Current transformer selection guide

Current transformer selection guide

Current transformer selection guide

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The <strong>selection</strong> of a current<strong>transformer</strong> is a simpletask. There are fourphases in the<strong>selection</strong>procedure.<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>KEEP IN MINDefine customer requirementsbased on the primary circuitand the metering andDprotection chains.S customer’select from the catalogueof “referenced” CT’s themost suitable unit for theneed.lf none, select from thegeneral cataloguesthe standardised CT’s themost suitable unit for thecustomer need.lf none are suitable, ask fora feasibility study.However, even if the specialunit can be manufactured, itwill nevertheless be aspecial make-up with allthe problems which thismay engender.date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95■ Merlin Gerin ■ Modicon ■ Square D ■ Telemecanique

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OF THECUSTOMER’S NEEDSUMMARY1 - Electricalcharacteristics of theprimary circuits2 - IEC metering andprotection standards3 - BS specifications fordifferential protectionClient’s needs are determined by the electricalcharacteristics of the primary circuit, the use tobe made of the secondary circuits and thestandards used to define the CT.1 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRIMARY CIRCUITS SUIVANTNORME IECThe primary circuits of the current <strong>transformer</strong> must withstand theconstraints related to the medium voltage network to which it is connected.☞ Remark : all the electrical characteristics used for CTs are definedin binder B, chapter 1, topic 3.Rated frequency (f) :This is the frequency of the installation.A CT defined for 50 Hz can be installed on a 60 Hz network with the samelevel of accuracy. However, the opposite is not true.For a non-referenced unit, it is vital to indicate the rated frequency on theorder from.Rated voltage of the primary circuit (U pn )General case:Insulation level continuity for the whole installation will be ensuredif the rated voltage of the CT used is ≥ the rated voltage of theinstallation.The rated voltage determines the insulation level of the equipment(see binder B, chapter 1, topic 1).Generally we choose the rated voltage based on the duty voltage, U s ,according to the following table:U s = 3.3 5 5.5 6 6.6 10 11 13.8 15 20 22 30 33date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95U pn7.2 kV12 kV17.5 kV24 kVSpecific case:If the CT is installed on a bushing or a cable providing insulation,the CT can be LV ring type.36 kVpage 2

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OF THECUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)HELLO !IT’S ME AGAINPrimary service current (I ps )Knowledge about the primary service current will enable us to determinethe rated primary current for the CT taking into account any eventualderating.General case:The service current depends on the power traversing the primarywindings of the CT.IfS = apparent power in VAU ps = primary service voltage in VP = active power of the motor in WQ = reactive power of the capacitors in VARI ps = primary service current in AmpWe will have :■ incoming cubicle:■ generator incomer:■ <strong>transformer</strong> feeder:■ motor feede:η = efficiency of the motorIf you do not know exact values for ϕ and η as a first approximation, youcan assume that: cos ϕ = 0.8 ; η = 0.8■ capacitor feeder:I ps =I ps =I ps =I ps =S3 x U sS3 x U sS3 x U sP3 x U s x cos ϕxηI ps = 1.3 x Q3 x U s1.3 is a de-rating factor of 30% which compensates for heat-up due toharmonics in the capacitors.■ bus tie:The I ps current in the CT is the highest permanent current that can circulatein the connection.date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 3

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<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OF THECUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)It is often useful to use surge current coefficientK si = I th 1 sI pnThe lower surge current factor K si is the higher the feasibility of current<strong>transformer</strong>s will be.Incidence K si on CT manufacturingScale order K simanufacturingK si < 100standard100 < K si < 300 sometimes difficult for somesecondary characteristics100 < K si < 400 difficult400 < K si < 500 limited to somesecondary characteristicsK si > 500very often impossibleA high K si leads to over-dimensioning of primary winding cross-sections.This will limit the number of windings in the primary coil as will be inducedelectromotive force of the CT; the CT will be harder to manufacture.date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 6

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<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OFTHE CUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)Rated burdenTake the rated burden which is immediatlely above the effectivepower supplied by the CT.The rated burden for accuracy power are:2.5 VA - 5 VA - 10 VA - 15 VA - 30 VA.Safety factor in metering (SF)The SF value will be selected depending on the short time currentwithstand of the receivers: 5 ≤ SF ≤ 10An ammeter is usually guaranteed to support a short time current of 10 I ni.e. 50 A for a 5 A device.To ensure that the appliance is not destroyed should a fault occur in theprimary the current <strong>transformer</strong> must be able to saturate before 10 I n in thesecondary.For this reason, a SF of 5 is sufficient.In accordance with the standard, our CT’s have an SF ≤ 10. However,depending on the characteristics of the current consumer, a lower SF valuemay be requested.10date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 9

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OFTHE CUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)Accuracy limit factor in protection (ALF)The ALF required for the circuit will be determined as follows:■ overcurrent protection independent timeThe relay will operate perfectly provided that:(effective ALF of the CT) > 2 x I rI snI r = the set point of the relayI sn = the rated secondary current of the CTFor a relay with two set-points, we will use the highest set point.For a <strong>transformer</strong> outgoing, there will usually be a high instantaneousset-point set on 14 I n maximum which means that the necessary effectiveALF is > 28.For a motor feeder, we will generally have a high set-point set on 8 I nmaximum which means that the necessary effective ALF > 16.■ overcurrent protection dependent timeIn every case, refer to the relay vendor’s technical data sheet.For these protections, CT accuracy must be ensured throughoutthe whole relay trip range up to 10 I n which is the highestinstantaneous set-point used.In this case, the effective ALF must be > 20 x I r .Specific cases:if the maximum short-circuit current is greater than or equal to 10 I reffective ALF > 20 xI rI snI r = the set-point of the relayif the maximum short-circuit current is under10 I r , for the 1 set-point:effective ALF > 2 x I cc secondaryI snif the protection has a high instantaneous set-point (never effective onincomings and feeder outgoings):effective ALF > 2 x I r2I snI r2 = instantaneous high moduleset pointdate11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 10

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OFTHE CUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)3 - BS SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION (CLASS X)Many differential protection relay manufacturers recommend class X CTs.Class X is often requested in the form:V k ≥ a . I f (R ct + R b + R r )The exact formula is given by the manufacturer of the relay.Values which characterise the CTV k = knee-point voltage in voltsa = the coefficient which refers to the asymmetrical configurationR ct = maximum resistance of the secondary winding in OhmsR b = resistance of the loop (i.e. the return line) in OhmsR r = resistance of the relay outside the differential part of the circuit in ohmsI f = the maximum fault current value measured by the CT in thesecondary circuit for a fault outside the zone to be protected in AmpsI f = I ccK nI cc = short-circuit current of the primary circuitK n = CT ratiodate11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95What is the value for I f when determining V k ?The short-circuit current is selected for the application:- generator differential protection- motor differential protection- <strong>transformer</strong> differential protection- busbar differential protection■ for a generator differential protection:If I cc is known:relayI cc is the short-circuit current of theCTgenerator aloneI f = I ccIf the I n generator is known:K nit will be evaluated by excess asIf the I n generator is not known:it will be evaluated by excess asI f = 7 x I sn(CT)I sn(CT) = 1 or 5 A■ for a motor differential protection:CTGrelayMCTCTIf the starting current is known:we will useI cc = I startingI f = I ccK nIf the motor I n is known:it will be evaluated by excess asI f = 7 x I n generatorK nI f = 7 x I nIf the motor I n is not known:K nit will also be evaluated by excess as:I f = 7 x I sn(CT)I sn(CT) = 1 or 5 Apage 11

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>DETERMINATION OFTHE CUSTOMER’S NEED(cont’d)■ for a <strong>transformer</strong> differential protectionThe I cc to be considered is the current in the CT in the feeder side.In every case, the fault current I f will be lower as 20 I sn(CT)If we don’t know the exact value, it will be evaluated by excess as:I f = 20 I sn (CT)CTrelayCT■ for busbar differential protectionThe I cc to be considered is the I th of the boardI f = I thK n■ for feeder differential protectionThe I cc to be considered is the I cc at the other end of the cable. If theimpedance of the cable is unknown, it will be evaluated by excess the I thof the board.date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 12

<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>CATALOGUE OFREFERENCED CT’SSUMMARY- Does a referenced<strong>transformer</strong> exist whichmeets the requirement?- How to order?Select from the catalogue of “referenced” CT’sthe most suitable unit for the customer’s need.You have determined the minimum characteristics required for your need.Now, you should determine the CT that you are going to order.There are three phases to this decision:■ does a referenced <strong>transformer</strong> exist which meet the requirement ?■ if not, is there a <strong>transformer</strong> in the general catalogue that meets therequirement?■ if not, you should request a feasibility study.Let us examine these three phases.DOES A REFERENCED TRANSFORMER EXIST WHICH MEETS THEREQUIREMENT?These are what we call referenced <strong>transformer</strong>s.The most frequently used current <strong>transformer</strong>s meeting virtually allneeds have been selected and referenced.Referenced <strong>transformer</strong>s are:■ simple to order: one reference, one quantity, one price■ delivered more rapidly■ interchangeable between contracts which means that it is easier to obtainrush deliveries.We strongly recommend using referenced CTs and convincing yourclients to do likewise.date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 13

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<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>CATALOGUE OFREFERENCED CT’S (cont’d)WHAT CHARACTERISTICS ARE SHOWN ON THE IDENTIFICATION PLATE ONTHE REFERENCED CT SUPPLIED ?The characteristics defining the referenced CT are shown on theidentification plate.effective requirement unit standardisedCT type ARM3 ARM3reference standard IEC 185 IEC 185frequency 50 Hz 50 Hzservice voltage11 kVinsulation level 12 kV/28/75 kV 24 kV/50/125 kVshort-circuit current 12.5 kA 16 kAacceptable 1 s 1 sshort-circuit current timeprimary current 78 A 100 A - 200 A1 st secondary windingused for metering 5 A 5 Arated secondary current 20 VA 30 VAaccuracy class 0.5 0.52 nd secondary windingused for protection 5 A 5 Aaccuracy power 25 VA 15 VA and 7.5 VA 5P15accuracy class 10P5 5P10Identification plate of the delivered CTnetwork voltage characteristicsassigned voltage: 24 kVresistance at industrial frequency: 50 kV 1 mn 50 Hzresistance to shock wave: 125 kV peakCT typenetwork currentcharacteristicsIth: 25 kA/1 sIdyn: 62.5 kA peaktransformationratioIthRAPPORTORATIONUOVA MAGRINI GALILEOTRASFORMATORE DI CORRENTEN°CURRENT TRANSFORMER890178224 - 50 - 125 kV 50 HzARM1/N125AAkA1MORSETTITERMINALS50/5 S1 - S2sIdVA65C EI1008890178224 - 50 - 125 50CLASSECLASSkAFs/FI10 0.5 10CT n° with yearof manufacturesafety factor(SF or LAF)accuracy classdate11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95NORMESTANDARDSCEI 1008 IEC 185Ext%120DN 386 - 15marking:1 primary circuit1 secondary winding for measuring S1 - S2rated outputstandard with TCpage 17

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<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformer</strong> <strong>selection</strong> <strong>guide</strong>REQUEST FOR ASPECIFIC FEASIBILITYSTUDYSUMMARY- My requirement is veryspecificYour requirement cannot be covered from the manufacturer catalogue:have a feasibility study carried out in consultationYou must supply the information required for this study. To do this fill out thefeasibility request form in appendices 4 and 5.Your contact will then make you a technical offer, with prices and deliverytimes, but… be ready for a nasty surprise !!10000000000 $date11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95page 19

model orderorfeasibility study requestappendix 3for current <strong>transformer</strong>stypes :characteristics■ standard................................................................................................................................ _____________________■ rated insulation level ............................................................................................................. _____________________■ frequency.............................................................................................................................. _____________________■ short-circuit current .............................................................................................................. _____________________■ short-circuit time ................................................................................................................... _____________________■ rating of first primary............................................................................................................. _____________________■ rating of second primary....................................................................................................... _____________________■ rating of third primary............................................................................................................ _____________________kVHzkAsAAA■ 1 st secondary ............. metering ............. protection- associated primary rating(s) .................................................................................................. _____________________- first secondary current .......................................................................................................... _____________________ A- rated burden .......................................................................................................................... _____________________ VA- accuracy class ...................................................................................................................... _____________________- accuracy limiting factor ALF for secondary protection .......................................................... _____________________- for class X : formula required : Vk = f(Rct) ........................................................................ _____________________or knee-point voltage Vk ............................................................................... _____________________and secondary withstand Rct ........................................................................ _____________________magnetising current Iex (if necessary) ........................................................... _____________________■ 2 nd secondary ............. metering ............. protection- associated primary rating(s) .................................................................................................. _____________________- second secondary current ..................................................................................................... _____________________ A- rated burden .......................................................................................................................... _____________________ VA- accuracy class ...................................................................................................................... _____________________- accuracy limiting factor ALF .................................................................................................. _____________________- for class X : formula required : Vk = f(Rct) ........................................................................ _____________________or knee-point voltage Vk ............................................................................... _____________________and secondary withstand Rct ........................................................................ _____________________magnetising current Iex (if necessary) ........................................................... _____________________■ 3 rd secondary ............. metering ............. protection- associated primary rating(s) .................................................................................................. _____________________- third secondary current ......................................................................................................... _____________________ A- rated burden .......................................................................................................................... _____________________ VA- accuracy class ...................................................................................................................... _____________________- accuracy limiting factor ALF .................................................................................................. _____________________- for class X : formula required : Vk = f(Rct) ........................................................................ _____________________or knee-point voltage Vk ............................................................................... _____________________and secondary withstand Rct ........................................................................ _____________________magnetising current Iex (if necessary) ........................................................... _____________________VmAVmAVmAdate11/92- B•1•4 -revised08/95■ lead-sealable housing for secondary connections................................................................ _____________________■ support base......................................................................................................................... _____________________■ specific requirements ........................................................................................................... _____________________.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TC 02/09/92page 20

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