Benefits at a glance - Ventana Medical Systems

Benefits at a glance - Ventana Medical Systems

Benefits at a glance - Ventana Medical Systems

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HolidaysIn addition to paid vac<strong>at</strong>ion time,you have 13 paid Company holidays,three of which are flo<strong>at</strong>ing holidaysth<strong>at</strong> you can schedule throughout theyear. Flo<strong>at</strong>ing holidays must be usedduring the calendar year; they cannotbe carried over. During your first yearof employment, flo<strong>at</strong>ing holidays arepror<strong>at</strong>ed based on your d<strong>at</strong>e of hire.Hire D<strong>at</strong>eFlo<strong>at</strong>ingHolidaysBefore April 1 3April 1–June 30 2July 1–September 30 1After September 30 0Each year, the Company will reviewthe holiday calendar and may adjustthe design<strong>at</strong>ed and flo<strong>at</strong>ing holidaysdepending on how the holidays fallwithin the calendar.Leaves of AbsenceWe provide leaves of absence for anumber of circumstances, includingbereavement leave, bonding leave,family and medical leave, jury andwitness duty leave, military leave,organ don<strong>at</strong>ion leave, personal leave,and voting leave.Personal SupportEmployee AssistanceProgram (EAP)We offer free, convenient access toconfidential counseling, resources, andreferrals for you and your dependentsthrough OptumHealth. Servicesinclude counseling for personalissues such as marriage and familyrel<strong>at</strong>ionships, substance abuse, stress,anxiety, depression, or loss of lovedones. This service is available 24hours a day, seven days a week.Work/Life BalanceOptumHealth provides freeprofessional counseling, resources,and reference m<strong>at</strong>erials for a range ofissues, including adoption, eldercare,childcare, selecting a school,planning to pay for college, childsafety, and more.Adoption AssistanceThe Adoption Assistance programreimburses you up to $5,000 foreach adoption or up to $6,500 fora “special needs” adoption.Other InsuranceYou may purchase auto or homeinsurance, long-term care insurance,pet insurance, and group legalservices <strong>at</strong> group r<strong>at</strong>es.Financial, Legal, andTravel AssistanceYou also have access to freeservices through Minnesota Life,including beneficiary financialcounseling, legal services, andtravel assistance.Intern<strong>at</strong>ional SOSIntern<strong>at</strong>ional SOS providesmedical and security expertiseto help you and your dependentswhile working, vac<strong>at</strong>ioning, orliving outside of the United St<strong>at</strong>es.Roche ProductReimbursementProgramThe Roche Product ReimbursementProgram reimburses you andyour eligible dependents for yourout-of-pocket costs when youpurchase Company pharmaceuticalsand diagnostic products.Retirement401(k)/Savings PlanWe encourage you to save forretirement through the 401(k)/Savings plan. Administered byFirst Mercantile Trust, the planoffers a variety of funds in whichto alloc<strong>at</strong>e investments. Unlessyou opt out or make a differentcontribution r<strong>at</strong>e election, you willbe autom<strong>at</strong>ically enrolled in the401(k)/Savings plan approxim<strong>at</strong>ely30 days following your d<strong>at</strong>e of hire,contributing 4 percent of your regularpay, with autom<strong>at</strong>ic increases of 2percent each year up to 16 percent.You can receive 100 percent Companym<strong>at</strong>ching contributions up to theEligibilityThe U.S. <strong>Benefits</strong> Program isavailable to regular employeespaid via a U.S. payroll system whowork <strong>at</strong> least 20 hours a week andtheir eligible dependents. Eligibledependents include:Your same or opposite sexspouse or domestic partner 1 ,registered domestic partner,or civil union partnerYour dependent children(biological, step, adopted,or legal ward) up to age 26Your domestic partner’sdependent children 1(biological, adopted, orlegal ward) up to age 26Most benefits become effectiveimmedi<strong>at</strong>ely on the d<strong>at</strong>e ofhire without any pre-existingcondition exclusions.For active, benefits-eligible employees of Roche’sU.S. affili<strong>at</strong>es paid via a U.S. payroll system andlast hired on or after January 1, 2013. Temporaryemployees, consultants, and contractors are noteligible for benefits. Interns and co-ops are onlyeligible for the 401(k)/Savings plan, BusinessTravel Accident Insurance, holidays, FMLA, andst<strong>at</strong>e-mand<strong>at</strong>ed temporary disability benefits.Clinical fellows, post-docs, and term employeesare not eligible for adoption assistance, the U.S.Retiree Healthcare Plan (Retiree Account andRetiree Coverage), the Sabb<strong>at</strong>ical Program,service awards, and Tuition Reimbursement.1You must provide an Affidavit of DomesticPartnership to the Company.first 4 percent you save. In addition,the Company autom<strong>at</strong>icallycontributes 6 percent of your401(k)-eligible pay annually tothe 401(k)/Savings plan, regardless ofwhether you choose to contribute.Healthcare <strong>Benefits</strong>for Retired EmployeesIf you retire <strong>at</strong> or after age 60 with<strong>at</strong> least five years of service, theCompany will contribute $1,000for each year of credited serviceto help you pay for your qualifiedhealthcare expenses duringretirement. Additionally, we alsooffer eligible retirees access tohealthcare coverage in retirement,for which the retiree pays the fullcost of coverage until becomingeligible for Medicare.3

Career & LearningRoche offers a wide range of careerand learning programs th<strong>at</strong> aredesigned to help you develop, witha focus on results and on contributingto an agile, diverse, and highperformanceorganiz<strong>at</strong>ion.New Hire Orient<strong>at</strong>ionWhen you join the Company, youwill <strong>at</strong>tend an inform<strong>at</strong>ive orient<strong>at</strong>ionsession to ensure th<strong>at</strong> you becomeacclim<strong>at</strong>ed to our Company cultureas quickly and effectively as possible.Tuition ReimbursementHelping you expand your knowledgeand pursue your professional goalsis important to your success and tothe success of the Company. TuitionReimbursement enables you to <strong>at</strong>tendaccredited colleges and universitiesto gain skills and knowledge for yourcurrent position or for Companyrel<strong>at</strong>edfuture job opportunities. Ifeligible, you can be reimbursed up to$10,000 per calendar year as long asyour manager approves your educ<strong>at</strong>ionplan prior to the course start d<strong>at</strong>e.Scholarship ProgramThe Nelson F. Peterson ScholarshipProgram provides scholarships($2,000 per year for up to fouryears) to children of regular activeemployees who meet the requirementsof, and are selected by, the N<strong>at</strong>ionalMerit Scholarship Program. Awardsare based on academic record,leadership, test scores, and significantextracurricular accomplishments.Section 529CollegeBoundfund®To support your family’s educ<strong>at</strong>iongoals, we offer a tax-advantagedsection 529 college savings plan. Thefund is managed by AllianceBernsteinInvestments and offers severalportfolio options. Enjoy the benefitsof tax-free earnings growth andno federal income tax on qualifiedwithdrawals.Treasure for TalentWhen you help the Company findtalented colleagues who fit ourculture and are hired, you arerewarded for being a talent scout.Your award is $1,000 when a nonexemptemployee is hired, and$4,000 when an exempt employeeis hired. Awards are paid after90 days (non-exempt) or 180days (exempt) of hire, based ons<strong>at</strong>isfactory performance. (Somepositions of significant hiringinfluence are ineligiblefor particip<strong>at</strong>ion.)Community &ConvenienceOur community and convenienceprograms and services foster anenvironment th<strong>at</strong> allows employeesto connect with one another. Youcan get involved in our communitythrough programs and events,including social g<strong>at</strong>herings,volunteer opportunities, andmore. We also offer you a widerange of services designed tohelp make your life easier while<strong>at</strong> work.CafeteriaThe Stain Street Café is a full-servicecafeteria, providing a wide varietyof meal options ranging fromrotisserie items to made-to-orderpizzas. All food options are offeredto you <strong>at</strong> a reduced cost.Nursing Mothers’ LoungeThe Company provides priv<strong>at</strong>e roomsfor nursing mothers.Childcare SupportYou can take advantage of subsidizedbackup care when your normalcare arrangements are unavailable.The program provides access to anetwork of licensed, trained childcareproviders and caregivers in theTucson area through ChoiceCare.Carpool IncentiveSave time and money by sharing aride, earn cash rewards, and supportthe environment.Employee DiscountsBeing part of the Roche communitygives you access to discountson a wide array of activities anditems, including local and n<strong>at</strong>ional<strong>at</strong>tractions, dining, electronics,personal cell phone plans, homefurnishings, and more throughCorpor<strong>at</strong>e Perks.Employee ActivitiesStriking a balance between workand play is an important part ofsustaining your enthusiasm andmotiv<strong>at</strong>ion. We offer a numberof programs th<strong>at</strong> encourage fun,community involvement, teamwork,and good health.Employee Giving ProgramMaking a difference in the lives ofothers is part of who we are and thecontributions we make. <strong>Ventana</strong>will m<strong>at</strong>ch don<strong>at</strong>ions to eligiblecancer nonprofit organiz<strong>at</strong>ions ona dollar-for-dollar basis, up to$200 per employee per year.For active, benefits-eligible employees of Roche’s U.S. affili<strong>at</strong>es paid via a U.S. payroll system and last hired on or after January 1, 2013. Temporary employees, consultants,and contractors are not eligible for benefits. Interns and co-ops are only eligible for the 401(k)/Savings plan, Business Travel Accident Insurance, holidays, FMLA, andst<strong>at</strong>e-mand<strong>at</strong>ed temporary disability benefits. Clinical fellows, post-docs, and term employees are not eligible for adoption assistance, the U.S. Retiree HealthcarePlan (Retiree Account and Retiree Coverage), the Sabb<strong>at</strong>ical Program, service awards, and Tuition Reimbursement. Neither this guide nor the policies and procedurescontained herein constitute a contract. This means th<strong>at</strong> no promise of any kind is intended by the benefits described in this guide. Nothing in the guide or the plansdescribed in it gives, or is intended to give, any person the right to be retained in the employment of any U.S. affili<strong>at</strong>es of Roche (collectively “the Company”), or tointerfere with the right of the employer to termin<strong>at</strong>e the employment of any person. Examples and pointers provided in this guide are for educ<strong>at</strong>ional purposes only. TheCompany does not intend to make specific recommend<strong>at</strong>ions or to give any legal or tax advice in this guide. It is the responsibility of the employee to decide on the amountof coverage and whether to use before-tax or after-tax dollars to pay for coverage. You should consult with your tax professional, financial adviser, or <strong>at</strong>torney for adviceon these decisions. This guide contains an overview of many of the Company’s benefits plans and programs. In case of any conflict between the inform<strong>at</strong>ion in this guideand the official plan documents, the official plan documents will prevail. The Company reserves the right to change or end any of these plans or programs <strong>at</strong> any time. Toaccess additional terms, conditions, and limit<strong>at</strong>ions of these benefits and programs, please visit the Human Resources section of your local Company intranet.4 | <strong>Ventana</strong> © December 2012

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