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ThomasX axis -- forces in Newton. ------------------ 6.5 mm interbracket spanY axis -- deflection in mm . ___________ 5 mm interbracket spanL0, L1,L2,L3 – Loading on 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm deflection.UL3, UL2, UL1- Unloading on 3 mm, 2 mm and 1 mm deflection.SE NiTi – Superelastic NiTi, NiTi – Conventional NiTiSS – Stainless Steel, TMA – Titanium Molybednum alloyGraph:2 - UnLoading of 0.016” arch wire at 5 mm and 6.5 mm inter bracket span.Loading & Unloading of 0.016”x0.022” arch wires in 5 mm and 6.5 mm inter bracket span.On loading of 0.016 x0.022 inch arch wires (Graph:3,Table:4) on inter bracket width of 5 mm, StainlessSteel had the highest force value on 1 mm deflection (45.4N) and linearly progressed to (58.5N) on 2mmdeflection and (61.1N) on 3 mm deflection. For 6.5 mm interbracket span(Graph:3,Table:5), stainless steel had(36.4N-41.4N) force values. Conventional NiTi linearly progressed (9.1N-19.7N) for both 5 mm interbracket spanand (6.7N-13.2N) 6.5 mm interbracket span. Super elastic NiTi had much lesser force value (6.7N-13.8N) andremained constant on higher deflection. For 6.5 mm inter bracket span, Super elastic NiTi had the least forcevalue (2.9N-8.3N) and was remaining constant from 2 mm to 3 mm deflection (6.8N-8.2N). TMA had force values(2O.3N-49.0N) between Stainless Steel and NiTi.Table:4 Loading and unloading of 0.016”x0.022” arch wires at 5 mm inter bracket Span at 1mm, 2 mm and 3mm. N – No of sample.Loading in1mmSuper elasticNiTiN5Mean± SD6.7±.464PvalueSignificanceUnLoading in1mmSuper elasticNiTiN5Mean± SD4.28±.239PvalueSignificanceConventionalNiTiStainless Steel559.18±.31145.4±.7.001 SignificantConventionalNiTiStainless Steel554.4±.182000.002 SignificantTMALoading in2mmSuper elasticNiTi5N520.3±.565Mean± SD10.8±.482PvalueSignificanceTMAUnLoading in2mmSuper elasticNiTi5N4.34±.244Mean± SD4.28±4.6PvalueSignificanceConventionalNiTi516.3±.7.002 SignificantConventionalNiTi5.50±.462.001 SignificantStainless Steel558.5±.604Stainless Steel000TMA527.1±1.9TMA3.79±.37233 <strong>Malaysian</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> Journal Jan-Jun 2011 Vol 32 No 1

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