2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...


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TAKS(Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills)To receive a Texas High school diploma, you must complete all the necessary coursework for graduation and passall parts of the exit level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS).The exit level TAKS includes four subject areas: English, language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.The test is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS, which is the curriculum that your teachersuse every day in the classroom.The first time you will take the exit level TAKS is in the spring of your 11 th ‐grade year. If you pass all parts of thetest on your first try, you will have fulfilled your testing requirements for graduation. However, if you do not passone or more subject‐area tests, you will have several opportunities to retake those tests. Students who do not passany subject test of the Exit Level TAKS will be offered an instructional placement, which will provide assistance in“meeting the passing standard” at the next test date. Students will be enrolled in appropriate courses that willprepare them to complete all portions of the TAKS test successfully.A variety of resources are available to provide you with a better understanding of the TAKS testing program. Visitthe Texas Education Agency (TEA) website for more information:www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessmentNATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYMembership in the National Honor Society (NHS) is a special honor bestowed upon students by the local chapter.Selection for membership is based upon four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.To be considered for membership, LHS and MHS students must be juniors or seniors, must have been in attendanceat the inducting campus at least one semester, and have an overall grade point average of at least 4.50.A faculty council appointed by the principal makes the final selection by verifying candidate information such asattendance data, discipline records, and voluntary teacher comments. Those students receiving a majority vote ofthe faculty council are invited to membership and initiated at an annual fall ceremony. To safeguard membershipand graduate as NHS members students must maintain these same criteria.TEXAS SCHOLARS PROGRAMThe Texas Scholars program is sponsored by the Campfire Boys & Girls of <strong>Midland</strong> in cooperation with MISD. The program’smission is to encourage all secondary students to enroll in and complete challenging course work which will enable them tocompete in the highly technological global economy of the 21 st century.To become a Texas Scholar, students must complete the Recommended or Distinguished Achievement Plan. Students mustmaintain a 2.75 GPA on a 6.0 system and graduate. Students must also complete 20 hours of community service during theirhigh school years. Seniors should complete and turn in a record of all volunteer hours by the end of the 4 th six weeks.Local community professionals will speak to all ninth grade students in order to emphasize the importance of a high qualityacademic preparation. This presentation allows the students to recognize the high cost of living in today’s environment andthe difficulty of surviving financially without a quality education.Texas Scholars are provided with high levels of academic skills needed to secure a good job instead of settling for minimumwage or unstable employment. They will have the quality of education that will enhance their opportunity to seek highereducational programs.13

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