The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

The Sky is Not the Limit: - Carbon Trade Watch

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5.6 Private Sector TradingInitiativesChicago Climate Exchange: CCXhas been developed by 28 largecompanies, including Ford, DuPontand BPAmoco, with <strong>the</strong> cities ofChicago and Mexico city, a group thatemits 700m tonnes of carbon dioxideeach year, more than United Kingdomdoes. 1 It intends to build up to ascheme between Canada, <strong>the</strong> USAand Mexico in 2003 and <strong>the</strong>n open tointernational participants in 2004. 2 In<strong>the</strong> words of CCX chairman, RichardSandor, “<strong>the</strong>re have been years ofd<strong>is</strong>cussion about <strong>the</strong> potential fortrading carbon em<strong>is</strong>sions, but <strong>the</strong>Chicago Climate Exchange will offer<strong>the</strong> first test of <strong>the</strong> concept on a scalewith global potential.” 3Partnership for Climate Action: PCAwas launched just before COP-6 by<strong>the</strong> US NGO Environmental Defense,Alcan, BP, Dupont, Ontario PowerGeneration, Pechiney, Shell andSuncor. <strong>The</strong>ir aggregate em<strong>is</strong>sionsexceeded 360 million metric tons ofCO2 in 1990, which means th<strong>is</strong> groupwould be <strong>the</strong> 15th largest emitter in <strong>the</strong>world if it were a country. 4Pilot Em<strong>is</strong>sions Reduction TradingProject (PERT - now known asCleanAir Canada): “In 1995 a groupof companies in Canada, (includingDuPont), recogn<strong>is</strong>ed em<strong>is</strong>sions tradingwould be a reality and that we wouldlike to participate in it.” 5 <strong>The</strong> groupdecided to launch PERT and obtainedapproval from <strong>the</strong> Ontario Min<strong>is</strong>try of<strong>the</strong> Environment. “PERT has becomea learning forum in which more than102 entities, including companies,NGOs, academia and governmentagencies could come toge<strong>the</strong>r. Wewere no longer just talking aboutem<strong>is</strong>sions trading but had a systemwhich allowed for real trading toex<strong>is</strong>t.” 6 PERT recently evolved intoCleanAir Canada. 75.7 Environmental NGOsEnvironmental Defense:Environmental Defense (formerlyEnvironmental Defense Fund - EDF) <strong>is</strong>widely credited with developing andwriting much of <strong>the</strong> Title IV section of<strong>the</strong> US Clean Air Act whichestabl<strong>is</strong>hed a nationwide tradeablepermit scheme for sulphur dioxide(SO2). 1 <strong>The</strong> group has been a longtimestaunch advocate of marketbasedcorporat<strong>is</strong>t approaches toenvironmental problem-solving. <strong>The</strong>irown research on <strong>the</strong> effects of <strong>the</strong> USsulphur trading system has largelyignored <strong>the</strong> concerns of communitygroups.Exposure to increased levels of SO2downstream from power utilities andindustries were now emboldened by<strong>the</strong> market to increase em<strong>is</strong>sions solong as <strong>the</strong>y could buy relatively cheapcredits in <strong>the</strong> EDF-backed scheme.While it <strong>is</strong> indeed true that aggregatelevels of SO2 have decreased in <strong>the</strong>US, academic studies and <strong>The</strong> NewYork Times attributed th<strong>is</strong>phenomenon more to <strong>the</strong> use ofrelatively inexpensive technologiesdeployed onsite and processinnovations ra<strong>the</strong>r than from trading. 2Some locations, a large majority ofwhich are poor and predominatelycommunities of colour, have beenreporting increased em<strong>is</strong>sions of SO2and resultant toxic co-pollutants suchas Particulate Matter and VolatileOrganic Compounds lethal to humanhealth and <strong>the</strong> environment. 3 Th<strong>is</strong>prompted <strong>the</strong> National EnvironmentalJustice Adv<strong>is</strong>ory Council, agovernment appointed body, tooppose any expansion of pollutiontrading schemes in <strong>the</strong> US and calledon <strong>the</strong> US government to address <strong>the</strong>environmental justice impacts ofem<strong>is</strong>sions trading. While EDF hassince paid more heed to <strong>is</strong>sues ofenvironmental justice, it has notdeviated from its ins<strong>is</strong>tence onexpanding pollution trading initiativesboth domestically and on a globallevel. <strong>The</strong> group has lobbied36

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