AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

AnnuAl report 2007 - Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol

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23Management <strong>report</strong>Outlook 2008In 2008, <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>-<strong>Landesbank</strong> <strong>Tirol</strong>AG will continue to systematicallypursue its policy of risk- and earningsorientedgrowth. The company’s declaredaim in doing so is to optimiseoperative results within the frameworkof the agreed risk policy.After having specifically aligned ourcompany with our customers, andmade decisive improvements to theprocesses, it is now a case of furtherconsolidating our market positionin the various business fields. To doso, as well as tapping the existingcustomer potential, we are placingemphasis on a targeted acquisition ofnew customers.In the strategic business field of retailand business customers, we willcontinue our investment offensive andadjust the bank branches to the newwishes and needs of our customers.In 2008 there will be a focus on innovativeproduct solutions and the useof new sales channels. This is howwe will succeed in building upon theproximity we have to our customers.In the strategic business field of corporatecustomers, we are focusingon increasing the quality of customerrelationships. Thanks to proficientconsulting, providing tailor-made solutions,and a large degree of flexibility,we offer our customers sustainableadded value. In addition, our declaredaim is to convince new customers ofour high performance.In the strategic business field of privatebanking it is particularly importantto us to intensify customer relationshipsmore, and use the availablepotential even more effectively. Gainingnew customers is also of greatimportance here.In 2008, we will support our drive fornew customers by further optimisingour handling and support processes.Once again, we expect to improveour productivity in this area. We willsystematically pursue and furtherintensify the targeted support anddevelopment of our employees on thebasis of our 2010 personnel developmentconcept. For we are firmlyconvinced that committed and welltrainedemployees ensure that ourcompany stays a step ahead.In 2008, we will also work intensivelyon a new strategic orientation of <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>-<strong>Landesbank</strong><strong>Tirol</strong> AG up to theyear 2012. In this way, we are settingour course for a successful future.We will anchor the new strategy in allbusiness fields, and systematicallyimplement it starting from 2009.In the association of the <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>Banking Group Tyrol, we aim toprovide new, innovative product solutions,and thus further consolidate ourthematic leadership. Even closer cooperationand continuing to work ona shared strategic orientation shouldallow us to profit even better fromthe existing synergies. In this way,we make an important contributiontowards ensuring our leading positionon the market and the independenceof the Tyrolean Raffeisen banks.We look forward to a successful2008.Board of Managing Directors <strong>Raiffeisen</strong>-<strong>Landesbank</strong> <strong>Tirol</strong> AGHannes Schmid reinhard Mayr Gobert Sternbach Hans Unterdorfer

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