AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Ten Commandments<br />

nal command to “honor” our parents is not addressed just to children—but<br />

to everyone.<br />

Even Adults Should Honor Their Parents<br />

The time may come when it is no longer necessary or right that<br />

a person should strictly obey his parents. But the day should never<br />

come when he ceases to honor them. The word “honor” has a<br />

much larger meaning than that of obedience. It indicates a high<br />

respect, as for worth, merit or rank. It denotes a feeling of high<br />

esteem and reverence. A person who has properly obeyed his parents<br />

in childhood later expresses his honor for them in a deeper<br />

appreciation of the comforts and training they provided him as a<br />

child. This honor expresses itself in courtesy, thoughtfulness and<br />

kind deeds. As we mature, it becomes increasingly evident that<br />

untold hours of work, of anxious thought and agonized prayer were<br />

bestowed for our welfare by faithful and loving parents. It should<br />

become the delight of every decent man and woman to return this<br />

love that our parents showered on us. In the evening of life, many<br />

parents long for this affection and fellowship with their children<br />

more, perhaps, than for any other blessing. Let us think and act on<br />

this opportunity to return the love our parents so freely gave!<br />

To the everlasting shame of our professing Christian society,<br />

thousands of elderly parents are reduced to living on a mere pittance<br />

that comes to them through governmental agencies. In all too many<br />

cases, the children are able but simply unwilling to provide additional<br />

comforts for their parents. Jesus Christ gave one of the most forceful<br />

interpretations of the fifth commandment in its application to<br />

this very problem. In His day, men were excusing themselves from<br />

providing for the necessities of their parents. They were saying that<br />

funds that might have been used in this way were “Corban”—that is,<br />

dedicated to the service of the altar. These funds were not part of<br />

God’s tithe, but rather an additional offering that was used to gain<br />

favor in approaching God. Reproaching these hypocritical religionists,<br />

Jesus said: “All too well you reject the commandment of God,<br />

that you may keep your tradition. For Moses said, ‘Honor your<br />

father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let<br />


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