Karen V. H. Parshall" A Parisian Café and Ten Proto-Bourbaki ...

Karen V. H. Parshall" A Parisian Café and Ten Proto-Bourbaki ... Karen V. H. Parshall" A Parisian Café and Ten Proto-Bourbaki ...

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The Café Karen V. H. Parshall" A Parisian Café and Ten Proto-Bourbaki Meetings (L934-L935) Liliane Beaulieu Capoulade came from Auvergne. Like many of his fellow countrymen, he migrated to Paris where he became a café owner. From the nineteenth centLrry, bou gnafsl abounded in Paris, where modest neighborhood cafés often doubled as coal stores. ln the interwar period, the café business flourished, despite the fickleness of the French economy. Some Auaergnafs opened or bought grandes brasseries, in Montparnasse or Saint- ments of Montparnasse or Saint-Germain.' Its clientele also included students, professors, publishers, and people who worked in the Latin Quarter where the Sorbonne, the École Normale Supérieure, the Ëcole Polytechnique. the Ecole des Mines, many scientific laboratories, and several renowned lycées were concentrated. At Capoulade, a group of mathematicians met inforrnally but regularly during the academic year 3 See Herbert R. Lottmann, La Ril',egar.fts, Points, Paris: Seuil (1981). Cermain-des-Prés, places such as La Coupole, Le Dôme, La Brasserie Lipp, Le Café de Flore, and Les Deux Masots. These became world-famous institutions when politicians, artists, actors, writers, and scientists from all over France, Europe, and the United States poured into Paris. They tasted Ia bohème or partook of the intense intellectual life which the city seemed to spawn. With Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, André Breton, and Paul Éluard, among many others, Liliane Beaulieu setting the trends in arts and letters, Parisian cafés served as the breeding grounds of their followers. Less visible, but not less crowded, were the cafés, tabacs, and. brasseries of the Latin Quarter, establishments Iike Balzar, Capoulade. Làcipière, and Mahieu.2 Capoulade's café was located at 63 boulevard Saint- Liliane Beaulieu wrote her dissertation on the work done by Michel, at the corner of Soufflot, near the Panthéon Bourbaki between lq34 and 1944. After receivins hir and the Luxembourg Gardens. It was the regular Ph.D. from lhe Lniversité de Montreal, .he .pent i vear ha,Jnt of littersti who preferred to meet in its basement and a hall as a postdoctoral lellow at the University of room rather than frequent the glamorous establish- California, Berkeley. She is currently writing a book on Bourbaki's first 20 years. Her other rcsearch projects include a studv of the controversies that surrounded the ' The people from Auvergne, as well as their shops, were commonly foundation o? the M athemqtical Reaie:aos and an analysis of called àolgnafs. shifts in the conceptual settings of linear algebra and its 2 When they were not câlled "café de . . - ," Pa sian establishments teaching in North American universities. She counts sing- were often refeûed to by their owner's patronym. ing, cross-country skiing, gardening, and cooking among * Column Editoi's address: Departments of Mâthematics and His- her hobbies. tory, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA. THE MATHEM^TIC^L I^'TEI-I-ICENC! VOL 15, NO I O 1993 SprinAe.-V€rlas New York 27

The <strong>Café</strong><br />

<strong>Karen</strong> V. H. Parshall"<br />

A <strong>Parisian</strong> <strong>Café</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ten</strong> <strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Bourbaki</strong><br />

Meetings (L934-L935)<br />

Liliane Beaulieu<br />

Capoulade came from Auvergne. Like many of his fellow<br />

countrymen, he migrated to Paris where he became<br />

a café owner. From the nineteenth centLrry, bou<br />

gnafsl abounded in Paris, where modest neighborhood<br />

cafés often doubled as coal stores. ln the interwar period,<br />

the café business flourished, despite the fickleness<br />

of the French economy. Some Auaergnafs opened<br />

or bought gr<strong>and</strong>es brasseries, in Montparnasse or Saint-<br />

ments of Montparnasse or Saint-Germain.' Its clientele<br />

also included students, professors, publishers, <strong>and</strong><br />

people who worked in the Latin Quarter where the<br />

Sorbonne, the École Normale Supérieure, the Ëcole<br />

Polytechnique. the Ecole des Mines, many scientific<br />

laboratories, <strong>and</strong> several renowned lycées were concentrated.<br />

At Capoulade, a group of mathematicians met<br />

inforrnally but regularly during the academic year<br />

3<br />

See Herbert R. Lottmann, La Ril',egar.fts, Points, Paris: Seuil (1981).<br />

Cermain-des-Prés, places such as La Coupole, Le<br />

Dôme, La Brasserie Lipp, Le <strong>Café</strong> de Flore, <strong>and</strong> Les<br />

Deux Masots. These became world-famous institutions<br />

when politicians, artists, actors, writers, <strong>and</strong> scientists<br />

from all over France, Europe, <strong>and</strong> the United<br />

States poured into Paris. They tasted Ia bohème or partook<br />

of the intense intellectual life which the city<br />

seemed to spawn. With Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso,<br />

André Breton, <strong>and</strong> Paul Éluard, among many others,<br />

Liliane Beaulieu<br />

setting the trends in arts <strong>and</strong> letters, <strong>Parisian</strong> cafés served<br />

as the breeding grounds of their followers.<br />

Less visible, but not less crowded, were the cafés,<br />

tabacs, <strong>and</strong>. brasseries of the Latin Quarter, establishments<br />

Iike Balzar, Capoulade. Làcipière, <strong>and</strong> Mahieu.2<br />

Capoulade's café was located at 63 boulevard Saint-<br />

Liliane Beaulieu wrote her dissertation on the work done by<br />

Michel, at the corner of Soufflot, near the Panthéon<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong> between lq34 <strong>and</strong> 1944. After receivins hir<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Luxembourg Gardens. It was the regular Ph.D. from lhe Lniversité de Montreal, .he .pent i vear<br />

ha,Jnt of littersti who preferred to meet in its basement <strong>and</strong> a hall as a postdoctoral lellow at the University of<br />

room rather than frequent the glamorous establish- California, Berkeley. She is currently writing a book on<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong>'s first 20 years. Her other rcsearch projects include<br />

a studv of the controversies that surrounded the<br />

'<br />

The people from Auvergne, as well as their shops, were commonly foundation o? the M athemqtical Reaie:aos <strong>and</strong> an analysis of<br />

called àolgnafs.<br />

shifts in the conceptual settings of linear algebra <strong>and</strong> its<br />

2<br />

When they were not câlled "café de . . - ," Pa sian establishments teaching in North American universities. She counts sing-<br />

were often refeûed to by their owner's patronym.<br />

ing, cross-country skiing, gardening, <strong>and</strong> cooking among<br />

* Column Editoi's address: Departments of Mâthematics <strong>and</strong> His- her hobbies.<br />

tory, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA.<br />

THE MATHEM^TIC^L I^'TEI-I-ICENC! VOL 15, NO I O 1993 SprinAe.-V€rlas New York 27

I<br />

1934-35. The loose circle gradually formed a real working<br />

team <strong>and</strong> later became famous for its rnanyvolumed,<br />

perpetually revise d treatise entltled ÊIéments<br />

de Mathêmatique,a which has been published under the<br />

pseudonym "Nicolas <strong>Bourbaki</strong>" from 1939 to the present.<br />

The First Meeting <strong>and</strong> Its Context .<br />

December 70, 19U. At the sacred hour of noon, Capoulade<br />

is filling up. Henri Cartan, Claude Chevalley,<br />

fean Delsarte, Jean Dieudonné, René de Possel, <strong>and</strong><br />

André Weil meet----over a lunch of cabbage soup <strong>and</strong><br />

grilled meats served with endùtes braisées or Wmmes<br />

" The singular was fâvored over the usual plulal. BouÈaki chose this<br />

title around 1938. The pseudonlan was chosen in the summer of<br />

1935.<br />

soufflées-to exchange views on a new proiect.s Weil<br />

opens the discussion with a general but firm statement<br />

which maps out the perspective. The goal of the venture<br />

will be "to define for 25 years the syllabus for the<br />

certificate in differential <strong>and</strong> integral calculus by writing,<br />

collectively, a treatise on analysis. Of course, this<br />

treatise will be as modern as possible."6 All are ardently<br />

in favor. The principle of collective writing<br />

makes good sense. Because analysis touches on such<br />

di{ferent specialties, the work of many people will allow<br />

better <strong>and</strong> more thorough coverage. Delsarte is<br />

particularly insistent on this issue, but he also realizes<br />

that by sharing the writing the group will leave no<br />

" The reports on the meetings, which were used as a prirnary soutce<br />

for this account, are analyzed <strong>and</strong> described extensively by Liliane<br />

Beaulier l<strong>Bourbaki</strong>. Une histoie du gtoupe de mathélruticiefis fronçik et<br />

(k ses trqLvux, 1934-1944, 2 vols. (Ph.D. dissertation, Université de<br />

MontÉal, 1989)1.<br />

6<br />

Translation by the âuthor.<br />

"<strong>Café</strong>, grill-room, A. Capoulade," 63 boulevard Saint-Michel, comer of Soufflot, Paris (1934). Until recentlv, this café was<br />

a m€eting Point for the artiets, students, professors, publishers,_<strong>and</strong> employees who haunted the neighborÉood where the<br />

Sorbonne, Ecole Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique, École des l\iines, scientific laboratories, <strong>and</strong> h1cées wete<br />

co,ncenttated, Inside the café, trdo rooms accommodaled pahons for meals <strong>and</strong> drinks. The basement room wasïften used<br />

for meetings. In the unrestrained atmosphere oI the Latin Quarter <strong>and</strong> free from the constraints of the university, it served<br />

the needs oI the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s. Copyright Agence Roger-Viollet, photo Boyet.<br />

28 rrc verruueTlcel TNTELUGENCER vol. rs. No. r. ree3

At the sarne address now st<strong>and</strong>s a fast-food restaurant in the "QuiclC' chain, The population of the Latin Quarter, especially<br />

,ycéestudents, still constitutes part of the clientele, but the style of the restaurant does not lend itself to lengthy <strong>and</strong> intense<br />

meetings. Good old "côte" wine is no longer served, <strong>and</strong> the basement room now houses arrays of huge freezers. Like a<br />

reminder of the int€rwar years, th€ poster on the right in the foreground advertises an exhibition of work; by André Breton<br />

ar.d his cafés-habit tés, surrealist companions. Photo by Liliane Beaulieu, June 1991.<br />

traces of individual authorship <strong>and</strong> mav therebv safeguaïd<br />

against future claims to intelectual prcpêrq.7<br />

In the ensuing discussion, all but one participant<br />

agree that the treâtise should be geared to teaching<br />

rather than reference. Someone mentions that it<br />

should cover about 1000 pages. Delsarte urges that the<br />

treatise should appear quickly, within 6 months, so as<br />

to assure surprise. Consequently, they agiee to set a<br />

definitive table of contents by the summer of 1935,<br />

when a general meeting will convene to parcel out the<br />

various writing tasks.<br />

At the time of the fust meeting, "differential <strong>and</strong><br />

integral calculus" <strong>and</strong> "analysis" were nearly synonymous<br />

in French mathematics instruction. The courses<br />

offered to students who registered for the licence in<br />

mathematics changed very little in the twenties <strong>and</strong><br />

the thirties. In Paris, thev chose from: differential <strong>and</strong><br />

7 These thoughts of Delsarte were not lecorded in the report on the<br />

fust meeting. Most likely they were expre$ed at some other time.<br />

They were recounted by his colleagues, Cartan <strong>and</strong> Weil. See Henri<br />

Cartan, SurJean Delsarte, in "Hommâge à Jeàn D;lsarte," Nicftifutsll<br />

Bunka 25 (1970\, 27-&.<br />

integral calculus, advanced geometry, râtional mechanics<br />

(or analytic mechanics <strong>and</strong> celestial mechanics),<br />

application of analysis to geometry, group theory<br />

<strong>and</strong> calculus of variations (or function theory <strong>and</strong> the<br />

theory of transformations), probability <strong>and</strong> mathematical<br />

physics, <strong>and</strong> general physics.8 Another course,<br />

mathématiques générales, was a prerequisite for physics<br />

<strong>and</strong> mathematics students alike. Each course <strong>and</strong> its<br />

examinations constituted a "certificate" <strong>and</strong> three such<br />

certificates were required for the /icence degree.e A provrnclal<br />

faculté des sciences oflered. fewer choices. Everywhere,<br />

though, "calculus" was the core of the mathematics<br />

curriculum, <strong>and</strong> so it was a traditional Dractice<br />

for professors to write a textbook on analysis.<br />

-<br />

The French Cours d'analyse belonged to a particular<br />

textbook genre. Some of these, like Édouard Goursafs<br />

Cours d'analyse mathématiqu3 <strong>and</strong> Jacques Hadamard's<br />

Cours d'analyse professé à I'EcoIe Polytechnique, sternrned<br />

3<br />

Course announcements, Faculté des sciences de Paris, 1920-1939,<br />

Archives nationales, Box 61AJ161.<br />

e<br />

The licence was then roughly equivalent to the upp€r levels of underqraduate<br />

instruction in the befter American univergities.<br />

THE MATHEMATTCAL tNrËLucENcER vol. 1s, No. 1, r99o 29

F<br />

essentially ftom <strong>and</strong> were written for the dassroom.lo<br />

Others, like Camille Jordan's Cours d'analyse de l'Ê,cole<br />

Polytechnique (despite its title) <strong>and</strong> Émile Picard's Tralté<br />

d'analyse,,were more elaborate, true general analysis<br />

treatises. " These books integrated relatively recent results<br />

together with some of their authors' own mathematical<br />

work.<br />

The <strong>Parisian</strong> professorial lectures dominated French<br />

mathematics instruction, <strong>and</strong> some consensus had de-<br />

Many physicists who use methods of integration <strong>and</strong> operations<br />

on series obtain exact numerical tesults but are<br />

convinced meanwhile that they are committing some<br />

mathematical heresies. This stems from the fact that, in<br />

most analysis treatises, fundamental theorems, such as<br />

methods of calculation, existence theorems, etc., are introduced<br />

with a rather impressive wealth of precautions.<br />

These theorems contain an overabundance ofÏl'potheses.<br />

ln many cases,,it wilJ be necessary for us to reconsider<br />

such theorems."<br />

veloped among university teachers ihroughout the<br />

country as to which textbooks to adopt. Thus, not<br />

atypically, Goursa/s book had a long shelflife, guiding<br />

French mathematicians in the "calculus" even in the<br />

1950s. Although a system as centralized as the French<br />

Unioercité network ostensibly fostered neither change<br />

nor originality it did, however, support them in actual<br />

practice. Instructors, <strong>and</strong> especially professors, were<br />

free to teâch their subiect as they wanted. So, in conbast<br />

to the ossified, albeit remarkable teachings of immortal<br />

masters, the instructors <strong>and</strong> professois in the<br />

different facultés des sciences often tâught from their<br />

own notes. Provincial university teachers mav have<br />

enjoyed even greater freedom in this regard than their<br />

more established <strong>Parisian</strong> counterparts. The proto-<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s intended to make full use of that freedom.<br />

Judging by the contents of Goursafs book, a French<br />

course on differential <strong>and</strong> integral calculus typically<br />

drew from among the following topics: differentiaton,<br />

integration (definite <strong>and</strong> indefinite integrals, multiple<br />

integrals), series approximations of functions, geometry<br />

(envelopes, curves, surfaces), functions of a complex<br />

variable, analytic functions (Cauchy's theory, holomorphic<br />

functions, analytic continuation, functons<br />

of several variables), solution of differential equations<br />

(etstence theorems, linear <strong>and</strong> nonlinear differential<br />

equations), partial differential equations (first-order,<br />

Monge-Ampère, linear, elliptic, harmonic), integral<br />

equations (solution by approximations, Fredholm's<br />

theorems, applications), <strong>and</strong> introduction to the calculus<br />

of variations. The group assembled at Capoulade<br />

did not object to these topics in <strong>and</strong> of themselves. Its<br />

main qualm about Goursat's book <strong>and</strong> other current<br />

Cours d'analyse was that they misled their readers, especially<br />

physicists, on the nature of mathematical<br />

ngor.<br />

As the Committee sees it, special conditions do not<br />

necessarily yield more rigorous results. In the Coars<br />

d'analyse, theorems tended to appear several times in<br />

the text, each time with an added set of hvpothes€s.<br />

Thus, Cauchy's theorem was followed by boursat's<br />

version of it, <strong>and</strong> Stokes's theorem received similar<br />

beatment. The group at Capoulade wants to avoid this<br />

sort of repetition <strong>and</strong> to present material in a more<br />

general <strong>and</strong> modern setting.l3<br />

Indeed, they want their h€atise to be "as modem as<br />

possible"-with emphasis on the word "modem"-in<br />

contrast to a type of knowledge which they deem outmoded.<br />

But what does "as modern as possible" really<br />

mean? Where should they start? What topics should<br />

they include? These questions occupy them hom soup<br />

to coffee. Weil states that no topic should be eliminated<br />

a priori, whereas Cartan wonders whether it is appropriate<br />

to include algebra in an analysis treatise. As far<br />

as level is concemed, Cartan suggests that the equivalent<br />

of mathématiques générales be assumed- His colleagues<br />

protest: "We should start from saatch!"<br />

Soon after, they argue about which topic should<br />

come first: functions of real or complex variables?<br />

Whereas a majority favors treating the real before the<br />

complex case, all promptly agree with Weil <strong>and</strong> Chevalley<br />

that it would be best to introduce algebraic aspects<br />

of the theory of complex functions fi$t. Delsarte<br />

points out that, more generally, the treatis€ should<br />

stârt with an abstract <strong>and</strong> axiomatic exposition of some<br />

general but essential notions such as field, operation,<br />

set, <strong>and</strong> group, as in van der Waerden's boôk.Ia The<br />

group agrees <strong>and</strong> informally calls this introductory section<br />

the "abstract package lpaquet abstraitl." They further<br />

concur that it should be kept to a minimum, however,<br />

because notions can always be introduced later,<br />

as the needs of exposition dem<strong>and</strong>. Next, they argue<br />

10<br />

Édouard Goursat, Co urs d'ûfiollse mathématiqxe, 3 vols., Paris: Gauthier-Vilars<br />

(1902-1914 (a fifth edirion of the third volume appeared<br />

in 1956); A fj|sf cou6e it nqlhemûlical anallsis {Earle Rayrnond Heddck,<br />

trans.),3 vols., Boston-New York: Ginn & Co. (190+1914 (a<br />

Dover edition of this tnnslation appeared between 1959 <strong>and</strong> 1964);<br />

<strong>and</strong> Jacques Hadamâr d,, Cours d'analyse prolessé à I'Êale Pofutechniqte,<br />

Paris: Hermânn (1927). See also Hadamard's preface wherc he points<br />

out whi(h extra material he deemed useful io add.<br />

rr<br />

Camille Jordan, Cours d'arulyse de l'É,cole Polytechnique, 3 vols.,<br />

Paris: Gauthier-Villars (1882-1884 (a third edition oI volume three<br />

appeared in 1915); <strong>and</strong> Émile Picard, Traité d'analuse,3 vols., Parisl<br />

Cauthier-Villa$ (1891-1896) (a rhird edition of rh; rhird volume appeared<br />

in 1928).<br />

30 rne vetttpuerrcat- INTELLIcENCER vol. 15. No. r.1993<br />

12 Translation by the author. These were repoltedly Weil's own<br />

words.<br />

13<br />

Related in André Wetl, Oeuores scientifiqueÊ---Collected Popefi, Vol.<br />

1, New York Spdnger-Veilâg (1980), 563j a^d Souoenirs d'aryrentissage,<br />

Vita mathematica, Basel-Boston Berlin: Birkhàuser (191), 103_<br />

104. The latter work appeared in English translaiion as The Apprenticeship<br />

of a Mathenaticiar, Boston: Bitkhâuser (1992). A discussion of<br />

Bou:rbaki's treatment of Stokes's theorem appears in Liliâne Beau-<br />

lieu, Proofs in expository writing: Some eximples from <strong>Bourbaki</strong>,s<br />

early worlr, lntcrchange 2l (19901, 3145, on pp. 36-38.<br />

'"<br />

Bârtel L. van der Waerden, Moderne Algebra, 2 vols., Berlin:<br />

Springer-Verlag (1930-1931).

over the starting point: sets or operations <strong>and</strong> fields?<br />

They close the meeting unresolved. Weil convenes another<br />

meeting for rnid-]anuary, same time, same place.<br />

Each participant is told to bring along a list of iopics<br />

which he thinks should appear in the treatise.<br />

As it set out to write its modern analogue of the<br />

Cours d'analyse, the Committee already knew where it<br />

wanted to publish its work-with Hermann in its collection<br />

entitled "Actualités scientifiques et industrielles."<br />

Gauthier-Villars, the official acâdemic publisher<br />

The "Committee on Analysis" <strong>and</strong><br />

Its Participants<br />

of mathematics at the time, was out of lhe quàsdon for<br />

them. Some of the most conservative French mathematcians<br />

dominated its editorial board, iust as they<br />

controlled every other institutional body in the field. In<br />

contrast, Hermann stood somewhat on the frinee. It<br />

was a small, independent firm directed by an e-nterprising<br />

<strong>and</strong> eccentric Latin Quarter character, Enrique<br />

Freymann, who was always willing to venture into<br />

new proiects regardless of how financially unsound<br />

they might appear.<br />

Respectable mathematical texts, such as Éte Cartan's<br />

Lryons sur les inoariants intégraux <strong>and</strong> Hadamard, s<br />

Cours d'analyse had already beèn publshed by Hermann.rs<br />

Fuithermore, sevéral members of the Committee<br />

had recently had fust-h<strong>and</strong> experience with the<br />

publisher <strong>and</strong> its "Actualités." Soon àfter Lhe early dernise<br />

of their friend <strong>and</strong> colleague. Jacques Herbi<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Chevalley <strong>and</strong> Weil decided to publish a memorial volume<br />

of papers. They brought their proiect to Freymànn,<br />

<strong>and</strong> th,e articles soon appeared as a series in the<br />

"Actualités."'6 As a collection, the ,,Actualités,,<br />

The inJormal circle first called itself the<br />

had<br />

originated in 1929 <strong>and</strong> published monographs in the<br />

form of rather homely, paper-bound booklets. It encompassed<br />

a variety of series on science, some of<br />

which pertained to mathematics. Each series was<br />

headed by a dhector, who had full reign over content,<br />

qualty, <strong>and</strong> quantity of publication. For instance, Élie<br />

Cartan led a series on geometry, Maurice Fréchet<br />

headed one on general analysis, <strong>and</strong> Hadamard edited<br />

another on mathematical analysis <strong>and</strong> its applicâtions.<br />

A given series had limitations neither on duration nor<br />

on number of publicatons. This flexibility welcomed<br />

innovations <strong>and</strong> encouraged autonomy. Freymann<br />

<strong>and</strong> his "Actualités" thus provided the Capoulade<br />

group with the full editorial freedom it sought.l7<br />

,,Committee on<br />

Analysis" or "Committee for the Analysis Treatise.,,<br />

Delsarte apparently decided simply to wdte the title<br />

"Traité d'analyse" at the top of the reports on the<br />

meetings, although René de Possel once insisted that it<br />

should be changed to "Treatise on Mathematics.,, No<br />

one else supported this motion, <strong>and</strong> the title-page of<br />

the minutes remained the same for some time. -<br />

The notion of membership in the group was not<br />

clearly defined either. At the second meeting, the<br />

Committee decided to limit its numbers to the fàllowing<br />

nine pârticipants: Cartan, Chevalley, Delsarte,<br />

Dieudonné, Paul Dubreil, Jean Leray, Szolem M<strong>and</strong>elbrojt,18<br />

de Possel, <strong>and</strong> Weil. Dubré attended orùy a<br />

couple of meetings, <strong>and</strong> in May, Jean Coulomb, a<br />

physicist with â strong mathematical background, replaced<br />

him. Leray officially stayed on until the summer.<br />

Although he did not attend very regularly, he<br />

wrote out some of the more elaborate plans which occupied<br />

ihe Committee for several meetings. Later,<br />

when too few members showed up to discuss differentiàl<br />

equations, a quorum became essential. It was<br />

only in the summer of 1935 that the Committee<br />

adopted the pseudonym "<strong>Bourbaki</strong>.,, The participants<br />

who were present at that general meeting declared<br />

thernselves "official members" <strong>and</strong> in so doing finally<br />

defined membership.le<br />

From time to time, the members informallv invited<br />

others to join the discussions as guests o, âdrriro.".<br />

Thus, Emil Ariin attended a meeting of the Committee<br />

as a guest while visiting Paris Érom Hamburg in February<br />

1935. His presence did not seem to influlnce the<br />

meeting, however: a five-line-long outline for ,,set theory"<br />

went undiscussed, <strong>and</strong> measure <strong>and</strong> inteqration<br />

was the topic of conversation. To provide thé extra<br />

manpower needed to tackle di{fereniial equations, the<br />

Committee invited the physicist, Yves Roiard,2o as an<br />

advisor to inform them on what would be especiallv<br />

useful to physicists. Although Rocard's suggestions<br />

were labeled "the physicists' desiderata,,, they seemed<br />

mostly related to vibration <strong>and</strong> stability problerns, <strong>and</strong><br />

they did not convey a general picture ôf what physicists<br />

at the time might have needed as mathematical<br />

13<br />

Szolem M<strong>and</strong>elbrojt is an uncle of the mathemahcian Benoit M<strong>and</strong>elbrot<br />

of ftactals fame.<br />

D<br />

Charles Ehresmann was asked to join the group in place of Leray.<br />

As a point of nomenclature, I use the term ,,ploto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>,, to<br />

designàte a pàrticipant in the early Committee. A ,<strong>Bourbaki</strong>,, 15<br />

Élie Cartan, Leçons sur les h1L\;iriants intéÙraut, pads: Hernann<br />

(1922). lor the relerence to Hadamard's texf, see footnote 10.<br />

16<br />

Claude Chevalley <strong>and</strong> André Weil (eds.), Êxwsés matb/natiql)es<br />

publiës à 1û mémoirc de I. Herbr<strong>and</strong>, Paris: Hermann (t934-lca5). This<br />

was an intemational project involving French a5 wejl às foreign conlributors.<br />

Among the French contributors, Henri Cafiàn, Delsarte.<br />

is<br />

Dieudonné,<br />

a<br />

Dubreil, <strong>and</strong> Weil were also among the proto- member of the group Bou.baki <strong>and</strong> is the official designation coined<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s. The papers presented in this sedes are listea in Be;uiieu, b), the gloup itself. A "<strong>Bourbaki</strong>st" is a follower ot B-ourbaki.<br />

Boufuaki. Unc Histoirc, Vol.2, pp.66a7.<br />

20<br />

17<br />

Rocard was in the same class as Delsalte <strong>and</strong> Weil at the École<br />

See Beaulieu, <strong>Bourbaki</strong>. tJne Histoire, Vol. 1, pp. 13g-140 <strong>and</strong> 142- Normale Supérieure <strong>and</strong> is known for his work on the A-bomb <strong>and</strong><br />

148. On En-rique Frefmann ând his publishing house, consult Weil, in the theory of vibrations. He is the fâther of Michel Rocard,<br />

Souoenirs<br />

a<br />

d'aryreùis,age, pp. 102-109 (footnote 13).<br />

French socialist politician <strong>and</strong> recent Prime Minister of Fnnce.<br />


l'<br />

tools. Although Rocard's suggestions were tabled until men formed an elite in a highly hierarchical systemi<br />

some future rneeting, some of them ultimately found a they were the designated aspirants to the leadership of<br />

p_lace in one of the projects on differential equations. French mathematics.<br />

Elie Cartan was also called in----at the tenth meeting- Paris, of course, was the best place for them to meet.<br />

to help out the Comrnittee on integral equations, <strong>and</strong> They frequently went to the iapital city to keep in<br />

although no formal decision was reached at that time, touch with its scientific life, to visit fellow mathemati-<br />

like Rocard's, some of his advice was also later heeded. cians, <strong>and</strong> to frequent bookstores <strong>and</strong> libraries. Most of<br />

Born between 1899 <strong>and</strong> 1909, the regular participants them also commuted twice a month, on Mondavs, to<br />

were graduates of the École Normale Supeileurefwith take pârt in a Sèminaire de mathématiques, which Àet at<br />

the exception of M<strong>and</strong>elbrojt who received rnost of the recently built Institut Henri-Poincaré. They usually<br />

education in Pol<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> came to Paris for his doctor- held their Committee meetings in the hours bêfore the<br />

ate. They shared a corunon background, but did not semlnar.<br />

know or use the same mathernatical tools, <strong>and</strong> they did Gaston lulia, professor at the Paris faculté des sciences,<br />

not even work in the same specialties. Many of them officially convened this seminar which was primarily<br />

had traveled abroad after their doctorate or while do- organized <strong>and</strong> animated by a h<strong>and</strong>ful of devbtees. Àt<br />

ing their doctoral research, as fellows of some granting the beginning of each year, the organizers would<br />

agency, the most generous of which was the Rockefel- choose the theory which was going to be the topic of<br />

ler Foundation. Although their hosts were not always the year, <strong>and</strong> draft a list of possible talks <strong>and</strong> speakers<br />

real mentors to them, those fellows who spent re- (usually recruited from their own ranks). The<br />

search time in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy,<br />

Sweden, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the United States became<br />

acquainted with areas of research, methods, <strong>and</strong> resources<br />

which were not common in their native<br />

France. Partly as a result of their contacts with foreign<br />

mathematicians in France or in other countries, some<br />

participants were more familiar with set-theoretical,<br />

axiomatic, algebraic, or topological methods. Others<br />

remained closer in their work to function-theoretical<br />

questions <strong>and</strong> analytic methods on which the reputation<br />

of French mathematics had been built. Their ëommittee<br />

discussions reflected this heterogeneity.2l<br />

As mathematical researchers, the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s<br />

had each already published several papers.22 Furthermore,<br />

they were the recipients of fellowships, prizes,<br />

<strong>and</strong> other distinctions. In fact, most of these men received<br />

several of the prizes of the Académie des Sciences<br />

de Paris early in their careers.23 As professors,<br />

they had also followed the then current pâttern of taking<br />

a position in a French prov'rncial t'nculté des sciences<br />

before seeking a call to Paris. In 1934-1935, Henri Cartan<br />

<strong>and</strong> André Weil taught in Strasbourg, Delsarte <strong>and</strong><br />

Dubreil were in Nancy, Dieudonné had a position in<br />

Rennes, <strong>and</strong> M<strong>and</strong>elbroit, de Possel <strong>and</strong> Coulomb in<br />

Clermont-Ferr<strong>and</strong>. Chevalley <strong>and</strong> Leray were grantees<br />

of the Caisse nationale that yéar.2a From their pôvincial<br />

vantage points, they had the freedom to experiment<br />

with new ideas <strong>and</strong> fresh approaches which might<br />

have been less accepted in Paris. Nevertheless, these<br />

,Julia<br />

seminar," as it was called, studied the following topics<br />

between 1933 <strong>and</strong> 1939: group theory <strong>and</strong> algebras,<br />

Hilbert spaces, topology, the works of Élie Cartan, algebraic<br />

functions, <strong>and</strong> calculus of variations. Its obiective<br />

was neither to serve as a teaching seminar nor to<br />

inform the audience on current liteàrure. Rather, it<br />

offered, to its speakers as well as to its audience, an<br />

opportunity to work through large parts of recently<br />

developed theories <strong>and</strong> methods. It forced the speakers<br />

to synthesize in{ormation which was otherwise<br />

scattered in the literature. Since the seminar had virtually<br />

no official institutional ties, it provided a free<br />

forum for criticism. There, the members of the Committee<br />

eventuâlly assimilated, together, the approaches<br />

which they later tried to integrate into their<br />

collective expository writng.25<br />

The Committee had neither money nor a set administrative<br />

structure. Delsarte acted as "secretary" or<br />

"manager." He wrote up minutes <strong>and</strong> sent around<br />

reminders, but he had no particular powers. A de facto<br />

hierarchy developed quickly, however, based on a<br />

mixed measure of mathematical excellence <strong>and</strong> exoertise,<br />

intellectual sophistication, strength of voice, ànd<br />

determination. Indeed, the meetings of the Committee,<br />

like the later gatherings of <strong>Bourbaki</strong>, reportedly<br />

took place amid great noise <strong>and</strong> confusion. This should<br />

come as no surprise, given that a Latin Quarter café<br />

served as their laboratory. Still, the ambience of the<br />

Latin Quarter of the mid-30s-with its strikes, demonstrations,<br />

<strong>and</strong> political street fights-did not totally<br />

dominate the group's meetings. As a mathematical<br />

2r<br />

On trips <strong>and</strong> traveling fellowships, see Beaulieu, <strong>Bourbaki</strong>. Ilne team, it largely managed to remain staunchly apoliti-<br />

Histoile, YoL 1, pp. 69-105.<br />

2<br />

On average, the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong> had published 23 papers, with a<br />

minimum of 4 <strong>and</strong> a mayjmuin of 75, according to a rough count.<br />

æ<br />

On prizes <strong>and</strong> other distinctions, see Beatljiu, Boutbaù. LIne Histoirc,<br />

Vol. 1, rp. 87-114.<br />

'?a<br />

On teaching posts <strong>and</strong> provincial French frrultés iles scimces, see<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong>. Une Histore, Vol. 1, pp.<br />

5<br />

The texts of the talks were mimeogûphed. A near complete set is<br />

deposited at the libÉry of the Institut Henri-Poincaré in Paris. For<br />

the list, see <strong>Bourbaki</strong>. Une Histoire, Yol. 2, pp, 63*65. On the Julia<br />

Seminar, see Borl,rh. Ufie Histoire, Vol. 1, pp. 133_132.<br />

'n4122.<br />

32 TrIE MATHEMATICAL tNrELucENcER vo|-. 15. No. 1.1993

cal, even though some of the Committee participants<br />

may have had leftist leanings. With ihe exception of<br />

some discussion of <strong>and</strong> intervention in local academic<br />

politics, the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s shied away from the political<br />

arena. In their case, then, the café served as a<br />

public place for mathematical practice, while it stopped<br />

short of providing a metaphor for fuller public <strong>and</strong><br />

political involvement.<br />

How could the Committee reconcile these seemingly<br />

disparate goals? In particular, how could a textbook on<br />

analysis be used equally by mathematics students, professional<br />

scientsts, <strong>and</strong> the man in the street (however<br />

studious he might be)? The proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong> meetings<br />

found their participants groping to reconcile these different<br />

objectives.<br />

A partial solution to their dilemma lay in their decision,<br />

at the first meeting, to "start from scratch." They<br />

would open with a preliminary set of abstract <strong>and</strong> elementary<br />

notions which would appear in the first sections<br />

of the treatise. They quickly decided, however, to<br />

restrict this "abstract package" to a minimum <strong>and</strong>,<br />

during the whole semester, very little was done to produce<br />

even that. In fact, the minimal "abstract package"<br />

apparently ceased to be an immediate preoccupation.<br />

Instead, two levels of questions came to the fore: globally,<br />

which topics should go into the heatise; <strong>and</strong><br />

locally, for each topic considered, what material<br />

should be covered <strong>and</strong> from what point of view?<br />

The Committee concentrated on inventories <strong>and</strong><br />

outlines for its eventual analysis treatise, in no particular<br />

order of presentation. Notions went undefined;<br />

theorems went unstated <strong>and</strong>, of course, unproved.<br />

Each meeting, thus, resembled a brainstorming session,<br />

with many suggestione-but few final resultsbursting<br />

forth. While the Committee did not concern<br />

itself so much with an overall plan, it did discuss some<br />

26 Translation by the author. There is a pun here on the words "chercheurc"<br />

: "researchers" or "seekers" <strong>and</strong> "houveuts" : "finders."<br />

of the topics to be included in the treatise.zT Of the 10<br />

meetings, 5 were devoted mostly to differential equations,<br />

integral equations, <strong>and</strong> partial differential equations.<br />

These topics constituted the bulk of the material<br />

of the old Cours d'analyse. Integration theory, analytic<br />

functions, <strong>and</strong> a little algebra were also discussed during<br />

that semester.<br />

The Committee parceled out the various topics to<br />

separate subcommissions ând m<strong>and</strong>ated each to<br />

skeich out its topic. Most subcommissions consisted of<br />

Mathematical Shoptalk:<br />

three people, no more than two of whom were sup-<br />

Discussions <strong>and</strong> Sketches<br />

posed to be specialists in the field. Subcommissions<br />

At first, the Committee's aim seemed quite clear: to were created for the following topics: algebra, analytic<br />

change the teaching of mathematics at the university functions, integration theory, differential equations,<br />

level by writing a treatise on analysis. Soon, however, integral equations, etstence theorems (for differential<br />

another purpose emerged:<br />

equations), partial differential equations, differentials<br />

<strong>and</strong> differential forms, topology, calculus of variations,<br />

We must wr:ite a treatise which will be useful to all: to special functions, geometry, Fourier series <strong>and</strong> Fourier<br />

rcsearcherc (bona fide or not), "finders," aspirants to posts<br />

integrals,<br />

in public<br />

<strong>and</strong> representation<br />

education, physicists,<br />

of<br />

<strong>and</strong> all technicians.<br />

functions. There was<br />

As a<br />

criterion, we can say that we should (without thought of no special subcommission for set theory (which was<br />

monetary gain) be able to recommend this treatise, or at considered part of algebra), <strong>and</strong> the subcommission for<br />

least its most important sections, to any self-taught stu- topology was formed only belatedly.2E Altogether the<br />

dent, presumably of average intelligence. . . . Mostly, we subcommissions had to concentrate on a lot of "hard<br />

must provide users with a collection of tools, which<br />

classical<br />

should<br />

analysis."2e But,<br />

be as powerful <strong>and</strong> universal as possible.<br />

of course, they had to rework<br />

Usefulness<br />

<strong>and</strong> convenience should be our guiciing principles." these traditional topics into a modern idiom.<br />

The queries inspired by analytic functions especially<br />

revealed the Committee's puzzlement over the task of<br />

merging the tradltional <strong>and</strong> the modern. A classical<br />

topic of ihe Cours d'analyse, function theory had been<br />

sirongly affected by the ideas of René Baire, Émile<br />

Borel, <strong>and</strong> Henri Lebesgue, especially in the area of<br />

functions of real variables. The works of Lars Ahlfors,<br />

Ludwig Bieberbach, Constantin Carathéodory, Nicolas<br />

Lusin, <strong>and</strong> Rolf Nevanlinna further changed the field.<br />

The Committee had its own specialists at h<strong>and</strong>: Henri<br />

Cartan, Dieudonné, M<strong>and</strong>eibrojt; to some extent,<br />

Leray <strong>and</strong> de Possel worked with analytic functions as<br />

well. When M<strong>and</strong>elbrojt voiced the opinion that the<br />

treatise should not overemphasize entire functions, his<br />

colleagues asked whether it should not include such<br />

important matters âs Picard's theorem, conformal representation,<br />

elliptic functions, Abelian functions, infinite<br />

products, etc. A variety of suggestions followed<br />

<strong>and</strong>, in the resulting confusion, no decision was made.<br />

Analytic functions reappeared on the agenda at another<br />

meeting when the participants put together their<br />

27<br />

this aspect of the work of the fust semester is mentioned in Weil,<br />

Souoefiirs d' apprentissage, pp. 109:110.<br />

'?3<br />

The list of topics comes from the report on the eighth meeting.<br />

Because Alex<strong>and</strong>roff <strong>and</strong> Hopfs book on topology only appeared in<br />

1935, the Committee did not even hav€ this reference available for<br />

consideration of topological topics. See Paul S. Alex<strong>and</strong>roff <strong>and</strong><br />

Heinz Hopf, Topologie, Vol. l, Berlin: Springer-Verlag (1935).<br />

'-<br />

Benoit M<strong>and</strong>elbrot criricized Bourbali---among other thing+for<br />

hâving neglected what he termed "hard dassical analysis" in its<br />

Ê.\émmX. See Benoit M<strong>and</strong>elbrot, Chaos, <strong>Bourbaki</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Poincaré,<br />

Mathematical lntelligencer, Vol. 11(1989), no. 3, 10-12.<br />

THE MÀTHEMATcAL INTELUcENcER vol-. It No. 1,1993 33

î'<br />

written outlines on the subiect. From these, the Committee<br />

drafted a proposal which attempted to place the<br />

material in an algebraic <strong>and</strong> topological setting. It<br />

started with the geometdc representation of cornplex<br />

numbers <strong>and</strong> stressed that these form a field. It next<br />

proposed to move to the topology of open <strong>and</strong> dosed<br />

surfaces. This sketch also featured some of the more<br />

"usual" material on analytic functions: Jordan's theorem,<br />

series, convergence, differentiation, integration,<br />

Cauchy's theorem <strong>and</strong> Cauchy's integral, Taylor's <strong>and</strong><br />

Laurent's theorems for singular points of uniform<br />

functions, conformal representation, entire functions,<br />

Weierstrass's theorem, Mittag-Leffler's theorem, analytic<br />

continuation, etc. It was suggested that the general<br />

notion of analytic function be highlighted <strong>and</strong> that<br />

two sections be devoted to algebraic <strong>and</strong> automorphic<br />

functions, elliptic functions, <strong>and</strong> the theta function<br />

(the latter, most likely, with number theory in mind).<br />

The meeting also considered whether it should introduce<br />

analytic functions of many complex variables. It<br />

delegated the decision making on these matters to its<br />

subcommission.<br />

The Committee's initial work on integration theory<br />

looked more promising. At least, one point was certain<br />

at the out6et: Integration would be done from Lebesgue's<br />

point of view, which had already undergone<br />

different levels of qeneralization <strong>and</strong> extension since<br />

1901 . 30 kinds of measures. At any rate, the Comrnittee had<br />

already decided to restrict its exposition on integration<br />

theory in the treatise.<br />

This sketch of contents resulted from discussions between<br />

Chevalley <strong>and</strong> de Possel, who advocated a thorough<br />

exposition on measure, <strong>and</strong> Delsarte, Dieudonné,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Dubreil, who thought that a less elaborate<br />

presentation of measure <strong>and</strong> integration might be<br />

more appropriate for the treatise. Most probably, WeiI<br />

<strong>and</strong> de Possel opposed each other also: Whereas de<br />

Possel wanted to do measure <strong>and</strong> integration on arbitrâry<br />

sets orùy, Weil wanted to involve vector spaces<br />

<strong>and</strong> topological groups. The subcommission on integration<br />

had to r.eionsid"t these different opinions.32<br />

Delsarte <strong>and</strong> Leray were the main protagonists in<br />

the area of differential equations. Delsarte first suggested<br />

subdividing the study of differential equations<br />

into three sections: existence theorems, eigenvalue<br />

problems (crucial in physics), <strong>and</strong> the study of local<br />

<strong>and</strong> global properties of solutions. The Committee<br />

agreed with his choices, at least in principle. Then it<br />

examined a draft by Leray on existence theorems. Contrary<br />

to most other plans, this draft was not merely a<br />

Iist of items. It was more like a brief introduction to ar<br />

abstract theory for systems of n equations in n unknowns.<br />

Leray introduced concepts from topology <strong>and</strong><br />

Although some French Cozrs d'analyse did nen-<br />

functional analysis which he had been using in his<br />

own work, especially the notions of the differential of<br />

tion the Lebesgue integral (usually in passing), they a function of n variables (as a linear functional) <strong>and</strong> of<br />

did not give an exposition of Lebesgue's theory. The the topological degree of a continuous transformation.<br />

older texts used Cauchy's approach, <strong>and</strong> the more re- His approach set the study of differential equations<br />

cent ones inhoduced the Riemann integral. All con- squarely in line with works by Riesz, Banach, <strong>and</strong><br />

centrated on developing the techniques of integrâtion Hahn on normed spaces. Leray's draft included the<br />

<strong>and</strong> their applications. By choosing Lebesgue integra- statements of fundamental theorems of global existion,<br />

the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s were more in line with texts tence <strong>and</strong> of local existence (with uniqueness) of a so-<br />

such as those by Constantin Carathéodory, Charles de lution. The Committee thought that, although it was<br />

La Vallée Poussin, <strong>and</strong> Stanislaw Saks."<br />

all very interestinç, Leny's project involved topologi-<br />

The Committee resolved that rneasure <strong>and</strong> integracal notions which were too specialized for the treatise.<br />

tion should not be seDarated in the presentation. It Perhaps for this reason, no final decision on differen-<br />

drafted a list of potentiàl topics which itarted with the tial equations was reached at this point in their delib-<br />

notion of measure <strong>and</strong> proceeded to the integral eranons.<br />

viewed as a linear functional, stressing the equivalence At the end of its eighth meeting, the Committee it-<br />

of the two concepts. Next followed particular types of self drafted a provisional <strong>and</strong> rather jumbled outline<br />

measures <strong>and</strong> integrals on topological spaces, Radon for differential equations. This plan comprised general<br />

measures, <strong>and</strong> Haar measures on topological groups. efstence theorems, global existence for reai differen-<br />

Although order of presentation was not stressed, it tial equations over any domain where the conditions<br />

appeared that the latter were meant not to be the pil- for local existence hold, a classical theory of general<br />

lars of the theorv, but were introduced rather as special linear equations, systems of z first-order linear equations<br />

in z unknowns, <strong>and</strong> second-order linear equations<br />

with constant coefficients. Among the applications<br />

to physics, some of Rocard's old suggestions re-<br />

s<br />

For an historical account oI Lebesgue's ideâs, see Thomas Hawki^s,<br />

Izbesgue's Theory of lftte9ratiofl: lts Oigi\s afld Danloryent, Nevr<br />

Yorkr Chelsea (1975).<br />

31<br />

See Constantin Carathéodory, Vorlesungen iiber reelle Funktiotutt,<br />

Leipzig-Berlin: Teubner (1918); Charles de La Vallée Poussin, lnfégrûles<br />

de Lebesgue. Fonctiont il'ensemble. Classes de Baire,lsl ed., Paris:<br />

Gauthier-Villa$ (1916); 2nd ed., 1936; <strong>and</strong> Stard'slaw Saks, Théorie de<br />

I'intéyale, Mo ogmlie matematyczne, 1st ed., Vol. 2, warsaw: Zsubwencji<br />

funduezu kultury narodowe (1933); 2nd ed., 1937.<br />

34 rm uerr+uercel rNrELucENcER vot-. 15, No. 1,1s93<br />

32<br />

These differences in opinion are discussed in Beâulieu, Bo!rù!,ti.<br />

Une Histoîe, !ol. 1, pp. 178-188. Chevalley <strong>and</strong> de Possel put forth<br />

their ideas in "Un théorème sur les fonctions d'ensemble complète.<br />

ment additives," Cot?rp. tutd. Acad. Sci. Palis 197 (1933), 88H87. See<br />

also René de Possel, "Notion générale de mesure et d'intégrale," 5émiwie<br />

de msthénaliques llA (1934), mimeographed.

surfaced, but the conceptual setting of Leray's project<br />

had disappeared. The Committee had adopted the<br />

functional approach earler in its work, yet it did not<br />

seem to envisage all the implications of this choice.<br />

With the intention of covering a lot of ground, it delegated<br />

work on differential equations to two subcommissions,<br />

one responsible for existence theorems <strong>and</strong><br />

the other for the rest.<br />

The Committee's work on integral equations proceeded<br />

differently. An initial discussion, involving<br />

Cartan, Delsarte, Deudonné, <strong>and</strong> Weil, emphasized<br />

three approaches to the subject: bounded operators on<br />

Hilbert spaces, Fredholm's point of view, <strong>and</strong> the more<br />

recent line developed by Riesz <strong>and</strong> Leray (using<br />

nomed vector spaces). In the absence of Leray, the<br />

Committee temporarily opted for bounded operators<br />

on Hilbert spaces, which they thought was a complete<br />

<strong>and</strong> beautiful theory. It hesiiated over the third approach<br />

because it was less familiar to most of those<br />

present <strong>and</strong> postponed its decisions until Leray could<br />

be reached. Paradoxically, the Committee was willing<br />

to favor bounded operators, even though quantum<br />

mechanics required unbounded operators. Thus, despite<br />

expressed intentions to serve physicists, the<br />

Committee was not always guided by a close eye on<br />

what was being done in that field. Other considerations<br />

sometimes prevailed. 33<br />

Two meetings làter, Leray came to the rescue. He<br />

found Fredholm's approach rather useless for the<br />

group's purposes, although Delsarte disagreed. The<br />

two also discussed how much should be done on<br />

bounded operators. Leray actually suggested two<br />

ideas for integral equations. The first one introduced<br />

nonsymmetric integral equations as a special case of<br />

equations of the form )c + g(x) : 0, where x is an<br />

element of a Banach space <strong>and</strong> I is a completely continuous<br />

operator. The second one viewed symmetric<br />

integral equations as special cases of Hermitian operators<br />

in a Hilbert space. The Committee adopted Leray's<br />

approach without further ado, <strong>and</strong> so the third<br />

point of view ultimately won the day.<br />

For partial differential equations, Delsarte drafted a<br />

brief outline which emphasized two aspects: local<br />

problems (where the notion of characteristic would be<br />

fundamental) <strong>and</strong> limit ptoblems (related to inte$al<br />

equations). After some discussion, the Committee decided<br />

that the study of a single fust-order partial differential<br />

equation with z unknowns represented the<br />

bare minimum of what needed to be covered. But what<br />

else should be included? Élie Cartan, who attended<br />

that meeting, suggested instead that they restrict their<br />

s On bounded linear operators in Hilbert space, see Jean Delsarte,<br />

"L'axiomatique des opérateuls linéaires dans l'espace de F{ilbert:<br />

opélateurs borrrés," Sêminaire de fiothérû.atiques UC (1934), mimeo-<br />

$aphed; <strong>and</strong> Jean Leray <strong>and</strong> J. Schauder, "Topologie et équations<br />

fonctionnelles," Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. Pais 197 (7933), 115f1,<br />

study to systems of linear partial differential equations<br />

with one unknown function. He also stressed that both<br />

the "classical" point of view <strong>and</strong> the Pfaffian equations<br />

should be introduced. These points were well taken,<br />

but the group still did not commit itself on partial differential<br />

equations .<br />

The Committee did not intend to treat set theorv.<br />

algebra, topology, or even integration for their own<br />

sakes. As it stood, then, the treatise would include<br />

only enough algebra to deal with systems of equations,<br />

some integration theory to support analytic functions,<br />

but mostly differential equations, integral equations,<br />

<strong>and</strong> partial differential equations. The Cours d'analyse<br />

exerted the main pull on the topical choices of the<br />

proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s. Wanting to cast this material in a<br />

modern setting, the Committee sought a workable<br />

ground between approaches which otherwise appeared<br />

either too general or too specialized. The Capoulade<br />

group made only minimal progress toward<br />

this goal, however, <strong>and</strong> its aim to provide mathematicians<br />

<strong>and</strong> physicists with the tools of their trade stll<br />

seemed far from reach. Also, the initially expressed<br />

concem for the man in the street <strong>and</strong> the average selftaught<br />

student lost its edge in the course of on-going<br />

debates.<br />

Epilogue<br />

In choosing a café as the setting for its meetings, the<br />

proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong>s were not particuJarly original. Indeed,<br />

it was usual among politicians, artists, or scientists to<br />

meet in <strong>Parisian</strong> cafés. It was also common for mathematicians,<br />

as well as writers, to enjoy working at a<br />

favorite bistro table. Capoulade's café was a famil.iar<br />

rendezvous which provided freedom from strict university<br />

institutons while being conveniently close to<br />

all the amenities of the neighborhood. This mixture of<br />

Latin Quarter parochiality <strong>and</strong> a taste for autonomy<br />

typifies the proto-<strong>Bourbaki</strong> attitude. The narrative of<br />

biweekly gatherings, however, shows disunity in the<br />

party, hesitation in ideology, <strong>and</strong> uncertainty in purpose.<br />

Indeed, this was a time of ill-defined goals <strong>and</strong><br />

unfinished business. The Committee orùy investigated<br />

possibilities, <strong>and</strong>, despite hea*y arguments, it hesitated<br />

to strive either to make things work or to establish<br />

truths. It willfully postponed decisions to the general<br />

meeting of the summer of 1935, when a definitive<br />

overall plan of the treatise was expected to emerge.<br />

That meeting, which took place in Besse-en-<br />

Ch<strong>and</strong>esse, started another phase in the history of<br />

<strong>Bourbaki</strong>. Through negotiations <strong>and</strong> selections, opportunities<br />

were foreclosed, but new options were foreseen.<br />

DEartement de Mathématiques et d'Informatique<br />

Untuersité du Québec à Montftal<br />

C. P. 8888, Succursale "A"<br />

Montrtul, Québec H3C 3P8<br />

Cannda<br />


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