Untitled - Ysgol y Berllan Deg

Untitled - Ysgol y Berllan Deg

Untitled - Ysgol y Berllan Deg


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eading age data is also entered as are any intervention strategies learners have hadaccess to. This data is analysed by class teachers, ARR coordinator, SENCo and SLT tomeasure the impact these interventions have had on learning and to monitor progressionacross the school.Transfer of informationAll agreed transfer information is passed to the receiving teacher by the end of theacademic year. If a learner leaves the school the school will forward the appropriaterecords to the new school. This information is shared with the SENCo and all supportstaff.There are relevant transfer arrangements with receiving schools when learners transfer toKS 3. Liaison takes place with receiving staff and we actively take part in the KS2/3transition activities. The emphasis is on making the transfer process as seamless aspossible.Monitoring and reviewThe headteacher and ARR subject leader are responsible for monitoring theimplementation of this policy. They liaise with all subject leaders when monitoring theirsubject. The subject leader will compile an annual strategic overview for ARR to identifystrengths and areas for future development. The ARR subject leader will also beresponsible for answering Key Question 2.

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