Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ... - tud.ttu.ee

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9.2 Future Directions 193The following research questions n<strong>ee</strong>d to be thoroughly s<strong>tud</strong>ied <strong>and</strong> addressed inthe future:• Q1.What model is suitable for capturing the relationships betw<strong>ee</strong>n <strong>Web</strong> documents<strong>and</strong> human behavior information?• Q2. How do we conduct social media mining <strong>and</strong> social network computingbased on such a model• Q3. How do we devise new paradigms or extend the existing algorithms in relatedresearch context?• Q4. How do we integrate <strong>Web</strong> data mining <strong>and</strong> social network computing togetherto better analyze the human behavior <strong>and</strong> social structure?• Q5. How do we apply the theoretical researches into the real world applicationsin the context of social computing?As <strong>Web</strong> <strong>and</strong> its usage grow, it will continue to generate evermore content, structure,<strong>and</strong> usage data, <strong>and</strong> the value of <strong>Web</strong> mining will k<strong>ee</strong>p increasing. In particular,outlined below are some possible research directions that must be pursued to ensurethat we continue to develop <strong>Web</strong> mining technologies that will enable this value tobe realized.<strong>Web</strong> services optimizationAs services over the <strong>Web</strong> continue to grow, there will be a n<strong>ee</strong>d to make them robust,scalable, efficient, etc. <strong>Web</strong> mining can be applied to better underst<strong>and</strong> the behaviorof these services, <strong>and</strong> the knowledge extracted can be useful for various kinds ofoptimizations. Research is n<strong>ee</strong>ded in developing <strong>Web</strong> mining techniques to improvevarious other aspects of <strong>Web</strong> services. In the context of cloud computing, particularly,<strong>Web</strong> mining could help organize various <strong>Web</strong> services in an efficient way <strong>and</strong>facilitate end users to reach the requested <strong>Web</strong> service promptly <strong>and</strong> economically.Fraud <strong>and</strong> threat analysisThe anonymity provided by the <strong>Web</strong> has led to a significant increase in attemptedfraud, from unauthorized use of individual credit cards to hacking into credit carddatabases for blackmail purposes. Yet another example is auction fraud, which hasb<strong>ee</strong>n increasing on popular sites like eBay. Since all these frauds are being perpetratedthrough the Internet, <strong>Web</strong> mining is the perfect analysis technique for detecting<strong>and</strong> preventing them. Research issues include developing techniques to recognizeknown frauds, <strong>and</strong> characterize <strong>and</strong> then recognize unknown or novel frauds, etc. Theissues in cyber threat analysis <strong>and</strong> intrusion detection are quite similar in nature.<strong>Web</strong> mining <strong>and</strong> privacyWhile there are many benefits to be gained from <strong>Web</strong> mining, a clear drawback isthe potential for severe violations of privacy. Public atti<strong>tud</strong>e towards privacy s<strong>ee</strong>ms tobe almost schizophrenic - i.e. people say one thing <strong>and</strong> do quite the opposite. Some

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