CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Predictive Analytics World

CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Predictive Analytics World

CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Predictive Analytics World


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Your dataInside outYou know your organization’s data is fullof potential. Stored and siloed throughout yourbusiness, it represents a wealth of possibilities.Deloitte’s deep industry experience andadvanced analytics capability maximizes thevalue of data. We look at an organization fromthe inside out – turning everyday informationinto useful and actionable insights that informyour decision-making.www.deloitteanalytics.comDeloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and itsnetwork of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.deloitte.com/aboutfor a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.© 2012 Deloitte Global Services Limited

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