compliance guide - MCX

compliance guide - MCX

compliance guide - MCX


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Compliance GuideCircular No. <strong>MCX</strong>/007/2005 dated January 03, 2005, Circular No. <strong>MCX</strong>/003/2006 datedJanuary 03, 2006 and Circular No. <strong>MCX</strong>/012/2006 dated January 10, 2006.‣ The Exchange has prescribed <strong>guide</strong>lines for advertisements. Hence, the Member shallissue/circulate/publish advertisement as per <strong>guide</strong>lines prescribed by the Exchange orrelevant authority from time to time.‣ Further, before publishing any such kind of advertisement (i.e.: for soliciting their business)which may be in the form of booklet, leaflet, pamphlet etc.), they must obtain priorapproval of the Exchange.‣ Further, the Members are required to ensure strict adherence to Circular no.<strong>MCX</strong>/COMP/332/2013 dated October 4, 2013 and <strong>MCX</strong>/COMP/349/2013 dated October 15,2013 which disallows the Members to publish any advertisement / publicity highlightingonly the benefits of futures market without highlighting the risk involved.9. Market data:As per Circular no. <strong>MCX</strong>/TECH/247/2013 dated July 11, 2013, Members may note that the marketdata provided by the Exchange is used only for the purpose of trading and is not used for anyother purpose which is not approved by the Exchange.10. Circular Trading, cross deals, price rigging, price manipulation and other marketAbuses:As per Bye-law 2.3.20, Bye-law 2.3.31, Bye-law 2.3.96, Business Rule 24 (d) and 36, the membershall ensure that he is not involved in circular trading, cross deals, price rigging, pricemanipulation and other market abuses.It may be noted that cross deals executed in proportions higher than a threshold shall beconstrued as fictitious transactions and a penalty of Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakhs shall be applicablefor such transactions in accordance with Circular no. <strong>MCX</strong>/COMP/113/2010 dated April 5, 2010(refer Circular no. <strong>MCX</strong>/T&S/325/2014 dated October 08, 2014 and <strong>MCX</strong>/T&S/330/2014 datedOctober 13, 2014).Further, the Exchange may consider any other criteria or trading pattern and any othercircumstantial evidence to identify other forms of market abuses and impose penalty and / ortake additional disciplinary actions in accordance with the Rules, Bye-Laws and Business Rules ofthe Exchange.11. Certified Commodity Professional CoursesMembers are advised to enroll for Certified Commodity Professional Examination as per CircularNo. <strong>MCX</strong>/TRN/260/2007 dated July 24, 2007. Further the members are required to have at leastone person in their office who is MCCP qualified.12. Code of Conduct for MembersAll Members are required at all times to abide by CODE OF CONDUCT of the Members asdefined in Bye Law 14 of the Exchange.- 44 -

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