Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

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8.3 User Profiling for <strong>Web</strong> Recommendation Based on PLSA <strong>and</strong> LDA Model 181Algorithm 8.1: User profiling algorithm for <strong>Web</strong> recommendation based on PLSAInput: An active user session s a <strong>and</strong> a set of user profiles up = {up j }.Output: The top-N recommendations REC PLSA (s a )={p mat ∣j ∣p matj ∈ P, j = 1,...,N }.Step 1: The active session s a <strong>and</strong> the discovered user profiles up are viewed as n-dimensional vectors over the page space within a site, i.e. up j =[w j 1 ,wj 2 ,···,wj n],where w ji is the significant weight contributed by page p i in the up user profile, similarlys a =[w a 1 ,wa 2 ,···wa n ], where wa i = 1, if page p i is already accessed, <strong>and</strong> otherwisew a i = 0,Step 2: Measure the similarities betw<strong>ee</strong>n the active session <strong>and</strong> all derived usageprofiles, <strong>and</strong> choose the maximum one out of the calculated similarities as the mostmatched pattern:sim(s a ,up j )=(s a · up j ) / ∥ ∥‖s a ‖ ∥upj∥2 2 (8.11)where s a up j = ∑ n i=1 w ji wa i , ‖s a‖ 2 = √ ∑ n i=1 (wa i )2 , ∥ ∥ √upj∥2 = ∑ n i=1 (w ji )2 .sim(s a ,up mat )=maxj(sim(s a ,up j )) (8.12)Step 3: Incorporate the selected profile up mat with the active session s a , then calculatethe recommendation score rs(p i ) for each page p i :√rs(p i )= w mati × sim(s a ,up mat ) (8.13)Thus, each page in the profile will be assigned a recommendation score betw<strong>ee</strong>n 0<strong>and</strong> 1. Note that the recommendation score will be 0 if the page is already visited inthe current session,Step 4: Sort the calculated recommendation scores in step 3 obtained in a descendingorder, i.e. rs =(w mat1,w mat2,···,w matn ) , <strong>and</strong> select the N pages with the highestrecommendation score to construct the top-N recommendation set:REC PLSA (s a )={p matj|rs(p matj ) > rs(p matj+1 ), j = 1,2,···N − 1} (8.14)8.3.2 Recommendation Algorithm Based on LDA ModelIn this section, we present a user profiling algorithm for <strong>Web</strong> recommendation basedon LDA generative model. As introduced in Sect.6.2, LDA is one of the generativemodels, which is to reveal the latent semantic correlation among the co-occurred activitiesvia a generative procedure. Similar to the <strong>Web</strong> recommendation algorithmproposed in previous section, we, first, discover the usage pattern by examining theposterior probability estimates derived via the LDA model, then, measure the similaritybetw<strong>ee</strong>n the active user session <strong>and</strong> the usage patterns to select the most matched

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