The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

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ased on <strong>the</strong> “successful” PCF modeland describes itself as “an opportunityto attract private capital to biodiversityprotection, soil conservation andsustainable community development.” 4<strong>The</strong> Fund works on <strong>the</strong> same principleas <strong>the</strong> PCF by managing a pool ofinvestment money, which <strong>is</strong>contributed by partners. <strong>The</strong>separtners so far include commitmentsfrom fourteen private companies from<strong>the</strong> banking, energy, and consultingsectors. 5<strong>The</strong> Prototype <strong>Carbon</strong> Fund (PCF):<strong>The</strong> Prototype <strong>Carbon</strong> Fund has beenoperating since 1999 and aims tostimulate <strong>the</strong> carbon markets,specifically <strong>the</strong> project-basedmechan<strong>is</strong>ms CDM and JI. It acts asany o<strong>the</strong>r project-based investmentfund would and provides returns to its‘partners’ from profits generated inprojects. It <strong>is</strong> based in <strong>the</strong> World Bankheadquarters in Washington and hastwenty staff. 6 <strong>The</strong> PCF <strong>is</strong> intended forlarger renewable energy and efficiencyprojects with a particular emphas<strong>is</strong> on‘public-private partnerships’. Alongwith <strong>the</strong> Dutch government’s JI andCDM programmes (CERUPT andERUPT), PCF <strong>is</strong> considered <strong>the</strong> mostsignificant influence on marketexpectations of price and verificationrules. <strong>The</strong> PCF states ra<strong>the</strong>rdefensively on its website that <strong>the</strong>World Bank ”does not intend to remainas a player in th<strong>is</strong> market”, “nei<strong>the</strong>rseeks a favoured nor monopol<strong>is</strong>ticposition under <strong>the</strong> UNFCCC” and“does not w<strong>is</strong>h to position itself as <strong>the</strong>institution which will implement <strong>the</strong>CDM.” 7 Sources report <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong>critic<strong>is</strong>m from outside and within <strong>the</strong>bank that brokerage and marketdevelopment do not fit within <strong>the</strong> WorldBank’s mandate of poverty alleviation.5.2 CorporationsBP-Amoco: <strong>The</strong> BP pilot scheme,designed in collaboration with USNGO Environmental Defense in 1999,was <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong> first majorcorporate ‘cap-and-trade’ greenhousegas trading scheme. BP-Amoco’soverall target <strong>is</strong> a 10 per centreduction below 1990 levels by 2010(tougher than <strong>the</strong> average 5.2 per centKyoto target). <strong>The</strong>y claim to alreadyhave achieved 5 per cent of thattarget, mostly through reducing gasflaring in offshore activities. 1Enron: <strong>The</strong> bru<strong>is</strong>ed, battered andbankrupt corporate giant <strong>is</strong> not downfor <strong>the</strong> count yet. Despite a d<strong>is</strong>astrousyear for energy trader, Enron stillranks number five on <strong>the</strong> Fortune 500l<strong>is</strong>t for 2002, 2 and intends to re-openfor business. Despite being widelyknown as one of <strong>the</strong> largestbankruptcies in corporate h<strong>is</strong>tory, ithas also been an early player in <strong>the</strong>em<strong>is</strong>sions trading markets, particularlyin <strong>the</strong> USA where it offered brokerageand consultancy services to powerutilities and industrial consumers.Its subsidiary, Enron Global Markets,special<strong>is</strong>ed in SO2 and NOX trading inNorth America. <strong>The</strong> companypioneered <strong>the</strong> use of many financialinstruments in <strong>the</strong> em<strong>is</strong>sions markets.It also promoted <strong>the</strong> concept of crosscommodityswaps, whereby em<strong>is</strong>sionspermits could be traded for quantitiesof gas and coal. It lobbied aggressivelyto expand em<strong>is</strong>sions trading markets,particularly in greenhouse gases. 3Breaking ranks with o<strong>the</strong>r energycorporations, Enron came out insupport of <strong>the</strong> Kyoto Protocol, excitedmore by <strong>the</strong> opportunity to expand itsem<strong>is</strong>sions trading services to cover aglobal market, than <strong>the</strong> more limitedsingle gas markets in North America.Shell: Internal cap-and-trade systemlaunched in 1998, which developedinto <strong>the</strong> Shell Tradable Em<strong>is</strong>sion30

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