MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

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Expert <strong>Balancing</strong> at your fingertipsYou don’t need years of experience orknowledge of computers to operate the<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>. A series of clear instructionsand prompts appear on the display toguide you through the balanceprocedure. All data is recorded automaticallyand a full report is generatedand stored. The system even has apractice mode which allows you tofamiliarize yourself with the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>without running an engine.Easy to use: The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> includesmany features that make life easier formechanics and engine troubleshooters.It is rugged, portable and easy toconnect to engine sensors. <strong>MTI</strong> canprovide cable sets for any type ofPhoto courtesy of Pratt & Whitneyhookup, connecting directly toengine sensors or via aircraftwiring (AVM, ARINC 600connectors, etc.).With its unique tachometer signalconditioning circuitry, the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> can accept the unprocessedN1 signal from most engine types.It can also operate with any typeof ground test tachometer. The<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> can be used with alltypes of vibration sensors - aportable charge amplifier isavailable if needed. Tachometersand vibration sensors are alsoavailable as auxiliary equipment.Photo courtesy of General Electric Co.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> balances all current engine models and makes;new engine types are easily added.Used with all engine TypesThe <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> system can beused with any engine type inyour fleet. Select the enginetype from an on-screen menuand the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>automatically customizes itsscreen display and recalls datafiles for that type. New enginetypes can be added easily.Eliminates guesswork The<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> performs all functionsautomatically, eliminatinghuman error that can occurwhen data points are recordedand processed manually.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> also usessophisticated techniques toguarantee that an engine isbalanced using the minimumnumber and size of weights.It even takes previouslyinstalled trim weights intoaccount and will prevent youfrom exceeding themanufacturer’s limit for totalweight.Complete DocumentationCapability All balancingand diagnostic information isstored by engine serialnumber for easy reference.Summary reports indicateinitial and final vibrationlevels at each speed for eachchannel. Detailed reportsprovide complete informationon every balance operation,including data readings, trialweights, and balance solutions.All reports are generated automaticallyand can be used fortrend analysis, record-keepingand management summaries.

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