kˆ1<br />

2 ! min ; np j2K IR<br />

Kˆ Ynp<br />

12.4 Parameter Identification for the Non-Uniform Case<br />

Figure 12.1: Schematic flow chart of the optimization strategy for the uniform case with outer<br />

and inner iteration loops.<br />

iˆ1<br />

Ki ; Ki :ˆ fai ji big : …19†<br />

As before, ai; bi are lower and upper bounds for the material parameters.<br />

A schematic flow chart for solution of problem (19) with a simplified description is<br />

shown in Figure 12.1. It can be seen that basically an outer loop for iteration of the material<br />

parameters and an inner loop for iteration of the state variables ^Yk…j† are performed. In the<br />

outer loop the Bertsekas algorithm(Equation (6))is applied,wherethe gradientis determined<br />

in a sensitivityanalysis. For detailspertaining to this strategy with applicationsto the material<br />

models of Bodner-Partom,Chaboche and Steck, we also referto Mahnken and Stein [11, 17].<br />

12.4 Parameter Identification for the Non-Uniform Case<br />

As already mentioned in Section 12.1.2, very often the assumption of uniform stress<br />

and strain distributions during the experiment cannot be guaranteed due to the experi-<br />


mental conditions or failure mechanisms. Therefore, we will consider parameter identification<br />

with Finite-Element simulations in order to take into account inhomogeneities<br />

within the sample. In what follows, we give a brief review for a geometrically non-linear<br />

continuum-based formulation of the direct problem as a variational problem and<br />

furthermore of the associate least-squares problem. For solution of these problems, a<br />

standard linearization procedure is applied for the direct problem and a sensitivity analysis<br />

is performed for the inverse problem. In the forthcoming sections, we will comment<br />

on the similarities of these associated concepts. More details of our approach are<br />

documented in Mahnken and Stein [10, 21] for the geometric linear case, and in Mahnken<br />

and Stein [22], this concept has been extended to the geometric non-linear case.<br />

12.4.1 Kinematics<br />

12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

Let B IR ndim be the reference configuration of a continuous body B with smooth<br />

boundary @B, and let X 2B IR ndim be the position vector in the Euclidian space IR ndim<br />

with spatial dimension ndim ˆ 1; 2; 3. We shall denote by @uB and @rB those parts of<br />

the boundary @B, where configurations are prescribed as u and boundary tractions are<br />

prescribed as t, respectively. As usual, we assume @uB [@rB ˆ@B and<br />

@uB \@rB ˆ;. In addition, b denotes the body force per unit volume. As before, we<br />

define I:ˆ ‰t0; TŠ 2IR‡ as a time interval of interest, and K IR np designates the<br />

(vector-)space of material parameters.<br />

Following Barthold [23] the fundamental mapping for describing the current configuration<br />

of the body for varying time t 2I and varying parameter j 2Kis given as:<br />

^u:ˆ B I K !IRndim ,<br />

…X; t; j† 7! u ˆ ^u…X; t; j† :<br />

As usual, we restrict ourselves to configurations u satisfying J :ˆ det…F† > 0 and<br />

u ˆ u on @uB, where we use the shorthand notation F:ˆ ^F…X; t; j†:ˆ @Xu for the deformation<br />

gradient at …X; t; j†. The exposition that follows crucially depends on the basic<br />

assumption:<br />

…20†<br />

X ˆ ^u…X; t ˆ t0; j†8 …X; j† 2 …B K† ; …21†<br />

i.e. the initial configuration B at time t ˆ t0 is independent of the parameter set j. Itis<br />

noteworthy that this restriction, e.g., does not hold for more complex situations in shape<br />

optimization, and would necessitate the introduction of a reference configuration invariant<br />

of the design variables j (Barthold [23], Haber [24]). Thus, we will regard the set<br />

…X; t; j† 2B I Kas the independent variables in the ensuing considerations.<br />

An illustration of the mapping (Equation (20)) for the body B at fixed time t for<br />

two different parameter sets j1; j2 2Kis shown in Figure 12.2.<br />


12.4 Parameter Identification for the Non-Uniform Case<br />

Figure 12.2: Illustration of two-parameter-dependent configurations at fixed time.<br />

12.4.2 The direct problem: Galerkin weak form<br />

Let j 2Kbe given, and let us assume a partition of the time interval Iˆ SN<br />

‰tk 1; tkŠ<br />

kˆ1<br />

into N subintervals (for problems of elasticity and plasticity tk refers to the load step).<br />

Denoting by uk ˆ ^u… ; tk; j† the configuration at time tk for the parameter set j, the<br />

balance equation of linear momentum and the set of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary<br />

conditions at the (k)-th step read:<br />

divrk ‡ qb ˆ 0 in B ;<br />

uk ˆ uk on @uB ;<br />

rkn ˆ tk on @rB : …22†<br />

Here, rk designates the Cauchy stress tensor. Using the notation h : i for the L2 dual<br />

pairing on B of functions, vectors or tensor fields, an equivalent formulation is the classical<br />

weak form (principal of virtual work) of the momentum equations at time tk. Ina<br />

spatial description this results into the direct problem:<br />

Find uk such that g…uk†ˆhs : ddij gj ˆ 0 8 du and for given j 2K; …23†<br />

tˆtk tk<br />

where the Kirchhoff stress tensor s ˆ Jr is introduced. Furthermore, a spatial rate of deformation<br />

tensor induced by the virtual displacement du is defined as dd :ˆ sym…qudu†,<br />

and g:ˆ hb dui‡ht dui@rB designates the external part of the weak form. For the case<br />

of inelastic problems the above set of equations has to be supplemented by initial conditions<br />

Z…X; t0; j† ˆZ0, where Z denotes a set of history variables.<br />

The iterative solution of the non-linear problem (Equation (23)) is based on a standard<br />

Newton method, in which a sequence of linearizations of the weak form (Equation<br />

(23)) is performed. To this end the Gâteaux derivative qDg…uk† of problem (Equation (23))<br />

as shown in Table 12.1 is determined. Here, lD :ˆ quDu and dD :ˆ sym…lD† are a velocity<br />

gradient and a spatial rate of deformation tensor, respectively, induced by the linearization<br />

increment Du. Additionally, c is the fourth order spatial material operator.<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

Table 12.1 : Weak form, Gâteaux derivative for linearization and linear equation for parameter<br />

sensitivity in a spatial formulation.<br />

• Weak form (principle of virtual work)<br />

g…uk†ˆhs : ddij gj ˆ 0<br />

tˆtk tk<br />

• Gâteaux derivative for linearization<br />

qDg…uk†ˆh…c : dD† : dd ‡ lDs : ddijtˆtk • Linear equation for parameter sensitivity<br />

qjg…uk†ˆh…c : dj† : dd ‡ ljs : dd ‡ q p<br />

js : ddij ˆ 0<br />

tˆtk<br />

12.4.3 The inverse problem: constrained least-squares optimization problem<br />

As in Section 12.3, we assume identical time (load) steps ftkg N<br />

kˆ1 and observation<br />

states ftjg ntdat jˆ1 , where experimental data ~dj 2 ~D are available, and where ~D denotes the<br />

observation space. In particular, ~dj may contain stresses, strains, displacements, reaction<br />

force fields etc. Since in general only incomplete data are available from the experiment,<br />

we introduce an observation operator M mapping the configuration trajectory<br />

uk ˆ ^u… ; tk; j†; k ˆ 1; ...; N to points of the observation space ~D. Note that this definition<br />

of M also accounts for quantities such as stresses, strains, reaction force fields etc.<br />

since these quantities can be written in terms of the basic dependent variable uk. Then<br />

we consider the least-squares optimization problem:<br />

Find j 2Ksuch that for given ~d 2 ~D: f …j†:ˆ 1 X<br />

2<br />

N<br />

kMuk kˆ1<br />

~dkjj 2 ~D<br />

! min ; …24†<br />

j2K<br />

where uk satisfies the weak form of the direct problem (Equation (23)).<br />

The solution procedure for problem (Equation (24)) is schematically illustrated in<br />

Figure 12.3. As for the uniform case in Figure 12.1, an outer loop is performed with<br />

the Bertsekas algorithm (Equation (6)). Then determination of Muk, needed for evaluation<br />

of the least-squares functional (Equation (24)), is performed only at the converged<br />

state of the direct problem, i.e. when problem (Equation (23)) is satisfied at the k-th<br />

time (load) step.<br />

Next we will briefly resort to the parameter sensitivity qjuk. To this end firstly,<br />

the parameter sensitivity qjg…uk† of the weak form (Equation (23)) is determined, at<br />

equilibrium, analogously as in the linearization procedure. The resulting expression for<br />

qjg…uk† is given in Table 12.1 in a spatial setting, where now a spatial rate of deformation<br />

tensor induced by the parameter sensitivity qjuk ˆ vj is defined as<br />

dj :ˆ sym …quvj†. Note that qjg…uk† also requires the spatial material operator c of the<br />

linearization procedure. Furthermore we defined the sensitivity-load term hq p<br />

js : ddijtˆtk ,<br />

which excludes dependencies of s via the configuration u. The determination of this<br />

term becomes a major task of the sensitivity analysis, and we refer to Barthold [23]<br />

and Mahnken and Stein [22] for further details.<br />


In the practical implementation, firstly, the sensitivity load term is determined in a<br />

preprocessing procedure consistent with the underlying integration algorithm. Having<br />

obtained qju k by solution of the associate linear equation, the total derivative qjwk…u†<br />

of any quantity w…u k† is performed in a postprocessing procedure. Further details of<br />

the procedure are described in Mahnken and Stein [22].<br />

We close this section with the remark that the above results can be easily extended<br />

to the enhanced element formulation described by Simo and Armero [25].<br />

12.5 Examples<br />

12.5.1 Cyclic loading for AlMg<br />

12.5 Examples<br />

Figure 12.3: Schematic flow chart of the identification process for the non-uniform case with<br />

outer and inner iteration loops.<br />

In this example parameters for the Chaboche model (Equations (7) and (8)) are determined<br />

in the case of an aluminium/magnesium alloy. The underlying experimental data<br />

were obtained from project A2 (Prof. Lange [26]).<br />

The experiments were performed at room temperature for a cylindrical hollow<br />

specimen with an outer radius of 28 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. The specimen were<br />

subjected to a periodic strain of an amplitude of emax ˆ 0:3% at a strain rate of<br />

_e ˆ 0:2% s –1 . 110 cycles were generated during the test, however, experimental data<br />

are available only for 20 cycles out of these. Youngs modulus has been predetermined<br />

as E ˆ 1:09 10 5 MPa.<br />

As an objective function for the inverse problem the simple least-squares function<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

f …j† ˆ 1<br />

kr…j† ~rk2 2<br />

2<br />

is minimized, which is the analogue of Equation (19) for the case of strain-controlled experiments.<br />

Note that due to the incompleteness of the data set ~r contains data only for 20<br />

cycles out of the total of 110. The minimization was performed with an evolutionary strategy<br />

as described in Schwefel [27] and with the Bertsekas algorithm (Equation (6)). For the<br />

first method we used three “parents” and “twenty descendants”, whilst for the latter the<br />

BFGS-matrix was used as an iteration matrix and a Gauss-Newton matrix for preconditioning.<br />

The computer runs were performed on an IBM-250T.<br />

The starting vector and the solution vectors are given in Table 12.2. Concerning the<br />

Bertsekas algorithm, three different runs were made. Run 1 and Run 2 were started with<br />

the vector in the second column, however, for Run 2, a regularization was performed<br />

using the extended functional Equation (5). Here, for Bd and for Bl, the unity matrix is<br />

chosen, and we set c ˆ 10 5 . It can be seen that no convergence was attained for Run<br />

1 after 2000 iteration steps, whilst minimization with the regularized functional attained<br />

convergence after 201 steps. The corresponding minimal eigenvalue of the Hessian at<br />

the solution point is 7.62 · 10 –2 , thus indicating stable results. This also is confirmed by<br />

Run 3, where each data was perturbed stochasticly with a maximal value of 10%, and<br />

where the effect of this perturbation is negligible. In the last two columns of Table 12.2<br />

results for the evolutionary strategy are shown. After 897 iterations the results are still<br />

poor (Run 4), and after 10256 iterations and 168 h, the value for the objective function<br />

is still above that obtained by the Bertsekas algorithm (Run 2) in 24 min.<br />

Table 12.2: Cyclic loading for AlMg: starting and obtained values for the material parameters of<br />

the Chaboche model for AlMg in case of different optimization strategies and least-squares functions.<br />

Concerning Run 3 see Section 12.5.1. ITE and NFUNC denote the number of iterations and<br />

function evaluations, respectively.<br />

n0 [–] 5.0 · 10 0<br />

K0 [MPa] 1.0 · 10 2<br />

b0 [–] 1.0 · 10 2<br />

q [MPa] 1.0 · 10 2<br />

c [–] 1.0 · 10 2<br />

c [MPa] 1.0 · 10 2<br />

k 0 [MPa] 1.0 · 10 1<br />

288<br />

Bertsekas algorithm Evolutionary strategy<br />

Start Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5<br />

4.582 · 10 0<br />

2.344 · 10 2<br />

5.195 · 10 0<br />

6.233 · 10 1<br />

0.206 · 10 –1<br />

9.840 · 10 4<br />

0.000 · 10 0<br />

1.360 · 10 1<br />

4.242 · 10 1<br />

4.824 · 10 0<br />

6.827 · 10 1<br />

1.542 · 10 3<br />

4.719 · 10 1<br />

0.000 · 10 0<br />

1.360 · 10 1<br />

4.242 · 10 1<br />

4.824 · 10 0<br />

6.827 · 10 1<br />

1.542 · 10 3<br />

4.719 · 10 1<br />

0.000 · 10 0<br />

4.971 · 10 0<br />

1.972 · 10 2<br />

5.115 · 10 0<br />

6.488 · 10 1<br />

1.173 · 10 2<br />

1.792 · 10 2<br />

8.543 · 10 –1<br />

…25†<br />

1.250 · 10 1<br />

3.896 · 10 1<br />

5.068 · 10 0<br />

6.697 · 10 1<br />

1.546 · 10 3<br />

4.736 · 10 1<br />

2.238 · 10 0<br />

f …j† 3.491 · 10 5<br />

9.620 · 10 3<br />

2.135 · 10 3<br />

3.335 · 10 3<br />

8.936 · 10 3<br />

2.135 · 10 3<br />

fl…j† – – 3.582 · 10 –5<br />

– – –<br />

CPU [min] – 192 24 – 1440 605 ·10 3<br />

ITE – 2000 201 –<br />

897 10 256<br />

NFUNC<br />

2072 250 –<br />

17752 20 493<br />

Remark – no convergence<br />

regularized perturbed – –

12.5 Examples<br />

t [s]<br />

Figure 12.4: Cyclic loading for AlMg. Up: Stress versus time for the solution parameter set for<br />

the first 18 out of 110 cycles. Note the incompleteness of the experimental data set. Down: Stresses<br />

versus strains for three different cycles. The numbers 1, 30, 110 correspond to the specific cycles.<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

Figure 12.4 depicts the stresses versus strains for three different cycles for the solution<br />

vector of the material parameters. It can be seen that very substantial agreement<br />

of experimental and simulated data is obtained, except for the first cycle, where the<br />

model is not able to simulate the horizontal plateau. This explains the relatively high<br />

model error for the values of the objective function at the solution point in Table 12.2.<br />

12.5.2 Axisymmetric necking problem<br />

In this section numerical results for the necking of a circular bar are presented. The material<br />

of the specimen is a mild steel, Baustahl St52, due to the german industrial codes<br />

for construction steel. The experimental data were obtained with a grating method. For<br />

this purpose, firstly, grid marks were positioned on the surface of the sample, and these<br />

were recorded by a digital CCD-camera at different observation states ti; i ˆ 1; ...ntdat<br />

in the displacement-controlled experiment. In Figure 12.5, the sample with the grating<br />

is shown at four observation states 5, 7, 10, 13 as introduced in Figure 12.7. More details<br />

concerning the grating method are given in the contribution of project C2 (Prof.<br />

Ritter [6]). The next step concerns the image processing by use of numerical methods<br />

in order to obtain the final data for the identification process. This task is described in<br />

more detail in the contribution of project C1 (Dr. Andresen [5]).<br />

The elastic constants are E ˆ 20 600 kN/cm 2 for Youngs modulus and m ˆ 0:3 for<br />

Poissons ratio. The material is assumed to be elasto-plastic, modelled by large strain multiplicative<br />

von Mises elasto-plasticity with non-linear isotropic hardening summarized in<br />

Table 12.3 (see Simo and Miehe [28] for further details). Solution of the direct problem<br />

is done with a product-formula algorithm according to Simo [29]. The solution of the inverse<br />

problem is based on the general setting described in the previous section. Details<br />

Figure 12.5: Axisymmetric necking problem: photographs with a CCD-camera of the sample and<br />

the grating at four different observation states NLST as introduced in Figure 12.7.<br />


12.5 Examples<br />

Table 12.3: Large strain multiplicative von Mises elasto-plasticity.<br />

s ˆ ldev…ln b el †‡K ln Jg 1 r<br />

2<br />

U…s; e; j† ˆkdev…s†k W<br />

3<br />

Kirchhoff stress<br />

0 …e; j† yield function<br />

W 0…e; j† ˆr0 ‡ q…1 exp… be†† flow stress<br />

1<br />

2 Lt…b el 1 el<br />

†b ˆ c dev…s†<br />

r kdev…s†k<br />

2<br />

_e ˆ c<br />

3<br />

flow rule<br />

variable evolution<br />

c 0; U 0; cU ˆ 0 loading and unloading conditions<br />

j :ˆ ‰r0; b; qŠ T ; np ˆ dim…j† ˆ3 vector of material parameters<br />

Figure 12.6: Axisymmetric necking problem: different levels for spatial discretization.<br />

Table 12.4: Axisymmetric necking problem: starting and obtained values for the material parameters<br />

of a mild steel, Baustahl St52, for three different optimization runs. nite denotes the number<br />

of iterations.<br />

Run 1 (Q1/E4) Run 2 (Q1/E4) Run 3 (Q1/E4)<br />

Starting Solution Starting Solution Starting Solution<br />

r0 [MPa] 300.0 360.26 400.0 360.26 400.0 346.09<br />

b [–] 10.0 3.949 20.0 3.949 20.0 3.951<br />

q [MPa] 800.0 436.72 2000.0 436.72 2000.0 419.73<br />

f …j† [–] 1.738 · 10 4<br />

4.210 · 10 2<br />

3.012 · 10 4<br />

4.210 · 10 2<br />

2.685 · 10 4<br />

3.245 · 10 2<br />

Perturbed no no yes<br />

nite 34 34 39<br />


12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

Figure 12.7: Axisymmetric necking problem: comparison of simulation and experiment. Up: Load<br />

versus elongation. Down: Necking displacement versus total elongation.<br />

concerning the sensitivity analysis consistent with the product-formula algorithm of Simo<br />

[29] for determination of the load term q p<br />

j sk can be found in Mahnken and Stein [22].<br />

An axisymmetric enhanced strain element (Q1/E4) described by Simo and Armero<br />

[25] is used in the element formulation, and only a quarter of the bar is considered<br />

for discretization using the appropriate symmetry boundary conditions.<br />

The object is to identify the 3 parameters b; q; r0 of Table 12.3, which characterize<br />

the inelastic behaviour of the material. To this end the following least-squares functional<br />

is minimized<br />


f …j† ˆ Xnt dat<br />

iˆ1<br />

1<br />

2 ku j …j† ~u j k2 ‡ Xnt dat<br />

12.5 Examples<br />

Figure 12.8: Axisymmetric necking problem: comparison of experiment and Finite-Element simulation<br />

for the configurations at four different observation states NLST as introduced in Figure<br />

12.7. The circles represent the experimental data.<br />

iˆ1<br />

1<br />

2 …w…Fi…j† ~Fi†† 2 ; …26†<br />

where ~u and ~Fi…j†, ~Fi, i ˆ 1; ...; ntdat denote data for configurations and the total loads,<br />

j<br />

respectively. The number of load steps is N ˆ 40, the number of observation states is<br />

ntdat ˆ 9, and we have nmp ˆ 12 for the number of observation points. A multilevel<br />

strategy is applied in order to accelerate the optimization process by using solutions on<br />

coarser grids as starting values on finer grid. In this example the total number of levels<br />

is five (Figure 12.6).<br />

In Table 12.4 results for the parameters j of three different runs are listed. Whilst<br />

Run 1 and Run 2 differ in their starting vectors in order to take into account possible<br />

local minima, the purpose of Run 3 is to investigate the effect of a perturbation of the<br />

experimental data on the final results [11]. The perturbation was performed stochasticly,<br />

whereby each data was varied by a maximum value of 5%. It can be observed that<br />

Run 1 and Run 2 give identical results, thus indicating no further local minima. The results<br />

for Run 3 differ only slightly from the results of Run 1 and Run 2, thus indicating<br />

a stable solution with respect to measurement errors.<br />

In Figure 12.7 the results for the total load versus total elongation and maximal<br />

necking displacement versus total elongation are compared for simulation and experiment.<br />

Figure 12.8 depicts a 2-D illustration of the final Finite-Element grid at different<br />

observation states and the corresponding experimental data along the side of the sample.<br />

It can be observed that for both quantities of different type, displacements and<br />

forces, excellent agreement is obtained after optimization.<br />


12.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks<br />

In this contribution the main issues of project B8 of the research period 1991–1996 for<br />

identification of parameters for inelastic constitutive equations were presented. The<br />

main purpose of the project was to develop a general concept of gradient-based optimization<br />

strategies for the uniform case and to extend this strategy to the non-uniform,<br />

geometrically non-linear case in order to take into account inhomogeneities of stresses<br />

and strains within the sample during the experiment. The main results of the project<br />

and the cooperation with other projects from the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB<br />

319) are listed as follows:<br />

Theoretical results<br />

• A gradient-based optimization algorithm has been developed for minimization of a<br />

least-squares functional. In particular a projection algorithm due to Bertsekas is applied,<br />

which accounts for possible upper and lower bounds for the parameters. Quasi-Newton<br />

methods with Gauss-Newton preconditioning are used as iteration matrices.<br />

• A unified strategy for an analytical sensitivity analysis in the case of uniform stress<br />

and strain distributions is obtained, valid for a certain class of constitutive equations<br />

with internal variables. The resulting scheme is consistent with the corresponding<br />

time integration scheme, and as a main result a recursion formula is obtained. It<br />

has been applied to the material models of Chaboche, Steck and Bodner-Partom.<br />

• A unified strategy for an analytical sensitivity analysis of the variational (Galerkin)<br />

form in the case of non-uniform stress and finite-strain distributions is obtained. As<br />

for the uniform case it is consistent with the time-integration scheme.<br />

• Investigations of uniqueness (or stability, respectively) for the inverse problem for<br />

certain material models were performed (see Remark 3 of Section 12.2.2). The<br />

main consequences are that at least cyclic loading becomes necessary in case of the<br />

Chaboche model [11], and for identification of the Steck model experiments have to<br />

be performed at different temperatures [10].<br />

• A regularization technique for stabilization of the least-squares problem based on a<br />

priori information has been introduced. Applications were done for the Bodner-Partom<br />

model [11].<br />

Numerical results<br />

12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

• Parameter identification for the methods of Chaboche, Steck and Bodner-Partom<br />

based on experimental data for experiment with uniform stresses and strains was<br />

performed.<br />


• Comparative results with the evolutionary strategy showed great advantage of gradient-based<br />

schemes with respect to execution time.<br />

• Parameter identification with the Finite-Element method was performed in the<br />

frame of non-linear multiplicative plasticity using experimental data obtained with a<br />

grating method.<br />

Co-work with other projects of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319)<br />

• Experimental work was done for a compact tension specimen and a necking problem<br />

in cooperation with the projects C1 (Dr. Andresen [5]), C2 (Prof. Ritter [6]),<br />

B5 (Prof Peil, Prof. Scheer [7]).<br />

• Results for the compact tension specimen were published in a joint publication in<br />

Der Bauingenieur (see Andresen et al. [30]).<br />

• For parameter identification for an aluminium/magnesium alloy subjected to cyclic<br />

loads, data of project A2 (Prof. Lange [26]) were used.<br />

Concluding remarks<br />

12.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks<br />

The concepts proposed in this paper provide a flexible approach for identification of inelastic<br />

material models. This opens the possibility to obtain more insight into the nonuniformness<br />

of the samples during the experiment and on the reliability of the numerical<br />

results. However, some open questions remain to be considered for future work:<br />

• Further development in this area should take into account phenomena such as damage,<br />

localization and temperature-dependent effects, which very often are highly<br />

non-uniform during the experiment.<br />

• In practice we know that measurement techniques possess limited accuracy. A probabilistic<br />

investigation of these dispersion phenomena can be done with the Maximum-Likelihood<br />

method (see Bard [13], Pugachew [14] and project B1 (Prof. Steck<br />

[31]). Furthermore we know that repetition of the same experiment with different<br />

samples in general yield different values. Reasons for this scattering of the data<br />

may be due to inhomogeneities, load uncertainty, production, nature of the phenomenon.<br />

Therefore this randomness also necessitates a probabilistic approach, where<br />

e.g. the Bayesian estimation is a common strategy (see Bard [13] and Pugachew<br />

[14]). The consideration of the above uncertainties seems to be a major task when<br />

performing parameter identification in the future.<br />

• In the work done so far the effect of discretization errors both in space and in time<br />

is not considered, especially in the frame of a proper error control. Therefore it<br />

would be of interest to take into account adaptive strategies in the context of the<br />

optimization process.<br />


• The shape of the least-squares functional, which is the objective function of the resulting<br />

optimization problem, may not be convex, and thus different local minima<br />

may occur. In this respect, a more systematic approach could be a hybrid method,<br />

that is to combine a stochastic method with our deterministic strategy.<br />

• The material model at hand might be insufficient for specific physical effects such<br />

that an error-controlled adaptive modelling might be necessary.<br />

References<br />

12 Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations<br />

[1] D. Müller, G. Hartmann: Identification of material parameters for inelastic constitutive<br />

models using principles of biologic evolution. J. Eng. Mat. Tech. (ASME) 111 (1989) 299–<br />

305.<br />

[2] F. Kublik, E.A. Steck: Comparison of Two Constitutive Models with One- and Multiaxial<br />

Experiments. In: D. Besdo, E. Stein (Eds.): IUTAM Symposium Hannover 1991, Finite Inelastic<br />

Deformations – Theory and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.<br />

[3] J. Baumeister: Stable solution of inverse problems. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1987.<br />

[4] H.T. Banks, K. Kunisch: Estimation Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems. Birkhäuser,<br />

Boston, 1989.<br />

[5] K. Andresen: Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

and Photogrammetry. This book (Chapter 14).<br />

[6] R. Ritter, H. Friebe: Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields by Optical<br />

Measuring Methods. This book (Chapter 13).<br />

[7] U. Peil, J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe, M. Reininghaus, D. Kuck, S. Dannemeyer: On the Behaviour<br />

of Mild Steel Fe 510 under Complex Cyclic Loading. This book (Chapter 10).<br />

[8] J.-L. Chaboche: Viscoplastic Constitutive Equations for the Description of Cyclic and Anisotropic<br />

Behavior of Metals. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Ser. Sci. Tech. 25 (1977) 33.<br />

[9] J. Hadamard: Lectures on Cauchy’s Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations. Yale<br />

University Press, New Haven, 1923.<br />

[10] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: The Parameter-Identification for Visco-Plastic Models via Finite-Element-Methods<br />

and Gradient-Methods. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2 (1994) 597–<br />

616.<br />

[11] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: Parameter Identification for Viscoplastic Models Based on Analytical<br />

Derivatives of a Least-Squares Functional and Stability Investigations. Int. J. Plast.<br />

12(4) (1996) 451–479.<br />

[12] E.A. Steck: A Stochastic Model for the High-Temperature Plasticity of Metals. Int. J. of<br />

Plast. 1 (1985) 243–258.<br />

[13] Y. Bard: Nonlinear Parameter Estimation. Academic Press, New York, 1974.<br />

[14] V. S. Pugachew: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics for Engineers. Pergamon<br />

Press, Oxford, New York, 1984.<br />

[15] D.P. Bertsekas: Projected Newton methods for optimization problems with simple constraints.<br />

SIAM J. Con. Opt. 20(2) (1982) 221–246.<br />

[16] R. Mahnken: Duale Verfahren für nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme in der Strukturmechanik.<br />

Dissertation, Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität<br />

Hannover, F 92/3, 1992.<br />


References<br />

[17] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: Gradient-Based Methods for Parameter Identification of Viscoplastic<br />

Materials. In: H.D. Bui, M. Tanaka (Eds.): Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics,<br />

A.A. Balkama, Rotterdam, 1994.<br />

[18] A.K. Miller: Unified Constitutive Equations for Creep and Plasticity. Elsevier Applied<br />

Science, London New York, 1987.<br />

[19] J. Lemaitre, J.L. Chaboche: Mechanics of solid Materials. Cambridge University Press,<br />

Cambridge, 1990.<br />

[20] S.R. Bodner, Y. Partom: Constitutive equations for elastic-viscoplastic strain-hardening materials.<br />

Trans. ASME, J. Appl. Mech. 42 (1975) 385–389.<br />

[21] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: A Unified Approach for Parameter Identification of Inelastic<br />

Material Models in the Frame of the Finite Element Method. Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech.<br />

Eng. 136 (1996) 225–258.<br />

[22] R. Mahnken, E. Stein: Parameter Identification for Finite Deformation Elasto-Plasticity in<br />

Prinicpal Directions. Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech. Eng. 147 (1997) 17–39.<br />

[23] F. J.B. Barthold: Theorie und Numerik zur Berechnung und Optimierung von Strukturen aus<br />

isotropen, hyperelastischen Materialien. Dissertation, Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus<br />

dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität Hannover, F 93/2, 1993.<br />

[24] R. B. Haber: Application of the Eulerian Lagrangian Kinematic Description to Structural<br />

Shape Optimization. Proc. of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computer-Aided Optimal<br />

Design, 1986, pp. 297–307.<br />

[25] J.C. Simo, F. Armero: Geometrically Nonlinear Enhanced Strain Mixed Method and the<br />

Method of Compatible Modes. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 33 (1992) 1413–1449.<br />

[26] W. Gieseke, K.R. Hillert, G. Lange: Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation.<br />

This book (Chapter 2).<br />

[27] K.P. Schwefel: Numerische Optimierung von Computer-Modellen mittels der Evolutionsstrategie.<br />

Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1977.<br />

[28] J.C. Simo, C. Miehe: Associative Coupled Thermoplasticity at Finite Strains: Formulation,<br />

Numerical Analysis and Implementation. Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech. Eng. 98 (1992) 41–<br />

104.<br />

[29] J.C. Simo: Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Multiplicative Plasticity that Preserve the<br />

Classical Return Mapping Schemes of the Infinitesimal Theory. Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech.<br />

Eng. 99 (1992) 61–112.<br />

[30] K. Andresen, S. Dannemeyer, H. Friebe, R. Mahnken, R. Ritter, E. Stein: Parameteridentifikation<br />

für ein plastisches Stoffgesetz mit FE-Methoden und Rasterverfahren. Der Bauingenieur<br />

71 (1996) 21–31.<br />

[31] E. Steck, F. Thielecke, M. Lewerenz: Development and Application of Constitutive Models<br />

for the Plasticity of Metals. This book (Chapter 4).<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformationand<br />

Strain Fields by Optical Measuring Methods<br />

Reinhold Ritter and Harald Friebe*<br />

13.1 Introduction<br />

The experiment is an essential basis for the development of material laws, which describe<br />

the inelastic behaviour of metallic materials. It is needed first of all to observe<br />

such a behaviour in order to get knowledge of the process of the corresponding methods.<br />

Furthermore, the parameters for such material laws must be measured. They can<br />

be achieved from experimentally determined, multi-dimensional load-deformation distributions.<br />

The experiment is finally necessary for the comparison with the calculation in<br />

order to verify the implanted material laws. The requirements of the measuring methods<br />

result from the tasks of the experiment.<br />

13.2 Requirements of the Measuring Methods<br />

Since the Finite-Element programs, set up with the developed material laws, lead to<br />

two- or three-dimensional distributions of the searched values, also such measuring<br />

methods are needed, which allow larger object areas to be analysed connected and twodimensional.<br />

As one must furthermore plan on a large local change of the material behaviour,<br />

a high local resolution of the measuring method is also required. In addition,<br />

measuring systems must be developed, with which deformation- and strain fields can<br />

be measured even in the transitional areas from inelastic to elastic material behaviour.<br />

The measurements should preferably be able to be executed on the original because<br />

the model laws for the transfer of results from the model to the original are in<br />

general very complicated, especially for inelastic material behaviour. Inelastic material<br />

behaviour is often observed at high temperatures up to approx. 1000 8C. The measuring<br />

methods should also be usable in such temperature areas. A measurement directly on<br />

the testing machine in the testing field during an ongoing test is practical.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Messtechnik und Experimentelle Mechanik,<br />

Schleinitzstraße 20, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

298<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

13.3 Characteristics of the Optical Field-Measuring Methods<br />

Finally, measuring methods without contact and interaction are advantageous. All<br />

of these requirements lead to the development and the use of the optical field-measuring<br />

techniques. The corresponding methods are distinguished by the following characteristics.<br />

13.3 Characteristics of the Optical Field-Measuring Methods<br />

First, two-dimensional structured patterns are generated in the form of intensity distributions,<br />

which are related to the searched values of the considered object surface. The<br />

Figures 13.1 and 13.2 show two such patterns. In Figure 13.1, there are two groups of<br />

lines, which consist of straight lines of constant width. They include an angle of 90 8<br />

and form the so-called cross grating. If this is e.g. firmly attached to the considered<br />

surface, then both will be deformed in the same way when by a loading.<br />

The pattern in Figure 13.2 is produced e. g. if laser light illuminates a rough surface.<br />

The remitted beams interfere. As a result of the distribution of different amplitudes<br />

and phases, a granular-like intensity distribution comes into existence, which is<br />

called the Speckle effect [1].<br />

Figure 13.1: Cross grid.<br />

Figure 13.2: Speckle pattern.<br />


In a second step, such patterns are recorded in the image plane by recording cameras,<br />

and their image points are determined from the digital image processing. From<br />

this, the searched object values can be determined by a calibrated test set-up [2, 3].<br />

This process is described in the following by the example of the object-grating method,<br />

which is suited mostly for the deformation analysis of inelastic material behaviour.<br />

13.4 Object-Grating Method<br />

13.4.1 Principle<br />

13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

The precondition is a grating structure, which is firmly attached to the considered object<br />

surface. This is recorded from two or more different positions and orientations in<br />

reference to the object by cameras [4] (Figure 13.3). By retransforming the digitally determined<br />

image coordinates, e.g. the grating intersection points, into the object space,<br />

the local vectors of the corresponding object points can be determined.<br />

The difference of the local vectors of an object point as a result of a deformation<br />

of the object leads to the deformation vector. The change of the distance between two<br />

neighbouring object points related to their original distance describes the strain [5].<br />

The stereophotographic set-up of Figure 13.3 represents the simplest arrangement<br />

according to the photogrammetric principle [6]. There in general, only the local vector<br />

of an object point is of interest.<br />

In case of plane deformation of the object, only one recording camera of the optical<br />

set-up is needed. With regard to the previously described 3-D object-grating<br />

method, then this is called a 2-D object-grating method.<br />

The following results have been achieved for the development of this measuring<br />

method for the deformation analysis of objects with inelastic material behaviour.<br />

Figure 13.3: Principle of the object-grating method.<br />


13.4.2 Marking<br />

13.4 Object-Grating Method<br />

First, the technology for marking the object had to be improved as marks are needed,<br />

which not only remain attached to the object caused by greater deformations of the object<br />

surface, but which also can be recognized at high temperatures. The well-known<br />

screen print principle was the basis for the further development [7].<br />

If a mixture of TiO2-particles of approx. 0.3 lm diameter and ethanol is sprayed<br />

through a screen-like mask on the polished object surface, then a grating-like structure<br />

comes into existence after the ethanol is vaporized and the mask is removed. This is<br />

composed of the blank polished object surface and local limited fields, which each consist<br />

of a great number of such TiO2-particles. Figure 13.4 shows a REM-picture of<br />

such a grating structure.<br />

By dark field illumination, the object surface appears dark, and each grating field<br />

is light due to the diffuse remission of the individual TiO2-particles. Figure 13.5 is one<br />

example for this type of illumination and also the recognizability of the grating at high<br />

temperatures [8].<br />

Figure 13.4: TiO 2-grating in REM.<br />

Figure 13.5: Cross grating at 8508C.<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 13.6: Cross grating on a curved object surface; a) not deformed; b) strongly deformed.<br />

This type of grating structure can also follow a very large deformation of the object<br />

surface without being destroyed (Figure 13.6).<br />

13.4.3 Deformation analysis at high temperatures<br />

The object-grating method is also suitable for deformation analyses at high temperatures.<br />

The specimen with the attached TiO2-grating is enclosed by a radiation heater in<br />

the testing machine. It is heated up by infra-red radiation. The visible radiation part<br />

serves as a dark field illumination of the test surface with the grating. This is recorded<br />

through a glass window built in the wall of the heater by a camera (Figure 13.7).<br />

So far, the method has been developed for only in-plane deformation analysis. In<br />

the case of the 3-D object-grating method, the heater would have to be furnished with<br />

a second window. However, for this, another heater or illumination concept would be<br />

Figure 13.7: Principle of the optical deformation analysis at high temperatures (top view).<br />


13.4 Object-Grating Method<br />

necessary in order to produce the necessary dark field illumination of the grating for<br />

both cameras also at high temperatures. In addition, the test set-up cannot be calibrated<br />

at high temperatures in the existing heater.<br />

13.4.4 Compensation of virtual deformation<br />

As a result of complicated initial conditions, the recorded grating images for determining<br />

the searched deformation are perhaps superimposed by unwanted rigid body movements<br />

of the considered specimen. These can lead to large errors in determining the deformation<br />

according to the 2-D grating method. In Figure 13.8, the possible grating distortions<br />

are listed.<br />

With the aid of an eight parameter pseudo-affine transformation [9] by Equations<br />

(1) and (2), it is possible by knowing the parameters a1 to a8 to transform the image<br />

coordinates distorted by rigid body movements to undistorted ones:<br />

Figure 13.8: Grating distortions as a result of translatory and rotatory rigid body movements in relation<br />

to the camera coordinate system.<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

xt ˆ a1 ‡ a2x ‡ a3y ‡ a4xy ; …1†<br />

yt ˆ a5 ‡ a6x ‡ a7y ‡ a8xy : …2†<br />

The following steps are necessary in order to compensate possible virtual deformations<br />

with an otherwise in-plane deformation of the object:<br />

A reference object with an attached grating is fastened to the specimen so that the<br />

rigid body movements of both are equal, but such that the reference object is not deformed.<br />

After orienting the plane specimen surface and reference object parallel to the image<br />

plane of the recording camera, the simultaneous recording of the specimen and reference<br />

grating takes place.<br />

From the coordinates of the reference grating referring to the non-deformed and deformed<br />

specimen state, the parameters for the retransformation i.e. its virtual deformation<br />

can be determined from Equations (1) and (2). With the aid of the now known retransformation<br />

instruction, the true deformation of the specimen can be obtained from the image<br />

coordinates referring to both loading states observed in the specimen. Figure 13.9 shows<br />

two fields of lines of the same strain, one with (a) and the other without (b) virtual strains.<br />

Figure 13.9: Lines of the same strain a) with and b) without virtual strains.<br />


13.4.5 3-D deformation measuring<br />

A strategy has been developed for the exact calibration of the system for a 3-D deformation<br />

measurement [10, 11]. For this purpose, formulations and algorithms have been<br />

developed, which are based on the photogrammetric principle. Afterwards, the inner<br />

and outer orientation of the cameras used are determined with an appropriate calibration<br />

object and the well-known bundle adjustment.<br />

13.4.6 Specifications of the object-grating method<br />

In Table 13.1, the exemplary data for the accuracy of the object-grating method when<br />

using a camera with 1024 ×1024 pixels has been put together. These refer in one case<br />

to the camera and as an example to an object measuring area of 20 ×20 mm 2 .<br />

A camera with a higher resolution leads either to a higher resolution of the measuring<br />

area or at the same resolution to recording a larger object area.<br />

This method can currently be used for temperatures up to 1000 8C and measuring<br />

areas from 0.1 ×0.1 mm 2 to any size. It primarily provides the field of the local vectors<br />

of the observed object points and the displacement- and strain fields derived from them.<br />

13.5 Speckle Interferometry<br />

13.5.1 General<br />

13.5 Speckle Interferometry<br />

Table 13.1: Example for the accuracy of the object-grating method.<br />

Camera Object<br />

Measuring area: 1024 ×1024 Pixel 20 ×20 mm 2<br />

Number of measuring points approx.: 75 ×75 75 ×75<br />

Accuracy of the displacement approx.: 0.02 Pixel 0.4 lm<br />

Reference length of the strain: 13 Pixel 0.25 mm<br />

Accuracy of the strain approx.: 0.2% 0.2%<br />

When developing material laws for the inelastic behaviour of metallic materials, the<br />

transition to elastic procedures must be included. Therefore, optical field-measuring<br />

methods are needed, with which both areas can be analysed.<br />

Since the object-grating method despite of all of its advantages is not sensitive<br />

enough for determining strains, which are smaller than 0.3%, a supplementary measuring<br />

method had to be developed, with which lower scales are also attainable.<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.10: Correlation fringes.<br />

The measuring method developed for this is based on well-known optical paths of<br />

rays of the Speckle interferometry for measuring the in- and out-of-plane displacement<br />

of an object surface [12, 13].<br />

With this, one can e.g. make each one of the both in-plane components of the<br />

displacement visible directly in the form of correlation fringes without the out-of-plane<br />

component being included (Figure 13.10). The visibility and thus also the possibility of<br />

obtaining qualitative values on-line can be done e.g. on a video monitor. This offers<br />

the possibility of selectively controlling the deformation processes.<br />

The quantitative evaluation of the Speckle interferometric measuring is carried out<br />

according to the well-known phase-shift principle [14]. The primary results consist in<br />

the phase differences (Figure 13.11), from which the field distributions of the single<br />

displacement components can be derived (Figure 13.12). The strain distributions are obtained<br />

from the displacement field by numerical differentiation.<br />

An optical differentiation can be realized by the shearographic principle. Due to<br />

the relative shift of the interfering paths of rays, only a small number of correlation<br />

fringes can be obtained in comparison to the previously mentioned displacement mea-<br />

Figure 13.11: Phase pictures of x-, y- and z-displacement.<br />


13.5 Speckle Interferometry<br />

Figure 13.12: Lines of constant displacement for x-, y- and z-direction.<br />

suring. This strain information is overlapped by large geometric influences and slope<br />

influences. Therefore, no on-line observation of the strain is possible. Studies have<br />

shown that shearography is better suited for a qualitative proof of deformations.<br />

13.5.2 Technology of the Speckle interferometry<br />

The use of the electronic Speckle interferometry (ESPI) in the material- and construction<br />

testing requires a compact and transportable measuring head, which can be directly<br />

adapted on a testing machine.<br />

The developed and practically tested measuring instrument is based on the application<br />

of modern optoelectronic elements such as laser diodes as a light source, piezo crystals<br />

for a nanometer exact phase shift of the light and a CCD-camera [15]. For every displacement<br />

component, a path of rays of illumination with a laser diode, a phase shift device<br />

and a shutter is built in the measuring head. The three displacement directions are<br />

recorded nearly simultaneously by rapidly switching between the illumination directions.<br />

Switching to the individual sensitivity directions takes only a few milliseconds.<br />

In this way, it is possible to record slow running deformation processes in 3-D.<br />

The development of the measuring head includes the construction of a control device<br />

as well as the programming of the software to control and evaluate the measuring<br />

data saved in an adapted computer.<br />

Figure 13.13 shows the measuring head. It has the dimensions 250 ×250<br />

×350 mm 3 and is adapted on a testing machine (Figure 13.14).<br />

For a quantitative evaluation of correlation fringes by the phase-shift principle, an<br />

initial value for the phase order is needed. This is given in the easiest case manually by<br />

on-line observation. In principle, the heterodyne method can be used for the automation<br />

of the order determination. It is based on using two light sources of different wave-<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.13: 3-D-ESPI measuring head.<br />

Figure 13.14: 3-D-ESPI on a testing machine.<br />

lengths. For this technique, the measuring head has been expanded to two illumination<br />

sources for each path of rays. However, this procedure requires, in addition to a very<br />

high degree of accuracy for the phase determination, also a stronger protection against<br />

disturbing surrounding influences than with the measuring set-up introduced here.<br />

13.5.3 Specifications of the developed 3-D Speckle interferometer<br />

The essential specifications of the developed 3-D-ESPI are represented in Table 13.2.<br />

This method primarily leads to the field of displacements and by numeric differentiation<br />

the strains of the observed object surface.<br />


Table 13.2: Specifications of the 3-D-ESPI.<br />

13.6 Application Examples<br />

13.6 Application Examples<br />

Measuring surface: 10 ×7 mm 2 to 600 ×450 mm 2<br />

Measuring area out-of-plane: 0.4 ...20 lm<br />

in-plane: 1 ...50 lm<br />

Accuracy out-of-plane: 0.04 lm<br />

in-plane: 0.1 lm<br />

Strain resolution: ca. 10 –6<br />

Local resolution: 768 ×580 Pixel or 1024 ×1024 Pixel<br />

Object distance: 100 mm to 2000 mm<br />

Measuring head dimensions: 250 ×250 ×350 mm 3<br />

Displacement measurements qualitative: on-line<br />

quantitative: 3-D by phase evaluation<br />

The application possibilities of the object-grating method and the electronic Speckle interferometry<br />

are introduced by three examples. They are related to their use in deformation-<br />

and strain analysis at high temperatures, in fracture mechanics as well as welding.<br />

13.6.1 2-D object-grating method in the high-temperature area<br />

To examine the inelastic material behaviour at high temperatures, a tensile test was<br />

done with a notched tensile specimen (Figure 13.15) according to the set-up in Figure 13.7<br />

at 6508C. The task was to determine its plane deformation by using the 2-D objectgrating<br />

method. To correct possible virtual deformations, the specimen was furnished<br />

with a reference object (Section 13.4.4).<br />

The essential test data are listed in Table 13.3.<br />

In Figure 13.16, a grating section of the non-deformed and the deformed state of<br />

the specimen are shown.<br />

Figure 13.17 shows the determined strain fields for the in-plane directions.<br />

13.6.2 3-D object-grating method in fracture mechanics<br />

This example refers to the deformation- and strain analysis in the area of the crack tip<br />

of a fracture mechanic CT-specimen (Figure 13.18). Since in addition to the in-plane<br />

strain, also the out-of-plane displacement was searched, the 3-D object-grating method<br />

was used.<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.15: Tensile specimen; a) incl. reference object; b) geometry.<br />

Table 13.3: Data from the tensile test at high temperature.<br />

Temperature: 650 8C<br />

Material: Steel: X2CrNi18 9<br />

Measuring method: 2-D object-grating method (p =0.2 mm)<br />

Dimensions: H=100 mm, W=13 mm<br />

Testing field: 19 mm×12.2 mm<br />

Material behaviour: elastic/inelastic<br />

Displacement measurement: in-plane<br />

Figure 13.19 shows the calibrated testing set-up with two CCD-cameras directed<br />

at the specimen. In Table 13.4, the essential testing data are listed.<br />

From the recorded local vectors describing the different form states, the displacement-<br />

and strain fields were derived. Figure 13.20 shows the searched out-of-plane displacement<br />

and Figure 13.21 the strain distribution in the tensile direction.<br />

13.6.3 Speckle interferometry in welding<br />

For the experimental testing of the elastic and inelastic behaviour of a cold pressure<br />

butt welding Copper-Aluminium specimen (Figure 13.22), the electronic Speckle interferometry<br />

was applied. The ESPI shown in Figure 13.14, which was adapted to the tensile<br />

machine, was used.<br />


13.6 Application Examples<br />

Figure 13.16: Section of the tensile specimen; a) non-deformed; b) deformed.<br />

Since the measurement of all three displacement directions is possible for small<br />

load intervals, the deformation of the elastic state could be observed on-line and quantitatively<br />

recorded as well as the change between two purely inelastic states. In Figure 13.23,<br />

the phase images of the in-plane displacements (corresponding to lines of constant displacement)<br />

of an elastic, and in Figure 13.24 of an inelastic deformation are shown.<br />

Finally, the displacement fields were determined by evaluating the phase images<br />

according to the mentioned phase-shift principle, and the 2-D strain distributions were<br />

Figure 13.17: Lines of constant strain a) in x- and b) in y-direction.<br />


312<br />

13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.18: Geometry of the CT-specimen.<br />

Figure 13.19: Testing arrangement with two CCD-cameras.<br />

Table 13.4: Data of the fracture mechanic test.<br />

Material: AlMg3<br />

Measuring method: 3-D object-grating method (p =77 lm)<br />

Dimensions: W=20 mm, B=2 mm<br />

Test field: 6 ×4.5 mm 2<br />

Material behaviour: inelastic<br />

Displacement measurement: in-plane, out-of-plane

Figure 13.20: Out-of-plane displacement field.<br />

derived from these. Figure 13.25 shows the isolinear representation of these strains<br />

from the inelastic deformation.<br />

13.7 Summary<br />

13.7 Summary<br />

With the optical field-measuring methods, object values can be determined two- or<br />

three-dimensionally. Therefore, they are used especially when contours, deformations<br />

and strains of a larger area of the observed object surface should be measured together.<br />

Although these methods are based on optical principles, which have been wellknown<br />

for a long time, they were first able to be used when compact lasers for the generation<br />

of coherent light and efficient PCs including adapted software for digital image<br />

processing of a large quantity of optical measuring data were developed.<br />


314<br />

13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.21: e x-strain field.<br />

Figure 13.22: Geometry of the Cu-Al specimen.

13.7 Summary<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 13.23: Phase image in the elastic area a) in x- and b) in y-direction.<br />

a) b)<br />

Figure 13.24: Phase image in the inelastic area a) in x- and b) in y-direction.<br />

Optical field-measuring methods are primarily used today in the manufacturingand<br />

quality control as well as in the material- and construction testing. In the manufacturing-<br />

and quality control, they are used among other things for the automatic recording<br />

of form dimensions and to recognize global or locally limited defects. In the material-<br />

and construction testing, these methods are preferably used for determining displacement-<br />

and strain fields when testing objects with complicated structures with respect to<br />

their dimensioning.<br />

In connection with the development of material laws for the description of the inelastic<br />

behaviour of metallic materials, especially the object-grating method and the<br />

electronic Speckle interferometry have been further developed. Here, the main goal was<br />

their adaptation for the solution of three essential tasks: Firstly, they should be used for<br />

the observation of inelastic processes in order to get knowledge for the development of<br />

such material laws. Secondly, parameters had to be measured for these laws. Finally,<br />

experimentally determined displacement- and strain fields were required as a comparison<br />

to the corresponding achieved data obtained by Finite-Element calculations in order<br />

to verify the material laws included in them.<br />


13 Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields<br />

Figure 13.25: Lines of constant strain a) in x- and b) in y-direction from the inelastic deformation.<br />

The essential result of the further development of the object-grating method and<br />

the Speckle interferometry for material- and construction testing consists in realizing<br />

compact measuring instruments, which can be adapted directly on a testing machine<br />

thereby making measurements directly in the testing field possible. This was achieved<br />

by applying modern optoelectronic elements such as fibre optics, laser diodes and<br />

CCD-cameras. In addition, both elastic and inelastic processes can be recorded from<br />

room temperature up to high temperatures (approx. 10008C). The measurement is<br />

made without contact and interaction. The methods yield primarily the field of the 3-D<br />

local vectors (object-grating method) or the field of the 3-D displacement vectors<br />

(Speckle interferometry). During the further development of the object-grating method,<br />

principles of the near-field photogrammetry were used; the Speckle interferometric measuring<br />

method, which is now available, is based on well-known interferometric paths of<br />

rays, which have been integrated in a compact 3-D system here.<br />

The further developed field-measuring methods have, in the meantime, been used<br />

many times in various ways in material testing with respect to their reliability.<br />

The results obtained and experiences made have encouraged further tests. It<br />

should be tested in this way whether these field methods are also suitable for an online<br />

measurement with the goal of process control. Furthermore, it is planned to modify<br />

the methods so that larger object surfaces can be recorded in order to e. g. carry out an<br />

automated construction or building supervision.<br />


References<br />

References<br />

[1] R. K. Erf: Speckle Metrology. Academic Press, INC., London, 1978.<br />

[2] R. Ritter: Messung von Weg und Dehnung mit Feldmeßmethoden. Materialprüfung 36(4)<br />

(1994) 130–133.<br />

[3] R. Ritter: Optische Feldmeßmethoden. In: W. Schwarz (Ed.): Vermessungsverfahren im<br />

Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Verlag Konrad Wittwer GmbH, Stuttgart, 1995, pp. 217–234.<br />

[4] R. Ritter: Moireverfahren. In: C. Rohrbach (Ed.): Handbuch für experimentelle Spannungsanalyse.<br />

VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1989, pp. 299–322.<br />

[5] M. Erbe, K. Galanulis, R. Ritter, E. Steck: Theoretical and experimental investigations of<br />

fracture by finite element and grating methods. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 48(1)<br />

(1994) 103–118.<br />

[6] K. Kraus: Photogrammetrie, Band 1: Grundlagen und Standardverfahren. Dümmler-Verlag,<br />

Bonn, 1986.<br />

[7] V. Cornelius, C. Forno, J. Hilbig, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Zur Formanalyse mit Hilfe hochtemperaturbeständiger<br />

Raster. VDI-Berichte Nr. 731, 1989, pp. 285–302.<br />

[8] J. Olfe, K.-T. Rie, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: In-situ-Messung von Dehnungsfeldern bei Hochtemperatur-Low-Cycle-Fatigue.<br />

Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 81(11) (1990) 783–789.<br />

[9] D. Winter: Optische Verschiebungsmessung nach dem Objektrasterprinzip mit Hilfe eines<br />

flächenorientierten Ansatzes. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1993.<br />

[10] D. Bergmann, R. Ritter: 3D Deformation Measurement in Small Areas Based on Grating<br />

Method and Photogrammetry. SPIE’s Proceedings Vol. 2782, Besançon, 1996, pp. 212–223.<br />

[11] J. Thesing: Entwicklung eines Versuchsstandes und eine Auswertestrategie zur dreidimensionalen<br />

Verformungsmessung nach dem Objektrasterprinzip. Studienarbeit am Institut für<br />

Technische Mechanik, Abteilung Experimentelle Mechanik, TU Braunschweig 1995 (unpublished).<br />

[12] A. Felske: Speckle-Verfahren. In: C. Rohrbach (Ed.): Handbuch für experimentelle Spannungsanalyse.<br />

VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1989, pp. 372–397.<br />

[13] R. Jones, C. Wykes: Holographic and Speckle Interferometry. Cambridge University Press,<br />

1983.<br />

[14] D. Bergmann, B.-W. Lührig, R. Ritter, D. Winter: Evaluation of ESPI-phase-images with<br />

regional discontinuities: Area based unwrapping, SPIE’s Proceedings Vol. 2003, Interferometry<br />

VI, San Diego, 1993, pp. 301–311.<br />

[15] J. Hilbig, K: Galanulis, R. Ritter: Zur 3D-Verformungsmessung mit einem Elektronischen<br />

Speckle Pattern Interferometer (ESPI). VDI-Berichte Nr. 882, 1991, pp. 233–242.<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures<br />

Using Image Processing and Photogrammetry<br />

Klaus Andresen*<br />

14.1 Introduction<br />

Grating methods provide a well-known technique for deriving the shape, the displacement<br />

or the deformation of the surface of an object [1]. A regular periodic grating may<br />

be projected or fixed on the surface of an observed object. If the surface is flat, a single<br />

image is sufficient to derive the physical grating coordinates on the object. For a<br />

curved surface, two or more images taken from different locations are needed to calculate<br />

spatial coordinates by photogrammetric methods. In the images, the coordinates of<br />

suitable marks will be determined. Depending on the experimental set-up, the physical<br />

coordinates of a plane surface or the 3-D coordinates of a curved surface will be derived<br />

from these data [2].<br />

According to the application, a different type of grating is applied, e.g. a line grating,<br />

a point grating, a cross grating or a circle grating. Here, cross gratings generated<br />

by two mainly orthogonal bands of lines will be investigated because the related image-processing<br />

methods proved to be most stable when analysing largely deformed<br />

grating patterns by line-following algorithms. Moreover, the cross point coordinates<br />

could be determined in most cases automatically with subpixel accuracy [3, 4].<br />

Projected gratings provide a simple and cheap means to deliver cross points of<br />

the surface if only the shape of the object is asked for. However, if the deformation is<br />

needed, only a fixed grating is applicable because the displacement of material points<br />

from an undeformed and a deformed state must be given. The experimental set-ups and<br />

different techniques of fixing cross gratings on a surface will be explained in the next<br />

section.<br />

The accuracy of the grating coordinates in the images of roughly 0.1 pixel limits<br />

the possible applications. Depending on the resolution of the digitized image and on<br />

the scale between image and object, one has approximately a relative error of “0.1/<br />

number of pixels”. When a CCD-video camera with 512 pixel is used, an accuracy of<br />

20 lm is obtainable in an object region of 100 100 mm 2 . The local accuracy of the<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Rechenanlage des Mechanik-Zentrums,<br />

Schleinitzstraße 20, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

318<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

strain within a mesh, however, is almost independent of the scale and is about<br />

0:002 ...0:004 if the pitch of the grating lines is about 15–20 pixels and the line<br />

width is about 5–7 pixel, which is an optimal assumption. This means that only inelastic<br />

deformation of metals in a range larger than 0.01 or 1 percent strain delivers a suitable<br />

accuracy.<br />

Whole-field methods for elastic strains are based on interference or Speckle techniques.<br />

The related optical patterns need quite different image-processing methods as<br />

e.g. Moiré or phase-shift algorithms [5], which will not be treated in this text.<br />

14.2 Grating Coordinates<br />

For deformation analysis, initially periodic gratings will be applied in practice. Their<br />

basic patterns are points given by filled circles, crosses given by two intersecting bands<br />

of lines or overlapping circles for very large deformation of sheet metal. Each pattern<br />

may be distorted to a certain extent during the deformation process. The coordinates<br />

are principally defined as the centre of the circle or by the intersection of the two arms<br />

of a cross. The geometrical structure of the grating points is assumed to be matrix-like,<br />

i.e. a single point is characterized by its row index i and its column index j.<br />

Also the digital image of a grating taken by a CCD-camera is stored in a rectangular<br />

matrix of e.g. 512 rows (index x) and columns (index y), respectively. Each element<br />

contains a grey or intensity value (0 ...256; 8 bit), which is proportional to the<br />

light intensity of a related small region of the object surface.<br />

The grating coordinates in the images are expressed in pixel. By suitable filtering<br />

techniques, subpixel accuracy is reachable even in noisy images with low contrast. For<br />

a simulated image in Figure 14.1 with a relatively large deformation of the grating, the<br />

frequency distribution of the errors [pixel] is given in Figure 14.2. The results are derived<br />

with a line-following filter as described in the next section. Obviously, about<br />

85% of the deviations from the theoretical coordinates are less than 0.1 pixel. The<br />

larger deviations will be observed in regions with a big curvature.<br />

14.2.1 Cross-correlation method<br />

14.2 Grating Coordinates<br />

For less deformed cross pattern, a correlation-filter method has proved to supply cross<br />

coordinates with subpixel accuracy [4]. Such a filter will be constructed according to<br />

an idealized intensity distribution of a cross, where the filter constants cij are proportional<br />

to that distribution. Then, a filtered value ~fkl is calculated by a convolution sum:<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

Figure 14.1: Simulated cross grating.<br />

Figure 14.2: Frequency distribution of deviation [pixel].<br />

~fkl ˆ XK=2<br />

X L=2<br />

iˆ K=2 jˆ L=2<br />

cijfk i;l j : …1†<br />

If this filter is applied to a picture, a smooth correlation function is resulting, which<br />

mainly amplifies the cross region and which shows its maximum values in the centre<br />

of each cross.<br />

The pixel indices (xm; ym) of the maximum points could be taken as cross coordinates,<br />

however, with a limited accuracy of one pixel. This can be improved if the maximum<br />

…~xmax; ~y max† of a local 2-D polynomial of the form<br />

320<br />

f …~x; ~y† ˆa0 ‡ a1~x ‡ a2~y ‡ a3~x 2 ‡ a4~x~y ‡ a5~y 2<br />


is calculated, which approximates the grey values of the central maximum point and its<br />

8 neighbouring points using local coordinates …~x ˆ x xm; ~y ˆ y ym†. This technique<br />

generally provides an accuracy of 0:1 pixel, and it was applied to different deformation<br />

processes showing relatively small changes of the original rectangular cross grating<br />

structure.<br />

14.2.2 Line-following filter<br />

14.2 Grating Coordinates<br />

For highly deformed cross gratings, the above described technique failed because of<br />

the big change of the width and the inclination of the crosses and its arms. For these<br />

images, a line-following filter was developed [6]. It is used to determine both bands of<br />

cross lines separately with subpixel accuracy. The intersection of these two bands then<br />

delivers the wanted cross coordinates with high accuracy. This technique proved to be<br />

stable even for strongly deformed and curved grating lines.<br />

For initializing the line-search procedure, first, one point on the line and the related<br />

line direction must be given. This is performed manually by two click points perpendicular<br />

to the line or automatically with a rotational invariant filter [7], which determines the<br />

centre of the line and its direction. But this filter is not stable when passing through cross<br />

points. Hence, a new elliptic correlation filter of the following form was developed:<br />

G…x; y† ˆGx…x†Gy…y†Wy…y† ˆcos p 3p p<br />

x cos y cos y : …3†<br />

2A 2B 2B<br />

A and B in Equation (3) may be regarded as the principal semi-axes of an ellipse and<br />

hence as half the filter length and the filter width, respectively (Figure 14.3). This filter<br />

is rotated locally into grating-line direction (Figure 14.4). The hat-like filter form Gx in<br />

x-direction amplifies all values on the line and the relatively large extension in that direction<br />

guarantees a stable line-following quality. The cosine-like filter function Gy<br />

with two negative side lobes is known to detect lines with an intensity distribution similar<br />

to the central lobe. The negative side lobes provide a zero filter response if applied<br />

to a constant grey level region in the image. The weight function Wy decreases the<br />

function Gx steady to zero at y ˆ B, which provides a smooth filter response.<br />

Figure 14.3: Filter function of an elliptical filter.<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

Figure 14.4: The rotatable elliptic line searching filter.<br />

This filter is moved perpendicular through a line in 5 7 discrete steps. The resulting<br />

filter response takes on a maximum value in the centre of the line. To provide<br />

subpixel accuracy, the filter responses are approximated by a second order polynomial<br />

in the maximum point. The maximum value of the polynomial then delivers coordinates<br />

with subpixel accuracy. A similar method determines the centroid of an area between<br />

the filter responses and a suitable threshold to define the centre coordinates of a<br />

line. In practice, the filter is moved in column or line direction in the image according<br />

to which direction is closer to the perpendicular direction because a shift in an arbitrary<br />

angle through a grating line needs complex interpolation procedures.<br />

For optimal results, the filter width 2B should be about 2 2:5 times the gratingline<br />

width W and a filter ratio A=B ˆ 2 2:5 with the larger values for noisy data<br />

guarantees a stable and robust line-following characteristic even through cross points<br />

and small gaps in the line. The needed line direction for the filter rotation is derived<br />

from the foregoing points by extrapolation.<br />

To demonstrate the power of the described technique, a low quality image of the<br />

surface of a metal block, deformed by forging, is evaluated (Figure 14.5). The originally<br />

rectangular grating pattern of equal line width, etched into the material, becomes<br />

strongly curved in some regions. Also, the line width and the intensity distribution of<br />

the lines are quite different in horizontal and vertical direction according to the compression<br />

and extension of the material. Hence, different filters must be used for each<br />

line. Figure 14.6 directly shows the grey values of a small subsection marked in Figure<br />

14.5 by a box, and Figure 14.7 supplies the same information in a 3-D representation.<br />

In both Figures, the resulting lines of the filter process are drawn into the images. Obviously,<br />

the centre lines are smooth even when the image is noisy and when the line<br />

pattern has a very low contrast.<br />


14.2 Grating Coordinates<br />

Figure 14.5: Deformed grating on the surface of a metal block deformed by forging.<br />

Figure 14.6: Grey distribution of a cross.<br />

Figure 14.7: 3-D intensity distribution.<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

14.3 3-D Coordinates by Imaging Functions<br />

When looking at the 3-D displacement of small flat deformation fields – e.g. crack tips<br />

in a volume of 10 10 2mm 3 –, a simplified numerical method can be used instead<br />

of stereo photogrammetry to derive the spatial grating coordinates [8]. A calibrated<br />

grating on a glass plate is moved exactly parallel and perpendicular to its plane in precise<br />

3 ...5 steps DZ in Z-direction. The coordinates …Xijk; Yijk; Zijk† form a dense rectangular<br />

grid in space, and they are known exactly. Since from each step, an image is recorded,<br />

also the related image coordinates are known. Hence, a pair of 3-D polynomial-imaging<br />

functions n ˆ f …X; Y; Z†; g ˆ g…X; Y; Z† for each camera can be calculated,<br />

which transforms each grid point …X; Y; Z† into an image point …n; g†, i.e. it approximates<br />

the real stereo-imaging function. Suitable approximating functions are polynomials<br />

with free parameters since that provides a linear-equation system when using a<br />

Gaussian least-squares fit. Hence one has:<br />

n…a† ˆ X aijkX i Y j Z k ; g…b† ˆ X bijkX i Y j Z k ; …4†<br />

where the vectors a ˆ…aijk†; b ˆ…bijk† describe free parameters. Each vector is determined<br />

separately by minimization. For a, one has:<br />

X<br />

…nijk;measured nijk…a†† 2 ˆ min : …5†<br />

A similar equation holds for g…b†. For each camera, this supplies a set of two functions,<br />

which transform any point within the grid volume into an image point. Vice versa,<br />

also a point in space …XP; YP; ZP† can be calculated if its image coordinates<br />

…n 1m; g 1m†, …n 2m; g 2m† are known in at least 2 images. Then, one has:<br />

n 1…XP; YP; ZP† ˆn 1m ; n 2…XP; YP; ZP† ˆn 2m ; …6†<br />

g 1…XP; YP; ZP† ˆg 1m ; g 2…XP; YP; ZP† ˆg 2m : …7†<br />

These are 4 equations for the 3 unknown spatial coordinates …XP; YP; ZP†, which easily<br />

are solved by numerical iteration.<br />

This technique also works if the image plane in the camera is tilted (Scheimpflug<br />

condition), which provides a larger, well-focussed area in space when using stereo cameras.<br />

Moreover, the method is easy to program and there proved to be no convergence<br />

problems. It was applied to the propagation of a crack tip [9, 10].<br />


14.4 3-D Coordinates by Close-Range Photogrammetry<br />

14.4.1 Experimental set-up<br />

A general method for measuring spatial coordinates of an object grating is adopted<br />

from close-range photogrammetry. A measuring device was developed consisting of 2<br />

or 3 stereo cameras in a stiff framework. A movable support, which first holds a calibrating<br />

glass plate later on holds the considered objects [11, 12]. Before any measurement<br />

can take place, the exterior and the intrinsic orientation of the cameras must be<br />

known. The related calibration procedure is based on a high quality cross grating,<br />

which is fixed on a plane glass plate. The orthogonal grating lines define a global coordinate<br />

system …X; Y; Z†; …X; Y† in the plane and …Z† perpendicular to it. With respect to<br />

this system, the exterior orientation – the projection centre …X0; Y0; Z0† and a rotation<br />

matrix R describing the rotation of the local camera system …x; y; z† into the global system<br />

– must be determined. The constants of the intrinsic orientation are the focal<br />

length c, called camera constant, and lens distortion factors A; B; R0, described later on.<br />

The glass plate is moved in 3 parallel steps in DZ 0 -direction, which might be inclined<br />

by small angles x; y against the Z-direction; in Figure 14.8, only a plane configuration<br />

is shown. Given the pitch DX; DY of the cross grating and an arbitrary shift<br />

of the origin …X0; Y0† in that plane, the coordinates of the spatial grid coordinates are:<br />

Xijk ˆ XS ‡ iDX ‡ axZk ; …8†<br />

Yijk ˆ YS ‡ jDY ‡ ayZk ; …9†<br />

Zijk ˆ Zk<br />

14.4 3-D Coordinates by Close-Range Photogrammetry<br />

Figure 14.8: Set-up for camera calibration, plane configuration.<br />

…10†<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

with i ˆ 1; ...; M; j ˆ 1; ...; N in the plane and k ˆ 1; ...; L in shift direction, where<br />

ax ˆ tan x, ay ˆ tan y and Zk ˆ Z0 k = 1 ‡ a2x ‡ a2 q<br />

y;<br />

which is the related distance on<br />

the Z-axis due to a parallel shift of Z0 k . XS; YS; DX; DY are given parameters of the cross<br />

grating, while x; y, and Zk…k ˆ 1; ...; L 1† are unknown quantities, which will be<br />

determined together with the parameters of the camera orientation in a modified bundle-block<br />

adjustment. Instead of moving the cross grating, it is also possible to shift the<br />

cameras and fasten the grating if this results in a simpler set-up.<br />

In each shifted position, the cross grating is recorded. This means that each camera<br />

takes the images of a spatial grid, which approximately coincides with the measuring<br />

volume of the device.<br />

14.4.2 Parameters of the camera orientation<br />

Here, only a short summary will be given for the theory of the bundle-block adjustment<br />

because it is well-known in the relevant publications [2]. The intrinsic and exterior<br />

orientation of a camera in space is described by its projection centre …X0; Y0; Z0†,<br />

the focal length c, the rotation matrix R ˆ…rij† usually given by 3 Euler angles, and<br />

the distance …n 0; g 0† of the origin in the image plane to the optical axis. Then the transformation<br />

from the space coordinates …X; Y; Z† to the image coordinates …n; g† is for<br />

each point (i; j; k) within the grid:<br />

n ˆ n0 ‡ c …X X0†r11 ‡…Y Y0†r21 ‡…Z Z0†r31<br />

‡ u…n; g† ; …11†<br />

…X X0†r13 ‡…Y Y0†r23 ‡…Z Z0†r33<br />

g ˆ g0 ‡ c …X X0†r12 ‡…Y Y0†r22 ‡…Z Z0†r32<br />

‡ v…n; g† : …12†<br />

…X X0†r13 ‡…Y Y0†r23 ‡…Z Z0†r33<br />

u…n; g†; v…n; g† describe the lens distortion, which are assumed to be radial symmetric:<br />

u…n; g† ˆ…A1…R 2 0 R 2 †‡A2…R 4 0 R 4 ††…n n 0† ; …13†<br />

v…n; g† ˆ…A1…R 2 0 R 2 †‡A2…R 4 0 R 4 ††…g g 0† ; …14†<br />

where the radius R is given by:<br />

R ˆ …n n0† 2 ‡…g g0† 2<br />

q<br />

: …15†<br />

R0 is a constant of the objective, usually about 70% of the maximum width of the image<br />

plane, and A1; A2 are the required distortion parameters.<br />

Now p will be defined as the vector of the unknown parameters:<br />


p ˆ…fX0; Y0; Z0; n 0; g 0; rij; c; A1; A2g l ; ax; ay; Z1; ...; ZL 1; fXijk; Yijk; Zijkg m † ; …16†<br />

where subscript l means that this set of parameters is repeated for each camera. Further<br />

on, a certain number m of spatial coordinates are not used directly, but they are taken<br />

to be unknown parameters. This provides a higher accuracy because it couples the pa-<br />

rameters of the cameras in a global least-squares fit. …n 0<br />

ijkl ; g0 ijkl<br />

† are measured image co-<br />

ordinates of the camera l. By a bundle-block adjustment, the unknown parameters in p<br />

are determined altogether by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between<br />

the measured and the calculated image coordinates. Here, the expression for n is given,<br />

a similar expression holds for g:<br />

F…p† ˆ X<br />

14.4 3-D Coordinates by Close-Range Photogrammetry<br />

camera Xgrid l<br />

ijk<br />

…n ijkl…p† n 0<br />

ijkl †2 ˆ min : …17†<br />

To solve Equation (17), it is linearized with respect to an initial parameter vector p 0:<br />

F…p0†‡ qF…p0† D p ˆ 0 for every …i; j; k; l† …18†<br />

qp<br />

yielding an overdetermined system of linear equations for an increment D p, which is<br />

solved by the least-squares method. Starting from suitable initial values p 0, a global<br />

iteration is performed until D p is less than a given threshold. p and its standard deviation<br />

are the final result. Numerical experience has proved that about half the number of<br />

grating points should be dealt with as unknown points to get an optimal convergence<br />

and accuracy of the non-linear iteration process.<br />

Programming of the bundle-block adjustment and also its application requires a<br />

lot of experience, especially choosing suitable initial values becomes a very sensitive<br />

task. Meanwhile, commercial products are available [13].<br />

14.4.3 3-D object coordinates<br />

If the parameters of the orientation are known, there are well-known algorithms [2] to<br />

determine spatial object points by ray intersection, provided the coordinates of the adjoined<br />

points in the stereo images are given. This is generally true for grating images.<br />

However, it is also possible to determine whole elements in space without knowing<br />

adjoined points if the elements are to be described analytically by a set of free parameters<br />

[14, 15]. Practical examples are circles, straight lines and curved lines. Also<br />

cylinders and spheres in space can be treated if a sequence of contour points in the<br />

images are detected.<br />


14.5 Displacement and Strain from an Object Grating:<br />

Plane Deformation<br />

The strain tensor of a local grating point in a plane (x; y) can be calculated from the<br />

displacement of the vectors dr 1<br />

i …i ˆ 1; ...; 4† in the deformed state and dr0i<br />

in the undeformed<br />

state, where dri means the connection to the neighbouring 4 grating points.<br />

Generally, the displacement is due to a rigid body motion and a deformation of<br />

the object. For the calculation of strain in a grating point, first, the centre of the deformed<br />

element will be shifted parallel into the related undeformed centre. Then, the<br />

variation of the four dr-vectors describes a rotation and the desired plastic deformation<br />

or strain. The rotation will be separated from the strain in a theory of large deformation<br />

as follows. Assuming, the vectors …dr 0<br />

1 ; dr02<br />

† will be deformed into …dr11<br />

; dr12<br />

†, then a deformation<br />

gradient F is calculated from the linear relations:<br />

dr 1<br />

1 ˆ Fdr01<br />

; dr12<br />

ˆ Fdr02<br />

: …19†<br />

F will be split into the left rotation tensor R and a right deformation tensor U:<br />

F ˆ RU : …20†<br />

From the right Cauchy-Green tensor G:<br />

G ˆ F T F ˆ U T R T RU ˆ U T U ; …21†<br />

a deformation tensor [16] is given:<br />

U ˆ G<br />

p ˆ c01 ‡ c1G …22†<br />

with<br />

1<br />

c1 ˆ p p ; c0 ˆ c1det G : …23†<br />

trG ‡ 2 det G<br />

trG ˆ g11 ‡ g22 is the trace of G and det G is the related determinant. The elements of<br />

the deformation tensor U<br />

U11 U12<br />

U21 U22<br />

ˆ 1 ‡ ex exy<br />

exy 1 ‡ ey<br />

include the well-known plane-strain components ex; ey; exy. In a cross point, 4 strain values<br />

according to the four meshes surrounding the point are calculated. The average of<br />

these values is taken to define the local strain tensor in the central point.<br />

A similar technique can be applied to spatial surfaces if the curvature is relatively<br />

small within the considered area. Then, 4 pairs of vectors as in the plane case are taken<br />

328<br />

14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />


to calculate the strain in its centre point. After moving the deformed centre point and<br />

the related vectors into the undeformed state, each of the pairs of spatial vectors, forming<br />

a triangle, are rotated into an arbitrary reference plane, in which a plain-strain tensor<br />

can be calculated as described in the foregoing section.<br />

14.6 Strain for Large Spatial Deformation<br />

14.6.1 Theory<br />

14.6 Strain for Large Spatial Deformation<br />

The described procedure for calculating the spatial deformation fails if the curvature is<br />

large. Then, virtual strains arise already from the rotation of an element into a reference<br />

plane.<br />

Geometrically based methods for evaluating large strain are published in [17, 18].<br />

Here, an improved method based on a deformation function is proposed. It delivers a<br />

deformation gradient for the central point using the 8 neighbouring points in the grating.<br />

To derive the deformation function, 4 meshes of a plane grating are considered<br />

with basic coordinates …x; y; z† as shown in Figure 14.9. The coordinates of the undeformed<br />

grating are …xij; yij; zij ˆ 0† with indices (i; j ˆ 1; 0; 1) or written as a vector<br />

xij ˆ…xij; yij; 0† T . The coordinates of the deformed element are xij ˆ…xij;yij;zij† T .<br />

Figure 14.9: Undeformed grating element and spatially deformed one.<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

The total displacement of each point again is given by a rigid body translation, a<br />

rotation and a plastic deformation of the element. To eliminate the rigid body motion,<br />

first, the central vector x00 will be subtracted:<br />

~xij ˆ xij x00 : …25†<br />

Then, a rotation matrix will be determined, which moves the normal vector n of the<br />

surface element into the z-axis. Approximately, the normal vector is derived from the<br />

cross product of the difference vectors:<br />

dx ˆ ~x10 ~x 10 ; dy ˆ ~x01 ~x 0 1 ; …26†<br />

n ˆ dx dy : …27†<br />

The unit vector n0 delivers the 3. row of the rotation matrix R. The first row is taken<br />

from the unit vector d 0<br />

x , which means that the deformed x-direction nearly coincides<br />

with the related undeformed direction after rotating the element. The 2. row is given by<br />

the cross product n0 d 0<br />

x .<br />

Now, the rotated coordinates are:<br />

^xij ˆ Rxij …i; j ˆ 1; 0; 1† ; …28†<br />

and the related displacement vectors:<br />

q ij ˆ ^xij xij : …29†<br />

Regarding these vectors, a deformation function for each coordinate can be assumed,<br />

which describes the displacement from the undeformed to the deformed state:<br />

^x ˆ x ‡ f …x; y† ; ^y ˆ y ‡ g…x; y† ; ^z ˆ h…x; y† : …30†<br />

The functions f ; g will be approximated by polynomials of second order, e.g.:<br />

f …x; y† ˆf0 ‡ f1x ‡ f2y ‡ f3x 2 ‡ f4xy ‡ f5y 2<br />

with f0 ˆ 0, since ^x00 ˆ 0. Forg, a similar function with coefficients gk is taken. The<br />

deformation function h for ^z is less relevant since only the deformation in the tangential<br />

plane is considered.<br />

From these functions, the deformation gradients in the central point x00 are derived.<br />

Hence, one has:<br />

…31†<br />

q^x=qx ˆ 1 ‡ f1 ; q^x=qy ˆ f2 ; …32†<br />

q^y=qx ˆ g1 ; q^y=qy ˆ 1 ‡ g2 : …33†<br />

To determine the coefficients fk…k ˆ 1 ...5†, a least-squares method applied to the xcomponent<br />

of displacement vector qxij requires<br />


X<br />

fqxij f …xij; yij†g 2 ˆ ! min : …34†<br />

ij<br />

In the case of rectangular meshes with pitches Dx; Dy in the basic plane, the matrix of<br />

the normal equations can be calculated analytically. With respect to symmetry, the coefficients<br />

f1; f2 are totally uncorrelated and one has:<br />

f1 ˆ X<br />

xijqxij= X<br />

x 2 ij ; f2 ˆ X<br />

yijqxij= X<br />

; …35†<br />

ij<br />

and similar equations for g1; g2:<br />

g1 ˆ X<br />

xijqyij= X<br />

x 2 ij ; g2 ˆ X<br />

ij<br />

ij<br />

ij<br />

ij<br />

ij<br />

ij<br />

y 2 ij<br />

yijqyij= X<br />

y<br />

ij<br />

2 ij<br />

: …36†<br />

Generally, weight coefficients wij may be introduced according to the significance of<br />

the displacement values qij, leading e.g. to f1 ˆ P<br />

xijqxijwij=<br />

ij<br />

P<br />

wijx<br />

ij<br />

2 ij . If the totally 8<br />

edge points are existing, the following simple expressions are resulting (wij ˆ 1):<br />

f1 ˆf…qx11 ‡ qx10 ‡ qx1 1† …qx 11 ‡ qx 10 ‡ qx 1 1†g=…6Dx† ; …37†<br />

f2 ˆf…qx11 ‡ qx01 ‡ qx 11† …qx1 1 ‡ qx0 1 ‡ qx 1 1†g=…6Dy† : …38†<br />

Similar equations hold for g1; g2 with qxij replaced by qyij. Taking weight coefficients<br />

wij ˆ 0 in the four corner points, the simple central differences, e.g. f1 ˆ<br />

…qx10 qx 10†=2Dx, are resulting. This proved to yield the least errors for noise-free<br />

grating coordinates as shown in the next section.<br />

Now, the deformation gradient F<br />

F ˆ 1 ‡ f1 f2<br />

g1 1 ‡ g2<br />

14.6 Strain for Large Spatial Deformation<br />

is given in point (0,0), and the strain can be calculated according to Equations (19) to<br />

(24).<br />

Generally, already the undeformed element may be spatially curved and no longer<br />

rectangular. Then, both elements, undeformed 1 and deformed 2, will be shifted into<br />

the origin. There, they are rotated as described in the foregoing section, meaning that<br />

the normal vector n1; n2 coincide with the z-axis and that the deformed x-directions<br />

show into the basis x-direction. Then, a displacement vector is calculated from the differences<br />

of the rotated coordinates:<br />

qij ˆ ^x 2 ij ^x 1 ij ; …40†<br />

and according to Equations (30) to (34), a system of normal equations can be determined.<br />

In this case, Equation (34) must be built up and solved numerically because no<br />

symmetry of the meshes is provided.<br />

…39†<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

Figure 14.10: Correcting the displacement vector by arc length.<br />

Figure 14.11: Hat-like deformed metal sheet.<br />

Figure 14.12: Principal strain eI.<br />

14.6.2 Correcting the influence of curvature<br />

Numerical simulation, as described in the next section, shows a systematic error for the<br />

strain. In the average, it is always too small because only the tangential projection of<br />

the curved surface is used. A noticeable improvement is derived when the arc length of<br />


14.6 Strain for Large Spatial Deformation<br />

Figure 14.13: Difference of eIth eI without compensation of curvature.<br />

Figure 14.14: Difference of eIth eI with 70% compensation of curvature.<br />

deformed surface is considered in the x-z- ory-z-plane, respectively. This can be performed<br />

approximately by calculating a second-order polynomial of displacement in zdirection<br />

through the deformed but translated and rotated points ^x 10, ^x00, ^x10 in Figure<br />

14.10. Using numerical integration, the arc length of this curve is determined.<br />

Then, it proved to give optimal deviations with almost zero average when adding 50%<br />

to 70% of the difference between the length of the curve and its projection to the displacement<br />

in x-direction. A similar procedure holds for the y-direction. The errors of<br />

the strain could be decreased by 20% to 50% depending on the pitch of the grating.<br />

14.6.3 Simulation and numerical errors<br />

The spatial strain procedure was tested on a hat-like deformed metal sheet. The deformation<br />

functions u…r† and w…r† in z-direction were assumed to be radial symmetric:<br />

u…r† ˆcu sin …2pr=R0† ; w…r† ˆcw cos …pr=R0† ; …41†<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

Figure 14.15: Relative maximum error of strain eIth eI with respect to grating pitch.<br />

r ˆ …x2 ‡ y2 p<br />

† ; u ˆ arctan …y=x† : …42†<br />

Then, the deformed hat is given by:<br />

^x ˆ x ‡ u…r† cos …u† ; ^y ˆ y ‡ u…r† sin …u† ; ^z ˆ w…r† : …43†<br />

The exact principal strains in r-direction are:<br />

q<br />

eIth ˆ …1 ‡ du=dr† 2 ‡…dw=dr† 2<br />

1 ; eIIth ˆ u=r : …44†<br />

Regarding the following figures, the parameters were cu ˆ 0:5, cw ˆ 4;<br />

R0 ˆ 5; Dx ˆ Dy ˆ 0:33. In Figure 14.11, the hat-like deformed sheet is given for<br />

30 30 lines. Figure 14.12 shows the principal strain eI calculated according to Sections<br />

14.5 and 14.6.1. Figure 14.13 demonstrates the related error eIth eI if no compensation<br />

of the curvature is taken into account. Obviously, the difference is always<br />

positive with an average value of 0.006.<br />

Figure 14.14 shows the same deviation with 70% curvature compensation due to<br />

Section 14.6.2. The average value is reduced to 0.002 and the maximum error from<br />

0.011 to 0.007. Hence, in this example, the maximum deviation from the theoretical<br />

values is always less than 0.7% of the maximum strain eI ˆ 0:96. A 100% compensation<br />

does not reduce the maximum values but increases the minimum values to –0.007.<br />

Figure 14.15 shows the influence of the grating pitch on the relative maximum error<br />

for the above chosen example. The error increases with the pitch in the interesting<br />


interval approximately like a second-order polynomial. For a 10 10 grating, the related<br />

maximum error becomes already 6%.<br />

14.7 Conclusion<br />

The grating techniques, as described in this chapter, were applied to a large variety of<br />

deformation processes, e.g. crack-tip propagation, low-cycle fatigue, high-temperature<br />

creep, cold-welded zones of Cu-Al-specimen, necking of cylindrical tension specimen,<br />

holes in thin-sheet metal, crystal deformation and many examples more. This was performed<br />

mainly for research purposes to get insight into deformation processes, to test<br />

Finite-Element results or to determine the parameters in new constitutive laws for inelastic<br />

deformation [19, 20].<br />

With some modifications, the photogrammetric equipment and the software also<br />

were applied to measure the dimension of industrial parts [8] to determine the radius of<br />

cutting tools and to derive the contour of a fossil fish.<br />

A new field of practical applications comes from metal forming. Especially for<br />

sheet metal forming of the body works of cars, the grating methods are used for failure<br />

analysis. Often, it must be decided whether the characteristics of the material or the<br />

shape of the pressing tool cause the defects on the surface. Also, the influence of oil<br />

films on the flow of the material and on the friction between tool and sheet metal shall<br />

be investigated to optimize the forming process and the mechanical equipment.<br />

For these future applications, the image-processing hardware and software must<br />

be improved further with respect to the following topics:<br />

• developing fully automatic programs for incrementally deformed pattern series,<br />

• improving the portability of the software as to support PC’s and workstations,<br />

• looking for low-cost hardware equipment for technology transfer into industry, and<br />

• implementing state of the art graphical user interfaces and plotting software.<br />

These goals seem to be in the reach within the next years because the computing<br />

power still increases every year, thus allowing more sophisticated algorithms for automatic<br />

image processing.<br />

References<br />

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[2] K. Kraus: Photogrammetrie, Vol. 2. Dümmler, Bonn, 1984.<br />

[3] J.S. Sirkis, T. J. Lim: Displacement and strain measurement with automated grid methods.<br />

Exp. Mech. 31 (1991) 382–388.<br />


14 Surface-Deformation Fields from Grating Pictures Using Image Processing<br />

[4] K. Andresen, B. Hübner: Calculation of Strain from an Object Grating on a Reseau Film<br />

by a Correlation Method. Exp. Mech. 32 (1992) 96–101.<br />

[5] K. Andresen, Q. Yu: Robust phase unwrapping by spin filtering combined with a phase direction<br />

map. Optik 94 (1993) 145–149.<br />

[6] Z. Lei, K. Andresen: Subpixel grid coordinates using line following filtering. Optik 100<br />

(1995) 125–128.<br />

[7] P.-E. Danielsson, Q.-Z. Ye: A new procedure for line enhancement applied to fingerprints.<br />

Report of Linköping University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Linköpin, Sweden, 1983,<br />

p. 581.<br />

[8] K. Andresen: 3D-Vermessungen im Nahbereich mit Abbildungsfunktionen. Mustererkennung<br />

92, 14. DAGM Symposion, Dresden, 1992, pp. 304–309.<br />

[9] K. Andresen, B. Kamp, R. Ritter: 3D-Contour of Crack Tips Using a Grating Method. Second<br />

International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology, San Diego 1991.<br />

SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1554A (1991) 93–100.<br />

[10] K. Andresen, B. Kamp, R. Ritter: Three-dimensional surface deformation measurement by<br />

a grating method applied to crack tips. Opt. Eng. 31 (1992) 1499–1504.<br />

[11] K. Andresen, Z. Lei, K. Hentrich: Close range dimensional measurement using grating<br />

techniques and natural edges. SPIE 2248 (1994) 460–467.<br />

[12] K. Andresen, K. Hentrich, B. Hübner: Camera Orientation and 3D-Deformation Measurement<br />

by Use of Cross Gratings. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 22 (1995) 215–226.<br />

[13] CAP – Combined Adjustment Program, Users Manual. Fa. Rollei Braunschweig, FRG,<br />

1989.<br />

[14] K. Andresen: Ermittlung von Raumelementen aus Kanten im Bild. Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie<br />

und Fernerkundung 59 (1991) 212–220.<br />

[15] F. Neugebauer: Calculation of curved lines in space from non-homologues edgepoints. Optical<br />

3-D Measurement Techniques III, Eds. Gruen/Kahmen, Vienna 1995, pp. 506–515.<br />

[16] J. Stickforth: The Square Root of a Three-Dimensional Positive Tensor. Acta Mechanica 67<br />

(1987) 233–235.<br />

[17] F. Bredendick: Methoden der Deformationsermittlung an verzerrten Gittern. Wiss. Zeitschrift<br />

der Techn. Univ. Dresden 18 (1969) 531–538.<br />

[18] L. Eberlein, P. Feldmann, R.V. Thi: Visioplastische Deformations- und Spannungsanalyse<br />

beim Fliesspressen. Umformtechnik 26 (1992) 113–118.<br />

[19] K. Andresen, R. Ritter, E. Steck: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Fracture<br />

by FEM and Grating Methods. Defect Assessment in Components – Fundamentals and Applications.<br />

Mechanical Engineering Publications, London, 1991, pp. 345–361.<br />

[20] K. Andresen, S. Dannemeyer, H. Friebe, R. Mahnken, R. Ritter, E. Stein: Parameteridentifikation<br />

für ein plastisches Stoffgesetz mit FE-Methoden und Rasterverfahren. Bauing. 71<br />

(1996) 21–31.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis<br />

of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

of Shear-Loaded Aluminium Panels<br />

Horst Kossira and Gunnar Arnst*<br />

15.1 Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

The engineering problem of the presented research project is based on the design and<br />

loading of the aerospace structure shown in Figure 15.1. Although the example in Figure<br />

15.1 depicts a possible structure of a hypersonic vehicle, the construction is typical<br />

for supersonic and common subsonic transport aircrafts. To examine the basic phenomena<br />

of the load-carrying behaviour in the postbuckling range, the analysis of such structures<br />

can be reduced to a simplified mechanical model of an initially flat, shear-loaded<br />

panel. For practical reasons, our investigations were limited to aluminium (Al2024-T3)<br />

panels at ambient temperature and 200 8C. Within the high postbuckling regime or at<br />

high load levels and elevated temperatures in supersonic vehicles, moderate inelastic<br />

strains occur and the behaviour of the considered structure becomes geometric and<br />

physically non-linear.<br />

Due to the high complexity of the problem, analytical investigations must be accompanied<br />

by tests in order to validate the numerical model. It is based on the Finite-<br />

Element method and therefore can be easily applied to different geometries and boundary<br />

conditions. The main problem of the numerical model is the choice of suitable<br />

material models since no universal material model for the description of the inelastic<br />

behaviour of arbitrary metallic materials exists. To simplify the adaption of the presented<br />

numerical model to different materials, the used solution algorithm is designed<br />

to allow a very easy implementation of different material models. In case of the considered<br />

aluminium alloy, the performance of several material models is examined for the<br />

rate-independent plasticity at ambient temperature and visco-plastic behaviour at elevated<br />

temperature. The identification of their parameters from suited material test results<br />

is demonstrated.<br />

All shear tests, including quasistatic monotonic, cyclic and creep- and relaxation<br />

tests at elevated temperatures, are conducted with a specially designed test set-up<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau,<br />

Hermann Blenk Straße 35, D-38108 Braunschweig, Germany<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.1: Typical structure.<br />

(“PApS”, Figure 15.2) generating pure shear load with clamped boundary conditions.<br />

The rigid edges of the picture frame are pin-jointed, where the pins are located exactly<br />

at the corners of the square specimen. The pins are parted so that the tested area of the<br />

specimen forms a square field with no cutouts with a dimension of 500 ×500 mm 2 .<br />

Therefore, the comparison of numerical and theoretical results achieved with the mechanical<br />

model shown in Figure 15.3 are not influenced by uncertainties in the assumption<br />

of the geometry or the boundary conditions.<br />

The test set-up is equipped with nine infrared radiators in front of the shear panel<br />

and eight heating elements, which are placed directly on the edges of the shear frame.<br />

In combination with five separate temperature controllers, a nearly constant temperature<br />

distribution can be achieved in the tested area of the panel up to 200 8C. Until now, 78<br />

monotonic and cyclic tests at ambient and elevated temperature and different panel<br />

thicknesses have been performed on this test set-up.<br />

Figure 15.2: Test set-up PApS.<br />


Figure 15.3: Mechanical model.<br />

15.2 Numerical Model<br />

15.2.1 Finite-Element method<br />

15.2 Numerical Model<br />

Two partly different formulations of the fundamental equations and affiliated solution<br />

methods are used. The behaviour of the considered material at room temperature can<br />

be described by means of rate-independent material models for spontaneous plasticity.<br />

This type of non-linear material models are implemented in the framework of the geometrically<br />

non-linear static equations of the plate theory, and the problem is solved by incremental-iterative<br />

methods. At the other hand, the visco-plastic problem introduces real<br />

time-dependency with higher demands regarding the time-integration accuracy and stability.<br />

Therefore, a more closed formulation of the fundamental equations of the continuum<br />

theory and the constitutive equations is used to apply a suitable time-integration method.<br />

Both methods base on the following assumptions of the continuum theory: Adopting a<br />

total Lagrange formulation with an additive decomposition of the strain tensor, large deformations<br />

but only small strains are admissible. The mixed variational principle, which is<br />

used to derive the finite elements, bases on the Kirchhoff-Love plate theory. This theory<br />

yields reasonably good results since the considered panels are sufficiently slender. All material<br />

models are implemented in the numerical model by means of the normality rule of<br />

the classical theory of plasticity, applying a v. Mises type of inelastic potential. A mixed<br />

principle is chosen since such a formulation produces displacements and stresses with the<br />

same degree of approximation as primary unknowns, and therefore provides some advantages<br />

concerning the computational effort in the treatment of the non-linearities. All primary<br />

unknowns of the described variational formulations are approximated with bilinear<br />

polynoms, yielding a four-noded plate element.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br /> Ambient temperature – rate-independent problem<br />

The used variational functional is derived from the principle of virtual displacements<br />

with the strain-displacement relation as a restriction and reads for a certain state t:<br />

dA t Z<br />

ˆ d<br />

F<br />

r t c<br />

1<br />

2 rt C 1 r dF<br />

Z<br />

F<br />

dv t p dF ˆ 0 : …1†<br />

This principle is transformed into an incremental form, yielding the linear stiffness matrix,<br />

the tangent and the secant matrix. The solution for each increment is achieved by<br />

an arc length-controlled modified Newton-Raphson iteration. In this form, the material<br />

law in the incremental form De ˆ DDr is comprised in the tangent matrix, and the<br />

non-linear constitutive equations of the rate-independent material models can be easily<br />

included. The in-plane, coupling and bending stiffnesses of the plate material are determined<br />

by integration of the actual elastic-plastic tangent moduli D given by the used<br />

material model over the plate thickness. This integration assumes discrete layers with<br />

constant properties in thickness direction, and the description of the material behaviour<br />

is reduced to the plain stress constitutive equation in each layer. The elastic-plastic tangent<br />

modulus is updated only once for each load increment using the results of the previous<br />

load step, yielding an Euler-Cauchy type of integration of the non-linear constitutive<br />

equations. This method considerably reduces the numerical effort. Furthermore, no<br />

differentiation of the constitutive equations is needed as it would be the case in implicit<br />

integration methods, and therefore, the material model can be changed very easily. Stability<br />

problems in the integration of the used material models were never observed, and<br />

it can be shown that the error in the solution for the used constitutive equations remains<br />

sufficiently small since the magnitude of the load increments, which is restricted<br />

by the geometric non-linearities, is small enough. Details can be found in [1] and [2].<br />

The described solution method is in principle capable of calculating snap-through effects.<br />

However, due to the quasistatic basis of the method, a so-called instable equilibrium<br />

path connects the starting- and the end point of the snap-through. This path represents<br />

a fair approximation only for moderate snap-throughs. Simulations of severe<br />

snap-throughs, which occur in the range of unloading during cyclic shear tests after<br />

very high load amplitudes, lead – in connection with the development of plastic strains<br />

during the snap-through – to obviously wrong solutions and numerical problems. To<br />

improve the capabilities of the used method, the described Finite-Element formulation<br />

was extended to calculate dynamic effects by solving the complete equation of movement.<br />

For simplicity, the damping matrix is formed by a linear combination of the used<br />

consistent mass matrix and the system-stiffness matrix. The magnitude of damping is<br />

fitted to experimental results. The accelerations and the velocities are derived from the<br />

displacements using the Newmark scheme. To reduce the numerical effort, the dynamic<br />

method is only used if the quasistatic method detects a limit point in the loading path<br />

and a snap-through is starting. In this point of loading, the determinant of the system<br />

matrix changes its sign. When after the snap-through, the velocities of the structure are<br />

small enough, the quasistatic method is used again.<br />

340 Elevated temperature – visco-plastic problem<br />

The temporal derivative of the basic variational principle (Equation (1)) is used to derive<br />

the Finite-Element formulation. To achieve a closed formulation of the problem,<br />

the equations related to the material model are included in the principle by means of<br />

Lagrange multipliers. In case of the Chaboche model, those equations are: the consistency<br />

condition, the overstress function and the evolution equations for isotropic and<br />

kinematic hardening. The corresponding Lagrange multipliers can be determined by the<br />

requirement that each term of the variational principle has to form an energy. Like in<br />

the rate-independent problem, a layered model is adopted. However, the plate stiffness<br />

is formulated directly in terms of the primary unknowns. In the sense of a “rate<br />

approach” [3], the primary unknowns are the velocities, the temporal derivatives of the<br />

stresses, respectively the membrane forces, and the bending moments plus the temporal<br />

derivative of the visco-plastic potential and the effective strain rate of each layer. The<br />

complete visco-plastic problem is solved by a predictor-corrector method similar to a<br />

midpoint-type time-integration algorithm. One predictor and one corrector step is used<br />

for solving the equations in one time-increment. A comprehensive discussion of this<br />

method is given in [4]. This time-integration scheme was chosen in order to avoid the<br />

analytical or numerical determination of the tangent-stiffness matrix needed in the<br />

framework of implicit time-integration schemes to establish the Newton-Raphson iteration.<br />

Therefore, this method reduces the difficulties of the implementation of new constitutive<br />

equations. An automatic time-step control is established by limiting the magnitude<br />

of the increment of equivalent total strain within each time-step. The critical value<br />

for this increment of equivalent total strain is determined by numerical experiments.<br />

15.2.2 Material models<br />

15.2 Numerical Model<br />

All investigations are made for the aluminium alloy 2024-T3 (AlCuMg2/3.1354T3),<br />

where T3 denotes the rolling and prestraining pretreatment. The results of tension tests<br />

at room temperature and elevated temperature are given in Figure 15.4. There is a distinct<br />

plastic orthotropy at room temperature, which must be taken into consideration in<br />

the material model. This orthotropy vanishes at higher temperatures. The results of the<br />

tests at 200 8C with different loading rates give an impression of the changed mechanical<br />

properties of the material at elevated temperatures.<br /> Ambient temperature – rate-independent problem<br />

The cyclic elasto-plastic behaviour of the considered aluminium alloy 2024-T3 at ambient<br />

temperature can be described by two or more surface rate-independent material<br />

models based on the classical theory of plasticity. In the conducted investigations, the<br />

performance of twelve different material models, respectively combinations of their basic<br />

characteristics, were examined.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.4: Tensile tests at room temperature and at 200 8C.<br />

Those basic characteristics are:<br />

• the number (Mroz) and shape of the yield surfaces, i.e. v. Mises, Hill, Rees,<br />

Doong-Socie,<br />

• the rule for the translation of the yield surface, respectively kinematic hardening,<br />

i.e. Mroz, Phillips-Weng, Tseng-Lee,<br />

• the rule for the isotropic hardening, i.e. Ellyin, and<br />

• the way, the plastic tangent modulus is determined, i.e. Dafalias or McDowell.<br />

A more detailed description of the used material models is given in [1, 5, 6]. The influence<br />

of the translational rule on the performance material models shall be discussed in<br />

more detail. All of the described models use v. Mises-type yield surfaces. Deformable<br />

yield surfaces shall not be discussed here in more detail.<br />

The Mroz model for the material used is sketched in Figure 15.5. Four surfaces<br />

are located in the stress space. The inner one surrounds the elastic region and is of the<br />

Hill-type. This type of yield surface is based on the v. Mises surface, but can be deformed<br />

by adjusting additional shape parameters. All surfaces can move in the stress<br />

space in the sense of kinematic hardening expressed in terms of the backstress tensor.<br />

This effect is substantial for the representation of the Bauschinger effect occurring in<br />

cyclic loading of metallic materials. Furthermore, the description of the plastic anisotropy<br />

is made possible by adjusting the starting values of the backstress tensor. Therefore,<br />

kinematic hardening is necessary even for the simulation of tests with monotonic<br />

loading. Plastic loading takes place when the stress point is located on the yield surface<br />

and moves in an outward direction. Stress states beyond the yield surface are not admissible.<br />

This is controlled in all types of material models of this category by the socalled<br />

consistency condition. Therefore, the movement of the yield surface during plastic<br />

loading with kinematic hardening is restricted by this condition. The direction of the<br />

movement of the yield surface has to be established separately. For the Mroz model,<br />


Figure 15.5: Mroz model.<br />

15.2 Numerical Model<br />

the translation of the yield surfaces is chosen in a way that subsequent yield surfaces<br />

get into contact in points with equal directed normals. In other words, the surfaces<br />

approach each other tangentially.<br />

An isotropic hardening during plastic loading, which means an expansion of the<br />

surfaces, is possible. This type of hardening describes the stabilization of the materials<br />

hysteresis and is controlled by means of the accumulated effective plastic strain. Its<br />

contribution to the entire hardening is small since the considered alloy shows a rapid<br />

stabilization under cyclic loading. Each surface of the Mroz model is connected with a<br />

constant plastic tangent modulus. This causes a piecewise linear approximation of the<br />

inelastic stress-strain relation, which is a central advantage of this model since the initial<br />

position of the yield surfaces, their diameter, the shape parameters of the yield surfaces<br />

and the plastic tangent moduli can easily be determined as the graphic in Figure<br />

15.5 demonstrates. Unfortunately, the storage capacity needed for this model in numerical<br />

analyses is comparatively high since three backstress tensors have to be stored.<br />

The second described material model is the Tseng-Lee model. It consists of only<br />

one yield surface and a so-called memory surface in the stress space. The yield surface<br />

shows kinematic and isotropic hardening, whereas the memory surface can only expand<br />

in the sense of isotropic hardening. The translational rule for the kinematic hardening is<br />

chosen in an approximation of the test results of Phillips [7]. These results indicate that<br />

the translation on the yield surface is directed along the actual stress increment. To<br />

avoid an intersection of the yield- and the memory surface, Tseng and Lee [8] formulated<br />

their translational rule as a combination of the “Phillips direction” and a direction<br />

of movement, which is determined by the distance measure between the actual stress<br />

point on the yield surface and a point on the memory surface with the same outer nor-<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

mal. Unfortunately, the Mroz direction predominates the kinematic hardening in some<br />

constellations of the position of the yield surface and loading direction. To improve this<br />

behaviour, an own modified formulation for a combined translational rule was developed,<br />

which enforces the movement along the “Phillips direction”. In both models, the<br />

tangent modulus is determined as a function of a distance measure between the actual<br />

stress point and a point on the memory surface. Considering non-proportional hardening<br />

effects, the distance measure used in the equation of Dafalias for the tangent modulus<br />

is directed along the stress increment. If the yield surface is in contact with the<br />

memory surface and the distance measure becomes zero, the tangent modulus is determined<br />

by a simple Ramberg-Osgood power law, which is fitted to the properties of the<br />

material under monotonic loading. The usage of two different equations for the tangent<br />

modulus – for repeated loading and for monotonic loading – is affirmed by tests conducted<br />

by Phillips [7].<br />

The fourth model in this comparison is formed by a two-surface model with a<br />

pure Mroz-type translational rule and the Dafalias equation for the tangent modulus.<br />

All parameter identifications for the considered models are performed by means<br />

of stochastic, respectively evolutional optimizing methods, using a least-square formulation<br />

of the object function. To use the material models for the calculation of the behaviour<br />

of the shear-loaded panels, their parameters are identified simultaneously by the results<br />

of four uniaxial tension-compression tests with specimen made of the considered<br />

aluminium alloy in the typical pretreatment state. The results of the tension-compression<br />

tests are fairly good approximated by all four described material models. An example<br />

is given for the Tseng-Lee model in Figure 15.4, where only the first tensile<br />

loadings are depicted.<br />

Since wide areas of cyclic shear-loaded and buckled panels exhibit non-proportional<br />

paths for one component of normal strain and the shear strain, special emphasis<br />

is laid on the capabilities of the material models in reproducing non-proportional hardening<br />

effects. Results of strain-controlled tension-torsion test (provided by G. Lange et<br />

al. [9], Institute of Material Science, Techn. Univ. Braunschweig) are used to examine<br />

the performance of the material models considering the effect of non-proportional hardening.<br />

The results of the simulation of a typical non-proportional strain path are shown<br />

in Figure 15.6. The first loading of the tubular specimen leads to pure shear. Then, the<br />

specimen is unloaded and a combined tension-torsion loading starts. After total unloading,<br />

this load cycle starts again. Obviously, the models using a pure Mroz-type translational<br />

rule show a poorer correlation with the test data, especially in the development<br />

of the tensile stress. In contrast, the models using the combined translational rules are<br />

able to give a good simulation of the behaviour even up to high cycle numbers.<br />

With one indicated exception, all results given in this paper, concerning the behaviour<br />

of shear-loaded panels at ambient temperature, are calculated with the described<br />

Tseng-Lee material model.<br /> Elevated temperature – visco-plastic problem<br />

The visco-plastic problem is treated with unified, respectively overstress material models.<br />

The models of Steck [10] (in an isothermal formulation, see Equations (2) and (3))<br />


and Chaboche [11] with several modifications are in examination. Several creep, stressand<br />

strain-controlled uniaxial tests were performed (supported by K.-T. Rie et al. [12],<br />

Institute of Surface Engineering and Plasmatechnology, Techn. Univ. Braunschweig) to<br />

provide results for the process of parameter identification. This is necessary because of<br />

the strongly underdetermined character of such a problem, and since it is known that a<br />

parameter identification with only one distinct type of test result usually cannot represent<br />

the properties of the material sufficiently.<br />

• Steck model:<br />

e_ in ˆ A1e<br />

V2r iso<br />

‰sinh …V1r eff †Š N sign …r eff † with r_ iso ˆ h1e<br />

r_ kin ˆ h2e …V1r iso V5r kin sign …r eff †† e_ in<br />

• Chaboche model:<br />

e_ in ˆ f<br />

K<br />

15.2 Numerical Model<br />

Figure 15.6: Results of tension-torsion tests compared to different material models.<br />

iso V3r<br />

je_ in iso V4r<br />

j A2e ; …2†<br />

A3 sinh …V6 r kin † and r eff ˆ r r kin : …3†<br />

N<br />

; for f > 0 with f_ ˆ D…T X† R_ ; X ˆ C 2<br />

3 aein<br />

X_e in<br />

and R_ ˆ c …Q R†e_ in : …4†<br />

Figure 15.7 depicts the results for the simulation of three creep tests with the Steck model<br />

and the basic Chaboche model (Equation (4)). The parameters of both models are simul-<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.7: Simulation of creep tests with the Steck and the basic Chaboche material model.<br />

taneously identified from the three creep tests. The creep rates of the uniaxial tests are of<br />

the same magnitude as the typical rates occurring in certain spots of the corresponding<br />

shear-panel tests. However, the results of Finite-Element calculations performed with<br />

these sets of material parameters are not in good correlation with the shear tests. It is assumed<br />

that better results – regarding the calculation of the behaviour of the shear panels –<br />

can be achieved if a fair approximation of a set of creep tests, tension tests at higher loading<br />

rates, and a special transient, stress-controlled test are achieved.<br />

The simultaneous identification of the parameters of the material models from<br />

those tests is performed by optimizing methods using a combination of gradient and<br />

stochastic algorithms. Unfortunately, parameter identifications with both models are not<br />

successful. Numerical experiments show that the main problem is the reproduction of<br />

the tension test at high loading rates (the result of a test at 1 MPa/s is depicted in Figure<br />

15.4). To avoid this problem, the overstress function of the Chaboche model is<br />

modified by adding a term accounting for additional, rate-independent inelastic strains.<br />

This “overlaying method” is among others described in [13] and [14]. Within the engineering<br />

approach, the interaction between both parts of inelastic strains is neglected.<br />

Good results are achieved with a very simple approximation of those rate-independent<br />

strains by a type of Ramberg-Osgood power law for isotropic hardening. It is the same<br />

approximation as it is assumed for the monotonic hardening regime within the rate-independent<br />

Tseng-Lee model described above. With this additional term, two new parameters<br />

are introduced into the material model. A very good starting value (regarding<br />


15.2 Numerical Model<br />

Figure 15.8: Simulation of creep tests with the modified Chaboche model (combined identification).<br />

further parameter identification of the complete material model) for those parameters<br />

can be found manually within a few iterations if it is assumed that the major part of<br />

the inelastic strain, occurring in a fast tension test (see Figure 15.4), is described only<br />

by this Ramberg-Osgood term. The approach without kinematic hardening is possible<br />

here since no inelastic orthotropy is present. As a matter of fact, no cyclic effects concerning<br />

this part of inelastic strains can be simulated. The results of a simultaneous<br />

identification of the parameters of this model are given in Figure 15.4 for the tension<br />

tests, in Figure 15.8 for the creep tests, and in Figure 15.9 for a transient test.<br />

Additional tests with notched specimen (measurement and processing of strain<br />

distribution was provided by R. Ritter and H. Friebe [15], Institute of Measurement<br />

Techniques and Experimental Mechanics, Techn. Univ. Braunschweig) were conducted<br />

to characterize the multiaxial behaviour of the considered material and to examine the<br />

accuracy of the material models in the multiaxial case. Figure 15.10 shows the measured<br />

strain distribution (left-hand side) and the numerical results (right-hand side)<br />

achieved with the modified Chaboche model for a creep test after 12 hours. The specimen<br />

was loaded to a nominal value of tensile stress of 180 MPa in the smallest cross<br />

section. Considering the resolution of the optical measuring method of 0.1–0.2% strain,<br />

the numerical results are in very good correlation with the test results. All results given<br />

in this paper concerning the behaviour of shear-loaded panels at elevated temperature<br />

are calculated with the described modified Chaboche material model.<br />


348<br />

15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.9: Simulation of transient tests with the modified Chaboche model (combined identification).<br />

Figure 15.10: Test and numerical results for a creep test with an inhomogeneous specimen.

15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

15.3.1 Test procedure<br />

All tests conducted on the test set-up PApS at ambient temperatures are incrementalstep<br />

tests. The temporal course of loading of the specimen at elevated temperature is<br />

controlled by a computer. In case of tests at elevated temperatures, the specimen is<br />

mounted loosely in the shear frame at ambient temperature first. Then, the shear frame<br />

and the panel are heated. After that, the 100 screws, which clamp the specimen between<br />

the halves of the shear frame, are tightened. This procedure avoids a preloading<br />

of the panel and the occurrence of significant thermal buckles due to the different thermal<br />

strains of the aluminium panel and the steel shear frame. Nevertheless, the imperfections<br />

of the panel at the beginning of the mechanical loading are slightly higher than<br />

in tests at room temperature. The angle of shear (see Figure 15.3) and the central deflection<br />

of the buckled panel are determined by inductive displacement transducers. Additionally,<br />

strain gauge rosettes are positioned at different points of the shear panels,<br />

and in some cases, the entire displacement field has been measured by means of engineering<br />

photogrammetry.<br />

15.3.2 Computational analysis<br />

15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

The shear panels are discretized with regular meshes as it is shown in Figure 15.11. Simulations<br />

of shear-angle-controlled tests are conducted with prescribed deformations of<br />

the edges of the panels. The resulting load is obtained by integrating the stress resultants<br />

along the edges. In case of load-controlled tests like creep tests, the rigid clamping<br />

of the panels is simulated by introducing constraints for the nodal deformations on<br />

the edges into the Finite-Element equation system. The load is then applied as a single<br />

force on one corner of the panel. An examination of the convergency of the spatial discretization<br />

of the panels showed that regular meshes with 20 ×20 elements are sufficient<br />

since a further refinement gives no significant improvement of the results for the<br />

central deflection (Figure 15.11) or the effective shear load. Since the computational effort<br />

– especially for the solution of the visco-plastic problem – is very high even<br />

16×16 element meshes are used. Meshes with refinements near the clamped boundaries<br />

of the panel improve the solution only when the whole mesh is very coarse. It<br />

has been shown by comparative analyses that the idealization of the panel with ten<br />

layers in thickness direction is sufficient for the rate-independent problem. Typical<br />

creep analyses are conducted with only seven layers without a significant loss of accuracy<br />

in the global and local results since the distribution of the inelastic strains along<br />

the cross section of the panels is more smooth than in the spontaneous plasticity problem.<br />

The determination of the critical time-step sizes related to accuracy and stability<br />

shall not be discussed here in detail. Numerical experiments show that the creep behaviour<br />

of the shear panels is reproduced within acceptable accuracy for the current param-<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.11: First loading of shear panels with a thickness of 1.4 mm.<br />

eters of the material model if a time-step of about 10 s is used at the very beginning of<br />

the creep process. This comparatively small time-step can be increased very rapidly.<br />

The critical time-step for stability can be determined also by numerical experiments<br />

and is larger than 160 s.<br /> Monotonic loading – ambient temperature<br />

Figure 15.11 shows some experimental and numerical results for the first loading of<br />

panels with 1.4 mm thickness at ambient temperature. The angle of shear is plotted versus<br />

the central deflection. For an undamaged plate, the first symmetric buckling mode<br />

always corresponds to the lowest eigenvalue. For this reason, the plate will buckle symmetrically.<br />

Within the pre- and the lower postbuckling range, the behaviour of the panels<br />

is strongly influenced by initial geometric imperfections. The influence of the geometric<br />

imperfections vanishes at least when the angle of shear reaches values of about<br />

0.12 8. As the first plastic deformation occurs at an angle of shear of about 0.2 8, the<br />

geometric imperfections do not affect the plastic deformation. Numerous numerical analyses<br />

show that the angle of shear at first yielding is approximately a constant for panel<br />

thicknesses between 1.2 mm and 3.0 mm.<br />

The first yielding takes place at a spot on the edges, where the main buckle is<br />

constrained by the clamping. Further load increase leads to a propagation of plastic regions<br />

at this spot and along the tension diagonal on the concave sides of the buckle.<br />


15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

The load-angle-of-shear diagram shows no direct influence of the first plastic deformations<br />

on the overall stiffness of the panels until – depending on the panel thickness –<br />

the angle of shear reaches values of 0.5 8 or more. Figure 15.12 a depicts theoretical results<br />

for the deformation state and current distribution of the tangent modulus in three<br />

planes of the plate for a 1.6 mm panel at different loading states. The tangent modulus<br />

is a measure for the local stiffness and the development of plastic strains since it represents<br />

the slope of the uniaxial reference-stress-strain curve of the material. Therefore, in<br />

the regime of elastic straining, its value is equal to the elastic modulus and decreases<br />

with increasing plastic loading. The distribution of the tangent modulus at an angle of<br />

shear of 0.35 8 (superceding the value of the critical buckling load by a factor of 20),<br />

which is shown on the left-hand side of Figure 15.12 a, shows still large areas of nearly<br />

elastic states. Higher loads lead to a distribution of the tangent modulus, which is<br />

shown on the right-hand side of Figure 15.12 a. In this case – at an angle of shear of<br />

0.6 8 –, the plastic regions cover the whole plate, and in the tension field, the plastic or<br />

tangent modulus decreases considerably due to large plastic deformations. From a comparison<br />

of the deformation states follows that the magnitude of the buckling deflections<br />

are not very much increased from the lower to the higher load as the load-carrying<br />

mechanism of the panel is shifted from bending to membrane tension.<br /> Cyclic loading – ambient temperature<br />

The load reversal represents the most critical point of the behaviour of the cyclically<br />

loaded panel since remaining deformations from prior plastic loading act like geometri-<br />

Figure 15.12 a: Deformation states and distributions of the plastic tangent modulus at maximum<br />

load.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.12 b: Deformation states and distributions of the effective plastic strain before snapthrough<br />

after different maximum loads.<br />

cal imperfections each time when zero load is passed. The computed distribution of the<br />

deflection and the corresponding distribution of the effective plastic strain at zero load<br />

are shown in Figure 15.12 b. As a matter of fact, the larger remaining deformations<br />

after higher loads lead to more intense snap-throughs from the current buckling form to<br />

the buckling form after load reversal with buckles perpendicular to the former ones.<br />

This can be seen in Figure 15.13, where the results of the first cycle of shear tests<br />

(1.4 mm panel thickness) at increasing amplitudes of the applied load, respectively of<br />

the angle of shear, are illustrated. Due to inevitable small disturbances in the tests, the<br />

direction of the central deflection after passing zero load is not predictable. Therefore,<br />

there are two possible paths of the central deflection after each snap-through.<br />

With increasing load amplitude, the snap-through becomes more complicated<br />

since it can run through different even unsymmetric buckling forms as intermediate<br />

states. In cases when the central deflection has the same sign in both load extrema, the<br />

load reversal can lead to a “double-snap-through” with an intermediate state with opposite<br />

central deflection. For the theoretical computations, a change of the deformation<br />

path after reaching the bifurcation point at load reversal – the so-called branch switching<br />

– is obtained by using small geometric imperfections or disturbances corresponding<br />

to the desired buckling mode. In cases of a more intense and complicated snap-through<br />

behaviour, the described dynamic method is used. In this case, the branch switching is<br />

managed by applying a suitable distribution of accelerations, which disturbs the system<br />

and induces the dynamic snap-through procedure. This is illustrated in Figure 15.14,<br />

where the subsequent deformation states and the distribution of the velocity normal to<br />

the plate in a moment corresponding to the depicted intermediate deformation state are<br />

shown.<br />


15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

Figure 15.13: Angle of shear vs. central deflection, results for 1.4 mm panels at different load amplitudes.<br />

Figure 15.14: Dynamic snap-through, deformations and velocity distribution.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.15: Angle of shear vs. central deflection, results for 1.6 mm panels at very high load<br />

amplitude (left) and at higher numbers of cycles (right).<br />

The snap-through in Figure 15.14 was computed in the first cycle of a cyclic<br />

shear test (panel thickness 1.6 mm) at the very high amplitude of the angle of shear of<br />

0.7 8. The results for the central deflection of this test are given in Figure 15.15. Additionally<br />

to the numerical results achieved with the Tseng-Lee model, the starting- and<br />

ending points of the first and second snap-through computed with the Mroz model are<br />

shown in this figure. As can be easily seen, the accuracy of the used material model<br />

has a large influence on the reproduction of the snap-through behaviour since it depends<br />

strongly on the remaining plastic deformations at the bifurcation points. In most<br />

cases, the repeated buckling behaviour remains the same after the second load cycle. In<br />

this test, the cyclic buckling behaviour did not change. Only in one of 22 cyclic tests, a<br />

random behaviour in changing the sign of the central deflection was observed. Furthermore,<br />

Figure 15.15 shows that the global cyclic load-deformation course is obviously<br />

stabilized after the second cycle, and the results for the 10th and 50th cycle are nearly<br />

identical. Since the correlations between numerical results and test results are fairly<br />

good, the numerical model is applied to different aspect ratios (a/b, see Figure 15.3). In<br />

Figure 15.16, the development of the central deflection and the buckling pattern of two<br />

panels with different aspect ratios are shown. Typical results, which can be used in the<br />

design of shear panels for defining the distance of stringers and frames, are shown in<br />

Figure 15.17.<br />


15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

Figure 15.16: Buckling modes and central deflection, cyclic loading, aspect ratios a/b = 1.5 and<br />

2.0.<br />

Figure 15.17: Load at angle of shear of 0.3 8 and 0.5 8 vs. thickness, different aspect ratios.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br /> Time-dependent behaviour<br />

The general buckling behaviour and the buckling mode of panels loaded at 200 8C are<br />

very similar to those at room temperature. Results for the monotonic first loading of<br />

panels at different temperatures are shown in Figure 15.18. The loading rate for the<br />

tests at elevated temperature is 0.17 kN/s. It is known from the parameter identification<br />

of the material models, that the tangent modulus at the beginning of loading at 200 8C<br />

is only 10% smaller than at room temperature. Therefore, the “global stiffness”, which<br />

means the ratio between the global angle of shear and the load, is nearly the same for<br />

all examined temperatures in the prebuckling regime. When the panel starts to buckle,<br />

the occurring bending stresses together with the shear stress lead to early inelastic<br />

strains, which yield a stronger decrease of the global stiffness than at room temperature.<br />

Further analyses show that in the range of panel thicknesses between 1.2 and<br />

1.8 mm, an increase of the panel thickness of approximately 0.2 mm covers the loss of<br />

global stiffness in the postbuckling regime due to the increase of the temperature from<br />

208C to 2008C. The development of the central deflection during monotonic loading<br />

of the shear panels at 200 8C is almost equal to the situation at room temperature if the<br />

postbuckling regime is concerned. The theoretical buckling loads at 200 8C tend to be<br />

slightly higher, but due to the undetermined imperfections, a proper measurement of<br />

this effect is impossible. The influence of different loading rates on the monotonic be-<br />

Figure 15.18: Load vs. angle of shear for 1.6 mm panels at different temperatures.<br />


15.3 Experimental and Numerical Results<br />

Figure 15.19: Angle of shear vs. time for different creep tests, thickness 1.6 mm.<br />

haviour of the panels is up to now examined between 0.17 kN/s and 0.01 kN/s. All<br />

loading rates lead to no significant changes in the monotonic behaviour regarding buckling<br />

load and postbuckling stiffness within the normal scatter of the test data.<br />

Figure 15.19 depicts results of creep tests. The theoretical creep rates in the global<br />

stationary creep regime are in good correlation with the measurements. The creep rates<br />

in the primary phase are underestimated by the numerical model, especially at lower<br />

load levels since there is no smooth transition between loading and creep phase. This is<br />

not only a problem of the description of the primary and secondary creep behaviour of<br />

the material since there is a second more geometric non-linear effect. In this first creep<br />

phase, a more rapid relaxation of the bending stresses due to the buckling must take<br />

place. In the case of spontaneous plasticity, the increase of the load reduces the share<br />

of bending within the whole load-carrying mechanism and the tension component<br />

along the diagonal increases. During a creep process, this load-carrying state is reached<br />

due to the permanent generation of inelastic strains. The used numerical model gives<br />

better results for the first creep phase if this tension load-carrying state is already<br />

reached during the loading phase by applying higher creep loads (Figure 15.19). The<br />

development of the central deflection indicates only small changes in the deformation<br />

of the panel during creep. The creep test at a load of 65 kN shown in Figure 15.19<br />

yields to an increase of the central deflection of 0.7 mm within the first 360 min. Tests<br />

at lower creep rates yield even lower increases of the central deflection.<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

Figure 15.20: Increase of the angle of shear after 360 min.<br />

Figure 15.20 illustrates the influence of creep load and panel thickness on the<br />

creep rates. In this figure, the creep-shear angle is defined as the difference between the<br />

shear angle at the start of the creep process and the value after 360 min giving an integral<br />

measure for the occurring creep rates.<br />

Finally, Figure 15.21 shows the computed development of the effective inelastic<br />

strain for a creep test at 35 kN. The distributions at the start of the creep process on the<br />

left-hand side are scaled by factor 10 4 , and those at the end of the creep process on the<br />

right-hand side of Figure 15.21 by factor 10 3 . In general, the distributions are again<br />

similar to those of the rate-independent problem. During the creep process, the highest<br />

increases of the inelastic strain can be found at the corners on the lower side and along<br />

the edges on the upper side in the vicinity of the tension diagonal.<br />

15.4 Conclusion<br />

The combination of numerous experimental results and a well-established numerical model<br />

give a good insight of the behaviour of shear-buckled aluminium panels as far as the behaviour<br />

at monotonic, cyclic and creep loading is concerned. In case of the rate-independent<br />

problem, the Tseng-Lee material model is best suited to simulate the inelastic behaviour<br />

of the material under consideration since this model describes the effect of non-pro-<br />


portional loading very accurately. The visco-plastic problem is treated with the Chaboche<br />

material model. To describe the material behaviour at higher load levels, an additional rateindependent<br />

term is added to the Chaboche model. Very high amplitudes of the external<br />

shear loads in cyclic tests require a Finite-Element method with an algorithm accounting for<br />

dynamic effects to describe the complex snap-through behaviour. The simulation of the<br />

behaviour of panels with different geometries was performed successfully. The accuracy<br />

of the developed method is proved by the fact that very good results are achieved for durability<br />

analyses using the output of the numerical simulations as input.<br />

List of Symbols<br />

List of Symbols<br />

Figure 15.21: Effective inelastic strain distributions for a creep test at 35 kN; left-hand-side: factor<br />

10 4 , t=5 min; right-hand side: factor 10 3 , t=360 min.<br />

C matrix of in-plane, coupling and bending stiffness<br />

D yield tensor<br />

F area of the plate midsurface<br />

p discrete force vector<br />

v vector of the midplane displacements<br />

r vector of membrane forces and bending moments, properties<br />

of the 2. Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor<br />

c * vector of the in-plane and bending strain with Green-Lagrange properties<br />


15 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour<br />

a, Ai,Vi,N, K, Q, C, c<br />

parameters of the material models<br />

e in<br />

uniaxial inelastic strain<br />

r uniaxial stress<br />

[...] t<br />

state t<br />

References<br />

[1] K. Wolf: Untersuchungen zum Beul- und Nachbeulverhalten schubbeanspruchter Teilschalen<br />

aus kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kunststoff. Inst. f. Flugzeugbau u. Leichtbau, Technische<br />

Universität Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

[2] P. Horst: Zum Beulverhalten dünner, bis in den plastischen Bereich zyklisch durch Schub<br />

belasteter Aluminiumplatten. ZLR-Forschungsbericht 91-01, ISBN 3-9802073-5-8, Inst. f.<br />

Flugzeugbau u. Leichtbau, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1991.<br />

[3] J.L. Chaboche: A Review of Computational Methods for Cyclic Plasticity and Viscoplasticity.<br />

Proc. of Int. Conference: Computational Plasticity – Models, Software and Applications,<br />

Barcelona, 1987, pp. 379–411.<br />

[4] J. Knippers: Eine gemischt-hybride FE Methode für viskoplastische Flächentragwerke unter<br />

dynamischen Einwirkungen. Berichte aus dem Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Heft 18, ISBN<br />

3-79831548-5, Technische Universität Berlin, 1993.<br />

[5] H. Kossira, P. Horst: Cyclic Shear Loading of Aluminium Panels with Regard to Buckling<br />

and Plasticity. Thin-Walled Structures 11 (1991) 65–84.<br />

[6] P. Horst, H. Kossira, G. Arnst: On the Performance of Different Elasto-Plastic Material<br />

Models Applied to Cyclic Shear-Buckling. Proc. of the Int. ECCS-Colloquim: On the Buckling<br />

of Shell Structures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air, Lyon, France, 1991.<br />

[7] A. Phillips: A Review of Quasistatic Experimental Plasticity and Viscoplasticity. Int. J. Plasticity<br />

2 (1986) 315–328.<br />

[8] N.T. Tseng, G.C. Lee: Simple Plasticity Model of Two-Surface-Type. J. Engg. Mech. 109<br />

(1983) 795–810.<br />

[9] W. Gieseke, K.R. Hillert, G. Lange: Material State after Uni- and Biaxial Cyclic Deformation.<br />

This book (Chapter 2).<br />

[10] H. Schlums, E. Steck: Description of Cyclic Deformation Processes with a Stochastic Model<br />

for Inelastic Behaviour of Metals. Int. Jour. Plasticity 8 (1992) 147.<br />

[11] J.L. Chaboche, G. Rousselier: On the Plastic and Viscoplastic Constitutive Equations –<br />

Part I: Rules Developed with Internal Variable Concept. J. Pressure Vessel Technology<br />

(ASME) 105 (1983) 153–158.<br />

[12] K.-T. Rie, H. Wittke, J. Olfe: Plasticity of Metals and Life Prediction in the Range of Low-<br />

Cycle Fatigue: Description of Deformation Behaviour and Creep-Fatigue Interaction. This<br />

book (Chapter 3).<br />

[13] E.-R. Tirpitz, M. Schwesig: A Unified Model Approach Combining Rate-Dependent and<br />

Rate-Independent Plasticity. Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials –<br />

3, Berlin, 1992, pp. 411–417.<br />

[14] E.-R. Tirpitz: Elastoplastische Erweiterung von viskoplastischen Stoffmodellen für Metalle –<br />

Theorie, Numerik und Anwendung. Report 92-70, Inst. of Structural Mechanics, Techn.<br />

Univ. Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

[15] R. Ritter, H. Friebe: Experimental Determination of Deformation- and Strain Fields by Optical<br />

Measuring Methods. This book (Chapter 13).<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application<br />

of Deformation Models, Describing the Inelastic<br />

Behaviour of Welded Joints<br />

Helmut Wohlfahrt* and Dirk Brinkmann**<br />

16.1 Introduction<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)<br />

The local loads and deformations in welded joints have rarely been investigated under<br />

the aspect that the mechanical behaviour is influenced by different kinds of microstructure<br />

[1]. These different kinds of microstructure lead to multiaxial states of stresses and<br />

strains, and some investigations [2–4] have shown that for the determination of the total<br />

state of deformation of a welded joint, the locally different deformation behaviour<br />

has to be taken into account. It is also published that different mechanical properties in<br />

the heat-affected zone (HAZ) [5] as well as a weld metal with a lower strength as the<br />

base metal [6] can be the reason or the starting point of a fracture in welded joints. A<br />

new investigation demonstrates [7] that in TIG-welded joints of the high strength steel<br />

StE 690, a fine-grained area in the heat-affected zone with a lower strength than that of<br />

the base metal is exclusively the starting zone of fracture under cyclic loading in the<br />

fully compressive range. These investigations support the approach described here that<br />

the mechanical behaviour of the different kinds of microstructure in the heat-affected<br />

zone of welded joints has to be taken into account in the deformation analysis. The influences<br />

of these inhomogeneities on the local deformation behaviour of welded joints<br />

were determined by experiments and numerical calculations over a wide range of temperature<br />

and loading. The numerical deformation analysis was performed with the<br />

method of Finite Elements, in which recently developed deformation models simulate<br />

the mechanical behaviour of materials over the tested range of temperature and loading<br />

conditions.<br />

The starting point of these investigations was the question if such deformation<br />

models are able to describe the deformation behaviour of welded joints sufficiently.<br />

* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Schweißtechnik und Werkstofftechnologie,<br />

Langer Kamp 8, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

** Volkswagen AG, D-38436 Wolfsburg, Germany<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

16.2 Materials and Numerical Methods<br />

16.2.1 Materials and welded joints<br />

The investigations were carried out with the microalloyed steel StE 460, of which the<br />

microstructure in the normalized state consists of ferrite and minor amounts of bainite<br />

and pearlite. The hardness has a value of 220 HV. The chemical composition is listed<br />

in Table 16.1.<br />

For the deformation analysis, manual arc weldings were manufactured with two<br />

different widths of the weld seam (24 mm and 16 mm) using the same welding parameters<br />

– with the exception of the number of layers – and the same welding electrodes.<br />

The different joints were welded by varying the distance between the two welded<br />

plates. The chemical composition of the electrodes is also given in Table 16.1 and the<br />

welding parameters (Uw=22.5 V, Iw=170 A, vw=0.2 cm/s) lead to a heat input per<br />

unit length of 20 kJ/cm, which is on the upper limit for the use of these electrodes.<br />

Microsections and hardness distributions of the welded joints show clearly the<br />

three different sections of the joints base metal, heat-affected zone and weld metal<br />

(Figures 16.1 and 16.2).<br />

The microsections and the hardness distributions were not only used to identify these<br />

different zones, but also to establish Finite-Element models for the calculations. Detailed<br />

experimental and numerical investigations indicated that the heat-affected zone must also<br />

be divided into zones because the mechanical properties are not constant over its width.<br />

On the basis of the microsections, four significantly different kinds of microstructure<br />

could be identified. The differences between these kinds of microstructure are caused<br />

by the peak temperature and the number of weld cycles. To gain the mechanical properties<br />

of each microstructure, it must be identified and then prepared in specimens with a<br />

large diameter and a large measurement length by using the so-called weld simulation.<br />

During the weld simulation, various specimens of the base metal were conductively<br />

heated up to different peak temperatures and then cooled under nitrogen with different<br />

t 8,5-cooling times. The simulation parameters for each structure can be determined<br />

first of all numerically by using the thermal conduction equation and subsequently<br />

optimized experimentally by comparison with microsections. The specimens<br />

with homogeneously simulated microstructures over a measurement length of 25 up to<br />

30 mm were used in tensile tests, creep tests and tension-compression tests. Micrographs<br />

of all four kinds of microstructure are shown in Figure 16.3. The various microstructures<br />

are listed in Table 16.2 together with their hardness values.<br />

Table 16.1: Chemical composition of the base metal StE 460 and the weld electrodes.<br />

362<br />

C Si Mn P N Cu Ni<br />

StE 460 0.14% 0.45% 1.62% 0.012% 0.006% 0.021% 0.56% Nb, V, S<br />

Tenacito 70 0.06% 0.5% 1.6% – – – 0.9%

16.2 Materials and Numerical Methods<br />

Figure 16.1: Microsections of manual arc-welded joints of the steel StE 460; up: width of the<br />

weld metal: 24 mm; down: width of the weld metal: 16 mm.<br />

Figure 16.2: Areas of the welded joints with hardness values below 230 HV (grey: base metal,<br />

weld metal) and above 230 HV (black: HAZ).<br />

In addition to the investigations with the four kinds of microstructure of the heat-affected<br />

zone, the same mechanical tests were carried out with the base metal and the<br />

weld metal. The specimens containing the weld metal were taken from welded joints<br />

vertical to the weld seam. They were machined in that way that in the mechanical tests,<br />

the deformation is concentrated in the weld metal.<br />


364<br />

16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.3: Microstructure of the base metal and microstructures N, F, C and M in the heat-affected<br />

zone (from left to right).<br />

Table 16.2: Kinds of investigated microstructures and Vickers hardness.<br />

State of material Microstructure Hardness Notice<br />

Base metal Ferrite (bainite, pearlite) 220 HV<br />

Microstructure N Ferrite (bainite, pearlite) 230 HV fine-grained as base metal<br />

Microstructure F Ferrite (bainite, pearlite) 270 HV fine-grained as base metal<br />

Microstructure C Bainite, martensite 280 HV<br />

Microstructure M Martensite (bainite) 375 HV<br />

Weld metal – 220 HV

16.2.2 Deformation models and numerical methods<br /> Deformation model of Gerdes<br />

In these investigations, the high-temperature formulation of the deformation model of<br />

Gerdes [8] was used:<br />

e_in ˆ C1 exp<br />

r_kin ˆ H1E exp<br />

R1 exp<br />

Fh<br />

RT<br />

jr rkinj<br />

r0<br />

n1<br />

sinh<br />

d1 bA h rkin sign …reff†<br />

RT<br />

Fh<br />

RT sinh<br />

bA h rkin<br />

RT<br />

e_in<br />

bA h …r rkin†<br />

RT<br />

; …1†<br />

; …2†<br />

A_ h ˆ dV1je_inj‡dV2jrj‡dV3 : …3†<br />

The model parameter r 0, which is used for the stress standardization, was substituted<br />

by the Young’s modulus. The time-dependency of the activation volume is described<br />

by a three-parametric function and is only used for the simulation of cyclic tests.<br /> Fitting calculations<br />

16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

The fitting calculations were carried out in cooperation with project number B1 with an<br />

evolution algorithm to gain the model parameters for the calculations. The parameter<br />

calculations were performed here only phenomenologically for each temperature and<br />

each kind of microstructure. Additionally, the different types of tests were simulated<br />

separately because the qualities of the model parameters became much better then, and<br />

the fitting calculations needed even less time than the parameter estimations made for<br />

common tensile and creep tests.<br />

16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

All investigations were carried out to prove whether deformation models are able to describe<br />

the mechanical behaviour of the steel StE 460, of four significant kinds of microstructure<br />

of this steel and of the weld metal of manual arc weldings. Tensile, creep and<br />

tension-compression tests were performed over a wide range of temperatures (room<br />

temperature up to 700 8C) and loading conditions in order to characterize the mechanical<br />

behaviour of each state of the base metal.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

16.3.1 Experimental and numerical investigations<br /> Tensile tests<br />

The results of the tensile tests made at room temperature are registered in Figure 16.4. The<br />

base metal and the weld metal show a clearly visible yield strength, which is highly pronounced<br />

in the base-metal deformation, whereas a proof strength has to be attributed to the<br />

various kinds of microstructure produced through weld simulation. The arrangement of<br />

the stress-strain curves in Figure 16.4 corresponds with the hardness values. The microstructure<br />

M with the highest hardness values has the highest flow stresses. For the parameter<br />

estimation, the stress-strain curve of the base metal has to be filtered so that the yield<br />

strength is transformed into a proof strength. The fitting calculations with the deformation<br />

model of Gerdes indicate that the mechanical behaviour of the various kinds of microstructure<br />

and the weld metal can be described sufficiently well, but differences arise in<br />

the simulation of the stress-strain curve of the base metal and its yield strength cannot<br />

be simulated by the deformation model. The largest differences occur in the yieldstrength<br />

range, where the stress values are underestimated. At large strains (≥3%), the<br />

experimental and the calculated values differ less. The calculated stress-strain curve of<br />

the high strength microstructure M shows a stress state of saturation, whereas a steadystrain<br />

hardening is observed in the experiments with this kind of microstructure.<br />

The tensile tests carried out at 300 8C show very similar results as the tests at<br />

room temperature (Figure 16.5). The arrangement of the stress-strain curves has the<br />

same order and corresponds also to hardness values. The mechanical behaviour of the<br />

base metal differs from that at room temperature because the yield strength of the base<br />

Figure 16.4: Stress-strain curves of the investigated microstructures at room temperature; symbols:<br />

experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />


16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

Figure 16.5: Stress-strain curves of the investigated microstructures at 3008C; symbols: experimental<br />

curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />

metal is not as pronounced as at room temperature. Comparing Figure 16.4 and Figure<br />

16.5, one sees that at strains above 3%, the strength values of all microstructures are<br />

higher at 300 8C than at room temperature. The Young’s modulus of all microstructures<br />

decreased to a value of 170 000 MPa. The mechanical behaviour of all kinds of microstructure<br />

can be described again sufficiently by the fitting calculations and here, the<br />

yield strength of the base metal is also adequately simulated. Only the calculated<br />

stress-strain curve of the microstructure M includes a stress state of saturation at large<br />

strains although the real stress-strain curve exhibits a strain-hardening behaviour.<br />

The stress-strain curves at 500 8C (Figure 16.6) are again arranged in the same order<br />

as at room temperature. At this temperature, the base metal shows no yield-strength effects<br />

and its stress-strain curve is nearly the same as the curve of the microstructure N. The<br />

stress-strain curve of the microstructure M reveals a softening behaviour at large<br />

strains, and the differences between the curves of the structures M and C decreased.<br />

The fitting calculations carried out by using a Young’s modulus of 150000 MPa simulate<br />

the mechanical behaviour of all kinds of microstructure very well, only the softening of the<br />

microstructure M is unsuitably modelled with a stress state of saturation.<br />

It can be seen in Figure 16.7 that the stress-strain curves taken at 700 8C are not<br />

arranged in the same order as at room temperature. At 700 8C, the base metal has a<br />

higher strength than the microstructures N and F because the especially low grain size<br />

of these two microstructures favours plastic deformation at high temperatures. The two<br />

high strength microstructures M and C show a softening behaviour caused by a transformation<br />

of the microstructure. The fitting calculations (Young’s modulus=130<br />

000 MPa) correspond relatively well with the experimental results although the<br />

softening behaviour is unsuitably modelled by horizontal lines.<br />


368<br />

16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.6: Stress-strain curves of the investigated microstructures at 5008C; symbols: experimental<br />

curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />

Figure 16.7: Stress-strain curves of the investigated microstructures at 7008C; symbols: experimental<br />

curve; lines: fitted curve. Creep tests<br />

16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

The creep tests were carried out at 500 8C and 700 8C. Already at 500 8C (loading:<br />

275 MPa), all kinds of microstructure show a remarkable creep (Figure 16.8). The order<br />

of all creep curves agrees within the range of reproducibility with the results of the<br />

tensile tests. The differences between the base metal and the microstructure N and the<br />

differences between the microstructures M and C are very small. The fitting calculations<br />

show a very good applicability of the deformation model of Gerdes to the creep<br />

behaviour of all microstructures. Differences between the experiments and the calculations<br />

are not noticeable in Figure 16.8.<br />

The analysis of the creep behaviour at 700 8C (loading: 50 MPa) reveals results<br />

analogous to those of the tensile tests. The highest creep strains occur in the microstructures<br />

F and N (Figure 16.9), whereas the smallest creep strains occur in the microstructures<br />

C and M. The base metal takes a middle position of all creep curves. The behaviour<br />

of the microstructures F and N is highly influenced by the fine-grained microstructure,<br />

which favours the plastic deformation. The fitting calculations simulate the<br />

creep behaviour sufficiently well. The softening behaviour of the two microstructures<br />

M and C caused by a transformation of the microstructure is modelled as steady-state<br />

creep. It must be stated that it cannot be anticipated to find the consequences of the<br />

transformation in the results because this behaviour has not been implemented in the<br />

model equations.<br />

Figure 16.8: Creep curves of the investigated microstructures at 5008C, loading: 275 MPa; symbols:<br />

experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.9: Creep curves of the investigated microstructures at 700 8C, loading: 50 MPa; symbols:<br />

experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br /> Cyclic tension-compression tests<br />

Strain-controlled cyclic tension-compression tests were performed with varying strain<br />

amplitudes at room temperature (±0.6%) and at 5008C (±0.4%). The strain rates of the<br />

tests lie between 1 · 10 –4 1/s and 5 ·10 –4 1/s. The fitting calculations were made in two<br />

steps because of the hardening or softening behaviour found in the different kinds of<br />

microstructure. In the first step, the first five cycles of the tension-compression tests<br />

were used to estimate the first model parameters. If necessary, these model parameters<br />

were utilized in the second step as the starting set of parameters for new parameter estimations<br />

to simulate the behaviour during the whole tension-compression tests.<br />

Figure 16.10 shows the results of the first five cycles of all microstructures at<br />

room temperature (strain rate: e_ ˆ 5 10 4 l/s). The order of all curves is the same as<br />

that of the stress-strain curves achieved from tensile tests. The base metal exhibits a<br />

pronounced yield strength, which has to be filtered for the fitting calculations. The<br />

mathematical simulations describe the mechanical behaviour of all microstructures sufficiently<br />

although the yield strength cannot be modelled by the deformation model. The<br />

cyclic hardening of all microstructures can be described by the model.<br />

Figure 16.11 contains the stress-time curves of all microstructures over the complete<br />

testing time. The printed symbols are the points of return in the fully tension<br />

range. It can be seen that all microstructures with the exception of the base metal soften<br />

after the first hardening cycles. The hardening period lasts about 5 cycles and the<br />

softening leads very fast (10 to 20 cycles) to a state of cyclic saturation. Only the base<br />

metal already softens from the beginning of the test, and the cyclic state of saturation<br />

is reached after less cycles.<br />


16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

Figure 16.10: Stress-time curves of the investigated microstructures at room temperature, first five<br />

cycles, strain amplitude: ±0.6%; symbols: experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />

Figure 16.11: Stress-time curves of the investigated microstructures at room temperature, 200 cycles,<br />

strain amplitude: ±0.6%; symbols: experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

In Figure 16.12, a photo taken with the transmission electron microscope shows<br />

the saturated state of the base metal. The state of saturation can be identified through<br />

the array of dislocations in a cell structure. The fitting calculations made in the second<br />

step indicate that the deformation model of Gerdes is not able to simulate the cyclic<br />

softening behaviour of all microstructures. Figure 16.11 demonstrates that the stresses<br />

in the initial hardening range were underestimated and in the following softening range<br />

overestimated. The model describes the state of saturation by a horizontal line for all<br />

microstructures.<br />

The results of cyclic tension-compression tests carried out at 5008C are represented<br />

in the following figures (strain rate: e_ ˆ 5 10 4 l/s). Figure 16.13 contains the<br />

first five cycles of the tension-compression tests of all microstructures. The curves are<br />

arranged in the same order as the curves of the tensile tests.<br />

The cyclic behaviour agrees with the results found at room temperature. It can be<br />

seen that all microstructures with exception of the base metal firstly harden and then<br />

soften during the cyclic loading (Figure 16.14). The amounts of hardening and softening<br />

are not as high as at room temperature. The fitting calculations simulated the first<br />

five cycles of the stress-strain behaviour sufficiently (Figure 16.13). Because of the relatively<br />

weak softening behaviour, the model parameters achieved from the first five<br />

cycles could also be used to describe the behaviour during all following cycles. A second<br />

fitting improves the quality of the parameters only insignificantly.<br />

It can be seen from Figure 16.14 that all curves lead after few cycles to states of<br />

cyclic saturation. The cyclic stress-time curves of all microstructures can be simulated<br />

sufficiently well by the deformation model. But, as to be seen, the cyclic softening<br />

after the cyclic hardening cannot be described by the model. The stresses are underestimated<br />

in the range of hardening and overestimated in the range of softening, but the<br />

differences between the experiments and calculations remain relatively small.<br />

16.3.2 Discussion<br />

All results indicate that recently developed deformation models can be successfully applied<br />

to describe the mechanical behaviour of a microalloyed steel and of the different<br />

microstructures identified in the heat-affected zone of its weldings. But, in view of accuracy<br />

and calculation time, it is useful for all fitting calculations to estimate the parameters<br />

separately for each microstructure, each temperature and each testing sequence.<br />

The fitting calculations are carried out phenomenologically as it was not possible<br />

to find relations between model parameters and microstructural parameters. Some<br />

special aspects of the mechanical behaviour of the microalloyed steel and its various<br />

kinds of microstructure cannot be modelled by the deformation model of Gerdes.<br />

Firstly, the simulation of the yield strength is not successful because the stresses in this<br />

range are underestimated and the model calculates only a proof strength. Secondly, the<br />

softening behaviour of some kinds of microstructure at high temperatures cannot be described<br />

with the deformation model. The model simulates the softening behaviour<br />

through a steady-state behaviour. This behaviour is also detectable in the simulation of<br />

cyclic tension-compression tests. In this case, the hardening and softening behaviour is<br />


16.3 Investigations with Homogeneous Structures<br />

Figure 16.12: TEM-photo of the state of saturation due to cyclic loading, base metal at room temperature<br />

after 200 cycles.<br />

Figure 16.13: Stress-time curves of the investigated microstructures at 5008C, first five cycles,<br />

strain amplitude: ±0.4%; symbols: experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.14: Stress-time curves of the investigated microstructures at 5008C, 200 cycles, strain<br />

amplitude: ±0.4%; symbols: experimental curve; lines: fitted curve.<br />

also modelled by a steady-state or saturation behaviour. The experimentally observed<br />

saturation behaviour of all microstructures is modelled sufficiently well.<br />

From these results, a simplification for the Finite-Element calculations of the deformation<br />

behaviour of welded joints can be derived. In order to lower the calculation<br />

time, the number of zones in the heat-affected zone can be reduced if the mechanical<br />

behaviour of the microstructures is nearly the same.<br />

16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints<br />

The deformation behaviour of welded joints was investigated with the two kinds of<br />

welded specimens, which differ in the width of the weld seam (see Section 16.2.1).<br />

Tensile tests at room temperature were made to find the strain distributions during loading,<br />

and calculations were performed with the Finite-Element code ABAQUS with the<br />

same control of the strain rate as in the experiments.<br />


16.4.1 Deformation behaviour of welded joints<br /> Experimental investigations<br />

The experiments to gain the strain distributions were performed in cooperation with the<br />

project C2. In these experiments, flat specimens taken from the welded joints vertical<br />

to the weld seam were tested in tensile tests with the same strain control as in the tests<br />

with the homogeneous structures. The strain distributions were determined with the<br />

grating method [9]. For reasons of symmetry and of the grating size, only less than one<br />

half of the welded specimens was observed during the tests. The inspected regions<br />

were the heat-affected zone, the weld metal and small parts of the base metal. The<br />

welded specimens show relatively large rigid body motions during the tests so that reference<br />

objects had to be fixed to the specimens. These reference objects are subject to<br />

the same rigid body motions as the welded specimens, but they are not deformed during<br />

the tests. With these object motions, the fictitious strains can be detected and thus,<br />

the real strains can be determined.<br /> Numerical investigations<br />

16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints<br />

For the numerical investigations, the Finite-Element code ABAQUS has been used in<br />

cooperation with the project B1.<br /> Finite-Element models of welded joints<br />

The Finite-Element meshes of the welded joints have been derived from hardness distributions<br />

and microsections. It turned out during the investigations that only those points<br />

had to be determined describing the transition from the base metal to the heat-affected<br />

zone and from the heat-affected zone to the weld seam (see Figure 16.2). Then, the<br />

mesh for the heat-affected zone was modelled with four equidistant zones containing<br />

the information of the mechanical behaviour of the affiliated microstructures. The Finite-Element<br />

calculations were performed with the model parameters gained from the<br />

room-temperature fittings. After the first experiments, it could be observed that the deformations<br />

are concentrated in the weld metal so that it should be possible to model<br />

the heat-affected zone with one microstructure only. In some calculations, the heat-affected<br />

zone was modelled only with the microstructure C. This procedure reduces the<br />

calculation times for the tensile test simulation with ABAQUS. Therefore, the following<br />

sections include calculations for 6-material models (weld metal, four regions of the<br />

HAZ, base metal) and 3-material models (weld metal, HAZ, base metal).<br /> Calculation of the deformation behaviour of welded joints<br />

For the Finite-Element calculations, the same control of the strain rate as in the real<br />

tensile tests was used. The load was attached as a boundary condition on one side of<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

the Finite-Element mesh. The first calculations revealed that the calculation times are<br />

very high in comparison to the real tests. The cpu-time to calculate a tensile test of 900<br />

seconds was about 20000 cpu-seconds with the 6-material model (2300 elements) and<br />

about 4000 cpu-seconds with the 3-material model (900 elements). A serious problem<br />

for the Finite-Element calculations is the time-stepping during the first part of the simulation<br />

(0 to 40 seconds). During this period, the time-steps for the numerical integration<br />

of the model equations are reduced from 5 seconds to 0.05 seconds because the differences<br />

between the material properties of the weld seam and the microstructures M or C<br />

are too large for greater time-steps in order to calculate the equilibrium state.<br />

16.4.2 Strain distributions of welded joints with broad weld seams<br />

The first investigations with welded structures were carried out with tensile specimens<br />

with a weld metal length of about 24 mm. The analysis of the measured strain distributions<br />

during loading shows the following results. The first remarkable strains occur in<br />

the weld metal possessing the lowest flow stresses of all microstructures. The deformations<br />

in the heat-affected zone and in the base metal are smaller. Figure 16.15 illustrates<br />

the distributions of the longitudinal strains measured with the grating method at a<br />

stage of 2.2% medium strain of the whole specimen. Only the strains in the weld-metal<br />

zone and in the heat-affected zone are visible because the grating was fixed only on<br />

these zones. The longitudinal strains have maximum values of about 4.8% in the weldmetal<br />

and less than 1% in the heat-affected zone. The curvature of the strain isolines indicates<br />

that the soft weld metal is backed up by the harder heat-affected zone. The hindered<br />

vertical deformations in the transition zone between weld-metal and heat-affected<br />

zone influence not only the vertical strains (Figure 16.15 right) but also the distribution<br />

of the longitudinal strains (Figure 16.15 left).<br />

The strain calculations made with a 6-material model show nearly the same results<br />

(Figure 16.16) as the experiments, but there are also some differences. The first<br />

remarkable strains occur in the heat-affected zone in the region of the microstructures<br />

N and F because they have a proof strength lower than the yield strength of the base<br />

metal. But at a medium strain stage of 2.2%, the longitudinal strains in the weld metal<br />

are much higher than the strains in the heat-affected zone. The calculated values reach<br />

3.4% in the weld-metal and less than 1% in the heat-affected zone. The strains in the<br />

base metal are already higher than in the heat-affected zone but smaller than in the<br />

weld metal. The backing up of the soft weld metal by the harder heat-affected zone is<br />

also determined. At the points, where the contact faces between weld-metal and heat-affected<br />

zone break through the free surfaces, singularities appear in the calculated stress<br />

and strain distributions. These singularities are caused by the sudden change of the material<br />

properties between two neighbouring elements of the weld-metal and the heat-affected<br />

zone. These numerical effects have been stated before by other authors [1, 5]<br />

and must not be taken into account in the comparison between numerical and experimental<br />

results. Only the strain distributions in a wider range around the singularities<br />

can be compared with experimental results.<br />


16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints<br />

Figure 16.15: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone measured<br />

with the grating method, medium strain: 2.2%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />

Figure 16.16: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 6-material model, medium strain: 2.2%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

The singularities also occur in the analysis of the strains calculated with a 3material<br />

model. Here, the first remarkable strains do not occur in the heat-affected zone<br />

but in the weld metal as observed in the experiments. The strain values at a medium<br />

strain stage of 2.2% are about 3.5% in the weld-metal and less than 1% in the heat-affected<br />

zone (Figure 16.17). The backing up of the soft weld metal is also determined in<br />

these investigations.<br />

The next examined load step at a medium strain of 4.3% was at the end of the<br />

tensile test. Figure 16.18 illustrates the strain distributions of this state. The curvatures<br />

of the strains are the same as in the load step discussed before. They also demonstrate<br />

the backing up of the soft zone by a harder zone. Figure 16.18 shows the longitudinal<br />

strains, which have values of more than 8% in the weld-metal and less than 2% in the<br />

heat-affected zone. The vertical strain distributions illustrate also the backing up clearly.<br />

The strains along a line parallel to the transition area are higher in the middle of the<br />

specimen than at the free surface.<br />

The calculations for a load step of 4.5% show qualitatively the same results as<br />

the experiments. The strains calculated with the 6-material model and the 3-material<br />

model are represented in Figures 16.19 and 16.20.<br />

In both figures, the calculated strains in the weld metal are lower than the measured<br />

strains. Both maximum values of the longitudinal strains in the weld metal are<br />

slightly lower than 7%. The arrangement of the strain isolines in the figures corresponds<br />

with the experimental results and confirms the backing up of the soft weld metal<br />

by the harder microstructure of the heat-affected zone. The figures representing the<br />

vertical strain distributions calculated with the 6-material model (Figure 16.19 right)<br />

and the 3-material model (Figure 16.20 right) verify also the experimental results.<br />

Figure 16.17: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 3-material model, medium strain: 2.2%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />


16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints<br />

Figure 16.18: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone measured by<br />

the grating method, medium strain: 4.3%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />

Figure 16.19: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 6-material model, medium strain: 4.5%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.20: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a long weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 3-material model, medium strain: 4.5%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />

16.4.3 Strain distributions of welded joints with small weld seams<br />

The strain distributions measured after the loading of welded joints with a narrow zone<br />

of weld metal are shown in Figure 16.21. At the end of the tensile tests (medium strain<br />

4.3%), the longitudinal strains have values of about 9% in the weld-metal and lower<br />

than 2% in the heat-affected zone (Figure 16.21). The strains in the base metal are<br />

somewhat higher than 2%. The vertical strains in Figure 16.21 indicate the backing up<br />

of the soft weld metal and base metal through the hard heat-affected zone. The curvature<br />

of the strain isolines demonstrates this effect clearly. It can be seen that the strains<br />

measured in specimens of a welded joint with a narrow weld seam are slightly higher<br />

than the strains measured in specimens of a welded joint with a wider weld-metal zone.<br />

The numerical results achieved with the 6-material model (Figure 16.22) and the<br />

3-material model (Figure 16.23) correspond with the experimental results. The backing<br />

up of the weld metal is also confirmed by the longitudinal and vertical strain distributions.<br />

But the calculated strain values in the weld metal are lower than the measured<br />

ones. The maximum strains in the weld metal have values of 7%, and the strains in the<br />

heat-affected zone are about 1% and are lower than the measured ones.<br />

16.4.4 Discussion<br />

The results of all calculated strain distributions show that modern deformation models<br />

are able to describe the mechanical behaviour of welded joints sufficiently well. Problems<br />

arise in the numerical investigations with the automatic time-stepping in the Fi-<br />


16.4 Investigations with Welded Joints<br />

Figure 16.21: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a short weld-metal zone measured<br />

with the grating method, medium strain: 4.3%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />

Figure 16.22: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a short weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 6-material model, medium strain: 4.5%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />


16 Consideration of Inhomogeneities in the Application of Deformation Models<br />

Figure 16.23: Strain distributions of a welded specimen with a short weld-metal zone calculated<br />

with the 3-material model, medium strain: 4.5%; left: longitudinal strains; right: vertical strains.<br />

nite-Element calculations, which increases the needed cpu-times of the calculations.<br />

The small time-steps are caused by the great differences in the properties of the neighbouring<br />

materials in the transition range between the weld metal and the hard microstructure<br />

in the heat-affected zone. Also, the calculated strain and stress singularities<br />

are not found in the experiments, and they are too caused by the sudden change of the<br />

material properties. The 3-material model and the 6-material model lead to nearly the<br />

same calculated strains so that the number of different regions in the heat-affected zone<br />

of a welded joint can be reduced if the locally highest strains do not occur there.<br />

16.5 Application Possibilities and Further Investigations<br />

All results show that modern deformation models can be applied successfully to<br />

welded joints. The mechanical behaviour of the base metal and of various kinds of microstructure<br />

is in a reasonable good accordance with the experimental results.<br />

But the analysis demonstrates also that some special aspects of the mechanical behaviour<br />

of microalloyed steels cannot be simulated by the deformation model. This<br />

lack of simulation includes yield-strength effects and the softening behaviour, which occurs<br />

in the high temperature and cyclic range. New deformation models have to describe<br />

these effects if they should be applied in further investigations. A big problem in<br />

the calculations was the handling of the equations in Finite-Element calculations and in<br />


the parameter estimation. Both numerical methods need very high calculation times so<br />

that numerical investigations can only be made if the hardware is big enough. Further<br />

investigations may solve this problem if numerical methods or deformation equations<br />

are developed shortening the calculation times by faster algorithms or if model equations<br />

are established, which are easier to handle in modern calculation methods.<br />

The efforts of modelling welded joints can also be reduced according to these investigations.<br />

If the highest strains or fractures do not occur in the heat-affected zone, it<br />

must not be modelled with more than one microstructure. In this case, the Finite-Element<br />

meshes can directly be derived from hardness distributions of welded joints. In<br />

other cases, it can be recommended from these investigations that only two different<br />

microstructures have to be taken into account for the calculation of the mechanical behaviour<br />

of welded joints.<br />

References<br />

References<br />

[1] U.H. Clormann: Örtliche Beanspruchungen von Schweißverbindungen als Grundlage des<br />

Schwingfestigkeitsnachweises. Dissertation, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, 1986.<br />

[2] W. Schieblich: Rechnerische und experimentelle Ermittlung des Zeitstandverhaltens einer<br />

austenitischen Schweißverbindung. Dissertation, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, 1992.<br />

[3] W. Eckert: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Zeitstandverhalten von<br />

Schweißverbindungen der Werkstoffe X20 CrMoV 12 1 und GS-17 CrMoV 5 11. Dissertation,<br />

Staatliche Materialprüfanstalt (MPA) Stuttgart, 1992.<br />

[4] M. Kaffka: Beitrag zum Zeitstandverhalten artgleicher Schweißverbindungen einer Nickelbasislegierung<br />

unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des lokalen Verformungsverhaltens. Dissertation,<br />

Technische Hochschule Aachen, 1985.<br />

[5] U. Pätzold: Verformungsanalyse von Schweißverbindungen. Dissertation, Technische Universität<br />

Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

[6] H. Hickel: Eigenspannungen und Festigkeitsverhalten von Schweißverbindungen. Dissertation,<br />

Universität Karlsruhe, 1973.<br />

[7] J. Pucelik, Th. Nitschke-Pagel, H. Wohlfahrt: Relationship of tensile residual stresses and fatigue<br />

crack propagation under cyclic loading in the fully compressive range. Poster at the<br />

Fourth European Conference on Residual Stresses, 4.–6. 06. 1996, Cluny (F), to be published.<br />

[8] R. Gerdes: Ein stochastisches Werkstoffmodell für das inelastische Materialverhalten metallischer<br />

Werkstoffe im Hoch- und Tieftemperaturbereich. Dissertation, Technische Universität<br />

Braunschweig, 1995.<br />

[9] D. Winter: Optische Verschiebungsmessung nach dem Objektrasterprinzip mit Hilfe eines flächenorientierten<br />

Ansatzes. Dissertation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1993.<br />


Bibliography<br />

Theses Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

1985–1987<br />

Subproject A2<br />

D. Rode: Ermüdungsverhalten anisotroper Aluminiumlegierungen unter mehrachsigen Beanspruchungen<br />

im Zeitfestigkeitsbereich.<br />

Subproject A3<br />

C. Schulze: Optische Verformungsmessungen an Schalen nach dem Rasterprinzip.<br />

Subproject A6<br />

I. Göbel: Modellbildung für die Hochtemperaturplastizität mit Hilfe metallphysikalischer Ergebnisse.<br />

T. Lösche: Entwicklung eines Stoffgesetzes für die Hochtemperaturplastizität auf der Grundlage<br />

von Markov-Prozessen.<br />

R. Schettler-Köhler: Entwicklung eines makroskopischen Stoffgesetzes für Metalle aus einem stochastischen<br />

Zwischenmodell.<br />

G. Wilhelms: Ein phänomenologisches Werkstoffgesetz zur Beschreibung von Plastizität und Kriechen<br />

metallischer Werkstoffe.<br />

Subproject B4<br />

W. Kohler: Beitrag zur Wasserstoffversprödung metallischer Werkstoffe im LCF-Bereich.<br />

Subproject D1<br />

R. Linnemann: Beitrag zur Bewertung von Schweißnahtfehlern mittels bruchmechanischer Methoden.<br />

1988–1990<br />

Subproject A1<br />

U. Meyer: Einfluss verschiedener Verformungsparameter auf die Rekristallisationskinetik von<br />

Kupfer.<br />

J. Schmidt: Untersuchung der Erholungs- und Rekristallisationsvorgänge in tieftemperaturverformten<br />

Metallen mit Hilfe kalorischer Messungen.<br />

Subproject A5/B4<br />

R. Schubert: Verformungsverhalten und Risswachstum bei Low-Cycle-Fatigue.<br />

Subproject B2<br />

M. Schwesig: Inelastisches Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe bei höheren Temperaturen – Numerik<br />

und Anwendung.<br />

384<br />

Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation. Collaborative Research Centres.<br />

Edited by E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein<br />

Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH<br />

ISBNs: 3-527-27728-5 (Softcover); 3-527-60011-6 (Electronic)

Subproject B5<br />

H.-J. Scheibe: Zum zyklischen Materialverhalten von Baustahl und dessen Berücksichtigung in<br />

Konstruktionsberechnungen.<br />

E. Beißner: Zum Tragverhalten stählerner Augenstäbe im elastisch-plastischen Zustand.<br />

Subproject C3<br />

K. Wolf: Untersuchungen zum Beul- und Nachbeulverhalten schubbeanspruchter Teilschalen aus<br />

kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kunststoff.<br />

1991–1993<br />

Theses Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

Subproject A5/B4<br />

H. Klingelhöffer: Rissfortschritt und Lebensdauer bei Hochtemperatur Low-Cycle-Fatigue in korrosiven<br />

Gasen.<br />

Subproject A6/B1<br />

H. Hesselbarth: Simulation von Versetzungsstrukturbildung, Rekristallisation und Kriechschädigung<br />

mit dem Prinzip der zellulären Automaten.<br />

F. Kublik: Vergleich zweier Werkstoffmodelle bei ein- und mehrachsiger Versuchsführung im<br />

Hochtemperaturbereich.<br />

H. Schlums: Ein stochastisches Werkstoffmodell zur Beschreibung von Kriechen und zyklischem<br />

Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe.<br />

H. Gröhlich: Finite-Element-Formulierung für vereinheitlichte inelastische Werkstoffmodelle ohne<br />

explizite Fließflächenformulierung.<br />

Subproject A8<br />

R. Neuhaus: Entwicklung der Versetzungsstruktur und Härtung bei [100] und [111] orientierten<br />

Kupfer und Kupfer-Mangan Kristallen im einachsigen Zugversuch.<br />

A. Kalk: Dynamische Reckalterung und die Grenzen der Stabilität plastischer Verformung. Systematische<br />

Untersuchungen an Viel- und Einkristallen aus CuMn.<br />

Subproject A9<br />

A. Hampel: Struktur und Kinetik der lokalisierten Verformungen in kubisch flächenzentrierten Legierungseinkristallen<br />

– Experimente und Modellrechnungen.<br />

Subproject A10<br />

M. Müller: Plastische Anisotropie polykristalliner Materialien als Folge der Texturentwicklung.<br />

Subproject B2<br />

G. Kracht: Erschließung viskoplastischer Stoffmodelle für thermomechanische Strukturanalyse.<br />

E.-R. Tirpitz: Elasto-plastische Erweiterung von viskoplastischen Stoffmodellen für Metalle.<br />

H. Braasch: Ein Konzept zur Fortentwicklung und Anwendung viskoplastischer Werkstoffmodelle.<br />

Subproject B5/B7<br />

M.M. El-Ghandour: Low-Cycle Fatigue Damage Accumulation of Structural Steel St52.<br />

Subproject B6<br />

G. Zhang: Einspielen und dessen numerische Behandlung von Flächentragwerken aus ideal plastischem<br />

bzw. kinematisch verfestigendem Material.<br />

Subproject B8<br />

R. Mahnken: Duale Methoden für nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme.<br />

Subproject C2<br />

W. Wilke: Photogrammetrische Verformungsmessung durch Überlagerungseffekte frequenzmodulierter<br />

periodischer Bildstrukturen.<br />


J.O. Hilbig: Zur Beeinflussung der Speckleauswertung durch eine Kombination der Speckle- und<br />

der Objektrastermethode.<br />

D. Winter: Optische Verschiebungsmessung nach dem Objektprinzip mit Hilfe eines flächenorientierten<br />

Ansatzes.<br />

Subproject C3<br />

P. Horst: Zum Beulverhalten dünner, bis in den plastischen Bereich zyklisch durch Schub belasteter<br />

Aluminiumplatten.<br />

D. Hachenberg: Untersuchungen zum Nachbeulverhalten stringerverstärkter schubbeanspruchter<br />

Platten aus kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kunststoff.<br />

Subproject C4<br />

U. Pätzold: Verformungsanalyse von Schweißverbindungen.<br />

Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

1985–1987<br />

Bibliography<br />

Subproject A1<br />

W. Witzel, F. Haeßner: Zur Vergleichbarkeit von Werkstoffzuständen nach Dehnen, Stauchen und<br />

Tordieren. Z. Metallkunde 78 (1987) 316.<br />

F. Haeßner, H. Müller: Einfluss von Korngröße und Beanspruchungsrichtung auf die Fließspannung<br />

texturbehafteter Zink-Bleche. Z. Metallkunde 78 (1987) Juli-Heft.<br />

Subproject A2<br />

G. Lange, D. Rode: Ermüdungsverhalten anisotroper Aluminium-Legierungen unter mehrachsiger<br />

Beanspruchung im Zeitfestigkeitsbereich. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für<br />

Metallkunde, 20.–23. Mai 1986, Vortrag Nr. EBO7.<br />

D. Rode: Ermüdungsverhalten anisotroper Aluminium-Legierungen unter mehrachsiger Beanspruchung<br />

im Zeitfestigkeitsbereich. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1987.<br />

Subproject A3<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter: The phase shift method applied to reflection Moiré pattern. Proc. of the<br />

VIII. Int. Conf. on Exp. Stress Analysis, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 351–358.<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter: Dehnungs- und Krümmungsermittlung mit Hilfe des Phasenshiftprinzips.<br />

Technisches Messen 6 (1987).<br />

S. Angerer, J.P. Löwenau, B. Morche, W. Wilke: 3D-Verformungsmessung an einem gummiartigen<br />

Dämpfungselement mit Hilfe der Stereophotographie und der digitalen Bildverarbeitung.<br />

Fachkolloquium Experimentelle Mechanik, Stuttgart, 1986, pp. 33–40.<br />

H.C. Götting, R. Schütze, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Dehnungsmessungen an Faserverbundwerkstoffen<br />

mit Hilfe des Beugungsprinzips. VDI-Berichte 631, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf, 1987, pp. 275–285.<br />

J. Hilbig, R. Ritter: Zur Bestimmung von Neigungsänderungen schalenförmiger Objekte mit Hilfe<br />

der Laser-Speckle-Photographie. Contribution to Joint Conf. on DGaO, NOC, OG-IoP, SFO<br />

“Optics 86”, Scheveningen, 1986.<br />

R. Ritter, M. Hahne: Interpretation of Moiré-effect for curvature measurement of shells. Proc. of<br />

the VIII. Int. Conf. on Exp. Stress Analysis, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 331–340.<br />

R. Ritter: Raster- und Moiré-Methoden. In: C. Rohrbock, N. Czaika (Eds.): Handbuch der experimentellen<br />

Spannungsanalyse, Düsseldorf, 1987.<br />

R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Dehnungsmessung nach dem Gitterprinzip. Lecture at the Colloquy of the<br />

Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319), Goslar, 4.–5. Dezember 1986.<br />


Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

C. Schulze: Optische Verformungsmessung an Schalen nach dem Rasterprinzip. Dissertation an<br />

der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik der TU Braunschweig, 1986.<br />

Subproject A5<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt, B. Ilschner, S.W. Nam: A Model for Predicting Low-Cycle Fatigue<br />

Life under Creep-Fatigue Interaction. In: H.D. Solomon, G.R. Halford, L.R. Kaisand, B. N.<br />

Leis (Eds.): Low Cycle Fatigue, ASTM STP 942, American Society for Testing and Materials,<br />

Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 313–328.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt: Life Prediction for Low-Cycle Fatigue under Creep-Fatigue Interaction.<br />

Fifth International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Peking, 1987.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt: Lifetime Prediction under Creep-Fatigue Conditions. Proceedings of<br />

the Second International Conference on Low-Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of<br />

Materials, September 1987, München.<br />

R.-M. Schmidt: Low-Cycle Fatigue under Special Aspects of Quality Control. Braunschweig Kolloquium<br />

1985, DVS, pp. 107–119.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt: High Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue of Austenitic and Ferritic Weldments.<br />

ECF 6, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 1096–1113.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt: Ermüdung von Schweißverbindungen im Bereich geringer Schwingspielzahlen.<br />

Schweißen und Schneiden 38 (1986) 509–514.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R.-M. Schmidt: Low-Cycle Fatigue of Welded Joints. Welding and Cutting 38 (1986)<br />

E172–E175.<br />

Subproject A6, B1<br />

E. Steck: Entwicklung von Stoffgesetzen für die Hochtemperaturplastizität. Grundlagen der Umformtechnik.<br />

Internationales Symposium, Stuttgart 1983, Springer Verlag, 1984, pp. 83–113.<br />

E. Steck: A stochastic model for the high-temperature plasticity of metals. Intern. Journal of Plasticity<br />

1 (1985) 243–258.<br />

E. Steck: A stochastic model for the high-temperature plasticity of metals. Trans. 8th Intern.<br />

SMiRT-Conf., North-Holland, 1985.<br />

E. Steck: Ein stochastisches Modell für die Wechselwirkung von Plastizität und Kriechen. Workshop<br />

Werkstoff und Umformung, Stuttgart 1986, Springer Verlag, 1986.<br />

Subproject A8<br />

Th. Wille, W. Gieseke, Ch. Schwink: Quantitative analysis of solution hardening in selected copper<br />

alloys. Acta Met. 35 (1987) 2679–2693.<br />

Th. Steffens, C.-P. Reip, Ch. Schwink: Anomalous dislocation densities in fcc solid solutions.<br />

Scripta Met. 21 (1987) 335–339.<br />

Subproject A9<br />

H. Neuhäuser, O.B. Arkan, H.H. Potthoff: Dislocation multipoles and estimation of frictional<br />

stress in fcc copper alloys. Mat. Sci. Eng. 81 (1986) 201–209.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Physical manifestation of instabilities in plastic flow. In: V. Balakrishnan, C.E.<br />

Bottani (Eds.): Mechanical Properties and Behaviour of Solids: Plastic Instabilities World Scientific,<br />

Singapore, 1986, pp. 209–252.<br />

O.B. Arkan, H. Neuhäuser: Dislocation velocities in Cu-Ni alloys determined by the stress pulseetch<br />

pit technique and by slip line cinematography. phys. stat. sol. (a) 99 (1987) 385–397.<br />

H. Neuhäuser, O.B. Arkan: Dislocation motion and multiplication in Cu-Ni single crystals. phys.<br />

stat. sol. (a) 100 (1987).<br />

Subproject B2<br />

H.K. Nipp: Temperatureinflüsse auf rheologische Spannungszustände im Salzgebirge. Report Nr.<br />

82-36 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig.<br />

A. Schmidt: Berechnung rheologischer Zustände im Salzgebirge mit vertikalen Abbauen in Anlehnung<br />

an In-situ-Messungen. Report Nr. 84-43 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig.<br />


Subproject B4<br />

K.-T. Rie, R. Schubert: Einfluss einer Druckwasserstoffumgebung auf das Ermüdungs- und Risswachstumsverhalten<br />

bei Low-Cycle Fatigue; Wasserstoff in Metallen. Results of the Schwerpunktprogramm,<br />

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, 1986.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R. Schubert: Note on the Crack Closure Phenomenon in LCF. 2. Int. Conf. on LCF and<br />

Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials, München 1987, Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 575–580.<br />

Subproject C1<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter, R. Schuetze: Application of grating methods for testing of material and<br />

quality control including digital image processing. SPIE-Potics in Engineering Measurement,<br />

Cannes, 1985.<br />

K. Andresen: Auswertung von Rasterbildern mit der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Seminar of the<br />

Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 319), Braunschweig.<br />

K. Andresen, F. Hecker: Das Phasenshiftverfahren zur digitalen Auswertung von Moiré-Mustern<br />

und spannungsoptischen Bildern. Nieders. Mechanik-Kolloquium, Braunschweig.<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter: The Phase Shift Method Applied to Reflection Moiré Pattern. Int. Conf.<br />

Exp. Stress Anal., Amsterdam, 1986.<br />

S. Angerer, J.P. Löwenau, B. Morche, W. Wilke: 3D-Verformungsmessung an einem gummiartigen<br />

Dämpfungselement mit Hilfe der Stereophotographie und der digitalen Bildverarbeitung.<br />

Fachkolloquium Experimentelle Mechanik, Stuttgart, 1986, pp. 33–40.<br />

K. Andresen: Das Phasenshiftverfahren zur Rasterbildauswertung. Colloquy of the Collaborative<br />

Research Centre (SFB 319), Goslar.<br />

K. Andresen: Verformungsmessung mit Rasterverfahren und der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Oberseminar<br />

Mechanik, Universität Hannover.<br />

K. Andresen: Konturermittlung und Verformungsmessung mit der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Mechanik/Colloquy<br />

of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB), TU Berlin.<br />

Subproject D1<br />

J. Ruge, R. Linnemann: Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von Bau-, Beton- und Spannstählen<br />

bei hohen Temperaturen. Arbeitsbericht 1984–1986. Subproject B4, Collaborative Research<br />

Centre (SFB 148), TU Braunschweig.<br />

R. Linnemann: Beitrag zur Bewertung von Schweißnahtfehlern mittels bruchmechanischer Methoden.<br />

Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1987.<br />

Subproject D2<br />

G. Bahr: Kommunizierende Versuchstechnik und simultane theoretische und experimentelle Tragwerksuntersuchung.<br />

Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1984.<br />

W. Maier, M. Klahold: Das Konzept der kommunizierenden Versuchstechnik für Stabtragwerke.<br />

Nachdruck eines Vortrages auf dem Fach-Kolloquium Experimentelle Mechanik 1986, Eigenverlag,<br />

Ingenieurwiss. Zentrum, Inst. für Modellstatik, Uni Stuttgart.<br />

1988–1990<br />

Bibliography<br />

Subproject A1<br />

F. Haeßner, K. Sztwiertnia: The Misorientation Distributions Associated with the Texture of Polycrystalline<br />

Aggregates of Cubic Crystals. In: J.S. Callend, G. Gottstein (Eds.): ICOTOM 8,<br />

The Metallurgical Society, 1988, pp. 163–168.<br />

F. Haeßner, J. Schmidt: Recovery and recrystallization of different grades of high purity aluminium<br />

determined with a low temperature calorimeter. Scripta Met. 22 (1988) 1917.<br />

U. Meyer: Einfluss verschiedener Verformungsparameter auf die Rekristallisationskinetik von<br />

Kupfer. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1989.<br />


Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

J. Schmidt: Untersuchung der Erholungs- und Rekristallisationsvorgänge in tieftemperaturverformten<br />

Metallen mit Hilfe kalorischer Messungen. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1990.<br />

J. Schmidt, F. Haeßner: Stage III-Recovery of Cold Worked High-Purity Aluminium Determined<br />

with a Low-Temperature Calorimeter. Z. f. Phys. B-Condensed Matter 81 (1990) 215.<br />

F. Haeßner: The Study of Recrystallization by Calorimetric Methods. In: T. Chandra (Ed.): Recrystallization<br />

’90, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1990, pp. 511.<br />

Subproject A2<br />

D. Rode, G. Lange: Beitrag zum Ermüdungsverhalten mehrachsig beanspruchter Aluminiumlegierungen.<br />

Metall 42 (1988) 582.<br />

Subproject A5/B4<br />

R. Schubert, K.-T. Rie: Verfestigung, Fließfläche und Versetzungsstruktur bei Low-Cycle-Fatigue.<br />

Mat.-wiss. und Werkstofftech. 19 (1988) 376–383.<br />

K.-T. Rie, R. Schubert, J. Olfe: Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenausbildung, Mikrostruktur und<br />

Ermüdungsschädigung im LCF-Bereich. DFG-Kolloquium: Schadensfrüherkennung und Schadensablauf<br />

bei metallischen Bauteilen, Darmstadt, Sept. 1989, Berichtsband DVM, Berlin,<br />

1989, pp. 55–62.<br />

R. Schubert: Verformungsverhalten und Risswachstum bei Low-Cycle-Fatigue. Dissertation TU<br />

Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

J. Olfe, K.-T. Rie, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: In-situ-Messungen von Dehnungsfeldern bei Hochtemperatur-LCF.<br />

Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 81(11) (1990) 783–789.<br />

Subproject A6/B1<br />

E. Steck: Constitutive Laws for Strain-, Strainrate- and Temperature Sensitive Materials. Keynote,<br />

Proceedings 2. Intern. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), Stuttgart, Springer Verlag,<br />

Berlin, 1987.<br />

E. Steck: Development of Constitutive Equations for Metals at High Temperatures. Proceedings 2.<br />

Intern. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), Stuttgart, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1987.<br />

E. Steck: On the Development of Material Laws for Metals. Festschrift Heinz Duddeck zu seinem<br />

60. Geburtstag, Institut für Statik, TU Braunschweig, 1988.<br />

E. Steck: A Stochastic Model for the Interaction of Plasticity and Creep in Metals. In: F. Zeigler,<br />

G.I. Schueller (Eds.): Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Engineering Systems, IUTAM Symposium<br />

Igls, 1987, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988.<br />

E. Steck: Marcov-Chains as Models for the Inelastic Behaviour of Metals. In: D.R. Axelrad, W.<br />

Muschik (Eds.): Constitutive Laws and Microstructure, Institute of Advanced Study, Berlin,<br />

Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988.<br />

E. Steck: A Stochastic Model for the Interaction of Plasticity and Creep in Metals. Nuclear Engineering<br />

and Design 114 (1989) 285–294.<br />

E. Steck: The Description of the High-Temperature Plasticity of Metals by Stochastic Processes.<br />

Res. Mechanica 25 (1990) 1–19.<br />

E. Steck, H. Schlums: Discrete Models on the Microscale for the Plastic Behaviour of Metals.<br />

Proceedings of Plasticity ’89, Second Intern. Symp. on Plasticity and its Current Applications,<br />

Tsu, Japan, 1989, pp. 581–584.<br />

Subproject A8<br />

Ch. Schwink: Hardening mechanisms in metals with foreign atoms. Revue Phys. Appl. 23 (1988)<br />

395–404.<br />

R. Neuhaus, P. Buchhagen, Ch. Schwink: Dislocation densities as determined by TEM in h100i<br />

and h111i CuMn crystals. Scripta Met. 23 (1989) 779–784.<br />

L. Diehl, F. Springer, Ch. Schwink: Studies of hardening mechanisms of symmetrically oriented<br />

single crystals of fcc solid solutions. In: P. O. Kettunen et al. (Eds.): Strength of Metals and Alloys<br />

1, 1988, pp. 313–319.<br />


Bibliography<br />

Subproject A9<br />

A. Hampel, H. Neuhäuser: Investigation of slip line growth in fcc Cu alloys with high resolution<br />

in time. phys. stat. sol. (a) 104 (1987) 171–181.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: The dynamics of slip band formation in single crystals. Res. Mechanica 23 (1988)<br />

113–135.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: On some problems in plastic instabilities and strain localization. Rev. Phys. Appl.<br />

23 (1988) 571–572.<br />

A. Hampel, O.B. Arkan, H. Neuhäuser: Local shear rate in slip bands of CuZn and CuNi single<br />

crystals. Rev. Phys. Appl. 23 (1988) 695.<br />

A. Hampel, H. Neuhäuser: Recording of slip line development with high resolution. In: O.Y.<br />

Chiem, H.-D. Kunze, L.W. Meyer (Eds.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Impact Loading and Dynamic<br />

Behaviour of Materials, DGM Verlag, 1988, pp. 845–851.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Slip propagation and fine structure. In: L.P. Kubin, O. Martin (Eds.): Proc. Coll.<br />

Int. CNRS on Nonlinear Phenomena in Materials Science, Trans. Tech. Publ., Aedermannsdorf,<br />

1988, pp. 407–415.<br />

A. Hampel, M. Schülke, H. Neuhäuser: Dynamic studies of slip line formation on single crystals<br />

of fcc solid solutions. In: P. O. Kettunen, T. K. Lepistö, M.E. Lehtonen (Eds.): Proc. 8. Int.<br />

Conf. on Strength of Metals and Alloys, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1988, pp. 349–354.<br />

J. Olfe, H. Neuhäuser: Dislocation groups, multipoles, and friction stresses in -CuZn alloys.<br />

phys. stat. sol. (a) 109 (1988) 149–160.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Plastic instabilities and the deformation of metals. In: D. Walgraef, N.M. Ghoniem<br />

(Eds.): Proc. NATO Adv. Study Inst. on Patterns, Defects and Materials Instabilities,<br />

Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1990, pp. 241–276.<br />

H. Neuhäuser, J. Plessing, M. Schülke: Portevin-LeChâtelier effect and observation of slip band<br />

growth in CuAl single crystals. J. Mech. Beh. Metals 2 (1990) 231–254.<br />

Subproject A10<br />

D. Besdo: Finite-Element-Analyses of Strain-Space-Represented Elastic-Plastic Media Using Simplified<br />

Stiffness Matrices. Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Applied Mechanics, Beijing, China,<br />

Pergamon Press, 1989, pp. 1403–1408.<br />

D. Besdo, E. Doege, H.-W. Lange, M. Seydel: Zur numerischen Simulation des Tiefziehens. Lecture<br />

at the 13. Umformtechnischen Kolloquium Hannover 14./15. März 1990, HFF-Bericht Nr.<br />

11 (Ed.: E. Doege), HFF Hannoversches Forschungsinstitut für Fertigungsfragen E.V.<br />

D. Besdo, L. Ostrowski: On the Creep-Ratchetting of AlMgSiO.5 at Elevated Temperature – Experimental<br />

Investigations. Proc. of the Fourth IUTAM Symposium on Creep in Structures,<br />

Krakow, 10.–14. Sept. 1990.<br />

Subproject B2<br />

M. Schwesig: Inelastisches Verhalten metallischer Werkstoffe bei höheren Temperaturen – Numerik<br />

und Anwendung. Report Nr. 89-57 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

M. Schwesig, H. Ahrens, H. Duddeck: Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung des inelastischen Stoffgesetzes<br />

nach Hart. Festschrift Richard Schardt, THD Schriftenreihe Wissenschaft und Technik<br />

S1, Darmstadt, 1990.<br />

M. Schwesig, H. Braasch, G. Kracht, H. Duddeck, H. Ahrens: Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung<br />

inelastischer Stoffgesetze bei höheren Temperaturen. In: D. Besdo (Ed.): Numerische Methoden<br />

der Plastomechanik, Tagungsband; Hannover, 1989.<br />

D. Dinkler, M. Schwesig: Numerische Lösung von Anfangswertproblemen in der Statik und Dynamik.<br />

Festschrift Heinz Duddeck, Braunschweig, 1988.<br />

H. Duddeck, B. Kröplin, D. Dinkler, J. Hillmann, W. Wagenhuber: Berechnung des nichtlinearen<br />

Tragverhaltens dünner Schalen im Vor- und Nachbeulbereich. Nichtlineare Berechnungen im<br />

Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Hannover, DFG-Gz.: Du 25/28-7, 1989.<br />

D. Dinkler: Stabilität elastischer Tragwerke mit nichtlinearem Verformungsverhalten bei instationären<br />

Einwirkungen. Ingenieur-Archiv 60 (1989).<br />


Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

D. Dinkler: Stabilität dünner Flächentragwerke bei zeitabhängigen Einwirkungen. Report Nr. 88-<br />

52 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1988.<br />

H. Duddeck, D. Winselmann, F. T. König: Constitutive laws including kinematic hardening for<br />

clay with pore water pressure and for sand. Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Innsbruck,<br />

1988.<br />

L. Pisarsky, H. Ahrens, H. Duddeck: FEM-Analysis for time-depending cyclic pore water cohesive<br />

soil problems. Eurodyn 90, European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Bochum, DFG-<br />

Gz.: Du 25/34-1-2, 1990.<br />

R. Meyer, H. Ahrens: An elastoplastic model for concrete. Conference Proceedings of the Second<br />

World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Stuttgart, 1990.<br />

Subproject B5<br />

H.-J. Scheibe: Zum zyklischen Materialverhalten von Baustahl und dessen Berücksichtigung in<br />

Konstruktionsberechnungen. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1990.<br />

J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe, M. Reininghaus: Wirtschaftliche Bemessung von Schraubenanschlüssen<br />

bei Ausnutzung des duktilen Verhaltens von Stahl. Report Nr. 6018, Institut für Stahlbau, TU<br />

Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe, D. Kuck: Untersuchungen von Trägerschwächungen unter wiederholter<br />

Belastung bis in den plastischen Bereich. Report Nr. 6099, Institut für Stahlbau, TU Braunschweig,<br />

1989.<br />

E. Beißner: Zum Tragverhalten stählerner Augenstäbe im elastisch-plastischen Zustand. Dissertation<br />

TU Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

H.-J. Scheibe: Zur Berechnung zyklisch beanspruchter Stahlkonstruktionen im plastischen Bereich.<br />

Lecture 8. Stahlbau-Seminar, Steinfurt, 1989.<br />

Subproject B6<br />

R. Mahnken, E. Stein, D. Bischoff: A globally convergence criterion for first order approximation<br />

strategies in structural optimations. Int. J. Meths. Eng. 31 (1990).<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang, R. Mahnken, J.A. König: Micromechanical modelling and computation of<br />

shake down with nonlinear kinematic hardening inducing examples for 2-D problems. Proc. of<br />

CSME Mechanic Engineering Forum, Toronto, 1990.<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang, J.A. König: Micromechanic modelling of shake down with nonlinear kinematic<br />

hardening inducing examples for 2-D problems. In: Axelrad, Muschik (Eds.): Recent<br />

Developments in Micromechanics, Springer Verlag, 1990.<br />

Subproject C1<br />

K. Andresen, R. Helsch: Automatische Rasterkoordinatenermittlung mit Hilfe digitaler Filter. Informatik<br />

Fachberichte 149, Mustererkennung, 1987, pp. 228.<br />

K. Andresen, R. Helsch: Calculation of Grating Coordinates Using a Correlation Filter Technique.<br />

Optik 80 (1988) 76–79.<br />

K. Andresen, B. Kamp, R. Ritter: Verformungsmessungen an Rissspitzen nach dem Objekt-Raster-<br />

Verfahren. VDI-Berichte 679 (1988) 393–403.<br />

K. Andresen, B. Morche: Die Ermittlung von Rasterkoordinaten und deren Genauigkeit. Mustererkennung<br />

198, pp. 277–283. 10. DAGM-Symposium Zürich, Berlin, New York, Tokio, 1988.<br />

K. Andresen, H. Horstmann: Ermittlung der Verformungen und Spannungen in einer gelochten<br />

Gummimembran mit Hilfe von Rasterverfahren. Forsch. Ing.-Wes. 55 (1989) 33–36.<br />

K. Andresen, K. Hentrich: Vergleich von Frequenz- und Ortsfilterverfahren zur Moiré-Bildauswertung.<br />

Optik 83 (1989) 113–121.<br />

K. Andresen, P. Feng, W. Holst: Fringe Detection Using Mean and n-Rank Filters. Fringe 89,<br />

Berlin, Physical Research 10 (1989) 45–49.<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter: Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Werkstoffprüfung und Qualitätskontrolle.<br />

Tagungsband: Bildverarbeitung: Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden, Techn. Akad. Esslingen,<br />

1989.<br />


Bibliography<br />

K. Andresen, R. Helsch: Calculation of Analytical Elements in Space Using a Contour Algorithm.<br />

ISPRS-Commission V. Symp. on Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision,<br />

Zürich. SPIE 1395 (1990) 863–869.<br />

K. Andresen: Evaluation of Moiré Fringes Using Space Filtering. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Exp. Mechanics,<br />

Copenhagen, 1990, pp. 1650–1659.<br />

Subproject C2<br />

J. Hilbig, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Hochtemperaturdehnungsmessung nach dem Rasterprinzip am<br />

Beispiel des LCF-Versuchs. Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR/Institut für Mechanik, Report<br />

Nr. 24, 8, Chemnitz, 1989, pp. 255–258.<br />

R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Optische in-situ-Dehnungsfeldmessung unter Hochtemperatureinfluss mit dem<br />

Rasterverfahren am Beispiel des LCF-Versuchs. Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung „Werkstoffprüfung<br />

1990: Aussagefähigkeit von Prüfungsergebnissen für das Verarbeitungs- und Bauteilverhalten“<br />

6./7. 12. 1990 Bad Nauheim, veranstaltet von DVM im Auftrag der Arbeitsgemeinschaft<br />

Werkstoffe.<br />

J. Olfe, K.-T. Rie, R. Ritter, W. Wilke: In-situ-Messungen von Dehnungsfeldern bei Hochtemperatur<br />

LCF. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 81(11) (1990) 783–789.<br />

R. Ritter, J. Strusch, W. Wilke: Formanalyse mit Hilfe des Reflexions-Rasterverfahrens und des<br />

photogrammetrischen Prinzips. Österreich. Ingenieur- und Architektenzeitung 135(7/8) (1990)<br />

346–348.<br />

K. Galanulis, J. Hilbig, R. Ritter: Strain Measurement by the Diffraction Principle. Österreich. Ingenieur-<br />

und Architektenzeitung 134(7/8) (1989) 392–394.<br />

W. Cornelius, J. Hilbig, R. Ritter, W. Wilke, C. Forno: Zur Formanalyse mit Hilfe hochtemperaturbeständiger<br />

Raster. VDI-Bericht 731, 5, Düsseldorf, 1989, pp. 295–302.<br />

K. Galanulis, J. Hilbig, B. W. Lührig, R. Ritter: Strain Measurement by the Diffraction Principle<br />

for Curved Surfaces. Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conference on Experimental Mechanics,<br />

Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby/Dänemark, 20.–24. Aug. 1990.<br />

Subproject C3<br />

P. Horst, H. Kossira: Zum Beulverhalten dünner Aluminiumplatten bei wechselnder Schubbelastung.<br />

In: Proceedings der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt<br />

(DGLR), Jahrbuch 1988 I der DGLR, Bonn, 1988.<br />

K. Wolf: FIPPS – Ein Programm-Paket zur numerischen Analyse des linearen und nichtlinearen<br />

Tragverhaltens von Leichtbaustrukturen. In: H. Kossira (Ed.): 50 Jahre IFL, ZLR-Bericht 89-<br />

01, ISBN 3-9802073-0-7, Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

K. Wolf: Untersuchungen zum Beul- und Nachbeulverhalten schubbeanspruchter Teilschalen aus<br />

kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kunststoff. Dissertation, Inst. f. Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau, Technische<br />

Universität Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

P. Horst: Plastisches Beulen dünner Aluminiumplatten. In: H. Kossira (Ed.): 50 Jahre IFL, ZLR-<br />

Forschungsbericht 89-01, ISBN 3-9802073-0-7, Braunschweig, 1989.<br />

P. Horst, H. Kossira: Theoretical and experimental investigation of thin-walled aluminium-panels<br />

under cyclic shearload. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Spacecraft Structures<br />

and Mechanical Testing of ESA, CNES and DFVLR, ESA-Special Report SP-289,<br />

Noordwijk, 1989.<br />

P. Horst, H. Kossira: Cyclic Shear Buckling of Thin-Walled Aluminium Panels. Proceedings of the<br />

17th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) (Paper Nr. 90-<br />

4.4.1), Stockholm, 1990.<br />


Subproject D1 (C4)<br />

J. Ruge, C.X. Hou, U. Pätzold: Bestimmung von Gefügeinhomogenitäten in der Wärmeeinflusszone<br />

von Schweißverbindungen. Schweißen und Schneiden 41(3) (1989) 134–137.<br />

R. Linnemann: Beitrag zur Bewertung von Schweißnahtfehlern mittels bruchmechanischer Methoden.<br />

Fortschr.-Ber. VPI-Reihe 18, Nr. 55, VPI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1988.<br />

J. Ruge, S. Zhang, U. Pätzold: Spannungsberechnungen in Schweißnahtmodellen mit Hilfe neuer<br />

Werkstoffgesetze. Mat.-wiss. und Werkstofftech., Heft 9, 1990.<br />

1991–1993<br />

Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

Subproject A1<br />

M. Zehetbauer, J. Schmidt, F. Haeßner: Calorimetric study of defect annihilation in low temperature<br />

deformed pure Zn. Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 25 (1991) 559.<br />

F. Haeßner, K. Sztwiertnia, P. J. Wilbrandt: Quantitative analysis of the misorientation distribution<br />

after the recrystallization of tensile deformed copper single crystals. Textures and Microstructures<br />

13 (1991) 213.<br />

J. Schmidt, F. Haeßner: Recovery and recrystallization of high purity lead determined within a<br />

low temperature calorimeter. Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 25 (1991) 969.<br />

E. Woldt, F. Haeßner: Aspekte des Entfestigungsverhaltens von Kupfer. Z. f. Metallkunde 82<br />

(1991) 329.<br />

F. Haeßner: Calorimetric investigation of recovery and recrystallization phenomena in metals.<br />

In: R.D. Shull, A. Joshi (Eds.): Thermal Analysis in Metallurgy, The Minerals, Metals and<br />

Materials Society, 1992, pp. 233–257.<br />

F. Haeßner, K. Sztwiertnia: Some microstructural aspects of the initial stage of recrystallization of<br />

highly rolled pure copper. Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 27 (1992) 2933.<br />

P. Krüger, E. Woldt: The use of an activation energy distribution for the analysis of the recrystallization<br />

kinetics of copper. Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 40 (1992) 2933.<br />

E. Woldt: The relationship between isothermal and non-isothermal description of Johnson-Mehl-<br />

Avrami-Kolmogorov kinetics. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 53 (1992) 521.<br />

F. Haeßner, J. Schmidt: Investigation of the recrystallization of low temperature deformed highly<br />

pure types of aluminium. Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 41 (1993) 1739.<br />

K. Sztwiertnia, F. Haeßner: Orientation characteristics of the microstructure of highly pure copper<br />

and phosphorus copper. Textures and Microstructures 20 (1993) 87.<br />

H.W. Hesselbarth, L. Kaps, F. Haeßner: Two dimensional simulation of the recrystallization kinetics<br />

in the case of inhomogeneously stored energy. Materials Science Forum 113–115 (1993) 317.<br />

Subproject A2<br />

G. Lange, W. Gieseke: Veränderung des Werkstoffzustandes von Aluminium-Legierungen durch<br />

mehrachsige plastische Wechselbeanspruchungen. Festschrift zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres<br />

von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Eckhard Macherauch, DGM-Verlag Sept. 1991, pp. 49.<br />

M. Heiser, G. Lange: Scherbruch in Aluminium-Legierungen infolge lokaler plastischer Instabilität.<br />

Z. f. Metallkunde 83 (1992) 115.<br />

G. Lange: Schadensfälle durch Schwingbrüche. Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 4(10) (1992) 62.<br />

G. Lange: Schwingbrüche durch Steifigkeitssprünge. 15. Vortragsveranstaltung des Arbeitskreises<br />

„Rastermikroskopie in der Materialprüfung“, Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und<br />

-prüfung, Berlin, 1992, pp. 285.<br />

G. Lange: Schwingbrüche durch konstruktiv bedingte Spannungsspitzen (Teil 1: Sprunghafte<br />

Querschnittsänderungen und Steifigkeitssprünge an Schweißverbindungen). Ingenieur-Werkstoffe<br />

5(3) (1993) 58.<br />


Bibliography<br />

G. Lange: Schwingbrüche durch konstruktiv bedingte Spannungsspitzen (Teil 2: Verbindungs- und<br />

Befestigungselemente). Ingenieur-Werkstoffe 5(4) (1993) 74.<br />

G. Lange: Fractures in Aircraft Components. In: H.P. Rossmanith, K.J. Miller (Eds.): Mixed-<br />

Mode Fatigue and Fracture, Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited, London, 1993, pp.<br />

23.<br />

Subproject A5/B4<br />

K.-T. Rie, R. Schubert, H. Wittke: Cyclic Deformation Behaviour and Crack Growth in Low-Cycle<br />

Fatigue Range. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials – VI, The Sixth International Conference,<br />

Kyoto, Japan, Preprints of Additional Papers and Extended Abstracts, 1991, pp. 243–<br />

244.<br />

K.-T. Rie, H. Wittke, R. Schubert: The DJ-Integral and the Relation Between Deformation Behaviour<br />

and Microstructure in the LCF-Range. In: K.-T. Rie (Ed.): Low Cycle Fatigue and Elastic-Plastic<br />

Behaviour of Materials – 3, Elsevier Applied Science, London/New York, 1992, pp.<br />

514–520.<br />

K.-T. Rie, J. Olfe: Lokale Werkstoffbeanspruchung bei Hochtemperatur Low-Cycle Fatigue. IX.<br />

Symposium Verformung und Bruch, Teil 1, August 1991, pp. 150–154.<br />

K.-T. Rie, J. Olfe: Crack Growth and Crack Tip Deformation under Creep-Fatigue Conditions.<br />

In: M. Jono, T. Inoue (Eds.): Mechanical Behaviour of Materials – VI, Volume 4, Pergamon<br />

Press, 1991, pp. 367–372.<br />

K.-T. Rie, J. Olfe: A Physically Based Model for Predicting LCF Life under Creep Fatigue Interaction.<br />

In: K.-T. Rie (Ed.): Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elastic-Plastic Behaviour<br />

of Materials, Elsevier Applied Science, London/New York, 1992, pp. 222–228.<br />

K.-T. Rie, J. Olfe: Dehnungsfelder vor Riss-Spitzen bei Kriechermüdung. Z. Metallkde. 84<br />

(1993).<br />

Subproject A6/B1<br />

E. Steck: Stochastic Models for the Plasticity of Metals. In: O. Brüller, V. Mannl, J. Najar (Eds.):<br />

Advances in Continuum Mechanics, Springer Verlag, 1991, pp. 77–87.<br />

K. Rohwer, G. Malki, E. Steck: Influence of Bending-Twisting Coupling on the Buckling Loads of<br />

Symmetrically Layered Curved Panels. Proceedings Intern. Colloquium on Buckling of Shell<br />

Structures, on Land, in the Sea and in the Air, Lyon, France, Sept. 1991.<br />

E. Steck, F. Kublik: Application of Constitutive Models for the Prediction of Multiaxial Inelastic<br />

Behaviour. SMIRT 11, Transactions Vol. 1, Tokyo, Japan, 1991, pp. 557–567.<br />

E. Steck, H.W. Hesselbarth: Simulation of Disclocation Pattern Formation by Cellular Automata.<br />

In: J.-P. Boehler, A.S. Kahn (Eds.): Anisotropy and Localisation of Plastic Deformation, Proceedings<br />

of Plasticity ’91, Elsevier, London, 1991, pp. 175–178.<br />

E. Steck: Stochastic Modelling of Cyclic Deformation Process in Metals (Reprint). In: S.I. Andersen<br />

et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 13th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science:<br />

Modelling of Plastic Deformation and its Engineering Applications, Riso National Laboratory,<br />

Roskilde, Denmark, 1992.<br />

F. Kublik, E. Steck: Comparison of Two Constitutive Models with One- and Multiaxial Experiments.<br />

In: D. Besdo, E. Stein (Eds.): Finite Inelastic Deformations – Theory and Applications,<br />

IUTAM Symposium Hannover, Germany 1991, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1992.<br />

H. Schlums, E. Steck: Description of Cyclic Deformation Process with Stochastic Models for Inelastic<br />

Behaviour of Metals. Int. J. Plasticity 8 (1992) 147–169.<br />

Subproject A8<br />

F. Springer, Ch. Schwink: Quantitative investigations on dynamic strain ageing in polycrystalline<br />

CuMn alloys. Scripta Metall. Mater. 25 (1991) 2739–2745.<br />

R. Neuhaus, Ch. Schwink: The flow stress of [100]- and [111]-oriented Cu-Mn single crystals: a<br />

transmission electron microscopy study. Phil. Mag. A65 (1992) 1463–1484.<br />

H. Heinrich, R. Neuhaus, Ch. Schwink: Dislocation structure and densities in tensile deformed<br />

CuMn crystals oriented for single glide. phys. stat. sol. (a) 131 (1992) 299–309.<br />


Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

A. Kalk, Ch. Schwink: On sequences of alternate stable and unstable regions along tensile deformation<br />

curves. phys. stat. sol. (b) 172 (1992) 133–145.<br />

Ch. Schwink: Flow stress dependence on cell geometry in single crystals. Scripta Metal. Mater.<br />

27 (1992) 963–969 (Viewpoint Set No. 20).<br />

H. Neuhäuser, Ch. Schwink: Solid solution strengthening. In: R. W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer<br />

(Eds.): Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 6 (Vol.-Ed.: H. Mughrabi), VCH, Weinheim,<br />

1993, pp. 191–251.<br />

A. Kalk, Ch. Schwink, F. Springer: On sequences of stable and unstable regions of flow along<br />

stress-strain curves of solid solutions – experiments on Cu-Mn polycrystals. Mater. Sci. Eng.<br />

A 164 (1993) 230–234.<br />

Th. Wutzke, Ch. Schwink: Strain rate sensitivities and dynamic strain ageing in CuMn crystals<br />

oriented for single glide. phys. stat. sol. (a) 137 (1993) 337–350.<br />

Subproject A9<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Collective Dislocation Behaviour and Plastic Instabilities – Micro and Macro Aspects.<br />

In: J.-P. Boehler, A.S. Kahn (Eds.): Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation,<br />

Elsevier Appl. Sci., London, 1991, pp. 77–80.<br />

C. Engelke, P. Krüger, H. Neuhäuser: Stress Relaxation in Cu-Al Single Crystals at High Temperatures.<br />

Scripta Metal. Mater. 27 (1992) 371–376.<br />

J. Vergnol, F. Tranchant, A. Hampel, H. Neuhäuser: Mesoscopic Observations Related to Twinning<br />

Instabilities in -CuAl Crystals. In: O. Martin, L. Kubin (Eds.): Non-Linear Phenomena<br />

in Materials Science 11, Trans. Tech. Publ., Zürich, 1992, pp. 303–316.<br />

H. Neuhäuser, Ch. Schwink: Solid Solution Hardening. In: R.W. Cahn, P. Hansen, E.J. Kramer<br />

(Eds.): Materials Science and Technology – A Comprehensive Treatment, Vol. 6: Plastic Deformation<br />

and Fracture of Materials (Vol.-Ed.: H. Mughrabi), VCH Verlagsgemeinschaft,<br />

Weinheim, 1993, pp. 191–250.<br />

A. Hampel, T. Kammler, H. Neuhäuser: Structure and Kinetics of Lüders Band Slip in Cu-5 to<br />

15at%Al Single Crystals. phys. stat. sol. (a) 135 (1993) 405–416.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Collective Micro Shear Processes and Plastic Instabilities in Crystalline and<br />

Amorphous Structures. Int. J. Plasticity 9 (1993) 421–435.<br />

C. Engelke, J. Plessing, H. Neuhäuser: Plastic Deformation of Single Glide Oriented Cu-2 to<br />

15at%Al Crystals at Elevated Temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 164 (1993) 235–239.<br />

H. Neuhäuser: Problems in Solid Solution Hardening of Alloys. Physica Scripta T 49 (1993) 412–<br />

419.<br />

H. Neuhäuser, A. Hampel: Observation of Lüders Bands in Single Crystals. Scripta Metal. Mater.<br />

29 (1993) 1151–1157.<br />

Subproject A10<br />

D. Besdo: Eine Erweiterung der Taylor-Theorie zur Erfassung der kinematischen Verfestigung.<br />

ZAMM-Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 71 (1991) T264–T265.<br />

D. Besdo, M. Müller: The Influence of Texture Development on the Plastic Behaviour of Polycrystals.<br />

In: D. Besdo, E. Stein (Eds.): Finite Inelastic Deformations – Theory and Applications,<br />

IUTAM Symposium Hannover, Germany 1991, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1992.<br />

M. Müller, D. Besdo: Simulation globaler Anisotropie mit Hilfe eines Vielkristallmodells. ZAMM-<br />

Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 73 (1993) T658.<br />

Subproject B2<br />

G. Kracht: Erschließung viskoplastischer Stoffmodelle für thermomechanische Strukturanalyse.<br />

Report Nr. 93-69 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1993.<br />

E.-R. Tirpitz: Elasto-plastische Erweiterung von viskoplastischen Stoffmodellen für Metalle. Report<br />

Nr. 92-70 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

H. Braasch: Ein Konzept für Fortentwicklung und Anwendung viskoplastischer Werkstoffmodelle.<br />

Report Nr. 92-71 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1992.<br />


Bibliography<br />

L. Pisarsky: Zur Berechnung nichtmonoton beanspruchter wassergesättigter Tonböden. Report Nr.<br />

91-65 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1991.<br />

Z. Huang: Beanspruchungen des Tunnelausbaus bei zeitabhängigem Materialverhalten von Beton<br />

und Gebirge. Report Nr. 91-68 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1991.<br />

B. Hu: Berechnung des geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearen Verhaltens von Flächentragwerken<br />

aus Stahl unter hohen Temperaturen. Report Nr. 93-72 from the Institut für Statik der<br />

TU Braunschweig, 1993.<br />

H. Braasch, H. Duddeck, H. Ahrens: A New Approach to Improve and Derive Materials Models.<br />

J. Eng. Mat. Tech. (ASME) 117 (1995) 14–19.<br />

E.-R. Tirpitz, M. Schwesig: A Unified Model Approach Combining Rate-Dependent and Rate-Independent<br />

Plasticity. Low Cycle Fatigue and Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Materials-3, Berlin,<br />

1992, pp. 411–417.<br />

M. Schwesig, U. Kowalsky: Zur Formulierung und Anwendung eines elasto-plastischen Modells<br />

für reibungsbehafteten Kontakt. Report Nr. 93-75 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig,<br />

1993, pp. 75–94.<br />

H. Braasch: Concept to Improve the Approximation of Material Functions in Unified Models.<br />

Low Cycle Fatigue and Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Materials – 3, Berlin, 1992, pp. 405–410.<br />

U. Kowalski: Verification of a Microstructure-Related Constitutive Model by Optimized Identification<br />

of Material Parameters. Low Cycle Fatigue and Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Materials –<br />

3, Berlin, 1992, pp. 405–410.<br />

T. Streilein: Anwendung eines Überspannungsmodells zur Beschreibung ein- und mehraxialer zyklischer<br />

Versuche. Report Nr. 93-75 from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1993,<br />

pp. 29–46.<br />

H. Braasch: Erfassung streuenden Materialverhaltens in Werkstoffmodellen. Report Nr. 93-75<br />

from the Institut für Statik der TU Braunschweig, 1993, pp. 1–14.<br />

Subproject B5/B7<br />

J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe: Einachsige Zug-Druck-Versuche an Baustahl St52-3. Institut für Stahlbau,<br />

TU Braunschweig, unpublished internal report.<br />

J. Scheer, H.-J. Scheibe: Untersuchungen von zyklisch beanspruchten Lochscheiben aus Baustahl<br />

St52-3. Institut für Stahlbau, TU Braunschweig, unpublished internal report.<br />

S. Dannemeyer: Verhalten von thermomechanisch behandelten Baustählen unter zyklischer Beanspruchung<br />

im elastisch-plastischen Bereich. Experimentelle Studienarbeit, Institut für Stahlbau,<br />

TU Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

M.M. El-Ghandour: Low-Cycle Fatigue Damage Accumulation of Structural Steel St52. Dissertation<br />

TU Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

L. Reifenstein: Verhalten modifizierter CT-Proben aus Baustahl St52-3 unter zyklischer Belastung<br />

im elastisch-plastischen Bereich. Experimentelle Studienarbeit, Institut für Stahlbau, TU Braunschweig.<br />

U. Peil: Dynamisches Verhalten abgespannter Maste. VDI Bericht Nr. 924, 1992.<br />

Subproject B6/B8<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang, J.A. König: Shakedown with non-linear hardening including structural computation<br />

using finite element methods. Int. J. Plasticity 8 (1992) 1–31.<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang: Theoretical and numerical shakedown analysis for kinematic hardening<br />

materials. In: Proc. 3rd Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, 1992, pp. 1–25.<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang, Y. Huang: Modelling and computation of shakedown problems for non-linear<br />

hardening materials. Computer Methods in Mechanics and Engineering 103(1/2) (1993) 247–<br />

272.<br />

E. Stein, G. Zhang, R. Mahnken: Shake-down analysis for perfectly plastic and kinematic hardening<br />

material. In: E. Stein (Ed.): Progress in computational analysis of inelastic structures,<br />

CISM courses and lecture No. 321, Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, 1993, pp. 175–244.<br />

E. Stein, Y. Huang: An analytical method to solve shakedown problems for materials with linear<br />

kinematic hardening materials. Int. J. of Solids and Structures 18 (1994) 2433–2444.<br />


Publications Resulted from the Collaborative Research Centre<br />

G. Zhang: Einspielen und dessen numerische Behandlung von Flächentragwerken aus ideal plastischem<br />

bzw. kinematisch verfestigendem Material. Ph. D. Thesis, Institut für Baumechanik<br />

und Numerische Mechanik, Universität Hannover, 1992.<br />

R. Mahnken: Duale Verfahren für nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme in der Strukturmechanik.<br />

Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität Hannover,<br />

F92/3, 1992.<br />

R. Mahnken, E. Stein: Parameter-Identification for Visco-Plastic Models via Finite-Element-Methods<br />

and Gradient Methods. IUTAM-Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Materials,<br />

Brown University, 1993.<br />

E. Stein, R. Mahnken: On a solution strategy for parameter identification of visco-plastic models<br />

in the context of finite elements methods. Proc. of Plasticity: Fourth Int. Symposium on Plasticity<br />

and its Current Applications, 1993.<br />

Subproject C1<br />

K. Andresen, B. Hübner: Calculation of Strain from an Object Grating on a Reseau Film by a<br />

Correlation Method. Exp. Mechanics 32 (1992) 96–101.<br />

Q. Yu, K. Andresen, D. Zhang: Digital pure shear-strain moiré patterns. Applied Optics 31<br />

(1992) 1813–1817.<br />

K. Andresen, B. Kamp, R. Ritter: 3D-Contour of Crack Tips Using a Grating Method. Second International<br />

Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology, San Diego 1991, SPIE Proceedings<br />

1554 A (1991) 93–100.<br />

K. Andresen, B. Kamp, R. Ritter: Three-dimensional surface deformation measurement by a grating<br />

method applied to crack tips. Optical Engineering 31 (1992) 1499–1504.<br />

K. Andresen: 3D-Vermessungen im Nahbereich mit Abbildungsfunktionen. Mustererkennung 92,<br />

14. DAGM Symposion, Dresden, 1992, pp. 304–309.<br />

K. Andresen, Q. Yu: Robust phase unwrapping by spin filtering combined with a phase direction<br />

map. Optik 94 (1993) 145–149.<br />

K. Andresen, Q. Yu: Robust Phase Unwrapping by Spin Filtering Using a Phase Direction Map.<br />

Fringe 93-Bremen.<br />

K. Andresen: Ermittlung von Raumelementen aus Kanten im Bild. Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie<br />

und Fernerkundung 59 (1991) 212–220.<br />

K. Andresen, R. Ritter, E. Steck: Theoretical and experimental investigations of crack extension<br />

by FEM- and grating methods. Defect assessment in components. Fundamentals and application.<br />

ESIS/EGF9, Mechanical Engineering Publication, London, 1991, pp. 345–361.<br />

Subproject C2<br />

R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Gliederung der Moiréverfahren. Österreich. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitung<br />

136 (1991) 218–222.<br />

R. Ritter, W. Wilke: Slope and Contour Measurement by the Reflection Grating Method and the<br />

Photogrammetric Principle. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 15 (1991) 103–113.<br />

K. Galanulis, J.O. Hilbig, R. Ritter: Zur 3D-Verformungsmessung mit einem Elektronik Speckle-<br />

Pattern Interferometer (ESPI). VDI-Berichte Nr. 882, 1991, pp. 233–242.<br />

J.O. Hilbig, R. Ritter: Speckle measurement for 3D surface movement. Proceedings of the Second<br />

International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology, San Diego 1991, SPIE<br />

Proceedings 1554 A (1991) 588–592.<br />

J.O. Hilbig, K. Galanulis, R. Ritter: Zur 3D-Verformungsmessung mit einem Elektronischen<br />

Speckle-Interferometer. DVM-Tagungsband „Werkstoffprüfung 1991“, Bad Nauheim, 1991, pp.<br />

103–110.<br />

D. Brinkmann, K. Galanulis, M. Kassner, R. Ritter, D. Winter, H. Wohlfahrt: Zur Anwendung der<br />

Speckle-Meßtechnik bei der Verformungsmessung in der Verbindungszone von Kaltpress-<br />

Schweißverbindungen verschiedener Werkstoffe. DVM-Tagungsband „Werkstoffprüfung 1992“,<br />

Bad Nauheim, 1992, pp. 261–271.<br />


Bibliography<br />

D. Brinkmann, K. Galanulis, M. Kassner, Ritter, D. Winter, H. Wohlfahrt: Deformation analysis<br />

in the joining zone of cold pressure butt welding of different materials. International Symposium<br />

on Mis-Matching of Welds, GKSS-Research Centre, Geesthacht, 1993.<br />

D. Bergmann, B.-W. Lührig, R. Ritter, D. Winter: Evaluation of ESPI-phase-images with regional<br />

discontinuities. SPIE Proceedings 2003, 1993.<br />

K. Galanulis, R. Ritter: Speckle interferometry in material testing and dimensioning of structures.<br />

SPIE Proceedings 2004, 1993.<br />

R. Ritter, H. Sadewasser, D. Winter: Evaluation of wrapped phase images with regional discontinuities.<br />

International Workshop “Fringe”, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1993.<br />

Subproject C3<br />

H. Kossira, P. Horst: Cyclic Shear Loading of Aluminium Panels With Regard to Buckling and<br />

Plasticity. Thin-walled Structures 11 (1991) 65–84.<br />

P. Horst: Zum Beulverhalten dünner, bis in den plastischen Bereich zyklisch durch Schub belasteter<br />

Aluminiumplatten. Dissertation, ZLR Forschungsbericht 91-01, ISBN 3-9802073-5-8, Inst.<br />

f. Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1991.<br />

P. Horst, H. Kossira, G. Arnst: On the Performance of Different Elastic-Plastic Material Models<br />

Applied to Cyclic Shear Buckling. Proc. of the Int. ECCS-Colloquium: On the Buckling of<br />

Shell Structures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air, Lyon, France, 1991.<br />

H. Kossira, M. Haupt: Buckling of Laminated Plates and Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Combined<br />

Thermal and Mechanical Loads. Proc. of the Int. ECCS-Colloqium: On the Buckling of<br />

Shell Structures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air, Lyon, France, 1991.<br />

M. Haupt, H. Kossira, M. Kracht, J. Pleitner: A Very Efficient Tool for the Structural Analysis of<br />

Hypersonic Vehicles under High Temperature Aspects. Proc. of the 18th ICAS-Congress,<br />

Peking, China, 1992.<br />

K. Wolf, H. Kossira: An efficient test method for the experimental investigation of the post buckling<br />

behaviour of curved composite shear panels. Proceedings of the European Conferences on<br />

Composite Materials (ECCM), Amsterdam, 1992.<br />

M. Haupt, H. Kossira: Integrated Thermal and Mechanical Structural Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles<br />

by Using Adaptive Finite Element Methods. Proc. of the Third Aerospace Symposium<br />

1991, Braunschweig. In: Orbital Transport – Technical, Metereological and Chemical Aspects,<br />

Springer, 1993, pp. 165–178.<br />

Subproject C4<br />

J. Ruge, U. Pätzold: Einsatz einer vollautomatischen Härteprüfstation zur Prüfung von Schweißverbindungen<br />

und Optimierung von Schweißverfahren. Tagungsband der DVM-Tagung Werkstoffprüfung,<br />

1991.<br />

U. Pätzold: Verformungsanalyse von Schweißverbindungen. Dissertation, Institut für Schweißtechnik,<br />

Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1992.<br />

D. Brinkmann, K. Galanulis, M. Kassner, R. Ritter, H. Wohlfahrt: Zur Anwendung der Speckle-<br />

Meßtechnik bei der Verformungsmessung in der Verbindungszone von Kaltpress-Schweißverbindungen<br />

verschiedenartiger Werkstoffe. Tagungsband der DVM-Tagung Werkstoffprüfung,<br />

1992, pp. 261–271.<br />

D. Brinkmann, K. Galanulis, M. Kassner, R. Ritter, D. Winter, H. Wohlfahrt: Deformation Analysis<br />

in the Joining Zone of Cold Pressure Butt Welds of Different Materials. Proceedings of the<br />

Conference on Mis-Matching of Welds, MEP, London, 1993.<br />


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