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He may be his mommy’s boy, but heis your man tooWomen-obsessed ShoumenThe man who can’t get enoughWe’ve all heard of this pseudo-statistic that menthink about sex every seven seconds. Sure, theremay be some men who are like that … even if itwas during a certain boyhood phase. According tosome solid research done by the Kinsey Institutefor Sexual Health and Behavior at the University ofIowa, 54% of men think about sex every day, 43%consider it several times a month or a few times aweek. Some men, about 4% actually take a wholemonth between the times they think about it.There’s no reason to think all men are stuck at theirtwelve year old mentality. Let’s give men somecredit for all the work they get done around theworld. If they were truly obsessed with sex everywaking hour, could they really concentrate onanything else? Research also tells us that womenunder-report their frequency of thoughts about sexwhich makes men look relatively more obsessed.Guess what else women don’t like to admit theythink about? Food! We say things like “the way to aman’s heart is through his stomach,” but the truthis both men and women love a treat for their tastebuds.Mommy’s boy MamunThe man who can’t get over his momYour SpaceRelationshipMamun loves Mona and Mona loves him. However, Monafeels a little awkward by how frequently Mamun talks abouthis mom. She feels apprehensive about their future togetherand what role Mamun’s mother may play in it. She wondersif she’s been handed one of those infamous mommy’s boys.The mommy’s boy stereotype has been around for a longtime. There’s a historical basis for it. In the past, womenoften did not have an equal partnership with their husbands.Lack of social and economic rights meant women oftenfulfilled their desire to be someone in the extended familyand society through their sons. Their sons were theconnection to the outer world, vicariously bringing them ataste of educational and professional success. Strong andhealthy relationship with their mothers actually helps a manlove and respect all women in his life. A mommy’s boy doesnot mean an emasculated man with a domineering mother. Itmight just mean a man who is cherished by his mother andvice-versa. How many men today really expect their wives torecreate their moms’ winning recipes? How many men asktheir mother’s permission before planning a vacation withtheir wives? Let’s give credit to the modern man who canstay loyal to his mom and lavish his wife. He may be hismommy’s boy, but he is your man too.Let’s give men some credit for all the workthey get done around the worldWorkaholic KollolThe man whose career is everything to himKollol wants to excel at his job. He wants tomaximise his income potential so that he can takecare of his family. Unfortunately, his wife feels thathe is a workaholic who does not spend enoughtime with her or the children. We have to admitthere is tremendous social pressure on men to beprofessionally successful. While this successempowers a man, the pressure can be unrelenting.Women clearly prefer men who are professionallysuccessful, yet they complain when they realise thatsuccess comes at a cost. What can we do? Men canmake an active effort to balance their lives. It isn’timpossible to go home on time, some nights of theweek if you make it a priority. Women can helptheir men by encouraging him to keep his otherinterests alive. Now that women have their owncareers as well, both men and women canappreciate the sacrifice it takes to work hard at theexpense of leisure time.95

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