AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

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17Management <strong>report</strong>Loans to customers at year-end <strong>2007</strong> showed the following breakdown:Branch comparisonOver<strong>2007</strong> <strong>2007</strong> 2006 Change Total loansthou. EURthou. EURAgriculture, forestryand co-operatives 25,547 25,211 1.3% 1.2%Transport 125,306 129,683 -3.4% .0%Commerce 392,215 344,103 14.0% 18.7%Industry 87,409 102,396 -14.6% 4.2%Employed, private persons 484,292 521,459 -7.1% 23.1%Tourism, leisure industry 325,520 352,147 -7.6% 15.6%Public bodiesand social security institutions 59,482 4,704 -8.1% 2.8%Freelancers, self-employed 2,190 7,771 -8.2% 3.0%Retail 123,312 117,860 4.6% 5.9%Other (housing associationsand other non-banks) 407,819 357,351 14.1% 19.5%Total 2,093,092 2,082,684 0.5% 100.0%In <strong>2007</strong>, <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>-<strong>Landesbank</strong> <strong>Tirol</strong> AG was able to further enhance its risk-bearing capacity.Equity (according to § 23 of the Austrian Banking Act)31.12.<strong>2007</strong> 31.12.2006 Changethou. EUR thou. EUR thou. EURSubscribed capital 80,000 80,000Liability reserve 3,760 2,260Uncommitted reserves 165,161 155,237Intangible assets -50 -381CORE CAPITAL 308,871 297,116 11,755 4.0%Supplementary capital 12,397 18,600Secondary capital 2,080 3,120SUPPLEMENTARY EQUITY 14,477 21,720 -7,243 -33.3%EQUITY prior to deductions 323,348 318,836 4,512 1.4%Deduction (§23 (13) Austrian Banking Act) -2,502 -2,502ACTUAL EQUITY 320,846 316,334 4,512 1.4%Equity ratio pursuant to § 22 (1)of the Austrian Banking Act (>8%) 11.28% 11.74%During the year under review, <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>-<strong>Landesbank</strong><strong>Tirol</strong> AG equityrose by 1.4 per cent, or EUR 4.51million, to EUR 320.85 million. Theequity ratio totals 11.74 per cent andtherefore still stands well above themandatory equity quota of 8 per centpursuant to § 22 Section 1 of the AustrianBanking Act.

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