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<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso Community Association, Inc.<strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> <strong>STANDARDS</strong>SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 1

I. INTRODUCTION & DEFINITIONSA. Introduction<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso is a community designed to respect the history, heritage, culture, climate and desertenvironment of the Sonoran Southwest. The community is situated on the slope of the TortolitaMountain Range, which affords many spectacular views of both the Tortolita, and Santa CatalinaRanges. In order to preserve and enhance these concepts, there is a need to establish and maintaincertain standards by which the community may grow and develop.The intent of the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso Development Standards is to preserve the desert environment andthe Sonoran Desert southwest architectural character of our community and to maintain and enhancecommunity property values.These Development Standards provide an overall framework and comprehensive set of guidelines toallow the community to develop and progress in an orderly and cohesive manner. They establishcriteria for architectural style and design, landscape concepts, site improvements, colors andmaterials. They also establish a process for judicious review of proposed new developments andchanges within the community. These standards also set forth the means by which the standards andguidelines contained herein may be changed and amended to better serve the needs of an evolvingcommunity.Article IV, Section 2, paragraph b of the CC&Rs defines the "architectural control" vested by the Boardof Directors in the Architectural Review Committee. It states in part that, "Other than as constructed byDeclarant, no building, fence, wall, residence or other structure shall be commenced, erected,maintained, improved, altered, or made without the prior written approval of the Architectural ReviewCommittee." Each homeowner should read the complete paragraph in the CC&Rs for the full meaningof Architectural Control.It should also be noted that each unit has its own "Tract Declaration of Covenants, Conditions andRestrictions" that may impose additional requirements for that specific unit. These Tract Declarationsare in addition to the Master CC&Rs and the Development Standards. It is the homeowner'sresponsibility to follow these requirements as well.These standards have been adopted by the Board of Directors of the Community Association pursuantto the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Assessments,Charges, Servitude, Liens, Preservations and Easements, hereinafter referred to as the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong>Vistoso Master Declaration. In case of conflict between the Master Declaration and the DevelopmentStandards, the Master Declaration shall prevail.To the extent that any local government ordinance, building code or regulation requires a morerestrictive standard than that found in these Design standards or the Master Declaration ofRestrictions, the local government standards shall prevail. To the extent that the local ordinance is lessrestrictive than these Design Standards or the Master Declaration of Restrictions, the DesignStandards and Master Declaration of Restrictions shall prevail.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 3

B. Definitions - The following words, phrases or terms used in these Development Standards shall havethe following meanings:1. Approved Plant List - Part of Appendix “B” of the SCVCAI Development Standards.2. Appurtenance - Anything added or attached as a necessary accessory to equipment.3. Artifact - An ornamental object, showing human workmanship or modification.4. Awning - A roof-like cover of fabric or metal, extending out from a house.5. Courtyard - An area adjoining a building, which is open to the sky, and surrounded by the building or asolid stucco or masonry wall.6. Detached Carport - A freestanding vehicle shelter.7. Drought Tolerant - Able to resist a prolonged period without water, or a chronic shortage of water.8. Energy Efficient - Reducing the use of energy, while doing the same amount of work.9. Fence - A barrier intended to prevent intrusion or to mark a boundary.10. Golf Course Lots - Those lots listed in Appendix E of the SCVCAI Development Standards11. Hedge - A fence or barrier formed by a line of closely spaced plants, and performing a similar functionto a screen wall or fence.12. Landscaping - Materials used to modify a natural landscape by altering the natural plant and groundcover.13. Light - A source of emanating illumination.14. Light Fixture - A piece of equipment that converts some form of power to illumination.15. Light Reflectance - The fraction of the total light falling on a surface, that is reflected back from thesurface.16. Light, Post - A source of emanating illumination, mounted on a post, usually in the front yard of a lot.17. Lot Setback, Front - A required minimum 20 foot wide area extending across the entire front of aresidential lot, in which building is prohibited. For Commercial setbacks, see Section III. D. 1. b.18. Lot Setback, Rear - A required minimum 10 foot wide area extending across the entire rear of aresidential lot, in which building is prohibited. For Commercial setbacks, see Section III. D. 1. b.19. Lot Setback, Side - A required minimum area on both sides of a residential lot, extending from theFront Lot Setback to the Rear Lot Setback, in which building is prohibited. For Residential lots seeAppendix “A”, and for Commercial lot setback requirements see Section III. D. 1. b.20. Mechanical Equipment - Relating to machinery or the use of some form of power.21. Native Species - A biological classification of plant material, living or growing naturally in a particularregion22. Neat & Attractive - Habitually clean, orderly and harmonious.23. Noise - Loud or excessive sound(s) that interfere with a person’s enjoyment of their own property.24. Notice - A written notification to one of the parties to an agreement.25. Patio Cover - A structure providing shade for an outdoor patio area, supported by posts, and firmlyattached to a house wall or similar support.26. Replacement Window - A new window that takes the place of, or substitutes for, an existing or originalequipment window.27. Retaining Wall - A wall that holds back a height of two feet or more of earth on one side, or has anelevation differential of two feet or more from one side of the wall to the other.28. Roll-down Blind or Shade Screen - An open mesh or adjustable slat device that provides protectionfrom the sun.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 4

29. Satellite Dish - An external circular, dish shaped, signal receiving device that is one meter in diameteror less.30. Security Door - An exterior metal door that provides ventilation and protection from unwantedintrusion.31. Shed/Storage Building - A free standing or attached structure, designed for or intended for storage.32. Shrub - A woody perennial plant with several stems, generally smaller than a tree.33. Shutter - A moveable mechanical cover or screening device that limits the passage of light.34. Sign - A lettered board or other display, used to identify, provide direction or advertise.35. Solar Attic Fan - A fan mounted on the exterior of the roof, which is sun powered, and exhausts hot airfrom the attic area.36. Solar Tube - A domed protrusion on the roof of a house, which uses the sun’s rays to project light intothe house.37. Trash Container - A covered container intended for the temporary storage of waste material, prior tocollection or disposal.38. Tree - A woody perennial plant, generally having an elongated main stem, and few branches on itslower part.39. Trellis - A frame of lattice work used as a screen, or as a support for climbing plants.40. Violation - An infringement or failure to comply with the requirements of the governing documents ofSCVCAI.41. Wall - A masonry barrier intended to prevent intrusion or to mark a boundary.42. Yard, Front - A non-uniform area extending across the entire front of a lot, which is composed of all ofthe non-roofed area between the front lot line and the front of the residence, plus the areas betweenthe front lot line and lines extended from both sides of the residence, parallel to the front lot line frompoints 10 feet back from the two front corners of the residence.43. Yard, Street Facing Side - The entire area between the side of a house and the right of way line of astreet that is adjacent to the side of the house, and extending along the side of the house from theFront Yard to the rear lot line.44. Yard, Rear - The area extending across the entire rear of a lot, between the rear of the house and therear lot line. If a Rear Yard adjoins a Street Facing Side Yard, the Rear Yard ends at the closest pointof the Street Facing Side Yard.Definitions pertaining to the Development Standards that are currently in the CC&Rs:CC&Rs, Article I:D. Architectural Review CommitteeJ. AssociationL. BoardR. Common Area(s)S. CovenantsX. Dwelling UnitZ. Golf CourseAA. Governing DocumentsEE. LotKK. Open SpacesLL. OwnerMM. ParcelRR. ResidenceSS. ResidentXX. Subdivision PlatAAA. <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso Development StandardsBBB. Tract DeclarationCCC. Visible from Neighboring PropertySCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 5

GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS OF YARDSSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 6

II. RESIDENTIAL <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> <strong>STANDARDS</strong>A. Architectural Character & Site Drainage1. The architectural design of any and all additions, alterations and renovations to the exterior ofan existing home shall strictly conform to the design of the original home in style, detailing andmaterials.2. The height of any addition to an existing home shall not be higher than the original roofline.3. All additions to Single Family Homes and Patio Homes shall be built within the setback lines asset forth in Appendix A regardless of more lenient requirements of any local governmentalauthority. There shall be no additions allowed to the Garden Villa and Green Tree Homes.4. All materials used in additions and alterations shall be from those used by the developer as tocomposition, type and method of attachment. The Architectural Review Committee may allowsubstitute materials if such materials are deemed to be compatible with the theme of thecommunity.5. When any additions, alterations or renovations are performed to an existing home, theestablished lot drainage may be altered, but must be maintained within the lot. All new oraltered roofs shall drain to the ground solely within the deeded lot area. Roofs may not draindirectly onto a neighboring property.6. Rear yard drainage shall flow to the side yard(s) and then to the front yard, and to the street,and shall remain on the lot at all times until it reaches the street. Lot drainage shall bemaintained within the lot, and shall not be directed, or be likely to flow onto neighboringproperty. Drainage shall flow away from the house for about 10 feet in front and rear yards,and at least 5 feet along each side of the house.Side yard drainage swales shall be maintained within the lot, or along the common side lotlines. Drainage swales shall be maintained in an open and unobstructed manner, and shall becapable of handling the lot drainage runoff without overflowing onto adjacent property.B. Painting and Colors1. All references to house painting, approved colors, paint scheme, approved paint list, andsimilar references, are all intended to apply to the information included in attached Appendix D,which is the only official list of approved house and accessory paint colors that may be used in<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Repainting shall conform to those colors.2. Unless otherwise specifically noted, all wood, metal and stucco accessories that are attachedto proximate to or extending from the exterior walls of any dwelling shall be painted to matchthe main body color or trim colors of the selected approved paint scheme. This includes garagedoors, patio and porch walls, wood or masonite gates, screen doors, patio and front entryenclosures, arches, wood and stucco patio covers, metal shutters, gutters and downspouts.This provision shall also include all attached ducting, conduits, wiring, piping, control boxes,and all such exterior appurtenances. It shall also include dish antennas that are attached to thehouse. All exterior appurtenances on a house shall be painted to match the background colorto which they are attached, unless specifically approved otherwise by the ARC.3. All side and rear yard wrought iron (or similar material) perimeter fencing and gates shall beWeathered Brown. All other wrought iron (or similar material) lot interior or front facing bridgefencing and gates between the house and perimeter fencing, and security doors, may bepainted Weathered Brown or the main body or trim colors of the selected approved paintscheme. All side and rear yard perimeter fences and gates within <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso shall bepainted Weathered Brown color prior to January 1, 2016.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 7

4. All accessories and appurtenances attached to the roof of any dwelling shall wheneverpossible, be painted to blend with the roof color as closely as possible.5. Front doors shall be painted to match the main body of the house, the trim colors, or a woodtone finish. Glass inserts allowed. Muted earth and plant tone colors that minimize contrast andglare must be approved by the ARC. Approval must be granted in advance of installation.6. Repainting a dwelling may be done after obtaining approval from the Community ServicesCoordinator, provided that the colors conform to the attached Appendix D approved colors.7. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph (I) of the Master Declaration, all buildings andstructures must be kept in good condition and adequately painted. Compliance will require ongoingmaintenance, prompt repairs and periodic repainting to correct and/or prevent any of thefollowing conditions: fading, peeling, chipping, rusting, staining, or any condition which allowsstucco to be visible. All maintenance, repairs and painting of existing homes shall be performedusing similar materials and approved colors.C. Walls, Fences, Gates and Courtyards1. For walls and fences provided by the developer, no alterations, changes or additions shall beallowed without the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Anychanges, alterations or additions must conform to the requirements of Article IV, Section 2,Paragraph (t) and Section 4, Paragraph (a) of the Master Declaration.2. Where such walls have not been provided by the developer, they shall conform to therequirements of Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph (t) and Section 4, Paragraph (a) of the MasterDeclaration (CC&Rs).3. Rear yard, side yard, patio wall surfaces and fences shall be masonry, stucco or wrought ironas defined below. Wall surfaces shall be finished on both sides by the property owner erectingthe wall. Acceptable wall materials are listed below and shall be used to reflect the character ofthe home and subdivision. Painted slump block CMU, scratch face RMU, wood or chain linkfencing are not acceptable.a. Masonry is to match existing masonry used by the developer for constructing walls within aspecified unit (see Appendix C).b. Wrought iron fences shall match existing wrought iron in the style used by the developer.c. If any wall or fence is to split a common property line, letters from neighboring homeownersmust be obtained stating their agreement in accordance with the party wall provisions inArticle IV, Section 2, Paragraph (q) of the Master Declaration. Such letters shall be obtainedprior to approval of an owner-constructed wall and prior to any additions or alterations toDeveloper-constructed walls along common property lines, subject to approval of theArchitectural Review Committee.4. Maximum height of retaining walls (walls that retain 2ft or more of earth) and party walls shallbe measured from the finished grade elevation on the highest side of the submitted wall.Maximum height of other walls shall be measured from the finished grade of the lot on whichthe wall is built (not including landscaping material). See Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph (t) ofthe Master Declaration (CC&Rs).For measurement of height of walls on golf course or common area lots, see Article IV, Section4, Paragraph (a) of the Master Declaration (CC&Rs).No newly proposed walls or fences constructed or altered on any lot shall be built within thestreet right of way, utility easements, access restriction easements, view clearance easements,platted buffer yards, or other restricted areas of record.5. Maximum height of arches shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height and the width of the archSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 8

itself must be no greater than six feet (6'). Gates shall be limited to a width of six feet (6’).Freestanding arches or gates are not acceptable. (See Section II.H.)6. New courtyard walls in the front yard shall be 3 feet minimum height. An existing conditionexception allows previously constructed 2 foot high walls to also qualify as a courtyard. Thearched wall front entry areas on the Silver Creek and Pacifica model homes also qualify as acourtyard. Any courtyard wall additions, changes or alterations must be approved by the ARC.7. Refer to Section II. B. for approved colors for items in this section.D. Ancillary Equipment1. All additional ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view per theaforementioned Article II.Q.3. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be allowed on flatroof only. Such equipment shall be screened from view from all four sides to the height of thehighest point of the equipment. Such screening shall be integral with the building forms andmaterials and shall not exceed a height of 13'0" from the existing grade.2. Revised Arizona Statute No. 33-1816, "The Arizona Solar Rights Law," provides that ahomeowners association may adopt reasonable rules regarding the placement of a solarenergy device if those rules do not prevent the installation, impair the functioning of the deviceor restrict its use or adversely affect the cost or efficiency of the device.SCVAI adopts the following to the fullest extent possible while incorporating the limitationsoutlined above. Solar energy equipment may be installed on any lot provided the followingpriorities and guidelines are adhered to without conflicting with Arizona Revised Statute No. 33-1816. In keeping with the architectural theme of the community, every reasonable effort shallbe made to mount solar energy equipment in locations on roofs, providing minimum exposureto neighbors or views from the street. If mounted on a sloped tile roof, the highest edge of thesolar collector panels and their support structure should not be higher than the highest edge ofthe roof surface on which they are mounted. If mounted on a flat roof, the highest edge of thesolar collector panels and their support structure should not exceed the height of the parapetsurrounding the roof. Visible non-electrical roof-top support structures should be painted toreasonably blend with the background color of the roof. All piping and/or wiring conduit shall beneatly routed and painted to reasonably blend with the background color of the mountingsurfaces so as not to be unduly noticeable. All equipment mounted on the exterior walls of thehouse shall be painted to match the house color or enclosed in a suitable enclosure painted tomatch the house color.The installations described above must in ALL situations be approved by the ArchitecturalReview Committee (ARC) prior to installation. After-the-fact applications for approval may besubject to fines from the Association. The ARC offers a free, consulting service to residentswhereby it will come to a resident's property (on request) and assist in choosing the location ofsolar energy equipment in accordance with the above guidelines. The results of this servicewill be guidelines for a resident to use when discussing design of a solar energy system withinstallers, and to assist residents in choosing between competing installation bids. It issuggested that preliminary ARC approval of a proposed system layout be obtained prior toproceeding with detailed system design by an installer and securing of the required town of <strong>Oro</strong><strong>Valley</strong> building permit in order to minimize impacts due to any required redesign.3. In keeping with the architectural theme of the community, every effort shall be made to mountsolar energy equipment in locations providing minimum exposure to neighbors or views fromthe street, e.g. flat roofs. If mounted on a sloped tile roof, the highest edge of the solar collectorpanels and enclosure shall not be higher than the highest part of the roof surface on which it ismounted. The enclosure and support structure shall be painted to blend with the backgroundSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 9

color of the roof. All piping and/or wiring shall be neatly routed and painted the backgroundcolor of the mounting surface so as not to be unduly noticeable. The installations describedabove must in ALL situations be approved by the Architectural Review Committee prior toinstallation.4. All swimming pool equipment (pumps, filters, heaters), shall be screened from view from thestreet and neighboring property. Spas or hot tubs (including the top cover) shall not exceed 43inches above the finished grade elevation of the lot. The color of the sides of the spa should bewood tone finishes. Other colors must be approved in advance by the ARC. All pools, spas andhot tubs must be installed according to County and/or Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> ordinances and mayrequire protective fencing. An <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> building permit is also required. Also see ArticleArticle II.Q.3, Article II.D.7 and Article II.H.7.No pools, spas, hot tubs and related mechanical equipment, except air conditioning condensingunits, shall be located within any of the required lot setback areas. Any lot that can presentgood cause that this would create a hardship, may request an ARC approved variance. Anysuch request must include measures to be taken to mitigate any adverse effects onneighboring property, of locating any part of the pool, spa, hot tub, or related mechanicalequipment within the lot setbacks.5. The installation of satellite dishes is governed by Section 207 of the Telecommunications Act of1996 and rule (47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000). The rule covers satellite dishes that are less thanone (1) meter (39.37”) in diameter. The rule prohibits restrictions that: (1) unreasonably delayor prevent installation, maintenance or use; (2) unreasonably increase the cost of installation,maintenance or use; (3) preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal. SCVCAI adopts thefollowing, to the fullest extent possible while incorporating the limitations outlined above. Noexternal transmitting or receiving radio antennas or large satellite dishes (in excess of one (1)meter) will be allowed on any Lot or Parcel. Satellite dishes of one (1) meter or less may beplaced on a Lot or Parcel provided the following priorities and guidelines are adhered to withoutconflicting with the above Federal Rules: (1) permanently screened from view from the street,neighboring properties and the golf course; (2) Acceptable locations in order of preference are:(a) ground mounted in the back yard in a location that complies with the preceding rule to themaximum extent possible; (b) roof mounted on flat roof where completely screened in alldirections by a parapet which is at least as high as the highest part of the dish; (c) any otherlocation that is not visible from the street, neighboring properties or the golf course. Housemounted dishes must be painted to match the surrounding background. The Association offersa free service to residents whereby it will come to a resident’s property (on request) and assistin the location of a dish and the receiving of a proper signal using an instrument called a sitecompass. This service is optional but strongly encouraged to assist residents in complying withthe above rules. If the resident chooses not to use this service, the antenna must nonethelessbe located in compliance with the above stated guidelines. Residents must also inform theCommunity Services Coordinator of the location of any installed satellite dish. The Associationencourages residents to provide this information prior to installation although it is not required.6. All air-conditioning units and evaporative coolers shall be screened from street view and maynot be roof mounted, except in the Green Tree and Ember Ridge developments. Screeningmust be in compliance with Article II.Q.3.g. Air-conditioning units and evaporative coolers maybe approved by the Community Services Coordinator if all applicable criteria are met. Approvalmust be granted in advance of installation.7. All such ground level equipment should be located as far as possible from the neighboringproperty to minimize noise that might annoy neighbors.8. Noises from ancillary equipment from pumps, fountains, spas, pools, etc., shall be controlled soas not to unreasonably disturb neighbors.9. Sounds of wind chimes must be controlled so as not to unreasonably disturb neighbors.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 10

10. No weather recording equipment and/or weather vanes will be allowed on any roof or chimneyof any residence.11. External surveillance equipment shall not be installed so as to be intrusive on neighboringproperty. ARC approval is required prior to installation.E. Trash Containers1. All trash containers shall be covered containers and may be stored on the Lot as to be notvisible from Neighboring Property or Street. If such trash container is not, or cannot, be storedso as to be not visible from Neighboring Property or Street, then such trash container must bestored in the garage. All trash containers are subject to the requirements of Article IV, Section2, Paragraph (k) of the Master Declaration.F. Signage1. "For Sale" signs for real property shall be permitted within the community. Such signs shall belocated wholly within the property of the residence. Signs shall not exceed 18” x 24”and may bedouble sided. Signs may have a container for information flyers and may have a singleinformation rider on the bottom (maximum size 6”x 24”). The overall height from finished grademay not exceed five feet. Only one sign per residence shall be allowed. Signs must beremoved within two working days of the close of escrow of the property.2. Only one “Open House” sign will be permitted on any one street corner; and only one signwhere there is a necessary change of direction to an open house. No “attention getters” suchas flags, balloons, or other devices are permitted on signs. A copy of the Board Policy on“Open House” signs is available in the SCVCAI administration office.3. "For Rent" or "For Lease" signs are not permitted in the yard of any home in the development,One "For Rent" or "For Lease" sign, not to exceed 12" by 8", may be placed in an insidewindow of a home.4. Residents shall be permitted to post a sign from a security company providing security to suchResident or the home. One security sign may be placed in the front yard where it is visible topersons approaching the house, and a sign may also be placed in the windows of the home.The sign shall not exceed one foot in height if placed in the ground or 16 square inches (i.e.four inches by four inches) if placed in a window.5. Any other sign must be approved in advance before being displayed as required by Article IV,Section 2, (n) of the Master Declaration.a. In addition to the lighted house number provided by the developer, one additional housenumber may be added by the property owner and consist of plaques/numbers attached tothe residence, or other permanent object. An identification sign (occupant’s name), whenapproved by the ARC, may be displayed by an owner in lieu of a second house number.Free standing house numbers of an artifact nature are prohibited.6. Contractor's sign(s) shall be removed after one week of job completion.7. Political Signs must meet regulations of the town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, Pima County or the State of Arizona.G. Lighting1. Post Lights:a. The light shall be located on the homeowners property (front door side), within four feet (4')of the street right of way of the home and within four feet (4') of the driveway, unlessotherwise approved by the ARC.b. Maximum height of the light not to exceed 74".c. Maximum light output of the post lamp is 250 lumens or 25 watt incandescent bulb.d. Pole must be black.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 11

e. Fixture color must be black or antique bronze and must match approved fixture style aschosen by declarant.2. All exterior lighting shall comply with the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Outdoor Lighting Code and thePima County Light Pollution Code.3. All lighting fixtures are to comply with Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph (g) of the MasterDeclaration. New lighting fixtures may be approved by the Community Services Coordinator Ifall applicable criteria are met. Approval must be granted in advance of installation.4. Flood or spot lamps shall be installed within a housing and aimed no higher than 45 degrees tothe horizontal. (halfway between straight down and straight to the side).5. All unshielded light fixtures (exterior light fixtures that project any light above the horizontalplane), including seasonal decorations, shall be turned off between 11:00 p.m. and sunrise.6. Solar tubes may be approved by the Community Services Coordinator if all applicable criteriaare met. Approval must be granted in advance of installation. Flashing must be painted tomatch roof color.7. Illuminated house number boards are the required standard on all SCV homes. They shall bemaintained, and burned out bulbs replaced, so that the house numbers are readable from thestreet at all times. In addition, any tree or shrub that obscures a clear view from the street ofthe house number board, shall be trimmed sufficiently to allow an unobstructed view from avehicle driving along the street.H. Prohibited Structures1. Pursuant to the Master Declaration, the following structures shall be prohibited from use in <strong>Sun</strong><strong>City</strong> Vistoso. See Article IV, Section 2 of the Master Declaration (CC&Rs).a. Storage buildings or shedsb. Clothes lines or clothes polesc. Detached structures such as garages, ramadas or gazebosd. Tents of a permanent naturee. Freestanding structures such as: trellises, sunscreens, gates, privacy structures, or arches(the ARC may approve freestanding walls used as privacy screens)f. Any type car port structure whether attached or detached.g. Above ground swimming pools of any type.I. Flag Poles1. The pole must be installed in front area of the home unless otherwise approved by the ARC.The pole must be a minimum of 10' from the street sidewalk of the home. The maximum heightof the pole shall not exceed maximum height of the house; the flag may be displayed 24 hoursa day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. The flag should not be displayed ondays when the weather is inclement. The noise generated from cables clanging against thepole during windy days must be controlled so as not to disturb neighbors. Approval may begiven by the Community Services Coordinator if all applicable criteria are met. Approval mustbe granted in advance of installation.J. Awnings, Roll Down Blinds1. Awnings shall be a solid color of fabric. The color of the awning and supporting frame shallmatch house or trim color. In certain instances, for awnings covering an individual window, theArchitectural Review Committee may approve a material which matches the roof tile color. In allcases a color sample, Minimum 3”x 3”, must accompany the request.2. Retractable (lateral arm) Awnings WHEN FULLY EXTENDED:SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 12

a. Shall not protrude beyond the property line on EITHER SIDE of the lot.b. Shall not protrude within 10 feet of the REAR property line.3. Exterior roll down shade screens shall be black, bronze or any color which reasonably matchesthe main body color of the house and must be able to be tied down when extended. No type ofshade screens made of plastic reed or bamboo is permitted (even of a temporary nature).Exterior roll down shade screens are limited to the side or rear of dwelling only and will not bepermitted on the front of any dwelling. Electrically operated shade screens may require abuilding permit.K. Screens, Screen Doors, Security Doors, Shutters1. Window screens shall be limited to bronze, brown, black, or a color which reasonably matchesthe main body color of the house. Approval may be given by the Community ServicesCoordinator if all applicable criteria are met. Approval must be granted in advance ofinstallation.2. Rolling window screens may be used on any side of the dwelling. They may be tinted bronze,black, or any color, which reasonably blends with the main body color of the house.3. Screen and security door that are attached to an exterior door frame and/or are within 12inches of an exterior door, and screen and security doors that are part of a structure thatfunctions to enclose a rear covered patio or front covered entry and are treated as part of ascreened in patio, shall conform to the requirements of Section II.B. and Appendix D as tocolor. Approval must be granted in advance of installation.4. Exterior roll down mechanical shutters are limited to the side or rear of dwelling only and willnot be permitted on the front of any dwelling. Electrically operated roll down shutters mayrequire a building permit.L. Patio Covers & Enclosures1. General Requirements –a. A Patio Cover is a structure supported by posts that is firmly attached to a house wall orsimilar support. Its purpose is to provide shade for an outdoor patio area. The ARC mustapprove all patio covers prior to installation. All work must comply with the building codes ofthe Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. A copy of the building permit must be submitted to the committeebefore construction can begin. The Residential Yard Requirements of Appendix “A” must becomplied with in all cases. New metal patio covers may use any one of the following sevenpre-finished colors that are approved for use with any of the Appendix D approved paintcolor schemes. Adobe, Beige, Cameo, Champagne, Desert Sand, Mojave Tan, or White.See also Section II.B.2 for paint colors of wood or stucco patio covers.b. New metal Patio Enclosures and any screen doors that are part of such enclosures mustuse any one of the same seven pre-finished colors as listed above for Patio Covers, or theymay be painted in accordance with Section II.B.2.2. Three types of Patio Covers are permitted, and all three types must meet all of the GeneralRequirements sections above.a. Open Roof Patio Cover – This type of patio cover shall not be a solid covering, but must beslatted in some fashion to allow free passage of air from below. Two ways of doing this are2”X6” roof slats set at an angle, or 2”X2” roof slats spaced 4” to 6“ on center. This type ofcover must be constructed of wood or steel framing or alumawood (aluminum made to looklike wood), or other approved structural materials.b. Variable Opening Patio Cover – This type of cover may have adjustable metal roof slatsthat can be opened to varying angles, and can also be closed to provide a relatively tightroof structure. The slat adjustment system may be electrically or mechanically operated. ASCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 13

single Patio Cover may combine a Variable Opening section with Open Roof Patio Coversections as described in a. above. The Variable Opening section framing, including thesupporting posts, must be enclosed in a rectangular wood, metal, or stucco like enclosure.If electrically operated, an <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> electrical permit will likely be required.c. Solid Roof Patio Cover - This type of cover must be of similar construction to the stylesprovided by the original developer, with painted stucco columns, and a solid tiled, pitchedroof finished to match the present house roof, or it may have a flat roof with stucco parapetwalls. The Solid Roof Patio Cover shall maintain the original architectural character andesthetic appearance of the original home.3. Existing Open Roof Patio Cover Roof Replacement – The roof of an existing open roof patiocover may be replaced if damaged or deteriorated. Approval must be obtained prior toreplacement. Such roof replacements may be approved by the Community ServicesCoordinator as long as the roof area is not increased, and all applicable criteria are met.Existing main support posts and beams may be retained if they are structurally sound. Thesesupport members may be clad with metal covers if desired. Roof slats may be replaced withnew wood slats or with rectangular metal tubing slats. Replacement roofs shall comply with allapplicable provisions of II, L, 1 and II, L, 2 above. Pre-finished metal components and anyremaining wood surfaces shall use one of the seven pre-finished colors listed in II, L, 1. a.above, or a matching paint. Color of all-wood replacements shall comply with section II, B, 2.M. Trellises, Gutters & Mailboxes1. A trellis must be attached to the wall of a house or similar structure and painted the same coloras the house or background surface.2. Gutters and downspouts that collect and direct rain water from roofs must not direct water ontoneighboring property. Downspout extensions, of the same material may be a maximum of 4feet or shall be connected to an underground system.3. Mailboxes must be of a type that is approved by the ARC. Color must be flat or satin black.Mailboxes and supporting posts must be kept in good condition and adequately painted. Theaddition of an owner’s name and/or figure (such as local birds, plants, etc. sculpted from metal)to a mailbox is permitted provided it is in keeping with the design aspects of the community,and that they do not encumber the delivery of mail or pose a hazard to passerby. Forinformation on obtaining a replacement mailbox, contact the SCVCAI administration office.N. Window & Door Additions & Replacements1. General Requirements - All window or door additions or replacements shall comply with thefollowing general requirements:a. Prior written approval from the ARC is required for all window or door additions orreplacements.b. All window and door changes shall match the existing windows or doors in generalappearance, color and style as closely as possible, and shall maintain the overallarchitectural appearance and balance of the house.c. Window and door frames and bump-outs shall match existing windows and doors as closelyas possible. Additions or replacements shall be built in a similar style as existingconstruction.d. Adding or changing the size of windows and doors could require a Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>building permit. If required, a copy must be submitted to the ARC before construction canbegin.2. Window Replacements & Additionsa. New window frames shall be brown, tan or white, and shall match existing frames, unlessSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 14

all windows on the house are being replaced. Exposed frame width may not exceed 3.5inches.b. Any tinting shall be unobtrusive. Additional film coatings, reflective surfaces or insertpanels either inside or out shall not be used.c. Window grids are not required.d. Energy efficient windows tend to have larger frames and proportionately smaller glass area.Therefore, at a minimum, all windows on the same side of the house shall be replaced atthe same time, to present a uniform appearance.e. Glass block replacement for an existing non glass block window is allowed, but not in frontyards or street facing side yards.f. Greenhouse or bay window additions shall not protrude into any of the required lot setbackspaces. Such windows are not allowed in front yards or street facing side yards.3. Door Replacements & Additionsa. New exterior doors with a different style or color than the existing door are allowed, subjectto ARC approval.b. Door color shall be in accordance with section II. B. Painting and ColorsO. Driveway and Walkway CoatingApproval may be given by the Community Services Coordinator if all applicable criteria are met.Approval must be granted in advance of installation. Driveway and/or walkways located on anOwner’s property may be coated and maintained with a material specifically designed for suchpurpose and the Tucson area climate. The primary color of the coating shall be compatible with themain body color of the house, with variations in the degree of shading being allowed. Anydecorative design added to the coating must complement and blend with the selected primarycoating color.P. Maintenance1. Roof Replacement - Replacement of roof tiles shall be compatible with the architectural themeand character of the community. Tiles of red colors are preferred. Replacement roofs shall beapproved by the ARC prior to installation.2. Maintenance Painting - Maintenance painting of houses, using the previously approved colorsis allowed, provided that it represents a minor portion of the total surface area of the house, notto exceed one side of the house.Maintenance painting of perimeter fencing and gates, using previously approved colors, isallowed, provided it does not exceed 10% of the total fence area. If painting in excess of the10% limitation is required, the perimeter fencing must be repainted to Weathered Brown color.In any case, all <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso perimeter fencing and gates shall be repainted to WeatheredBrown prior to 01/01/2016.Q. Landscaping1. Prior written approval from the ARC is required for all major landscaping changes. (See ArticleIV, Section 2, paragraph b of the CC&Rs). Minor landscaping may be approved by theCommunity Services Coordinator if all applicable criteria are met.2. The developer has provided full landscaping in the following areas:a. All natural and open areasb. The front yards and common areas of Garden Villa and Green Tree Homes pursuant toArticle IV, Section 2, Paragraph (f) of the Master Declaration, necessary replacementsshall be in conformance with the list of approved plant materials (Appendix B). It shall beSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 15

the responsibility of the Ember Ridge and Green Tree Homeowners Association's tomaintain the front yards and common areas in accordance with these standards.3. It is the responsibility of the individual homeowner to provide and maintain full landscaping inall front, side and back yards in accordance with the following minimum requirements:a. The use of native or compatible drought-tolerant species is required for all yardlandscaping. High-water-consuming plants, when used, should be confined to small areasclose to residences or in rear yards. See the attached Appendix "B" for approved plantmaterials.b. Plant material: There shall be at least one tree in the front yard from the Approved plantlist. The specimen tree must be at least eight (8) feet tall measured from ground level afterplanting or be a 24-inch box specimen. A saguaro, Mexican fence post or yucca mayqualify as a tree and must be a minimum of six feet tall from ground level. The ARC mayapprove the planting of a specific tree not on the “approved list”.c. Front, side and rear yard ground plane of each lot shall be covered with a combination ofinert and living materials. Inert materials shall include crushed native rock and river runrock unless otherwise approved by the ARC. The native crushed rock should be any of thevarious shades of tan, brown, pink, etc., as found in the local desert. White rock is notpermitted nor is a cover only of river run rock. No artificially colored rock shall be permittedas ground cover. Turf is not permitted in front and side yard area. Hybrid turf may be usedin rear yards only.d. Except as specifically set forth herein, landscape structures (such as waterfalls) shall belimited in height to three feet (3') above the finished floor grade of the lot. They shall be ofnatural materials, compatible with the overall architectural theme of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso andof the Sonoran Desert environment. Fountains may be installed only in rear yards and infront courtyards (area enclosed by a wall). They may be up to 5' in height. Beehivefireplaces and/or built-in barbecues may be up to 5' in height.e. Lawn furniture, including umbrellas and benches are only permitted on covered porchesand patios, in courtyards, and in rear yards. Such furniture is not permitted in open orunenclosed portions of front yards, street facing side yards, or side lot setbacks. Lawnfurniture shall be a reasonable blend with the house colors, shall be in good condition, andshall be neat and attractive.f. All landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the MasterDeclaration. (Article IV, Section 2, paragraph f). Maximum height of hedges is regulatedby the provisions of the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso Master Declaration, Article IV. Section 2,paragraph t. and also Article IV, Section 4, paragraph a.g. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from street view by astructure or by plant material of adequate density and height. Stucco screening walls shallbe of a material and color to match the house. Masonry screening walls shall matchexisting masonry walls on the property. Chain link fencing or similar material is notacceptable. All screening shall be placed a suitable distance away from the equipment toallow for adequate air circulation around the equipment. Any wall used for screeningpurposes shall conform to the requirements of Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph (t) andSection 4, Paragraph (a) of the Master Declaration CC&Rs.h. Pavers such as brick, stone, tile or flagstone shall be any of the various shades of tan, brown,red etc, found in the local desert. Pavers may be approved by the Community ServicesCoordinator, if all applicable criteria are met. Approval must be granted in advance of installation.i. Flat Work such as walkways and patio slabs shall be the natural color of concrete or maybe coated and maintained with a material specifically designed for such purpose and theTucson area climate. Colors shall be any of the various shades of tan, brown, red etc,SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 16

found in the local desert. Flat Work may be approved by the Community ServicesCoordinator, if all applicable criteria are met. Approval must be granted in advance of installation.j. Artifacts, statues, depictions, artificial flowers, decorative yard ornaments, or other manmade artificial decorations shall not be placed in front yards, street facing side yards, ontop of courtyard walls, or within a courtyard if visible above the wall. Pots containing wellmaintained live plants are allowed in front yards and street facing side yards. Plant standsand holders for a single pot containing live plants, are also allowed, but shall not exceed 6feet in overall height. See I, A. Definitions for a definition of an Artifact.k. Rain Barrels shall not exceed 65 gallons in overall size, and 4 feet in height. No more thantwo Rain Barrel containers shall be permitted on a lot. The container shall be covered,and shall not be placed in front yards, street facing side yards or placed in any of therequired lot setback spaces, and shall not be visible from the street(s). The container shallbe painted in accordance with Section II. B. 2. ARC approval must be obtained prior toinstallation.4. Vegetable gardens are permitted only in rear yards, and shall not be located in any of therequired lot setback spaces, unless placed adjacent to a minimum 3 foot high solid wall.Gardens shall not be larger than 10% of the rear yard area, and in no case may a vegetablegarden be larger than 300 sq. ft. Gardens shall be neat, and well maintained. Weeds shall becontrolled and removed. Bird and rabbit netting is permitted. It shall be black, not higher than3 feet, and shall be neat and attractive.R. Street, Right of Way & Lot Standards1. Use of Street Right of Waya. The entire width of the street right of way between lot property lines is owned and controlledby the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.b. On most neighborhood streets, this right of way includes a 4 foot wide strip of land behindthe sidewalks. On major streets, the right of way still includes an additional strip of land, butthe width varies.c. Any alteration, addition or planting within the street right of way must be approved by <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.2. Street Facing Side Yardsa. In areas where the Subdivision Plat indicates that a “Buffer Yard” exists on a lot, no walls,hedges or other vertical obstructions shall be placed in the Buffer Yard.b. For lots with a Street Facing Side Yard that is adjacent to a front yard on the side street,any addition to the house shall be setback from the street right of way line or Buffer Yardline a minimum of 15 feet.c. For lots with a Street Facing Side Yard that is adjacent to another Street Facing Side Yardon the side street, any addition to the house shall be setback from the street right of wayline or Buffer Yard line a minimum of 10 feet.3. View Clearance Easements and Access Restriction Easementsa. View Clearance Easements on corner lots, are covered in Article IV, Section 2. s.) of theCC&Rs. They are intended to protect vehicular sight distance at all street intersections.b. Access Restriction Easements are shown on the Subdivision Plat. No vehicular access toany lot shall be allowed, across any such recorded Access Restriction Easement.4. Utility EasementsSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 17

a. In areas where the Subdivision Plat indicates that a Utility Easement exists on a lot,adjacent to the street right of way, no walls or deep rooted plant material shall be placedwithin the Utility Easement.b. Owners proposing to do any alteration within a utility easement or in the portion of the streetright of way behind the sidewalk, and adjacent to a utility easement, shall first contact BlueStake, to determine what utilities are in these areas, and where they are located.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 18

III. COMMERCIAL & INSTITUTIONAL <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> <strong>STANDARDS</strong>A. Architectural CharacterThe following development standards and guidelines will be considered by the ArchitecturalReview Committee when plans are submitted for review. The underlying philosophy behind thereview process is to maintain an orderly development of the community by insuring that planningand designing criteria previously established are reflected in new projects to be built within thecommunity.1. No highly reflective finishes (other than glass, which may not be mirrored) shall be allowed onexterior surfaces, including the exterior surfaces of roofs, all projections above roofs, retainingwalls, doors, trim, fences, pipes and equipment. Paint used on any exterior surfaces shall notexhibit excessive light reflectance (should not exceed 85%) or be excessively dark (should benot less than 40% reflectance).2. In keeping with the low landscape, roofs should be predominantly flat or of low pitch toreinforce the traditional horizontal desert architecture which emphasizes walls instead of roofs.The maximum roof pitch allowed will be 5:12. All pitched roofs shall be tiled. The style of the tileshall be compatible with the architectural theme and character of the community. The color ofall roofs must conform to the color standards in the following section.3. The colors of the desert are rich and varied, and are highlighted by different light conditions.The intent is to reflect these rich colors on all exterior surfaces. Dominant or primary colors areprohibited, although occasional accent colors may be used judiciously. The Committee mustapprove all colors for exterior use.4. Exterior surfaces should generally consist of materials that are compatible with the desert andable to weather the desert conditions. Masonry, stucco and traditional adobe (stabilized) are tobe the predominant exterior surfaces. Large expanses of painted wood surfaces will not beallowed.5. Commercial and institutional building height not to exceed one story. 24' maximum.B. LandscapingThe <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso landscape is based on a philosophy of compatibility with the existing SonoranDesert, sensitivity to its fragile ecosystems, a commitment to low water usage and energyconserving techniques. To this end, existing natural features such as unique vegetative groupings,rock outcroppings and washes shall be preserved. The majority of introduced plant materials willbe indigenous, arid or semi-arid plants insuring minimal water usage and compatibility with thenatural environments. Where any natural areas are disturbed during the course of construction,they shall be revegetated to insure an uninterrupted sense of "fit" between the community and itsphysical environment.1. The entire project site, where not built upon or paved, shall be landscaped. Landscaping shallextend to the back of the sidewalk (or curb if no sidewalk exists) on all adjacent street sides ofthe site.2. The minimum density of plant material shall depend upon the size of the site and the extent ofthe landscaped area. There shall be an appropriate amount of specimen-sized trees andshrubs to reflect the density of the natural open desert areas of the community. Ground planesshall be covered with a combination of inert and living materials. Inert materials shall includecrushed native rock and river-run rock. The native crushed rock may be any of the variousshades of tan, brown, pink, etc. as found in the local desert. White rock is not permitted nor is acover only of river run rock. No artificially colored rock shall be permitted as ground cover. Turfis discouraged; however, it may be used judiciously for accent purposes. If turf is used,common Bermuda grass is not allowed.3. All areas paved for pedestrian traffic such as walkways, plazas and courts, shall be a hardSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 19

surface material with limited vertical irregularities. Asphalt paving shall not be allowed for suchuse.4. All plantings shall conform to the list of plant materials, Appendix "B".5. All landscaping shall be designed and maintained so as not to interfere with the view of anyground signs on the site or adjacent properties, and not obstruct the view of traffic entering,exiting or passing by the site.6. Where the landscaping of a new project is to adjoin an existing landscaped area, the newlandscaping shall form an appropriate transition between the two.7. A fully automatic underground watering system shall maintain all landscaped plantings.C. Ancillary Equipment1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, ancillary mechanical equipment, radio andtelevision transmitting and receiving antennas, trash receptacles and similar appurtenancesshall be screened by a structure or plant material of sufficient density so as to not be VisibleFrom Neighboring Properties, all residential areas, pathways, open areas, golf courses andstreets. Structures shall be of a material and color compatible with the building. Chain linkfencing or similar material is prohibited. Gates may be chain link with a woven strip forscreening if no other materials are suitable or available. Roof-mounted units are permitted onroofs where complete visual screening is possible and where the screen is integral with thebuilding forms and materials. The Committee must approve the placement of any suchequipment.D. Site Development1. Fences and Walls:a. Walls up to 6' in height may be used to screen and create privacy between the commercialor institutional developments, and the residential areas of the community. They must beconstructed of stucco, brick, masonry, adobe or native stone, and be finished on both sides.The colors of all walls must conform to the overall color standards as described above.Where perimeter walls are used to delineate a particular project, they should includeconstruction and/or landscaping details to prevent long expanses of solid, straight,undifferentiated walls. Decorative iron fences may be used judiciously in a project; however,the Architectural Review Committee must approve color and pattern. All walls shall reflect aconsistent theme with regard to materials, colors and finishes compatible with an overallwall concept for <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso.b. Setbacks: All building setbacks in all yards shall be a minimum of 20', regardless ofsetbacks allowed by any local governmental agency. Churches and other buildings of largescale shall be set back a minimum of 30' in all yards.c. Drainage: Site drainage will conform to the drainage analysis performed for the platted property.E. LightingLighting used to illuminate any portion of the building or site is being designed so that illuminationis contained within the legal boundary of the site. Neither direct illumination nor the source ofillumination shall be visible from any adjacent property or street. All lighting shall conform to theTown of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Outdoor Lighting Code and the Pima County Light Pollution Code.F. Improvements provided by the DeveloperThe developer installed curbs and gutters in the public right-of-way. Public sidewalks have beenprovided and installed by the developer for all commercial sites. All improvements are completeand owned by the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. Any and all changes to existing curbs, gutters, publicsidewalks and driveway depressions must be approved by the Architectural Review Committeeand the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 20

G. Signage1. All building wall signs as defined by the local governmental authority and shall conform to Townof <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Zoning Code.2. Exposed wood, whether painted, stained or natural, shall not be permitted for use in any type ofpermanent sign.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 21

IV. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTSThe Architectural Review Committee has been established to monitor, review and control thedevelopment of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso. It shall maintain and enforce the standards and guidelines set forthherein so as to provide an orderly and cohesive community. It shall also provide a timely review ofresidential, commercial and institutional projects planned for the community. (See Article XI, Sections 1and 2, and Article IV, Section 2, paragraph (b) of the Master Declaration.)A. Residential Property Owners1. Pursuant to Article XI, Section 2 of the Master Declaration, residential property owners arerequired to submit plans to the Architectural Review Committee and obtain prior writtenapproval for additions, alterations or modifications to existing dwelling units. This includes, butis not limited to: landscaping, walls, fences, gates, ancillary equipment, post lights, flag poles,awnings, screens, screen doors, security doors, shutters, driveway coating and painting thehouse. Approval for some modifications may be given by the Community Services Coordinatorif all applicable criteria are met. No submittal fee is charged if modification is approved by theCommunity Services Coordinator. It shall be the responsibility of all residential property ownersto comply with all standards and guidelines of Section II herein, as well as all requirements ofthe Master Declaration and Tract Declarations.2. Any residential property owner may voluntarily submit plans to the Architectural ReviewCommittee for consideration of any exception to or deviation from these residentialdevelopment standards.3. The requirements for submittal shall be the same as "Final Plan Submittal" for commercial andinstitutional property owners as set forth in Section B.2 below. The Architectural ReviewCommittee shall review such submittals without hearing and based solely on the informationcontained within the submittal. Pursuant to the Master Declaration and to the provisions ofParagraph 4 below, the decision of the Architectural Review Committee may be appealed tothe Board of Directors as per Board policy.4. Upon completion of review by the Architectural Review Committee, one set of plans shall bereturned to the owner accompanied by a letter indicating the Committee's decision. TheCommittee's decision shall be rendered in one of the following four forms:a. "Approved" - The entire document submitted is approved in total.b. "Approved As Noted" - The document submitted is partially approved. An owner mayproceed with the work to be performed; however, be responsible to comply with any and allnotations on the submittal.c. "Tabled" - The document is tabled pending receipt of additional documentation. Work maynot start pending receipt of requested documentation and final ARC approval.d. "Not Approved" - The entire document submitted is not approved and no work maycommence.5. <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> building permits, if required, must be submitted prior to any construction and/orinstallation.6. Any work started and/or completed prior to submittal and written approval from the ArchitecturalReview Committee will be subject to a fine as established by the Board of Directors.7. Pursuant to Article XI, Section 6, of the Master Declaration, if it is determined by theArchitectural Review Committee that work completed or in progress on any lot or parcel is notin compliance with the Residential Development Standards, the Committee or the Associationshall notify the owner in writing of such non-compliance within 30 days of inspection, specifyingin reasonable detail the particulars of non-compliance and shall require the owner to remedythe same. If the owner fails to remedy such non-compliance or fails to commence and continuediligently toward achieving compliance, the Association shall notify the owner that it shall takeSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 22

action to remove the non-complying improvements and/or seek injunctive relief, recovery ofcosts incurred and imposition of a fine, which fine shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of thecost of achieving compliance.8. Appeal Process: Any owner, aggrieved by a decision of the Architectural Review Committeemay appeal the decision of the Committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in theBoard Appeal Policy (a copy of this policy may be obtained from the SCVCAI administrationoffice).B. Commercial ProjectsThe owner and/or a designated representative of a commercial or institutional site are required tosubmit both preliminary and final plans to the Architectural Review Committee for review andapproval.1. Preliminary Plans - Submit no less than two sets of preliminary plans to include the followinginformation:a. Site plan indicating building size and location, driveways, parking areas, landscaped area,grading, ancillary facilities and location of ground signs(s).b. Exterior elevations for all sides of all buildings to include sign location(s), description ofexterior materials, dimensions and height of all buildings.c. Typical building section.2. Final Plans - (Also required of residential property owners with the exceptions of items f & g)Submit no less than two sets of final plans and specifications consisting of the following:a. Site plan, including finished floor elevation, paving and parking (driveway widths, parkingbay sizes), concrete curbs, planters, sidewalks, grading and drainage, location of trashreceptacle, utility enclosures (including screening plans) and site lighting (size and type).b. Floor plans of all buildings on the site indicating dimensions and type of exterior materials.c. Exterior elevations (for all sides of all buildings) indicate type of materials and color ofexterior surfaces.d. Roof plan indicating types and colors of materials, mechanical equipment location, parapetheights and any screening for air conditioning or HVAC equipment.e. Typical building section.f. Electrical plans indicating extent and type of building exterior lighting.g. Landscaping plans to include sprinkler system specifications and a complete plant listkeyed to the plan indicating quantity, size and type (both botanical and common names ofplantings).3. Upon completion of review by the Architectural Review Committee, one set of plans shall bereturned to the owner accompanied by a letter indicating the Committee's decision. TheCommittee's decision shall be rendered in one of the following four forms:a. "Approved" - The entire document submitted is approved in total.b. "Approved As Noted" - The document submitted is partially approved. An owner mayproceed with the work to be performed; however, be responsible to comply with any and allnotations on the submittal.c. "Tabled" - The document is tabled pending receipt of additional documentation. Work maynot start pending receipt of requested documentation and final ARC approval.d. "Not Approved" - The entire document submitted is not approved and no work maycommence.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 23

4. Pursuant to Section 6, Article XI, of the Master Declaration, if it is determined by theArchitectural Review Committee that work completed or in progress on any lot. or parcel is notcompleted in compliance with the Development Standards, the Committee or the Associationshall notify the owner in writing of such non-compliance within 30 days of inspection, specifyingin reasonable detail the particulars of non-compliance and shall require the owner to remedythe same. If the owner fails to remedy such non-compliance or fails to commence and continuediligently toward achieving compliance, the Association shall notify the owner that it shall takeaction to remove the non-complying improvements and/or seek injunctive relief, recovery ofcosts incurred and imposition of a fine, which fine shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of thecost of achieving compliance.5. Appeal Process: Any owner, aggrieved by a decision of the Architectural Review Committeemay appeal the decision of the Committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in theBoard Appeal Policy.C. Submittal ProceduresThe following procedures will apply to owners of commercial, institutional and residential propertieswhen submitting plans and/or information for review by the Architectural Review Committee.1. An Architectural Review Committee submittal form is required for all submittals (a form may bepicked up from the SCVCAI administration office). The information provided on the form shallbe either typed or hand lettered and must include the following:a. Owner name, address and telephone numberb. The name, address and telephone number of owner's agent or representative (if applicable)c. The unit and lot number of the propertyd. The developer's original plan number and/or model name (applicable to residential propertyowners only)2. The submittal form will clearly state the nature of the request. Such request shall be limited to:a. Review and approval of preliminary plans (for commercial and institutional property ownersonly)b. Review and approval of final plansc. Review and consideration of exceptions to or deviations from the Development Standardsd. Review and consideration for a change to the provisions of the Development Standardse. Appeal of a "not approved" submittal or any notation of an "approved as noted" submittal3. A copy of the developer's original plot plan shall be included showing locations of proposedwalls and other proposed structures. Dimensions shall be included showing lengths, widths,and elevations.4. All commercial applications shall be made in duplicate for all documents contained in thesubmittal.5. All submittals are to be addressed to:<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> VistosoArchitectural Review Committee1565 E Rancho Vistoso Blvd<strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, AZ 85755D. Fees, Expiration of Approvals & Reapplication1. A submittal fee of $10 for residential owners and $50 for commercial and institutional ownerswill accompany all requests for review by the Architectural Review Committee. All feepayments shall be made at the time of request and made payable to the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> VistosoSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 24

Community Association. All fees are non-refundable. (See Article XI, Section 4 of the MasterDeclaration.)2. Approvals shall expire 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the owner of the originalsubmittal approval. The lot owner of any project which has not been completed by the end ofthe 12 month period shall be required to resubmit the project application to the ARC, who willreview the re-submittal under the then current Development Standards, and notify the owner oftheir decision.3. A resubmittal fee of $10 for residential owners and $50 for commercial and institutional ownersshall be paid by the lot owner at the time of project resubmittal.E. <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Building PermitsProperty owners are required to contact the town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> as to the necessity of obtaining abuilding permit (See <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Requirements on the submittal form).V. NON-LIABILITY FOR APPROVAL OF PLANSArchitectural Review Committee approval of plans shall not constitute a representation, warranty orguarantee that such plans and specifications comply with engineering design practices or with zoningor building ordinances, or other governmental regulations or restrictions. By approving such plans andspecifications, neither the Architectural Review Committee, the members thereof, the Association, anymember thereof, the board or declarant assumes any liability or responsibility therefore or for anydefect in the structure constructed from such plans or specifications. Neither the Architectural ReviewCommittee, any member thereof, the Association, the board nor declarant shall be liable to anymember, owner, occupant or other person or entity for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered orclaimed on account of (a) the approval or disapproval of any plans, drawings and specifications,whether or not defective, or (b), the construction or performance of any work, whether or not pursuantto the approved plans, drawings and specifications.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 25

APPENDIX ARESIDENTIAL LOT SETBACK REQUIREMENTSA. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES1. Front Lot Setback: 20'0"2. Side Lot Setback: 7'6" (measured from base of framing stud) Any roof overhangshall be no more than the roof overhang of the house as builtby developer3. Rear Lot Setbacks: 10'0"B. PATIO HOMES1. Front Lot Setback: 20'0"2. Side Lot Setback: 15'0" (measured from base of framing stud) Any roof overhangshall be no more than the roof overhang of the house as builtby developer3. Rear Lot Setbacks: 10'0"4. Zero (0) lot line - Unit 2 and certain lots located in Unit 1 (see the recorded plat)C. COMPACT LOTS - 50' WIDE MINIMUM (UNITS 15, 16, 18A, PORTIONS OF 5/3, 10, 13, 16A, 12 & 17)Note: Unit 5/3 is Unit 5, Lot 3 (lots 1-12)1. Front Lot Setback: 20'0"2. Side Lot Setback: 5'0" (architectural projections originally constructed by declarantmay encroach into 5' side yard no more than 2') (measuredfrom base of framing stud)3. Rear Lot Setbacks: 10'0"SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 26

APPENDIX BAPPROVED PLANT LISTIn keeping with the Xeriscape philosophy of water efficient landscaping, and to promote the maintenanceof community aesthetics, the ARC has adopted a list of plant materials approved for use in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong>Vistoso. The plants listed as approved have prospered in the Tucson area with moderate to nosupplemental irrigation once they are established. There is sufficient variety to accomplish any landscapedesign need.FRONT YARDS ⎯ Only plants on the Approved Plant Materials lists may be planted in the front yard ofany <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Vistoso residence. Wildflowers are approved in front and rear yards. After they have finishedblooming, the plant must be removed immediately.A RESIDENT DESIRING TO PLANT ANY MATERIAL IN THEIR FRONT YARDS NOT ON THEAPPROVED LIST MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ARC BEFORE PROCEEDING.SIDE AND REAR YARDS ⎯ All plant materials are approved for use in rear and side yards as long asunapproved species are not visible from the street and are not included on the Prohibited Plant Materiallist.Planted material that conflicts with these Development Standards as of the date of adoption aregrandfathered until the plant is removed or dies. Replacements must be chosen from the approved list inaccordance with the standards outlined above.The ARC uses the following reference material in their deliberations:• Desert Gardening by Irish• Native Plants by Mielke• Plants of Arizona by Epple• Landscape Plants for Dry Regions by Jones & Sacamo• Plants for Dry Climates by Duffield & Jones• Arizona Gardner’s Guide by Mary Irish• Dry climate Gardening With Succulents by Huntington Botanical GardensKEY - TYPE OF PLANTACFGCGRSSCTVAccent PlantCactusFlowerGround CoverOrnamental GrassShrubSucculent (other than cacti)TreeVineWATER - REQUIREMENT CODEPlants Requiring Little or No Supplemental Water Once Established1 No supplemental irrigation needed, once established2 Irrigate once a month during the growing season, once establishedNote: No entry in the Water column indicates that frequent watering may be required.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 27

Sorted By Common NameWATER KEY Common Name Botanical NameS Abelia, Glossy Abellia grandiflora1, 1-2 T, S Acacia Acacia Species1 A, SC Agave Agave SpeciesA, SC Aloe Aloe Species1-2 S Apache plume Fallugia paradoxaS Bamboo, Heavenly Nandina domestica1-2 A Beargrass Nolina Species1-2 S, F Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia SpeciesT, S Bottlebrush, Lemmon Callistemon citrinusV Bouganvillea Bougainvillea Species1-2 S Brittlebush Encelia farinosa1-2 S Brittlebush, California Encelia californica1-2 F, SC Bulbine Bulbine Frutescens1 C Cactus Cactus Species1-2 S, F Cassia Cassia SpeciesV Cat's Claw Vine Macfadyena unguis-cati (Doxantha unguis-cati)S Cats Claw, wait-a-minute bush Mimosa biunciferaT Chinese Jujube, Common Jujube Zizyphus jujubaT Citrus, Least frost-sensitive varieties Citrus1 F, S Coral Bean Erythrina Flabelliformis1-2 S Cordia, Little Leaf Cordia parvifoliaS Cotoneaster Cotoneaster species1 S Creosote Bush Larrea tridentataGC, F Daisy, Blackfoot Melampodium leucanthumS Dalea Dalea Species1 A Desert Spoon, Green Dasylirion acrotriche1 A Desert Spoon, Sotol Dasylirion wheeleri2 F, GC Damianita Chrysactinia Mexicana1-2 S Dulce, Mangle Maytenus phyllanthoidesGC Dyssodia Dyssodia pentachaetaS Emu Bush Eremophila longifoliaT Ebony, Mexican Pithecellobium mexicanumT Ebony, Texas Pithecellobium flexicaule1-2 T Elderberry, Mexican Sambucus mexicanaS Elephant tree Bursera microphyllaGC, A Euphorbia Euphorbia Species1 S, F Fairy Duster, False Mesquite Calliandra eriophyllaS, F Fairy Duster, Red Calliandra californiaT Fan Palm, California Washingtonia filiferaT Fan Palm, Mexican Washingtonia robustaT, S Feather Bush Lysiloma thornberi2 F, S Flame Anisicanthus Anisicanthus quadrifidusS Fragrant Bush, Bee Brush Aloysia gratissimmaT, S Fraser’s photinia Photinia fraseri1-2 F Gaura Gaura lindheimeriGC, F Gazania Gazania SpeciesGC, S Germander Teucrium chamaedrysS Germander, Bush Teucrium fruticansF Globe-Mallow Sphaeralcea spp.S Golden eye Viquiera tomentosa1-2 T, S Golden Leadball Leucaena retusaGC, S Green Santolina Santolina virensT, S Guava, Pineapple Feijoa sellowianaSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 28

Sorted By Common NameWATER KEY Common Name Botanical Name1-2 S Hackberry Celtis speciesT Hawthorn, Indian Raphiolepis indica1-2 A Hesperaloe, Giant Hesperaloe funifera1-2 A Hesperaloe, Red Yucca Hesperaloe parvifloraS Honeysuckle, Chuparosa Justicia californica (Beloperone)S Honeysuckle, Desert Anisacanthus thurberiS Honeysuckle, Jacobinia Justicia candicans (J.ovata)S Honeysuckle, Mexican Justicia spicigera (Jacobinia g.)1-2 S Hopbush Dondonaea viscosaS Hummingbird flower Zauschneria latifoliaGC, S Hummingbird Trumpet Zauschneria california (Epilobiu canum)GC, SC Ice PlantCarpobrotus edulis (Mesembryanthemum)GC, SC Ice plant, CroceumMalephora croceaGC, SC Ice Plant, Red SpikeCephalophyllum "Red Spike"GC, SC Ice Plant, Sea PurslaneSesuvium verrucosumGC Jasmine, Asiatic Trachelospermum asiaticumS Jasmine, Primrose Jasminum mesnyiGC Jasmine, Star Trachelospermum jasminoidesS Jatropha Jatropha dioica1-2 S Jojoba, Goat Nut Simmondsia chinensisT, S Juniper Juniperus speciesS, F Lantana Lantana SpeciesGC, S Lavender Cotton Santolina chamaecyparissusS Lavender, Desert Hyptis emoryi1 S Limberbush Jatropha cardiophyllaT, S Loquat Eriobotrya japonica1 S Lycium Lycium exsertum1-2 GC, F Marigold, Desert Baileya multiradiataS, F Marigold, Mountain Tagetes lemmoniV Merremia, Yellow Merremia aureaT, S Mescal Bean, Texas Mountain Laurel Sophora secundiflora1-2 T Mesquite Prosopis SpeciesT Mexican Buckeye Ungnadia speciosaT,CT-Mexican Fence Post (Minimum 6’ tall fromground level)Cactus Species1 S Milkweed, Desert Asclepias subulata1 A Milkweed, Pine-Leaf Asclepias linaria1 S Mormon tea Ephedra trifurca1-2 GC, S Morning Glory, Bush Convolvulus cneorumGC Morning Glory, Ground Convolvulus maauritanicusS Mountain mahogany Cercocarpus montanusA, S Muhlenbergia, Bush Muhlenbergia dumosaT Myrtle, Crape Lagerstroemia indicaT Oak Quercus Species1 A Ocotillo Fouqueiria splendensS, F Oleander (cultivars/dwarfs) Nerium oleanderT, S Olive, Anacahuita, Texas Olive Cordia boissieriS Olive, Desert Forestiera neomexicanaV Orchid Vine, Lavender Mascagnia lilacinaV Orchid Vine, Yellow Mascagnia macropteraS Oregano, Wright's Aloysia wrightiiT Palm, Mediterranean Fan Chamaerops humilisT Palm, Mexican Blue Brahea armata (Erythea armata)SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 29

Sorted By Common NameWATER KEY Common Name Botanical NameT Palm, Queen Arecastrum romanzoffianumS Palm, Sago Palm Cycas revoluta1 T Palo Verde Cercidium SpeciesV Passion Flower Passiflora foetidaT Pear, Evergreen Pyrus KawakamiiF Penstemon Penstemom SpeciesT, S Pepper, Chaste Tree, Monk's Vitex agnus-castusT, S Pomegranate Punica granatumGC, F Primrose, Baja Oenothera drummondiiGC, F Primrose, Chihuahuan Oenothera stubbeiGC, FPrimrose, Mexican EveningOenothera berlandieri (O. speciosachildissi)GC, F Primrose, Tufted Evening Oenothera caespitosaS Pyracantha (Many cultivars) Pyracantha (Red Berried Types)V Queen's Wreath Antigonon leptopusA, S, F Red Calliandra Calliandra peninsularisS Rose, Lady Bank's Rose' Rosa banksiaeS Rosemary, Bush Rosmarinus officinalisGC Rosemary, Dwarf or Trailing Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus'T Rosewood Dalbergia sissooT, S Rosewood, Arizona Vauquelinia californicaS Ruellia Ruellia californicaS Ruellia Ruellia peninsularisS Sage Leucophyllum SpeciesS, F Sage Salvia SpeciesT,CT-Saguaro (Minimum 6’foot tall fromground level)Cactus Species1-2 S Saltbush, Brewer Atriplex lentiformis breweriS Saltbush, Desert holly Atriplex hymenelttra1 S Saltbush, Four-Wing Atriplex canescensS Sumac, Evergreen Rhus virensS Sumac, Little leaf desert Rhus microphyllaS Sumac, Sugar Bush, Sugar Rhus ovataT Swan Hill Olive Olea Europa "Swan Hill"1 T Tesota, Ironwood Olneya tesotaS Thorn, Crucifixion Castela emoryi1 S Thorn, White rucillo, greythorn Zizyphus obtusifoliaS Thornbush, Anderson Lycium andersoniiS Trumpet Bush Tecoma stans var. angustata1 GC Turpentine Brush Haplopappus laricifolius = EricameriaS Velvet Pod Mimosa dysocarpaGC, F Verbena Verbena Species1 S White Brush Aloysia lycioidesT Willow, Pittosporum Pittosporum phillyraeoidesT, S Willow, Desert Chilopsis linearisV Wisteria Wistecia floribunda1 S Wolfberry Lycium fremontiiS Wooley butterfly bush Buddleja marrubifoliaS Xylosma Xylosma congestum 31T-Yucca (minimum 6’ tall from groundT,AYucca Specieslevel)1 F Zinnia, Desert Zinnia acerosaSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 30

Sorted By Botanical NameBotanical NameAbellia grandifloraAcacia SpeciesAgave SpeciesAloe SpeciesAloysia gratissimmaAloysia lycioidesAloysia wrightiiAnisicanthus quadrifidusAnisacanthus thurberiAntigonon leptopusArecastrum romanzoffianumAsclepias linariaAsclepias subulataAtriplex canescensAtriplex hymenelttraAtriplex lentiformis breweriBaileya multiradiataBougainvillea SpeciesBrahea armata (Erythea armata)Buddleja marrubifoliaBulbine frutescensBursera microphyllaCactus SpeciesCaesalpinia SpeciesCalliandra californiaCalliandra eriophyllaCalliandra peninsularisCallistemon citrinusCarpobrotus edulis (Mesembryanthemum)Cassia SpeciesCastela emoryiCeltis speciesCephalophyllum "Red Spike"Cercidium SpeciesCercocarpus montanusChamaerops humilisChilopsis linearisChrysactinia mexicanaCitrusConvolvulus cneorumConvolvulus maauritanicusCordia boissieriCordia parvifoliaCotoneaster speciesCycas revolutaDalbergia sissooDalea SpeciesDasylirion acrotricheDasylirion wheeleriDondonaea viscosaDyssodia pentachaetaEncelia californicaCommon NameAbelia, GlossyAcaciaAgaveAloeFragrant Bush, Bee BrushWhite BrushOregano, Wright'sFlame anisicanthusHoneysuckle, DesertQueen's WreathPalm, QueenMilkweed, Pine-LeafMilkweed, DesertSaltbush, Four-WingSaltbush, Desert hollySaltbush, BrewerMarigold, DesertBouganvilleaPalm, Mexican BlueWooley butterfly bushBulbineElephant treeCactusBird of ParadiseFairy Duster, RedFairy Duster, False MesquiteRed CalliandraBottlebrush, LemmonIce PlantCassiaThorn, CrucifixionHackberryIce Plant, Red SpikePalo VerdeMountain mahoganyPalm, Mediterranean FanWillow, DesertDamianitaCitrus, Least frost-sensitive varietiesMorning Glory, BushMorning Glory, GroundOlive, Anacahuita, Texas OliveCordia, Little LeafCotoneasterPalm, Sago PalmRosewoodDaleaDesert Spoon, GreenDesert Spoon, SotolHopbushDyssodiaBrittlebush, CaliforniaSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 31

Sorted By Botanical NameBotanical NameEncelia farinosaEphedra trifurcaEriobotrya japonicaEremophila longifoliaErythrina flabelliformisEuphorbia SpeciesFallugia paradoxaFeijoa sellowianaForestiera neomexicanaFouqueiria splendensGaura lindheimeriGazania SpeciesHaplopappus laricifolius = EricameriaHesperaloe funiferaHesperaloe parvifloraHyuptis emoryiJasminum mesnyiJatropha cardiophyllaJatropha dioicaJuniperus speciesJusticia californica (Beloperone)Justicia candicans (J.ovata)Justicia spicigera (Jacobinia g.)Lagerstroemia indicaLantana SpeciesLarrea tridentataLeucaena retusaLeucophyllum SpeciesLycium andersoniiLycium exsertumLycium fremontiiLysiloma thornberiMacfadyena unguis-cati (Doxantha unguis-cati)Malephora croceaMascagnia lilacinaMascagnia macropteraMaytenus phyllanthoidesMelampodium leucanthumMerremia aureaMimosa biunciferaMimosa dysocarpaMuhlenbergia dumosaNandina domesticaNerium oleanderNolina SpeciesOenothera berlandieri (O. speciosa childissi)Oenothera caespitosaOenothera drummondiiOenothera stubbeiOlea Europa "Swan Hill"Olneya tesotaPassiflora foetidaCommon NameBrittlebushMormon teaLoquatEmu BushCoral beanEuphorbiaApache plumeGuava, PineappleOlive, DesertOcotilloGauraGazaniaTurpentine BrushHesperaloe, GiantHesperaloe, Red YuccaLavender, DesertJasmine, PrimroseLimberbushJatrophaJuniperHoneysuckle, ChuparosaHoneysuckle, JacobiniaHoneysuckle, MexicanMyrtle, CrapeLantanaCreosote BushGolden LeadballSageThornbush, AndersonLyciumWolfberryFeather BushCat's Claw VineIce plant, CroceumOrchid Vine, LavenderOrchid Vine, YellowDulce, MangleDaisy, BlackfootMerremia, YellowCats Claw, wait-a-minute bushVelvet PodMuhlengeriga, BushBamboo, HeavenlyOleander (cultivars/dwarfs)BeargrassPrimrose, Mexican EveningPrimrose, Tufted EveningPrimrose, BajaPrimrose, ChihuahuanSwan Hill OliveTesota, Ironwood,Passion FlowerSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 32

Sorted By Botanical NameBotanical NamePenstemom SpeciesPhotinia fraseriPithecellobium flexicaulePithecellobium mexicanumPittosporum phillyraeoidesProsopis SpeciesPunica granatumPyracantha (Red Berried Types)Pyrus KawakamiiQuercus SpeciesRaphiolepis indicaRhus microphyllaRhus ovataRhus virensRosa banksiaeRosmarinus officinalisRosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus'Ruellia californicaRuellia peninsularisSalvia SpeciesSambucus mexicanaSantolina chamaecyparissusSantolina virensSesuvium verrucosumSimmondsia chinensisSophora secundifloraSphaeralcea spp.Tagetes lemmoniTecoma stans var. angustatateucrium chamaedrysTeucrium fruticansTrachelospermum asiaticumTrachelospermum jasminoidesUngnadia speciosaVauquelinia californicaVerbena SpeciesViquiera tomentosaVitex agnus-castusWashingtonia filiferaWashingtonia robustaWistecia floribundaXylosma congestum 3Yucca SpeciesZauschneria california (Epilobiu canum)Zauschneria latifoliaZinnia acerosaZizyphus jujubaZizyphus obtusifoliaCommon NamePenstemonFraser’s photiniaEbony, TexasEbony, MexicanWillow, PittosporumMesquitePomegranatePyracantha (Many cultivars)Pear, EvergreenOakHawthorn, IndianSumac, Little leaf desertSumac, Sugar Bush, SugarSumac, EvergreenRose, Lady Bank's Rose'Rosemary, BushRosemary, Dwarf or TrailingRuelliaRuelliaSageElderberry, MexicanLavender CottonGreen SantolinaIce Plant, Sea PurslaneJojoba, Goat NutMescal Bean, Texas Mountain LaurelGlobe-MallowMarigold, MountainTrumpet BushGermanderGermander, BushJasmine, AsiaticJasmine, StarMexican BuckeyeRosewood, ArizonaVerbenaGolden eyePepper, Chaste Tree, Monk'sFan Palm, CaliforniaFan Palm, MexicanWisteriaXylosmaYuccaHummingbird TrumpetHummingbird flowerZinnia, DesertChinese Jujube, Common JujubeThorn, White rucillo, greythornSCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 33

Prohibited Plant MaterialCOMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME REASONS FOR PROHIBITIONAsh, Arizona Fraxinium velutina dirty, size, pest proneAsh, ModestoFraxinium velutina "Modesto" dirty, size, pest proneBuffle Grass Cenchrus Ciliaris InvasiveCypress Cypressus Species size, pest proneDesert Broom Baccharismsarothroides invasive, allergenicEucalyptus Eucalyptus Species dirty, size, pest proneFountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum dirty, invasiveIvy Hedera Species invasive, pest prone, heat intolerantMulberry Morus alba size, allergenic, pest proneOlive Olea Europa dirty, allergenic, pest prone (EXCEPT FOR "Swan Hill")Palo Verde, Mexican Parkinsonia aculeata dirty, invasive, pest pronePampas Grass Cortaderia selloana size, invasive, injurious leavesPepper, California Pepper Tree Schinus molledirty, size, pest prone, root rotPine Pinus Species invasive, root rot, size, excessive water, brittleSilk Oak Grevilica robusta size, brittle, root rotSumac, African Rhus lancea invasive, allergenicTamarisk Tamarix aphylla invasive, pest prone, excessive water, brittleWeeping Willow Salix babylonica invasive, size, pest prone, brittle“In addition to the above list, any plant prohibited by the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is also prohibited by theseSCVCAI Development Standards.”SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 34

APPENDIX CWALL & FENCE LEGENDUNIT MASONRY DESCRIPTION WROUGHT IRON COLOR FOR SIDE& REAR YARD PERIMETER FENCES1 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown1A Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown2 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown2A Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown3 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown3A Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown4 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown5 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown6 Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown6A Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown6B Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown7 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown8 Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown9 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown10 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown11 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown12 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown13 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown14 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown15 Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown16 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown16A Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown17 Slump Block CMU Weathered Brown18 Scratch Face RMU Weathered Brown18A Scratch Face RMU Weathered BrownNOTES:1. All homeowner fences will be painted Weathered Brown by January 1, 2016.2. Masonry color to match existing masonry as installed by Developer and to be verified by theArchitectural Review Committee.3. If scratch Face Reinforced Masonry Unit (RMU) is not available, Slump Block Concrete Masonry Unit(CMU) is permitted in units 6, 6A, 6B, 8, 15, 18 and 18A as approved in units 7, 14, and 17.SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 35

Scheme 1Body – Baked Potato DEC717Oyster DEC748Whole Wheat DE6124Scheme 4Body – Hickory DEC759Linen White DEC749Cocoa DEC755Scheme 7Body – Gourmet Honey DE6150Antique Linen DE6148Mesa Tan DEC718Scheme 10Body – Oyster DEC748Wooden Peg DE6215Ancient Earth DE6217Scheme 13Body - Egyptian Sand DE6207Whole Wheat DE6124Carved Wood DE6125Scheme 16Body - Baked Potato DEC717Barrel Stove DE6216Carved Wood DE6125Scheme 19Body – Crushed Stone DE6067Barrel Stove DE6216River Rock DE6061Scheme 22Body – Verona Beach DE6135Rich Mocha DEA159Tan Plan DE6137Aluminum Patio Cover &Patio Enclosure ColorsAdobe Desert SandBeige Mojave TanCameo WhiteChampagneAPPENDIX DAPPROVED PAINT COLORSScheme 2Body – Wooden Peg DE6215Desert Suede DE6206Wild Mustang DEA161Scheme 5Body – Kraft Paper DE6109Pale Wheat DE6106Cedar Chest DE6112Scheme 8Body – Peach DEC710Warm Hearth DE6110Pale Wheat DE6106Scheme 11Body – Birchwood DEC752Bone White DEC741Bison Beige DEC750Scheme 14Body - Trail Dust DE6123Baked Potato DEC717Whole Wheat DE6124Scheme 17Body - Ash Gray DEC751Baked Potato DEC717Carved Wood DE6125Scheme 20Body – Terracotta SandDE6136Rich Mocha DEA159Cedar Chest DE6112Wrought Iron ColorFor Side & Rear Yard PerimeterFences & Gates – All of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong>VistosoMay be used for Security DoorsWeathered Brown DEC756Scheme 3Body – Linen White DEC749Ash Gray DEC751Birchwood DEC752Scheme 6Body – Practical Tan DE6115Alpaca Wool DE6113Neutral <strong>Valley</strong> DE6119Scheme 9Body – Sand Dune DE6128Ash Gray DEC751Rincon Cove DEC757Scheme 12Body – Flintstone DE6221Antique Paper DE6218Mission Trail DE6223Scheme 15Body - Drifting DEC770Wooden Peg DE6215Stockhorse DE6126Scheme 18Body - Steveareno BeigeDEC766Hickory DEC759Whole Wheat DE6124Scheme 21Body – Rustic Taupe DE6129Wandering Road DE6076Carved Wood DE6125Utility BoxesAll Types of BoxesAll of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> VistosoWeathered Brown DEC756SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 36

APPENDIX EGOLF COURSE VIEW LOTSThe lots listed below are the only lots to be defined as lots with a golf course view as defined in policyGLF-004. SCVCAI will maintain the landscaping in the common area/golf course so as to avoid undueobstruction of golf course views. Any view maintenance/trimming on common areas within the ChalkCreek wash or riparian area should also meet the Town of <strong>Oro</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> standards for protecting andenhancing regulated washes and riparian areas. The Board shall be the final authority as to whether aview is unduly obstructed.Golf Course View Lots:001019 through 001029001036 through 001037001068 though 001072002012 through 002029002081 through 002083003146 through 003163003165 through 003166003172 through 003198004033 through 004049005214 through 005230006072 through 006080006233 through 006236007096 through 007135008044 through 008062012062 through 012076014001 through 014030015042 through 015067018001 through 018017018020 through 01802101802306a001 through 06a00411a01911b001 through 11b018(End of List)SCVCAI Development Standards - Revised and Approved April 26, 2011Page 37

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