AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World

AntiChrist RZ 12/02 - Tomorrow's World


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The Ten Commandments<br />

share in that rule. So God said, “let them have dominion.…” Human<br />

beings need experience in order to develop the character God purposes<br />

for us. Experience requires time. And a human life consists of<br />

just so much time. God gave that life for the supreme purpose of<br />

preparing another son to be in His kingdom and family forever. The<br />

giving of life and breath and ability includes all mankind. It is the<br />

most wonderful gift of which physical mankind has knowledge. The<br />

taking of life ends all. It cruelly and unexpectedly crushes all the<br />

hopes and dreams and plans of a being made in the very image of<br />

the Creator Himself. It is a wicked usurpation of a prerogative<br />

belonging to God alone who gives life in the first place—and who<br />

alone has the authority to take it away (Job 1:21). That is why any<br />

form of murder is one of the ten great sins; it is destroying the highest<br />

creation of Almighty God! In effect, it is an attempt to thwart the<br />

very purpose of the great sovereign Ruler of the universe! The Giver<br />

of all life is God. And puny, mortal human beings have no business<br />

whatsoever interfering with God’s greatest gift!<br />

Personal Application of the Commandment<br />

Jesus Christ came into this world to “exalt” God’s law and<br />

“make it honorable” (Isaiah 42:21). Jesus cast a spotlight, as it<br />

were, on the Ten Commandments, and showed their real spiritual<br />

intent and meaning in the full Christian life. Jesus said: “You have<br />

heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and<br />

whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I say to<br />

you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be<br />

in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother ‘Raca!’<br />

shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says ‘You fool!’ shall<br />

be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:21–22). Here murder is traced<br />

to its source—hate and anger. Christ declared that if personal anger<br />

fills the heart of one of His subjects, such a person is in danger of<br />

judgment. If that anger leads a man to have utter derision and contempt<br />

for a fellow human being, that man shall be “in danger of<br />

the council”—of God’s punishment. If in bitterness and scorn one<br />

shall say of his fellow, “You fool,” such a one shall be “in danger of<br />

hell fire.” This is Jesus Christ’s application of the sixth command-<br />


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