Compact Design - Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH

Compact Design - Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH

Compact Design - Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH

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Test Systems for Professionals. Test the Best...Controlled environmentalconditions with S!MPATI*The evaluation and documenting oftesting performances and also theintegration of measuring data of thecustomer guarantee a high standardof quality.S!MPATI* networks up to 99 testingsystems with a PC. The archiving ofall parameters of chamber configurationsis thus ensured.Thanks to user-friendly operationand self-explanatory menu guidingno menu training is necessary. Onlinehelpresponds to any questions thatyou may have.S!MPATI* integrates itself into yourPC-network and enables the operationwith your Internet Browser fromother PC’s without needing specialsoftware.In addition to the normal messageson the screen and the entry in thereport file, E-Mails can be generatedwhich are sent to different address -es. Recipient of E-Mails may be thePC in the office, an operation andcontrol centre or a mobile tele -phone.S!MPATI* uses an existing mail-serverand supports SMTP.Further details can be found in ourleaflet S!MPATI*.Temperature Test Chambers WT3and Climate Test Chambers WK3Altitude Temperature Test Chamberwith 4-wheel-drive Dynamometer andSunlight SimulationA complete product range for temperatureand climate testing is avai -l able, with test space volumes ofapprox. 34 litres to 2160 litres andworking ranges of –75...+180 °Cand 10 ... 98 % r.h.In addition, we also offer an extensiveselection of proven test sys -tems for simulating exposure toweather, temperature shock, corrosionand long-term tes ting forresearch, development, quality assuranceand production.Salt Spray Test Chamber /Corrosion Climate Alternating Test UnitsVibration Test ChamberA high-performance after-sales serviceensures the optimal supportfor our customers and high opera -tional safety of the systems.De cades of experience in the vari -ous fields of application and an intensiveexchange of informationwith our customers throughout theworld all serve to guarantee goodco-operation.If you value know-how, service andall-round safety, ask <strong>Weiss</strong> Umwelt -technik.As one of the leading manufac -tur ers of simulation systems worldwide,<strong>Weiss</strong> <strong>Umwelttechnik</strong> offersthe en tire range of high-quality testequip ment: from economical seriesdevices to walk-in systems processinte grated systems built to customerspecification.<strong>Weiss</strong> <strong>Umwelttechnik</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong>Simulationsanlagen Messtechnik35447 Reiskirchen-Lindenstruth / Germany • Greizer Str. 41 –49Telefon +49 6408 84-0 • Fax +49 6408 84-8710www.weiss.info • www.wut.com • E-Mail: info@wut.comFurther information, technical fieldoffices in Germany, subsidiaries andagencies worldwide can be foundatwww.weiss.infoD-Nr. TP 0.13 E/5 1.5 01 2010

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