CVs Daniel HERLEMONT - Yats.com

CVs Daniel HERLEMONT - Yats.com

CVs Daniel HERLEMONT - Yats.com


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<strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>HERLEMONT</strong><br />

chemin du guerrier,<br />

31450 Deyme FRANCE<br />

���� +33 (0) 6 10 48 02 99<br />

mailto:dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong><br />

born: 1955<br />

language: French, English<br />


1993-1994: MBA - CPA (Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires, Groupe Lagardère)<br />

1979-1981: Graduated from "Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité"<br />

1976-1979: Graduated from Ecole Polytechnique (X76)<br />

EXPERIENCE (summary) :<br />

1998 - ... Professor of Finance at Mathematical Finance School of Léonard de Vinci, Paris La Défense<br />

Risk Manager for a Hedge Fund<br />

Lecturer in Business Schools and Universities for Master in Finance: Toulouse Business<br />

School and University, Poland, …<br />

YATS: consulting services and solutions for e-business applications, including:<br />

• a powerful automated trading platform and systems, for real time execution, simulation<br />

and training, featuring statistical arbitrage and artificial intelligence based strategies,<br />

• advanced risk management and Optimization tools for Hedge Funds<br />

• Information systems for on line trading, front, middle and back office applications,<br />

development, integration and operations of advanced search engines, integration of real<br />

time quotes and news feeds, decision aid tools ...<br />

Main references :<br />

2002-... : teaching, risk management for Hedge Funds, proprietary trading, ...<br />

1999-2002: Société Générale (FIMATEX): developing & hosting news feeds, search engines &<br />

online tools (warrants, opinions, profiling, ...)<br />

1999-2001: WARGNY: internet architecture, development of online decision aids,<br />

1998-1999: creation of yats.<strong>com</strong>, ranked as one of the most attractive financial site.<br />

1987-1998 ASTRIUM (ex MATRA MARCONI SPACE) the Europe’s largest space <strong>com</strong>pany, Toulouse<br />

• 1998-1994 Deputy Manager of Ground Systems & Network Unit (300 engineers), including<br />

diversification in satellites applications: telematics, environment monitoring, Air Traffic<br />

Management, telemedicine, .....<br />

• 1991-1994: Manager of the "Technologies & Innovation" division (60 engineers)<br />

• 1987-1991: Manager of the Control Centre division (50 engineers).<br />

1981-1987<br />

THOMSON-CSF / Central Research Labs: development of operating system and object oriented<br />

middleware <strong>com</strong>ponents RISC microprocessors (within a Joint-Venture with MIPS inc., USA).<br />

YATS SARL, 440 653 285 RCS Toulouse , chemin du guerrier 31450 DEYME email : dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong>

Risk Management Philosophy<br />

By <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>HERLEMONT</strong>, YATS Finances & Technologies<br />

Risk Model: Implementing Safety First Principle<br />

Risk Management may be the most important element of an<br />

investment process. Risk Management is the key to surviving<br />

during inevitable, dramatic market moves.<br />

Market risk is the risk of losses due to the financial market<br />

variables (such as interest rates, foreign currency, equities,<br />

and <strong>com</strong>modities) adverse<br />

prices fluctuations. It is<br />

primarily measured with<br />

Value at Risk or VaR.<br />

VaR is a statistical<br />

measure of downside risk<br />

that is simple to<br />

implement. VaR<br />

measures the maximum<br />

loss for a given confidence interval.<br />

VaR model is primarily based on Risk Management<br />

Standards such as RiskMetrics and Risk Management<br />

Guides (from JP Morgan) as well as Basle II<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mendations.<br />

VaR, however, is not the only risk measure that YATS uses.<br />

VaR is <strong>com</strong>plemented by Stress Testing which identifies<br />

potential losses under extreme market conditions. YATS<br />

Market Risk model also implements Extreme Values theory<br />

to provide more robust estimates of VaR. Other risk<br />

measures are extensively used such as Maximum Drawdown<br />

analysis, Conditional VaR, Risk Adjusted Performance<br />

Measures such as Omega measures, and Stutzer Index. The<br />

Stutzer Index is a consistent generalization of the Sharpe<br />

Ratio for fat tails returns and prudent investor, implementing<br />

a Safety First Principle. The Stutzer Index has been recently<br />

adopted by Morningstar.<br />

Risk measures and preferences will be used to determine<br />

trading limits, position sizing and stop losses as well as<br />

optimal leverage to meet risk management constraints such<br />

as VaR and Maximum Drawdown objectives while<br />

maximizing the expected growth rate. More precisely, the<br />

leverage is adjusted to maximize the expected growth rates<br />

under the constraints that a VaR or Maximum Drawdown<br />

objective will be satisfied with a predefined high probability<br />

level. When this probability is set to 1, then the policy is the<br />

same as implementing strict portfolio insurance. However,<br />

strict guarantee may be too restrictive. In a more general<br />

setting, with a probability, of say 95%, the trader will have<br />

more flexibility to capture opportunities in specific market<br />

states.<br />

YATS, <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>HERLEMONT</strong>, Tel +33 (0) 6 10 48 02 99 email: dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong><br />

YATS Risk Model: the actual implementation<br />

YATS Risk Management duties generally include:<br />

• Modeling traded assets, historical distributions, extreme<br />

events and, most importantly, the dynamic strategy<br />

• Defining the most suited Volatility models to implement a<br />

dynamic VaR that may depend on the different market<br />

regimes; typically, this model will dictate to reduce<br />

positions when volatility increases dramatically<br />

• Back testing the monthly VaR to meet a typical objective of<br />

a 95% VaR not exceeding 4% of the capital<br />

• Implementing Conditional VaR to avoid some VaR<br />

short<strong>com</strong>ings (see hereafter)<br />

• Implementing a Safety First Principle at strategy level by<br />

optimizing the Stutzer Index,<br />

• Implementing overall optimal allocation and leverage under<br />

the VaR and Drawdown constraints<br />

• Performing extensive scenario and stress testing<br />

The positions are monitored on a daily basis and mark to market VaR<br />

is provided as well as other parameters <strong>com</strong>puted such as VaR<br />

exceptions. Regular and <strong>com</strong>prehensive Risk reports are directly sent<br />

to clients.<br />

Market<br />

Insight and<br />

objectives<br />

scénarii<br />

Trader<br />

Risk Manager<br />

Optimal Leverage<br />

Stop loss and<br />

Position sizing<br />

Trading<br />

Positions<br />

Monitoring & Control<br />

safety rules enforcements

Return<br />

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2<br />

Risk Management Philosophy<br />

By <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>HERLEMONT</strong>, YATS Finances & Technologies<br />

Value at Risk and Beyond<br />

While there is no doubt that VaR is a useful generic measure<br />

of risk exposure, VaR has a number of limitations that are<br />

particularly problematic for hedge-fund investments. In<br />

addition, VaR tells noting about actual losses… Other Risk<br />

measures, such as the Conditional VaR or CVaR, have not<br />

the short<strong>com</strong>ing of the VaR. The CVaR measures the<br />

expected loss conditional on the loss being greater than or<br />

equal to the VaR. By using the CVaR, we are able to capture<br />

the left-tail risk of those hedge fund strategies that have short<br />

put option-like exposures. The VaR might be blind on actual<br />

losses. In addition the CVaR can be used in optimization<br />

programs, which is not possible with VaR or may lead to<br />

risky positions if the investment process is tailored to trade<br />

at the VaR boundaries under fat tailed returns.<br />

Nearly all hedge fund strategies show fat tails (negatively<br />

skewed return distributions with positive excess kurtosis).<br />

The efficient frontier is changed when using modified VaR<br />

rather than VaR as the risk constraint. Application of the<br />

mean-variance framework in the case of some hedge fund<br />

strategies can result in underestimation of tail risk by as<br />

much as 50%.<br />

Leverage will determine the ongoing viability of the<br />

program.<br />

One can build a business or investment program around<br />

positive expected value opportunities, but the particular<br />

leverage level and hedging strategy chosen will determine<br />

the ongoing viability of the program. There are well known<br />

examples of statistically valid strategies resulting in billions<br />

of dollars of losses (Metallgesellschaft in 1993, Long Term<br />

Capital Management in 1998…). Obviously, the leverage<br />

level and hedging strategies chosen were flawed. When<br />

choosing too much leverage, an investor sometimes faces the<br />

problem of possibly being able to win the “game”, but<br />

consistently running out of time.<br />

In a multi-periods<br />

setting, the typical<br />

growth of the wealth<br />

does not linearly depend<br />

on the leverage. Rather,<br />

the dependency can be<br />

approximated by the so<br />

called Kelly parabola.<br />

There exists an optimal<br />

leverage that will lead<br />

the best growth.<br />

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Exceeding this optimal<br />

Leverage<br />

leverage may lead to<br />

dramatic losses.<br />

Misunderstanding the leverage effects explains the high level<br />

of mortality in the Hedge Fund industry (15%-20% default<br />

rate per year)<br />

Risk Adjusted Performance Measure: a Safety First Principle<br />

The Sharpe ratio is certainly one of the most popular Risk Adjusted<br />

Return Measure. However, several authors have pointed out the<br />

short<strong>com</strong>ings of using the Sharpe ratio. As a matter of fact, one can<br />

define an optimal strategy maximizing the Sharpe ratio in <strong>com</strong>plete<br />

and arbitrage-free markets. This strategy mainly consists in selling<br />

put options far out of the money. This returns distribution of this<br />

strategy has a truncated right tail and an elongated left tail. It is well<br />

known that this type of strategy may lead to rare but dramatic losses.<br />

Using the Sharpe ratio to evaluate risk premia strategies will create<br />

the same type of problems as with option sellers. Hence, by<br />

undertaking a maximum Sharpe ratio strategy, an investor may be<br />

accepting very risky investments in exchange for improving the mean<br />

or variance of the investment. The problem with this trade-off is that<br />

investors are risk averse; they most certainly have a preference for<br />

upside risk and an aversion to downside risk.<br />

The Stutzer Index does not suffer the Sharpe Ratio short<strong>com</strong>ings.<br />

The main concern for investors is the probability of underperforming<br />

a benchmark on average. The Stutzer index rewards those portfolios<br />

that have a lower likelihood of underperforming a specified<br />

benchmark on average. This measure penalizes negative skewness<br />

and high kurtosis (for given levels of mean returns and variance).<br />

The Stutzer index is reduced to the Sharpe Ratio when return<br />

distributions are normally distributed. Equivalently, we can use the<br />

Hodges Generalized Sharpe Ratio that has the same properties as the<br />

Stutzer Index. The higher it is, the better is the portfolio.<br />

Unveiling Dependencies<br />

An important selling point for alternative investments is their<br />

typically low correlations with traditional market indexes such as the<br />

S&P500. However, correlations are linear measures of association<br />

that ignore certain nonlinear relations often present among hedgefund<br />

investments. Nonlinearities should be incorporated into any risk<br />

analysis of hedge fund investments. Rather than using conventional<br />

linear correlation measures, we are using non linear regressions as<br />

well as non conventional measures like relative entropy that is much<br />

more robust a measure based on information theory.<br />

Incentive Contracts and Hedge Fund Management<br />

Hedge fund managers typically receive a fraction of the fund’s return<br />

in excess of the high-water mark. The high-water mark for each<br />

investor is the maximum share value since his or her investment in<br />

the fund. These performance fees generally range from 15% to 25%<br />

of the new profits earned each year. Option-like characteristics of<br />

incentive fees clearly could induce risk-taking behavior when the<br />

asset value is below the high-water mark. This “option like” payoff is<br />

taken into account in overall integrated risk model so that the risk<br />

behavior of the investment manager is under control and restricted to<br />

meet investors’ objective rather than the manager‘s objective only.<br />

YATS, <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>HERLEMONT</strong>, Tel +33 (0) 6 10 48 02 99 email: dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong>

YATS-RAPT : Real-time Automated Profitable Trading<br />

YATS-RAPT offers professional solutions to develop, test and<br />

operate automated trading systems for futures and stock<br />

markets.<br />

The YATS-RAPT plateform is a result of more than 15 years<br />

endeavor in <strong>com</strong>putational finance, development and actual<br />

trading on futures and stock markets.<br />

YATS- RAPT runs on any<br />

environment : WINDOWS, LINUX, ...<br />

Actual operation on going, with more<br />

than 50 orders / day.<br />

100 000 of source lines code.<br />

Commercial offering<br />

Trading Systèm<br />

YATS <strong>com</strong>ponents<br />


Interactive Brokers TWS,<br />

FIX protocol,<br />

Web brokers interface<br />

• Automated orders with Interactive Brokers , FIX interface, WEB<br />

broker interface.<br />

• Dynamic tables, real time charts<br />

• User defined strategies in JAVASCRIPT,<br />

• Errors controls, automatic re-connection,<br />

• Tick by tick Recording, order logs, portfolios,<br />

• Operating modes: actual trading, live test, training, debug,<br />

simulation, backtest, studies ...<br />

• High fidelity simulator: on recorded or simulated ticks, variable<br />

speeds, simulate order book using full tick data (bid/ask/last), as well as<br />

order priorities (bid/ask/last sizes) and transmission delays, ...<br />

• Trading Systems Debugger including, event breakpoint (order status,<br />

tick data, ...), step by step mode.<br />

• Trading Systems Backtester including parameters optimizations<br />

based on user defined objective functions (reward/risk)<br />

• Support for execution of parallel multiple strategies.<br />

• More than 100 Indicators : technical analysis, many math, logical<br />

functions on intraday data, in tick time, or business time, aggregation of<br />

ticks data in regular time series, user defined functions/indicators in<br />


• Volatility models, covariances, using high/low values, ACD-CARGH<br />

modeling,<br />

• Risk, money management : Sharpe ratio, Sterling ratio, VaR, utility<br />

functions,...<br />

• Portfolio management: CAPM, optimization of user defined utility<br />

function, Kelly criteria, CRP (Constant Rebalanced Portfolio), ....<br />

• Options pricers :, classic or exotic options<br />

• Numerical analysis: global optimizations (simulated annealing), genetic<br />

algorithms, Kalman filtering, wavelets, ...<br />

• Monte Carlo Simulations, (MCMC)<br />

• Probability & Statistics, significance testing : t-stat, khi2, Kolmogorov<br />

Smirnov, Watson, Jarque Berra, runs test, linear and non linear<br />

simple/multiple regressions, maximum likelihood, bootstrap, time series<br />

analysis: ARIMA, VARMA, stochastic processes and related<br />

distributions (min/max, first passage time, ...),<br />

• Variable length Markov Chains<br />

• Machine learning, data mining: classification, segmentation, non<br />

linear regressions (KNN, ...), regression trees, dynamic programming,<br />

reinforcement learning, universal predictions & portfolios<br />

• predefined and fully parameterizable Trading Systems<br />

momentum, trend following, mean reversion, breakout,<br />

long/short positions ....<br />

• Stat arb trading systems : based on cointegration<br />

VAR/VECM & Kalman filter<br />

• Market Making algorithms<br />

• "Model Based Trading"<br />

data → model → Monte Carlo Simulation of market<br />

model → Optimal Trading System<br />

WEB interface can be used for modeling and backtests.<br />

orders<br />

quotes actual simulated<br />

actual actual trading (live) test, training<br />

recorded or<br />

simulated<br />

Real time charts<br />

Operating Modes<br />

YATS SARL, 440 653 285 RCS Toulouse , chemin du guerrier 31450 DEYME email : dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong><br />

training, debug, simulation,<br />

backtesting,<br />

Trading Automata state machine

Computational Finance<br />

Success in the markets will depend on having superior models and algorithms ..<br />

.<br />

During the last 15 years, I studied intensively all aspects of<br />

research in finance with the objective to implement superior<br />

trading algorithms, focusing on the most promising areas:<br />

• Behavioral Finance : deviation from the efficient market<br />

hypothesis stems from behavioral biases and models based<br />

on herding, loss aversion, information flow, sector<br />

rotation, etc ... such behaviors is the source of repeated,<br />

robust and persistent patterns explaining most of market<br />

anomalies, market bubbles and crashes.<br />

• Computational finance, defined as the application of<br />

modern techniques in <strong>com</strong>puter science, mathematics and<br />

statistics to solve <strong>com</strong>plex problems in finance.<br />

• Model based trading consists in modeling markets data<br />

and finding optimal trading systems by Monte Carlo<br />

simulation on model generated data.<br />

Even if most subjects are still active research efforts, they are<br />

integrated within the YATS environment and used to trade<br />

actual markets.<br />

Keywords : Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Natural<br />

Language Processing and Information Extraction, Machine<br />

Learning, Pattern Recognition, Genetic and Evolutionary<br />

Computing, Simulation and Monte Carlo.<br />

More specifically, I studied and implemented online<br />

algorithms<br />

• to perform online and real time arbitrage, using<br />

multivariate cointegration and filtering (Kalman filter)<br />

• Non parametric techniques for pattern recognition, like<br />

Variable Length Markov chains<br />

• Reinforcement learning algorithms (Q-learning, TDlearning):<br />

• Wavelets, to identify long term dependencies,<br />

• Universal Online prediction techniques (quite similar to<br />

<strong>com</strong>pression algorithm), universal portfolios, ...<br />

• Methodology to avoid data snooping and overfitting<br />

Some other subjects: I studied and implemented: probabilities,<br />

approximations (Edgeworth, ..) extreme value theory (Cramer,<br />

...), Time Series Analysis (AR, MA, ARIMA, ..), non<br />

parametric methods (gaussian kernels, KNN, LWR, ...),<br />

bayesian learning, chaos (BDS tests), fractals (Hurst<br />

exponents, ...), Markov chains, information theory (relative<br />

entropy), estimation procedure: maximum likelihood, global<br />

optimization (simulated annealing, ...), game theory (Minority<br />

Games, ...), stochastic processes, including first hitting time,<br />

distribution of minimum and maximum, volatility modeling<br />

(GARCH, ..) and estimation using highs and lows, higher<br />

moment estimates, kurtosis/herding, skews /crashes, intraday<br />

modeling : intensity, ACD models, cointegration, Dickey-<br />

Fuller, VAR/VECM, Kalman filter, utility functions, CAPM,<br />

Arbitrage Pricing Theory, VaR, optimal portfolio and<br />

leverage, options pricing (including exotic options), dynamic<br />

programming & optimal control, ...<br />

Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be used as a<br />

support tool. For example, YATS search engines can be<br />

used to screen internet and derive opinions on stocks,<br />

market sentiment, detect rumors like merger, summarize<br />

news, count occurrences of stocks in the press, in forums,<br />

etc .... and to exploit information flow delays or well<br />

known behavioral biases, like popular blueships<br />

experienced more severe crashes than less popular stocks.<br />

Some selected references / authors:<br />

• Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Marc Potters, 2000, Theory<br />

of Financial Risks, Cambridge University Press,<br />

• Merton, Robert C., 1992, Continuous Time Finance.<br />

• W. Feller, 1997, An introduction to probability theory<br />

and its applications, Vol I & II, second edition - John<br />

Wiley and sons, New York<br />

• Karatzas and Shreve, 1988, Brownian motion and<br />

stochastic calculus, Springer Verlag<br />

• Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig A Non-Random Walk<br />

Down Wall Street<br />

• Grinold, Active Portfolio Management,<br />

• Ralph Vince, 1990, Portfolio Management Formulas,<br />

• Journal Of Finance, Quantitative Finance,<br />

• Behavioral finance literature: R. Thaler, D.<br />

Kahneman, Odean, Chen, M. Rabin, R. Shiller, ...<br />

• and many other authors and references that is not<br />

possible to list here ...<br />

Articles/Authors:<br />

• Rama Cont : stylized facts, herding models, ...<br />

• JP Bouchaud: numerous articles on risk management,<br />

derivatives, market modeling<br />

• Didier Sornette one of the best and most productive<br />

author in "econophysics", specially on crahs<br />

modeling, extreme events modeling, portfolio<br />

management using higher order moments,<br />

• Farmer, Lux, for agent modeling,<br />

• other "econophysics" authors: Maslov, Baviera,<br />

Mantegna, ...<br />

• Ait-Sahalia<br />

• Thomas Cover (Information theory, universal<br />

portfolio)<br />

• Alexander (cointegration), Hasbrouck (intraday<br />

modeling), .<br />

• learning to trade: Moody, Dempster, Jones<br />

In French:<br />

• Denis Bosq, Jean Pierre Lecoutre, 1992, Analyse et<br />

prévision des séries chronologiques, méthodes<br />

paramétriques et non paramétriques, Masson,<br />

• Cours Polytechnique et DEA Probabilités et Finance<br />

Paris VI (El Karoui)<br />

• Rochet, J-C. et G. Demange, 1992, Méthodes<br />

Mathématiques de la Finance, Economica,<br />

• Autres auteurs: Jean Jacques Laffont, Christian<br />

Gourieroux, ...<br />

Mastering C++, JAVA, R-project, Latex, VBA/Excel, ...<br />

YATS SARL, 440 653 285 RCS Toulouse , chemin du guerrier 31450 DEYME email : dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong>


Developed up to now (June 2003).<br />

more than 300 000 source lines codes<br />

in JAVA, mastering all JAVA packages, including:<br />

• user interface (SWING),<br />

• graphics and imaging (JAVA2D),<br />

• data bases Interfaces (JDBC),<br />

• network and I/O, RMI, new io package<br />

• security, SSL programming.<br />

• naming<br />

• XML<br />

J2EE:<br />

• Servlets and JSP.<br />

• Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)<br />

• Java Message Service (JMS)<br />

• Java Mail<br />

• Management / JMX<br />

• Security (JAAS)<br />

Mastering related open source products:<br />

• JAKARTA / Apache suites : TOMCAT (Web<br />

server), JAMES (SMTP, POP3, NNTP server),<br />

TURBINE (servlet framework), JETSPEED<br />

(Enterprise Information Portal)<br />

• Scripting facilities (BSF/ Javascript/JPython)<br />

• XML: Apache (Xerces, COCOON, ...),<br />

• JBOSS, a J2EE,server, featuring JMX, JMS,<br />

• ORION : a full server J2EE, basis of ORACLE<br />

9iAS<br />


• ....<br />

Other products : Websphere, Weblogic,<br />

Methods & Tools:<br />

• Object orientation: UML, design patterns<br />

• "`Extreme Programming"', iterative development<br />

with very short life cycles, numerous testing and<br />

frequent refactoring, resulting in high quality<br />

software.<br />

• IDE: JBuilder.<br />

• CVS, for team development and configuration<br />

management.<br />

• JUnit, for unit testing<br />

• ANT, for automated tasks<br />

• Obfuscators<br />

Data bases: Postgresql, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server,<br />

ORACLE.<br />

Mastering DHTML et JAVASCRIPT, XML/XSL, C++,<br />

C#, .NET, CORBA, ...<br />

Brokerage systems are <strong>com</strong>plex and critical systems, with<br />

stringent requirements on time response, data<br />

management, reliability, security, man machine<br />

interfaces. I developed <strong>com</strong>plementary products, to fulfil<br />

such requirements and improve productivity:<br />

• Servlets <strong>com</strong>pression and caching technology that<br />

may boost some internet based applications by a<br />

factor better than 1000.<br />

• STAY a persistent layer for JAVA, (nearly) <strong>com</strong>pliant<br />

with ODMG 3.0 and JDO (Java Data Object) for<br />

managing high performance, distributed and large<br />

databases. STAY can be used with any Relational<br />

Database.<br />

• YPSO: <strong>Yats</strong> Persistent Store Objects, to provide high<br />

performance persistent collections (lists, hashmaps,<br />

trees, mapped files..).<br />

• Events server : a robust and high performance<br />

alternative to JMS, based on raw sockets.<br />

• Numerous reusable libraries: scheduling (java cron),<br />

automated FTP, text processing, XML, graphics,<br />

math, statistics, ....<br />

• Real time kernel primitives.<br />

Intelligent parsing and Natural Language Processing for<br />

targeted search engines: opinions on stocks.<br />

Assessments of JINI, Autonomous agents, AOP (Aspect<br />

Oriented Programming), JSP/Servlets frameworks.<br />

Mathematical and Machine learning libraries: numerous<br />

libraries have been developed, wrapping existing open<br />

source libraries, porting some C++ algorithms, and, if<br />

any, redeveloping from scratch :<br />

• math: functional framework, to provide automatic<br />

calculus (<strong>com</strong>position, integral, derivatives, etc ... )<br />

• global optimisation package (including BFGS,<br />

simulated annealing, GA, <strong>com</strong>bined optimisers)<br />

• statistics (significance testing, p-values, estimations<br />

by maximum likelihood, linear and non-linear<br />

simple/multiple regressions, ...), discrete and<br />

continuous time series, ...<br />

• porting some Numerical Recipes from C to in JAVA<br />

• Markov chain<br />

• Data structures : kdtree, multi-arrays, persistent<br />

collections, ...<br />

• Machine learning algorithms, data mining, ...<br />

LINUX Administration & security: to <strong>com</strong>ply to high<br />

security levels required in brokerage systems: masking<br />

ports, disabling ICMP, using IPCHAIN + NMAP &<br />

NESSUS for testing, SSH2 tunnelling for all activities on<br />

the server (FTP, telnet, CVS, Data Bases accesses, … ),<br />

in<strong>com</strong>ing IP control, cryptography.<br />

YATS SARL, 440 653 285 RCS Toulouse , chemin du guerrier 31450 DEYME email : dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong>

1998-...: YATS e-FINANCE<br />

Search engines, integration of news feeds:<br />

• integrating, more than 30 different sources and 10<br />

000 news per day, with heterogeneous content and<br />

format (HTML, XML, email, ftp pull, ftp push, etc ...<br />

),<br />

• including : REUTERS, DowJones NewsWire,<br />

CompanyNews, PRLine, AFP, ... internet sites:<br />

Firstinvest, boursier.<strong>com</strong>, smallcaps, Newsinvest,<br />

Square Finance, Trading Central, CercleFinance,<br />

CacTrading, Le Revenu, …) specific sources,<br />

• merging into a single and homogenous feed, including<br />

codes, name, date/hour, URL, text, categories (news,<br />

opinion, country, sector, ....), etc<br />

• dispatching in real time in various formats :<br />

WEB/HTML, WAP/WML, email, ftp, ... with real<br />

time alerts via e-mail, mobile,<br />

• integrating with online payment and billing system.<br />

• Front Office Information System Architectures<br />

interfacing with PATIO of ACTIO/FINANCE and<br />

ATOS brokerage plateforms.<br />

• Automated opinions on stocks, analyzing informal<br />

opinion on the WEB using natural language<br />

processing to derive quantitative opinions, consensus<br />

and divergences.<br />

Automated consensus user interface<br />

Extension to automatic market sentiment, events<br />

detection (merger, ...), ...<br />

• Real time Quotes Feed integration (GL Trade,<br />

Reuters): for France, Europe and US markets.<br />

• Derivatives :<br />

search engine on warrants : sources included Société<br />

Générale, Citibank, BNP, Crédit Lyonnais,<br />

Commerzbank, Dresdner,<br />

pricer with methods based on Black&Scholes,<br />

binomial, and GARCH volatility models<br />

News integration and dispatching for FIMATEX<br />

All <strong>com</strong>ponents are developed by YATS, including search autonomous<br />

agents, data bases, mini sites for Dowjones, SG Faxes, AOF, Reuters,<br />

opinions pages, specific extractions in XML, ...<br />

Worked continuously 24/7 for more that 4 years<br />

without any interruption of service.<br />

• Expert Market place (specification and design)<br />

Interactive and Collaborative portal for finance<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity (using Apache/Jetspeed).<br />

• Mutual fund search engine (on S&P Micropal and<br />

FININFO/Euro Performance data)<br />

• Fundamentals Screening with Jacques CHAHINE<br />

Finance, FININFO, COFISEM,<br />

• Asset allocation and customer profiling tool<br />

• Interactive technical analysis charting .<br />

Main References :<br />

FIMATEX from December 1998 to mid-2003<br />

FIDEURAM- WARGNY : from June 1999 to mid 2002.<br />

YATS SARL, 440 653 285 RCS Toulouse , chemin du guerrier 31450 DEYME email : dherlemont@yats.<strong>com</strong>

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