version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

version 4 - The Alien Encyclopedia

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Bishop: A 'male type' android working in the capacity of Executive Officer for the USCM corps.Belonged to a series of androids modeled after Weyland-Yutani founder Charles Bishop Weyland.Assembled on LX-469. Equipped with advanced space navigation and piloting skills. A superior<strong>version</strong> of older android models, Bishop was fitted with ethic programming preventing him fromharming a human being, keeping in line with official regulations.Bishop played a pivotal role in the Hadley's Hope incident. During the voyage of the fateful reconmission to LV-426 in 2179, Bishop was supervising the Sulaco's systems while the human passengerswere in hypersleep. Arriving at the planetoid, he also guided planetary maneuvering, bringingthe ship in position for deployment. Shortly before the mission, Bishop met Ripley, who, due to herpast experiences with another android called Ash, reacted distrustfully to Bishop. During the firstphase of the mission, Bishop spent his time in the colony's medical wing dissecting and examiningthe dead Facehugger specimens found in the facilities. It was Bishop who found out that the AtmosphereProcessor of the colony was hours away from overheating and exploding after the remainingmembers of the mission returned from the disastrous exploration of the Xenomorph hive there. <strong>The</strong>survivors devised a plan to guide down the remaining dropship inside the Sulaco, which, due todamage to the power lines, had to be controlled directly with a portable terminal at the transmitter.Bishop volunteered for the task as he was the only one qualified enough and set out to reach thetransmitter by crawling through a maintenance shaft. <strong>The</strong> android managed to land the dropship justin time to pick up Ripley and Hicks, who had fled a fatal Xenomorph attack on the command center,during which Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden had been abducted by a Xenomorph Drone. Ripley refusedto leave Newt behind and told Bishop to fly them into the collapsing Atmosphere Processor, towhich he reluctantly agreed. He managed to hold position in spite of the processor's critical stateand later flew Ripley and Newt to minimum safety distance, just seconds before the explosion.Back at the Sulaco, Bishop was severely damaged when the stowaway Queen ripped him in half.However, this did not prevent him from saving Newt a second time, grabbing her when Ripleyopened the airlock to flush out the Queen.Bishop was further damaged when he crashed on Fiorina 161 with Ripley, Newt and Hicks. His remainswere brought to one of the prison's scrapyards where Ripley recovered and reactivated themto learn more about the circumstances of the Sulaco's emergency evacuation. Bishop confirmed thepresence of a Xenomorph aboard the ship and Weyland-Yutani's knowledge of the incident. Afterthat, the android requested to be shut down to spare him further suffering - a request to whichRipley, who had grown to like and respect Bishop, only grudgingly complied. (A2, A3)Bishop, Andrea: A female human working for Weyland Industries as a testing and training specialist.Bishop was tasked with the supervision of the training center for applicants interested in joiningProject Prometheus. (PR:WIW)Black Goo: A chemical weapon created by an enigmatic race of extraterrestrials called theMala'kak. Had the form of a sticky black liquid.An incredibly potent substance, the Black Goo exhibited characteristics of both a mutagen and aDNA-disintegrating weapon of mass destruction. Not much is known about the Black Goo, the onlycontact with humanity being the LV-223 incident and the subsequent analysis by Weyland Industriesscientists. <strong>The</strong> evidence suggested that the effects of the chemical was two-fold, depending on themethod of administration to an organism. If inhaled, the Black Goo unfolded its mutagenic effects,degenerating the victim into a twisted and demented <strong>version</strong> of itself in a matter of hours, boostingstrength, aggression and durability. If the substance is ingested, the weapon is terminal. <strong>The</strong> incubationtime depends on the amount ingested: While a small drop can prolong the disintegration overseveral hours, several milliliters at once kills the victim within seconds. In case the incubation happensover a time span of hours, the victim experiences symptoms such as an accelerated heart rate,sexual arousal, degradation of the senses and motor skills and shortness of breath, followed by convulsions,massive internal bleeding and respiratory failure. <strong>The</strong> end result is always the disintegrationof the organism's DNA, resulting in the total breakdown of the cellular structure, literally dis-

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