2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...

2010- 2011 Course Description Guide - Midland Independent ...


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GRAPHIC DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATION – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7376Grade Level: 10,11,12; Length: Year: Taught at Lee High onlyIn addition to developing knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, andCommunications career cluster, students will be expected to develop an understanding of the industry with a focus onfundamental elements and principles of visual art and design.FASHION DESIGN – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7375Grade Level: 10, 11, 12; Length: Year; Taught at <strong>Midland</strong> High and Coleman HighPrerequisite:Careers in fashion span all aspects of the textile and apparel industries. Within this context, students will be expectedto develop an understanding of fashion and the textile and apparel industries with an emphasis on design.PRINCIPALS OF BUSINESS, MARKETING, AND FINANCE – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7400Grade LeveL; 9, 10, 11, 12; Length: YearPrincipals of Business, Marketing, and Finance are a foundation course for Business, Marketing, and Finance students.In this course, students gain knowledge and skills in economics and private enterprise systems, the impact of globalbusiness, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing.BUSINESS INFO MANAGEMENT I – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7401Grade Level; 9, 10, 11, 12; Length: Year/Semester – 2 hour blockBusiness Information Management l prepares students to focus on Microsoft Office programs including Word, Excel,Access, Desktop Publishing, and Powerpoint.BUSINESS INFO MANAGEMENT 2 – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7402Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12; Length: Year/Semester ‐ 2 hour blockPrerequisite: Business Info Management 1This course prepares students to apply personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in theworkplace. Students will apply technical kills to address business applications of emerging technologies, createcomplex word‐processing documents, develop sophisticated spreadsheets and make multimedia presentations.BUSINESS LAW ‐ <strong>Course</strong> #: 7403Grade level: 10, 11, 12; Length: SemesterPrerequisite: Principles of Business Information ManagementThis course focuses on issues relating to the business legal environment including, business ethics, torts, contracts,negotiable financial instruments, personal property, sales, warranties, types of business organizations, concept ofagency and employment, financial instruments, personal property, sales, warranties, types of business organizations,concept of agency and employment, and real property.PRACTICUM IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT I – <strong>Course</strong> #: 7404Grade level: 11, 12; Length: YearIn this course, students analyze the primary functions of business management and leadership, which are planning,organizing, staffing, directing or leading, and controlling. Topics will incorporate social responsibility of business and47

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