AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Ten Commandments<br />

pose of our existence, from the laws that govern our success or failure<br />

in life, from an understanding of what we are, where we are<br />

going and how to get there. Without this contact with the Creator<br />

God, human life is emptiness, frustration and a thing of vanity. In<br />

this age above all others, mankind needs the contact with God, the<br />

spiritual strength and understanding, and the divine blessing and<br />

guidance that proper observance of God’s true Sabbath provides.<br />

Jesus’ Example<br />

Jesus Christ—the inspired example of how every true<br />

Christian ought to live—taught by His own life and actions that<br />

the Sabbath is a holy convocation (commanded assembly) for<br />

God’s people, as is taught in Leviticus 23:3. Jesus’ example and customary<br />

practice is recorded in Luke 4:16, where we read that Jesus,<br />

“as His custom was… went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,<br />

and stood up to read.” Certainly the true Sabbath is a day for the<br />

worship and adoration of God by His called servants. And it is a<br />

time for the preaching and expounding of God’s Word and His living<br />

laws. It is the duty of every true Christian, then, to find out<br />

where that Church is in which he can really worship God “in spirit<br />

and in truth,” a Church that properly observes the true Sabbath of<br />

the Creator God, and a Church in which Christians are taught to<br />

“live by every word of God.”<br />

There are a number of churches that believe in keeping the<br />

fourth commandment. But most of these churches, in their teaching<br />

and practice, directly break one or more of the other commandments.<br />

Jesus founded only one Church (Matthew 16:18), and<br />

it alone keeps all of God’s commandments. You need to find out<br />

about this Church. Write immediately for the informative free<br />

booklet, God’s Church Through the Ages. We also offer you personal<br />

services to help you understand where God’s Church is and to help<br />

you with any questions you may have. The Living Church of God<br />

has ministers available in all parts of the United States and many<br />

other parts of the world, ready to counsel with you personally to<br />

answer any questions you may have about the Church or how to<br />

keep the Sabbath. Of course, none of them will call on you uninvit-<br />


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