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HigherAchievementTesting theImpact ofHigherAchievement’sYear-RoundOut-of-School-Time Programon AcademicOutcomesHerrera, C.,Linden, L.L.,Arbreton,A.J.A. andBaldwinGrossman, J.Public/Private Ventures2011ExperimentalLocal LevelThe evaluation of Higher Achievementis a random assignment evaluationthat includes 951 students. Theevaluation includes a treatment and acontrol group. Both youth and theirparents were surveyed one, two andfour years after the randomassignment. Students were givenstandardized tests in readingcomprehension and problem solving.Surveys of youth measured theirattitudes, behaviors, programparticipation and demographicinformation. Additionally,observations of programs andinterviews with program staff,teachers and mentors were conducted.Academic:- HA students improved their readingscores (p = .05)- HA students saw greater gains ontheir problem-solving scores(p = .05)LA's BESTThe Long-Term Effects ofAfter-SchoolProgrammingon EducationalAdjustmentand JuvenileCrime: A Studyof the LA’sBEST After-SchoolProgramGoldschmidt,P. and Huang,D.NationalCenter forResearch onEvaluation,Standards,and StudentTesting(CRESST),University ofCalifornia,Los Angeles2007QuasiexperimentalLocal LevelThe treatment group for LA’s BEST’sevaluation includes 2,000 LA’s BESTstudents and the control groupincludes 4,000 matched students inLos Angeles Unified School District(LAUSD) not participating in theafterschool program. The controlgroup is constituted of students fromLAUSD's database matched by grade,gender, ethnicity, income level,language proficiency and achievementlevel of LA’s BEST students.Academic:- Students in LA’s BEST with highlevels of engagement were 50% lesslikely to commit a crime (p < .05)- Students in LA’s BEST with mediumlevels of engagement were 30% lesslikely to commit a crime (p < .05)- Students in LA’s BEST with lowlevels of engagement did not see achange in the likelihood ofcommitting a crime38

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