2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...


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AP ENGLISH III – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1330)Grade Level: 11; Length: YearPrerequisite: English IIAP English III/Concurrent is a college level course that concentrates on the theory of language and composition andthe development of an individual style adaptable to different modes of discourse. The course will include both thereading and analysis of a variety of prose works and the study of the process of writing. Students will study examplesof non‐fiction, prose and poetry from various periods of American literature that will serve as models of effectivestyles and tones. The organized study of the structure of sentences, paragraphs, and larger patterns introduces thesemantic, structural, and rhetorical resources of the language. AP English III is recommended for students with astrong interest in reading, writing and the discussion and analysis of literature and composition.AP/GT ENGLISH III – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1321)Grade Level: 11; Length: YearPrerequisite: English IIENGLISH IV – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1420)Grade Level: 12; Length: YearPrerequisite: English IIIEnglish IV continues the integration of literature, composition, language, and reading. The literary emphasis is onBritish literature. This course continues to use the writing process to refine composition skills. Composition activitieshelp students develop greater fluency and flexibility in writing as well as in independent thinking.ENGLISH IV/DUAL CREDIT – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1421)Grade Level: 12; Length: YearPrerequisite: English IIIAP ENGLISH IV – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1430)Grade Level: 12; Length: YearAP English IV/dual credit is a college course involving students in both study and practice of writing and the study ofliterature. Students will learn to use the modes of discourse and to recognize the assumptions underlying rhetoricalstrategies and resources of language: figurative language, connotation, irony, syntax, and tone. Assignments willfocus on the critical analysis of British and world literature. Students engage in the careful study of literary works,thus sharpening their awareness of language and their understanding of the writer’s craft. They will develop criticalstandards for independent appreciation of any literary work, and they will increase their sensitivity to literature as ashared experience. AP English IV is recommended for students with a strong interest in reading, discussion, andanalytical writing of literature.AP/GT ENGLISH IV – (<strong>Course</strong> # 1432)Grade Level: 12; Length: YearSOL I & 2 (<strong>Course</strong> # 1010 & 1020)Grade Level: 9 & 10; Length: YearStudents with Other Languages (SOL) is intensive English language instruction by teachers trained in recognizing andworking with diverse language learners. ESL instruction considers the students’ learning experiences and culturalbackgrounds. The course develops mastery of the English language in the cognitive, affective, and linguistic domains.ESL 3 & 4 (<strong>Course</strong> #1030 & 1040)Grade Level: 11 & 12; Length: YearLocal Credit OnlyESL (English as a Second Language) instruction considers the students’ learning experiences and cultural backgrounds.The course develops mastery of the English language in the cognitive, affective, and linguistic domains.15

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