Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

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146 7 Extracting <strong>and</strong> Analyzing <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Networks<strong>Web</strong> community slightly differs from a community of people, for example, a <strong>Web</strong> communitymay include competing companies. Since a <strong>Web</strong> community represents a certain topic, we canunderst<strong>and</strong> when <strong>and</strong> how the topic emerged <strong>and</strong> evolved in the <strong>Web</strong>.As introduced in Section 5.4, there are several algorithms for finding <strong>Web</strong> communities.Here, the extraction of <strong>Web</strong> community utilizes <strong>Web</strong> community chart that is a graph of communities,in which related communities are connected by weighted edges. The main advantageof the <strong>Web</strong> community chart is existence of relevance betw<strong>ee</strong>n communities. We can navigatethrough related communities, <strong>and</strong> locate evolution around a particular community.M.Toyoda <strong>and</strong> M. Kitsuregawa explain how <strong>Web</strong> communities evolve, <strong>and</strong> what kindsof metrics can measure degr<strong>ee</strong> of the evolution, such as growth rate <strong>and</strong> novelty. They firstexplain the details of changes of <strong>Web</strong> communities, <strong>and</strong> then introduce evolution metrics thatcan be used for finding patterns of evolution. Here the notations used are summarized in thissection.t 1 , t 2 , ..., t n : Time when each archive crawled. Currently, a month is used as the unit time.W(t k ): The <strong>Web</strong> archive at time t k .C(t k ): The <strong>Web</strong> community chart at time t k .c(t k ), d(t k ), e(t k ), ...: Communities in C(t k ).7.1.1 Types of ChangesEmerge: A community c(t k ) emerges in C(t k ), when c(t k ) shares no URLs with any communityin C(t k−1 ). Note that not all URLs in c(t k ) newly appear in W(t k ). Some URLs in c(t k )may be included in W (t k−1 ), <strong>and</strong> do not have enough connectivity to form a community.Dissolve: A community c(t k−1 ) in C(t k1 ) has dissolved, when c(t k−1 ) shares no URLs withany community in C(t k ). Note that not all URLs in c(t k−1 ) disappeared from W (t k−1 ). SomeURLs in c(t k−1 ) may still be included in W (t k ) losing connectivity to any community.Grow <strong>and</strong> shrink: When c(t k−1 ) in C(t k−1 ) shares URLs with only c(t k ) in C(t k ), <strong>and</strong> viceversa, only two changes can occur to c(t k−1 ). The community grows when new URLs areappeared in c(t k ), <strong>and</strong> shrinks when URLs disappeared from c(t k−1 ). When the number ofappeared URLs is greater than the number of disappeared URLs, it grows. In the reverse case,it shrinks.Split: A community c(t k−1 ) may split into some smaller communities. In this case, c(t k−1 )shares URLs with multiple communities in C(t k ). Split is caused by disconnections of URLsin SDG. Split communities may grow <strong>and</strong> shrink. They may also merge (s<strong>ee</strong> the next item)with other communities.Merge: When multiple communities (c(t k−1 )), d(t k−1 ), ...) share URLs with a single communitye(t k ), these communities are merged into e(t k ) by connections of their URLs in SDG.Merged community may grow <strong>and</strong> shrink. They may also split before merging.7.1.2 Evolution MetricsEvolution metrics measure how a particular community c(t k ) has evolved. For example, wecan know how much c(t k ) has grown, <strong>and</strong> how many URLs newly appeared in c(t k ). Theproposed metrics can be used for finding various patterns of evolution described above. Tomeasure changes of c(t k ), the community is identified at time t k−1 corresponding to c(t k ).This corresponding community, c(t k−1 ), is defined as the community that shares the mostURLs with c(t k ). If there were multiple communities that share the same number of URLs, acommunity that has the largest number of URLs is selected.

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