3504 SHA Your Voice 15 - Spectrum Housing Group

3504 SHA Your Voice 15 - Spectrum Housing Group

3504 SHA Your Voice 15 - Spectrum Housing Group

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Equality and diversity: raceLaws to offer protection from racial discrimination first came intoeffect in Britain in 1976. Since then, the UK has become muchmore ethnically diverse with 8% of the population now belonging tominority ethnic communities. As this figure is set to grow, it isimportant that race equality issues are addressed and policies are inplace to support emerging and established groups.EditorialAs I write this, all I can think about is allthe terrible stuff that is in the newspapers.How come we only hear about the badstuff? Surely good stuff happens too.Why do the newspapers always lookon the down side? Perhaps they shouldbe like me and look out the good ineverything. That way you feel good andI think you go about life differently.Maybe you have had some goodmoments that you could tell me aboutin a letter or email and cheer me up?One thing that I think about to cheermyself up is when I was a teenager andbabysat some children in my schoolholidays – the little boy asked his mumwhat dinosaurs were like as she was old!Spring is hopefully here now and newlife is popping up everywhere, whichreminds me, I’d better buy some seedsas I intend to have flowers in mygarden this year. You see, I’m notgreen fingered and I seem to killeverything by over watering orforgetting to water it. The one plantthat does well in my house is a cactus!I like this time of year. The days aregetting lighter and longer, it’s not darkwhen you get up and dark when you goto bed. Oh, by the way, my husband hasa new project – a tractor. He says thechildren talked him into it. So I am backto the familiar black patches on mytowels and oily handprints everywhere.Thank goodness for the person whoinvented washing machines, although Ialways seem to end up with a sock inthe whites, which changes them to anoff white!Alison Moors, EditorWhile many ethnic minority groups thrive, contributing to society and theeconomy, many more do not despite significant progress. Barriers to thissuccess have been identified as being poor schooling and other institutionalissues that bar the gateway to opportunity.The Race Relations Amendment Act (2000) came into force following theinquiry into the tragic death of black teenager Stephen Lawrence. It outlined ageneral duty to all public authorities to promote race equality and ensure thatthey consult with representatives from minority ethnic communities and totake account of policies which impact on minority ethnic groups.As part of Signpost’s commitment to embedding equality and diversity, a newRace Equality Action Plan has been developed for Signpost <strong>Housing</strong>Association and Signpost Care Partnerships. The Action Plan covers manyissues such as access to services, involvement in decision making andmonitoring of satisfaction with services for our black and minority ethnicresidents. If you would like to see a copy of the Action Plan please contactPauline Watts, <strong>Housing</strong> Services Manager (West) on 01392 361122 or email atpauline.watts@sha.co.ukGet set for digitalTV switchoverTelevision transmission changesare on their way, with theswitchover to digital starting inthe south west this year.If you are in the Westcountry TVarea, you will be switching over todigital in May. If you get West TV itwill be in 2010, and it’s 2012 forMeridian viewers. Followingswitchover, analogue television setswill no longer pick up televisionsignals unless they have adigital receiver box. If youhave any questions abouthow the switchover willaffect you, call the DigitalUK help centre on08456 50 50 50 or go towww.digitaluk.co.uk• If you have a TV with the‘digital tick’ logo, it willautomatically pick up thedigital television channelsduring switchover.• Older analogue televisions will notbe compatible, so you will need tobuy a Freeview digibox.• Look out for the ‘digital tick’ logowhen buying digital TV products.• If you are over 75, receiving certaindisability benefits or registeredblind or partially sighted you maybe able to get help with theswitchover through the BBC HelpScheme. To find out more contactDigital TV.2

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