AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Seventh Commandment<br />

man and woman: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue<br />

it…” (Genesis 1:28). With begetting children comes the<br />

responsibility of protecting and training them. A stable, happy<br />

home and marriage are indispensable to the correct nurture and<br />

training of a child. And God commands: “Train up a child in the<br />

way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”<br />

(Proverbs 22:6). The home and family form the basis of all decent<br />

society! The lessons of character learned in the home—patience,<br />

understanding, kindness—all of these are qualities that God wants<br />

in us for all eternity, and the family relationship is one of the best<br />

places in which they can be learned! Better than in any other<br />

place, the lessons of decency, loyalty, and a sense of responsibility<br />

are learned in a happy and well-balanced home. And so, in addition<br />

to making us complete, and the begetting and training of<br />

children, a third great purpose of sex and marriage is the building<br />

of character in the home and family relationship. The kingdom<br />

and law of God are based on love. Jesus said: “It is more blessed to<br />

give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). To obey God’s law of marriage,<br />

man and wife must literally give themselves to each other in every<br />

phase and facet of their lives.<br />

Marriage Pictures Christ and His Church<br />

As ordained by God, the marriage union is holy. It is so holy<br />

that, in His Word, Almighty God uses the marriage union as a<br />

type (a model or parallel) of the relationship between Christ and<br />

His Church! Notice Ephesians 5:22–24: “Wives, submit to your<br />

own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the<br />

wife, as also Christ is head of the church: and He is the Savior of<br />

the body. Therefore, just as the church; is subject to Christ, so let<br />

the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” Here, God<br />

shows that in the Christian home the wife is to submit herself to<br />

her husband as the head of that home, just as she must learn to<br />

submit to Christ Himself for all eternity! In this holy relationship,<br />

she is learning a lesson of lasting faithfulness!<br />

Then the husbands are addressed: “Husbands, love your<br />

wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for<br />


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