2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...


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GENERAL INFORMATIONThe Advanced Technology CenterThe ATC, <strong>Midland</strong>’s Advanced Technology Center, delivers workforce education programs to support thedevelopment of a skilled technical workforce for <strong>Midland</strong> and the Permian Basin by allowing students to earn highschool diplomas, college certificates, and the associate of applied science degrees. The facility enables <strong>Midland</strong>arearesidents to further enhance their technical skills through industry‐recognized certifications and othercontinuing education opportunities.The ATC houses more than 80,000 square feet of instruction space, which features high‐tech computer classroomswith Internet access, a multimedia distance education classroom and a tiered conference room. Specialtylaboratories at the ATC include welding and metallurgy labs, electronic labs, automotive technology labs, andintroductory health science labs. State‐of‐the‐art equipment in all instructional areas provides students with “hightech,high‐touch” instruction and hands‐on application of skills.At the heart of the facility is the Information Access Center, a multimedia electronic library which allows studentsaccess to a number of on‐line services for the purpose of research, career exploration, and classroom activities.The ATC’s computer classrooms and labs are equipped with state‐of‐the‐art hardware and software which are usedto train students in contemporary software applications, computer networking capabilities, and computerhardware maintenance and repair. Computer applications and skills used by business and industry are taught in allinstructional programs. A sophisticated computer network will allow the center to accommodate more than 700computer workstations.Secondary Gifted and Talented Information<strong>Midland</strong> ISD Gifted and Talented Services Offer Secondary G/T‐Advanced Placement, G/T‐Pre‐Advanced Placementand G/T(non AP/PreAP) Honors courses, AP and PreAP are registered trademarks for the College Board’s AdvancedPlacement Programs based courses as well as some previously TEA‐approved honors courses in subjects which donot have equivalent AP/PreAP courses. Placement in Secondary G/T courses is initiated by student G/Tapplication/nomination annually in January while placement in Secondary AP/PreAP courses is initiated by studentrequest through the campus counselors. Both programs receive weighted grade points according to District PolicyEIC (Local).G/T AP/PreAP students, grades 7‐12, are identified and served in distinct courses designed to differentiate thedepth, complexity and pacing from the corresponding AP/PreAP courses, G/T PreAP and PreAP are preparatorycourses for G/T AP and AP courses respectively. G/T indicates courses which are designed specifically for studentsidentified by the criteria established by MISD in accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of theGifted and Talented. G/T services for secondary students begin the first day of the fall semester.Students not currently enrolled in G/T AP/PreAP courses and who submitted applications OR who indicated thatrequest on the “EAS Notification of Re‐enrollment” by January 31 st will be tested according to the schedule postedon the <strong>Midland</strong> ISD website: www.midlandisd.net . Select Carver Center as the school and you will see the testingschedule listed.8

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