Manin obstruction to strong approximation for homogeneous spaces

Manin obstruction to strong approximation for homogeneous spaces

Manin obstruction to strong approximation for homogeneous spaces


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<<strong>strong</strong>>Manin</<strong>strong</strong>> <<strong>strong</strong>>obstruction</<strong>strong</strong>> <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>> <strong>strong</strong> <strong>approximation</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>homogeneous</strong> <strong>spaces</strong> 49and define x ′ ∈ X(A) as in the theorem. Then there exists g ∈ G(A) such thatx ′ 0.g = x ′ in X(A). Let U ⊂ X(A) be an open neighbourhood of x ′ . Since theorbit x ′ 0.G(A) ⊂ X(A) is open (because H is connected) and contains x ′ , we mayassume that U ⊂ x ′ 0.G(A).By assumption G(k).G(k S ) is dense in G(A). It follows that there exists g 0 ∈G(k) and g S ∈ G(k S ) such that x ′′ := x ′ 0.g 0 .g S belongs <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>> U . Set x 0 := x ′ 0.g 0 ∈X(k), then x ′′ = x 0 .g S . We see that x ′′ ∈ X(k).G(k S )∩U . There<strong>for</strong>e, we concludethat x ′ lies in the closure of X(k).G(k S ).Concerning the infinite places, <strong>for</strong> v ∈ Ω ∞ ∩ S we have x 0 ∈ x v .G(k v ), becausex ′ 0 ∈ x v .G(k v ). Since G is simply connected, the group G(k v ) is connected (see[34], Theorem 5.2.3), hence the image of x 0 in X(k v ) is contained in the connectedcomponent of x v in X(k v ).8.5. Proof of Theorem 1.7. To prove this theorem, we can follow the proof ofTheorem 1.4 <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>> make reductions, so that we may assume the following:(i) G u = {1},(ii) H ⊂ G lin , i.e. H is linear,(iii) G ss is simply connected,(iv) X(G abvar ) is finite.(v) the homomorphism H <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>>r → G sab is injective.Set Σ ′ := Ω ∞ ∪ {v 0 }. Let UXΣ′ ⊂ X(AΣ′ ) be an open neighbourhood of theprojection x Σ′ ∈ X(A Σ′ ) of x. Set U f Σ′X:= UX× X(k v 0). Let U X be the specialopen neighbourhood of x in X(A) defined by U f X . Set Y := Gsab /H <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>>r , andconsider the canonical morphism ψ : X → Y . Set y := ψ(x) ∈ Y (A), then y isorthogonal <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>> the group Br 1 (Y ) <strong>for</strong> the <<strong>strong</strong>>Manin</<strong>strong</strong>> pairing. Hence by [22], Theorem 4,there exists y 0 ∈ Y (k)∩ψ(U X ). Set X y0 := ψ −1 (y 0 ) ⊂ X and V := X y0 (A)∩U X .Then V is open and non-empty since y 0 ∈ ψ(U X ). As in the proof of Proposition7.4, we know that X y0 is a <strong>homogeneous</strong> space of the semisimple simply connectedgroup G ss = G sc , with connected character-free geometric stabilizers, and with a k-point. There<strong>for</strong>e Theorem 8.4 implies that X y0 (k).G sc (k S ) ∩ V ≠ ∅. In particular,the set X(k).G sc (k S ) ∩ U X is non-empty. Set S ′ := S {v 0 }, Sf ′ := S′ ∩ Ω f ,U {v0}X:= UXΣ′× U X,∞, then it follows that the set X(k).G sc (k S ′) ∩ U {v0}X⊂.Gsc (k S ′f), we obtain easilyX(A {v0} ) is non-empty. Since U {v0}Xthat the set X(k).G sc (k S ′f) ∩ U {v0}Xproof of Theorem 1.7..Gsc (k S ′) = U {v0}X⊂ X(A {v0} ) is non-empty. This completes theAcknowledgements. The first-named author is grateful <<strong>strong</strong>>to</<strong>strong</strong>> the Tata Instituteof Fundamental Research, Mumbai, where a part of this paper was written, <strong>for</strong>hospitality and good working conditions. The second-named author thanks DavidHarari <strong>for</strong> many helpful suggestions. Both authors thank the referee <strong>for</strong> his/hercomments and suggestions.

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