16 intrauterine programming of ncd 24 olson memori... - DSM

16 intrauterine programming of ncd 24 olson memori... - DSM

16 intrauterine programming of ncd 24 olson memori... - DSM

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SIGHT AND LIFE | VOL. 25 (2) | 2011 VITAMIN D AND INFLAMMATION 4141(Scotland) was similar, 1,13 except that in the more recent studybaseline 25(OH)D values were not restored by Day 5. Mean plasma25(OH)D values remained approximately 25% lower than preoperativevalues at day 5 and were still depressed by this amountat three months post-op. It is probable that the depression <strong>of</strong>25(OH)D concentrations at three months may have been due tothe nature <strong>of</strong> the surgery. For patients undergoing replacement <strong>of</strong>a knee joint, it is conceivable that mobility remained a problem,whereas the CRP response <strong>of</strong> the subjects in the South Africanstudy suggested that the severity <strong>of</strong> the surgery was less. Furthermore,the latitude <strong>of</strong> the surgical unit in Scotland (55ºN) andthe high rainfall in that area will not have helped the patients toobtain much useful solar radiation throughout much <strong>of</strong> the year.Reid and colleagues considered what might have contributedto the loss <strong>of</strong> 25(OH)D from the blood. The possibility that thefall in the binding protein and albumin concentrations may havecontributed to the loss <strong>of</strong> 25(OH)D was considered, but the fallin protein concentrations was only ~20% while 25(OH)D concentrationsfell by 40%. However, it is interesting to compare thebehavior <strong>of</strong> 25(OH)D with that <strong>of</strong> plasma retinol, about whichmore is known. (Table 3) Early changes in epithelial permeabiltable1: Influence <strong>of</strong> idiopathic osteoporosis on “free” vitamin D metabolitesVitamin D metabolite Osteoporosis n=56Mean ± SDControls n=114Mean ± SDP

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