AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Ten Commandments<br />

In America and Britain today, a God-rejecting society all too<br />

often seeks a Hollywood-type romantic ideal in marriage. Thus<br />

men and women are subtly encouraged to break the marriage<br />

covenant if their selfish, sensual desires are not fulfilled with the<br />

wife or husband of their youth. In a “marriage-go-round” society,<br />

they fail to learn the basic lessons of character that marriage can<br />

and should teach—outgoing concern for their mate, patience,<br />

mercy, humility, service and lasting faithfulness. In addition, they<br />

fail to consider the suffering and frustration of the children from<br />

their original marriage—the irreparable damage done to their lives<br />

and minds that will carry over into yet future generations and<br />

future marriages.<br />

Truly, even though God allows some marriages and homes to<br />

be shattered by divorce, it is something our Creator abhors. “For<br />

the LORD God of Israel says that He hates divorce…” (Malachi<br />

2:16). Again: “…The LORD has been witness between you and the<br />

wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously; yet<br />

she is your companion, and your wife by covenant” (v. 14). There<br />

is no question, then, that God hates divorce—even though He<br />

allows it. To learn the lessons God intends in marriage, true<br />

Christians should seek to “cleave” to their mates in body, mind<br />

and attitude. They should seek earnestly to understand each<br />

other—to share freely and joyously their plans, their hopes, their<br />

dreams. And, with God’s help, they will crush any adulterous and<br />

lustful thoughts that present themselves. The sin of lust is more<br />

fully understood when you realize how righteous and holy the<br />

proper use of sex in marriage is to Almighty God the Creator. The<br />

process of adultery, and the process of divorce and remarriage,<br />

usually begin in the heart.<br />

Notice how Jesus Christ covered this point in magnifying the<br />

law of God and making it holy: “You have heard that it was said to<br />

those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that<br />

whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed<br />

adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27–28). Jesus taught<br />

that you break the seventh commandment when you even so<br />

much as entertain thoughts of sexual lust toward another person.<br />

Action follows thought. So it is part of the development of<br />


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