Permission to Use Copyrighted Work - Salesforce.com

Permission to Use Copyrighted Work - Salesforce.com

Permission to Use Copyrighted Work - Salesforce.com


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<strong>Permission</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Use</strong> <strong>Copyrighted</strong> <strong>Work</strong>If you wish <strong>to</strong> use a copyrighted work of salesforce.<strong>com</strong>, please <strong>com</strong>plete, print and sign this <strong>Permission</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Use</strong><strong>Copyrighted</strong> <strong>Work</strong> (“<strong>Permission</strong> Form”). Once <strong>com</strong>pleted and signed, return this <strong>Permission</strong> Form along with therequired additional attachments <strong>to</strong> copyright@salesforce.<strong>com</strong> or <strong>to</strong>:Your name:Your <strong>com</strong>pany name:Address:Email address:Phone number:Fax number:Copyright Request, Legal Departmentsalesforce.<strong>com</strong>, inc.The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 300San Francisco, CA 94105Please describe thesalesforce.<strong>com</strong> work youwish <strong>to</strong> use:Please describe how youwish <strong>to</strong> use thesalesforce.<strong>com</strong> work:Please describe the mediain which you wish <strong>to</strong> usethe salesforce.<strong>com</strong> work(e.g., print, website):Please attach a copy of the exact material you are seeking permission <strong>to</strong> use.You agree <strong>to</strong> the following:• If you are signing below on behalf of a <strong>com</strong>pany or other organization, you represent that you have theauthority <strong>to</strong> bind that <strong>com</strong>pany or organization and its affiliates <strong>to</strong> this <strong>Permission</strong> Form, in which case the terms“you” and “your” shall refer <strong>to</strong> such <strong>com</strong>pany or organization and its affiliates.Rev 20110117 Page 1 of 2

• <strong>Salesforce</strong>.<strong>com</strong> grants <strong>to</strong> you a worldwide, royalty-free right and license <strong>to</strong> use the copyrighted work describedabove and attached here<strong>to</strong> (the “<strong>Work</strong>”) solely in the manner, for the purpose, and in the media describedabove.• You will use the <strong>Work</strong> solely in the manner, for the purpose, and in the media described above and in no othermanner, for no other purpose and in no other media.• You shall include the following legend in all copies of the <strong>Work</strong>: “© copyright salesforce.<strong>com</strong>, inc. <strong>Use</strong>d withpermission.”• You shall not make substantive modifications <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Work</strong>, or create derivative works based on the <strong>Work</strong>.• You shall not use the <strong>Work</strong> with objectionable material (for example, material that is defama<strong>to</strong>ry, scandalous,pornographic or illegal).• You shall not use the <strong>Work</strong> <strong>to</strong> disparage salesforce.<strong>com</strong> or any of its employees.• You acknowledge that salesforce.<strong>com</strong> is the exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in the <strong>Work</strong> and allcopyrights therein. You will take no action inconsistent with salesforce.<strong>com</strong>’s copyright ownership in the <strong>Work</strong>.• <strong>Salesforce</strong>.<strong>com</strong> may revoke this license at any time either without cause in its sole discretion, or in the event ofyour material breach of this <strong>Permission</strong> Form, by written notice <strong>to</strong> you at the fax number above. Ifsalesforce.<strong>com</strong> revokes this license without cause, then you shall cease all further use of the <strong>Work</strong> and destroyall copies of the <strong>Work</strong> in your possession or control within 30 days after salesforce.<strong>com</strong>’s notice <strong>to</strong> you;however, you may fulfill any contracts that you have entered in<strong>to</strong> in reliance on this <strong>Permission</strong> Form. Ifsalesforce.<strong>com</strong> terminates this license for your material breach, then you shall cease all further use of the <strong>Work</strong>and destroy all copies of the <strong>Work</strong> in your possession or control within 10 days after salesforce.<strong>com</strong>’s notice <strong>to</strong>you.This <strong>Permission</strong> Form is not binding or valid unless both parties have signed it below.___________________________SALESFORCE.COM, INC.By:Name:Title:Date:By:Name:Title:Date:Rev 20110117 Page 2 of 2

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