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PDF( 8mb) - Malaysian Dental Association

PDF( 8mb) - Malaysian Dental Association


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Are COX-2 inhibitors a solution to problems associated with current oral analgesics? A revisit with a perspective of local need.formulation and a standard release formulation after thirdmolar surgery: a randomised controlled trial. Br Dent J. 2001;191: 319-24.64. Stoelting PK. Pharmacology & Physiology in AnestheticPractice. 1999. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,Philadelphia.65. Malmstrom K, Daniels S, Kotey P, Seidenberg BC,Desjardins PJ. Comparison of rofecoxib and celecoxib, twocyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, in postoperative dental pain:a randomised placebo- and active- comparator controlledclinical trial. Clin Ther. 1999; 21: 1653-63.66. Daniels SE, Desjardins PJ, Talwalker S, Recker DP, VerburgKM. The analgesic efficacy of valdecoxib vs. oxycodone/acetaminophen after oral surgery. J Am Dent Assoc. 2002;133: 611-62.67. Doyle G, Jayawardena S, Ashraf E, Cooper SA. Efficacy andtolerability of non-prescription ibuprofen versus celecoxibfor dental pain. 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