AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Eighth Commandment<br />

certain “pill,” for instance, will cause him to lose weight, gain<br />

weight, increase his potency, restore his thinning hair, or whatever<br />

the case may be. And, in most cases, this statement is a direct,<br />

willful lie without any doubt. Such a practice is, in effect, stealing<br />

from the people who pay money to achieve the promised result. In<br />

many cases, the victims of these gigantic frauds are not only<br />

robbed of money, they are robbed of health, happiness and peace<br />

of mind. Many a “respectable” businessman and community<br />

leader has attained his position largely through this type of mass<br />

deception and theft!<br />

Our nations and peoples need to wake up! Just because a sin<br />

can be made outwardly to appear “respectable,” remember that<br />

God is the real Judge. The Almighty has this to say: “Know ye not<br />

that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not<br />

deceived: neither fornicators… nor thieves… will inherit the kingdom<br />

of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9–10, KJV). Lest any misunderstand,<br />

remember that it is God’s will that His servants prosper in<br />

material wealth—as long as they gain it honestly, and do not set<br />

their hearts upon it. The Apostle John wrote: “Beloved, I pray that<br />

you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul<br />

prospers” (3 John v. 2).<br />

Tarnished Wealth<br />

Moreover, we must realize that an industrialist’s wealth that is<br />

tarnished by an unnecessarily high death rate in his plants or factories<br />

is ill-gotten gain—and he is branded in the light of God’s<br />

law as a thief, if not a murderer! The principle behind the eighth<br />

commandment is broken again and again in the relations of capital<br />

and labor. James was inspired to warn the dishonest employer:<br />

“Indeed the wages of the laborers… which you kept back by<br />

fraud, cry out; and the cries… have reached the ears of the<br />

Lord…” (James 5:4). It is also equally true—and especially so in<br />

this era of corrupt unionism—that many an employee robs his<br />

employer! He does this by taking his wage and yet withholding<br />

his full share of honest labor. And that is stealing! All too often<br />

one laborer tells his coworker: “Slow down, buddy, you’re working<br />


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