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GlamourBeauty AlertThe Eldredge KnotAs opposed to the vast majority of tie knots, this isproduced by using the smaller one as the active end,creating a tapered fishtail braid-like effect. It’s a very fancyknot that will leave a lasting impression on your boss andcolleagues.Step 1: Make a dimple on the wide end and fold the narrowend underneath it. Cross it back in front through the loop.Step 2: Cross the narrow end behind the wide end andloop through the new opening created. Wrap the narrowend around the neck loop and then cross it to the otherside through the new loop.Step3: Pull the narrow end through the neck loop andcross it over the front. Next, pull it through the new loopand tuck the remaining end to your collar.The tie is complete!The Trinity KnotMuch like the Eldredge knot, it is a relatively recentinnovation. The pattern converges at a centre point,producing an eye-catching effect. It might seem a bitintimidating at first, but the steps are actually quite simple.Step 1: Make a dimple on the wide side and then loop the narrowend around the top.Step 2: Cross the narrow end twice, keeping it on the same side.This will create a heart shape. Loop the narrow end behind andover the top of the knot that was crossed over.Step 3: This is the tricky part! Take the narrow end and pull itaround behind the knot - don’t loop or cross it. Insert the endthrough the loop that got created. Pull it tight and the Trinityshould now be formed!If these styles seem too complicated, then stick to thetraditional ones. However, make sure that it does notlook off-putting. Follow the steps to ensure that youdon’t make any of the common mistakes when it comesto knotting a tie.Poorly tied: A poorly knotted tie is not even a style. A tietied too short or too long, a flimsy looking knot thatdoes not fill the gap between the collar, and a knot thatshows any part of the narrow end of the tie looksunappealing.Too short: Tie it up in such a manner so that it ends nearthe middle of your belt buckle. A tie that has been tiedtoo short will throw off the entire look. There is noexcuse for it! Even for tall men, most designers offerlonger ties.Wrinkled or stained: The necktie is usually the focal pointof your ensemble. Thus a wrinkled or a stained necktieis immediately noticeable. Since ties cannot be washedor ironed (because on doing so, the inlay and the drapeof the tie gets damaged), it is best to untie the tie oncedone with it. Also, hang your ties in a tie rack or over ahanger so that the fabric will straighten itself outovernight. Remember to rotate your ties and neverwear the same tie two days in a row. Bring back theoomph in your outfit and let these sexy knots do thetalking for you.31

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