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Your SpaceRecipesFlu FightersTulsi tea is rich in anti-oxidants,which helps the body to fight freeradicals that are responsible forcausing various chronicdegenerative diseases. Tulsi teadoes wonders to severalrespiratory illnesses ranging froma mild cold and cough tobronchitis and asthma. Tulsi helpsSpiced Tulsi TeaIngredients:1 bag Kazi & Kazi tulsi tea3 thin slices of Ginger root3 tbsp Lemon juice2 tbsp Honey½ tsp Cinnamon, ground¼ tsp Clove, groundCayenne pepper to tasteto enhance the immune system,suppression of cough and helpsin expelling out the phlegm.This herbal tea is loaded withanti-bacterial, antifungal andanti-inflammatory properties thatcan help in fighting infections aswell as inflammations andallergies in the respiratory tract.Preparation:In a large cup of hot water, steepthe teabag and the sliced ginger.Add the lemon juice, honey andspices and stir well. The tea willbe cloudy.HealthyHangoversGinger & Lemongrass TeaIngredients6 Lemongrass, smacked and cut to inches50g Ginger, sliced1 teabag of Lipton Chamomile1 litre WaterHoney to tastePreparationAdd all the ingredients except for the honey and bring to a boil.Reduce the heat and simmer for an hour. Strain on to a glass and mixin the honey. Drink it warm.Calming the SensesGinger has medicinal properties and aids the digestive system.Lemongrass is used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve cough andnasal congestion. Chamomile is used to aid sleeping problems. Thistea is a perfect drink to have before going to bed.

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