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PDF(6.5mb) - Malaysian Dental Association

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Fracture Resistance Tests Validation: A Survey of Literature Reviewon the angle of applied load and axial forces are lessdetrimental than oblique forces 48 . Experimental loadangulation remains a controversial topic 32, 44, 45 .When anterior teeth are investigated 42, 45 , specificallymaxillary incisors, loads at 130° to the longitudinal axisof teeth have been widely described due to both theaverage value of interincisal angle and incisor guidancesuch teeth are devoted to. Conversely, in case of invitro assessments on posterior teeth 33, 34, 44 , forceswith an angulation ranging between 30° and 45° to thelongitudinal axis of teeth have been proposed.Simulation of supporting tissuesUsing rigid materials, such as acrylic resin, toembed extracted teeth during mechanical tests as theacrylic resin blocks will produce a ferrule effect and thatmay lead to misleading results of load values and modefailure of teeth 34, 49, 50 . Further more, the fracturestrength values of restored teeth without artificialligament were higher than those with simulatedligaments, Most of in vitro studies, specimens havebeen embedded in acrylic resin blocks and a self curingsilicone index has been used to simulate alveolar boneand periodontal ligament respectively 9, 45 .CONCLUSIONMechanical tests should be performed beforeclinical trials to be conducted on the restorativematerials. These tests must be designed and preformedin precise rolls to gain validity results for properunderstanding the mechanical properties of dentalrestoration complex and to prove the efficacy andsafety for the clinical implementation.REFERENCES1. Zarone F, Apicella D, Sorrentino R, Ferro V, AversaR, Apicella A. Influence of tooth preparationdesign on the stress distribution in maxillarycentral incisors restored by means of aluminaporcelain veneers: A 3d-finite element analysis.Dent Mater 2005;21: 1178-88.2. Zarone F, Epifania E, Leone G, Sorrentino R, FerrariM. Dynamometric assessment of the mechanicalresistance of porcelain veneers related totooth preparation: A comparison between twotechniques. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry2006;95: 354-63.3. Sorrentino R, Aversa R, Ferro V, Auriemma T,Zarone F, Ferrari M, et al. Three-dimensionalfinite element analysis of strain and stressdistributions in endodontically treated maxillarycentral incisors restored with different post, coreand crown materials. Dent Mater 2007;23: 983-93.4. Jokstad A, Bayne S, Blunck U, Tyas M, Wilson N.Quality of dental restorations. Fdi commissionproject 2-95. Int Dent J 2001;51: 117-58.5. Fokkinga WA, Le Bell AM, Kreulen CM, LassilaLV, Vallittu PK, Creugers NH. Ex vivo fractureresistance of direct resin composite completecrowns with and without posts on maxillarypremolars. International endodontic journal2005;38: 230-7.6. Hayashi M, Takahashi Y, Imazato S, Ebisu S.Fracture resistance of pulpless teeth restoredwith post-cores and crowns. Dent Mater 2006;22:477-85.7. Salameh Z, Sorrentino R, Papacchini F, Ounsi HF,Tashkandi E, Goracci C, et al. Fracture resistanceand failure patterns of endodontically treatedmandibular molars restored using resin compositewith or without translucent glass fiber posts.Journal of endodontics 2006;32: 752-5.8. Sabbagh J, Vreven J, Leloup G. Dynamic and staticmoduli of elasticity of resin-based materials. DentMater 2002;18: 64-71.9. Hayashi M, Sugeta A, Takahashi Y, Imazato S,Ebisu S. Static and fatigue fracture resistancesof pulpless teeth restored with post-cores. DentMater 2008;24: 1178-86.10. Goracci C, Tavares AU, Fabianelli A, MonticelliF, Raffaelli O, Cardoso PC, et al. The adhesionbetween fiber posts and root canal walls:Comparison between microtensile and push-outbond strength measurements. European journalof oral sciences 2004;112: 353-61.11. Kremeier K, Fasen L, Klaiber B, Hofmann N.Influence of endodontic post type (glass fiber,quartz fiber or gold) and luting material on pushoutbond strength to dentin in vitro. Dent Mater2008;24: 660-6.12. Dilmener FT, Sipahi C, Dalkiz M. Resistance ofthree new esthetic post-and-core systems tocompressive loading. The Journal of prostheticdentistry 2006;95: 130-6.Sedgley CM, Messer HH. Are endodonticallytreated teeth more brittle? Journal of endodontics1992;18: 332-5.13. Ferrari M, Vichi A, Garcia-Godoy F. Clinicalevaluation of fiber-reinforced epoxy resin postsand cast post and cores. Am J Dent 2000;13: 15B-18B.<strong>Malaysian</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> Journal Jan-Jun 2011 Vol 32 No 114

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