Course Syllabus - Computer Science 101 - West Virginia University

Course Syllabus - Computer Science 101 - West Virginia University

Course Syllabus - Computer Science 101 - West Virginia University


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FALL 2011 SEMESTER<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Time andWorkloadExpectation:PrivacyRights:• Cell phones and pagers must be set to vibrate or turned off during class.• Physical abuse of equipment or furniture will not be tolerated.• Instructors, proctors, staff, and other students are to be treated in aprofessional, courteous manner.The above actions disturb other students and it is important to respect their rightto a good learning environment. Violations may result in a grade penalty of atleast 10 points per occurrence or refusal to accept work being completed at thetime of the violation. Violators may also be banned from Open Lab and/or fromattending class.CS<strong>101</strong> is a 4-credit hour course. Only two of these hours are spent in lecture, soyou are expected to spend the other time on your own studying and learning thecourse material. To help ensure that the out-of-class time commitment is met,consider scheduling time for it just as if it were a regular course.The workload for this course (assignments, studying, etc.) is commensurate with a4-credit course. This requires a commitment on your part to obtain good grades.Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students have aright to the privacy of their educational information including grades. A FERPAwaiver must be on file with CS<strong>101</strong> or the Registrar before we can releaseinformation on a student’s performance to outside parties including a student’sparents.Disabilities:Please be aware that we use classroom management software to help facilitatebetter teaching and student performance. Through this software, your usage ofCS<strong>101</strong> computers and systems may be monitored.If you believe that you have a disability that may affect your performance in thiscourse, it is your responsibility to contact the WVU Office of Disability Services at(304) 293-6700. Written documentation from Disability Services must beprovided to your instructor in-person before any accommodations can be granted.If you are authorized for and wish to receive accommodations for an exam (e.g.,additional time, a different test setting, etc.), your instructor must receive noticeof your authorization and request at least one week prior to the exam. It is yourresponsibility to arrange the accommodations with your instructor. If an exam isto be administered at a time other than normally scheduled for the class section,the alternate time must be during the same calendar week (Monday-Friday) as theregular exam date.Social Justice: <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong> is committed to social justice. The CS<strong>101</strong> instructorsconcur with that commitment and expect to foster a nurturing learningenvironment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and nondiscrimination.Our <strong>University</strong> does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age,disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin. Anysuggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in thisclass will be appreciated and given serious consideration.Introduction to <strong>Computer</strong> Applications<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong>Page 11 of 11 Version 24.2Modified 8/21/2011

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