AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

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30Profit and loss calculation <strong>2007</strong> - Page 2<strong>2007</strong> 2006eur eur thou. EUR thou. EURIV. Operating result Carry forward 35,227,912.54 Carry forward 29,50311./12. Balance from reversalsfrom the provisionsfor loans andcertain securitiesand the provision forcontingent liabilitiesand loan risks,and allocationsand certain securitiesand the provision for contingentliabilities and loan risks. -13,798,460.55 -17,38613./14. Balance from reversalsfrom the provisionsfor securities whichare <strong>report</strong>ed as financialassets as well asinvestments and sharesin affiliated companies,and allocations to theprovisions for securitieswhich are <strong>report</strong>edas financial assets as well asinvestments and sharesin affiliated companies -3,883,748.11 3,756V. Result from ordinary business activities 17,545,703.88 15,87315. Extraordinary income 0,00 0thereof: Withdrawalsfrom the fund for general bank risks (0,00) (0)16. Extraordinary income 0,00 0thereof: Allocations to the fundfor general bank risks (0,00) (0)17. Extraordinary result(sub-total fromItems 15 and 16) 0,00 018. Taxes on incomeand earnings -169,117.09 -76719. Other taxes unless <strong>report</strong>edunder Item 18 -357,845.90 -703VI. Net profit 17,018,740.89 14,40320. Movements in the reserves -11,423,856.05 -9,603thereof:Allocation to the legal reserve (1,500,000.00) (390)Reversal from the legal reserve (0.00) (0)VII. Net income 5,594,884.84 4,80021. Profit brought forward ,047.07 VIII. Profit for the year 5,600,931.91 4,806

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